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Index A | Index B | Index C | Index D | Index E | Index F | Index G | Index H | Index I | Index J | Index K | Index L | Index M | Index N | Index O | Index P | Index Q | Index R | Index S | Index T | Index U | Index V | Index W | Index X | Index Y | Index Z

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Index I

Ibuprofen: Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 78
ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Disease, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification): Sec. 7, Ch. 98
Ichthyosis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]
ICU (intensive care unit) psychosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
Identity disorder: Sec. 7, Ch. 106; Sec. 7, Ch. 106 [sidebar]
Idiopathic bronchiolitis obliterans: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome: Sec. 14, Ch. 174
Idiopathic hyperproteinemia (intestinal lymphangiectasia): Sec. 9, Ch. 125
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: Sec. 14, Ch. 173; Sec. 14, Ch. 173
pregnancy and: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
Id reaction: Sec. 18, Ch. 212
IgA (immunoglobulin A): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
selective deficiency of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
IgD (immunoglobulin D): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
IgE (immunoglobulin E): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
in allergic reactions: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
high levels of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
IgG (immunoglobulin G): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
IgM (immunoglobulin M): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
Ileitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
Ileo-anal anastomosis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
Ileocolitis (Crohn's disease): Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
Ileostomy: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
in antibiotic-associated colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 127
diversion colitis after: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
Ileum: Sec. 9, Ch. 118
Ileus: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
gallstone: Sec. 10, Ch. 140
meconium: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
Iliac arteries: Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 3, Ch. 34
Iloprost: Sec. 4, Ch. 54
Imagery, guided: Sec. 25, Ch. 302
Imatinib: Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]; Sec. 14, Ch. 176; Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
Imipenem/cilastatin: Sec. 17, Ch. 191 [drug table]
Imipramine: Sec. 23, Ch. 269
Imiquimod: Sec. 18, Ch. 213
Immersion foot: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
in fracture treatment: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62
high calcium levels with: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
Immune globulin
in ataxia-telangiectasia: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
in immunodeficiency disorders: Sec. 16, Ch. 184; Sec. 16, Ch. 184
in pemphigus: Sec. 18, Ch. 209
RhO(D): Sec. 22, Ch. 256; Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 262
in transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
varicella-zoster: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
in X-linked agammaglobulinemia: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
Immune system: Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [figure]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [figure]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]
age-associated changes in: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183
in allergy (see Allergy and allergic reactions)
cancer and: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
disorders of: Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 184 (see also Allergy and allergic reactions; Autoimmune disorders; Immunodeficiency)
lymphoid organs of: Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [figure]
in premature infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
response of: Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [figure]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [figure]; Sec. 17, Ch. 188
suppression of (see Immunodeficiency; Immunosuppressive drugs [immunomodulators])
     for transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187; Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
Immunity (see also Immune system)
nonspecific (innate): Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183
specific (adaptive): Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183
Immunization: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 272 [sidebar]
adenovirus: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]
in adults: Sec. 1, Ch. 5
anthrax: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190
in bronchiectasis prevention: Sec. 4, Ch. 47
chickenpox: Sec. 4, Ch. 42 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
cholera: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]
in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
diphtheria: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 272 [sidebar]
fever after: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
Haemophilus influenzae type b: Sec. 4, Ch. 42 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 272; Sec. 23, Ch. 272 [sidebar]
hepatitis: Sec. 10, Ch. 137; Sec. 10, Ch. 137 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 25, Ch. 303 [table]
in HIV-infected children: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
in immunodeficiency disorders: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
in infants and children: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 267
influenza: Sec. 4, Ch. 42 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 42; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
     for pregnant women: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 258
Japanese encephalitis: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 25, Ch. 303 [table]
measles: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
meningococcal meningitis: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 25, Ch. 303 [table]
mumps: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
Neisseria meningitidis: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Sec. 14, Ch. 177
in older adults: Sec. 1, Ch. 5
pertussis (whooping cough): Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
plague: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]
pneumococcal infection: Sec. 4, Ch. 42 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 42; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 272; Sec. 23, Ch. 272 [sidebar]
polio: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
rabies: Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 6, Ch. 89 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 25, Ch. 303 [table]
rotavirus: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 275
rubella: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 262; Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
side effects of: Sec. 23, Ch. 263
smallpox: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [sidebar]
spleen removal and: Sec. 14, Ch. 179
tetanus: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 272 [sidebar]
for travelers: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 25, Ch. 303; Sec. 25, Ch. 303 [table]
tuberculosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]
typhoid: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 25, Ch. 303 [table]
varicella-zoster virus: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
yellow fever: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 25, Ch. 303 [table]
Immunodeficiency: Sec. 16, Ch. 184 (see also HIV infection; Immunosuppressive drugs)
acquired: Sec. 16, Ch. 184 (see also HIV infection)
ataxia-telangiectasia: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
causes of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184; Sec. 16, Ch. 184 [table]
chronic granulomatous disease: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
common variable: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
congenital: Sec. 16, Ch. 184; Sec. 16, Ch. 184 [table]
cytomegalovirus infection in: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
diagnosis of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
DiGeorge anomaly: Sec. 16, Ch. 184; Sec. 16, Ch. 187
herpes simplex virus infection in: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
hyperimmunoglobulinemia E syndrome: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
mucocutaneous candidiasis: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
pneumonia and: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
prevention of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
selective antibody deficiency: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
severe combined: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
in splenic disorders: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
symptoms of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
toxoplasmosis in: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
treatment of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
X-linked (Bruton's) agammaglobulinemia: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
Immunoelectrophoresis: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
Immunoglobulin(s): Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [figure] (see also Antibodies)
transfusion of: Sec. 14, Ch. 171
Immunoglobulin A (IgA): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
selective deficiency of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
Immunoglobulin D (IgD): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
Immunoglobulin E (IgE): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
in allergic reactions: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
high levels of: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
Immunoglobulin G (IgG): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
Immunoglobulin M (IgM): Sec. 16, Ch. 183
Immunosuppressive drugs (immunomodulators)
in autoimmune disorders: Sec. 16, Ch. 186
in Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
in dermatomyositis: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
immunodeficiency disorder with: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
in polymyositis: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
in rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [drug table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 67
in systemic lupus erythematosus: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
in transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187; Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
in ulcerative colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
in Wegener's granulomatosis: Sec. 5, Ch. 69
in allergy: Sec. 16, Ch. 185; Sec. 16, Ch. 185
in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
stool: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
tooth: Sec. 8, Ch. 114; Sec. 8, Ch. 115
Impetigo: Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 18, Ch. 211
cochlear (ear): Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 276
contraceptive: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255
defibrillator: Sec. 3, Ch. 23; Sec. 3, Ch. 27
dental: Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]
for heart: Sec. 3, Ch. 23; Sec. 3, Ch. 27
hip: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62 [figure]
joint: Sec. 5, Ch. 62
knee: Sec. 5, Ch. 66 [figure]
pacemaker: Sec. 3, Ch. 23; Sec. 3, Ch. 27; Sec. 3, Ch. 27; Sec. 3, Ch. 27 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 27
penile: Sec. 21, Ch. 240
Implantation, in pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 257 [figure]
Impotence (see Erectile dysfunction)
Incapacity: Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]
Incentive spirometry: Sec. 4, Ch. 40
Inclusion conjunctivitis: Sec. 20, Ch. 229
Incompetency: Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]
fecal: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
     in dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
urinary: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 11, Ch. 146
     after menopause: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
     causes of: Sec. 11, Ch. 147; Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [table]; Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [sidebar]
     in dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
     information resources on: Appendix IV
Incus (anvil): Sec. 19, Ch. 217; Sec. 19, Ch. 217 [figure]
Indigestion: Sec. 9, Ch. 119 (see also Heartburn; Nausea; Vomiting)
remedies for: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
Indinavir: Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [drug table]
in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
in patent ductus arteriosus: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
during pregnancy: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
Infant(s) (see also Children)
adverse drug reactions in: Sec. 2, Ch. 15
antibodies in: Sec. 16, Ch. 183
bacterial infections in: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
botulism in: Sec. 6, Ch. 95; Sec. 6, Ch. 95; Sec. 23, Ch. 263
breathing (respiratory) disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 274
choking in: Sec. 24, Ch. 299; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [figure]
death of: Sec. 23, Ch. 287
     SIDS and: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 264; Sec. 23, Ch. 267
          information resources on: Appendix IV
development of
     behavioral: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [table]
     intellectual: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [table]
     physical: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
feeding of: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
     problems in: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
immunization for: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
large-for-gestational-age: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
meningitis in: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
myasthenia in: Sec. 6, Ch. 95
normal: Sec. 23, Ch. 263
premature: Sec. 22, Ch. 261 (see also Premature infant)
preventive health care for: Sec. 23, Ch. 263
problems in: Sec. 23, Ch. 267; Sec. 23, Ch. 267 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 267; Sec. 23, Ch. 267 [sidebar]
small-for-gestational-age: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
transient hypogammaglobulinemia in: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
undernutrition in: Sec. 12, Ch. 153
viral infection in: Sec. 23, Ch. 273; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 268 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
vitamin deficiencies in: Sec. 12, Ch. 154; Sec. 12, Ch. 154
Infantile esotropia: Sec. 23, Ch. 277
Infantile spasms (salaam seizures): Sec. 6, Ch. 85
brain (see Stroke)
kidney: Sec. 11, Ch. 145
lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 46; Sec. 4, Ch. 46
myocardial (see Heart attack)
abdominal: Sec. 9, Ch. 132; Sec. 9, Ch. 132
after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
after rape: Sec. 22, Ch. 253; Sec. 22, Ch. 253
anus and rectum: Sec. 9, Ch. 130
in atherosclerosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 32
bacterial: Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [table] (see also Bacterial infections)
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
Bartholin's gland: Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [sidebar]
in biological warfare: Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]
biology of: Sec. 17, Ch. 188; Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]
bladder (cystitis): Sec. 11, Ch. 149
     after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
bloodstream: Sec. 17, Ch. 191
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
     in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 264
bone (osteomyelitis): Sec. 5, Ch. 65
with bone marrow transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
brain: Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 6, Ch. 89 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 89 [sidebar]
     childhood disintegrative disorder and: Sec. 23, Ch. 286
     coma with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
     seizures with: Sec. 6, Ch. 85 [table]
breast: Sec. 22, Ch. 251
     after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
bronchus (bronchitis): Sec. 4, Ch. 41; Sec. 4, Ch. 41 [figure]
during cancer treatment: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
conjunctiva (see Conjunctivitis)
coronary artery disease and: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
cuticle (paronychia): Sec. 5, Ch. 71
in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
defenses against: Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 17, Ch. 188 (see also Immune system)
development of: Sec. 17, Ch. 188; Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]
in diabetes mellitus: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [sidebar]
diverticula: Sec. 9, Ch. 128
ear: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 219; Sec. 19, Ch. 220; Sec. 19, Ch. 220 [sidebar]
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 276; Sec. 23, Ch. 276 [figure]
ehrlichial: Sec. 17, Ch. 195
epiglottis: Sec. 19, Ch. 222
eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 230; Sec. 20, Ch. 230; Sec. 20, Ch. 234 (see also Conjunctivitis)
eyelash: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
eyelid: Sec. 20, Ch. 228
fever in: Sec. 17, Ch. 188; Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 267
finger: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
fungal: Sec. 17, Ch. 197 (see Fungal infection)
gastroenteritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 275
     in infants: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
gums: Sec. 8, Ch. 115
hand: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
heart (endocarditis): Sec. 3, Ch. 29; Sec. 3, Ch. 29 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 29 [table]
in Hodgkin's disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 177 [table]
immunization against (see Immunization)
in immunodeficiency disorders: Sec. 16, Ch. 184; Sec. 16, Ch. 184
joint: Sec. 5, Ch. 65
     temporomandibular: Sec. 8, Ch. 116; Sec. 8, Ch. 116; Sec. 8, Ch. 116
kidney (pyelonephritis): Sec. 11, Ch. 149
     after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
liver (hepatitis): Sec. 10, Ch. 137; Sec. 10, Ch. 137 [table]
lung (see Pneumonia)
lymph node: Sec. 3, Ch. 37
mastoid: Sec. 19, Ch. 220
from medical devices: Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 188
meninges (see Meningitis)
mouth: Sec. 8, Ch. 112; Sec. 8, Ch. 114
in multiple myeloma: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
in neutropenia: Sec. 14, Ch. 174
in newborns: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [table]
in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Sec. 14, Ch. 177 [table]
nose: Sec. 19, Ch. 221
     in HIV infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 199
     in immunosuppressed person: Sec. 17, Ch. 188
orbit: Sec. 20, Ch. 236
pancreas: Sec. 9, Ch. 124
parasitic: Sec. 17, Ch. 196 (see also Parasitic infection)
peritoneum (see Peritonitis)
during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 259; Sec. 23, Ch. 265
in premature infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
in pressure sores: Sec. 18, Ch. 205; Sec. 18, Ch. 205
prevention of: Sec. 17, Ch. 188
prostate gland: Sec. 11, Ch. 149; Sec. 21, Ch. 239
reactive arthritis (Reiter's syndrome) with: Sec. 5, Ch. 67
rectum: Sec. 9, Ch. 130
respiratory: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 (see also Pneumonia)
rickettsial: Sec. 17, Ch. 195
in sickle cell disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
sinus: Sec. 19, Ch. 221; Sec. 19, Ch. 221 [sidebar]
skin (see Skin, infection of)
spinal cord: Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 6, Ch. 89 [sidebar]
in spleen disorders: Sec. 14, Ch. 179; Sec. 16, Ch. 184
stomach: Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [sidebar]
tear (lacrimal) sac: Sec. 20, Ch. 228
throat: Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 19, Ch. 222; Sec. 23, Ch. 276; Sec. 23, Ch. 276
toenail (onychia): Sec. 5, Ch. 72
tonsil: Sec. 19, Ch. 222; Sec. 23, Ch. 276
tooth: Sec. 8, Ch. 114
transfusion-acquired: Sec. 14, Ch. 171 [sidebar]
travel and: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
tube feeding and: Sec. 12, Ch. 153
ureter (ureteritis): Sec. 11, Ch. 149
urethra (urethritis): Sec. 11, Ch. 149
urinary tract: Sec. 11, Ch. 149; Sec. 11, Ch. 149 [sidebar] (see also Urinary tract, infection of)
uterus, after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
vagina: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 247; Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [table]
viral: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 (see also Viral infection)
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
vulva: Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [sidebar]
wound: Sec. 24, Ch. 299
Infectious mononucleosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 17, Ch. 198
Infertility: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
information resources on: Appendix IV
Infiltrative lung diseases: Sec. 4, Ch. 50; Sec. 4, Ch. 50 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 50 [table]
Inflammation: Sec. 17, Ch. 188
alveoli (alveolitis), allergic: Sec. 4, Ch. 51; Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
appendix (appendicitis): Sec. 9, Ch. 132
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 275
     during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
in atherosclerosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 32
bile duct: Sec. 10, Ch. 136
     in ulcerative colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
bladder: Sec. 11, Ch. 149; Sec. 11, Ch. 149 [sidebar]
blood vessels (vasculitis): Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 3, Ch. 36; Sec. 3, Ch. 36; Sec. 5, Ch. 67; Sec. 5, Ch. 69; Sec. 5, Ch. 69 [table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 69 [figure]
brain (see Encephalitis; Encephalopathy)
bronchus (bronchitis): Sec. 4, Ch. 41; Sec. 4, Ch. 41 [figure]
bursa: Sec. 5, Ch. 74
cancer and: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
cervix: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
choroid (choroiditis): Sec. 20, Ch. 232
conjunctiva (see Conjunctivitis)
diverticula (diverticulitis): Sec. 9, Ch. 128; Sec. 9, Ch. 128 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
epididymis (epididymitis): Sec. 21, Ch. 238
esophagus (esophagitis): Sec. 9, Ch. 121
     erosive: Sec. 9, Ch. 120
eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 229; Sec. 20, Ch. 232; Sec. 20, Ch. 236 (see also Conjunctivitis)
eyelid (blepharitis): Sec. 20, Ch. 228
fallopian tube: Sec. 17, Ch. 200; Sec. 22, Ch. 248
gallbladder (cholecystitis): Sec. 10, Ch. 140
gums (gingivitis): Sec. 8, Ch. 115
     endocarditis: Sec. 3, Ch. 29; Sec. 3, Ch. 29 [sidebar]; Sec. 3, Ch. 29 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 29 [table]
     myocarditis: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 26
     pericarditis: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 30; Sec. 3, Ch. 30 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33
iris (iritis): Sec. 20, Ch. 232
joint: Sec. 5, Ch. 59; Sec. 5, Ch. 67 (see also Arthritis)
kidney (nephritis): Sec. 11, Ch. 144
large intestine: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table] (see also Colitis)
larynx (laryngitis): Sec. 19, Ch. 222
in leprosy: Sec. 17, Ch. 194
lip (cheilitis): Sec. 8, Ch. 110
liver (see Hepatitis)
lymphatic vessels (lymphangitis): Sec. 3, Ch. 37
lymph nodes (lymphadenitis): Sec. 3, Ch. 37
muscle (myositis): Sec. 5, Ch. 59
nose (rhinitis): Sec. 19, Ch. 221
optic nerve (optic neuritis): Sec. 20, Ch. 235
orbit: Sec. 20, Ch. 236
pancreas (pancreatitis): Sec. 9, Ch. 124
     in mumps: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
penis (balanoposthitis): Sec. 21, Ch. 238
pericardium (see Pericarditis)
peritoneum (peritonitis): Sec. 9, Ch. 132
plantar fascia: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
pleura (pleurisy): Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 4, Ch. 52; Sec. 4, Ch. 52 [sidebar]
prostate gland (prostatitis): Sec. 21, Ch. 239
pulp (pulpitis): Sec. 8, Ch. 114
rectum (proctitis): Sec. 9, Ch. 130
     ulcerative: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126
sclera (scleritis): Sec. 20, Ch. 229; Sec. 20, Ch. 236
sesamoid: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
sinus (sinusitis): Sec. 19, Ch. 217; Sec. 19, Ch. 221
skin: Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar] (see also Dermatitis)
     drugs for: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
small and medium-sized arteries (Buerger's disease): Sec. 3, Ch. 34
spinal cord (transverse myelitis): Sec. 6, Ch. 93
spine (ankylosing spondylitis): Sec. 6, Ch. 94
stomach (gastritis): Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [sidebar]
superficial veins (thrombophlebitis): Sec. 3, Ch. 36; Sec. 3, Ch. 36
sweat gland: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
tear gland (dacryoadenitis): Sec. 20, Ch. 236
tendon (tendinitis): Sec. 5, Ch. 74; Sec. 5, Ch. 75; Sec. 5, Ch. 75; Sec. 5, Ch. 75 [sidebar]
tendon sheath (tenosynovitis): Sec. 5, Ch. 72; Sec. 5, Ch. 74
testis (orchitis): Sec. 21, Ch. 238; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
thumb tendon (De Quervain's syndrome): Sec. 5, Ch. 74
thyroid gland (thyroiditis): Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163
tibia: Sec. 23, Ch. 278
toenail (onychia): Sec. 5, Ch. 72
tongue (glossitis): Sec. 8, Ch. 110
tooth: Sec. 8, Ch. 114
treatment of: Sec. 1, Ch. 7; Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]
urethra (see Urethritis)
uvea (uveitis): Sec. 20, Ch. 232
vagina (vaginitis): Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 247; Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [table]
veins: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
vertebrae (ankylosing spondylitis): Sec. 5, Ch. 67
Inflammatory bowel disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
Inflammatory breast cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 251; Sec. 22, Ch. 251; Sec. 22, Ch. 251
Inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barré syndrome): Sec. 6, Ch. 95
Inflammatory orbital pseudotumor: Sec. 20, Ch. 236
Infliximab (see also Immunosuppressive drugs)
in autoimmune disorders: Sec. 16, Ch. 186
in Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
in rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [drug table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 67
in transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
Influenza: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
immunization for: Sec. 1, Ch. 5; Sec. 1, Ch. 5; Sec. 4, Ch. 42 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 42; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [sidebar]
     in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
     in pregnant women: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 258
vs. lymphocytic choriomeningitis: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
pneumonia and: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]
Informed consent: Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 25, Ch. 301
Ingrown hair: Sec. 18, Ch. 207; Sec. 18, Ch. 211
Ingrown toenail: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
Inguinal hernia: Sec. 21, Ch. 238; Sec. 21, Ch. 238 [figure]
Inhalants: Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]; Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
drug administration by: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
dust: Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]
gas or chemical: Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 51; Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
in allergy: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
in asthma: Sec. 4, Ch. 44; Sec. 4, Ch. 44 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 274
in COPD: Sec. 4, Ch. 45
Inheritance (see Gene[s]; Genetics)
of contraceptive: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255
of drugs: Sec. 2, Ch. 11; Sec. 2, Ch. 11 [figure]
of insulin: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [figure]
Injection sclerotherapy
for esophageal varices: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
for hemorrhoids: Sec. 9, Ch. 130
for varicose veins: Sec. 3, Ch. 36
Injury (injuries)
acute stress gastritis and: Sec. 9, Ch. 121
altitude illness: Sec. 24, Ch. 296
arm, in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
arteriovenous fistula with: Sec. 3, Ch. 36
atelectasis after: Sec. 4, Ch. 48
birth: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
     in cerebral palsy: Sec. 23, Ch. 284
bite (see Bites and stings)
bladder: Sec. 11, Ch. 150
body part reattachment after: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [sidebar]
bone (see Fracture)
brain (see Brain, injury to)
burn: Sec. 24, Ch. 289; Sec. 24, Ch. 289 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 289 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 289 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 289 [figure]; Sec. 24, Ch. 293
     in child abuse: Sec. 23, Ch. 288
     to esophagus: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
     to eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 227
in child abuse: Sec. 23, Ch. 288
cold: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
compressed air: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
diving: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
domestic violence: Sec. 22, Ch. 253
ear: Sec. 19, Ch. 219; Sec. 19, Ch. 220; Sec. 19, Ch. 220 [figure]
in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
esophagus: Sec. 9, Ch. 120
exercise-related, prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 6
eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 227
first aid for: Sec. 24, Ch. 299; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [figure]
hand: Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]; Sec. 5, Ch. 71
head (see Head, injury to)
heat: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
high potassium levels with: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
intestine, in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
kidney: Sec. 11, Ch. 150; Sec. 11, Ch. 150 [figure]
lightning: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
lung, in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
mouth: Sec. 8, Ch. 112
muscle: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62
near drowning: Sec. 24, Ch. 294
needlestick: Sec. 17, Ch. 199; Sec. 17, Ch. 199
nerve: Sec. 6, Ch. 95; Sec. 6, Ch. 95 [sidebar]
     in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
nose: Sec. 19, Ch. 221
penis: Sec. 21, Ch. 238
poisoning (see Poisoning)
prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 75
radiation: Sec. 24, Ch. 292
rape: Sec. 22, Ch. 253
salivary gland: Sec. 8, Ch. 111
scrotum: Sec. 21, Ch. 238
soft tissue, first aid for: Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [figure]; Sec. 24, Ch. 299
spinal cord: Sec. 6, Ch. 93; Sec. 6, Ch. 93 [figure]
     incontinence after: Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [sidebar]
     information resources on: Appendix IV
     in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
     rehabilitation after: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
sports: Sec. 5, Ch. 75
stings (see Bites and stings)
stress gastritis and: Sec. 9, Ch. 121
stress reaction after: Sec. 7, Ch. 100
testes: Sec. 21, Ch. 238
tongue: Sec. 8, Ch. 110
tooth: Sec. 8, Ch. 117
during travel: Sec. 25, Ch. 303; Sec. 25, Ch. 303
ureter: Sec. 11, Ch. 150
urethra: Sec. 11, Ch. 150
urinary tract: Sec. 11, Ch. 150; Sec. 11, Ch. 150 [figure]
Inner ear: Sec. 19, Ch. 217; Sec. 19, Ch. 217 [figure]
disorders of: Sec. 19, Ch. 220; Sec. 19, Ch. 220 [figure]
Inocybe (mushroom) poisoning: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
Inotropic drugs: Sec. 3, Ch. 25 [drug table]
Insanity (see Mental health disorders)
Insecticide poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
Insects (see also specific insects)
bites by: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
in ear: Sec. 19, Ch. 219; Sec. 23, Ch. 276
artificial: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
intrauterine: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
Insomnia: Sec. 6, Ch. 81
drugs for: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
     in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
fatal familial: Sec. 6, Ch. 90
Insulin: Sec. 9, Ch. 118; Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
in diabetes mellitus: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
high blood levels of (hyperinsulinemia), obesity and: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
in high potassium levels (hyperkalemia): Sec. 12, Ch. 155
insufficiency of (see Diabetes mellitus)
low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) with: Sec. 13, Ch. 166
meal frequency and: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
in pancreatitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 124
in polycystic ovary syndrome: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
receptor binding of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1
resistance to: Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [sidebar]; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
sensitivity to: Sec. 13, Ch. 165
during travel: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I): Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 162
Insulinoma: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 13, Ch. 166; Sec. 13, Ch. 166
Insurance plans: Sec. 1, Ch. 4
drug policies of: Sec. 2, Ch. 17
for dying patient: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
for travel: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
Intellectual development
adolescent: Sec. 23, Ch. 270
child: Sec. 23, Ch. 268; Sec. 23, Ch. 268
     galactosemia and: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
     low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) and: Sec. 23, Ch. 281
infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [table]
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
in autism: Sec. 23, Ch. 286
in Down syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266
evaluation of: Sec. 23, Ch. 285
in mental retardation: Sec. 23, Ch. 285; Sec. 23, Ch. 285 [table]
Intention (cerebellar) tremor: Sec. 6, Ch. 91; Sec. 6, Ch. 91
Intercourse (see Sexual activity)
Interferon-alpha: Sec. 15, Ch. 182; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
in decreased platelets (thrombocythemia): Sec. 14, Ch. 178
in hepatitis: Sec. 10, Ch. 137
in polycythemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 178
Interferon-gamma: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
Interleukin: Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]
in kidney cancer: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
Intermittent claudication: Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 3, Ch. 34
Intermittent exotropia: Sec. 23, Ch. 277
Intermittent porphyria: Sec. 12, Ch. 160
hormone replacement therapy and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
International Classification of Disease, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM): Sec. 7, Ch. 98
International travel (see Air travel; Travel)
Internet, for research: Sec. 1, Ch. 4
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia: Sec. 6, Ch. 92; Sec. 6, Ch. 96
Interpersonal therapy: Sec. 7, Ch. 98
Intersex states: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
Interstitial cystitis: Sec. 11, Ch. 149; Sec. 11, Ch. 149 [sidebar]
Interstitial lung disease: Sec. 4, Ch. 50; Sec. 4, Ch. 50 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 50 [table]
bronchiolitis-associated: Sec. 4, Ch. 50 [table]
drug-induced disease of: Sec. 4, Ch. 50 [table]
Interstitial pneumonia
desquamative: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
lymphoid: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
Interstitial pneumonitis, in HIV infection: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
Intervertebral disks: Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]
degenerative disease of: Sec. 5, Ch. 66
herniation of: Sec. 6, Ch. 94; Sec. 6, Ch. 94 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 94; Sec. 6, Ch. 94
Intestinal lipodystrophy (Whipple's disease): Sec. 9, Ch. 125
Intestinal lymphangiectasia: Sec. 9, Ch. 125
Intestine: Sec. 9, Ch. 118 [figure] (see also Large intestine; Small intestine)
age-associated changes in: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]
death (necrosis) of, in premature infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
inguinal hernia of: Sec. 21, Ch. 238; Sec. 21, Ch. 238 [figure]
ischemia of: Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 3, Ch. 34 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 34
malrotation of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
obstruction of
     in dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
     during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
Intoxication (see Alcohol use and abuse; Poisoning; Toxins)
Intracerebral hemorrhage: Sec. 6, Ch. 86; Sec. 6, Ch. 86 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 87
Intracranial hemorrhage: Sec. 6, Ch. 86; Sec. 6, Ch. 86 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 87 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 87
Intracranial hypertension: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]
Intramuscular route, of drug administration: Sec. 2, Ch. 11; Sec. 2, Ch. 11 [figure]
Intraocular lens, implantation of: Sec. 20, Ch. 226; Sec. 20, Ch. 231
Intraocular pressure: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]
increased (glaucoma): Sec. 20, Ch. 233; Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [drug table] (see also Glaucoma)
measurement of: Sec. 20, Ch. 233
Intrathecal route, of drug administration: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
Intrauterine device (IUD): Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
Intrauterine insemination: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
Intravenous route
for drug administration: Sec. 2, Ch. 11; Sec. 2, Ch. 11 [figure]; Sec. 17, Ch. 192; Sec. 17, Ch. 192
for nutrient administration: Sec. 12, Ch. 153
Intravenous urography: Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 11, Ch. 148; Sec. 11, Ch. 148; Appendix II
Intrinsic factor: Sec. 9, Ch. 121
Introitus: Sec. 22, Ch. 241; Sec. 22, Ch. 241 [figure]
Intubation (see Tube)
Intussusception: Sec. 9, Ch. 132; Sec. 9, Ch. 132 [figure]
in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 275
In vitro fertilization: Sec. 22, Ch. 254; Sec. 22, Ch. 254
Iodine: Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 155
deficiency of: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 13, Ch. 163
excess of: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
in hyperthyroidism: Sec. 13, Ch. 163 [drug table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 163
during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
in thyroid hormone formation: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
Iontophoresis: Sec. 18, Ch. 206
Ipecac syrup, abuse of: Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
in asthma: Sec. 2, Ch. 12; Sec. 4, Ch. 44 [drug table]; Sec. 4, Ch. 44; Sec. 23, Ch. 274
in COPD: Sec. 4, Ch. 45
IQ (intelligence quotient)
in autism: Sec. 23, Ch. 286
in Down syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266
evaluation of: Sec. 23, Ch. 285
in mental retardation: Sec. 23, Ch. 285; Sec. 23, Ch. 285 [table]
in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 23, Ch. 280; Sec. 23, Ch. 280
relapsing: Sec. 5, Ch. 69
Irinotecan: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
Iris: Sec. 20, Ch. 224; Sec. 20, Ch. 224 [figure]; Sec. 20, Ch. 232; Sec. 20, Ch. 232 [figure]
dark spots on: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
Iritis: Sec. 20, Ch. 232
headache with: Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]
Iron: Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 155
deficiency of: Sec. 9, Ch. 125 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 155
     anemia with: Sec. 9, Ch. 120; Sec. 14, Ch. 172
excess of: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [sidebar]
poisoning with: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
reference range for: Appendix II
supplementation with: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 14, Ch. 172
     in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
     during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
Iron-binding capacity: Appendix II
Irradiation therapy (see Radiation therapy)
Irregularity (see Constipation)
Irritable bowel syndrome: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
Isaac's syndrome: Sec. 6, Ch. 95 [sidebar]
bone (avascular necrosis): Sec. 5, Ch. 64; Sec. 5, Ch. 64 [sidebar]; Sec. 5, Ch. 71
brain: Sec. 6, Ch. 86; Sec. 6, Ch. 86 [sidebar] (see also Stroke)
heart: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
intestine: Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 3, Ch. 34 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 34
liver: Sec. 10, Ch. 138
in peripheral arterial disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
Ischemic colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
Ishihara plates: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
Islet cells, transplantation of: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
Isomaltase deficiency: Sec. 9, Ch. 125
Isoniazid: Sec. 17, Ch. 191 [drug table]
hepatitis with: Sec. 10, Ch. 137
in tuberculosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 193; Sec. 17, Ch. 193
Isosorbide: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [drug table]
Isotretinoin: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
in acne: Sec. 18, Ch. 204; Sec. 18, Ch. 204 [drug table]
during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
Itching: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
anus: Sec. 9, Ch. 130; Sec. 9, Ch. 130
in chickenpox: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
in cholestasis: Sec. 10, Ch. 135
in contact dermatitis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
dermatitis from: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
eyes: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
in food allergy: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
in hay fever: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
in hives: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
in hookworm infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
in impetigo: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
in kidney disorders: Sec. 11, Ch. 142
in lice infestation: Sec. 18, Ch. 210
in lichen planus: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
in pancreatic cancer: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
in perennial allergies: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
in pityriasis rosea: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257 [sidebar]; Sec. 22, Ch. 258
in ringworm: Sec. 18, Ch. 212
in scabies: Sec. 18, Ch. 210
in schistosomiasis: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
treatment of: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
vaginal: Sec. 22, Ch. 242
Itraconazole: Sec. 17, Ch. 197 [drug table]; Sec. 18, Ch. 212
IUD (intrauterine device): Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
Ivermectin: Sec. 18, Ch. 210
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