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FieldCount property 
    C#/Visual Basic and 
    special index for 
Fill( ) method 
    AcceptChangesDuringFill( ) method and 
    for DataAdapters  2nd  3rd 
    DataTables, creating with  2nd 
    retrieving data and 
FillError event  2nd 
FillErrorEventArgs class 
FillErrorEventHandler delegate 
FillSchema( ) method 
    constraints and 
    for DataAdapters 
    DataTables, creating with  2nd 
    for retrieving schema information from data source 
filter operators 
filter-supported functions 
filtering data 
Find( ) method, for rows  2nd 
FindByPrimaryKeyField1... PrimaryKeyFieldN( ) method 
FindRows( ) method 
FOR XML queries  2nd 
ForeignKeyConstraint class  2nd 
    DataRelations and  2nd 
ForeignKeyConstraint objects 
format event 

[ Team LiB ]