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Read( ) method 
ReadOnly property  2nd 
ReadOnlyException class 
ReadXml( ) method  2nd  3rd 
ReadXmlSchema( ) method  2nd 
record navigation  2nd 
        with parameterized commands 
        with stored procedures 
referential integrity 
    preserving when updating data source 
RefreshSchema( ) method 
    update objects and 
RejectChanges( ) method
    for DataRows  2nd 
    for DataSets  2nd  3rd 
    for DataTables  2nd 
relations  2nd  [See also DataRelation objects]
    vs. join queries 
    reasons for defining 
Relations collection 
Relations property 
Remove( ) method
    for columns 
    for constraints 
    for relations 
    for rows 
    for tables 
RemoveAt( ) method
    for columns 
    for constraints 
    for rows 
    for tables 
Repeater data control (ASP.NET) 
Reset( ) method
    for DataSets  2nd 
    for DataTables  2nd 
resource lock modes 
resources for further reading
    ASP.NET data binding 
    COM+ services 
    custom data providers 
    information schemas 
    OSQL utility 
    SQL Server 2000 
result sets, returning multiple 
return values 
Rollback( ) method  2nd  3rd 
row state, filtering by 
RowChanged event  2nd 
RowChanging event  2nd 
RowDeleted event  2nd 
RowDeleting event  2nd 
RowError property  2nd  3rd 
RowFilter property  2nd  3rd 
RowNotInTableException class 
rows  2nd  [See also DataRow objects]
    in DataTables, committing/discarding changes 
    deleting  2nd 
    errors in 
    failed updates and 
        from DataSets  2nd 
        from DataTables  2nd  3rd 
    single, reading with DataReaders 
    in strongly typed DataSets, working with 
    subsets of 
Rows collection 
Rows property 
RowState property  2nd  3rd 
RowStateFilter property 
RowUpdated event  2nd  3rd 
    using to retrieve updated values from data source 
RowUpdatedEventArgs class 
RowUpdating event  2nd 
RowUpdatingEventArgs class 
rowversion timestamp field 
Rule enumeration 
    options for 

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