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sample code
    aggregate commands 
    BLOBs, writing to file 
    changes, committing/discarding 
    columns  2nd  3rd 
    concurrency handling 
    connections, opening/testing 
    data, updating  2nd  3rd 
    DataReaders, fast-forward 
    DataSets  2nd 
        strongly typed 
    DataTable events 
    DataViews, displaying multiple 
    DiffGram format 
    FillError event 
    FillSchema( ) method 
    isolation levels 
    list binding
    ListViews, filling with all columns 
    many-to-many relationships[sample code
        many to many relationships 
    mapping tables/columns 
    master-detail form 
    master-detail data binding 
    native SQL data types, using 
    navigational control 
    parameterized queries 
    PositionChanged event 
    primary key 
    records, updating  2nd  3rd 
    relational filter expressions 
    rows  2nd 
        errors in 
        update event handlers for 
    schema information, retrieving 
    SQL Server 2000 support for XML 
    stored procedures 
        for commands 
        queries for 
        updating records with 
        with output parameters 
        with return values 
    tables  2nd 
    templates and styles 
        using DataAdapters 
    TreeViews, hierarchical 
    UniqueConstraint objects 
    update objects 
    Update( ) method 
    values, formatting/parsing 
    web service code 
    web service returning modified DataSet 
Save( ) method, for savepoints  2nd 
schema inference 
schema information, retrieving 
    from data source 
    ADO.NET objects and 
        for DataTables 
    XML and 
SchemaType enumeration
    DataAdapter class 
    System.Data namespace 
Select( ) method, rows and  2nd  3rd 
SelectCommand objects 
SelectCommand property 
SelectedValue property 
semicolon (;)
    in C# syntax 
    in connection strings 
ServerVersion property 
SetAbort( ) method, for automatic transactions 
SetColumnError( ) method  2nd 
SetColumnNameNull( ) method  2nd 
SetComplete( ) method, for automatic transactions 
SetParentRow( ) method  2nd 
single-value binding 
sorting data 
SQL Server
    connection strings and 
    migrating MSDE database to 
    schema tables, retrieving with 
    stored procedures and 
    XML extensions for 
SQL Server .NET provider  2nd 
    connection pooling and  2nd 
    recommendations for selecting 
SQL Server Books Online 
SQL statements, benefits of vs. stored procedures 
SqlBinary structure 
SqlBoolean structure 
SqlByte structure 
SqlClientPermission class 
SqlClientPermissionAttribute class 
SqlCommand class 
SqlCommandBuilder class  2nd 
SqlCompareOptions enumeration 
SqlConnection class 
SqlDataAdapter class 
SqlDataReader class 
SqlDateTime structure 
SqlDbType enumeration 
SqlDecimal structure 
SqlDouble structure 
SqlError class 
SqlErrorCollection class 
SqlException class 
SqlGuid structure 
SqlInfoMessageEventArgs class 
SqlInfoMessageEventHandler delegate 
SqlInt16 structure 
SqlInt32 structure 
SqlInt64 structure 
SqlMoney structure 
SqlNullValueException class 
SqlParameter class 
SqlParameterCollection class 
SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs class 
SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler delegate 
SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs class 
SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler delegate 
SqlSingle structure 
SqlString structure 
SqlTransaction class 
SqlTruncateException class 
SqlTypeException class 
SQLXML data provider 
SQLXML Managed Classes 
SqlXmlCommand class 
State property 
StateChange event 
StateChangeEventArgs class 
StateChangeEventHandler delegate 
StatementType enumeration 
stored procedures 
    benefits of 
        vs. SQL statements 
    DataReader column order and 
    with DataReaders 
    drawbacks of 
    SQL Server 
    updating data source and 
    using to retrieve data from data source 
strongly typed DataSet objects  [See DataSet objects, strongly typed]
StrongTypingException class 
structs, namespace quick reference and 
structures, C#/Visual Basic and 
styles, templates and 
subsets of rows 
SyntaxErrorException class 
system stored procedures 
System.Data namespace 
System.Data.Common namespace 
System.Data.OleDb namespace 
System.Data.SqlClient namespace 
System.Data.SqlTypes namespace 
System.DBNull class 

[ Team LiB ]