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/c switch (RegEdit) 
C/C++ example Win32 API programs 
Cached Logons Count key 
caching logon credentials 
Callback key 
CallbackMode key 
capture mode, NTREGMON 
categories, policy 
CATEGORY block (.ADM files) 
    AutoRun feature, disabling 
    preventing users from sharing 
certificates, cryptographic 
class IDs 
Class key 
CLASS MACHINE statement (.ADM files) 
class-definition keys 
ClearPageFileAtShutdown key 
    RegEdit and 
    RegEdt32 utility and 
Close method (Perl) 
CloseOnDial key 
closing Registry keys  2nd 
    Perl methods for 
    of application identifier key 
    of HKCR key  2nd 
    of HKLM\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\Classes 
COM (Component Object Model) 
Command key
    of application identifier key\\\\Shell 
    of HKCR key 
Comment key 
COMMON.ADM template  2nd 
comparing Registry keys/values 
completion, filename 
Component Object Model  [See COM]
composite DACs 
compreg utility 
ComputerName key 
config.pol file  2nd 
    current  [See HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG]
    hardware, current  2nd 
    kernel functionality 
    local machine  2nd 
    local machine hardware  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
    services, settings for 
    Windows NT, settings for 
Connections key 
connections, detecting slow 
Console key  2nd 
console window properties  2nd 
contents, Registry key 
context menus, RegEdit 
Control key
    of Microsoft\\\\RAS Autodial 
    of SYSTEM\\\\CurrentControlSet  2nd 
control panels, key for  2nd 
control sets
    for booting machine 
    Registry keys for 
copying Registry keys 
CrashControl key  2nd 
CrashDumpEnabled key 
    rebooting automatically after 
    recover crashed PDC 
    removing evidence of 
Create Link permission  2nd 
Create Repair Disk command 
Create Subkey permission  2nd 
Cryptography key 
CSDVersion key 
Current key 
CurrentBuildNumber key 
CurrentControlSet key
    Control subkey 
    Hardware Profiles subkey 
    of HKCC\\\\System 
    of HKLM\\\\SYSTEM  2nd 
    Services subkey 
    Services\\\\adapter subkey 
CurrentProfile key 
CurrentVersion key
    of HKCU\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows NT 
    of SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\RAS 
    of Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows 
    of SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows NT 
    of SOFTWARE\\\\Windows NT 
    My Computer 
    NT user interface 
    tweaking performance 

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