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de Somoskeoy, Victor, 196,
298, 308, 310, 311 ff. DFU,
282 Dieckhoff, Hans, 31
Diehl, Günter, 62, 88
Dmowsky (Polish diplomat), 112 Doenitz, Karl,
82 Dordogne, 231 Doriot,
Jacques, 88 Dortmund, 68-69,
71 Drancy, 108,
156, 157, 221, 232, 235, 280 Dreyfus, Harry,
168, 169, 171 Drygalla, Judge, 59,
60 Dugoujon (former Nazi prisoner),
226, 229, 236 Duisburg, 74 Dulzin,
Arie, 305 du Moulin de la Barthète,
94 Dunand, Marguerite, 16
Düsseldorf Deutsche Volkszeitung, 73-74,
102, 141, 173 Dutourd, Jean, 275
Dutschke, Gretel, 41 Dutschke, Rudi,
40-42, 126 DVZ,
73-74, 102, 141, 173
Easter marches,
78 East Germany, 5,
15, 68, 112
ff., 122 ff. -Nazis in, 128, 167 Editoriales Unidas,
245 Egypt, 329-30 Ehmke,
Horst, 38, 104 Eichmann,
Adolf -Brunner and, 231, 232
-Hagen and, 175, 176-78,
182 -Hungarian Jews and, 203
-Lischka and, 151, 155,
156, 158 -Palestine visit
(1937) by, 177 Elan, 37 Eli (photographer), 141
ff. Erfurt conference, 113-14 Erhard,
Ludwig, 56 Essen, 209
E sslingen, 45 Estaing, Giscard d',
313, 315, 320 Ettersberg, 114 Etzold
(German deportee), 276 European Economic Community,
-Achenbach and, 92, 100-101,
103 European Parliament, 333
Evrom, Boaz, 201 "Exception" law,
47 Express (Cologne), 190 Extradienst, 78
Extra-Parliamentary Opposition (APO), 45,
51, 58 -Lebach incident and,
73 -NPD clash with, 83
Eykens, Gaston, 67, 102,
Fallaud family, 6-7
Federation of Jewish Organizations, 108
Federation of Socialist Students, 40 Feigelson,
Ralph, 192, 193,
194 Ferreira, Dantas, 217
Figaro, Le, 101, 261
Filming -of Hagen, 171-73 -of Lischka,
167 ff. Final Solution of the Jewish Problem,
96, 97, 328 -Barbie and, 227
-Brunner and Röthke and, 231 ff. -Dannecker
and, 151-52, 153,
154, 156 -Hagen and,
182, 328 -Kiesinger and,
31-33 -Lischka and, 154,
328 Fleg, Edmond, 93
Foundation for the Aid of German Sport, 74
Fournière, Martial de la, 25 France -
Gestapo in, 11-13, 150 ff.,
161-62, 179, 181, 220, 278, 280 - Jews in,
11-13, 95 ff., 104 ff., 154 ff., 179-80, 182 - Nazis in, in
1960s, 36-37 - prosecution of Nazis by,
160 ff. - Vichy government of, 94
ff., 183, 184
France-Pays Arabes, 296 Franceschini, P.
J., 101 France-Soir, 243-44, 249 Franco-German
Alliance for Youth (OFA), 15,
17, 20, 21-22 -
arbitration with, 36, 38 -
Nazis and, 36-37 - occupation of building of,
48 Franco-German Exchange, 15-16 Franco-German judiciary accord,
162 ff., 278, 288-89 - Achenbach and, 286,
321, 329 - Barbie and,
242 - Bundestag and, 164,
208, 216, 242, 279-80, 329, 332 - Dachau demonstration
and, 300 - Israel and, 286-87, 307-8 - ratification
of, 332-33 - Schmidt and Giscard and,
320 Frankfurt, 74 -NPD
clash with APO in, 83 Frankfurter, Felix, 31 Frankfurter Rundschau, 86, 93, 211,
229 Free University (Berlin), 61 Free University (Brussels), 65, 66-67 French National Radio
and Television System (ORTF), 15, 254, 258, 259, 260 French Yearbook of
International Law, 38 Fribourg, Michel,
205-7 Fritzsche, Hans, 34
FSJU, 283-84
Galey-Zahal, 200 Gasser family, 223
Gaumont News, 284 Gazette du Palais, La,
38 Gehlen, Reinhard, 161
Gehrling (prosecutor), 316 Geissmann, Raymond,
240, 248 General Commission
for Jewish Affairs, 96 Geneva, 125, 126 German Democratic
Republic. See East Germany. Germany. See also East Germany.
- Israel and, 287 - Kiesinger's election as
Chancellor, 17-19, 21 -
prosecution of Nazis by, 160 ff. - reunification prospect,
40, 48, 115, 124-25 Germany Department,
27, 32 Gerold, Karl,
86 Gestapo in France, 11-13,
161-62, 179, 278, 280 - Barbie and,
220 - Bureau for Jewish Affairs, 95-97, 107, 151, 152, 181, 221 - Hagen and,
181 - Lischka and, 150 ff.
- Saint-Quentin, 164 Gironde, 179 Giscard d'Estaing, 313,
315, 320 Goebbels,
29, 34 Goebel, Emil.
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