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The Holocaust History Project sponsors a question-and-answer email
service, by which visitors to our site can receive answers to any
question regarding the Nazi Holocaust. We prefer to focus on questions
that concern that period of history, or its denial, but do not
automatically exclude questions regarding the aftermath of the
Do you have a question we might help with? You'll want to begin by
looking at our
Short Essays.
Those pages cover many of the questions which we receive frequently,
such as "How can I find out about a relative who died in the
Holocaust?" or "Tell me everything you know about the Holocaust."
If those essays can't answer your question, look at the list of
questions below. If your question is still not answered then send it
to us as a request at
Question Contact Form.
Please use an informative Subject line, include enough detail that we
can know what you're talking about, and make sure your return email
address is valid. Thank you! If your question regards homework, please
understand that we may give you some pointers, but we are not a homework
service. Also, if you have a tight deadline, please be aware that our
replies are usually not immediate.
Below are some specific questions that we have answered. Many may
not be frequently asked, but they may prove of interest regardless.
[A-C] [D-F] [G-I]
[J-O] [P-S] [T-Z]
[A-C] [D-F]
- Dachau Concentration Camp
- Dachau gas chamber
- Dates of the Holocaust
- Death and Life in the Camps
- Debate with Deniers
- Definition of Jews by Nazis
- Demographics
- Denial and Deniers
- Deniers: Misguided Youth
- Denmark
- Der Ewige Jude
- Diesel Gassing
- Die Wilde Jagd
- Displaced Persons Camps
- Doenitz, Karl
- Doctors
- Drexler, Anton
- Eichmann, Adolf
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Estonia
- Eternal Jew, The
- Euthanasia
- Exhaust, Diesel
- Faith and the Holocaust
- Farben, I.G.
- Female Nazis
- Film portrayal of the Final Solution
- Film Propaganda
- Finding People
- Finland's Role in WWII and the Holocaust
- Food During the War
- Ford, Henry
- Forgive and Forget?
- Four million at Auschwitz statistic
- France
- Frank, Anne
- Franz, Kurt
- Free Speech
- French Children
- Functionalism and Intentionalism
- Gas, Diesel Exhaust
- Gas, Poison
- Gas, Zyklon
- General Short Questions
- Genocide
- Gentiles, Righteous
- Gentile Survivors and Victims
- Gerlach Translation
- Gas Chambers on German Soil
- Germanization
- Gloskow
- Gold
- Goldhagen, Daniel
- Golleschau
- Green Series: NMT
- Guest Book
- Gypsies: Roma and Sinti
- Hautval, Adelaide
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hitler Solely to Blame?
- Hitler gay?
- Hitler Jewish?
- Hitler Youth
- Hitler's Willing Executioners
- Hoess, Rudolf
- Holes in Gas Chambers
- Holocaust, general questions
- "Holocaust", Capitalization of
- "Holocaust," the word.
- Homework
- How was the Holocaust possible?
- Iceland
- I.G.Farben
- Institute for Historical Review (IHR)
- Intentionalism and Functionalism
- Interviewing of Survivors
- Ireland
- Irving, David
- Irving vs Lipstadt Trial
- Irving Pamphlet and PDF Format
- Israel and Palestine
- Jewish Declaration of War on Germany
- Journal of Historical Review
- Katz, Izabella
- Kersten, Felix
- Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass
- Krupp Armaments at Auschwitz
- Labor Force
- Lanzmann, Claude
- Lebensborn Program
- Lesbians in the Nazi Era
- Leuchter, Fred
- Liberation of the Camps
- Liberator Testimony
- Lipstadt, Irving vs, Trial
- London Has Been Informed
- Luxembourg
- Maps showing camps.
- Media Accounts
- Medical Experiments
- Mengele, Josef
- Methods of Murder
- Misguided Youth
- Morgenthau Report
- Nazi Criminals, Punishment of
- Nazi Doctors
- Nazi Occult
- Nazi Tactics
- Nazis, Female
- News Media
- Newsreel
- Niemoller, Martin
- Non-Jewish Survivors and Victims
- Norway
- Numbers Killed, Statistics etc.
- Nuremberg Laws
- Nuremberg Trials
- Occult
- Origins of Holocaust-Denial
- Other Survivors and Victims
- Pagis, Dan
- Palestine and Israel
- Pearl Harbor
- Perpetrators
- Peters, Gerhard
- Pius XII
- Plagiarism
- Plaszow
- Poison Gas
- Poles and the Holocaust
- Polls on denial
- Pope and the Holocaust
- Porsche Cars
- Propaganda, Antisemitic
- Propaganda Film
- Protocols of Zion
- Psychiatrists
- Punishment of Nazi Criminals
- Rabenalt, Arthur Maria
- Rauff, Walter
- Rauff, Walter (Espanol)
- Referencing THHP
- Remembering the Past
- Righteous Gentiles
- Romania
- Rumkowski, Chaim
- Scandinavia
- Schindler, Oskar
- Short People
- Seyss-Inquart, Artur
- Shoah (The Film)
- Slave Labor
- Simon, Gustav
- Sighet Marmatiei
- Small stones on graves
- Sondereinsatz Kommando
- Sobibor
- Songs in camps
- Spanish Inquisition
- Speer, Albert
- SS St. Louis
- Statistics, Numbers Killed etc.
- Steroids
- Stroop
- Survivors
- Survivors, Having them interviewed
- Sweden
- Tattoos
- Teaching Children about the Holocaust
- Tesch, Bruno
- The Holocaust History Project
- Tell Ye Your Children
- "They came for the communists..."
- Trachtenberg, Jakow
- Travel to Camps
- Trawniki
- Treaty of Versailles
- Treblinka
- Triangles
- Turkey
- Turning Points
- Ukrainians' Role in the Holocaust
- Versailles, Treaty of
- Victims Lists
- Vilna Ghetto
- Volkswagen
- Von Stuck, Franz
- Voyage of the Damned
- Vrba, Rudolf
- Vrba-Wetzler Report
- Wallenberg, Raoul
- Wannsee conference
- War Crimes Trials
- Warsaw Ghetto
- When was the Final Solution Decided?
- Where Did the Holocaust Take Place?
- Wiesel, Elie
- Wiesenthal, Simon
- Wetzler, Alfred
- Wild Chase, The
- Wild Hunt, The
- Wilde Jagd, Die
- Wilna Ghetto
- Women in the Holocaust
- Women Nazis
- Youth, Hitler
- Zionists and Nazis
- Zion, Protocols of
- Zohar, Rita
- Zyklon B