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[DOC]Water soluble polymers 2002 - Amjad.rar2.2M
[IMG]The theory of polymer dynamics 1994 - Doi & Edwards.djvu3.0M
[PDF]Template polymerization 1997 - Polowinski.pdf2.0M
[PDF]Synthetic polymers for biotechnology and medicine 2003 - Fraitag.pdf1.6M
[PDF]Synthetic methods in step-growth polymers 2003 - Rogers & Long.pdf4.0M
[PDF]Synthetic metal-containing polymers 2004 - Manners.pdf4.7M
[PDF]Surfactants and polymers in aqueous solution 2002 - Holmberg et all.pdf5.3M
[PDF]Statistical physics of polymer gels - Physics Report 269 (1996) - Panyukov & Rabin.pdf9.9M
[PDF]Some geometrical and topological problems in polymer physics - Kholodenko & Vilgis - Polymer Repo.pdf930K
[IMG]Semiconducting polymers 1999 - Hadziioannou & van Hutten.djvu8.8M
[IMG]Scaling concepts in polymer physics 1979 - de Gennes.djvu2.3M
[PDF]Reactive processing polymers 1999 - Begishev & Malkin.pdf 14M
[PDF]Rate equations of polymerization reactions 1997 - Mezaki & Ma.pdf7.7M
[PDF]Radical Polymerization - Kinetics And Mechanismw.pdf5.5M
[PDF]Principles of polymerization 4ed 2004 - Odian.pdf5.5M
[PDF]Polymer viscoelasticity 2000 - Riande et all.pdf 71M
[PDF]Polymer synthesis - Theory and practice 4ed 2005 - Braun, Cherdron, Rehahn, Ritter & Voit.pdf 20M
[DOC]Polymer spectroscopy 1996 - Fawcett.rar 15M
[PDF]Polymer solutions 2002 - Teraoka.pdf3.1M
[PDF]Polymers from biobased materials 1991 - Chum INCOMPLETE.pdf5.2M
[PDF]Polymer reinforcement 1995 - Lipatov.pdf4.9M
[PDF]Polymer processing - Li.pdf2.6M
[DOC]Polymeric drugs and drug delivery systems 2001 - Ottenbrite.rar8.3M
[PDF]Polymer data handbook 1999 - Mark.pdf5.6M
[PDF]Polymer chemistry 2004 - Davis.pdf4.1M
[IMG]Polymer chemistry 1984 - Dekker & Hiemens.djvu5.2M
[IMG]Polymer chemistry, the basic concepts 1984 - Hiemenz.djvu 16M
[PDF]Polymer characterization 1996 - Cheremisinoff.pdf 15M
[PDF]Polymer Principles Of Polymerization Odian.pdf 11M
[PDF]Polymer Chemistry - Handbook Of Radical Polymerization.pdf 12M
[PDF]Plastics materials 7ed 1999 - Brydson.pdf 49M
[PDF]Plastics additives 1998 - Pritchard.pdf 37M
[IMG]Physical properties of polymers 1962 - Bueche.djvu3.0M
[DOC]Permeability properties of plastics and elastomers 2003 - Massey.rar2.4M
[PDF]PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF MACROMOLECULES Basic Principles and Issues 2d Ed - S. F. SUN.pdf5.0M
[PDF]NMR of polymers and polymer additives 2000 - Brandolini & Hills.pdf 14M
[PDF]Modern polyesters 2003 - Scheirs & Long.pdf7.5M
[PDF]Materials-chirality 2003 - Green, Nolte & Meijer.pdf 13M
[PDF]MS of polymers 2002 - Montaudo & Lattimer b.pdf8.4M
[PDF]MS of polymers 2002 - Montaudo & Lattimer.pdf 10M
[PDF]Interpretation of DSC curves in polymer analysis 2000 - Toledo.pdf628K
[PDF]Inorganic and organometallic polymers 2001 - Archer.pdf3.0M
[PDF]Handbook of radical polymerization 2002 - Matyjaszewski & Davis b.pdf 12M
[PDF]Handbook of radical polymerization 2002 - Matyjaszewski & Davis.pdf 12M
[IMG]Handbook of polymer testing - Physical methods 1999 - Brown.djvu8.2M
[DOC]Handbook of polymer solution thermodynamics 1993 - High & Danner.rar7.8M
[PDF]Handbook of polyethylene structures properties and applications 2000 - Peacock.pdf7.1M
[PDF]Handbook of plastic foams 1995 - Landrock.pdf 37M
[IMG]Handbook of conducting polymers 2ed 1999 - Skotheim.djvu 20M
[PDF]Giant molecules - Essential materials for everyday living and problem solving 2ed 2003 - Carraher.pdf3.5M
[PDF]General design principles for dupont engineering polymers.pdf2.5M
[PDF]Fundamentals of polymer chemistry - Warson INCOMPLETE.pdf243K
[IMG]Functional monomers anf polymers 2ed 1997 - Takemoto et al.djvu 13M
[DOC]Functional condensation polymers 2002 - Carraher & Swift.rar8.6M
[PDF]Frontiers in polymer chemistry - Chemical Reviews, Vol 101, No 12, 2001.pdf 16M
[PDF]From polymers to plastics 2002 - van der Vegt.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Encyclopedia Of Physical Science & Technology - Polymers.pdf 13M
[IMG]Emulsion polymerization and emulsion polymers 1997 - Lovell & El-Aasser.djvu 12M
[PDF]Electroactive polymers for robotic applications 2007 - Tadokoro & Kim.pdf4.8M
[IMG]Dynamics of polymeric liquids 2ed 1987 - Vol 1 Fluid mechanics - Bird.djvu8.8M
[PDF]Developments in block copolymer science and technology 2004 - Hamley.pdf6.5M
[PDF]Dendrimers and other dendritic polymers 2001 - Frechet & Tomalia.pdf 16M
[PDF]Cyclic polymers 2ed 2002 - Semlyen.pdf 22M
[IMG]Constitutive equations for polymer melts and solutions 1988 - Larson.djvu2.3M
[PDF]Concise encyclopedia of plastics 2000 - Rosato.pdf 65M
[PDF]Computational studies, nanotechnology and solution thermodynamics of polymer systems 2002 - Dadmu.pdf6.9M
[DOC]CRC Handbook of thermodynamic data of copolymer solutions 2001 - Wohlfart.rar1.5M
[PDF]Block copolymers 2003 - Hadjichristidis et all.pdf5.9M
[DOC]Biorelated polymers 2001 - Sustainable polymer science and technology.rar 15M
[PDF]Biomedical polymers and polymer therapeutics 2002 - Chiellini.pdf 14M
[PDF]Biomedical applications of polyurethanes 2001 - Vermette.pdf3.1M
[PDF]Advanced polymer processing operations 1998 - Cheremisinoff.pdf 13M
[PDF]Adhesion of polymers 2002 - Veslovsky & Kestelman.pdf5.2M