Welcome to the “World Lending Library”

[DIR]Parent Directory -
[DIR]www.ufoevidence.org - SEE Online/ -
[DIR]www.thelivingmoon.com - John Lear - SEE Online/ -
[DIR]www.paradigmresearchgroup.org - SEE Online/ -
[DIR]www,earthfiles.com - Linda Moulton Howe - SEE Online/ -
[DIR]Z - anomalous-images - SEE Online/ -
[DIR]Wilcock, David 1973-/ -
[DIR]What We Really Know About Flying Saucers - Otto Binder/ -
[DIR]We Reverse Engineered Alien Craft & UFOs/ -
[DIR]Walton, Bruce Alan (aka BRANTON)/ -
[DIR]Von Daniken, Erich 1935-/ -
[DIR]Van Tassel, George W. 1910-1978/ -
[DIR]Vallee, Jacques Fabrice 1939-/ -
[DIR]Valdamar Valerian - Matrix - I thru IV/ -
[DIR]UFOs - Generals, Pilots And Governmant Officials Go On Record - Leslie Kean 2010/ -
[DIR]UFOs - Dr. Gene Scott/ -
[DIR]UFO Photographs Amazing Collection/ -
[DIR]Turner, Karla 1958-1996/ -
[DIR]Tompkins, William Mills 1923-2017/ -
[DIR]The best documented UFO Case - Analysis - Investigations/ -
[DIR]The Stargate Chronicles - Clark C. McClelland 2002/ -
[DIR]The Sirius Mystery - Robert K. G. Temple/ -
[DIR]The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects - Edward J. Ruppelt, Project Blue Book 1956/ -
[DIR]The Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters - edi Ronald D. Story 2001/ -
[DIR]Tellinger, Michael/ -
[DIR]Taken - TV Series - Dakota Fanning, Matt Frewer, Emily Bergl 2002/ -
[DIR]Symbols - Alien writing/ -
[DIR]Summers, Marshall Vian 1949-/ -
[DIR]Strieber, Whitley/ -
[DIR]Sitchin, Zecharia 1922-2011/ -
[DIR]Schneider, Phil/ -
[DIR]Sauder, Richard - Bases and Tunnels 1995/ -
[DIR]Roswell - UFOs - Dr. Gene Scott/ -
[DIR]Project Camelot MP3 - May 2008/ -
[DIR]Preston James/ -
[DIR]Pre-Diluvian Civilizations & Theories of Catastrophism - Bob Kobres 1993/ -
[DIR]Open Mind - Bill Jenkins 1980's/ -
[DIR]Nazi UFOs/ -
[DIR]Nazi Disks 1991/ -
[DIR]Michael Salla - Secret Space Program/ -
[DIR]Meier, 'Billy', Eduard Albert 1937-/ -
[DIR]Matrix - Vol I thru IV - Valdamar Valerian aka John Grace 1988-2005/ -
[DIR]Matrix - Vol I thru IV - Valdamar Valerian 1988-2005/ -
[DIR]Marciniak, Barbara J/ -
[DIR]Majestic 12/ -
[DIR]Mack, John Edward 1929-2004/ -
[DIR]Loeb, Avi - 2021 - Extraterrestrial (Science)/ -
[DIR]Keyhoe, Donald Edward 1897-1988/ -
[DIR]Keel, John A. (Alva John Kiehle) 1930-2009/ -
[DIR]John DeSouza - The X-Files Man/ -
[DIR]International UFO Congress 2011/ -
[DIR]Ingo, Douglas Swann 1933-2013/ -
[DIR]Indigo Children/ -
[DIR]Howe, Linda Moulton 1942/ -
[DIR]Hellyer, Paul Theodore 1923-/ -
[DIR]Hastings, Robert L 1950-/ -
[DIR]Greer, Steven Macon 1955- The Disclosure Project/ -
[DIR]Green, George/ -
[DIR]Goodall, Jim/ -
[DIR]Gladden, Lee & Vivian/ -
[DIR]Flynn, David 1963-2012/ -
[DIR]Extraterrestrial; The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth - Avi Loeb 2021/ -
[DIR]Dolan, Richard Michael 1962/ -
[DIR]Crop Circles/ -
[DIR]Corso, Philip J. 1915-1998/ -
[DIR]Cooper, William Milton 1943-2001 - on UFOs/ -
[DIR]CE III-Humanoid Encounters, UFO Testimonials 1948-1987 - Wendy Connors 2005 A.O/ -
[DIR]Black Vault as of Jan 20 2021/ -
[DIR]Black Vault/ -
[DIR]Black Goo/ -
[DIR]Bartley, James/ -
[DIR]Baldin, Lou/ -
[DIR]Ashayana Deane - The-Voyagers/ -
[DIR]Andrews, Colin/ -
[DIR]Ancient Aliens - Season 1-20 2009-2024/ -
[DIR]Ancient Aliens - Season 1-13 2009-2018/ -
[DIR]Airship Mysteries of 1897/ -
[DIR]Adamski, George 1891-1965/ -
[DIR]3 - More Books on UFO's and Aliens/ -
[DIR]2 - UFO, ETC - Videos/ -
[DIR]1 - SEE - Sacred Text Archices - UFOs/ -
[DIR]1 - SEE - Beliefs - Urantia/ -
[DIR]1 - SEE - Beliefs - Scott, Dr. Gene (William Eugene Scott) 1929-2005/ -
[DIR]1 - SEE - Beliefs - Oahspe/ -
[VID]UFO Endgame To Disclosure - Steven Greeer 2023.mkv1.8G
[PDF]UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES (a preliminary report) - Wendelle Stevens.pdf383M
[VID]Open Minds with Regina Meredith Alchemy of the 9 Dimensions - Barbara Hand Clow.mp4201M
[PDF]The UFO handbook; A guide to investigating, evaluating, and - Allan Hendry 1979.pdf197M
[PDF]FBI Unidentified Flying Objects - Part 1 (FOIA) A.O.pdf147M
[VID]Aliens Exist, Contact with ETs Imminent - Michio Kaku.mp4107M
[VID]Alien Domination - Michael Tsarion.mp4107M
[PDF]Flying Saucers Fact or Fiction - Max B. Miller 1957.pdf102M
[PDF]Voyagers II - secrets of amenti - Ashayana Deane 2002.pdf 92M
[PDF]UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES (a supplementary report) - Wendelle Stevens.pdf 84M
[PDF]Secret Projects Flying Saucer Aircraft - Bill Rose and Tony Buttler 2006.pdf 82M
[PDF]Douglas Aircraft UFO Docs - Robert M Wood & H. C. Bjornlie, A-833 1969.pdf 81M
[PDF]Abducted by Aliens, High Strangeness, Government Harassment - Chuck Weiss 2008.pdf 75M
[PDF]The Convoluted Universe Book 1 - Dolores Cannon 2001.pdf 73M
[VID]Alien UFOs, Astronaut Edger Mitchell and others give testamony.mp4 72M
[PDF]Inside Saucer Post 3 - Leonard H. Stringfield 1957.pdf 72M
[   ]UFO_ The Inside Story of the US Government's Search for Alien - Garrett M. Graff.epub 71M
[PDF]Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt - Dunn, Christopher.pdf 68M
[PDF]UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES 2 - Wendelle Stevens.pdf 52M
[PDF]Aliens, Colonial Marines Technical.Manual.pdf 52M
[PDF]UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES 1 - Wendelle Stevens.pdf 50M
[VID]Alien Sacred Ground - Michael Tsarion.mp4 47M
[VID]Skunk Works, Ben Rich on 60 Minutes.mp4 44M
[PDF]Origins - The Quest for Our Cosmic Roots - Tom Yulsman 2003.pdf 42M
[PDF]Roswell Report - James McAndrew, issued by the United States Air Force.pdf 40M
[VID]The Mysterious Genius Who Patented the UFO.mp4 38M
[SND]Men in Black - Jim Keith 07-24-1997.mp3 38M
[PDF]How To Contact Space People - Ted Owens 1969.pdf 34M
[   ]Ancient Aliens - Kevin Burns 2016.epub 30M
[PDF]UFO CONTACT FROM ANDROMEDA - Wendelle Stevens 1988.pdf 29M
[PDF]The Science of Extraterrestrials - Eric Julien 2006.pdf 28M
[PDF]Technology of the Gods, The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients - David Hatcher Childress 2000.pdf 28M
[PDF]Man-made UFOs 1944-1994; 50 years of Suppression - Vesco, Renato; Childress, David Hatcher 1994.pdf 28M
[PDF]UFOs - The Greatest Story Never Told - Lana Conine Cantrell 1988.pdf 28M
[PDF]The Greatest Story Never Told - Lana Conine Cantrell 1988.pdf 28M
[PDF]Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion - Paul Laviolette 2008.pdf 27M
[SND]Don Schmitt and Tom Carey - Roswell Deathbed Confessions - Rense 02 10 2023 hr1.mp3 26M
[PDF]The Search For Extraterrestrials - Monte Ross 2009.pdf 25M
[PDF]Return of the Star Gods - Richard Vizzutti 2003.pdf 24M
[PDF]FBI Unidentified Flying Objects - Part 2 (FOIA) 2008 A.O.pdf 24M
[PDF]FBI - Top Secret UFO Files - PART 2 A.O.pdf 24M
[PDF]Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space - Maurice Chatelain 1978.pdf 24M
[PDF]The UFO Controversy In America - David Jacobs 1975 A.O.pdf 24M
[PDF]The Greatest Deception - The Bible UFO Connection - Cooke, Patrick.pdf 23M
[PDF]Penetration, The Question of Extraterrestrial - Ingo Swann 1998.pdf 23M
[PDF]The Wave Book 1-4 - Laura Knight-Jadczyk 2005.pdf 23M
[VID]Life Found Near Saturn and America Has A Secret Weapon - Dr. Michio Kaku.mp4 22M
[PDF]Advanced Aerial Devices - Richard Haines.pdf 21M
[SND]Craig Campobasso about Valiant Thor and 'The Stranger at the Pentagon' by Dr. Frank E. Stranges - rense_072018_hr1.mp3 19M
[PDF]The Turning of the Tide; Aliens in Scotland - Andrew Hennessey 1997.pdf 18M
[PDF]Extraterrestrials, Where Are They - Ben Zuckerman and Michael Hart 1995.pdf 18M
[SND]The Amazing World of Reverse Speech - David John Oates - Rense Show - Aug 29 2013.mp3 18M
[PDF]The Cosmic Conspiracy - Unknown Author.pdf 18M
[PDF]Lonely Minds in the Universe - Giancarlo Genta 2007.pdf 18M
[SND]Space Wars & Wars on the People, Part 1 - Preston James - Rense Show - Aug 20 2013.mp3 18M
[SND]Flying Saucers Are Real - Stanton Friedman - June 6 2013 Rense Show.mp3 18M
[SND]Space Wars & Wars on the People, Part 2 - Preston James - Rense Show - Aug 23 2013.mp3 17M
[VID]Gordon Duff Discloses Reality Of UFO's & Aliens.mp4 17M
[PDF]UK UFO Documents Part 2 - 1958 - National Archives 2006 A.O.pdf 17M
[PDF]UFO Crash Secrets at Wright Patterson Air Force Base - James Moseley.pdf 17M
[PDF]UFO Newsclipping Service 1999 08 no 361.pdf 17M
[PDF]RAEL Masonic Messiah - Daniel Vandinja 2007.pdf 16M
[PDF]The Anti-gravity Handbook - Childress, David Hatcher 1993.pdf 16M
[PDF]Hidden Realms Lost Civilizations & Beings From Other Worlds - Jerome Clark 2010.pdf 16M
[PDF]World Atlas of UFOs - John Spencer 1992.pdf 16M
[PDF]Cosmic Voyage - Courtney Brown 1996.pdf 16M
[PDF]The Great UFO Hoax; The Final Solution to the UFO Mystery - Kanqn, Gregory M. 1997.pdf 15M
[PDF]Top Secret; Majic - Stanton T. Friedman 2005.pdf 15M
[PDF]Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery, 1-4 - Linda Moulton Howe 2011.pdf 15M
[PDF]The Coming of the Gods - Jean Sendy 1970.pdf 15M
[PDF]THE BLUE PLANET PROJECT - Wendelle Stevens.pdf 15M
[PDF]The Everything UFO Book; An investigation of sightings - William J. Birnes .pdf 15M
[PDF]Antigravity and the World Grid - David Hatcher Childress 1987.pdf 15M
[PDF]The UFO Files; The Inside Story of Real-life Sightings - David Clarke 2013.pdf 15M
[PDF]UK UFO Documents Part 1 - 1958 - National Archives 2006 A.O.pdf 15M
[PDF]Truman Cash 2 - The Eye of Ra, Book Two - Truman Cash 1996.pdf 14M
[   ]Penetration, The Question of Extraterrestrial - Ingo Swann 1998.mobi 14M
[PDF]The UFO Experience - J. Allen Hynek, consultant on Project Blue Book 1972 .pdf 14M
[PDF]The Hynek UFO Report - Allen Hynek 1977.pdf 14M
[PDF]Project Cyclops, Detecting Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life - Dr. John Billingham 1971.pdf 14M
[PDF]Those Gods Who Made Heaven and Earth - Jean Sendy 1972.pdf 14M
[PDF]UFO Contact from Reticulum - Wendelle Stevens, William Herrmann 1981.pdf 14M
[SND]Coast to Coast AM - Dec 12 2011 - Hour 2 - Crop Circles & 2012.mp3 14M
[SND]Coast to Coast AM - Dec 12 2011 - Hour 1 - Crop Circles & 2012.mp3 14M
[PDF]The Secret Rituals of the Men in Black - Allen H. Greenfield 2005.pdf 14M
[SND]Coast to Coast AM - Dec 12 2011 - Hour 3 - Crop Circles & 2012.mp3 13M
[PDF]Watch the Skies, A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth - Curtic Peebles 1994.pdf 13M
[SND]Coast to Coast AM - Dec 12 2011 - Hour 4 - Crop Circles & 2012.mp3 13M
[SND]Stephen Bassett on the UFO disclosure, Coast to Coast - Nov 15 2007.mp3 13M
[PDF]Fifty Shades of Gray Aliens; In Consideration of Aliens - Ken Ammi 2017.pdf 13M
[   ]AREA 51, An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base - Annie Jacobsen 2011.epub 12M
[PDF]The UFO Phenomenon - Mysteries of the Unknown - Time-Life Books.pdf 12M
[PDF]UFOs And The Bible - Ray Brubaker.pdf 12M
[PDF]Star Gods of the Maya - Susan Milbrath 1999.pdf 11M
[PDF]UFO Technology Hackers Manual - Michael McDonnough 2006.pdf 11M
[PDF]E.T. Talk, Intelligent Life on Other Worlds - Fernando J. Ballesteros 2010.pdf 11M
[PDF]The Terra Papers - Robert Morning Sky.pdf 11M
[PDF]Dark Object - Don Ledger and Chris Styles 2001.pdf 11M
[PDF]Cosmic Explorers - Courtney Brown 1999.pdf 11M
[   ]Haunebul The Secret Files, The Greatest UFO Secret of All - David Childress 2021.epub 11M
[PDF]Harmonic Conquest of Space - Bruce Cathie 1995.pdf 11M
[PDF]Suppressed Science - Jack Phillips 2006.pdf 10M
[PDF]Sedona UFO Connection - Richard Dannelley 2007.pdf 10M
[SND]Edgar Mitchell - His Walk on the Moon & Aliens are Here - July23rd2008.mp39.8M
[PDF]Scams From the Great Beyond; Easy Money Off of ESP, Astrology, UFOs, Crop Circles,etc - Peter Huston 1997.pdf9.7M
[PDF]AREA 51, An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base - Annie Jacobsen 2011.pdf9.5M
[PDF]Blue Planet Project - Jefferson Souza.pdf9.4M
[PDF]Blue Planet Project, Alien Technical Research 25 - Alien Life Forms.pdf9.4M
[PDF]CRASH AT CORONA - Stanton T. Friedman & Don Berliner 1994.pdf9.3M
[PDF]Pentagon Aliens (Space Aliens From The Pentagon - William Lyne 1999.pdf9.2M
[PDF]Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon - Don Wilson 1980.pdf9.1M
[PDF]International UFO Reporter , Vol. 30, Num. 1 2005.pdf8.9M
[IMG]Confirmation; The Hard Evidence of Aliens Among Us -- STRIEBER, Whitley 1998.djvu8.8M
[SND]Linda Moulton Howe 03-12-1995 .mp38.8M
[PDF]Ufo's; Nazi Secret Weapon - Mattern & Friadrich.pdf8.7M
[PDF]Real Monsters, Gruesome Critters and Beasts from the Darkside - Brad Steiger 2011.pdf8.6M
[PDF]Reversing-Secrets of Reverse Engineering - Eldad Eilam 2005.pdf8.6M
[PDF]From Fossils to Astrobiology, Search for Extraterrestrial Biologies - Joseph Seckbach 2009.pdf8.5M
[PDF]Lights in the Sky - Michael Maunder 2007.pdf8.3M
[PDF]Flying Saucer Experience - Professor Solomon 1998.pdf8.2M
[PDF]Hitlers Flying Saucers - Henry Stevens.pdf8.1M
[PDF]Witness to Roswell - Thomas J. Carey, Donald R. Schmitt 2007.pdf8.0M
[PDF]The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved - Lawrence David Kusche 1975.pdf7.8M
[DOC]Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects - Dr. Edward U. Condon 1968.doc7.8M
[PDF]Messages from the Stars, Contact with Extra-terrestrial Life - Ian Ridpath 1978.pdf7.7M
[VID]UFO Reports over Redmond- Oregon- AF and NICAP Investigation -9-24-59-.mp47.6M
[PDF]The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook- A Defense Manual - Grant Murray, W. H. Mumfrey 2009.pdf7.5M
[PDF]The Official Alien Abductees Handbook - Joe Tripician 1997.pdf7.3M
[PDF]Mysterious Visitors, UFO Story - Brinsley Le Poer Trench 1975.pdf7.3M
[PDF]UFOs Anti Gravity Piece For A Jigsaw - Leonard G. Cramp.pdf7.2M
[PDF]UFOs & Anti-Gravity - Piece for a Jig Saw - Leonard G. Cramp 1997.pdf7.2M
[PDF]Real-Life X-Files - Joe Nickell 2000.pdf7.2M
[PDF]Alien Revelation - Tony Ruggiero 2007.pdf7.0M
[PDF]Budd Hopkins - Missing Time 1981.pdf7.0M
[PDF]UFO Downunder - How to see UFOs and Photograph them - Barry Taylor 2007 A.O.pdf6.8M
[PDF]Secret of the Ages UFOs Inside the Earth - Brinsley le Poer Trench 1974.pdf6.7M
[PDF]Dealing with UFO, Aliens and Abductions from Higher Dimensions - Laura Knight-Jadczyk 2005.pdf6.6M
[PDF]Benevolent Hybrid Reptilian Humans - Jefferson Viscardi 2011.pdf6.5M
[   ]The UFO Files - Clarke, David 2012.epub6.4M
[PDF]Mind Monsters Invaders From Inner Space - Jenny Randles .pdf6.4M
[PDF]UFO Religion Inside Flying Saucer Cults - Gregory L. Reese 2007.pdf6.4M
[PDF]What NASA Isn't Telling You About Mars - Ted Twietmeyer 2005.pdf6.3M
[PDF]Alien Chronology.pdf6.3M
[PDF]J. F. Kennedy on UFOs.pdf6.2M
[PDF]UFO Radar sightings - Washington DC Jul 26-27 1952 A.O.pdf6.1M
[   ]Skunk Works, A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed - Ben R Rich 2012.epub6.1M
[PDF]Secret Cipher of The Ufonauts - Allen H. Greenfield 2005.pdf6.1M
[PDF]UFO - Crop Circles 2002 Calender - Ludy Priegle - 100 pics.pdf6.0M
[PDF]Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind - Courtlandt Dixon Barnes Bryan 1995 A.O.pdf5.8M
[PDF]UFOs Down Under - Barry Taylor 2007.PDF5.8M
[PDF]UFO Highway, the Military's Connection to UFOs - Anthony F. Sanchez 2010.pdf5.8M
[PDF]Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries - Jonathan Eisen 1998.pdf5.7M
[PDF]RattleSnake Fire - Jean Eisenhower 2007.pdf5.6M
[   ]The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook- A Defense Manual - Grant Murray, W. H. Mumfrey 2009.mobi5.6M
[PDF]The Truth Behind Men In Black - Jenny Randles 1997 A.O.pdf5.6M
[PDF]UFOs and Popular Culture - An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Mythology - James R. Lewi 2000.pdf5.6M
[PDF]Majestic 12.pdf5.5M
[PDF]US Army - Classified UFO Manual 1954.pdf5.5M
[PDF]RAF Bentwaters Update After December 2010 - Linda Moulton Howe 2011.pdf5.5M
[PDF]Souls of Distortion Awakening - Jan Wicherink 2008.pdf5.5M
[PDF]The Field Guide To Extraterrestrials - Patrick Huyghe 1996.pdf5.4M
[PDF]I Forgot What I Wasn't Supposed to Remember - K. Wilson 2009.pdf5.3M
[PDF]UFO Master - Michael Gerard Brown.pdf5.3M
[PDF]The Alien Interviews - L. A. Marzulli 2008.pdf5.3M
[PDF]Oracle of The Illuminati, Super Technology Past & Future - William Henry 2003.pdf5.2M
[PDF]Starchild Skull Essentials - Lloyd Pye 2011.pdf5.1M
[   ]Earth, An Alien Enterprise - Timothy Good Nov. 2013.epub4.8M
[PDF]Strategic Plan For The U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System, IEOS - NSTC 2005.pdf4.7M
[PDF]Alien Scriptures_ Extraterrestrials in the Holy Bible - Carter, Rev. Michael J. S_.pdf4.6M
[PDF]The UFO Report - Timothy Good (Ed.) 1989 A.O.pdf4.6M
[PDF]Underground Bases and Tunnels - Richard Sauder 1995.pdf4.4M
[PDF]Lyra Earth Connection - Brad Johnson.pdf4.4M
[PDF]Lemurian Scrolls - Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami 2006.pdf4.2M
[PDF]Point Omega - Harald Kleeman 2001.pdf4.1M
[PDF]THE MARS RECORDS 2 - Stephanie Relfe 2002.pdf3.9M
[PDF]Where is Everybody - Stephen Webb 2002.pdf3.9M
[PDF]The Cosmic Pulse of Life; The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs - Trevor James Constable 1976 2008.pdf3.8M
[PDF]Into The Bermuda Triangle - Gian J. Quasar 2005.pdf3.8M
[   ]The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook- A Defense Manual - Grant Murray, W. H. Mumfrey 2009.epub3.8M
[PDF]Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon at O'Hare Inter. Airport on Nov. 7, 2006 - Richard F. Haines 2007.pdf3.7M
[PDF]UFO Ohare Airport Documents, Nov. 7, 2006 - Richard F. Haines.pdf3.7M
[   ]Earth, An Alien Enterprise - Timothy Good Nov. 2013.mobi3.6M
[PDF]UFO and the Bible - M.K.Jessup 1956.pdf3.6M
[PDF]Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience - Stanton Friedman 2007.pdf3.5M
[   ]Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler 1997.mobi3.5M
[PDF]Other Tongues Other Flesh - George Hunt Williamson 2005.pdf3.5M
[PDF]How to Make the Most of a Flying Saucer Experience - Prof. Solomon 1998.pdf3.5M
[   ]The FBI-CIA-UFO Connection T;he Hidden UFO Activities of USA - Maccabee, Bruce 2014.epub3.5M
[PDF]Cosmic Trigger - Robert Anton Wilson 1986.pdf3.5M
[PDF]Other Tongues Other Flesh - George Hunt Williamson 1953.pdf3.4M
[PDF]The Uninvited - An Expose of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon - Nick Pope 1997 A.O.pdf3.4M
[PDF]Beyond UFOs - Jeffrey Bennett 2008.pdf3.4M
[PDF]Evidence, NASA UFO 1990s Study - David Sereda.pdf3.3M
[PDF]Stephenville Lights, Radar and Witness Report Study - MUFON, Glen Schulze & Robert Powell 2008.pdf3.3M
[PDF]Alien Initiations - Harald Kleemann 2003.pdf3.3M
[PDF]T-bird vs The Flying Saucers - Michael Topper 1991.pdf3.2M
[PDF]The UFO s of Nazi Germany - Viktor Schauberger.pdf3.2M
[DOC]From India to the Planet Mars - Théodore Flournoy 1900.docx3.1M
[PDF]Cosmic Conflict, & the Reptilians.pdf3.1M
[PDF]The UFO Diaries, Travels In the Weird World of High Strangeness - Martin Plow 2011.pdf3.1M
[PDF]Defending Sacred Ground, The Andromedan Compendium - Alex Collier July 1998.pdf3.0M
[PDF]Legend of Starcrash - Dolores Cannon 1994.pdf3.0M
[PDF]UFO Contact From Planet Koldas - Karl van Vlierden.pdf2.9M
[PDF]Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation - Michael Tsarion 2002.pdf2.9M
[PDF]Skeptics Guide to the Paranormal - Lynne Kelly 2004.pdf2.9M
[PDF]Alien Viruses; Crashed UFOs, MJ-12 & Biowarfare - Robert M. Wood, PhD 2013.pdf2.9M
[PDF]The Tunguska Mystery - Vladimir Rubtsov 2009.pdf2.9M
[PDF]Truman Cash 1 - The Programming of a Planet Book One - Truman Cash 1995.pdf2.8M
[PDF]Creatures in the Mist - Gary R. Varner 2007.pdf2.8M
[PDF]The Custodians - Dolores Cannon 1999.pdf2.8M
[PDF]Concepts For Detection of Extraterrestrial Life - NASA 1964.pdf2.8M
[PDF]Projekt Saucer; Book 2 - Inception, SF novel about american-nazi flying saucer project - W. A. Harbinson 1995 A.O.pdf2.7M
[PDF]Project Saucer Book 2 - Phoenix - W. A. Harbinson 2003.pdf2.7M
[PDF]UFO Diaries, Travels in the Weird World of High Strangeness - Martin Plowman 2011.pdf2.7M
[PDF]The Convoluted Universe Book 3 - Dolores Cannon 2008.pdf2.7M
[PDF]COMETA, UFOs and Defense, Report 1 & 2, France, July 1999 A.O.pdf2.7M
[PDF]Saucers of the Illuminati - Jim Keith 2004.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Extraordinary Encounters, An Encyclo. of Extraterestrrials & Otherworly Beings - Jerome Clark 2000.pdf2.6M
[PDF]UFOs and Aliens - Preston Dennett 2008.pdf2.6M
[DOC]Historical Artwork and UFOs - Matthew Hurley 2001.doc2.6M
[PDF]The Oscillatory Chamber - Arkway To The Stars - Dr Jan Pajak 1994.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Angels Don't Play This Haarp - Advances In Tesla Technology - Jeane Manning, Nick Begich 1996.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Project Beta - Greg Bishop 2005.pdf2.6M
[PDF]The Gods of Eden - William Bramley 1993.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Flying Saucer Review - Volume 32, No. 5 1987.pdf2.5M
[PDF]The Secret of the Veda, Ancient Alien battles on Earth - Sri Aurobindo 1914.pdf2.5M
[PDF]Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler 1997.pdf2.5M
[PDF]Three Minutes in June; The UFO Sighting that Changed the World - Bruce Maccabee 2017.pdf2.4M
[PDF]The Great Flying Saucer Wave of 1947 - Michael Hall.pdf2.4M
[PDF]Contact With Alien Civilizations - Michael A.G. Michaud 2007.pdf2.4M
[PDF]Aliens -The Anthropology of Science Fiction - Eric S. Rabkin 1987.pdf2.3M
[PDF]Legacy from the Stars - Dolores Cannon 1996.pdf2.3M
[PDF]A Century of UFO Sightings and Close Encounters in the Midwest, USA - Francis L. Ridge 1994.pdf2.3M
[   ]Ufos In Reality_;Programmed Aerospace Monitors Of Our - T. R. Dutton 2011.mobi2.3M
[PDF]Fringe Knowledge For Beginners - Montalk 1008.pdf2.2M
[PDF]The Healing Power of UFOs; 300 True Accounts of People Healed - Preston Dennett 2018.pdf2.2M
[PDF]UFO Contacts 1961 - Rob Renaud.pdf2.2M
[PDF]Cosmic Conflict Defined.pdf2.2M
[PDF]Ringmakers of Saturn - Norman R. Bergrun - Scotland 1986.pdf2.2M
[   ]The Mothman's Photographer 2 - Andrew B. Colvin 2007.mobi2.1M
[PDF]Earth's Secret Corridor, A Novel - by Gregory Strausbaugh 2007 A.O.pdf2.1M
[   ]UFOs and the National Security State 1941-1973 - Dolan, Richard M. .mobi2.1M
[DOC]THE COSMIC TREE - Collected by Robertino Solàrion.doc2.0M
[PDF]High Strangeness Of Dimensions - Laura Knight-Jadczyk 2005.pdf2.0M
[PDF]Sekret Machines Book 1_ Chasing Shadows - Tom DeLonge & A.J. Hartley.pdf2.0M
[PDF]Secret Black Projects - Tim Swartz.pdf2.0M
[PDF]Projekt Saucer; Book 3 - Inception, SF novel about american-nazi flying saucer project - W. A. Harbinson 1995 A.O.pdf1.9M
[PDF]Project Saucer Book 3 - Genesis - W. A. Harbinson.pdf1.9M
[PDF]A Gift From The Stars - Nicholas F. Schmidt 2008.pdf1.9M
[PDF]UFOs an Air Force Dilemma - Hector Quintanilla 1974.pdf1.9M
[DOC]CHARADE; Black Ops, Black Budgets & UFOs - Darrel Gusner and Robert Morningstar June 10th, 2023.docx1.9M
[PDF]Flying Saucer Review - Volume 32, No. 6 1987.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Gods of the New Millenium - Allen F. Alford.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Chasing Phantoms - Carissa Conti 2008.pdf1.8M
[   ]Curse Of The Men In Black - Timothy Beckley and John Stuart 2003.mobi1.8M
[PDF]UFOs - Myths, Conspiracies and Realities - John B. Alexander 2011.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Projekt Saucer; Book 1 - Inception, SF novel about american-nazi flying saucer project - W. A. Harbinson 1994 A.O.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Project Saucer Book 1 - Inception - W. A. Harbinson 1990.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Neutralizing Gravity, Magnetic Disc - C. Wayne Macleod 2006.pdf1.8M
[   ]Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler 1997.epub1.7M
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[IMG]z - alien_abductiona.jpg 84K
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[IMG]y - Roswell 2 July 8 1947.jpg 78K
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[IMG]z - mrz.jpg 68K
[DOC]Montauk Experiment - INTERVIEW WITH PRESTON AND DUNCAN - John A. Quinn.doc 61K
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[PDF]Aliens Among Us -- A Ufo Conspiracy Hypothesis In A Religion - John White.pdf 58K
[PDF]The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race - Andrew Collins.pdf 57K
[DOC]Lawrance Rockefeller funded a report to study UFOs - Paul B. Thompson.doc 57K
[DOC]Laurence Rockefeller UFO Connection - Dr. M. Sabeheddin.doc 56K
[IMG]z - Alien - The UnDead- Soul Snatcher - Original Vampire.jpg 55K
[PDF]Underground Bases Of The Star Gods & The Controversial Shaver Mystery - Brad Steiger.pdf 54K
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[DOC]Nazi Moon Bases.doc 47K
[DOC]THE REPTILIANS Humanity's Historical Link To The Serpent Race - Joe Lewels.doc 45K
[DOC]Roswell Testimony - Christopher Schmidt 1993.docx 45K
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[IMG]z - bettyhillport.jpg 40K
[DOC]Project Silverbug, US makes UFO's - Randall Whitcomb .doc 39K
[IMG]y - sds.jpg 37K
[IMG]z - Alien Skull - Brazil.jpg 36K
[DOC]Extraterrestrial Base On Earth - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.doc 35K
[IMG]z - Alien in the Gila National Forest, NM August 25, 1970.jpg 35K
[DOC]The Original MJ-12 Document.doc 35K
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[IMG]z - morrisspace180blowup.jpg 33K
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[PDF]How to Build a Flying Saucer - T. B. Pawlicki.pdf 28K
[PDF]Mexican Airforce Pilots Film UFOs - (Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press.).pdf 26K
[IMG]z - ww22.jpg 26K
[IMG]z - Stan Friedman.jpg 24K
[IMG]z - morrisspacedbl300.jpg 22K
[PDF]Townsend Brown and his Anti-Gravity Discs - Gaston Burridge.pdf 21K
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[IMG]y - ProjectBlueBook1976.jpg 21K
[PDF]Cometa Report - Mark Rodeghier 1999.pdf 20K
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[IMG]z - They Live - obey.jpg9.1K
[IMG]z - Stan Friedman 2.jpg8.8K
[DOC]The Condon Report, a Review.UFO.doc7.9K
[IMG]z - Alien - Derek Tyler.jpg7.9K
[IMG]z - Luis Garrone Cow, Vied.jpg7.8K
[IMG]z - Wes Penre - Alien Theories- Grey 6.jpg7.0K
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[TXT]The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook- A Defense Manual - Grant Murray, W. H. Mumfrey 2009 - README.txt1.5K
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