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[VID]The Great Global Warming Swindle 2007.avi896M
[VID]Merchants of Doubt; Global Warming - Frederick Singer, Naomi Oreskes, Jamy Ian Swiss, 2014.mp4751M
[VID]An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore 2006.avi700M
[VID]The Age Of Stupid; Global Change, Global Warming & Oil resources - Pete Postlethwaite, Jeh Wadia, Alvin DuVernay 2009.avi549M
[VID]The Dimming, Climate Engineering Documentary - Geoengineering Watch April 2022.mp4435M
[VID]Global Warming - Conspiracy.Theory.with.Jesse.Ventura 2009.avi338M
[VID]Climate Change, NO - An Evening with Lord Christopher Monckton.mp4303M
[VID]EVERYTHING on Climate-2024.mp4288M
[VID]Climate, The Truth 2024.mp4256M
[VID]Global Warming The Signs and the Science.mp4230M
[VID]No Climate Change or Ocean Acidity - Dr. Ishberg June 2017.mp4218M
[VID]Global Warming Is A blatant LIE - Don Easterbrook Jan 22 2017.mp4218M
[VID]Weather Warfare Guy Spills Beans on Hurricanes! They use lasers!.mp4193M
[VID]Climate Change - look at the evidence Aug 2023.mp4174M
[VID]Dane Wigington on the state of our Oceans, Weather & Climate - Chemtrails 2017.mp4115M
[VID]Weather As A Weapon 2019.mp4105M
[VID]How the Global Warming Scare Began - John March 12 2014.mp4104M
[VID]Dane Wigington and Mike Adams decode the Geoengineering - Sept 3 2022.mp4100M
[VID]How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium - Greg Reese Oct 2 2024.mp4 93M
[VID]I Was Wrong About Global Warming - Al Gore And David Wilcock.mp4 88M
[VID]Al Gore, I Was Wrong About Global Warming... _ Learn About It Jan 4 2017.mp4 88M
[VID]Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax - Ivan Giaever July 12 2015.mp4 76M
[VID]Nobel Laureate in Physics; Global Warming is Pseudoscience - Dec 2015.mp4 68M
[VID]An Inconvenient Truth; The Many Errors of 2023.mp4 62M
[PDF]Encyclopedia of World Climatology - John E. Oliver 2005.pdf 59M
[PDF]Quaternary Glaciations; Extent and Chronology, Part 1, Europe - J. Ehlers 2003.pdf 52M
[PDF]Paleoclimatology; Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary - Raymond S. Bradley 1999.pdf 43M
[PDF]Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments - Vivien Gornitz 2009.pdf 40M
[PDF]The Atmosphere - Camille Flammarion 1896 A.O.pdf 33M
[PDF]Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Vol. 1-3 - S. George Philander 2008.pdf 31M
[PDF]Loom of the Future - Trevor James Constable & Thomas J Brown.pdf 31M
[PDF]Hydrologic Analysis and Design - Richard H. McCuen 1998.pdf 31M
[PDF]Climate Change; In Context - Brenda Wilmoth Lerner 2008.pdf 30M
[PDF]The Rough Guide to Weather - Robert Henson 2007.pdf 25M
[PDF]Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change - Olav Slaymaker 2009.pdf 25M
[VID]Global warming Is a Blatant Lie _ this Short video proves it - May 3 2016 .mp4 25M
[PDF]Understanding Our Environment - An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry and Pollution - M. Harrison 1999.pdf 24M
[PDF]Renewable Energy and Climate Change - Volker Quaschning 2010.pdf 22M
[SND]Dane Wigington - GeoEngineering Disasters - rense_080522_hr2.mp3 22M
[PDF]Global Warming, Myth or Reality - Marcel Leroux 2005.pdf 21M
[SND]The GeoEngineered Polar Express - Dane Wigginton - rense 12 282022 hr3.mp3 21M
[PDF]The Weather Answer Book - Kevin Hile 2009.pdf 20M
[PDF]Facts on File Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate - Michael Allaby 2007.pdf 20M
[PDF]Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate, Vol. 1-2, Malestrom - Michael Allaby 2007.pdf 20M
[PDF]The Role of the Sun in Climate Change - Douglas V. Hoyt 1997.pdf 17M
[PDF]Thunder and Lightning - Camille Flammarion 1905 A.O.pdf 17M
[VID]Tornado Delux 2017-06-13 - The last part is from a movie.mp4 15M
[PDF]Climate Change and Cultural Dynamics, A Global Perspective on Mid-Holocene Transitions - David G. Anderson 2007.pdf 14M
[PDF]Understand the Weather - Peter Inness 2010.pdf 14M
[PDF]Essentials of Meteorology An Invitation to the Atmosphere - 3rd Edi - C. Donald Ahrens.pdf 13M
[PDF]Weather and Climate; An Illustrated Guide to Science - The Diagram Group 2006.pdf 13M
[PDF]An Illustrated Guide to Science - Weather and Climate - The Diagram Group 2006.pdf 12M
[PDF]Weather and Climate - Britannica Illustrated Science Library 2008.pdf 12M
[PDF]Historical Perspectives on Climate Change - James Rodger Fleming 1998.pdf 11M
[PDF]Discovering the Earth; Atmosphere - Michael Allaby 2009.pdf 10M
[PDF]The Rough Guide to Climate Change - Robert Henson 2008.pdf 10M
[PDF]Climate Change Biology - Lee Hannah 2011.pdf9.4M
[PDF]Paleogeography Paleoclimate and Source Rocks - Alain-Yves Huc 1995.pdf9.3M
[PDF]Weather - Golden Nature Guides - Paul E. Lehr 1957.pdf8.9M
[PDF]Atmosphere, Weather and Climate - Roger G. Barry 2003.pdf8.5M
[PDF]Lights in the Sky, Astronomical and Meteorological Phenomena - Michael Maunder 2007.pdf8.3M
[PDF]Global Warming and Climate Change Demystified - Jerry Silver 2008.pdf6.6M
[PDF]The Handy Weather Answer Book - Kevin Hile 2009.pdf6.6M
[PDF]Environmental Change; Key Issues and Alternative Perspectives - Frank Oldfield 2005.pdf6.6M
[PDF]Precipitation; Science Matters.pdf6.5M
[PDF]Weather Engineering Ops Reports - Constable & Brown - old.pdf6.0M
[PDF]Climate Change; Environment and History of the Near East - Arie S. Issar 2007.pdf5.8M
[PDF]Climate Change in Prehistory; The End of the Reign of Chaos - William Burroughs 2005.pdf5.0M
[PDF]A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification - Homer E. Newell 1966.pdf3.9M
[PDF]Global Environmental Change - by Ronald E. Hester 2002.pdf3.6M
[PDF]Hydrology - H.M. Raghunath 2006.pdf3.6M
[PDF]Dynamic Meteorology - James R. Holton 2004.pdf3.5M
[PDF]Global Warming; A Very Short Introduction - Mark Maslin 2005.pdf3.4M
[VID]TENNIS BALL size Hailstones in Australia.mp43.0M
[PDF]Storms, Violent Winds, and Earth's Atmosphere - John P. Rafferty 2011.pdf3.0M
[   ]The Weather of the Future - Heidi Cullen 2010.epub2.8M
[PDF]Weather Modification; the Evolution of an R&D Program into a Weapon System.pdf2.8M
[PDF]The Lomborg Deception, Setting the Record Straight About Global Warming - Howard Friel 2010.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Planning For Climate Change - Simin Davoudi 2009.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Angels Don't Play This Haarp - Advances In Tesla Technology - Jeane Manning, Nick Begich 1996.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Leaked Copenhagen Climate Files 15-12-09.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Global Issues, Global Warming - Natalie Goldstein 2009.pdf2.5M
[PDF]There is NO Climate Emergency, 1841 Signatures Nov 2023.pdf2.5M
[PDF]The Greening - Larry H. Abraham 1990.pdf2.4M
[PDF]Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research - National Research Council.pdf2.3M
[PDF]Adaptation to Climate Change; Resilience to Transformation - Mark Pelling 2011.pdf2.2M
[PDF]Climate Action Plan Template; Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative, SEEC, 2010.pdf2.1M
[PDF]Meteorology Demystified - Stan Gibilisco 2006.pdf2.0M
[   ]Now or Never; Why We Must Act Now to End Climate Change - Tim Flannery 2009.mobi2.0M
[PDF]Under a Green Sky - Global Warming, the Mass Extinctions, Past, & Future - Peter D. Ward 2007.pdf1.9M
[   ]Hot, Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth - Mark Hertsgaard 2011.epub1.8M
[   ]The Worst Hard Time; The Great American Dust Bowl - Timothy Egan 2006.epub1.8M
[PDF]Dictionary of Weather and Climate - Jacqueline Smith 2006.pdf1.6M
[   ]With Speed and Violence; Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change - Fred Pearce 2007.epub1.6M
[PDF]Hydrology of Wadi Systems - Howard Wheater 2002.pdf1.6M
[PDF]Palaeoclimates and Palaeoenvironments; Eastern Mediterranean from 25,000 to 5000 years - Stuart A. Robinson 2006.pdf1.5M
[DOC]Indonesian Gov�t Rolls Oct Weather Modification Ahead of Peak of Dry Season June 2020.docx1.5M
[   ]Storms of My Grandchildren; Coming Climate Catastrophe; Last Chance to Save Humanity - James Hansen 2009.mobi1.5M
[PDF]Argument Against Global Warming - Erik Bays 2009.pdf1.5M
[PDF]Manual for Environmental Science and Engineering - P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai 2009.pdf1.4M
[   ]The Future; Six Drivers Of Global Change - Al Gore 2013.epub1.4M
[PDF]Development Policy as a Way to Manage Climate Change Risks - Earthscan 2008.pdf1.3M
[   ]Hot, Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth - Mark Hertsgaard 2011.mobi1.2M
[PDF]Climate Code Red, The Case for Emergency - David Spratt 2008.pdf1.2M
[PDF]Down to the Wire; Confronting Climate Collapse - David W. Orr 2009.pdf1.1M
[PDF]Hot, Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth - Mark Hertsgaard 2011.pdf1.0M
[PDF]With Speed and Violence; Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change - Fred Pearce 2007.pdf956K
[PDF]The Anatomy of a Con Job; Oil not Fossil Feul, No Climate Warming - John Truman Wolfe 2010.pdf810K
[   ]Storms of My Grandchildren; Coming Climate Catastrophe; Last Chance to Save Humanity - James Hansen 2009.epub739K
[   ]Adaptation to Climate Change; Resilience to Transformation - Mark Pelling 2011.mobi690K
[   ]Climate Code Red, The Case for Emergency - David Spratt 2008.mobi514K
[   ]Down to the Wire, Confronting Climate Collapse - David W. Orr 2009.mobi487K
[   ]Now or Never; Why We Must Act Now to End Climate Change - Tim Flannery 2009.epub469K
[   ]Adaptation to Climate Change; Resilience to Transformation - Mark Pelling 2011.epub450K
[PDF]Unlocking the ice house (Antarctica) - Alpha120 - Tim R. Naish.pdf444K
[   ]Climate Code Red, The Case for Emergency - David Spratt 2008.epub444K
[   ]The Lomborg Deception, Setting the Record Straight About Global Warming - Howard Friel 2010.mobi434K
[PDF]Pentagon Climate Wars - Peter Schwartz 2003.pdf433K
[PDF]An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security - Peter Schwartz 2003.pdf433K
[   ]Down to the Wire, Confronting Climate Collapse - David W. Orr 2009.epub345K
[   ]The Lomborg Deception, Setting the Record Straight About Global Warming - Howard Friel 2010.epub327K
[PDF]The President's Climate Action Plan - June 2013.pdf311K
[PDF]The Fraud of Global Warming - www.larouchepac.com - Laurence Hecht.pdf308K
[DOC]Is Global Warming Real - Jurgen Ankenbrand 2007.docx295K
[PDF]Global Warming, The truth Exposed - Christopeher Shaw 2007.pdf254K
[DOC]The Greening - Larry H. Abraham 1990.docx196K
[PDF]Weaponized Weather and Toxic Electronic Plagues - Dr. Bill Deagle Oct. 2011.pdf114K
[PDF]UN 1976 Weather Weapon Treaty.pdf106K
[DOC]The Oregon Petition - 31,487 Scientists signed this petition Lambasting the shoddy research behind Global Warming.docx100K
[DOC]Summer's Lease, Global Warming - J.R. Dunn.doc 66K
[IMG]z - Climitard defined.jpg 49K
[PDF]Malaysia to Battle Smog With Cyclones - Chen May Yee 1997.pdf 35K
[DOC]The Big Lie Of Global Warming - Timothy Ball 2007.docx 16K
[DOC]Climate Change and Global Warming, Past and Future Causes and Effects - Russell Whllie 2009.docx 15K
[DOC]Global Warming Threats to Himalayan Kingdom - Manish Gautam 2006.docx 15K
[DOC]Did Humans Cause Global Warming - Timothy Ball 2006.docx 14K