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The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Abetz, 46
Adler, 11
Aretz, 18

Bek, 133
Bergelson, 141-142
Berger, 49
Bormann, 27, 36, 37, 41, 70
Bouhler, 55, 56, 130
Brack, 55, 130
Brandt, 45,55,56,145,146
Broad, 113,115,119
Buber, 17
Bühler, 56,57
Burg, 108
Butz, 108

Christopherson, 108,110112
Coogan, 126

Dannecker, 8,13,16,23-25,28-34
Dibelius, 128
Diels, 7, 36, 60
Dietrich, 36, 69-72
Dubost, 122, 126

Eichmann, 6,8,1214,1621,23-35,43,45,46,51-57,60, 139,143,148,149
Evans, 125

Faurisson, 108
Feldscher, 55
Flesch, 15
Frank, 32, 36, 53, 56
Freytag, 7, 15
Frick, 5

Gerstein, 120-138
Gilbert, 38, 64
Globocnik, 22,52,53,55,56,58,61, 64,68, 120,121,130,131, 134,136,137
Glucks, 59
Goebbels, 1,2,4,26,38,68-70
Goering, 3,7,9,26, 28,44,48,50,51, 56,57,63,113,114
Goldman, 14
Grawitz, 135-137
Greiser, 53, 54
Grynszpan, 16,26
Gunther, 33,121,134
Gustloff, 5

Hagen, 8,12-30,33,34,46
Hasselbacher, 7
Haught, 25
Heckenholt, 135-138
Heerdtlinger, 111
Heimer, 17
Hess, 5
Herman, 118
Heydrich, 4,7,8,10,11,14,17,18, 20,22,24,27-29,31-35, 37,42,4447,50-59,61, 65,67,68
Himmler, 4,7,8,10,11,15,17,22, 36-38, 41,43-50,52-55, 57-65,70,130,134,135, 145, 146, 148,158,159
Hitler, 1-10,15,27,28,32,36-52, 55-57,61,63-65,69-72, 134,136,146,148,149
Hoess, 5,53,55,56,58,60,114,115
Hoettl, 139, 140
Horty, 70
Hossbach, 37

Joffroy, 125,126,133

Kaltenbrunner, 37, 63
Kasztner, 143,144
Kammler, 112
Keitel, 48
Kirschneck, 112
Knochen, 17,30,33,34
Kogon, 122
Korherr, 63-65, 139, 145,146,148-150,153-161
Krisshaber, 22
Krüger, 56,61

Lahousen, 45
Lammers, 48,58
Laval, 68
Lestchinsky, 139,140
Lewental, 119
Ley, 5
Linden, 121,131
Lischka, 7,15,16,29-31,33,34
Loesener, 25, 53-55
Luther, 33, 46, 57

Meyer, 57
Mildenstein, 8, 12
Mordowitz, 116
Müller, 11,53,55,159

Nebe, 11, 54
Neumann, 58
Niyszli, 119, 143, 145

Oberg, 68
Oberhauser, 137
Obermeyer, 121, 137
Ohlendorf, 47
Olden, 38
Otter, 121, 127

Pfannenstiel, 121,131,136
Picker, 36,41
Pohl, 60,61
Poliakov, 124,127,128,140
Polkes, 18,19
Prüfer, 112

Rasch, 54
Rassinier, 107,115,120,122-126, 128-137,140-143,145, 150,154,158
Rath, 26,28
Reichenau, 48
Reitlinger, 140
Ribbentrop, 4,45,46,57,70
Roeder, 108
Röhm, 37
Rosenberg, 4,19,44,47,48
Rosin, 116
Rothfelds, 122
Rousset, 126
Rublee, 4

Schacht, 4
Scheidel, 108
Schellenberg, 30,44
Schirach, 37, 63
Schlegel, 108
Schroeder, 8,12,19
Schwarz, 24
Seyss-Inquart, 32
Speer, 6
Stahlecker, 21
Streicher, 4,12,17,25,71
Stroop, 156
Stuckart, 55

Thomas, 49

Vallat, 46,
Veesenmayer, 144,145
Vrba, 116,117

Wetzler, 116
Winter, 14
Wirth, 121,130,132,135-137
Wisliceny, 8,12,18,19,30,139,140
Wolff, 45,61


The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Last modified: April 27, 2008
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