Puritanisme the mother, sinne the daughter 1633
A briefe treatise of mathematicall phisicke 1598 (added to F. Wither's transl. of C. Dariot's Breefe introd.)
A discourse concerning the drayning of fennes and surrounded grounds in Norfolke, etc. 1629
—another ed., entitled The drayner confirmed 1647
Aristotle's Rhetoric tr. 1686 (1693)
Alcilia: Philoparthens loving folly 1595 (1613, 1879; in Arber, Eng. Garner IV)
The compleat collier 1708 (1845)
The times' whistle 1616 (E.E.T.S. 1871)
The art of complaisance; or the means to oblige in conversation 1673
See European Organization for Nuclear Research
See Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Action Front 1916
Doing their bit: war work at home 1916
The Old Contemptibles 1919
The Creoles of Louisiana 1884
The grandissimes: a story of Creole life 1880
Madame Delphine 1881
Old Creole days 1879 (1883)
A sermon of the nature of conscience 1621
A Quaker grandmother 1896
R. von Jaksch's Clinical diagnosis tr. 1890 (1899)
The postman always rings twice 1934
The bondman 1890
The Christian 1897
The Deemster 1887
The Little Man island 1894
The Manxman 1894
The scapegoat 1891
The shadow of a crime 1885
A son of Hagar 1886
A critical account of the philosophy of Kant 1877
The critical philosophy of Kant 1889
Fundamental ideas of Christianity 1892–96 (1899)
Introduction to the philosophy of religion 1880
Unbelief in the eighteenth century as contrasted with its earlier and later history 1881
Life and letters. By Alex. R. MacEwen (1895)
Sermons preached upon several occasions a 1686 (1687)
The doctrine of the bodies fragility; a sermon preached 19 Oct. 1654 1655
An indictment against England, because of her self-murdering divisions 1645
A caveat against new prophets 1708
Travels in South America 1819–21 1825
A Berwickshire bard: the songs and poems of R. M. C. 1897
History of the Kirk of Scotland a 1651 (1678; Wodrow Soc. 1842–49)
Handbook of moral philosophy 1872 (1878)
The relations of mind and brain 1879
A journey in England, Holland, and the Low Countries 1756 (Coltness collections p. 103– , Maitland Cl. 1842)
Letters and journals from England, Holland, and the Low Countries 1756 (1884)
A comparative grammar of the Dravidian, or South Indian, family of languages 1856 (1875)
Schopenhauer's system in its philosophical significance 1896
An aunswere to (John Martiall's) treatise of the crosse 1565 (Parker Soc. 1846)
Works a 1850 (1863, 1874)
Publications in geography 1913–
The biology of the protozoa 1926
Protozoa in biological research 1941
A dissertation upon dislocations and fractures of the clavicle and shoulder-joint 1846 (1849)
His reading upon the statute of 23 Hen. VIII cap. 5, of sewers 1622 (1647)
Power from the sea: the search for North Sea oil and gas 1973
Reports of speciall cases, touching severall customs and liberties of the City of London 1655 (1670)
Fly leaves 1871 (1903)
Verses and translations 1862
Dyeing and calico printing a 1873 (1875)
It's different abroad 1963
A nice friendly town 1967
The poison chasers 1971
Account of the war in India 1761
The Scribleriad: an heroic poem 1751
—(ed. 3 of Vols. I–II) ed. I. E. S. Edwards et al. 1970–7
Annales. The true and royal history of Elizabeth, Queene of England tr. 1625–28; tr. by R. N(orton) 1635 (1675)
Britannia siue florentissimorum regnorum, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ chorographica descriptio 1586; tr. by P. Holland 1610
Camdeni et illustrium virorum ad eum epistolæ 1585–1619 (1691)
Remaines of a greater worke concerning Britaine 1605 (1614, 1623, 1629, 1637)
The new North: being some account of a woman's journey through Canada to the Arctic 1909
The biochemistry of medicine 1933
eds. Computers and Old English concordances 1970
Willie Gavin, crofter man: portrait of a vanished lifestyle 1980
Football without a coach 1920
A journey from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain 1802
Lexiphanes; a dialogue imitated from Lucian 1767 (1774)
Nests and eggs of Australian birds 1901
Observations on the typhus fever 1785
A practical text-book of inorganic chemistry 1849
A dictionary of the military science 1830
Dearlove: the history of her summer's makebelieve 1906
The four Gospels, translated from the Greek, with preliminary dissertations and notes 1789
The philosophy of rhetoric 1776
White and black: outcome of visit to U.S. 1879
Darkness and daylight; or, Lights and shadows of New York life 1891
Love-letters of Mary Queen of Scots 1824
Broken record 1934
Collected poems 3 vols. 1949–60
The flaming terrapin 1924
Flowering rifle 1939
The Georgiad 1931
Light on a dark horse 1951
Lorca: an appreciation of his poetry 1952
Mithraic emblems 1936
Poems 1930
tr. Poems of Baudelaire 1952
Portugal 1957
Talking Bronco 1946
The wayzgoose 1928
The fisheries of China 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)
Memoirs, written by himself 1832
Balmerino and its Abbey 1867
A political survey of Great Britain 1774
Travels in South Africa 1815–22
Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal 1845–47 (1856–57)
Life, consisting of a selection from his autobiography, diary, and letters. Edited by his daughter, the Hon. Mrs. Hardcastle (1881)
Frost and fire, natural engines, etc. 1865
Popular tales of the West Highlands 1860–62
The life of James Clerk Maxwell: with a selection from his correspondence and occasional writings, and a sketch of his contributions to science 1882
Diary of a visit to England in 1775 ed. J. L. Clifford 1947
A philosophical survey of the south of Ireland (anon.) 1777 (1778)
Strictures on the ecclesiastical and literary history of Ireland 1789
Poetical works a 1844 (1860, 1907)
The battle of the Baltic 1804–05
The exile of Erin 1800
Gertrude of Wyoming 1809
Hohenlinden 1801
The pilgrim of Glencoe 1842
The pleasures of hope 1799
The power of Russia 1831
Reullura 1824
Theodric 1824
Life in Normandy 1848 (1863)
The correct card; or how to play at whist 1876 (1880)
tr. A. Schweitzer's On the edge of the primeval forest 1922
A historie of Ireland 1571 (in Holinshed's Chron. 1587; Ware 1633)
Works a 1619 (1889, 1909)
Observations in the art of English poesie 1602 (Haslewood 1815; in G. G. Smith, Eliz. Crit. Ess. 1904)
Two books of ayres; being songs without accompanyments 1610; the third and fourth books of ayres 1612 (in Arber, Eng. Garner III).
Fisheries fact sheet 1973–
Reports of progress (later Annual reports) 1857–1906
Official report of debates 1870–
The unveiling of Lhasa 1905
Words for murder perhaps 1971
Fables for parents 1937 (UK 1938)
Understood Betsy 1917 (UK 1922)
A maid of the frontier 1898
All is discovered 1962
And all I learned 1951
And be a villain 1958
High table 1931
Little I understood 1948
Long shadows 1955
Murder included 1950
No walls of jasper 1930
A necessitie of separation from the Church of England, prooved by the nonconformists principles 1634 (1849)
A translation of Anti-Lucretius 1766
Speeches a 1827 (1828)
See also Anti-Jacobin; Microcosm
Flight of the grey goose 1973
The great affair 1970
The melting man 1968
The python project 1967
Queen's pawn 1969
The rainbird pattern 1972
The whip hand 1965
A sermon preached after the renovation of the National Covenant and celebration of the Lord's Supper at Glasgow 1638 (1727)
Biochemistry 1954
—(ed. 4) 1967
Tentations: their nature, danger, cure 1633 (1655)
Remains, being an appendix to his excellent treatise of tentations a 1656 (1658)
Mr. W. Shakespeare his Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies republished (with) notes, critical and explanatory, and various readings 1760–68
Two tables elucidating the sounds of letters 1749
Simiomata: a Greek note book, 1944–1945 1946
Ballads and songs 1858
Poems 1856
The chronicle of England 1460 (Rolls series 1858)
Lives of St. Augustine and St. Gilbert of Sempringham c 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1910)
The life of St. Katharine of Alexandria c 1440 (E.E.T.S. 1893)
See also Bridget
The grass harp 1951 (UK 1952)
In cold blood: a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences 1965 (UK 1966)
The life of Robert lord Clive, baron Plassey 1775
Autobiography 1947
Close of play 1956
Days in the sun: a cricketer's journal 1924
Documentary annals of the reformed church of England; being a collection of injunctions, declarations, orders, etc. from 1546 to 1716 (1839)
An Apology for the life of, 1749 (1763)
Many years, many girls 1967
The tragedie of Mariam, the faire queene of Iewry 1613
No. 747: being the autobiography of a gipsy 1891
Black Midas 1958
The wild coast 1958
Epistle on the excellency of the English tongue ? 1595–96 (1602; in G. G. Smith, Eliz. Crit. Ess. 1904)
Estienne's World of wonders tr. 1607
A herrings tayle 1598
Huarte's Examination of men's wits tr. 1594 (1616)
The survey of Cornwall 1602
Tasso's Godfrey of Bulloigne tr. 1594 (1881)
lum Britanicum. A masque at White-Hall 1634
Poems a 1639 (1640, 1651, 1824)
Every man his own stock-broker; or, a complete guide to the public funds 1820
Poems on several occasions 1713, 1720, 1729
The ballad of Sally in our alley (in 1729 ed. of prec.; in Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
Chrononhotonthologos: the most tragical tragedy that ever was tragediz'd by any company of tragedians 1734
Hanging and marriage; or, the dead-man's wedding 1722
Memoirs, written by himself a 1639 (1759)
Passage perilous 1903
Uncle Max 1887
The deserving favourite 1629
Letters from and to Sir D. C. during his embassy in Holland 1616–20 (1757)
Jurisdiction regall, episcopall, papall 1610
Fardorougha the miser 1839
Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry 1830–33 (1843)
A discourse, wherein is plainly proued..that Peter was neuer at Rome (by R. T., i.e. C. Carlile) 1572
Evolution in the microbial world 1974 (24th Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology)
Diary in Turkish and Greek waters 1854
Hawaii: a natural history 1970
The gene: a critical history 1966
The new purchase, or seven and a half years in the Far West 1843
Autobiography a 1805 (1860)
Early letters 18.. (1889)
Letters and memorials a 1866 (1883)
Works v.d. (1872)
Critical and miscellaneous essays v.d. (1839, 1840, 1847, 1857)
ed. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches 1845
Essay on chartism 1839
The French Revolution 1837
German romance 1827
Goethe's Wilhelm Meister tr. 1824
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history 1840
Historical sketches of persons and events in the reigns of James I and Charles I a 1881 (1898)
History of Friedrich II, called the Great 1858–65
Inaugural address, Edinburgh 1866
E. Irving 1866 (in Remin.: see below)
Latter-day pamphlets 1850
Letters 18.. (ed. C. E. Norton, 1886, 1888)
The life of John Sterling 1851
The life of Friedrich Schiller 1825
Past and present 1843
Reminiscences 1832–67 (1881)
Sartor resartus 1833–34 (1838, etc.)
Tales by Musæus, Tieck, Richter tr. 1827
Early years and late reflections 1836–58
Chemical constitution and properties of engineering materials 1949
Domestic manners and social condition of the white, coloured, and negro population of the West Indies 1833
Naked to the grave 1972
The seeds of hate 1960
Too late for tears 1973
Introduction to the theory of groups of finite order 1937
Meaning and necessity: a study in semantics and modal logic 1947
Practical game preserving 1884
Practical trapping 1880
Publications 1902–
Year-book 1902–
A letter to the rev. Dr. Benj. Pratt 1707
The biology of insects 1928
The plaine mans spirituall plough 1607
Schelomonocham, or King Solomon his solace 1606
An ecological glossary 1938
Tiele's (C. P.) Outlines of the history of religion tr. 1877
Life in inland waters 1928
Achitophel; or, the picture of a wicked politician 1629
Geography delineated forth in two bookes 1625 (1635)
Lectures on mollusca; or ‘shell-fish’ and their allies 1860 (in Rep. Smithsonian Inst.)
Greek sculpture: a critical review 1960
Christ's larumbell of love resounded 1616
The conscionable christian 1623
A pastorall charge 1616
The soules sentinel 1612
Astrology proved harmless, usefull, pious 1657
Experience, historie, and divinitie 1642
A new play call'd the pragmatical Jesuit new-leven'd 1660
Christianity according to S. Luke 1919
Animal physiology 1848
Manual of physiology 1851
The microscope and its revelations 1856
Principles of general and comparative physiology 1839
Principles of human physiology 1844
Principles of mental physiology 1874
Vegetable physiology 1858
Zoology 1847
Lectures on preaching 1894 (1895)
Permanent elements of religion 1887 (1889)
A treatise on the manufacture of soap and candles, lubricants and glycerine 1885
The arm of the Lord 1899
Cottage folk 1897
Margaret Maliphant 1889
A history of Soviet Russia:
The Bolshevik revolution, 1917–1923 3 vols. 1950–3
The interregnum, 1923–1924 1954
Socialism in one country, 1924–1926 3 vols. 1958–64
Foundations of a planned economy, 1926–1929 by E. H. Carr & R. W. Davies 3 vols. 1969–71
A synopsis of elementary results in pure and applied mathematics 2 parts 1880–6
Caledonian sketches, or a tour through Scotland 1807
Below suspicion 1949 (UK 1950)
The travellours guide, and historians faithful companion 1695
The dialect of Craven, in the West-Riding of the County of York (anon.) 1824, 1828
A survey of the social structure of England and Wales, as illustrated by statistics 1927
Great dishes of the world 1963
Journal during his mission to Canada 1776 (in B. Mayer, Memoir 1845)
The study of language 1953
The American Heritage word frequency book 1971
Alice's adventures in Wonderland 1865
The game of logic 1887
The hunting of the snark 1876
Sylvie and Bruno 1889
Sylvie and Bruno concluded 1893
Through the looking-glass 1871
Cornflake crusade 1957 (UK 1959)
Silent spring 1962 (UK 1963)
Coins: ancient, mediaeval & modern 1962
A collection of original letters and papers concerning the affairs of England, from the year 1641 to 1660 found among the Duke of Ormonde's papers v.d. (1739)
A general history of England to 1654 1747–55
An history of the life of James, Duke of Ormonde, 1610–88 1735–36
Algarotti's (F.) Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy explain'd tr. 1739 (1742)
A series of letters between Mrs. E. Carter and Miss Cath. Talbot 1741–70 (1809)
Memoirs of the life of Mrs. E. C. with a new edition of her poems. To which are added some miscellaneous essays, etc. By M. Pennington 17.. (1808)
The nail hit on the head 1644
A plaine and compendious exposition of Christs sermon in the mount 1627
The wheel turned by a voice from the throne of glory 1647
ABC for book-collectors 1952
—(ed. 3) 1961
Honor redivivus; or the analysis of honor and armory 1655 (1680)
Mr. Campion's falcon 1970
Mr. Campion's farthing 1969
Certamen religiosum 1651
Exceptions against a writing of Rich. Baxters in answer to some animadversions upon his aphorismes a 1658 (1675)
A journal of transactions and events, during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the coast of Labrador 3 vols. 1792
Chapters in the history of Yorkshire: a collection of letters, papers, etc., with notes 1872
The preachers travels: wherein is set downe a true journall to the East Indies 1611
Madame; A life of Henrietta, daughter of Charles I, Duchess of Orleans 1894
Autobiography of a backwoods preacher 1856
A confutation of the Rhemists translation, glosses, and annotations on the New Testament a 1603 (1618)
A Replye to an Answere made of M. Doctor Whitegift 1573
Comedies, tragi-comedies, with other poems a 1643 (1651)
The lady-errant 1641
The ordinary c 1634 (1651; in Hazl. Dodsley)
The royal slave 1639
The Kentuckian in New York; or, The adventures of three Southerns 2 vols. 1834
Travels through the interior parts of North America in 1766, etc. 1778
A treatise on the culture of the tobacco plant 1779
Miss Seeton sings 1973 (UK 1974)
History of the Church of England 1829–33 (1849)
Ballads, lyrics and hymns 1865 (1876)
Pictures of country life 1859 (1876)
The African witch 1936
Aissa saved 1932
An American visitor 1933
The captive and the free 1959
Castle Corner 1938
Except the Lord 1953
Herself surprised 1941
Mister Johnson 1939
A physician's phylactic, against a lawyer's venefic 1706
Memorials of the great civil war in England, 1646–52 1842
Aristophanes, Birds tr. 1824
Dante tr. 1805–12
Discourse of the infallibilitie of the Church of Rome a 1643 (1646)
Trivial poems, and triolets. Written in obedience to Mrs. Tomkin's commands 1651 (1820)
Palæologia chronica; or a chronological account of ancient time 1677
An exposition upon the book of Job 1644–66
The nature, solemnity, grounds, etc. of a sacred covenant 1643
ed. Jet aircraft power systems: principles and maintenance 1950
Of credulity and incredulity in things divine and spiritual 1670
The originall cause of temporall evils 1645
A treatise concerning enthusiasme 1655
The praise of musicke (anon.) 1586
Gods rising, his enemies scattering 1644
Pulp and paper 2 vols. 1952
Spherical trigonometry, geodesy, and astronomy 1889
Notes on the ventilation of textile factories (Read before Society of Dyers and colourists) c 1890
Lives of the bishops of Bath and Wells 1829
Supplementary volume 1902
Supernatural religion (anon.) 1874–77
Jamaica talk: three hundred years of the English language in Jamaica 1961
eds. Dictionary of Jamaican English 1967
—(ed. 2) 1980
The masque of Mary, and other poems 1858
A treatise on the deluge and structure of the earth 1761
The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands 1731–48 (1754)
Death comes for the Archbishop 1927
Illustrations of the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians 1841 (1844)
Illusion and reality 1937
The dictionary of needlework 1882
Memoirs of the wars of the Cevennes 1726
A complete treatise of electricity in theory and practice 1777
The inspiration of the Old Testament inductively considered 1888
The scriptural doctrine of sacrifice 1877
A dissertation concerning the government of the ancient church by bishops, metropolitans and patriarchs 1683
Ecclesiastici; or a history of the most eminent Fathers of the Church in the fourth century 1682
Primitive Christianity 1672
The world viewed: reflections on the ontology of film 1971
The principles of whist 1862 (1870, 1879)
Billiards 1872
Works a 1562 (1825)
The life of Cardinal Wolsey a 1562 (1825; Kelmscott Press 1893)
The country captaine; a comoedye 1649
A new method and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, etc. 1667
The varietie; a comoedy 1649
Humilitie, the saints liverie 1624
Three sermons 1641
A table alphabeticall of English wordes 1604 (1613)
The philosophy of science 1965
Abelard and Heloise 1746
The perjured lovers 1736
Poems a 1761 (1790, 1810)
A sermon preach'd before the burgesses of Westminster 1745
The life and death of T. C. with severall of his speeches and letters while in exile. To which is annexed a sermon preached by him not long after the beheading of his Majesty a 1659 (1662)
The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, of Auyan, Alfonse, and Poge tr. 1484 (1889)
The arte and crafte to knowe well to dye tr. 1490
Blanchardyn and Eglantine tr. 1489 (E.E.T.S. 1890)
The book of curtesye 1477–78 (E.E.T.S. 1868, (–82)
Caton tr. 1483
The lyf of Charles the Grete tr. 1485 (E.E.T.S. 1881)
The game and playe of the chesse 1474 (1883)
The cronicles of englond 1480 (1482, 1520)
The Curial made by maystre Alain Charretier tr. 1484 (E.E.T.S. 1888)
Dialogues in French and English c 1483 (E.E.T.S. 1900)
The discripcion of Britayne 1480
The boke yf (= of) Eneydos tr. 1490 (E.E.T.S. 1890)
The book of fayttes of armes and of chyualrye tr. 1489
The foure sonnes of Aymon tr. c 1489 (E.E.T.S. 1884)
Geoffroi de la Tour l'Andri (the knyght of the toure) tr. 1483
Godeffroy of Boloyne tr. 1481 (E.E.T.S. 1893)
The golden legende tr. 1483
The historie of Jason tr. c 1477 (E.E.T.S. 1913)
The mirrour of the world tr. 1481 (E.E.T.S. 1913)
The book of the ordre of chyualry tr. 1484
Six bookes of Metamorphoses of Ovyde tr. 1480 (Roxb. Cl. 1819)
Thystorye of the knyght Parys and the fayr Vyenne tr. 1485 (1868)
The recuyell of the historyes of Troye tr. 1471 (Sommer 1894)
The historye of reynart the foxe tr. 1481 (Percy Soc. 1844; Arber 1880)
The ryall book tr. 1484
Vitas patrum tr. 1491 (W. de Worde 1495)
The lyf of saynt Wenefryde tr. 1485
The collected mathematical papers a 1895 (1889–98)
Two quiet lives: Dorothy Osborne, Thomas Gray 1948
Heroines in love 1750–1974 1974
The secret correspondence of Sir R. C. with James VI, King of Scotland a 1612 (1766)
The execution of iustice in England for maintenaunce of publique and christian peace, against certeine stirrers of sedition, without any persecution of them for questions of religion 1583 (1675)
Works a 1722 (1760–61, 1872)
The basset-table 1706
A bold stroke for a wife 1717
The busie body 1708
Love at a venture 1706
Love's contrivance 1703
The perjur'd husband 1700