The schoole of vertue and booke of good nourture for chyldren and youth to learne theyr dutie by, by F. S. 1557 (Babees book, E.E.T.S. 1868)
Hermann's (J. G. J.) Elements of the doctrine of metres abridged and tr. 1830
A supplement to Dr. Johnson's Dictionary 1819
An analysis of the Greek metres 1784 (1802)
The bomb that could lip-read 1974
The battle of the bays 1897
In cap and bells 1899
Athanasia; or foregleams of immortality 1858
The fourth gospel the heart of Christ 1872 (1874)
Regeneration 1853 (1873)
Sermons and songs of the christian life 1874
A manual of marine engineering 1883
A manual of fret cutting and wood carving 1875
Observations on hawking 1826
Lectures on the catechism of the church of England c 1735 (1769)
Sermons on several subjects a 1768 (1770–71)
The nonsuch professor in his meridian splendor (sermons) 1660
A detection and querimonie of the daily enormities and abuses committed in physick 1566
A student's text-book of zoology 1898
Claus' (C.) Elementary textbook of zoology tr. 1884–85
The little French girl 1924
Hope Leslie; or early times in the Massachusetts 1827 (1872)
Letters from abroad to kindred at home 1841
The Linwoods; or sixty years since in America 1835
Live and let live 1837 (1873)
The anatomy of secret sins (sermons) a 1658 (1660)
Christ's counsell to his languishing church of Sardis 1640
England's preservation (a sermon) 1642
Works a 1701 (1722, 1778)
Bellamira, or the mistress, a comedy 1687
The mulberry garden, a comedy 1668
The English village community examined in its relations to the manorial and tribal systems 1883 (1884)
The Oxford reformers of 1498 (Colet, Erasmus, More) 1867
A history of British birds 1883–85
Siberia in Asia 1882
Ecce homo; a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ (anon.) 1865 (1866)
The expansion of England 1883
Lectures and essays 1869 (1870)
The life and times of Stein 1878
Natural religion 1882
A short history of Napoleon the first 1886
Honor, military and civill 1602
Experimental nuclear physics 3 vols. 1953–9
The Black forest, its people and legends 1879
Augustus; or an essay of those means..whereby the commonwealth of Rome was alter'd..unto a monarchy 1632
The Bengali inheritance 1975
The psychology of religion 1924
The book of praise, from the best English hymn writers. Selected 1862 (1865)
Memorials a 1895 (1896–98)
London by night, a drama a 1863 (1886)
A history of British forest-trees 1842
Illustrations of British ornithology 1825–33
The duello or single combat 1610
England's Epinomis a 1654 (Tracts 1683; 1726)
The historie of tithes 1618
Illustrations (to Drayton's Poly-olbion) 1612
Table-talk a 1654 (1689; Arber)
Titles of honor 1614
Discourse of the government of England See
Bacon, N.)
The trades man's help. An introduction to arithmetick 1694
Everyman's dictionary of economics 1965
The horseman's encyclopedia 1946
Recollections and impressions 1907
African nature notes and reminiscences 1908
A hunter's wanderings in Africa 1881
Travel and adventure in south-east Africa 1893
An abridgment of the law of Nisi prius 1808 (1817)
The natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life 1879 (1881)
A pick-tooth for the pope, or the pack-mans paternoster tr. out of Dutch a 1625 (1669)
Sacrilege sacredly handled, that is, according to scripture onely 1619
The Sempill ballates, a series of..Scotish poems ascribed to Robert Sempill 1567–83, to which are added poems by Sir J. Semple of Beltrees 1598–1610 (1872)
A treatise on building in water 1776
Memoirs on diphtheria. Selected and tr. 1859 (New Syd. Soc.)
tr. Colette's Chéri, and The last of Chéri 1951
Historical and philosophical essays a 1864 (1865)
The new century cookery book: practical gastronomy and recherché cookery 1901
The marine steam engine, a treatise 1882
An account of the chapter erected by William, titular bishop of Chalcedon 1706 (1853)
The history of monastical conventions, by J. S. (? J. Sergeant) 1686
A letter of thanks to Mr. J. T(illotson) 1666
Schism dispach't, or a the replies of Dr. Hammond and the lord of Derry, by S. W. (i.e. J. Sergeant) 1657
Solid philosophy asserted against the fancies of the Ideists 1697
Sure-footing in christianity, or rational discourses on the rule of faith, by J. S. 1665
Transnatural philosophy, by J. S. 1700
White's (T.) Peripateticall institutions tr. (? by J. Sergeant) 1656
The president's plane is missing 1967 (UK 1968)
Modern genetics 3 vols. 1965–8
The life and recollections of Doctor Duguid (a novel) 1887
Thir notandums 1890
Ballads of a cheechako 1909 (UK 1910)
Ploughman of the moon: an adventure into memory 1945 (UK 1946)
Rhymes of a rolling stone 1912 (UK 1913)
Songs of a sourdough 1907 (UK 1908)
The trail of '98: a northland romance 1910 (UK 1911)
1. The whole proceedings of the Sessions of the Peace, and Oyer and Terminer for the City of London and County of Middlesex 1730–1824
2. Sessions' paper..held at the Justice Hall, in the Old Bailey 1825–33
3. Central Criminal Court Minutes 1835–1913
Scottish philosophy, a comparison of the Scottish and German answers to Hume 1885
Trail of an artist-naturalist 1940
The Marquess Cornwallis (Rulers of India) 1890
ed. Selections from Calcutta gazettes of the years 1784–1823 (1864–69)
Italy from liberalism to fascism, 1870–1925 1967
Eusebia triumphans, The Hannover succession to the imperial crown of England 1702 (1705)
Reflections on several of Mr. Dryden's plays 1687
The seven sages, in English verse c 1425 (Percy Soc. 1845)
Diary 1674–1729 (1878–82)
Letter-book 1686–1729 (Collections of Mass. Hist. Soc. 1886)
Diary, 1797–1846 ed. J. Goodell 1930
Letters 1784–1807 (1811)
Memoir of the life of Dr. Darwin 1804
Poetical works a 1809 (1810)
Anecdotes of some distinguished persons 1795–97
A tour to Yordes cave 1801
—(A dialogue from the above, in Nine specimens, E.D.S. 1896)
The history of the..Quakers a 1720 (1722, 1795)
A large dictionary English and Dutch 1708 (1766)
A new dictionary English and Dutch 1691
Black Beauty: the autobiography of a horse 1877
Rugby football up to date 1921
Amy Herbert, by a lady 1844
Cleeve Hall 1855
A glimpse of the world 1863
Ursula, a tale of country life 1858
The tragedy of Richard I a 1726 (1728)
Amateur film-making 1938
—(ed. 2) 1951
The domestic virtues and manners of the Greeks and Romans (Oxford prize essay) 1828
Hawkstone; a tale of and for England in 184– 1845 (1846)
Bullion and foreign exchanges theoretically and practically considered 1868
Thoughts on the nature and treatment of several severe diseases of the human body 1847
The court gamester 1719 (1720)
—The compleat gamester 1720 (1734)
South: the story of Shackleton's last expedition, 1914–1917 1919
Hosius' (S.) A most excellent treatise of the begynnyng of heresyes in oure tyme tr...and intituled by him, The hatchet of heresies 1565
Among the cinders 1965
The New Zealanders: a sequence of stories 1959
Strangers and journeys 1972
The fair Quaker of Deal, or, the humours of the navy, a comedy (anon.) 1710
The humours of the army, a comedy 1713
The dramatic works a 1692 (1720)
The amorous bigotte 1690
Bury-fair 1689
Epsom Wells 1672 (1673)
Fountain's (J.) Royal shepherdess 1669
The humorists 1670 (1671)
The Lancashire-witches, and Tegue ODivelly, the Irish priest 1682
The libertine 1676
The medal of John Bayes: a satyr against folly and knavery 1682
The miser 1672
The scowrers 1691
The squire of Alsatia 1688
The sullen lovers, or the impertinents 1668
The tenth satyr of Juvenal tr. 1687
The true widow 1679
The virtuoso 1676
The volunteers, or the stock-jobbers a 1692 (1693)
The woman-captain 1680
A seasonable speech made by a worthy member of parliament in the House of Commons, concerning the other House, March, 1659 1659 (Harl. Misc.)
Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times (anon.) 1711 (1737)
A letter concerning enthusiasm (anon.) 1708
The moralists, a philosophical rhapsody (anon.) 1709
Soliloquy; or advice to an author (anon.) 1710
Diary a 1885 (in E. Hodder, Life 1886)
Aspects of poetry 1881
Culture and religion in some of their relations 1870
Robert Burns (English men of letters) 1879
Comedies, histories & tragedies a 1616 (First folio 1623)
—The Cambridge Shakespeare (1863–66, 1891–93)
—The Globe edition (1866)
Alls well, that ends well 1601
The tragedie of Anthonie, and Cleopatra 1606
As you like it 1600
The comedie of errors 1590
The tragedy of Coriolanus 1607
The tragedie of Cymbeline 1611
The tragedie of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke 1602
—The tragicall historie of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke (1603, 1604)
The first part of Henry the fourth 1596
—The history of Henrie the fourth (1598)
The second part of Henry the fourth 1597
—The second part of Henrie the fourth (1600)
The life of Henry the fift 1599
—The cronicle history of Henry the fift (1600, 1619)
The first part of Henry the sixt 1591
—The second part 1593
—The third part 1593
The famous history of the life of king Henry the eight 1613
The life and death of king Iohn 1595
The tragedie of Ivlivs Cæsar 1601
The tragedie of king Lear 1605
—His true chronicle historie of the life and death of king Lear and his three daughters (1608)
A louers complaint 1597 (at end of Sonnets 1609)
Loues labour's lost 1588
—A pleasant conceited comedie called Loues labors lost (1598)
Lucrece 1593 (1594; The rape of Lucrece 1616)
The tragedie of Macbeth 1605
Measure for measure 1603
The merchant of Venice 1596
—The most excellent historie of the merchant of Venice (1600, 1619)
The merry wiues of Windsor 1598
—A most pleasaunt and excellent conceited comedie, of Syr Iohn Falstaffe and the merrie wiues of Windsor (1602)
A midsommer nights dreame 1590 (also 1600, 1619)
Much adoe about nothing 1599 (also 1600)
The tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice 1604 (also 1622)
The late and much admired play, called Pericles, prince of Tyre 1608 (1609)
The ph
nix and the turtle 1601 (in R. Chester's Loves martyr, repr. New Shaks. Soc. 1878)
The life and death of king Richard the second 1593
—The tragedie of king Richard the second (1597)
The tragedy of Richard the third 1594 (also 1597)
The tragedie of Romeo and Ivliet 1592
—An excellent conceited tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet (1597, 1599)
Sonnets c 1600 (1609)
The taming of the shrew 1596
The tempest 1610
The life of Tymon of Athens 1607
The lamentable tragedy of Titus Andronicus 1588
—The most lamentable Romaine tragedie of Titus Andronicus (1594)
The tragedie of Troylus and Cressida 1606
—The historie of Troylus and Cresseida (1609)
Twelfe night, or what you will 1601
The two gentlemen of Verona 1591
Venus and Adonis 1592 (1593)
The winters tale 1611
The passionate pilgrime 1599
Publications (1841–53)
Papers (1844–49)
The Templars' trials 1888
The life of General Sir E. B. Hamley 1895
Semiotic approaches to psychiatry 1970
Some peculiarities of speech in Mississippi 1893
Murder with love 1971 (UK 1972)
No holiday for crime 1973 (UK 1974)
Rain with violence 1967 (UK 1969)
The ringer 1971 (UK 1972)
Unexpected death 1970 (UK 1971)
With a vengeance 1966 (UK 1968)
eds. Hear me talkin' to ya: the story of jazz by the men who made it 1955
A place of many winds 1960
The voyages and adventures of Capt. B. Sharp and others in the south sea 1684 (Collection of voyages IV, 1729)
Chronicon mirabile; or extracts from parish registers (anon.) 1841
Introduction to cytology 1921
—(ed. 3) 1934
Cluny Brown 1944
The gipsy in the parlour 1954
The nutmeg tree 1937
Something light 1960
A treatise on the operations of surgery 1739
A dissertation on the pageants or dramatic mysteries anciently performed at Coventry 1825
D. G. Rossetti, a record and a study 1882
ed. Sonnets of this century 1886
ed. A ballad book 1823 (1880)
Letters a 1851 (1888)
Sharpe of the Flying Squad 1938
Chicago May: her story 1928
ed. Calendars of letter-books the Guildhall 1899–
London and the kingdom 1894–95
Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum 1874–88
A handbook to the birds of Great Britain (= Lloyd's Natural history, British birds) 1894–96
A history of the birds of Europe 1871–81
Egyptian inscriptions 1837–41
The history of Egypt under the Ptolemies 1838
—under the Romans 1842
—till the conquest by the Arabs 1846 (1859)
Rudiments of a vocabulary of Egyptian hieroglyphics 1837
Porterhouse blue 1974
Wilt 1976
The fleire (a comedy) 1607
Dictionary of cinematography and sound recording 1959
The history of the propagation and improvement of vegetables 1660
Personal memoirs and correspondence, comprising a narrative of the Portugal and Spain 1837
A monody to the memory of a young lady, with An evening address to a nightingale 1768
An introduction to electronics 1962
—(ed. 2) 1970
Lern yerself Scouse: how to talk proper in Liverpool 1966 (For Vol. 2
see ‘Lane, Linacre’
General zoology, or systematic natural history 1800–12
—continued by J. F. Stephens (1815–26)
Musei Leveriani explicatio, Anglica et Latina 1792–96
Vivarium naturæ..The naturalists' miscellany 1789–1813
Zoological lectures delivered at the Royal Institution 1809
A manual of electro-metallurgy 1842 (1844)
The admirable Bashville (in Cashel Byron's profession, rev. ed.) 1901
Androcles and the lion: a fable play 1914
The apple cart: a political extravaganza 1930
Back to Methuselah: a metabiological Pentateuch 1921
Bernard Shaw and Mrs. Patrick Campbell: their correspondence ed. A. Dent 1952
Buoyant billions 1949
Caesar and Cleopatra See Three plays for Puritans
Captain Brassbound's conversion See Three plays for Puritans
Collected letters ed. D. H. Laurence 1965–
The common sense of municipal trading 1904
The Dark Lady of the sonnets See Misalliance
The devil's disciple See Three plays for Puritans
The doctor's dilemma, Getting married, and The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet 1911
Everybody's political what's what? 1944
ed. Fabian essays in Socialism 1889
Fanny's first play See Misalliance
Geneva 1939
Getting married See The doctor's dilemma
Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, and Playlets of the War 1919
How to become a musical critic ed. D. H. Laurence 1960
In good King Charles's golden days 1939
The intelligent woman's guide to socialism and capitalism 1928
John Bull's other island 1904
Letters See Collected letters
Letters to Granville Barker ed. C. B. Purdom 1956
London music in 1888–89 as heard by Corno di Bassetto 1937
Man and superman 1903
The millionairess See The simpleton of the Unexpected Isles
Misalliance, The Dark Lady of the sonnets, and Fanny's first play. With a treatise on parents and childen 1914
On the rocks See Too true to be good
Our theatres in the Nineties: criticisms contributed week by week to The Saturday Review 3 vols. 1932
Peace Conference hints 1919
Pen portraits and reviews 1931
—(Standard ed.) 1932
The perfect Wagnerite 1898
Platform and pulpit ed. D. H. Laurence 1962
Plays: pleasant and unpleasant 1898
Pygmalion in Nash's magazine Nov.– Dec. 1914
—(combined ed. with Androcles and the lion and Overruled) 1916
The quintessence of Ibsenism 1891
—now completed to the death of Ibsen 1913
Saint Joan 1923 (1924)
The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet See The doctor's dilemma
The simpleton of the Unexpected Isles, The six of Calais, and The millionairess 1936
Three plays for Puritans (The devil's disciple, Caesar and Cleopatra, Captain Brassbound's conversion) 1901
To a young actress: letters to Molly Tompkins ed. P. Tompkins 1960
Too true to be good, Village wooing, and On the rocks 1934
Translations and tomfooleries 1926
What I really wrote about the War 1930
—(Standard ed.) 1931
Widowers' houses: a comedy 1893
A text-book of aeronautics 1919
Beggarman, thief 1977
Rich man, poor man 1970
The troubled air 1951
A country schoolmaster, James Shaw a 1896 (ed. R. Wallace 1899)
The history of the province of Moray 1775
—new ed. by J. F. S. Gordon (1882)
Bacon's (F.) Philosophical works methodized and made English 1733
Three essays in artificial philosophy or universal chemistry 1731
The Pauline epistles 1903
Travels, or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant 1738
—Suppl. 1746
The illustrated book of the dog 1879–81
A Galic and English dictionary 1780
Forecasting weather 1911
—(ed. 2) 1923
—(ed. 3) 1940
Manual of meteorology 3 vols. 1926–30
Newfoundland, its fisheries and general resources 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)
Transmission networks and wave filters 1930
Athletics and football (Badminton library) 1887 (1899)
Lydia, or filial piety 1755 (1769)
The marriage act (anon.) 1754
—(another ed.) Matrimony, a novel 1755 (1766)
Dogmatic theology 1889
A history of christian doctrine 1864
tr. K. W. J. H. Riemann's Dictionary of music 1893
Rhymes on art 1805 (1806)
My contemporaries (1830–70) 1893
Running and being: the total experience 1978
Works a 1721 (1723, 1753)
An essay on poetry (anon.) 1682
The life and death of..J. Renwick a 1700 (1724; Biographia presbyteriana 1827)
The great pebble affair 1976
The minstrelsy of the English border, being a collection of ballads 1847
A history of Deerfield, Massachusetts 1895–96 See also Temple, Josiah H.
Flaubert's (G.) Salammbô tr. 1886
The first sermon after his conversion, S. Martins in the field 1612
A survey of the miracles of the church of Rome, proving them to be Antichristian 1616
Five pious and learned discourses 1635
Bitumen (Shell Briefing Service) 1977
Information handbook, 1974–5 1974
Protecting the world's crops (Shell Briefing Service) 1977
Workshop appliances 1873 (1893)
Sentences and prose and verse 1712 (1730)
ed. Shelley memorials 1859
Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus 1818
Poetical works a 1822 (1853, 1882, 1904)
Prose works (1880, 1888)
Adonais, an elegy on the death of John Keats 1821
Alastor; or the spirit of solitude 1815
Calderon, Scenes from the Magico Prodigio of tr. 1822
The Cenci, a tragedy 1819
Charles the first 1821–22
The Cyclops, a satyric drama, tr. from Euripides 1819
Epipsychidion 1821
Essays, letters from abroad, translations and fragments a 1822 (1852)
Hellas, a lyrical drama 1821
Julian and Maddalo 1818
Laon and Cythna: see Revolt of Islam, below
Lines written among the Euganean hills 1818
The mask of anarchy 1819
Oedipus tyrannus; or Swellfoot the tyrant, a tragedy 1820
Peter Bell the third 1819
Prince Athanase 1817
Prometheus unbound, a lyrical drama 1820
Queen Mab, a philosophical poem 1813
The revolt of Islam (an ed. 1818 Laon and Cythna) 1817
Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue 1818
Select letters a 1822 (1882)
The witch of Atlas 1820
Letters ed. F. L. Jones 2 vols. 1964
Flowers by the wayside (poems) 1868
ed. Hepcats jive talk dictionary 1945
The salt-box house: eighteenth century life in a New England hill town 1900
Cervantes Saavedra's (M. de) History of Don Quixote 1612, 1620 (1652, 1746)
A voyage round the world 1726 (1757)
Siemienowicz' (C.) The great art of artillery tr. 1729
Tales, songs and miscellaneous poems..chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1831
Works in prose and verse (Elegies, Odes and other poems, Essays, Letters) a 1763 (1764–69, 1777)
Essays on men and manners a 1763
The judgment of Hercules, a poem (anon.) 1741
Poems upon several occasions 1737 (1798)
The school-mistress, a poem (anon.) 1742
The elements of inorganic chemistry 1900
The methods of glass blowing 1886 (1889)
Treatise on mineralogy 1832–35
The clear sun-shine of the gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New-England 1648
The military aeroplane 1941
Guéranger's (P. L. P.) The liturgical year tr. 1867–79
Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep 1884
Charles Auchester, a memorial (anon.) 1853
The fall of Rome and the rise of the new nationalities 1861
Taman indera: a royal pleasure ground. Malay decorative arts and pastimes 1972
Before an audience; or the use of the will in public speaking 1886
Photo-chemistry 1914
Investigations on the theory of the photographic process 1907
Dictionary of railway slang 1965
—(ed. 2) 1966
The faithful councellor 1651–54
A daughter of the south and other poems 1889
Coluthus' Rape of Hellen tr. 1651
Salmacis, Lyrian and Sylvia..with several other poems and translations 1651 (Chalmers 1810)
The sphere of M. Manilius made an English poem 1675
At home and in India 1882 (1883)
The conjurer's daughter, a tale 1880
Notes and reflections during a ramble in Germany (anon.) 1826
Sketches of India (anon.) 1821
tr. J. Lacan's Écrits 1977
Betsy Sheridan's journal: letters from Sheridan's sister, 1784–1786 and 1788–1790 ed. W. LeFanu 1960
The history of Nourjahad a 1766 (1767)
Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph 1761–66 (1761–67)
Dramatic works a 1816 (1840, 1848)
Plays as he wrote them (1902)
The critic, or a tragedy rehearsed 1779
The duenna 1775 (1783)
Pizarro (adapted from Kotzebue) 1799
The rivals 1775
St. Patrick's day 1775
The school for scandal 1777
(The stranger (from Kotzebue) 1798)
A trip to Scarborough 1777
Letters etc. a 1738 (Swift's works)
The satyrs of Persius tr. 1728 (1739)
British education 1756 (1769)
A general dictionary of the English language 1780
—A complete dictionary of the English language 1789
Lectures on the art of reading 1775
The life of Dr. Jonathan Swift 1784
The psychology of social norms 1936
His relation of his travels into Persia 1613
Sermons (various) a 1761
Several discourses preached at the Temple church 1754–58 (1759)
The tryal of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus 1729
The use and intent of prophecy in the several ages of the world, in six discourses 1725
A practical discourse concerning death 1689
A practical discourse concerning a future judgment 1692
Two Victorian girls: with extracts from the Hall diaries ed. A. R. Mills 1966
The integrative action of the nervous system 1906
A treatise of the figures of grammar and rhetorike 1555
A treatise of schemes and tropes c 1550
A gazetteer of the State of Georgia 1827
The history of the Fairchild family 1813 (1818–47)
The history of Henry Milner, a little boy 1822–36
The history of little Henry and his bearer 1810 (1832)
The history of Susan Grey 1801
The lady and her ayah c 1813 (1816)
The lady of the manor 1823–29
Stories explanatory of the church catechism c 1813 (1822)
Oxford rowing, a history of boat-racing at Oxford 1900
A prehistory of Slavic: the historical phonology of common Slavic 1965
The final philosophy, or system of perfectible knowledge, issuing from the harmony of science and religion 1877
Faithful contendings displayed, being an historical relation of the state..of the suffering remnant of the church of Scotland (1681–91) c 1691 (1780)
The life and sayings of Mrs. Partington 1854
Letters and papers 1447–50 (Camden Soc. 1871)
ed. A glossary of ecclesiastical terms 1872
Henry the third of France stabb'd by a fryer, a tragedy 1678
Memoirs of the extraordinary military career of J. Shipp,..written by himself 1829
Moderation display'd, a poem (anon.) 1704
The campanologia, or universal instructor in the art of ringing 1813–16
The martyr'd souldier, a tragedy a 1627 (1638; Bullen, Old plays I, 1882)
Dramatic works a 1666 (1833)
Andromana, or the merchant's wife, by J. S. (? Shirley) 1660 (Dodsley)
The ball 1632 (1639)
The bird in a cage 1633
The brothers 1626 (1652)
(Captain Underwit: see Newcastle, 1st Duke of)
The cardinal 1641 (1652)
Changes: or Love in a maze 1632
A contention for honour and riches 1632 (1633)
The coronation 1635 (Beaumont and Fletcher 1679)
The court secret 1653
The gamester 1633 (1637)
The gentleman of Venice 1639 (1655)
Hide park 1632 (1637, 1660)
Honour and mammon 1659
Love tricks: see Schoole, below
Loves crueltie 1640
The maides revenge 1639
The opportunitie 1634 (1640)
Poems 1646
St. Patrick for Ireland 1640
The schoole of complement 1631
—(another ed.) Love tricks, or the school of complements (1667)
The sisters 1642 (1652)
The traytor 1631 (1635)
The triumph of peace 1633 (1634)
The wedding 1626 (1629, 1660)
The wittie faire one 1628 (1633)
A..cronycle of the dethe and false murdure of James Stewarde, kyng of Scotys tr. 1440 (1818)
The triumph of wit 1688 (1707)
A letter to..the Duke of Newcastle, with a journal of the siege of Louisburg 1746
General view of the agriculture of the Orkney islands 1814
—of the Shetland islands 1814
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1790
tr. I. Titsingh's Illustrations of Japan 1822
Klaproth's (H. J. von) Travels in the Caucasus and Georgia tr. 1814
Poems c 1315 (Percy Soc. 1849; E.E.T.S. 1902)
Embroidery and fabric collage 1967
Medicina Britannica: or a treatise on such physical plants as are generally to be found in the fields and gardens in Great Britain 1747
The Countess Eve (a novel) 1888
John Inglesant, a romance 1880 (1881)
Sir Percival, a story of the past and of the present 1886
Electronic communication 1959
The history and antiquities of Rochester and its environs (anon.) 1772
British bees 1866
Burmeister's (H.) Manual of entomology 1836
The sacred and prophane history of the world connected 1728–37
—The creation and fall of man, a supplemental discourse 1753
Barefoot boy with cheek 1943
Modern dance: techniques and teaching 1949
Cambini's (A.) Two very notable commentaries of the originall of the Turcks tr. 1562
The first and chief groundes of architecture 1563
Judgement and mercy (sermons) a 1643 (1645)
Sarah and Hagar: or Genesis the sixteenth chapter opened in xix. sermons 1641–42 (1649)
Beyond the black stump 1956
The chequer board 1947
The far country 1952
In the wet 1953
Landfall 1940
Lonely road 1932
No highway 1948
On the beach 1957
Pastoral 1944
Pied piper 1942
The rainbow and the rose 1958
Requiem for a Wren 1955
Round the bend 1951
Ruined city 1938
A town like Alice 1950
Trustee from the toolroom 1960
Chronicle of Scottish poetry, which is added a glossary 1802
The description of the isles of Orknay and Zetland 1711
The history ancient and modern of..Fife and Kinross 1710 (also 1803)
Scotia illustrata, sive prodromus historiæ naturalis Scotiæ 1684
Complete works a 1635 (Grosart 1862–63)
A conference between Christ and Mary a 1635 (1656)
Key to physic and the occult science of astrology a 1800
History of the war in France and Belgium in 1815 1844
The great African island; chapters on Madagascar 1880
Madagascar and its people 1870
Apostolike obedience, a sermon 1627
The Penguin book of wines 1965
Agnes and Leonora, a novel 1799
The maid, wife, and widow, a tale 1806
Les reports des divers special cases argue et adjuge en le court del bank le roy etc. 1683–84 (1714)
Henry Sidgwick: a memoir 1906
Sack and sugar 1926
Victorian 1922
The methods of ethics 1874
The principles of political economy 1883
The chemical elements and their compounds 2 vols. 1950
The electronic theory of valency 1927
Works a 1683 (1772)
Discourses concerning government a 1683 (1704)
Works a 1586 (1724–25; Miscellaneous works 1829; Complete poems, Grosart 1877)
An apologie for poetrie (1598 ed. of the Arcadia The defence of poesie) a 1586 (1595; Arber)
The countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia a 1586 (1590, 1598, 1621, 1629; Sommer 1891; Feuillerat 1912–22)
Astrophel and Stella a 1586 (1591; edd. of the Arcadia)
Mornay's (P. de) Woorke concerning the trewnesse of the christian religion tr. (begun by Sir P. Sidney and finished by A. Golding) (1587, 1592, 1617)
The psalmes of David tr. (begun by Sir P. Sidney i–xliii, and finished by his sister, the Countess of Pembroke) (1823)
(Valour anatomized in a fancie 1581 (1651))
Wanstead masque, The lady of May 1578 (in Arcadia 1605– ; J. Nichols, Progr. Eliz. II, 1823)
In British Malaya to-day 1927
The book of the horse 1875 (1898)
Memoir and letters of F. W. Newman 1909