The knave in graine, new vampt, a witty comedy 1640
Columna's (F.) Hypnerotomachia; the strife of loue in a dreame tr. 1592 (also 1890)
Audiguier's (V. d') Tragi-comicall history of our times under the borrowed names of Lisander and Calista tr. 1627
Comenius' (J. A.) Janua linguarum reserata; the gate of languages unlocked 1650
Paracelsus his dispensatory and chirurgery tr. 1656
An assize sermon 1618
A Christian turn'd Turke (a tragedy) 1612
The libertine 1807
Zofloya or the Moor: a romance of the fifteenth century 1806
Machiavel's (N.) Discourses upon..Livius tr. 1636
Machiavel's (N.) Prince tr. 1640 (1644)
The art of water-drawing 1660
tr. E. Schneider-Leyer's Dogs of the world 1964
The unification of Greece, 1770–1923 1972
The march of the Ten Thousand, a translation of the Anabasis..of Xenophon 1901
Mayroyd of Mytholm, a romance of the fells 1888
Other people 1964
A spring of love 1960
Noah's ark, a tale of the Norfolk broads 1890
Baldeschi's (J.) Ceremonial according to the Roman rite tr. 1853
The atonement 1874 (1875)
Discourses delivered on special occasions 1866
The Jewish temple and the Christian church 1865 (1877)
Nine lectures on preaching 1877 (1878)
Sermons on the ten commandments 1871
Week-day sermons 1867 (1870)
Pharmacologia, seu manuductio ad materiam medicam 1693 (1710); Suppl. 1695
Didascalocophus, or the deaf and dumb man's tutor 1680
Alaska and its resources 1870
On the remains of later pre-historic man obtained from caves in the Catherina archipelago 1878
Tribes of the extreme Northwest 1877
Diary 1599–1600 (Early voyages and travels in the Levant, Hakluyt Soc. 1893)
Reports of cases..adjudged in the courts of Pennsylvania, etc. 1790–1807
Kettner's book of the table; a manual of cookery 1877
System of stiles c 1680 (1697)
Inquiries into the origin and progress of heraldry in England (Appendix..The third part of the Boke of St. Albans 1486) 1793
Observations on English architecture 1806
Of statuary and sculpture 1816
A handbook of coniferæ, including ginkgoaceæ 1923
A method for trauell 1598
Oriental repertory 1793–1808
Annals of Scotland 1776, 1779
Disquisitions concerning the antiquities of the christian church 1783
Glossary (of Scottish words) c 1776
Remains of christian antiquity 1776–80
Leslie's (Bp. J.) Historie of Scotland tr. 1596 (S.T.S. 1888)
The decisions of the Lords of Council and Session 1683
The institutions of the law of Scotland 1681, 1693
Collections concerning the Scottish history 1705
Letter to the admiralty 1795
Observations on his yeast-cake c 1796
Travels through Spain and Portugal 1777
Descriptive ethnology of Bengal 1872
The history of British Guiana 1855
Meteorological observations and essays 1793 (1834)
The countrey justice, conteyning the practise of the justices of the peace out of their sessions 1618 (1630)
The office and authoritie of sheriffs 1623 (1628)
Digging, squatting and pioneering life in the northern territory of South Australia 1887
The changing world of the Ice Age 1934
Igneous rocks and the depths of the earth 1933
The darker superstitions of Scotland 1834
ed. Fragments of Scottish history (1798)
British dogs 1879–80
The diseases of dogs 1874 (1893)
A new voyage round the world (Voyages and descriptions, A voyage to New Holland) 1697, 1699, 1703–09 (1729)
Geographical sketches on the western country 1819
ed. J. D. Dana's System of mineralogy 1892 (1899)
A text-book of mineralogy 1877 (1898)
Corals and coral islands 1872
Crustacea 1852 (U.S. exploring expedition XIII)
The elements of geology 1862
Geology 1849 (U.S. exploring expedition X)
Manual of geology 1863 (1880)
Manual of mineralogy 1851 (ed. 4)
Manual of mineralogy and lithology 1878 (1882)
A system of mineralogy 1837 (1854, 1868, 1883)
Zoophytes 1846–48 (U.S. exploring expedition VIII)
The buccaneer and other poems 1844
The seaman's manual 1841
Two years before the mast 1840 (1841)
The historie of P. de Commines tr. 1596 (1614)
eds. The international encyclopaedia of dogs 1971
Analysis of the game of chess 1819 (1832)
Chess analysed 1750 (1773)
Studies of chess 1808 (1817)
Poems a 1657 (Grosart 1878)
Eclesiasticus: or the wisedome of Iesus the son of Syrach paraphrased 1639
Idyllia a 1653
Trinarchodia (Richard the second, Henry the fourth, Henry the fifth) 1649
A hundred years of archaeology 1950
Poems 1592–1611 (Works 1603, 1623, 1717)
The first fowre bookes of the civile warres betweene the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke (the fyft book) 1595
—The civile wares..corrected and continued 1609
The collection of the historie of England 1613–18 (1626)
The complaint of Rosamond 1592
A defence of ryme ?1603 (Haslewood 1815; G. G. Smith, Elizabethan critical essays II, 1904)
Delia, contayning certaine sonnets 1592 (Arber, Eng. Garner III)
Hymens triumph 1615
The queenes arcadia 1605 (1606)
The tragedie of Cleopatra 1594
The tragedie of Philotas 1605
Physics for students of medicine 1896
A text-book of the principles of physics 1884
An encyclopædia or dictionary of music 1825
The craftsman: being a critique on the times 1726
Jules Verne's Fur country tr. 1879
tr. A. von Buzágh's Colloid systems 1937
Camilla, or a picture of youth 1796
Cecilia, or memoirs of an heiress 1782
Diary and letters 17.. (1842, 1876, 1891)
The early diary of Frances Burney 1768–78 (1889)
Evelina, or the history of a young lady's entrance into the world 1778
Journals and letters ed. J. Hemlow et al. 1972–
The wanderer; or female difficulties 1814
The originall of idolatries, or the birth of heresies 1624
Zeller's (E.) Contents and origin of the Acts of the apostles critically investigated tr. 1875–76
At freedom's door 1949
Wisdom and waste in the Punjab village 1934
Cytology 1965
Recent advances in cytology 1932
The elements of genetics 1949
Zoogeography: the geographical distribution of animals 1957
The folk-speech of South Cheshire 1887 (E.D.S.)
American weeds and useful plants 1847 (1860)
A detection of that sinnful, lying, shamful and ridiculous Discours of S. Harshnet 1600
A true relation of the strange..vexation by the devil of seven persons etc. 1600
A gentleman instructed in the conduct of a virtuous and happy life (anon.) 1704 (1713, 1716)
A glossary of words used in the county of Wiltshire 1893 (E.D.S.)
The descent of man and selection in relation to sex 1871
The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species 1877
The effects of cross and self-fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom 1876
The expression of the emotions in man and animals 1872
The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms (= Earth-worms) 1881
Geological observations on the volcanic islands visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle 1844
Geology 1851–59 (Manual of scientific enquiry 1859)
Insectivorous plants 1875
Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of the Beagle (= Voy. Nat.) 1839 (1845, 1852, 1879)
On the various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects 1862
On the origin of species by means of natural selection 1859
The variation of animals and plants under domestication 1868
The power of movement in plants 1880
The botanic garden; a poem in two parts (I. The economy of vegetation, 1791. II. The loves of the plants, 1789) 1791
Zoonomia, or the laws of organic life 1794–96 (1801, 1802)
Scientific papers (1907–11)
Asbjörnsen (P. C.) and Moe's (J.) Popular tales from the Norse tr. 1859
Half a life 1874
Jest and earnest 1863 (1874)
Thorgeirrson's (N.) Story of Burnt Njal tr. 1861
The vikings of the Baltic 1875
Plants and environment 1947
Essay on the trees and shrubs of the ancients 1865
An introduction to the atomic theory 1831 (1850)
Bullinger's (H.) Hundred sermons vpon the apocalips tr. 1561 (1573)
A famous cronicle of oure time called Sleidanes (J.) commentaries tr. 1560
A discourse upon grants and resumptions (anon.) 1700
Discourses on the publick revenues 1698
An essay upon the East India trade 1696
Essays upon the ballance of power etc. 1701
Works a 1668 (1673)
The cruell brother, a tragedy 1630
Declamations at Rutland House 1656–57 (Wks. 1673)
The fair favorite a 1668
Gondibert, an heroick poem 1651
Madagascar, and other poems 1638
The man's the master: a comedy a 1668 (1669)
The platonic lovers 1636
Poems a 1668 (Wks. 1673)
The siege of Rhodes 1656–59
The witts, a comedie 1636
Shakespeare's Tempest, or the enchanted island (altered) 1667 (1670)
The city night-cap 1661
A pleasant...comedy, called, a new tricke to cheat the divell 1639
A study of crystal structure and its applications 1934
A book of Mediterranean food 1950
—(another ed.) 1955
French country cooking 1951
French provincial cooking 1960
Italian food 1954
Buddhism: being a sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama the Buddha 1877
—(rev. ed.) 1894
The Hibbert lectures 1881
A diary of travels and adventures in upper India 1843
Thoughts on the seasons etc. partly in the Scottish dialect 1789
Memories of a long life 1890 (1893)
The animal kingdom, an elementary textbook in zoology 1870
A practical manual of house-painting etc. 1875
Inverurie and the earldom of the Garioch 1878
Ballads and songs 1894
Fleet street eclogues 1893, 1896
The works of Vergil tr. 1743 (1748)
A long way to Shiloh 1966
The night of Wenceslas 1960
The Rose of Tibet 1962
The canon of the Bible 1877
Gesenius' (F.H.W.) Hebrew grammar tr. 1846 (1852)
Technology of plastics: manufacture: structure: design 1949
The metric system 1871
Mathematical dictionary and cyclopædia of mathematical science 1857
Unorthodox London; or phases of religious life in the metropolis 1873–75 (1876)
A treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining 1880
Handling the big jets 1967
Illyrian venture: the story of the British military mission to enemy-occupied Albania, 1943–44 1952
Dartmoor days; or scenes in the forest, a poem 1863
A memoir of the Rev. J. Russell 1878 (1883)
The handbook to the rivers and broads of Norfolk and Suffolk 1882
Mountain, meadow and mere 1873
Norfolk broads and rivers 1883 (1884)
Works a 1626 (Grosart 1869–76)
A discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued 1612 (1747)
Historical tracts (concerning Ireland) 1607–13 (1787)
Hymns of Astr
a 1599 (Arber, Eng. Garner V)
Letters (observations) to the earl of Salisbury 1607–10 (1787)
Nosce teipsum. The oracle expounded in two elegies 1. of humane knowledge. 2. of the soule of man and the immortalitie thereof (= Immort. Soul) 1599 (Arber, Eng. Garner V)
Orchestra, or a poeme on dauncing 1596 (Arber, Eng. Garner V)
Speech to the Lord Deputy of Ireland 1613 (1787)
Poetical works a 1618 (Grosart 1878)
The holy roode, or Christes crosse 1609
Humours heav'n on earth 1605 (1609)
Microcosmos: the discovery of the little world 1603
Mirum in modum 1602
The muses sacrifice 1612
The muses teares for the losse of Henry Prince of Wales 1613
The scourge of folly 1611
Summa totalis, or all in all 1607
Wittes pilgrimage ? 1605
The civil warres of Great Britain and Ireland 1661
The history of the Caribbee islands 1666
Olearius' (A.) Voyages and travels of the ambassadors the great Duke of Moscovy. Whereto are added the travels of (J. A. de) Mandelslo from Persia into the East-Indies tr. 1662
Edwards (H. M.) and Vavasseur's Manual of materia medica and pharmacy adapted to British practice 1831
The shadow before 1971
What did I do tomorrow? 1972
Athenæ Britannicæ, or a critical history of the Oxford and Cambridge writers and writings etc. 1715–16
Radio studies of the universe 1959
A supplementary English glossary 1881
Memoirs of the life of David Garrick 1780 (1781)
A true relation of the travailes and..captivitie of W. D. 1614
For the rest of our lives 1947
The gorse blooms pale 1947
ed. New Zealand short stories 1953
Not here, not now 1970
Roads from home 1949
The sullen bell 1956
The man in the queue 1929
Package and print: the development of container and label design 1967
The principles of nature 1847
Letters of Jack Downing, major, Downingville militia (anon.) 1834 (1835)
The marine and freshwater plankton 1955
ed. Narrative of the North Polar expedition, U.S. ship ‘Polaris’ 1876
The manufacture of leather 1885 (1897)
A practical treatise on the manufacture of bricks, tiles etc. 1884 (1895)
Practical microscopy 1882
The rise and fall of the Confederate government 1881
The seamans secrets 1594 (1607) the United States of America 1803
A dictionary of dairying 1950
—(ed. 2) 1955
The Neanderthal skull 1864
Human society 1949 (1948 = ‘preliminary ed.’)
eds. English and medieval studies presented to J. R. R. Tolkien on the occasion of his 70th birthday 1962
Principles of angiosperm taxonomy 1963
General view of the agriculture of the county of Wilts 1794 (1811, 1813)
A poetical rapsody, containing divers sonnets, odes, etc. 1602
Children of the dark people: an Australian folk tale 1936
Dusty: the story of a sheep dog 1946
Discourses on prophecy 1824
Leaves from a prison diary 1885
Textbook of general physiology 1951
Bourrit's (M. T.) Relation of a journey to the glaciers in..Savoy tr. 1775 (1776)
Elements of agricultural chemistry 1813
Elements of chemical philosophy 1812
Salmonia: or days of fly-fishing (anon.) 1828
The angler in the Lake district 1857
Historie and policie re-viewed in the transactions of..Oliver, late lord-protector, from his cradle to his tomb 1659
Paper and its uses: a treatise for printers, stationers and others 1914
Cave hunting; researches on the evidence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe 1874
Early man in Britain and his place in the tertiary period 1880
Philologia Anglicana: or a philological and synonymical dictionary of the English language 1806
Geography of the British colonies 1892
The age of the gods: a study in the origins of culture in prehistoric Europe and the ancient East 1928
The geological history of plants 1888
Life's dawn on earth 1875
Nature and the Bible 1875
The origin of the world according to revelation and science 1877
The story of the earth and man 1873 (1880)
The present state of Australia 1831
Hand-book for the Dominion of Canada 1884
The good huswifes jewell 1596
The English secretorie 1586 (1595, 1625)
The music and musical instruments of Southern India and the Deccan 1891
An introduction to paper: its manufacture and use 1962
The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland 1880–84
Indian fish and fishing 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature 1884)
Simon's (J. E.) Animal chemistry tr. 1845–46
Day's Dyall or his twelve howres 1612–13 (1614)
Day's Festivals or twelve of his sermons on the three chiefe festivals of the yeere 1610–15 (1615)
Works a 1640 (Bullen 1881)
The blind-beggar of Bednal-green c 1600 (1659)
Humour out of breath, a comedie 1608 (Halliwell 1860)
Ile of guls 1606
Law-trickes or who would have thought it 1608
The parliament of bees a 1640 (1641)
Peregrinatio scholastica or learneinges pillgrimage a 1640
The travailes of the three English brothers..Shirley 1607
A booke of christian prayers 1578 (Parker Soc. 1851)
The history of Sandford and Merton 1783–89
Tobacco tortured 1616
Dialogical discourses of spirits and divels 1601
Naturally occurring oxygen ring compounds 1963
ed. Pioneers of Canterbury: Deans letters, 1840–1854 1937
The parson's handbook 1899
—(ed. 13, by C. E. Pocknee) 1965
See: United States. Congress. Debates
A booke containing divers sortes of hands, as well the English as French secretarie with the Italian, Roman, chancelry and court hands 1571
Embryology and evolution 1930
Vertebrate zoology 1928
—(ed. 2) 1951
This boke sheweth the maner of measurynge of all maner of lande c 1537
tr. E. Mandel's Late capitalism 1975
Humane prudence, or the art by which a man may raise grandeur 1680 (1686)
Certayne causes gathered together, wherin is shewed the decaye of England, the great multitude of shepe 1550–53 (in Supplication for the beggers, E.E.T.S. 1871)
The decay of trade: a treatise against the abating of interest. By a well-wisher of the commonwealth 1641
The early records of the town of Dedham, Massachusetts ed. D. G. Hill 5 vols. 1886–99
Autobiographical tracts a 1608 (Chetham Soc. Miscellany 1851)
The compendious rehearsall 1592 (in Autob. tracts)
General and rare memorials pertayning to the perfecte arte of navigation 1577
A præface (to H. Billingsley's Euclid) specifying the chiefe sciences, what they are etc. 1570
The private diary 1554–61 a 1608 (Camden Soc. 1842)
A true and faithful relation of what passed between..J. D. and some spirits a 1608 (1627, 1659)
tr. Hsia Chih-yen's The coldest winter in Peking 1978
Kitty 1927
Roper's Row 1927
Second youth 1919
The secret sanctuary; or, The saving of John Stretton 1923
Sincerity 1912
Sorrell and son 1925
Three rooms 1924
An introduction to the rock-forming minerals 1966
Rock-forming minerals 5 vols. 1962–3
A defence of dramatick poetry, being a review of Mr. Collier's ‘View of the immorality and profaneness of the stage’ 1698
A defence of the ministers reasons 1607: see Hieron, S.
A defence of the rights and priviledges of the university of Oxford 1649 etc. (1690)
Defence of Dr. G. Walker. Mr. J. Mackenzyes narrative of the siege of London Derry, a false libel 1690
tr. E. Kraepelin's Clinical psychiatry: a text-book for students and physicians 1902
ed. Living with the computer 1971
A compleat English dictionary 1735
Works a 1731 (1840, 1841)
The complete English tradesman 1726 etc. (1732, 1745, 1841)
The double welcome, a poem to the duke of Marlborough 1705
The dyet of Poland, a satyr 1705
An essay on the history and reality of apparitions (= The secrets of the invisible world disclos'd or an universal history of apparitions) 1727 (1735, 1840)
The family instructor 1715 (1841)
The fortunes and misfortunes of Moll Flanders 1722
The history and remarkable life of Colonel Jacque (= Col. Jack) 1722 (1840)
A hymn to the pillory 1703
A hymn to victory 1704
A journal of the plague year 1722 (1754)
Jure divino, a satyr 1706
The life, adventures, and pyracies of the famous Captain Singleton 1720 (1840)
The life and strange adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1719 (1840, Globe 1873)
Memoirs of a Cavalier 1724 (1840)
Memoirs of the church of Scotland 1717
New discovery of an old intreague (anon.) 1691
The political history of the devil 1726 (1840)
Religious courtship 1722 (1840)
Serious reflections during the life..of Robinson Crusoe 1720
The shortest way with the dissenters 1702
A speech for Mr. D—ss (Dundas) of Arnistoun (anon.) 1711
Street-robberies consider'd 1728
A system of magick; or a history of the black art 1727 (1840)
The true-born Englishman 1700 (1701)
A new voyage round the world 1725 (1840)
The parson's counsellor, with the law of tithes and tithing 1676 (1703)
Billion-dollar brain 1966
An expensive place to die 1967
Funeral in Berlin 1964
Horse under water 1963
The Ipcress file 1962
Len Deighton's London dossier with contributions by A. Bailey et al. 1967
Only when I larf 1968
SS–GB 1978
Spy story 1974
Twinkle, twinkle, little spy 1976
XPD 1981
Yesterday's spy 1975
Zoology of New York, or the New York fauna 1842
International maritime dictionary 1948
The dramatic works a 1632 (1873)
The non-dramatic works (Grosart 1884–86)
The batchelars banquet (anon.) 1603
The belman of London bringing to light the most notorious villanies 1608
The dead tearme 1608
D. his dreame 1620
The guls horne-booke 1609 (1812)
The honest whore 1604 (The second part 1630)
If it be not good, the diuel is in it 1612
A knights conjuring, done in earnest (revision of Newes from hell) 1607
Lanthorne and candle-light, or the bell-mans second nightswalke 1608
Newes from hell; brought by the diuells carrier 1606
The owles almanacke (anon.) 1618
The pleasant comedie of old Fortunatus 1600
The ravens almanacke 1609
Satiro-mastix or the untrussing of the humorous poet 1602
The seuen deadly sinnes of London 1606 (Arber)
The shomakers holiday or the gentle craft 1600
A tragi-comedy: called Match mee in London 1623 (1631)
The whore of Babylon 1607
The wonderfull yeare 1603, wherein is shewed the picture of London lying sicke of the plague 1603
Patient Grissil, a comedy 1603 (Shaks. Soc. 1841)
North-ward hoe 1607 (D.'s works 1873)
The famous history of Sir Thomas Wyat 1607 (D.'s works 1873)
West-ward hoe c 1605 (1607, D.'s works 1873)
A geological manual 1831 (1832)
Mineralogy 1851–59 (in Manual of scientific enquiry, 1859)
Report on the geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West-Somerset 1839
Thank Heaven fasting 1932
The compleat horse-man and expert ferrier 1639 (1654, 1670)
Grammelogia; or the mathematicall ring 1630
The burning-glass, and other poems 1945
Collected stories for children 1947
The connoisseur, and other stories 1926
Crossings: a fairy play 1921
ed. Early one morning, in the spring: chapters on children and on childhood 1935
The fleeting, and other poems 1933
The listeners, and other poems 1912
The Lord Fish 1933
Memoirs of a midget 1921
Memory, and other poems 1938
Private view 1953
The riddle, and other stories 1923
Songs of childhood 1902
This year, next year 1937
The three mulla-mulgars 1910
The traveller 1946
The veil, and other poems 1921
The wind blows over 1936
Winged chariot 1951
The flower garden 1856 (1861)
The kitchen garden 1855 (1860)
The autobiography and correspondence 1779–88 (1861, 1862) Mrs. F. Hamilton 1779–88 (1820)
Diary a 1704 (Surtees Soc. 1870)
Finch's fortune 1931
Jalna 1927
The master of Jalna 1933
Whiteoak harvest 1936
Whiteoaks (US ed. with title Whiteoaks of Jalna) 1929
Young Renny 1935
The present state of London 1681 (1690)
An introduction to machine translation tr. by K. M. Delavenay and the author 1960
Du Moulin's (P.) Elements of logick tr. 1624
See Plat or
Platt, Sir H.
De Lisle's, F.’ (= L. Regnier de la Planche) Legendarie conteining an ample discourse of the life..of Charles cardinal of Lorraine and his brethren of the house of Guise tr. 1577
Nobody ordered wolves 1935
Right reformation, or the reformation of the church of the New Testament represented in gospell-light 1646
Sudden death 1972 (UK 1973)
The constitution of England, or an account of the English government 1775
The gentle craft 1597, a 1600
The pleasant historie of Iohn Winchcomb, in his yonguer yeares called Iack of Newbery 1597–1626
Thomas of Reading, or the sixe worthie yeomen of the west a 1600 (Thoms, Early prose romances I, 1828)
Christian polity 1936
Religion and the decline of capitalism 1952
The huntsman in his career 1949
D'Emillianne's, G.’ (= A. Gavin) The frauds of the Romish monks and priests tr. 1691
Observations on a journey to Naples tr. 1691
A budget of paradoxes a 1871 (1872)
An essay on probabilities 1838
Formal logic 1847
From matter to spirit 1863
Alice-for-short 1907
Joseph Vance 1906
The old madhouse (completed by M. E. De Morgan) 1919
The old man's youth and the young man's old age (completed by M. E. De Morgan) 1920 (UK 1921)
When ghost meets ghost 1914
Championship fighting 1950
An inquiry into the principles of political economy 1767
Cato Major or old age c 1650 (1669)
Coopers-Hill 1642 (1669, 1709)
The destruction of Troy, an essay upon the second book of Virgil's Æneis tr. 1636 (1656)
A dialogue between Sir J. Pooley and Mr. T. Killigrew a 1668
(Directions to a painter 1667 (1689))
Poems and translations 16.. (1668)
The progress of learning c 1650
The sophy (a tragedy) 1641
A collection of proverbs and popular sayings, relating to the seasons, the weather, and agricultural pursuits 1846 (Percy Soc.)
The D. tracts, a collection of folk-lore 1846–59 (1892–95)
Folk-lore; or a collection of local rhymes, proverbs, etc. relating to Northumberland etc. 1858
Folk-lore; or manners and customs of the north of England 1850–52
Astronomy without mathematics 1865 (1867)
A rudimentary treatise on clocks, watches, and bells 1850 (1860 etc.)
The heavenly banquet 1619 (1631)
Heauens joy for a sinners repentance, a sermon 1623
Cricket: sketches of the players 1846
The complete Boston [terrier] 1955
See History and antiquities of Rochester
The art and craft of cabinet-making 1891
The moods of Ginger Mick 1916
The songs of a sentimental bloke 1915 (1916 impression used)
The characters and conduct of Sir John Edgar 1720
The impartiall critick: or some observations upon ‘A short view of tragedy’ written by T. Rymer 1693 (also Spingarn 1909)
The monument, a poem 1702
A plot and no plot, a comedy 1697
The Orcadian sketch-book 1880
Fabrics and how to know them 1923
Pelecanicidium, or the christian adviser against self-murder (anon.) 1653
The secrets of angling, by J. D. 1613 (also in Arber, Eng. Garner I)
A descriptive dictionary of British Malaya 1804
The plaine mans path-way to heaven 1601 (1603)
Quantity surveying by computer 1964
A sermon against drunkennes 1628
A brief description of New York 1670 (1845)
Encounter at Kharmel 1971
Molecular reactions and photochemistry 1972
See Quatrefages de Bréau, J. L. A. de
Works a 1859 (1853–60, 1862–71, 1889–90)
Analects from J. P. Richter 1824
Autobiographic sketches 1834–53
The Cæsars 1832–34
Confessions of an opium-eater 1822–56
The English mail coach 1849
The Essenes 1840–59
On murder considered as one of the fine arts 1827
Recollections of the lakes and the lake poets 1839
The Spanish military nun 1847
On war 1854
De Quincey: his life and writings, by ‘H. A. Page’. (1877)
Homer's Iliad rendered into English blank verse 1864
Expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land 1390–91, 1392–93 (Camden Soc. 1894)
The artificial clock-maker, a treatise of watch and clock-work by W. D. 1696 (1700, 1759)
Astro-theology; or a demonstration of the being and attributes of God from a survey of the heavens 1714 (1715, 1769)
Physico-theology; or a demonstration of the being and attributes of God from his works of creation 1711–12 (1713)
xxvi lectures or readings upon part of the the Hebrews 1576
A collection of speeches in matters of religion 1642
A discourse of proper sacrifice, in way of answer to A.B.C. Jesuite 1644
The fower cardinal-vertues of a Carmelite fryar 1640 (1641)
Teaching English to immigrants 1966
The image of Ireland; a poem 1581 (1883)
A course of experimental philosophy 1734–44
Gauger's (N.) Fires improv'd: being a new method of building chimneys tr. 1715
Organic chemistry: the chemistry of the compounds of carbon 1936
The history of G. D., founded on facts which occurred in the East Indies 1821
A dictionary of cooking 1969
A return to nature, a Kentish idyll 1897
ed. Frontiers of jazz 1947
The lipids: their chemistry and biochemistry 3 vols. 1951–7
Literary remains a 1873 (1874)
Theory and design of television receivers 1951
Marxism in our time ed. T. Deutscher 1971 (UK 1972)
Stalin: a political biography 1949
Bushman Burke 1930
The butcher shop 1926
Dawn beloved 1928
Old savage, and other stories 1927
Poetical works 18.. (1884–98)
The legends of St. Patrick 1872
Picturesque sketches of Greece and Turkey 1850
Americanisms; the English of the New World 1871 (1872)
Across the wide Missouri 1947
Victorian advertisements 1968
The glory of the hummingbird 1974 (UK 1975)
The Mackerel plaza 1958
Caignart de Saulcy's (L. F. J.) Narrative of a journey round the Dead Sea 1853
Letters from an early settler of Texas ed. ‘C. Cordelle’ (E. C. Kimball) 1852
The autobiography and correspondence a 1650 (Halliwell 1845)
College life in the time of James the first, as illustrated by an unpublished diary of Sir S. D'E. 16.. (1851)
The journals of all the parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth a 1650 (1682)
Two speeches 1642
A lecture illustrative of the architecture of the human body etc. 1832 (1834)
The natural history of the order cetacea 1834
On the equator, by H. De W. 1882
Chronicon Salisburiensis monasterii a 1293 (Historiæ Anglicanæ scriptores quinque II. 1687)