The Latin poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes (c 1200). Appendix (containing translations and imitations) v.d. (Camden Soc. 1841)
A greene forest or a naturall historie, wherein may be seene..the most sufferaigne vertues in all..stones and mettals,..plantes, herbes..brute beastes etc. 1567
My friends the baboons [anon. tr.] 1939
A book of notes and common places with their expositions, collected and gathered out of the workes of divers singular writers 1581
A brief commentarie..upon the prophecy of Obadiah 1649 (1865)
A commentarie..upon the prophecies of Habakkuk 1650 (1865)
tr. K. D. Glinka's The great soil groups of the world and their development 1927
Language as a means of mental culture and international communication; or, manual of the teacher and the learner of languages 1853
Epithalamium Gallo-Britannicum 1625
The triumphs of king James I 1610
An essay on the chemical history and medical treatment of calculous disorders 1817
The seasons, stories for very young children 1832–33
On chronic alcoholic intoxication 1859 (1860)
A comparative grammar of the Anglo-saxon language 1870
Actions for sclaunder 1647
Radio telegraphy and telephony 1923
Minding the store: a memoir 1974 (UK 1975)
The other Victorians 1966
The prairie traveller: a handbook for overland expeditions 1859
Billiards 1844 (1849, 1858)
Anthropology 1911
ed. Anthropology and the classics: six lectures 1908
An introduction to polymer chemistry 1967
The clash of distant thunder 1968 (UK 1969)
Rise with the wind 1969
Wonderful balloon ascents [anon. tr.] 1870
Elements of law considered with reference to general jurisprudence 1871 (1874)
To an early grave 1964 (UK 1965)
The great frozen sea: a personal narrative of the voyage of the ‘Alert’ during the arctic exploration of 1875–76 1878
The life of the great Lord Fairfax 1870
ed. Narratives of the mission of G. Bogle to Tibet and of the journey of T. Manning to Lhasa 1876
Peruvian bark: a popular account of the introduction of chinchona cultivation into British India 1880
The book of honour, or five decads of epistles of honour 1625
Five decades of epistles of warre 1622
The art of archerie 1634
Cavelarice, or the English horseman: contayning all the arte of horsemanship etc. 1607 (1617)
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beastes and fowles etc. 1614 (1623)
Country contentments in two bookes: the first containing the whole art of riding great horses, etc.: the second intituled The English huswife 1615 (1631, 1649, 1668)
The country housewifes garden, together with the husbandry of bees, etc. 1617 (1623, 1648)
The dumbe knight, a historicall comedy by Jarvis M. (and L. Machin) 1608 (Dodsley)
The English husbandman 1613–15 (1635)
The English hus-wife (part of Country contentments) 1615
Estienne (C.) and Liebault's (J.) Maison rustique; or the countrey farme tr. (cf. Surflet, R.) and augmented 1616
Hungers prevention, or the whole arte of fowling by water and land 1621 (1655)
The inrichment of the weald of Kent, or a direction for the husbandman etc. 1625 (1631)
M.'s Farwell to husbandry, or the inriching of all sortes of barren and sterril grounds 1620 (1649)
M.'s maister-peece or what doth a horse-man lacke, containing all possible knowledge whatsoever which doth belong to any smith, farrier or horse-leech 1610 (1623)
—M.'s master-piece revived (1688)
The most honorable tragedie of Sir Richard Grinvile 1595 (Arber, The last fight of ‘The Revenge’ at sea)
The pleasures of princes or good mens recreations (part of The English husbandman) 1615 (1635)
The poem of poems or Sions muse, contayning the divine song of king Solomon, by I. M. 1595
A way to get wealth (re-issue of several of the above) 1631–38 (1648–49, 1660, 1688)
Skoda's (J.) Treatise on auscultation and percussion tr. 1853
Collector's choice 1972
The plastic age 1924
The dymaxion world of Buckminster Fuller 1960
Letters and despatches 1702–12 (1845)
—Catholike exposition uppon the two last epistles of John tr. 1578 (1580)
The flora of South Africa 4 vols. 1913–32
The famous tragedy of the rich Jew of Malta c 1592 (1633)
Hero and Leander (finished by G. Chapman) a 1593 (1598)
Lucan's First booke tr. a 1593 (1600)
The massacre at Paris 1592 (c 1600)
All Ovid's elegies a 1593 (c 1597)
Tamburlane the great (2 parts) 1586, –87 (1590)
The tragical history of Doctor Faustus c 1590 (1616)
The troublesome raigne and lamentable death of Edward the second a 1593 (1594)
The tragedie of Dido queene of Carthage a 1593 (1594)
The antiquary, a comedy 1636 (1641; Dodsley)
A fine companion, a comedy 1633
Hollands leaguer, an excellent comedy 1632
Public school slang 1940
University slang 1950
Hay any worke for Cooper 1589 (1844)
Oh read over D. John Bridges (preliminary Epistle to the terrible priests of the Confocation House) 1588 (1842)
Oh read over D. John Bridges..or an epitome of the fyrste booke..written against the Puritanes 1588 (1843)
Theses Martinianæ: that is, certaine demonstrative conclusions sette downe and collected by M. M. the great 1589 (1843–45)
See also
Almond 1590;
Harvey, R. 1589;
Mar-Martine 1589;
Martins months minde 1589;
Nashe, T. 1589;
Pappe with an hatchet 1589
H. M. Pulham, Esquire 1941 (UK 1942)
Wickford Point 1939
The peoples and policies of South Africa 1952
The marriage of wit and wisdom a 1590 (Shaks. Soc. 1846)
A sermon in commemoration of Mris. E. Dering 1641
The rights and privileges of both universities..defended 1769
Vestiarium christianum: the origin and gradual development of the dress of holy ministry in the church 1868
Hints to meteorological observers 1881
—(ed. 6) 1906
The blood of the vampire 1897
Open sesame 1875
Under the lilies and roses 1884
Mountains and molehills: or, recollections of a burnt journal 1855
The children of the New forest 1847 (1848)
A diary in America 1839
The dog-fiend See Snarleyyow, below
Frank Mildmay See Naval officer, below
Jacob Faithful 1834
Japhet in search of a father 1836
Joseph Rushbrook; or the poacher 1841
The king's own 1830
Masterman Ready; or the wreck of the Pacific 1841
Mr. Midshipman Easy 1836
Narrative of the travels and adventures of Monsieur Violet in California etc. 1843 (1873)
The naval officer; or scenes and adventures in the life of Frank Mildmay 1829
Newton Forster; or the merchant service 1832
Olla podrida (Diary on the continent 1835–37, etc.) (1840)
The pacha of many tales 1835
Percival Keene 1842
Peter Simple 1834 (1863)
The phantom ship 1839
The pirate, and the three cutters 1836
The poacher See Joseph Rushbrook, above
Poor Jack 1840
Snarleyyow; or the dog-fiend 1837 (1840)
Valerie, an autobiography 1847 (1849)
Collections towards a history of pottery and porcelain 1850
A history of pottery and porcelain 1857 (1868)
The history of the early puritans 1850 (1853)
ed. Select pleas in the court of admiralty (1390–1404, 1527–45, 1547–1602) (Selden Soc. 1894–97)
The history of Sumatra 1783
Emilia Wyndham; a novel 1846
Evelyn Marston 1856
Father Darcy 1846
Ravenscliffe 1851
Rupert Brooke: a memoir 1918
Lectures on the English language 1858–59 (1862)
An argument..of the great question concerning the militia, by J. M. (formerly ascribed to Milton) 1642
Self-smoothing fabrics 1962
Artists in crime 1938
Black as he's painted 1974
Colour scheme 1943
Dead water 1963 (UK 1964)
Death and the dancing footman 1941 (UK 1942)
Death in a white tie 1938
Death in ecstasy 1936
Death of a fool 1956 (UK ed. 1957 with title Off with his head)
Death of a peer 1940 (UK ed. 1941 with title Surfeit of Lampreys)
False scent 1959 (UK 1960)
Final curtain 1947
Grave mistake 1978
Hand in glove 1962
A man lay dead 1934
Off with his head See above: Death of a fool
Opening night 1951
Overture to death 1939
Singing in the shrouds 1958 (UK 1959)
Surfeit of Lampreys See above: Death of a peer
Swing, brother, swing 1949
Tied up in tinsel 1972
Vintage murder 1937
Meson physics 1952 (UK 1953)
Mrs. A. B. Marshall's cookery book 1888
—(‘tenth thousand’) 1889
Mrs. A. B. Marshall's larger cookery book of extra recipes 1892
Principles of economics 1890
George Brown's schooldays 1946
A plain and easy introduction to the knowledge and practice of gardening: with hints on fish-ponds 1796 (1813)
Memories of troublesome times 1880
Military miscellany, comprising a history of the recruiting of the army, military punishments, etc. 1846
Arbustrum Americanum: the American grove; or, An alphabetical catalogue of forest trees and shrubs, natives of the American United States 1785
The writings of J. Marshall upon the federal constitution a 1835 (1839)
Outlines of physiology, human and comparative 1867
The annals of tennis 1878
Tennis, rackets, fives 1890
Metal working tools and their uses 1902
A copy of a letter a friend 1643
A peace offering to God, a sermon 1641
A sacred panegyrick or a sermon of thanksgiving 1644
A sermon, Nov. 17, 1640 1641
An experiment in education 1963
Citizenship and social class, and other essays 1950
Through America; or nine months in the United States 1881
The gospel-mystery of sanctification opened in sundry discourses 1692 (1764, 1780)
A phrenologist among the Todas 1873
Minutes of agriculture made on a farm..near Croydon 1778
Planting and rural ornament (anon.) 1796
A review of the reports of the Board of agriculture from the northern (western etc.) department of England (5 parts) 1808–18
The rural economy of Glocestershire 1789 (1796)
—Provincialisms from the above (E.D.S. 1873)
The rural economy of the midland counties 1790 (1796)
—Provincialisms (E.D.S. 1873)
The rural economy of Norfolk 1787 (1795)
—Provincialisms (E.D.S. 1873)
The rural economy of the southern counties 1798
The rural economy of the west of England 1796
—Provincialisms (E.D.S. 1873)
The rural economy of Yorkshire 1788 (1796)
—Provincialisms (E.D.S. 1873)
Works v.d. (1633; also 1856, 1887)
The history of Antonio and Mellida 1600 (1602)
—(part 2) Antonios revenge 1600 (1602)
The Dutch courtezan, a comedy 1605
(The insatiate countess, a tragedie 1613)
The malcontent 1604
The metamorphosis of Pigmalions image; and certaine satyres 1598 (1764)
Parasitaster, or the fawne, a comedy 1606
The scourge of villanie, three books of satyres 1598 (1764)
—corrected, with the addition of newe satyres 1599
What you will, a comedy 1607
The wonder of women, or the tragedie of Sophonisba 1606
Jacke Drums entertainment or the comedie of Pasquill and Katherine 1600 (1601; R. Simpson, School of Shaks. 1878)
See also Histrio-mastix 1610
Familiar letters to his lady of delight. Also her kinde returnes 1662
A treatyse of the crosse, gathred out of the scriptures etc. 1564
Editor: a second volume of autobiography, 1931–45 1968
Father figures: a first volume of autobiography, 1897–1931 1966
The general magazine of arts and sciences 1755
Institutions of language 1748
The natural history of England 1759–63
The philosophical grammar 1735
Messiah's kingdom in its origin, development and triumph 1876
His opinion concerning the difference between the church of England and Geneva etc. a 1662 (1662)
Helen of Glenross; a novel 1801 (1802)
Tillie, a Mennonite maid 1904 (UK 1905)
On some of Shakespeare's female characters 1885
A hand-book of vertebrate dissection 1881–84
Keil's (C. F.) Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Ezekiel tr. 1876
ed. Mariner's (W.) Account of the natives of the Tonga islands,..with..grammar and vocabulary of their language 1817
ed. A new and comprehensive gazetteer of Virginia, and the District of Columbia 1835
Clinical endocrinology for practitioners and students 1948
—(ed. 3, by Martin alone) 1961
A description of the western islands of Scotland 1703
A late voyage to St. Kilda 1698
Havrez' (J.) On recent improvements in winding machinery tr. 1875
tr. W. Wickler's Mimicry in plants and animals 1968
The Æneid of Virgil books i–vi tr. 1896
A life of Lord Lyndhurst 1883
The odes of Horace tr. 1860
Bon Gaultier's Book of ballads 1855
A traictise declaryng..that the pretensed marriage of no mariage 1554
The New Zealand nature book 1929 (UK 1930)
The ox (Farmer's Libr. I) 1847
The countrey-survey-book: or land-meters vade-mecum 1682
The extra pharmacopoeia of unofficial drugs etc. 1883 (1890)
Reliquiæ divi Andreæ: or the state of the see of St. Andrews 1683 (1797)
Reminiscences of the royal burgh of Haddington 1883
Autobiography 1855 (1877)
A complete guide to the English lakes 1855
Feats on the fiord 1841
The history of England during the thirty years' peace 1816–46 1849–50
Introduction to the history of the peace 1851
Illustrations of political economy 1832–33
Berkeley the banker 1833, Briery creek 1833, Brooke and Brooke farm 1833, The charmed sea 1833, Cinnamon and pearls 1833, Demerara 1832, Ella of Garveloch 1832, The hill and the valley 1832, Homes abroad 1832, Ireland 1832, Life in the wilds 1832, The loom and the lugger 1833, A Manchester strike 1832, A tale of the Tyne 1833, Weal and woe in Garveloch 1832
Society in America 1837
Endeavours after the christian life 1843–47 (1867)
Essays philosophical and theological v.d. (1866–69)
Essays, reviews and addresses v.d. (1890–91)
Hours of thought on sacred things 1876–79
Miscellanies 1852
The seat of authority in religion 1890
Studies of christianity 1858
Types of ethical theory 1885
The language of botany 1793 (1796)
ed. Miller's (P.) Gardener's and botanist's dictionary 1807
Rousseau's (J. J.) Letters on the elements of botany tr. 1785 (1794)
The geographical magazine 1782–83
Works a 1678 (1776; Grosart 1872–75)
An account of the growth of popery and arbitrary government in England (anon.) 1678
A collection of poems on affairs of state (1689)
Correspondence 1653–78 (Grosart II)
Mr. Smirke, or the divine in mode..With a short historical essay concerning general councils etc. 1676
Poems a 1678 (1776, 1872)
The Rehearsal transprosed 1672, 1673 (1674)
Upon Appleton house a 1678
Edinburgh guilds and crafts (v.d.) a 1908 (1909)
The Groucho letters: letters from and to Groucho Marx 1967
Privy purse expenses of the princess Mary, daughter of K. Henry VIII 1536–44 (1831)
The laws of Maryland v.d. (1799–1800)
Christian theology and natural science: some questions on their relations 1956
The recovery of unity: a theological approach 1958
A booke of the arte and maner howe to plant and graffe all sortes of trees, etc. Englished by L. M. 1572 (1592, 1652)
The first (second, third) booke of cattell 1587 (1596, 1627)
A profitable boke declaring dyuers approoued remedies to take out spottes and staines..With diuers colours how to die velvets and silkes tr. out of Dutch by L. M. 1583 (1588)
Ballads 1903
Ballads and poems 1910
The bird of dawning 1933
Captain Margaret: a romance 1908
The Conway, from her foundation to the present day 1933
Dauber, a poem 1913
Dead Ned: the autobiography of a corpse 1938
The everlasting mercy 1911
Gautama the enlightened, and other verse 1941
The hawbucks 1929
Live and kicking Ned 1939
Lollingdon Downs and other poems, with sonnets 1917
Odtaa 1926
Reynard the fox; or, The ghost heath run 1919
Salt-water ballads 1902
Sard Harker 1924
A tarpaulin muster 1907
The tragedy of Nan, and other plays 1909
The widow in the bye street 1912
Ivories ancient and mediæval 1872 (1875)
Monumenta ritualia ecclesiæ anglicanæ 1846–47
Sharps and flats, a complete revelation of the secrets of cheating at games of chance and skill 1894
Crystallography: a treatise on the morphology of crystals 1895
The house of the arrow 1924
Miranda of the balcony 1899
The truants 1904
English grammar 1858 (1881)
The forty shires: their history, scenery, arts and legends 1880 (1881)
The authoritie of the church in making canons and constitutions..a sermon 1605 enlarged 1607
The natural productions of Burmah 1850
tr. G. von Georgievics's A text-book of dye chemistry 1920
A supplement to Johnson's English dictionary 1801
The epicures fast 1626
The new art of lying covered by Jesuites under the vaile of equivocation discovered and disproved 1624
The anatomie of sorcerie 1612
The principles of chess in theory and practice 1894
A briefe discourse of the New-found-land 1620 (Bannatyne Club 1867)
Select remains a 1694 (1828)
Spiritual songs or songs of praise 1683
An essay on elocution (anon.) 1748
An essay on the power and harmony of prosaic numbers (anon.) 1749
An essay on the power of poetical compositions 1749
Self-knowledge, a treatise shewing the nature and benefit of that important science and the way to attain it 1745 (1853)
Aeronautica; or, Sketches illustrative of the theory and practice of aerostation 1838
The world of Suzie Wong 1957
Caractacus, a dramatic poem 1759
Elfrida, a dramatic poem 1752
The English garden 1772–81
Essays historical and critical on English church music 1795
An heroic epistle to Sir W. Chambers 1773
An heroic postscript to the public 1774
Musæus, a monody to the memory of Mr. Pope 1744 (1747)
First report on the agriculture of Massachusetts by H. Colman 1838
Second report 1839
Collections 1792– (1806–)
The origin and progress of letters 1763
A history of England during the reign of George the third 1855–63 (1863)
Reasons humbly offered against laying any farther tax on malt or beer 1760 (1770)
Dramatic works a 1640 (1840)
The bashful lover, a tragicomedy 1636 (1655)
Believe as you list, a tragedy 1631 (Percy Soc. 1849)
The bond-man, an antient storie 1623 (1624)
The city-madame, a comedie 1632 (1659)
The duke of Millaine, a tragædie 1623
The emperour of the east, a tragæ-comedie 1631 (1632)
The great duke of Florence, a comicall historie 1627 (1636)
The guardian 1633 (1655)
The maid of honour (a tragi-comedy) 1632
A new way to pay old debts, a com
die 1625 (1633)
The old law: see Middleton, T.
The parliament of love 1624 (Plays, ed. Gifford 1805 II)
The picture, a trage-comedy 1629 (1630)
The Roman actor, a tragædie 1626 (1629)
The unnaturall combat, a tragedie c 1619 (1639)
Three new playes, viz, the bashful lover, the guardian, the very woman (1655)
A very woman; or the prince of Tarent, a tragi-comedy 1634 (1655)
The virgin martir, a tragedie 1622 (1631, 1661, 1870)
The fatall dowry, a tragedy 1632
The curious traveller 1950
World without end 1932
British novelists and their styles 1859
Carlyle personally and in his writings 1885
Chatterton: a story of the year 1770 1856 (1874)
Edinburgh sketches and memories v.d. (1892)
Essays biographical and critical 1856
The life of J. Milton 1859–80
Recent British philosophy 1865
Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other essays 1874
—(MS. Cott. Vesp.; ed. W. A. & F. Baillie-Grohmann 1904)
Bhowani Junction 1954
Bugles and a tiger: a personal adventure 1956
Coromandel! 1955
The deceivers 1952
Far, far the mountain peak 1957
The lotus and the wind 1953
Nightrunners of Bengal 1951
Trial at Monomoy 1964
Vegetable teratology 1869
ed. Murder most foul 1973
The break in the line 1970
Snowline 1973
The springers 1968
Christian loyalty 1727
Magnalia Christi Americana; or the ecclesiastical history of New-England 1702 (1853)
Memorable providences relating to witchcrafts and possessions 1689
The wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several witches, lately executed in New-England 1693
Nor'ard of the Dogger, or deep-sea trials and gospel triumphs 1887 (1888)
A brief history of the war with the Indians in New-England 1676
—(new ed.) The history of king Philip's war (1862)
An essay for the recording of illustrious providences 1684
—(new ed.) Remarkable providences illustrative of the earlier days of American colonisation (1856)
Irenicum, or an essay for union 1680
The young man's companion, or arithmetick made easy etc. 1710 (1727)
The representative men of the Bible 1902, 1903
The unlearned alchymist his antidote 1662
Physiological chemistry 1916
Memoirs of Charles Mathews, comedian 4 vols. 1838–9
Tea-table talk, ennobled actresses and other miscellanies 1857
Andrew Ellicott: his life and letters 1908
Life, chiefly autobiographical, with selections from his correspondence and speeches a 1878 (ed. C. Dickens 1879)
Coinages of the world, ancient and modern 1876
ed. A dictionary of Americanisms on historical principles
See under title
Getting on in the world: or hints on success in life 1873–76
Pitching in a pinch; or, Baseball from the inside 1912
Second base Sloan 1917
The pursuits of literature, or what you will, a satirical poem 1794 (1798, 1801)
Observations relative chiefly to the natural history, picturesque scenery and antiquities of the western counties of England 1797
Vocabulum; or, The rogue's lexicon, compiled from the most authentic sources 1859
The diary of an invalid 1820
A secret of the sea etc. (tales) 1886
The life of mammals 2 vols. 1969–71
Ethnography and philology of the Hidatsa Indians 1877
—Unhappy prosperitie tr. T. Hawkins 1632 (1639)
Melmoth the wanderer, a tale 1820
A new review with literary curiosities and literary intelligence 1782–86
Riesbeck's (J. C.) Travels through Germany tr. 1787
Body and mind (Gulstonian lectures) 1870
Body and will 1883
The physiology and pathology of the mind 1867
Responsibility in mental disease 1874
The bishop's apron: a study in the origins of a great family 1906
The bread-winner 1930
Cakes and ale; or, The skeleton in the cupboard 1930
The circle 1921
The constant wife 1926
Liza of Lambeth 1897
The moon and sixpence 1919
Of human bondage 1915
On a Chinese screen 1922
Our betters 1923
The painted veil 1925
The razor's edge 1944
Sheppey 1933
The summing up 1938
Theatre 1937
Then and now 1946
A writer's notebook 1949
The treasury of knowledge 1830
The treasury of natural history 1848 (also 1862)
The buke of John Maundeuill being the travels of Sir J. Mandeville knight 1322–56 c 1400 (Roxburghe Club 1889)
The voiage and travaile of Sir J. M. kt. c 1400 (Halllw. 1839)
—Mandeville's Travels (E.E.T.S. 1919)
See also Ser John Mandevelle
A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem 1697 a 1701 (1703, 1721, 1732)
Military history of the campaign of 1882 in Egypt 1887
The epistles of St. John 1857
The friendship of books, and other lectures a 1872 (1874)
Learning and working, six lectures 1854 (1855)
Moral and metaphysical philosophy 1845 (Encycl. Metrop.; also 1850–62)
The patriarchs and law-givers of the Old Testament 1855 (1867, 1877)
The prophets and kings of the Old Testament 1853
The religions of the world (Boyle lectures 1846) 1847 (1861)
The fall of the Mogul, a tragedy 1806
The history of Hindostan 1795–98 (1820)
The physical geography of the sea 1855 (also Low 1860)
The British tourist's or traveller's pocket companion 1809
General view of the agriculture of Berkshire 1813
The mineralogy of Derbyshire etc. 1802
—Glossary (repr. E.D.S. 1881)
Introduction to the survey of English place-names 1924
Herodian of Alexandria his History of twenty Roman Cæsars tr. I. M. 1629 (1635)
Matter and motion 1876 (1881)
Scientific papers a 1879 (1890)
Theory of heat 1871
A treatise on electricity and magnetism 1873 (1881)
The burthen (burden) of Issachar 1646 (Phenix 1708)
Sacro-sancta regum, or the sacred and royall prerogative of christian kings 1644
Witch-doctor's apprentice 1962
The practical bee-master 1747 (1750)
Transactions of the society for promoting agriculture in Scotland selected 1743
The adventures of Captain Blake 1835 (1838)
Brian O'Linn 1848
Hints to a soldier on service 1845
ed. Peninsular sketches 1845
Sports and adventures in the highlands and islands of Scotland 1844 (1855)
Stories of Waterloo 1829
Wild sports of the west (anon.) 1832
Laughter in Djakarta 1973
The Stronges of Netherstronge, a tale of Sedgemoor 1864
The accomplisht cook, or the art and mystery of cookery 1660 (1665)
The heire, a comedy 1620 (1622; Dodsley)
The history of the parliament which began 1640 1647
The life of a satirical puppy called Nim, by T. M. (? T. May) a 1650 (1657)
Lucan's (M. A.) Pharsalia tr. 1627 (1631)
—A continuation of Lucan's historicall poem 1630
The mirrour of mindes; or Barclay's (J.) Icon animorum tr. T. M(ay) 1631
The old couple, a comedy a 1650 (1658)
Poetical translation of the verses in Barclay's (J.) Argenis 1628 (1629)
The reigne of king Henry the second 1633
Virgil's Georgics tr. 1628
The constitutional history of England 1760–1860 1861–63
A treatise upon the law, privileges, proceedings and usage of parliament 1844 (1883, 1906)
Electric lighting and power distribution 3 parts 1892–3
Electric wiring, fittings, switches, and lamps 1899
Naval speculations and maritime politicks 1691
Mexico as it was and as it is 1844
Clinical application of sunlight and artificial radiation 1926
The sportsman's directory 1815 (1817)
The artist's handbook of materials and techniques 1940
—(UK ed.) 1951
A dictionary of art terms and techniques 1969
Clinical psychiatry 1954
—(ed. 3) 1969
Archimagirus Anglo-Gallicus, or excellent..receipts in cookery a 1655 (1658)
A concise dictionary of Middle English from 1150 to 1580 1888
Paved with gold, or the romance and reality of the London streets 1858
Dogs: their management 1854 (1862)
London labour and the London poor 1851–61 (1861, 1864)
The upper Rhine 1858
A treatise on the surgery of the alimentary canal 1896
The birds of Florida 1872
Sir Francis Drake his voyage 1595 (Hakluyt Soc. 1849)
The amorous warre, a tragi-com
dy 1648 (1659)
The citye match, a com
dye 1639 (Dodsley)
Donne's (J.) Book of epigrams tr. 1652 (D.'s Paradoxes, problems etc. 1652)
Part of Lucian made English 1638 (1664)
A sermon against false prophets 1646
A sermon against schisme 1652
A sermon concerning unity and agreement 1646 (1647)
Glasgow, a poem 1803
The siller gun, a poem 1779–1808 (1836)
An expository lexicon of the terms..of medical and general science 1853–60 (1860)
A medical vocabulary 1862 (ed. 2; also ed. 6, ed. W. W. Wagstaffe, 1889)
The pharmacop
ian physicians repository 1669 (1670)
Praxis medicorum antiqua et nova: the ancient and modern practice of physick examined 1671
Vita sana et longa, the preservation of health and prolongation of life 1669 (1670)
Lessons on objects 1829 (1831)
Letters on the truths contained in popular superstitions 1849 (1851)
The house by the works 1879
Kaloolah, or journeyings to the Djébel Kumri: an autobiography of J. Romer 1851
Animal species and evolution 1963
Principles of systematic zoology 1969
Methods and principles of systematic zoology 1953