Lopez de Castanheda's First booke of the historie of the discoverie and conquest of the East Indias tr. 1582
Encyclopædia of wines and spirits 1967
Wines of France 1952
A Greek-English lexicon 1843
—ed. 7, revised and enlarged, 1883; ed. 8, 1897
Poems on different occasions, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1821
The divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Bampton lectures 1866) 1867 (1875)
Some elements of religion (Lent lectures 1870) 1872
Some words for God. Sermons 1863–65 1865
Life of E. B. Pusey 1893–97
Manual of political ethics 1839
On civil liberty and self-government 1853
A popular essay on subjects of penal law 1838
The complete CB handbook (new ed.) 1976
Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen 1898–1916
The complete CB handbook (new ed.) 1976
Works a 1675 (1684, 1822–25)
Erubhin; or miscellanies, Christian and Judaicall 1629
A few and new observations upon the booke of Genesis 1642
An handfull of gleanings out of the book of Exodus 1643 (1648)
Epistle to the Philippians; a revised text, with introduction, etc. 1868
S. Clement of Rome. The two epistles to the Corinthians. A revised text with introduction and notes 1869
St. Paul's epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon, a revised text, with introductions, notes, etc. 1875
A true and exact history of the island of Barbados 1657 (1673)
Twenty-four years of cricket 1912
Prudence, a story of æsthetic London 1882
Marina: a play taken from Pericles Prince of Tyre 1738
Anima astrologiæ tr. 1676
Christian astrology 1647
His history of his life and times from 1602 to 1681 a 1681 (1715)
Monarchy or no monarchy in England, with observations upon the life and death of the late king Charles 1651
Ancient religion and modern thought 1884
The great enigma 1892
ed. The guide to cricketers 1853–66
James Lillywhite's cricketers' annual 1872–7; 1879–93
John Lillywhite's cricketers' companion (title varies) 1865–85
Two sermons a 1615 (1619)
Poems a 1601 (Grosart 1877)
Diella, certaine sonnets, adioyned to the amorous poeme of Dom Digo and Gineura 1596 (1877; in Arber, Eng. Garner VII)
The fountaine of ancient fiction tr. 1599
Collected works ed. R. P. Basler 9 vols. 1953
Cap'n Warren's wards 1911
Partners of the tide 1905
Three letters relating to the navy, Gibraltar, and Portmahon 1747–48 (1757)
The historie and cronicles of Scotland a 1578 (1728; S.T.S. 1898–99)
Elements of botany 1841 (1849)
Flora medica: a botanical account of all the more important plants used in medicine 1838
An introduction to botany 1832 (1839, 1848)
An introduction to the natural system of botany 1830
Richard's (L. C. M.) Observations on the structure of fruits and seeds tr. 1819
School botany 1839 (1858)
A synopsis of the British flora 1829
The vegetable kingdom 1846
The treasury of botany 1866
Narrative of a voyage to Brasil 1805
Lives of the Lindsays; or a memoir of the houses of Crawford and Balcarres 1840 (1849)
Sketches of the history of Christian art 1847
The interest of Scotland considered with reference to its police, etc. 1733
The church and the ministry in the early centuries 1902
The Latin language; an historical account of Latin sounds, stems, and flexions 1894
Ancient lore in medieval Latin glossaries 1921
ed. Handbook of social psychology 2 vols. 1954
—(ed. 2, by Lindzey & E. Aronson) 5 vols. 1968–9
A text-book of mechanical engineering 1894
Words by an eyewitness; the struggle in Natal 1901 (1902)
The antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church 1806
—ed. 3, entitled The history and antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon church 1845 (1858)
A history of England from the first invasion by the Romans to the revolution in 1688 1819–30
Drugs from A to Z: a dictionary 1969
Juan in America 1931
Magnus Merriman 1934
Poet's pub 1929
Private Angelo 1946
Proceedings 1838–
Transactions 1791–
The electronic structure of molecules: a new approach 1964
The haven under the hill 1886
Beetles of the British Isles 2 ser. 1959
ed. Sheffield and its region 1956
The autobiography of Christopher Kirkland 1885
The lake country 1864
Lizzie Lorton of Greyrigg 1866
My love! 1881
Paston Carew, millionaire and miser 1886
The rebel of the family 1880
Through the long night 1889
The true history of Joshua Davidson (anon.) 1872
With a silken thread, and other stories 1880
Observations in husbandry a 1722 (1757)
Ælfric's Saxon treatise concerning the Old and New Testament 1623
Part of Du Bartas tr. 1625
A journey to Paris in 1698 1699
Decorative cast ironwork in Great Britain 1960
Decorative wrought ironwork in Great Britain 1957
Arlington 1832
Granby 1826 (1836)
Pottery and porcelain: a guide to collectors 1900
The pilgrimes farewell to his native countrey of Scotland: wherein is contained, The joyes and miseries of peregrination 1618
Poetical remains a 1645 (1863)
The totall discourse of the rare adventures and painefull peregrinations of long nineteen yeares travayles 1632 (1682, 1906)
A true experimentall and exact relation upon that famous siege of Newcastle 1645 (1820)
The Grey Friars in Oxford 1892
A monument of Christian munificence; or, an account of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross, and of the Hospital of Christ in Abingdon 1627 (1871)
On the nature and treatment of the deformities of the human frame 1853
A treatise on the nature of club-foot and analogous distortions 1839
Plain reasons against joining the Church of Rome 1880
Linguæ Latinæ liber dictionarius quadripartitus 1678
Dictionnaire de la langue française 1863–77
A treatise on the law of principal and agent 1818
Particle physics: the high energy frontier 1968
A letter to John (Ewer), lord bishop of Llandaff 1768
Last journals in Central Africa 1865–73 (1874)
Missionary travels and researches in South Africa 1857
Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi 1865
Folk song in England 1967
The well-tempered garden 1970
The legend of Captaine Jones 1631 (1659)
State-worthies 1665 (1766)
The voyage of life. A poem 1792
Thirty-three years in Tasmania and Victoria 1862
Feuchtersleben's (Ernest von) Principles of medical psychology tr. 1847 (Sydenham Soc.)
J. B. von Spix & C. F. P. von Martius's Travels in Brazil, 1817–20 2 vols. 1825
Timkowski's (E. F.) Travels of the Russian mission through Mongolia to China tr. 1827
The treasury of health conteynyng many profitable medycines gathered out of Hypocrates, Galen and Avycen, by one Petrus Hyspanus tr. c 1550
Lectures on the wave-theory of light 1841 (1857, 1873)
A treatise of the episcopacy, liturgies, and ecclesiastical ceremonies of the primitive times 1660
Field sports of the north of Europe 1830
Scandinavian adventures 1854
A briefe conference of divers lawes 1602
The consent of time, deciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads 1590
The first part of the diall of daies 1590
The pilgrimage of princes 1573 (1586, 1607)
—another ed., entitled The marrow of history: or, The pilgrimage of kings and princes, corrected by R. C(odrington) (1653)
Poems 1762, a 1764 (1790)
Poetical works a 1764 (1774)
The ladies of Polcarrow 1864
An historical account of Church government 1684
Pretences of the French invasion examined (anon.) 1692 (in Harl. Misc.)
Men-miracles. With other poems 1646
A letter to Dr. Bates containing a vindication of the doctor, and myself 1695
Works a 1704 (1714)
Elements of natural philosophy a 1704 (1754)
An essay concerning humane understanding 1690
—ed. 2, with large additions 1694; ed. 4, with large additions 1700; ed. 5, with many large additions (1706)
A letter concerning toleration tr. by W. Popple 1689; a second letter 1690; a third letter 1692
A letter to Edward (Stillingfleet), Lord Bishop of Worcester 1697
Of the conduct of the understanding c 1698 (in Posthumous works 1706)
A paraphrase and notes on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians, the first and second Epistles to the Corinthians, and the Epistles to the Romans and Ephesians a 1704 (1705–07)
The reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scriptures 1695
A vindication of the reasonableness of Christianity from Mr. Edwards's reflections 1695; a second vindication 1697
Some considerations of the consequences of the lowering of interest and raising the value of money in a letter 1691 (1692)
Further considerations concerning raising the value of money 1695
Some familiar letters between Mr. Locke and several of his friends a 1704 (1708)
Some thoughts concerning education 1693
Two treatises of government 1690
Life, with extracts from his correspondence, journals, and common-place books, by Peter King (1830)
Life by H. R. Fox Bourne (1876)
Ancestor Jorico 1929
At the gate of Samaria 1894
The beloved vagabond 1906
The coming of Amos 1924
Derelicts 1897
The glory of Clementina Wing 1911
The house of Baltazar 1920
Idols 1898
Jaffery 1915
Moordius and Co. 1923
The morals of Marcus Ordeyne 1905
The mountebank 1921
The old bridge 1926
The red planet 1917
The rough road 1918
Septimus 1909
Simon the jester 1910
Stella maris 1913
Stories near and far 1926
The tale of Triona 1922
The wonderful year 1916
British spiders 2 vols. 1951–3
Memoirs concerning the affairs of Scotland 1714
The Ballantyne-humbug handled 1839
Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott 1837–38 (1839, 1846)
Peter's letters to his kinsfolk 1819
Reginald Dalton 1823
Some passages in the life of Mr. Adam Blair 1822
Valerius; a Roman story 1821
Fair to see 3 vols. 1871
Mine is thine 1878
Rosmini-Serbati's (A.) Short sketch of modern philosophies and of his own system tr. 1882
To the long-conceal'd first promoter of the cambrick and tea-bills: an epistle 1746
Murder has its points 1961 (UK 1962)
Practise to deceive: a Captain Heimrich mystery 1957 (UK 1959, as by ‘Francis Richards’)
Electricity, magnetism, and electric telegraphy 1883
Panorama of Indo-European languages 1972
An account of the trade in India 1711
The chemistry of the sun 1887
Contributions to solar physics 1874
The dawn of astronomy 1894
Elementary lessons in astronomy 1868 (1879)
ed. Guillemin's (A.) Heavens 1866
Stargazing: past and present 1878
Studies in spectrum analysis 1878
An introduction to critical path analysis 1964
England faithfully watcht with in her wounds 1646
A sermon preached before the House of Commons Oct. 28 1646
The spraying of plants for the purpose of destroying insects and fungi 1896
The British Museum is falling down 1965
Changing places 1975
Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners 1791
Modern views of electricity 1889
Complete works a 1625 (Hunterian Club 1883–88)
An alarum against vsurers 1584 (Shaks. Soc. 1853)
The delectable historie of Forbonius and Prisceria 1584 (Shaks. Soc. 1853)
A defence of poetry, music, and stage-plays 1579 (Shaks. Soc. 1853)
A fig for Momus 1595
A learned summary upon the famous poeme of William of Saluste Lord of Bartas 1621
A margarite of America 1596
Rosalynde. Euphues golden legacie 1590
Seneca's Workes tr. 1614
The wounds of ciuill war 1594
Come and see. The blisse of brightest beautie: shining out of Sion 1614
Comparative physiology of the brain and comparative psychology 1901
Self-formation; or the history of an individual mind 1837
Travels and researches in Chaldæa and Susiana 1857
St. Johnstoun; or John, earl of Gowrie (anon.) 1823
The Scottish Gaël, or Celtic manners, as preserved among the Highlanders 1831 (1876)
Poems a 1788 (1805)
Runnamede, a tragedy 1783
Before the footlights and behind the scenes 1870
Mister Jelly Roll: the fortunes of Jelly Roll Morton, New Orleans Creole and inventor of jazz 1950 (UK 1952)
De la Quintinie's Compleat gard'ner tr. 1699 (1704, 1719)
The retir'd gard'ner 1706
The call of the wild 1903
The iron heel 1907 (UK 1908)
The jacket (US ed. with title The star rover) 1915
Letters ed. K. Hendricks & I. Shepard 1965 (UK 1966)
The road 1907 (UK 1914)
A son of the sun 1912 (UK 1913)
The valley of the moon 1913
White Fang 1906 (UK 1907)
List of subscribers 1884 [reproduced in facsimile in Three Victorian telephone directories 1970]
See Philosophical magazine
tr. C. G. Jung's Collected papers on analytical psychology 1916
The history of Jamaica (anon.) 1774
The British Museum. Egyptian antiquities 1832–36
Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and trader. To which is added a vocabulary 1791
ed. Selections from unpublished records of government (Fort William) 1748–67 (1869)
American wild-fowl shooting 1874
Barclay his Argenis tr. 1625
The sentence and its parts: a grammar of contemporary English 1961
A dictionary of the Isle of Wight dialect 1886
Writings a 1882 (1886)
Poetical works a 1882 (1910)
Aftermath 1873
The belfry of Bruges, and other poems 1846
The courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems 1858
The divine comedy of Dante 1867
The divine tragedy 1871
Evangeline; a tale of Acadie 1847
The golden legend 1851
Hyperion; a romance 1839
Kavanagh, a tale 1849
Kéramos, and other poems 1878
The masque of Pandora, and other poems 1875
The New England tragedies 1868
Outre-mer; a pilgrimage beyond the sea 1835
Poems on slavery 1842
The song of Hiawatha 1855
The Spanish student 1843
Tales of a wayside inn 1863
Three books of song 1872
Voices of the night 1839
Life. With extracts from his journals and correspondence. Ed. by S. Longfellow (1891)
The history of the life and times of Edward the third 1869
The real jazz, old and new 1956
Outlines of physical geology 1934
The Spanish rivals, a musical farce 1784 (1785)
Sister Dora (Dorothy W. Pattison); a biography 1880
Ask a policeman 1955
Murder in the mill-race 1952
ed. Psycho-analysis today: its scope and function 1933
A discoverie of the sect of the Banians; The religion of the Persees 1630
The naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1866
Van der Keessel's Select theses tr. 1855
Jack Spurlock—prodigal 1908
Letters from a self-made merchant to his son 1902
Old Gorgon Graham: more letters from a self-made merchant to his son 1904
Homer and the monuments 1950
Remarks on Mr. Goodwin's Discourse of the Gospel 1696
Muret's (P.) Rites of funeral tr. 1683
The Hudson, from the wilderness to the sea 1866
The governess in Egypt 1865
—Metaphysic tr. by B. Bosanquet 1884
The amateur gardener's monthly calendar 1847
—revised and ed. by W. Robinson (1880)
Botany for ladies 1842
British wild flowers 1846
Domestic pets 1851
Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum; or the hardy trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, delineated and described 1838
An encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs (an abridgement of prec.) 1842
An encyclopædia of agriculture 1825 (1831)
An encyclopædia of cottage, farm, and villa architecture and furniture 1833
An encyclopædia of gardening 1822 (1824)
An encyclopædia of plants 1829
The gardener's magazine 1828–43
The greenhouse companion (anon.) 1824
The suburban gardener, and villa companion 1838
Backstage from A to Z: a glossary of technical stage terms 1959
The form of process before the Court of Justiciary in Scotland 1732 (1752)
The mariner's jewel 1705 (ed. 5; 1724)
Cricket; an heroic poem 1740
Poems on several occasions 1754
Bonaventura's Mirrour of the blessed lyf of Jesu Christ tr. c 1410 (Sherard MS.; W. de Worde 1517; 1908)
Calprenéde's Hymen's Præludia; or, Love's master-piece; being the first part of that romance intituled Cleopatra tr. 1652; the second part 1654; the third part 1655
Letters a 1657 (1659, 1663)
Lucasta's epodes, odes, sonnets, songs, etc. To which is added Aramantha, a pastorall 1649
Lucasta: posthume poems a 1657 (1659, 1864)
The history of the Holy Grail tr. c 1450 (Roxb. Cl. 1861–63; E.E.T.S. 1874–75)
Merlin, a middle-English metrical version of a French romance c 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1904–13)
Cyrano de Bergerac's Comical history of the states and empires of the worlds of the sun and moon tr. 1687
Pomey's (F. A.) Indiculus universalis; or, the universe in epitome. Enlarged by A. Lovell 1679
Simon's (R.) Critical history of the religions and customs of the Eastern nations tr. 1685
Thevenot's (J. de) Travels into the Levant tr. 1687
A compleat herball 1659
—ed. 2, with many additions 1665
A compleat history of animals and minerals 1661
The vegetable book: an unnatural history 1972
Handy Andy; a tale of Irish life 1842
Legends and stories of Ireland 1831–34 (1855)
Rory O'More; a national romance 1837
Invitation to a dynamite party 1974
The Afghan war, 1838–42. From the journal and correspondence of Major-General Augustus Abbott 1879
The autobiography of a man-o'-war's bell 1875
The history of the Indian navy 1613–1863 1877
An introduction to machine drawing and design 1887 (1892)
Fauna Orcadensis: or the natural history of the quadrupeds, birds, reptiles and fishes of Orkney and Shetland, from a MS. a 1795 (1813)
A tour through the Islands of Orkney and Schetland, containing hints collected in 1774 a 1795 (1879)
The dictionary of English history 1884 (1904)
General view of the agriculture of the county of Berwick 1794
Prince Bismarck; an historical biography 1885
A natural history of British grasses 1858
The whole course of chirurgerie 1597
—ed. 2, entitled A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie 1612; ed. 3, 1634
General view of the agriculture of the county of Nottingham 1794
Speeches and letters on reform 1867
Extracts from a Lancashire diary 1663–78 (1876)
Writings v.d. (1890)
Poetical works 1873, 1880, 1882
Poems a 1891 (1912)
Among my books 1870; series II, 1876
The Biglow papers 1848; series II, 1862
Cambridge thirty years ago 1854
The cathedral 1869
Conversations on some of the old poets 1845
Democracy and other addresses 1886
A fable for critics 1848
Fireside travels 1864
Letters a 1891 (1894)
My study windows 1871
The old English dramatists a 1891 (1892)
Under the willows and other poems 1868
The vision of Sir Launfal 1848
A year's life 1841
Near the ocean 1967
Notebook 1970
English surnames 1842 (1875)
The amourous fantasme, a tragi-comedy 1660
The enchanted lovers: a pastoral 1658
The noble ingratitude: a comedy tr. 1659
The phoenix in her flames: a tragedy 1639
Polyeuctes, or the martyr: a tragedy tr. 1655
A relation in form of journal of the voiage and residence which Charles the II has made in Holland tr. 1660
The history of ethnological theory 1937 (UK 1938)
Diaries and letters 1911–1947 ed. S. Lowndes 1971
The Terriford mystery 1924
The law of general average 1873 (1878)
A practical treatise on the law of marine insurance 1881
A report containing an essay for the amendment of the silver coins 1695
Selected letters ed. H. Breit & M. B. Lowry 1965 (UK 1967)
Ultramarine 1933
Under the volcano 1947
A glossary of Berkshire words and phrases 1888 (E.D.S.)
The modern farrier 1844 (1877)
Isaiah; a new translation; with a preliminary dissertation, and notes critical, philological, and explanatory 1778
Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews tr. by G. Gregory 1787 (1816)
A letter to the author of ‘The divine legation of Moses demonstrated’ 1765
The life of William of Wykeham 1758
Sermons and other remains a 1787 (1834)
A short introduction to the English grammar (anon.) 1762 (1763)
A commentary upon the larger and lesser prophets 1730
A vindication of the divine authority and inspiration of the Old and New Testament 1692 (1699)
Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1962
All hands 1933
Conquering seas 1935
The Robespierre serial 1975
Travelling horseman 1975
Australian roundabout 1963
Round the Horn before the mast 1902
Addresses, political and educational 1879
Ants, bees, and wasps 1882
The beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in 1892
On British wild flowers considered in relation to insects 1875
On the origin and metamorphoses of insects 1874
The pleasures of life 1887–89
Pre-historic times, as illustrated by ancient remains, and the manners and customs of modern savages 1865 (1869, 1878)
The scenery of England and the causes to which it is due 1902
Scientific lectures 1879
The origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man 1870 (1875)
Tartaglia's (N.) Three bookes of colloquies concerning the arte of shooting tr. 1588
Over Bemerton's: an easy-going chronicle 1908
Reading, writing and remembering: a literary record 1932
The vermilion box 1916
Sketches of rural life and other poems 1889
Kalm's (P.) Account of his visit to England on his way to America in 1748 tr. 1892
Studies in Nidderdale 1867–72 1882
An enquiry after happiness 1685
Twenty four sermons preached on several occasions 1710
Secularia; or, surveys in the mainstream of history 1862
The memoirs of gamesters and sharpers 1714
The nature and properties of wool illustrated 1805
Klondike Kate: the life and legend of Kitty Rockwell 1962
A concise history of the origin and progress of printing (anon.) 1770
—ed. 2, entitled The history and art of printing 1771
Memoirs a 1692 (1698–99, 1751, 1894)
Little brother, and other genre pictures 1867
Popular epics of the Middle Ages of the Norse-German and Carlovingian cycles 1865
A sketch of the history of the United States from Independence to Secession 1862
The Holcroft covenant 1978
The Matlock paper 1973
The charters of London 1793
Diaries ed. M. Perham 4 vols. 1959–63
Edinburgh poems and songs 1899
Sheep-head and trotters 1892
Lumsden of the Guides: a sketch of the life of Sir H. B. Lumsden 1899
Flanders 1658
London and the country carbonadoed and quartred into severall characters 1632 (in Harl. Misc.)
A dream of the Deuill and Diues 1584
Sivqila; too good to be true 1580
A thousand notable things of sundrie sorts 1579 (1585, 1675)
Management and the social sciences 1966
—(ed. 2) 1970
Love and friendship 1962
The nowhere city 1965
Real people 1969
The war between the Tates 1974
Auckland journals, 1850–63 ed. A. Drummond 1971
Thames journals, 1868–82 ed. A. Drummond 1975
The Italian war 1848–49, and the last Italian poet (Giuseppe Giusti) 1859
Studies in life and literature 1893
A brief historical relation of state affairs 1678–1714 (1857)
ed. Effie in Venice: unpublished letters of Mrs. John Ruskin written from Venice between 1849–1852 1965
Millais and the Ruskins 1967
The Ruskins and the Grays 1972
Donovan 1882
Knight-Errant 1887
We two 1884
Won by waiting: a story of home life in France and England 1879
Blame the dead 1972
Judas country 1975
The most dangerous game 1964
Shooting script 1966
Vulgar and decimal arithmetic 1710
A true and exact account of the retaking of a ship called ‘The Friend's Adventure of Topsham’ tr. 1693 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VII)
The deer of all lands 1898
A geographical history of mammals 1896
A hand-book to the marsupialia and monotremata 1894
Horns and hoofs, or, chapters on hoofed animals 1893
The royal natural history 1893–96
A balade; in commendation of Our Lady c 1420 (in Chaucerian pieces, Skeat 1897)
Bochas' Fall of princes tr. 1430–40 (1494, 1554, 1558; E.E.T.S. 1924–27)
Bycorne and Chichevache c 1430 (in Minor poems, Percy Soc. 1840)
Chronicle of Troy See Troy book, below
The churl and the bird c 1400 (Caxton, W. de Worde; Roxb. Cl. 1818; in Minor poems, Percy Soc. 1840)
The complaint of the black knight; or, The complaint of a loveres lyfe c 1402 (in Chaucer's Works, ed. 1532; Chaucerian pieces, Skeat 1897)
The daunce of Machabree c 1425 (in Bochas, ed. 1554 and E.E.T.S. 1924)
De Guileville's (G. de) Pilgrimage of the life of man tr. 1426 (E.E.T.S. 1899–1904)
Fabula duorum mercatorum (Tale of two merchants) ? a 1412 (Quellen und Forschungen, LXXXIII. 1897)
The flour of curtesye 14.. (in Chaucer's Works, ed. 1532; Chaucerian pieces, Skeat 1897)
Horse, goose, and sheep, Debate between the c 1440 (Caxton 1479; Roxb. Cl. 1822; in Pol., rel., and love poems, E.E.T.S. 1866, 1903)
The life of our Lady c 1410 (Caxton 1484; ed. Tame 1879)
Merita missæ a 1450 (in Lay folks mass book, E.E.T.S. 1879)
Minor poems, A selection from the c 1430 (Percy Soc. 1840)
Minor poems c 1430 (E.E.T.S. 1911)
Minor poems. The two nightingale poems 1446 (E.E.T.S. 1900)
Miracles of St. Edmund 1444 (in Horstmann, Altengl. Leg. 1881)
Reson and sensuallyte c 1407 (E.E.T.S. 1901)
St. Albon and St. Amphabel, Lives of c 1440 (1534, repr. Horstmann 1882)
St. Edmund and St. Fremund 1433 (in Horstmann, Altengl. Leg. 1881)
The serpent of division c 1400 (1590; ed. H. N. MacCracken 1911)
Tale of two merchants See Fabula, above
Temple of glas c 1403 (E.E.T.S. 1891)
Thebes, story of 1420–22 (in Chaucer's Works, ed. 1561; Chaucer Soc. and E.E.T.S. 1911)
Troy book 1412–20 (1513, 1555; E.E.T.S. 1906–10)
The vertue of ye masse 14.. (W. de Worde, repr. Huth, Fugitive tracts 1875; Minor poems, E.E.T.S. 1911)
See also Pilgrimage of the soul
Secrees of old philisoffres a 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1894)
Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum a 1767 (1772)
New spelling-book 1677 (ed. 2)
The elements of geology 1838
The geological evidences of the antiquity of man 1863
A manual of elementary geology 1851
Principles of geology 1830–33 (1867)
A second visit to the United States of North America 1849
The student's elements of geology 1871
Travels in North America 1845
Slang, phrase and idiom in colloquial English and their use 1931
Three sermons preached at Sherborne in Dorsetshire upon 2 Cor. 2, 15–16 a 1653 (1654)
The translation of a sinner from death to life by the free grace of God 1648
Biology of micro-organisms 1969
Complete works a 1606 (1902)
Dramatic works a 1606 (1858)
Campaspe (anon.) 1584
—another issue, entitled A moste excellent comedie of Alexander, Campaspe, and Diogenes 1584
Endimion, the man in the moone (anon.) 1591
Euphues, the anatomy of wyt 1579 (Arber 1868)
Euphues and his England 1580 (Arber 1868)
Gallathea (anon.) 1592
Midas (anon.) 1592
Mother Bombie (anon.) 1594
Sapho and Phao (anon.) 1584
The woman in the moone 1597
See also Maid; Pappe with an hatchet
George Meredith: a study 1891
Lectures in aid of self-improvement 1853
Memorials of Theophilus Trinal 1850
The rivulet: a contribution to sacred song 1855 (1856, 1868)
The grafters 1904
The quickening 1906
Via tuta; the safe way 1628 (1632)
A case for the spectacles, or a defence of Via tuta a 1636 (1638)
Works a 1555 (1571, 1879, E.E.T.S. 1865–71)
Selections from his poems v.d. (in Pinkerton, Scottish poems reprinted 1792)
The complaint and publict confessioun of the Kingis auld hound callit Bagsche c 1536
The complaynt 1529
The dreme 1528
The historie (
and testament)
of ane nobil and wail
eand squyer, William Meldrum 1550 (1594)
Kitteis confessioun c 1540
The monarche (Ane dialog betuix experience and ane courteour) 1552
Ane satyre of the thrie estaits 1540 (1602)
The testament and complaynt of our soverane lordis papyngo 1530
Provinciale (seu Constitutiones Angliæ) 1433; Eng. transl. (1534)
—Cui adjiciuntur Constitutiones Legatinæ D. Othonis, et D. Othoboni, cum annotationibus Johannis de Athona (1679)
tr. T. Heyerdahl's The Kon-Tiki Expedition: by raft across the South Seas (US ed. with title Kon-Tiki: across the Pacific by raft) 1950
Journal of a residence and tour in the republic of Mexico in 1826 1828
Bright feather fading 1936
The white hare, and other poems 1934
Clara: some scattered chapters in the life of a hussey 1912
Introduction to theoretical linguistics 1968
Semantics 2 vols. 1977
Structural semantics: an analysis of part of the vocabulary of Plato 1963
The environs of London 1792–96
An account of Roman antiquities discovered at Woodchester in Gloucester 1797
Claudia and Pudens; or the early Christians in Gloucester 1861
Dodoens' (R.) Niewe herball or historie of plantes tr. 1578
The golden south: memories of Australian home life 1843–88 1890
Landmarks of Scottish life and language 1877
Works a 1773 (1774)
Dialogues of the dead (anon.) 1760
—ed. 4, (with) four new dialogues 1765 (1776)
The history of the life of King Henry the Second 1767–71
Letters from a Persian in England to his friend at Ispahan 1735 (1744)
Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul, in a letter to Gilbert West (anon.) 1747
Correspondence 1787–1870 (1912)
Mysteries of the solar system 1968
The goddam white man 1960
Works a 1873 (1873–75)
Alice, or the mysteries 1838
Athens, its rise and fall 1837
Calderon the courtier 1838
Caxtoniana: a series of essays on life, literature, and manners 1863
The Caxtons, a family picture 1849
The coming race 1871
Devereux 1829
The disowned 1829
Ernest Maltravers 1837
Eugene Aram 1832
Falkland 1827
Godolphin 1833
Harold, the last of the Saxon kings 1848
Kenelm Chillingly, his adventures and opinions a 1873
King Arthur 1848–49
The lady of Lyons; or love and pride; a play 1838
The last days of Pompeii 1834
The last of the barons 1843
Leila; or the siege of Granada 1838
Lucretia, or the children of night 1846
My novel; or varieties in English life 1853
The new Timon; a romance of London 1846
Night and morning 1841
The Parisians a 1873 (1874)
Paul Clifford 1830
Pausanias the Spartan a 1873 (1876)
Pelham; or the adventures of a gentleman 1828
The pilgrims of the Rhine 1834
Richelieu; a play, with historical odes 1838
Rienzi, the last of the tribunes 1835
A strange story 1862
What will he do with it? 1858
The wooing of Master Fox (the separate publication in 1894 of ch. xii of The pilgrims of the Rhine)
Zanoni 1842
Zicci 1841 (a short sketch of prec., in Monthly chronicle)
King Poppy a 1891 (1892)
Lucile 1860
Orval, or the fool of time 1869
The ring of Amasis 1863
The wanderer 1857
Cheveley; or the man of honour 1839