Boileau's Le Lutrin tr. 1682
Historical notes on the tractarian movement 1865
The Oakleigh shooting code 1836
Frameworks for dating fossil man 1964
The Fleet papers: being letters to T. Thornhill 1841–42
Matabele Land, and the Victoria Falls 1881 (1889)
An exact discovery of the mystery of iniquity as it is now in practice amongst the Jesuits 1679
A true narrative of the horrid plot and conspiracy of the Popish party against the life of his sacred majesty 1679
Narrative, containing an account of his shipwreck, captivity, and escape from France 1814
August is a wicked month 1965
Country girls 1971
The lonely girl 1962
At Swim-Two-Birds 1939
The hard life: an exegesis of squalor 1961
The round towers of Ireland 1834
Villanueva's (
J. L.)
nician Ireland tr. 1832 (1837)
Material for a dictionary of Australian slang, 1900–1910 (typescript in Mitchell Library, Sydney)
Letters ed. D. Krause 1975–
The plough and the stars 1926
The star turns red 1940
Two plays [Juno and the paycock and The shadow of a gunman] 1925
Windfalls: stories, poems and plays 1934
The conquest of Syria, Persia and Ægypt by the Saracens 1708; vol. II, entitled The history of the Saracens 1718 (1847)
Correspondence ed. M. R. O'Connell 1972–
Bones of contention, and other stories 1936
The eleventh commandment 1976
Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield: a biography (anon.) 1879
Lord Beaconsfield; a biography 1879
Columbanus ad Hibernos 1810–16
ed. Rerum Hibernicarum scriptores veteres 1814–26
On the manners and customs of the ancient Irish 1873
ed. Annals of the New York stage 15 vols. 1927–49
Lectures on animal chemistry 1866
The face of the crime 1968 (UK 1969)
The impossible virgin 1971
Sabre-tooth 1966
The silver mistress 1973
ed. The annals of Ireland. Three fragments copied from ancient sources by D. MacFirbisigh 1860
The genealogies, tribes, and customs of Hy Fiachrach tr. 1844
A grammar of the Irish language 1845
No country for young men 1980
A nest of simple folk 1933
tr. H. Vaihinger's The philosophy of ‘as if’ 1924
The meaning of meaning: a study of the influence of language upon thought and of the science of symbolism 1923
tr. K. Koffka's The growth of the mind: an introduction to child-psychology 1924
Britannia, or an illustration of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales: by a geographical and historical description of the roads thereof 1675
The entertainment of Charles II in his passage through the city of London to his coronation 1662 (1685)
The fables of Æsop paraphras'd in verse 1651 (1665)
Homer his Iliads tr. 1660
Itinerarium Angliæ; or, a book of roads, wherein are contain'd the principal road-ways of England and Wales 1675
The works of P. Virgilius Maro tr. 1649 (1684)
Poems on various subjects 1762 (1769)
The imperial dictionary, English, technological, and scientific 1850; Supplement 1855
—New ed., greatly augmented, ed. C. Annandale 1881–83
A hand-book to the game-birds 1895–97
Excursions in number theory 1966
Confessions of an advertising man 1963 (UK 1964)
Gualtherus and Griselda 1739
Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne. Part II. (anon.) 1881
A general history of Ireland to the close of the twelfth century 1778
The history of New South Wales (anon.) 1817
Appointment in Samarra 1934 (UK 1935)
Pal Joey 1940 (UK 1952)
Midas: an English burletta 1764
The bird-cage 1968
The ghost of Thomas Penry 1977
Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra 1814
Fontainbleau, or our way in France 1785
Wild oats: or, the strolling gentlemen 1791
An introduction to the art of basket-making 1912
A sketch of the fisheries of Japan 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)
A. d'Assier's Posthumous humanity: a study of phantoms tr. 1887
Theosophy; religion and occult science, with a glossary of eastern words 1885
See Anglo-Saxon chronicle
A briefe instruction and maner how to keepe bookes of accompts..newly J. Mellis 1588
Walther's (R.) Antichrist tr. 1556
The seconde tome of the paraphrase of Erasmus upon the Newe Testamente tr. 1549
His remains in verse and prose a 1683 (1684)
Works, together with his remains a 1683 (1686, 1703)
Satyrs upon the Jesuits 1679 (1681)
The odes, epodes and carmen seculare of Horace tr. 1712–13
A pastoral poem on the victories at Schellenburgh and Blenheim 1704
A short view of the life and writings of Dr. Thomas Moffat, or Moufet 1746 (prefixed to Moufet's Health's improvement)
View of the life of Mr. George Herbert (anon.) 1652 (prefixed to Herbert's Priest to the temple)
Altiora peto 1883
Episodes in a life of adventure; or, moss from a rolling stone 1887
Fashionable philosophy and other sketches 1887
Haifa, or life in modern Palestine 1887
The land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon 1880
Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in 1857–59 1859
Piccadilly: a fragment of contemporary biography 1870
Sympneumata; or evolutionary forces now active in man 1885
Agnes 1866
Annals of a publishing house. William Blackwood and his sons, their magazine and friends 1897–98
Carita 1877
Chronicles of Carlingford. The rector and the doctor's family 1863; Salem Chapel 1863
He that will not when he may 1880
Innocent; a tale of modern life 1873
It was a lover and his lass 1883
Katie Stewart (anon.) 1853
The laird of Norlaw 1858
The last of the Mortimers 1862
The life of Edward Irving; illustrated by his journals and correspondence 1862
Madonna Mary 1867
Magdalen Hepburn: a story of the Scottish reformation 1854
The makers of Florence 1876
Passages in the life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland 1849
be, junior; a last chronicle of Carlingford 1876
A poor gentleman 1889
The railway man and his children 1891
Sheridan 1883
Within the precincts 1879
Autobiography and letters a 1897 (ed. Mrs. H. Coghill 1899)
Lessons in elementary botany 1864 (1872)
The history of Exeter 1821 (1861)
Monasticon di
cesis Exoniensis 1846
Savannah syncopators: African retentions in the blues 1970
Screening the blues 1968
The Scripture lexicon (anon.) 1784 (1810)
A collection of original local songs and other pieces 1824
The cotton kingdom 1861
ed. The Englishman in Kansas by T. H. Gladstone 1857
A journey in the Back Country 1860
A journey in the Seaboard slave states 1856 (1861)
A journey through Texas 1857
On the syntax of the English verb 1961
A dictionary of calico printing and dyeing 1862
Ah, wilderness! and Days without end: two plays 1933 (UK 1934)
Anna Christie See below: The hairy ape
Beyond the horizon 1920
Desire under the elms 1925
Dynamo 1929
The Emperor Jones 1921 (UK 1925)
The great god Brown, The fountain, The moon of the Caribbees, and other plays 1926
The hairy ape, and other plays 1922 (UK 1923)
Hughie 1959
The iceman cometh 1946 (UK 1947)
Lazarus laughed 1927
Long day's journey into night 1956
Marco Millions 1927
A moon for the misbegotten 1952 (UK 1953)
The moon of the Caribbees, and six other plays of the sea 1919 (UK 1923)
More stately mansions ed. D. Gallup 1964 (UK 1965)
Mourning becomes Electra: a trilogy 1931 (UK 1932)
Strange interlude 1928
A touch of the poet 1957
An advanced English syntax 1904
Back o' the moon and other stories 1906
The compleat bachelor 1900
Widdershins 1911
Children's games in street and playground 1969
The lore and language of schoolchildren 1959
See also Oxford dictionary of nursery rhymes, The
Lectures on painting a 1807 (ed. Wornum 1848)
A history of the administration of the royal navy and of merchant shipping in relation to the navy from 1509 to 1660 1896
A forbidden land: voyages to the Corea 1880
Lady Molly of Scotland Yard 1910
The Scarlet Pimpernel 1905
Creolana; or social and domestic scenes and incidents in Barbados in days of yore 1842
Fifty years on the trail 1889
A Frenchman in America 1891
John Bull & Co. 1894
John Bull and his island tr. 1883
A description of the Chanonry in Old Aberdeen 1782 (1791)
Modern optical instruments and their construction 1896
Images and shadows: part of a life 1970
Poems written in English during his captivity in England, after the battle of Agincourt a 1465 (Roxb. Cl. 1827)
An essay on transparent prints, and on transparencies in general 1807
Historical fragments of the Mogul Empire 1782 (1805)
A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan 1763–78
A manual of injurious insects 1881
The history of the county palatine and city of Cheshire 1819 (1880)
The Ormulum c 1200 (1878)
The Christian view of God and the world as centring in the incarnation 1893
The problem of the Old Testament considered with reference to recent criticism 1906
The resurrection of Jesus 1908
tr. I. Iordan's An introduction to Romance linguistics 1937
Remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift 1751 (1752)
Parthenissa, a romance (anon.) 1654–69 (1676)
A treatise of the art of war 1677
The Andes and the Amazon 1870 (1876)
The damned and the destroyed 1962
Animal farm 1945
Burmese days 1934
A clergyman's daughter 1935
Collected essays, journalism and letters ed. ‘S. Orwell’ & I. Angus 4 vols. 1968
Coming up for air 1939
Critical essays 1946
—(new ed.) 1951
Down and out in Paris and London 1933
England your England, and other essays 1953
The English people 1947
Homage to Catalonia 1938
Inside the whale, and other essays 1940
Keep the aspidistra flying 1936
The lion and the unicorn: socialism and the English genius 1941
Nineteen eighty-four 1949
The road to Wigan Pier: on industrial England and its political future 1937
Shooting an elephant, and other essays 1950
Political and social letters of a lady of the eighteenth century 1721–71 (1890)
Quedah; or stray leaves from a journal in Malayan waters 1857
Letters to Sir William Temple 1652–54 (1888)
Works a 1659 (1673, 1722)
Advice to a son (anon.) 1656
Historical memoires on the reign of Queen Elizabeth and King James (anon.) 1658
A miscellany of sundry essayes, paradoxes, and problematicall discourses, letters and characters 1659
A perswasive to a mutuall compliance under the present government (anon.) 1652
Political reflections upon the government of the Turks; Nic. Machiavell; the King of Sweden's descent into Germany; the conspiracy of Piso and Vindex against Nero; the greatness and corruption of the court of Rome; the election of Leo XI; the defection from the Church of Rome; Martin Luther vindicated 1656
See also Seasonable expostulation
Dental mechanics for students 1940
The entertainer 1957
Look back in anger 1957
West of Suez 1971
The world of Paul Slickey 1959
Epitaph for George Dillon 1958
Gleanings in the West of Ireland 1850
Letters on the education of young children 1866
The court and camp of Runjeet Sing 1840
Method and theory in experimental psychology 1953
The principles and practice of medicine 1892 (also later editions used)
A system of medicine 7 vols. 1907–10
Education and society: an introduction to the sociology of education 1953
See Humboldt, F. H. A. von; Pauli, R.; Quatrefages de Bréau, J. L. A. de
New York Medical repository 1803
Works a 1685 (1768)
Alcibiades; a tragedy 1675
The atheist; or the second part of The souldier's fortune 1684
The cheats of Scapin; a farce (tr. from Molière) 1677
Don Carlos, Prince of Spain 1676
Friendship in fashion; a comedy 1678
The history and fall of Caius Marius; a tragedy 1680
The orphan; or the unhappy marriage; a tragedy 1680
The souldier's fortune; a comedy 1681
Titus and Berenice; a tragedy 1677
Venice preserv'd; or a plot discover'd; a tragedy 1682
The description and use of the double horizontall dyall 1636
—(with) the description of the generall horologicall ring 1652
The key of the mathematicks new forged and filed tr. 1647
—newly translated (by E. Halley) 1694
The solution of all sphærical triangles both right and oblique by the planisphære 1651
Cecil Castlemaine's gage, and other novelettes 1867
Frescoes, etc.: dramatic sketches 1883
‘Held in bondage’; or Granville de Vigne; a tale of the day 1863
Idalia; a romance 1867
In a winter city; a sketch 1876
In Maremma; a story 1882
The Massarenes; a novel 1897
Moths; a novel 1880
Pascarèl; only a story 1873
Puck: his vicissitudes, related by himself 1870
A rainy June; a novelette 1885
Strathmore; a romance 1865
Two little wooden shoes; a sketch 1874
Under two flags; a story of the household and the desert 1867
Wanda 1883
A treatise on counterpoint, canon, and fugue based upon that of Cherubini 1869
A treatise on harmony 1868 (1875)
A treatise on musical form and general composition 1875
Travels in various countries of the East 1819–23
Lyrics, legal and miscellaneous 1874 (1887)
Twenty sermons preached upon several occasions a 1679 (1682)
Cope's (M.) Godly and learned exposition vppon the Prouerbes of Solomon tr. 1580
Miscellaneous works in verse and prose a 1613 (1756, 1856)
Observations in his travailes upon the state of the XVII. Provinces as they stood a.d. 1609 1626 (in Arber, Eng. Garner IV)
A wife now the widdow of Sir T. Overbury. A poem of the choice of a wife. Whereunto are added many witty characters a 1613 (1614, 1638)
A true and historical relation of the poysoning of Sir T. Overbury 1651
A true and perfect account of the examination, confession, tryal, condemnation, and execution of Joan Perry, and her two Sons, John & Richard Perry, for the supposed murder of William Harrison..sent in a letter (by Sir T. O.) to T(homas) S(hirley). Likewise Mr. Harrison's own account. 1676 (Later edd. c 1820 ‘The Campden wonder’)
William Law, nonjuror and mystic; a sketch of his life, character, and opinions 1881
Defyance of the Act of Pardon 1649
Man's mortalitie 1643
A voyage to Suratt in 1689 1696
English philanthropy, 1660–1960 1964 (UK 1965)
Diary, 1837–38 ed. G. E. Cory 1926
The description of Pembrokeshire 1603 (1892–97)
A history of Shrewsbury 1825
Words a 1683 (1850–55)
The chamber of imagery in the church of Rome laid open a 1683 (1870)
A discourse concerning evangelical love 1672
The doctrine of the saint's perseverance explained 1654
The duty of pastors and people distinguished 1644
Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews 1668–84 (1790)
How we may bring our hearts to receive reproofs 1674
The nature of apostasie from the profession of the gospel 1676
The nature, power, deceit, and prevalency of the remainders of indwelling-sin in believers (anon.) 1668
Of schisme: the true nature of it discovered and considered 1657
Of temptation: the nature and power of it 1658
Of the mortification of sinne in believers 1656 (1668)
A peace offering or plea for indulgence 1667
Salus electorum, sanguis Jesu; or, the death of death in the death of Christ 1648
The stedfastness of promises and the sinfulness of staggering 1650
Two discourses concerning the Holy Spirit and his work a 1683 (1693)
Travels into different parts of Europe in 1791–92 1796
Calvin's Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah and the Lamentations tr. 1850; the twelve Minor Prophets 1846; the Catholic Epistles 1855; the Epistle of Paul to the Romans 1849; to the Galatians 1845
England's sins 1854
Memoir of the rev. T. Jones 1851
Evenings with the skeptics 1881
The running register: recording a true relation of the state of the English colledges in all forraine parts 1626
Speculum Jesuiticum, or the Jesuites looking-glasse 1629
The unmasking of all popish monks, friers and Jesuits 1628
A history of British fossil mammals and birds 1846
Instances of the power of God as manifested in His animal creation; a lecture 1864
Lectures on the comparative anatomy of invertebrate and vertebrate animals 1843–46
—ed. 2, Lectures on comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals 1855
Odontography; or, a treatise on the comparative anatomy of the teeth 1840–45
On the anatomy of vertebrates 1866–68
On the classification and geographical distribution of the mammalia 1859
On the nature of limbs; a discourse 1849
Palæontology, or a systematic summary of extinct animals and their geological relations 1860
Structure of the skeleton and teeth 1854 (in Orr's Circle of the sciences I)
Zoology 1849 (in Manual of scientific enquiry 1859)
Life, by his grandson, the rev. R. Owen (1894)
ed. A selection from the despatches..and other papers of the Marquess Wellesley during his government of India v.d. (1877).
Collected letters ed. H. Owen & J. Bell 1967
Collected poems ed. C. Day Lewis 1963
Our church and her services 1866
Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret tr. 1850
The illustrated book of French songs from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century tr. and ed. by J. O. 1855
Short studies in ecclesiastical history and biography 1884
The loosing of the lion's whelps, and other stories 1917
A weaver of webs 1904
—(ed. 2, by N. G. L. Hammond & H. H. Scullard) 1970
—(ed. 2, by F. L. Cross & E. A. Livingstone) 1974
Report of Commission of Inquiry 2 vols. 1966
Report of the Visitors 1889–
Aubert de Vertot's (R.) History of the revolutions that happened in the government of the Roman Republic tr. 1720 (1740)
Boileau's Lutrin tr. 1708
Bourdeilles' (P. de; Seigneur de Brantôme) Spanish Rhodomontades tr. 1741
Cervantes Saavedra's (M. de) History of Don Quixote Motteux's tr. revised 1719
The life of Michael de Cervantes Saavedra tr. 1738
Mission's (H.) Memoirs and observations in his travels over England tr. 1719
Montesquieu's Persian letters tr. 1722
Pitton de Tournefort's (J.) Voyage into the Levant tr. 1741
Rabelais' (F.) Works Urquhart's tr. revised 1737