Jesuits in conflict 1873
Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus 1875–83
A child in the forest 1974
Brachigraphy; or the art of short writing 1620
Feudigraphia. The synopsis or epitome of surveying methodized (Page-heading: The art of survey) 1610
England under seven administrations 1827–34 (1837)
Life and labours of (1874)
An historical and archæological sketch of the city of Goa 1878
Penseroso, or the pensive philosopher in his solitudes, a poem 1771
SOE in France: an account of the work of the British Special Operations Executive in France 1940–1944 1966
General view of the agriculture of the county of Middlesex 1794
Texas and the Texans; or, Advance of the Anglo-Americans to the south-west 2 vols. 1841
A companion to the theatres, and manual of the British drama 1829
Dramatic works a 1777 (1778, 1830)
The author 1757
The bankrupt 1773
Capuchin 1776
The commissary 1765
The cozeners 1774
The devil upon two sticks 1768
The Englishman in Paris 1753
The Englishman return'd from Paris 1756
The knights 1754
The lame lover 1770
The lyar 1762
The maid of Bath 1771
The mayor of Garret 1764
The minor 1760
The nabob 1772
The orators 1762
The patron 1764
Taste 1752
Trip to Calais 1776
Memoirs of (1778, 1805)
An explanation of the Thirty-nine Articles 1867–68
A short explanation of the Nicene Creed 1852
Chinese Gordon 1884
My experiences of the war between France and Germany 1871
Souvenirs of some continents 1885
Reflexions on the sources of incredulity with regard to religion (anon.) a 1747 (1750)
A history of British starfishes, and other animals of the class echinodermata 1841
A history of British mollusca and their shells 1853
Wild life in Canara and Ganjam 1885
A hand-book to the primates 2 vols. 1894
A naturalist's wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago 1885
Certain records touching the estate of the Kirk in 1605 and 1606 16.. (Wodrow Soc. 1846)
Laennec's (R. T. H.) Treatise on the diseases of the chest tr. 1821 (1834)
See also Cyclopædia
A defence of the lawful calling of the ministers of reformed churches 1614
An exquisite commentarie upon the Revelation of Saint John 1613
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1812
Ajax, his speech to the Grecian Knabbs, attempted in broad Buchans. To which is added a Journal to Portsmouth and a Shop-Bill in the same dialect, with a key 1742 (1755)
Select collection of Scots poems, A, chiefly in the broad Buchan dialect 1785
The dominie depos'd; or some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass ? 1746 (1785)
An account of the life and writings of James Beattie, including many of his original letters 1806 (1824)
Reminiscences of the great mutiny 1857–59 1893
The vocabulary of East Anglia a 1825 (1830)
Mendelism and evolution 1931
Moths 1955
Letters ed. R. M. Ludwig 1965
A man could stand up 1926
No more parades 1925
The panel: a sheer comedy 1912
Dramatic works 16.. (1827, 1869)
The broken heart 1633
The chronicle historie of Perkin Warbeck 1634
Fames memoriall; or the Earle of Devonshire deceased 1606
The fancies, chast and noble 1638
Honor triumphant; or, the Peeres challenge 1606 (Shaks. Soc. 1843)
The ladies triall 1638 (1639)
A line of life 1620 (Shaks. Soc. 1843)
The lovers melancholy 1628 (1629)
Loues sacrifice 1633
'Tis pity shees a whore 1633
The sun's darling 1624 (1656)
The world of elementary particles 1963
The Honorable Peter Stirling and what people thought of him 1894 (UK 1898)
Gatherings from Spain 1846
A hand-book for travellers in Spain 1845
Inez and Trilby May 1921
Shorty McCabe 1906 (UK 1908)
Side-stepping with Shorty 1908
A history of the Cambridge University cricket club, 1820–1901 1902
ed. Terminology of forest science, technology, practice and products 1971
Parismus, the renowned prince of Bohemia 1598–99 (1661)
Lusus fortunæ: the play of fortune 1649
A sermon preached at Constantinople 1616
Scoti-chronicon, sive Scotorum historia a 1384 (1691, 1871–72)
—cum ejusdem supplemento ac continuatione (by Walter Bower) a 1449 (1722, 1759)
Sermons to young women 1765 (1767)
A letter to Sir J. Sinclair, concerning the virtues of the muriatic acid in the cure of putrid diseases 1790
The commodore 1945
The good shepherd 1955
Hornblower and the Atropos 1953
Mr. Midshipman Hornblower 1950
The ship 1943
A ship of the line 1938
Field sports in the United States, and the British provinces of America 1848
See: United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Forestry
The golfer's handbook 1881
Some queries and observations upon the Revolution in 1688 1741
The autobiography and personal diary, from 1552 to 1602 a 1611 (Halliwell 1849)
Car-builder's dictionary 1880
A voyage from Calcutta to the Mergui Archipelago 1792
A voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas in 1774–76 1779
The pleasaunt poesye of princelye practise 1548 (partly repr. in Starkey's England, E.E.T.S. 1878)
Theophilus 1572 (in Anglia, VII and X)
A true and most notable history of a right noble lady entitled the second Gresield 1558
Mignon 1877
Roy and Viola 1880
The polite philosopher (anon.) 1734 (1778)
A girl called Fathom 1967
Abinger harvest: a miscellany 1936
Aspects of the novel 1927
The hill of Devi: being letters from Dewas State Senior 1953
Howards End 1910
The longest journey 1907
Maurice 1971 (written 1913–14, rev. 1959–60)
A passage to India 1924
A room with a view 1908
Two cheers for democracy 1951
Where angels fear to tread 1905
A journey from Bengal to England 1790 (1798)
A voyage round the world in his Britannic Majesty's sloop Resolution, commanded by Captain James Cook, in 1772–75 1777
Sparrman's (Anders) Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope in 1772–76 tr. 1785 (1786)
Flowering lotus: a view of Java 1958
Kalm's (Pehr) Travels into North America tr. 1770–71 (1772)
Observations made during a voyage round the world 1778
Osbeck's (Pehr) Voyage to China and the East-Indies 1771
The debates on the Grand Remonstrance, 1641 1860
Historical and biographical essays 1858
The life and adventures of Oliver Goldsmith 1848
The life of C. Dickens 1872–74
Walter Savage Landor. A biography 1869
The pocket encyclopædia of natural phenomena a 1825 (1827)
Observations of the natural history of the swallow tribe 1817
Researches about atmospheric phaenomena 1813 (1815)
A treatise on a section of the strata commencing near Newcastle upon Tyne 1809
Theory of functions of a complex variable 1893
The day of the jackal 1971
The dogs of war 1974
The Highlands of central India 1871
Remarks on antiquities, arts, and letters during an excursion in Italy in 1802–03 1813
The beauties of Scotland 1805–08
A treatise on the culture and management of fruit trees 1802 (1818)
ed. Social structure: studies presented to A. R. Radcliffe-Brown 1949
Works a 1476 (1869)
The governance of England: otherwise called The difference between an absolute and a limited monarchy c 1460 (1714, 1885)
Mexia's (P.) Foreste; or, collection of histories tr. 1571
A descriptive catalogue of the maiolica, Hispano-Moresco, Persian, Damascus, and Rhodian wares, in the South Kensington Museum 1873
Maiolica 1875
Maiolica: a historical treatise on the glazed and enamelled earthenwares of Italy 1896
Six sermons delivered at Kettering and other places 1617–31 (1633)
British monachism 1802
Encyclopedia of antiquities 1825 (1840)
A pilgrimage to Palestine 1927 (UK 1928)
Comparative morphology of vascular plants 1959
The changing English language 1968
ed. An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionary 4 vols. 1888–92
The adventures of a tropical tramp 1922
A beachcomber in the Orient 1923
A tropical tramp with the tourists 1925
Ribbin', jivin', and playin' the dozens: the unrecognized dilemma of inner city schools 1974
eds. Culture and environment: essays in honour of Sir Cyril Fox 1963
Essays 1805
Life and correspondence (1846)
Text-book of physiology 1877 (1878)
Foster's complete Hoyle 1897
Hoplocrisma-spongus; or, a sponge to wipe away the weapon-salve 1631
ed. The English factories in India, a calendar of documents in the India Office, British Museum and Public Record Office 1618–41 (1906–12)
The look of the old West 1955
Atheomastix; clearing foure truthes against atheists and infidels a 1619 (1622)
Foure sermons 1608
Kith and kin 1881
A march in the ranks 1890
The history of the Romish treasons and usurpations a 1669 (1671, 1681)
The history of the wicked plots and conspiracies of our pretended saints 1662
Erchie, my droll friend 1904
An alarme for sinners 1679
The decisions of the Lords of Council and Session 1678–1712 a 1722 (1759–61)
Journals of, with his observations on public affairs and other memoranda 1665–76 (S.H.S. 1900)
General system of chemical knowledge tr. by William Nicholson 1804
A vindication of an undertaking of certain gentlemen (anon.) 1692
A dictionary of modern English usage 1926
—(ed. 2, rev. by E. A. Gowers) 1965
Journal ed. E. Coues 1898
The medical vocabulary 1860
Bacon 1881
The elements of deductive logic 1867
The elements of inductive logic 1870
The history of Corpus Christi College 1893 (O.H.S.)
Works 15..–16.. (S.T.S. 1914)
Dupe negative 1970
Pastime 1974
The collector 1963
The French lieutenant's woman 1969
The magus 1966
A manual of elementary chemistry 1844 (1848, 1850, etc.)
—revised by H. Watts (1873, 1877)
Journals ed. W. Monk 1972
Memories of old friends, being extracts from the journals and letters of C. F. 1835–71 (1882)
Educational psychology: its problems and methods 1925
History of the early part of the reign of James II a 1806 (1808)
Correspondence of Gilbert Wakefield with C. J. Fox 1796–1801 (1813)
Ozone and antozone, their history and nature 1873
The archaeology of the Cambridge region 1923
The numerical solution of two-point boundary problems in ordinary differential equations 1957
Computing methods for scientists and engineers 1968
Introduction to comparative entomology 1964
The mechanism of weaving 1894
The classification of skin diseases 1864
Actes and monuments of these latter and perillous dayes (= The book of martyrs) 1563 (1570, 1576, 1583, 1596, 1610, 1631, 1641, 1684)
The North-West Fox, or Fox from the North-West Passage 1635
Voyages in search of a North-West passage in 1631–32; with narratives of the earlier North-West voyages v.d. (Hakluyt Soc. 1894)
ed. Principles of medicinal chemistry 1974
Instrumentation and control of nuclear reactors 1963
Aircraft power plants 1943
The orientation of animals 1940
ed. Comprehensive virology 1974–
The edge of the alphabet 1962
The lagoon: stories 1951
Owls do cry 1957 (UK 1961)
Monardes' (Nicolas) Ioyfull newes out of the newe founde worlde tr. 1577
—newly corrected, whereunto are added three other bookes treating of the Bezaar stone, the herbe Escuerçonera, the properties of yron and steele, in medicine and the benefite of snow 1580 (1596)
The most noble and famous trauels of Marcus Paulus to the east partes of the world tr. 1579
Blood sport 1967
Bonecrack 1971
Dead cert 1962
Enquiry 1969
Flying finish 1966
Forfeit 1968
For kicks 1965
In the frame 1976
Knock down 1974
Nerve 1964
Odds against 1965
Rat race 1970
Risk 1977
Slay-ride 1973
A book on angling 1867 (1880)
Opinions and policy of Viscount Palmerston 1852
The dictionary of the arts, sciences, and manufactures 1842
History of the Bank of England 1847
A daughter of the soil 1895
Northern memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland. To which is added the contemplative and practical angler 1658 (1694, 1821)
Truth springing out of the earth 1668
Latin America: underdevelopment or revolution 1969
LI sermons; to which is added, a sermon preached at St. Pauls Cross in 1641 a 1664 (1672)
More of us, being the present-day adventures of ‘One of us’: a novel in verse 1937
‘Tid'apa’: what does it matter? 1914 (UK 1915)
Technological dictionary, English-German-French. (Vol. II of Beil's (J. A.) Techn. Wörterbuch) 1855
Experimental researches in pure, applied, and physical chemistry 1877
Works a 1790 (1840, 1887–88)
Writings ed. A. H. Smyth 10 vols. 1905–7
Memoirs of the life and writings, written by himself to a late period, and continued to the time of his death by W. T. Franklin (Autobiography) 1788 (1818)
Poor Richard improved; being an almanack for the year 1758 1758 (in Arber, English Garner V)
Private correspondence 1753–90 (1817)
Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1819–22 1823
All that swagger 1936 (UK 1947)
My brilliant career 1901
A dictionary of nicknames 1962
A dictionary of rhyming slang 1960
Soldier and sailor words and phrases 1925
Chronicles of the Frasers: the Wardlaw MS. entitled ‘Polichronicon seu policratica temporum, or, the true genealogy of the Frasers’, 916–1674 c 1700 (S.H.S. 1905)
A cock-pit of roses 1969
Heart's ease in death 1977
Who steals my name? 1976
Journal of a tour through part of the snowy range of the Him
Mountains 1820
The Kuzzilbash (anon.) 1828
Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, etc. 1840
The Whaups of Durley 1895
The Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch 1591
The lawiers logike 1588
Watson's (Thomas) Lamentations of Amyntas tr. 1587
The Russian interpreter 1966
The tin men 1965
Elements of sound recording 1949
Automotive fundamentals 1949
The golden bough: a study in comparative religion 1890
—ed. 2, revised and enlarged 1900; ed. 3, 1907–12
Agrippa's (H. C.) Three books of occult philosophy tr. 1651
The doctrines and practises of the Societie of Jesuites 1630
All about house plants 1946
Because of the cats 1963
Criminal conversation 1965
Double-barrel 1964
The Dresden Green 1966
Dressing of diamond 1974
The king of the rainy country 1966
Lake isle 1976
A long silence 1972
Love in Amsterdam 1962
Strike out where not applicable 1967
Tsing-boum 1969
What are the bugles blowing for? 1975
tr. A. Vandel's Biospeleology: the biology of cavernicolous animals 1965
General sketch of European history 1872
The growth of the English Constitution 1872
Historical and architectural sketches; chiefly Italian 1876
Historical essays v.d. (1871–79)
The history of architecture 1849
The history of the Norman Conquest 1867–79
The reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry I 1882
Sketches from the subject and neighbour lands of Venice 1881
Some impressions of the United States 1883
Life and letters ed. W. R. W. Stephens (1895)
Jack would be a gentleman 1959
The liberty man 1955
The principles of divine service 1855–62
History of the reign of Henry IV, King of France 1860–63
History of Marie de Medici 1861
The commercial class-book 1849
An account of the Earl of Peterborow's conduct in Spain 1707
Select essays, tending to the universal reformation of learning 1693
Appointment with yesterday 1972
By horror haunted: stories 1974
The jealous one 1965
Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in...1842, and to Oregon and North California in...1843–'44 1845
The art of distillation 1651
A new light of alchymie, and a treatise of sulphur, by Michael Sandivogius; also nine books of the nature of things by Paracelsus. Also a chymical dictionary explaining hard places and words in Paracelsus tr. 1650
The York-shire spaw 1652
Historical works a 1678 (1846)
The vnkinde desertor of loyall men and true frinds (anon.) 1676
Old Deccan days; or, Hindoo fairy legends current in Southern India 1868
ed. Visitation articles and injunctions of the period of the Reformation 1910
Holub's (E.) Seven years in South Africa tr. 1881
A glossary of Devonshire plant names 1882 (E.D.S.)
A text-book of physical chemistry 2 vols. 1932–5
American English grammar: the grammatical structure of present-day American English with especial reference to social differences or class dialects 1940
ed. The nuclear handbook 1958
Sham! a novel written in earnest 1858 (1861)
Works a 1533 (1573)
A boke answering vnto M. Mores lettur 1533 (1546)
An other boke against Rastel 1533
A disputacion of purgatorye 1533 (1829)
Judgment upon Will Tracey his testament a 1533
A mirrour or glasse to know thyselfe 1533
A pistle to the christen reader; the reuelation of antichrist: antithesis wherein are compared togeder Christes actes and oure holye father the Popes 1529
My autobiography and reminiscences 1887
The structure and reproduction of the algae 2 vols. 1935–45
Collected poems 1930
—(new ed.) 1939
Letters to Louis Untermeyer ed. L. Untermeyer 1964
Family letters ed. A. Grade 1972
Reminiscences of a country journalist 1886 (1888)
tr. P. Montagné's Larousse Gastronomique 1961
Cæsar; a sketch 1879
Thomas Carlyle: a history of the first forty years of his life, 1795–1835 1882
—: a history of his life in London, 1834–81 1884
The divorce of Catherine of Aragon 1891
History of England 1856–70
The nemesis of faith 1849
Oceana, or England and her colonies 1886
Short studies on great subjects 1850–81 (1867–83)
The gale of opportunity 1650 (1652)
General biochemistry 1953
—(ed. 2) 1958
The scripture reader's guide to the devotional use of the holy scriptures 1828
The lady's not for burning: a comedy 1949
Venus observed 1950
Cézanne: a study of his development 1927
Letters ed. D. Sutton 2 vols. 1972
Transformations: essays on art 1926
Anatomy of criticism 1957
ed. Romanticism reconsidered 1963
ed. Sound and poetry 1957
Ohlenschläger's (A. G.) Gods of the North tr. 1845
A new account of East India and Persia 1698
The pandectes of the law of nations 1602
A parallele or conference of the civill law, the canon law and the common law of England 1601. Pt. ii 1602
ed. Dearest child: letters between Queen Victoria and the Princess Royal, 1858–1861 1964
ed. Dearest Mama: letters between Queen Victoria and the Crown Princess of Prussia, 1861–1864 1968
ed. Your dear letter: private correspondence of Queen Victoria and the Crown Princess of Prussia, 1865–1871 1971
An answer of a true Christian 1577
A confutation of a treatise made by William Allen in defence of the usurped power of popish priesthood to remit sinnes. An apologie of the professors of the gospel in Fraunce against the railing declamation of Peter Frarine tr. by John Fowler 1586
A defense of the sincere and true translations of the holie scriptures into the English tong 1583
A goodly gallerye with a most pleasaunt prospect into the garden of naturall contemplation, to behold the naturall causes of all kynde of meteors 1563 (1655)
D. Heskins, D. Sanders, and M. Rastel, accounted three pillers of the popish synagogue, and ouerthrowne (Heskins parleament repealed; A confutation of Sanders treatise; A refutation of Rastels confutation) 1579
A retentiue to stay good christians in true faith and religion against the motiues of Richard Bristow; also, a discouerie of the daungerous rocke of the popish church 1580
T. Stapleton and Martiall confuted 1580
The text of the New Testament translated by the papists of the traiterous seminarie at Rhemes. With a confutation of all such arguments, etc. as conteine manifest impietie 1589
Two treatises written against the papistes: the one being an answere of the Christian protestant to the proud challenge of a popish catholicke (W. Allen); the other a confutation of the popish churches doctrine touching purgatory and prayers for the dead 1577
General view of the agriculture of the county of Ayr 1793
A view of the English interests in India 1787
A literary courtship under the auspices of Pike's Peak 1893
Medicina gymnastica: or, a treatise concerning the power of exercise with respect to the animal
conomy 1704
tr. J. Braun-Blanquet's Plant sociology: the study of plant communities 1932
On diseases of the chest 1862
Uncle John's flower-gatherers 1869
Operating manual for Spaceship Earth 1969
Untitled epic poem on the history of industrialization 1962
The ruined boys 1959
The second curtain 1953
Life without and within 1859
Woman in the nineteenth century 1845 (1862)
Abel redivivus; or the dead yet speaking 1651 (1867)
The appeal of injured innocence 1659 (1840)
The cause and cure of a wounded conscience 1647 (1841, 1867)
The church-history of Britain 1655
A comment on Ruth 1654 (1868)
David's hainous sinne, heartie repentance, heavie punishment 1631 (1867)
Good thoughts in bad times 1645 (1841)
Good thoughts in worse times 1647 (1841)
The historie of the holy warre 1639 (1647, 1840)
The history of the university of Cambridge since the Conquest 1655 (1840)
The history of Waltham-abbey 1655 (1840)
The history of the worthies of England a 1661 (1662, 1840)
The holy state 1642; The profane state 1642 (1841)
Joseph's party-coloured coat 1640 (1867)
The just man's funeral 1649
Mixt contemplations in better times 1660 (1840)
Ornitho-logie, or the speech of birds (anon.) 1655
A Pisgah-sight of Palestine 1650
A sermon on the 27th March 1643 1643
Sermons a 1661
Two sermons 1654
ia extemporanea 1702 (1710)
Constance Sherwood, an autobiography of the sixteenth century 1865
Ellen Middleton 1844
Grantley Manor 1847
Lady-bird 1852
Toleration not to be abused 1672
Index canonum 1872 (1883)
The illustrated book of pigeons; ed. Lewis Wright 1876 (1882); ed. W. F. Lumley 1893–95
The first part of the eight liberale science entituled Ars adulandi, the art of flattery 1576
—newly corrected and augmented 1579
An enterlude intituled Like wil to like quod the Deuel to the Colier 1568
The enimie of idleness 1568
A standard dictionary of the English language ed. I. K. Funk et al. 2 vols. 1893–5
—(new ed.) 2 vols. 1928
Standard dictionary of folklore, mythology, and legend ed. M. Leach 2 vols. 1949–50
A voyage round the world 1707
A history of the Weald of Kent 1871–74
Domestic worship 1842 (1850)
Folk lore in Borneo 1899 (privately printed)
Lectures on painting 1801–15 (ed. R. N. Wornum 1848)
See also Book of St. Albans