The English treasury of wit and language 1655
Wits interpreter; the English Parnassus 1655
A dictionarie of the French and English tongues 1611
—(with) a most copious dictionarie, of the English set before the French, by R(obert) S(herwood) 1632
A short discoverie of the dangers of ignorant practisers of physicke 1612
Calprenéde's Cassandra tr. 1652
Davila's (E. C.) Historie of the civill warres of France 1647–48 (1678)
Early recollections, chiefly relating to S. T. Coleridge in Bristol 1837
Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey 1847 (an enlarged ed. of prec.)
Burlesque upon burlesque, or the scoffer scoft 1675
The compleat angler. Being instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream 1676. See also
Walton, Isaak
The compleat gamester 1674
Girard's (Guillaume) History of the life of the duke of Espernon tr. 1670
Montaigne's Essays tr. 1685
Poems a 1687 (1689)
Poetical works a 1687 (1765)
Scarronides, or Virgile travestie 1664,–67
The wonders of the Peake 1681
Landscape, as developed by processes of normal erosion 1941
Volcanoes as landscape forms 1944
Advanced inorganic chemistry 1962
—(ed. 2) 1966
—(ed. 3) 1972
Advanced electrical technology 1967
A brief exposition of the whole book of Canticles 1642 (1868)
A briefe exposition upon Ecclesiastes a 1652 (1868)
Singing of psalmes, a Gospel-ordinance 1647
Observations on a particular kind of scarlet fever, that lately prevailed in and about St. Albans 1749
Various pieces in prose and verse a 1788 (1791)
Visions in verse, for the entertainment and instruction of younger minds 1751
An abstract out of the records of the Tower touching the kings revenue a 1631 (1642)
A short view of the long life and reigne of Henry the third 1627
A treatise against recusants in defence of the Oath of allegiance a 1631 (1641)
An armor of proofe, brought from the tower of Dauid, to fight against Spannyardes 1596
An introduction to metallurgy 1967
A history of the fishes of the British Islands 1860–65
The history of Polperro a 1870 (ed. T. Quiller Couch 1871)
Birds of the Northwest 1873 (1874)
Fur-bearing animals 1877
Key to North American birds 1872 (1884)
ed. New light on the early history of the Greater Northwest: the manuscript journals of Alexander Henry...and of David Thompson 3 vols. 1897
North American Rodentia 1877
Adventures in the Pacific 1845
A textbook of botany for colleges and universities 2 vols. 1910–11
The château 1974
Embassy 1969
The Soyuz affair 1977
Poetry, chiefly in the Scottish language 1804
What is mathematics? 1941
A dictionary of nautical terms 1962
The true way to vertue and happinesse, intreating specially of constancie in publick calamaties and private afflictions (tr. from G. Du Vair) 1623
Paleario's (A.) Benefit of Christ's death tr. 1855
Physical beauty: how to develop and preserve it 1922
Pleasures of solitude 1800
Glossary of words in use in Cornwall. West Cornwall by Miss M. A. Courtney. East Cornwall by Thomas Q. Couch 1880 (E.D.S.)
Island of Bali 1937
—(another ed.) 1972
Extracts from diaries of 1670–79 (Hakluyt Soc. 1893)
Some account of the present Greek Church 1722
Polimanteia, or, the meanes to judge of the fall of a common-wealth 1595
The history of Pompey the Little: or, the life and adventures of a lap-dog 1750
Letters of Philemon to Hydaspes; relating a conversation with Hortensius upon the subject of false religion 1736
Writings and translations; Remains v.d. (Parker Soc. 1844, 1846)
Certain most godly letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs as gaue their lyues, etc. v.d. (1564)
The christen state of matrymonye tr. (from H. Bullinger) 1541
A confutacion of that treatise, which one J. Standish made agaynst the protestacion of D. Barnes in 1540 ? 1541
The defence of a certayne poore christen man tr. 1545
An exhortacion to the careinge of Chrystes crosse ? 1550
A faythful and most godly treatyse concernynge the most sacred sacrament of the blessed body and blood of Christ tr. 15..
Fruitfull lessons upon the passion, etc. 1540
The hope of the faythfull ? 1554 (1574)
A most frutefull, pithye, and learned treatise how a christen man oughte to behaue hymselfe in the daunger of death tr. ? 1550 (1579)
The old faith tr. (from H. Bullinger) 1541
The order that the churche in Denmarke doth use ? 1550
The original and sprynge of all sectes and orders tr. 1537
The second tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the Newe Testament 1549
A spyrytuall and moost precious pearle 1550
A very excellent and swete exposition upon the two and twentye Psalme of David tr. (from M. Luther) 1537
A worke entytled of ye olde God and the newe, etc. tr. 1523 (1534)
See also Bible
A true and almost incredible report of an Englishman that travelled by land throw many unknowne kingdomes 1612
The Maoris of New Zealand 1910
ed. Recording sound for motion pictures 1931
Australia visited, 1940 1941
Blithe spirit: an improbable farce 1941 (UK 1942)
Design for living: a comedy 1933
Future indefinite 1954
Middle East diary 1944
Play parade 6 vols. 1934–62
Present indicative 1937
Private lives 1930
To-night at 8.30: plays 3 vols. 1936
Inlays, crowns, and bridges ed. G. F. Kantorowicz 1963
The Cowells in America: the diary of Mrs. S. Cowell, 1860–1861 ed. M. W. Disher 1934
The interpreter: or booke containing the signification of words 1607 (1637, 1672)
—augmented by Thomas Manley (1684)
—farther augmented by W. Kennett (1701)
Thirty years passed among the players in England and America 1844
Shetland, descriptive and historical 1871
Works a 1667 (1668, 1687, 1710–11, 1905–06)
Cutter of Coleman-street 1663
Davideis 1638–56
The guardian; a comedie 1650
Loves riddle 1638
Miscellanies 1656
The mistress 1647
Ode upon the Restoration 1660
Of plants tr. Bks. I and II, by J. O. 1693; Bk. III, by C. Cleeve 1711; Bks. IV and V, by N. Tate 1695; Bk. VI, by Mrs. Behn 1680
Pindarique odes 1656
Poeticall blossomes 1633
A proposition for the advancement of experimental philosophy 1661
Several discourses by way of essays in verse and prose a 1667
Sylva, or, dyvers copies of verses 1636
The tragicall history of Piramus and Thisbe 1633
Verses written on several occasions 1663
A vision, concerning his late pretended highnesse, Cromwell the Wicked 1661
Voyage round the globe in 1683 (in Hacke's Collect. Voy. 1699)
A bold stroke for a husband 1782
Who's the dupe? 1779
His dikaiologie: contayning a just defence of his apologie 1614
Works a 1800 (1835–37)
Poetical works a 1800 (1889, 1905)
Poems 1782, 1800
Anti-Thelyphthora 1781
Charity 1781
Conversation 1781
Correspondence ed. T. Wright 4 vols. 1904
The diverting history of John Gilpin 1782
Expostulation 1781
Homer tr. 1791; ed. 2, a 1800 (1802)
Hope 1781
Letters v.d. (1876)
Olney hymns 1779
Private correspondence with several friends v.d. (1837)
The progress of error 1780
Retirement 1781
Table talk 1781
The task 1784
Tirocinium 1784
Truth 1781
The twentieth-century mind: history, ideas and literature in Britain 3 vols. 1972
A general history of Greece 1876
The mythology of the Aryan nations 1870
The institutions of the English government 1863
An illustrated dictionary of hairdressing and wigmaking 1966
Notes on the churches of Derbyshire 1875–79
The royal forests of England 1905
The arte or crafte of rhethoryke 1524 (1899)
The gentleman's recreation 1674 (1677, 1686)
eds. The organization and handling of bibliographic records by computer 1967
Hibernia Anglicana; or, the history of Ireland from the conquest thereof by the English to this present time 1689–90
Adventures on the Columbia River 2 vols. 1831 (US 1 vol. 1832)
The pilgrim psalms; an exposition of the songs of degrees 1874
Salvator mundi: or, is Christ the Saviour of all men? 1877
Magna Britannia et Hibernia 1720–31
A description of the English province of Carolana 1722
Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America 1780
History of the House of Austria from 1218–1792 1807
Travels in Switzerland 1789
A view of the cultivation of fruit trees, and the management of orchards and cider 1817
The figure in the mist 1955
One green bottle 1951
The thankless muse 1967
A wind in the west 1949
Broad Norfolk: being a series of articles and letters. Reprinted from the ‘Eastern Daily Press.’ ed. by C.-H. 1893
The Sparrowgrass papers: or, living in the country 1860
Universal technological dictionary 1823
Poetical works a 1832 (1834, 1905–07)
The borough 1810
The candidate 1780
Inebriety 1775
The library 1781
The newspaper 1785
The parish register 1807
Posthumous tales a 1832
Tales (in verse) 1812
Tales of the Hall 1819
The Village 1783
The Savoy cocktail book 1930
Poetical works a 1631 (Hunterian Club 1873)
Amorose songes, sonets, and elegies 1606
The pilgrime and heremite 1631
Poeticall essayes 1604
Poetical recreations 1609, 1623
A dead liberty 1974
Young men may die 1970
Collins family cookery 1957
A new universal etymological, technological, and pronouncing dictionary of the English language 1849
Lectures on drawing, painting, and engraving 1821
Elements of general and pathological anatomy 1848
The herb-moon. A fantasia 1896
The religion of ancient Scandinavia 1906
eds. A dictionary of American English on historical principles
See under title
Agatha's husband 1853
Bread upon the waters 1852
Christian's mistake 1865
Domestic stories 1860
Fair France 1871
The head of the family 1852
John Halifax, gentleman 1856
A life for a life 1859
Mistress and maid 1863
A noble life 1866
The Ogilvies 1849
Romantic tales 1859
The woman's kingdom 1869
A woman's thoughts about women 1858
A manual of English literature, or of the history of the English language 1862 (1874)
Faith Unwin's ordeal 1865
Lost and won 1859
A sermon at the solemnizing of the inauguration of King James, 24 Mar. 1608 1609
A sermon of sanctification 1607 (1608)
Vigilius dormitans, Romes seer overseene, or a treatise of the fift Generall Councell 1631
The annals of Banff 1891–93 (New Spalding Cl.)
The annals of Cullen 1888
The annals of Fordoun 1894
ed. The records of Elgin 1234–1800 (New Spalding Cl. 1903–08)
Theory of vibrating systems and sound 1927
The management of wild mammals in captivity 1964
Letters 1916–32 ed. B. Weber 1952
—(paperback ed.) 1965
Maggie, a girl of the streets 1893
The red badge of courage. An episode of the American Civil War 1895
Bookbinding for amateurs 1885
The smithy and forge 1883
Works a 1556 (1833)
Writings and disputations; Remains a 1556 (Parker Soc. 1844, 1846)
An answer vnto a crafty and sophisticall cauillation deuised by Stephen Gardiner 1551
Catechismus. That is to say; a shorte instruction into christian religion 1548
A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the Sacrament 1550
See also Bible
The nether side of New York; or, The vice, crime, and poverty of the great metropolis 1872
Poems a 1649 (1858, 1904)
Carmen Deo nostro a 1649 (1652)
Steps to the temple. With the delights of the muses 1646
The Jesuites gospel 1610
Newes from Italy of a second Moses: or, the life of Galeacius Caracciolus the noble marquesse of Vico tr. 1608; another ed., entitled The Italian convert 1635
Romish forgeries and falsifications 1606
The theory and practice of the allegro in classical ballet 1930
Sketches relating chiefly to the history, religion, learning, and manners of the Hindoos 1790
History of the University of Edinburgh 1580–1646 16.. (1808)
Gods tribunall and mans tryal 1630 (1631)
Thinking black, 22 years without a break in the long grass of central Africa 1912
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, on various subjects 1798
Doctor Claudius 1883
Greifenstein 1889
Mr. Isaacs 1882
A Roman singer 1884
Saracinesca 1887
A tale of a lonely parish 1886
With the immortals 1888
Recollections of travel in New Zealand and Australia 1880
Basic engineering processes 1964
History of the Indian archipelago 3 vols. 1820
Billiards 1856 (1859)
The card player 1863
Football, golf and shinty, hockey, polo, and curling 1878
Hoyle's games modernized 1863
The fifteen decisive battles of the world 1851
History of the Ottoman Turks 1854–56
The rise and progress of the English constitution 1853 (1854)
Juvenal's thirteenth satire tr. 1693 (see Dryden, J.)
T. Lucretius Carus, his six books De natura rerum tr. 1682 (1683)
The five books of M. Manilius, containing a system of the ancient astronomy and astrology; together with the philosophy of the Stoicks tr. 1697
The Idylliums of Theocritus tr. 1684
The trial of Lobo Icheka 1971
Memoirs, written by himself (? by J. Swift) 1731
History of epidemics in Britain 1891–94
Historical essays and reviews 1872–96 (1902)
History of the Papacy during the period of the Reformation 1882–94
Life and letters, by his wife (1904)
Reflexions upon the oathes of supremacy and allegiance 1661
Encyclopædia of civil engineering 1847
Encyclopædic dictionary of mountaineering 1968
A naturalist's ramble to the Orcades 1866
History of Arabia, ancient and modern 1833
Buried for pleasure 1948
Frequent hearses 1950
Glimpses of the moon 1977
The long divorce 1951
Developmental dyslexia 1964
The parietal lobes 1953
An account of Col. Crockett's tour to the North and down East. Written by himself 1835
Colonel Crockett's exploits and adventures in Texas...written by himself 1836 (attributed to Richard Penn Smith)
Narrative of the life of David Crockett 1834
Sketches and eccentricities of Colonel David Crockett See under title
The banner of blue 1902
The Black Douglas 1899
Bog-Myrtle and peat 1895
Cleg Kelly 1896
The dark o' the moon 1902
The dew of their youth 1910
The grey man 1896
Kit Kennedy: country boy 1899
Lad's love 1897
The lilac sunbonnet 1894
Little Anna Mark 1900
Lochinvar 1897
Love idylls 1901
Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills 1894
The men of the moss-hags 1895
The raiders; passages in the life of John Faa 1894
The standard bearer 1898
The stickit minister, and some common men 1893
That Popish parson fellow 1896
The naked truth; or the true state of the primitive church 1675
A short narrative of the discovery of a college of Jesuits at Come, Hereford 1679
Some animadversions upon a book (by T. Burnet) intituled ‘The theory of the earth’ 1685
Inspector French and the Cheyne mystery 1926
Thirteen Psalms, and the first chapter of Ecclesiastes 1540–54 (Percy Soc. 1844)
The Company's servant: a romance of Southern India 1907
Peggy of the Bartons 1898
Proper pride 1885
Village tales and jungle tragedies 1895 (1896)
Essays on the early period of the French Revolution 1857
The Croker papers. The correspondence and diaries of the late rt. hon. J. W. Croker a 1857 (1884)
Ariosto's Orlando Furioso tr. 1755
et al. The complete dictionary of the arts and sciences 3 vols. 1764–6
Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland 1825–28 (1862)
Researches in the south of Ireland 1824
Climate and time in their geological relations 1875
Historical sketches, speeches and characters 1842
An historical account of the conspiracies by the Earls of Gowry and Robert Logan against James VI 1713
Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway song 1810
Select Scottish songs 1810
L'authoritie et jurisdiction des courts de la maiestie de la roygne 1594
Loffice et aucthoritie de iustices de peace, in part collect per A. Fitzherbert, et ore enlarge per R. C. 1583
Just — William 1922
Still — William 1925
William again 1923
William and the evacuees 1940
William and the moon rocket 1954
William carries on 1942
William does his bit 1941
William — the detective 1935
Letters and speeches a 1658 (ed. Carlyle 1845)
The citadel 1937
Hatter's Castle 1931
The stars look down 1935
Dead...and done with 1959
The wise man from the west 1955
The tribes and castes of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh 4 vols. 1896
Dyeing and calico-printing 1874
Dyeing and tissue-printing 1882
The history of the state and sufferings of the Church of Scotland, from the restoration to the revolution 1749
The faithless mirror 1946
The forgotten place 1957
You've gone astray 1944
Correlative anatomy of the nervous system 1962
The Christian preacher: Yale lectures 1879–80 1880
Nightfall 1976 (UK 1977 with title Snake)
A text-book of paper-making 1888
The backward sex 1960
The God boy 1957 (UK 1958)
To hell for half-a-crown 1967
George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals 1884
The Taghmical art: or the art of expounding scripture by the points usually called accents 1698
The Disruption: a tale of trying times 1844 (1877)
Vertues common-wealth 1603 (Grosart 1878)
The diaries of a Cabinet Minister 3 vols. 1975–7
The young man's calling, or the whole duty of youth (anon.) 1678
Synchronology: being a treatise on the history, chronology and mythology of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Phoenicians 1839
See Burton, Richard or Robert
The Welch traveller; or, the unfortunate Welchman 1671
Lewesdon Hill; a poem 1788
A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, Nov. 5. 1781 1781
A treatise on English versification 1827
Select works a 1588 (E.E.T.S. 1872)
A deliberat answere made to a rash offer 1588
An informacion and peticion agaynst the oppressours of the pore Commons 1548
One and thyrtye epigrammes 1550
Pleasure and payne, heauen and hell 1551
A setting open of the subtyle sophistrie of T. Watson 1569
The voyce of the laste trumpet blowen bi the seuenth angel 1549 (1550)
The way to wealth, wherein is taught a remedy for sedicion 1550
Dramatic works a 1703 (1872)
The ambitious statesman 1679
City politiques 1683
Juliana, or the Princess of Poland 1671
The misery of civil-war 1680
Sir Courtly Nice 1685
Outline of money 1940
—(rev. ed.) 1948
The fables of Æsop and others tr. 1722
The fair Circassian, a dramatic performance 1720
An original canto of Spencer by ‘Nestor Ironside’ 1713 (1714)
A sermon preached before the House of Commons Jan. 30, 1729 1730
The vision: a poem 1715
How motion pictures are made 1918
R.F.D. No. 3 1924
A dictionary of botanical terms 1892
A digest of the laws of England 1818 (ed. 2)
The antient and present state of Muscovy 1698
A practical treatise on banking, currency, and the exchanges 1866
A good keen man 1960
Hang on a minute, mate 1961 (UK 1963)
Eusebius' Ecclesiastical history tr. 1833
General view of the agriculture in the county of Rutland 1794
Linguistics 1971
Systems of prosodic and paralinguistic features in English 1964
A discourse concerning the true notion of the Lords supper 1642 (1676)
A treatise concerning eternal and immutable morality a 1688 (1731)
The true intellectual system of the universe 1678
The union of Christ and the Church a shadow 1642
Histories of Bolton and Bowling 1891
Round about Bradford 1876
Contract bridge blue book 1930
Contract bridge complete 1936
Lectures on the Book of Revelation 1825
First lines of the practice of physic 1776–84
Nosology tr. 1800
A treatise of the materia medica 1789
A hand-book of practical telegraphy 1863
The history and antiquities of Hawsted and Hardwick in the county of Suffolk 1784 (1813)
Glossary (from the above) 1813 (E.D.S. 1879)
They're a weird mob 1957 (UK 1958)
The English physitian enlarged 1653
ia Londinensis; or, the London dispensatory further advanced by the studies and collections of the Fellows now living of the said Colledg 1654
Semeiotica Uranica; or, an astrologicall judgment of diseases 1651
Bartholinus' (T.) Anatomy; made from the precepts of his father and from the observations of all modern anatomists, together with his own, etc. Published by N. Culpeper and A. Cole 1668
The practice of physick, being chiefly a translation of the works of L. Riverius, with a physical dictionary explaining hard words 1655
tr. E. Landolt's The refraction and accommodation of the eye and their anomalies 1886
A treatise of faith 1623 (ed. 2)
An elegant..discourse of the Light of Nature; with several other treatises 1652 (1661)
Murmurs in the Rue Morgue 1959
Anecdotes of eminent painters in Spain 1782 (1787)
Aristophanes' Clouds tr. 1798
The brothers 1769
Calvary; or the death of Christ 1792
John De Lancaster c 1800 (1809)
Memoirs 1806 (1807)
The natural son 1785
The West Indian, a comedy 1771
See also Observer
Sketches of a tour to the western country 1810
The elements of clock and watch-work 1766
Christ receiving sinners 1849
Ruth: a chapter in providence 1859
Sabbath morning readings on the Old Testament 1854
Scripture readings on the book of Genesis 1853
Electricity treated experimentally 1886 (1887)
Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of South Africa 1850 (1902)
eimi 1933
The enormous room 1922
Selected letters ed. F. W. Dupee & G. Stade 1969
El Fureidîs 1860
Haunted hearts 1864
The lamplighter 1854
Mabel Vaughan 1857
On bookbindings ancient and modern 1881
A dictionary of explosives 1889 (1895)
A glossary of Rochdale, with Rossendale words and phrases 1886
The lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors, and architects 1829–33
Songs: chiefly in the rural language of Scotland 1813
The songs of Scotland, ancient and modern 1825
Traditional tales of the English and Scottish peasantry 1822 (1874)
Text-book of anatomy 1902
—(ed. 4) ed. A. Robinson 1913
Wheat and tares; a tale (anon.) 1861
Poems, chiefly pastoral 1766
Poems a 1773 (1790)
Two years in New South Wales 1827 (1828)
See Accounts of the Revels at Court
A new and complete law dictionary 1764–65
The cosmographical glasse 1559
Diary and general expenditure book 1673–80 (S.H.S. 1887)
Historic theology a 1861 (1862)
English women's clothing in the present century 1952
A dictionary of English costume 1960
The green hand; or, the naval lieutenant 1856
The Scotch presbyterian eloquence 1692
Corpus Ignatianum: a complete collection of the Ignatian Epistles tr. 1849
Observations on the diseases of the rectum 1851 (1863, –76)
The coal viewer, and engine builder's practical companion 1797
A sermon preached before the Queenes Majestie at Grenewiche 1573
Two sermons preached, the first at Paules Crosse, the second at Westminster 1576
Life of Buchanan, fifteenth president of the United States 1883
Lotos-eating: a summer book 1852
Nile notes of a Howadji 1851
The Potiphar papers 1854 (1866)
The gilt kid 1936
They drive by night 1938
Elements of the history of England 1861
History of booksellers 1873
Hints on the economy of feeding stock 1808
Visits to the monasteries in the Levant 1849
The electrical and magnetic properties of solids 1958
tr. P. Hajdú's Finno-Ugrian languages and peoples 1975
The pituitary body and its disorders 1912
A practical treatise on the trustee process, or foreign attachment of the laws of Massachusetts and Maine 1833
The handbook of heraldry 1868 (1869)
History of Hertfordshire 1870–81
A sketch of the modern languages of Africa 1883
tr. J. Schober's Silk and the silk industry 1930
Life, journal, and correspondence, by his grandchildren a 1823 (1888)
Dramatic rights; or, private theatricals and picnic suppers justified by fair argument 1802
Caltha poetarum: or the bumble bee 1599
Heart culture 1872 (1879)
Pointed papers for the Christian life 1878
Crist a 900 (Grein; Gollancz 1892)
Elene a 900 (Grein)
Juliana a 900 (Grein)
An inquiry into the process of human experience 1880