A briefe resolution of a right religion, touching the controversies that are nowe in England 1590
The discoverie of the knights of the poste 1597
Britaines busse: or a computation as well of the charge of a busse or herring-fishing ship as also of the gaine and profit thereby 1615 (Arber, Eng. Garner III)
Anglorum speculum or the worthies of England in church and state (an abridgement of Fuller's Worthies) 1684
Certaine worthye manuscript poems..now first published by J. S. (The stately tragedy of Guistard and Sismond, The northern mothers blessing, The way to thrifte) 1597
Clidamas, or the Sicilian tale 1639
Bonarelli della Rovere's (G. U.) Filli di Sciro or Phillis of Scyros tr. 1655
Andromana, or the merchant's wife, by J. S. (? Shirley) 1660 (Dodsley)
Horological dialogues..shewing the nature, use and right managing of clocks and watches 1675
Military discipline or the art of war ?1685
The history of monastical conventions and military institutions 1686
Natures dowrie: or, the peoples native liberty asserted 1652
Simon's (R.) Critical enquiries into the various editions of the Bible tr. 1684
The ph
nix nest built vp with the moste rare and refined workes of noblemen 1593 (in T. Park, Heliconia II, 1815)
Fortune's tennis-ball: or the..history of Dorastus and Fawnia rendred in..English verse 1672
The loyal and impartial satyrist: containing eight miscellany poems (Dedication signed S. S.) 1694
A compendious or briefe examination of certayne ordinary complaints of divers of our countrymen in these our dayes, by W. S. (? W. Stafford) 1581 (New Shaks. Soc. 1876)
—A discourse of the common weal of this realm of England c 1550 (1893)
The lamentable tragedie of Locrine 1595 (Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)
The true chronicle historie of the whole life and death of Thomas Lord Cromwell 1602 (Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)
The Puritaine or the widdow of Watling-streete 1607 (Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)
See Society for Pure English
Terrestrial magnetism 1851–59 (Manual of scientific enquiry, 1859)
The christian triumph, a sermon 1713
The jail diary of Albie Sachs 1966
The history of musical instruments 1940 (UK 1942)
Works a 1608 (1859)
Induction to the Mirror for magistrates 1563 (see Mirror)
Windswept, and other stories 1969
Excursions in Victorian bibliography 1922
Trollope: a commentary 1927
The loyall mourner 1660
The subject's joy for the king's restoration 1660
Rights of the kingdom or customs of our ancestours (anon.) 1649 (1682)
State papers and letters a 1587 (1809)
Theory and practice of psychiatry 1936
The new language of politics: an anecdotal dictionary of catchwords, slogans, and political usage 1968
The cosmic connection: an extraterrestrial perspective 1973 (UK 1974)
Cosmetics: science and technology 1957
Works a 1711 (Spottiswoode Soc. 1844–46)
The fundamental charter of presbytery (The article) (anon.) 1695 (1697)
The principles of the Cyprianic age, by J. S. 1695
—A vindication of the principles of the Cyprianic age 1701
Scenes in the Rocky Mountains, and in Oregon, California, New Mexico, Texas, and the grand prairies 1846
In modern Spain: some sketches and impressions 1899 (1900)
Short sketches of the wild sports and natural history of the highlands 1846
Notes and sketches from the wild coasts of Nipon 1880
History of the four conquests of England 1862
Pakeha rambles through Maori lands 1873
Amy Moss, or the banks of the Ohio 1854 (1860)
The snow ship 1865
A handy book on property law 1858
The ruins of Rigonda, a romance 1808
Dryden (English men of letters) 1881
A history of Elizabethan literature 1887 (1890)
A history of nineteenth century literature 1896
Notes on a cellar-book 1920
The peace of the Augustans 1916
A short history of French literature 1882
Narbonus; the laberynth of libertie 1580
Beasts and super-beasts 1914
The chronicles of Clovis 1912
Reginald 1904
Reginald in Russia, and other sketches 1910
Accepted addresses 1862
America revisited 1882
The Baddington peerage 1860
Dutch pictures 1861
Gaslight and daylight 1859
Lady Chesterfield's letters to her daughter 1860
London up to date 1894
My diary in America in the midst of war 1865
Paris herself again 1879
Quite alone 1864
The seven sons of Mammon 1862
The ship chandler and other tales 1862
The strange adventures of Captain Dangerous 1863
A trip to Barbary 1866
Twice round the clock, or the hours of the day and night in London 1859 (1861)
ed. Dictionary of American sports 1961
A dictionary in Englyshe and Welsh 1547 (1877)
The catcher in the rye 1951
Franny and Zooey 1962
The shook-up generation 1958 (UK 1959)
A glossary of words and phrases used in S.E. Worcestershire 1893 (E.D.S.)
A treatise of angels 1613
A treatise of paradise 1617
Reports of cases adjudg'd in the court of King's bench etc. a 1715 (1721–24, 1773)
The infallibility of the church 1888
Lessons introductory to the modern higher algebra 1859 (1885)
A treatise on the analytic geometry of three dimensions 1862 (1874)
A treatise on conic sections 1849 (1855)
A treatise on the higher plane curves 1852 (1879)
A new survey of England 1728–30 (1731)
A new abridgement and critical review of the state trials and impeachments for high treason 1737 (1738)
The universal traveller: or, a compleat description of the several nations of the world 1752–53
Diemerbroeck's (I. de) Anatomy of human bodies tr. 1689 (1694)
Doron medicum; or a supplement to the new London dispensatory 1683
The family dictionary or household companion 1696
ia Bateana, or Bate's (
Dispensatory tr. 1694 (1713)
ia Londinensis or the new London dispensatory tr. 1678
Polygraphice; or the art of drawing etc. 1672 (1675, 1701)
Seplasium..The compleat English physician 1693
Synopsis medicinæ, or a compendium of..physick 1671
The christian doctrine of immortality 1895
—(a later version) ? a 1300 (Ælfric Soc. 1848)
The life of H. D. Thoreau 1890
tr. G. von Georgievics's Chemistry of dye-stuffs 1903
tr. G. von Georgievics's The chemical technology of textile fibres 1902
The triumphs of the holy Jesus, a divine poem 1692
Zoar; or, The evidence of psychical research concerning survival 1961
Of the ancient laws of Great Britaine 1605
The practice of policie in a christian life 1639
Some drops of the viall powred out in a season when it is neither night nor day 1645–46
Sparkles of glory, or some beams of the morning-star 1647 (1847)
Eusebius (Pamphili) his life of Constantine tr. 1637
Picturæ loquentes, or pictures drawne forth in characters 1631
Madame Sapphira: a Fifth Avenue story 1893
Poems a 1612 (E.E.T.S. 1914)
The entomologist's useful compendium 1819
Statistical survey of the county of Londonderry 1802
Linguistic evolution: with special reference to English 1972
A truthful woman in southern California 1893
Lex ignea: or the school of righteousness, a sermon 1666
Modern policies, taken from Macchiavel, Borgia, and other choise authors 1652 (1653)
Occasional sermons a 1693 (1694)
Justinian's Institutes tr. 1859 (1874)
The criticism of the fourth gospel 1905
Inspiration (Bampton lectures) 1893
Chicago poems 1916
Cornhuskers 1918
Slabs of the sunburnt west 1922
Smoke and steel 1920
Memoirs of a professional cad 1960
The Hamlet warning 1976 (UK 1977)
Physiognomie and chiromancie, metoposcopie, the symmetrical proportions and signal moles of the body, fully and accurately handled 1653
ed. Pedigree dogs as recognised by the Kennel Club 1927
Works a 1663 (1854)
De juramento, seven lectures concerning the obligation of promissory oathes tr. 1655
Episcopacy as established by law in England not prejudicial to royal power 1673
Five cases of conscience occasionally determined a 1663 (1666)
—Two cases (1668); Eight (1674); Nine (1678)
A sermon 1648 (1653)
XII sermons 1632 (1635)
XXXIV sermons a 1663 (1674)
XXXV sermons (1681)
XXXVI sermons (1689)
A compleat history of the life and raigne of King Charles 1658
Graphice; or the use of pen and pensill, in designing, drawing and painting 1658
On the rise and progress of literature 1847
ed. Memoirs of Archbishop Temple 1906
Thomas Poole and his friends 1888
Western Canadian dictionary and phrase-book 1912
Sketches of Tranent in the olden time 1881
Writings in prose and verse a 1832 (1834)
Sermons 1575–85 (1585; Parker Soc. 1841)
Europæ speculum, or, a view or survey of the state of religion in the westerne parts of the world 1599 (1629, 1638)
—A relation of the state of religion (1605)
Groot's (H. de) Christ's passion, a tragedy tr. 1640
Ovid's Metamorphosis tr. 1621–26 (1632)
A paraphrase upon the divine poems (Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations etc.) 1638
A paraphrase upon the Psalmes of David 1636
A paraphrase upon the Song of Solomon 1641
A relation of a journey begun 1610 (Travels) 1615
Prudence the first of the foure cardinall virtues (Essays) 1634
ed. Christmas carols, ancient and modern 1833
Agrippa's (H. C.) Of the vanitie and uncertaintie of artes and sciences tr. 1569
Guicciardini's (L.) Houres of recreation tr. 1573 (1576)
The manuell of Epictetus tr. 1567
Hesperus and other poems 1860
Touchfeather 1968
Your friendly neighbourhood death pedlar 1971
Lectures on mental diseases 1866
Japan: a short cultural history 1931
Language: an introduction to the study of speech 1921
eds. Psycholinguistics: a book of readings 1961
The black gang 1922
Bull-dog Drummond: the adventures of a demobilised officer who found peace dull 1920
The female of the species 1928
The finger of fate 1930
The third round 1924
Manual of the trees of North America 1905
Peculiar, a tale of the great transition 1864
The technique of the photoplay 1912
—(ed. 2) 1913
—(ed. 3) 1916
I saw in my dream 1949
A man and his wife 1940
—(new ed.) 1944
Memoirs of a peon 1965
That summer, and other stories 1946
The daring young man on the flying trapeze, and other stories 1934 (UK 1935)
—with Sir N. Brent's History of the council of Trent (1676)
A history of science 2 vols. 1952–9 (UK 1953–9)
The principles and practice of optical dispensing and fitting 1962
Collected poems, 1908–56 1961
Memoirs of a fox-hunting man 1928
Memoirs of an infantry officer 1930
Sherston's progress 1936
Provisional index to a glossary of fish names 1879 (E.D.S.)
The land of the lost: a tale of the New Zealand gum-country 1902
Principles of meteorological analysis 1955
The famous game of chesse-play truely discovered 1614 (1672)
An illustrated manual of British birds 1888
Abel Drake's wife 1862
The lion in the path, an historical romance 1875 (1876)
Plenary possession makes a lawfull power, a sermon 1651
Colonel Todhunter of Missouri 1911
Observations on the superior efficacy of the red Peruvian bark in the cure of agues 1782
A treatise on the chemical history of some of the most celebrated mineral waters 1805
The antique collector's handbook 1959
Dictionary of antiques 1970
Porcelain through the ages 1954
An illustrated dictionary of ceramics 1974
History of the hundred of Carhampton, in the county of Somerset 1830
A compleat history of Germany 1702
A select collection of letters of the antients 1703
The bachelor of the Albany 1847 (1854)
The Falcon family, or young Ireland 1845 (1854)
Reuben Medlicott, or the coming man 1852 (1864)
Works a 1743 (1775, 1777)
—Poetical works (1807)
The bastard, a poem 1728
A collection of pieces in verse and prose 1732
The convocation: or a battle of pamphlets, a poem 1717
Love in a veil, a comedy 1718 (1719)
Miscellaneous poems and translations, by several hands. Publ. 1726
Of public spirit in regard to public works, an epistle 1737
The tragedy of Sir T. Overbury 1724
The wanderer, a poem 1729
A dictionary of the art of printing 1841
The miner's friend, or an engine to raise water by fire described etc. 1702
The ende of Nero and beginning of Galba, fower bookes of the histories of Tacitus. The life of Agricola tr. 1591 (1622)
A manual of the infusoria 1880–82
His practice, in two bookes, the first intreating of the use of the rapier and dagger, the second of honor and honorable quarrels 1594–95
The inhabitants of the Philippines 1900
Galloway gossip sixty years ago 1877
Gumbo ya-ya: a collection of Louisiana folk tales 1945
See also Anglo-Saxon chronicle
ed. Newnes concise encyclopaedia of electrical engineering See under title
American entomology, or descriptions of the insects of North America 1824–28
A speech in parliament 1642
Introduction to the science of language 1880
The principles of comparative philology 1874 (1875)
Busman's honeymoon 1937
Clouds of witness 1926
The five red herrings 1931
Gaudy night 1935
Hangman's holiday 1933
Have his carcase 1932
Lord Peter views the body 1928
Murder must advertise 1933
The nine tailors 1934
Strong poison 1930
Unnatural death 1927
The unpleasantness at the Bellona Club 1928
The documents in the case 1930
The marine mammals of the north-western coast of North America described 1874
The English Euclide tr. a 1696 (1705)
The puritan's grave 1833 (1846)
The stile of exchanges tr. 1682
The history of Morley in..Yorkshire 1830 (1874)
Essentials of histology 1885 (1887)
Christ and christianity 1885
History of the christian church 1883–93
See also Herzog, J. J.
The year of the gorilla 1964 (UK 1965)
The Bantu-speaking tribes of South Africa 1937
The Khoisan peoples of South Africa: Bushmen and Hottentots 1930
Engineering and its language 1971
Kæmpfer's (E.) History of Japan tr. 1727
Riddles of the sphinx 1891
ed. The philosophy of Bertrand Russell 1944
ed. The philosophy of Rudolf Carnap 1963
Narrative of the demolition of the monastery of Port Royal des champs 1815 (1816)
The English language in modern times, since 1400 1959
The rescue of Greely 1885
A manual of forestry 5 vols. (Vols. IV & V by W. R. Fisher) 1889–96
Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen 1858
Shakespeare-lexicon 1874–75 (1886)
Qualitative organic microanalysis 1946
Major trends in Jewish mysticism 1941
Tim Gamwattle's jawnt (to see the queen) 1857
A description of British Guiana 1840
The history of Barbados 1848
Historical and statistical information respecting the history, conditions, and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States 1851–60
The complete wine book 1935
Journal, 1833–1891 extracts ed. Earl of Bessborough 2 vols. 1950–2
Journals, 1869–85 ed. M. J. Guest 2 vols. 1911
From man to man 1926
The story of an African farm 1883
Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland 1897
The annals of Yorkshire 1851–52
Aphasia theory and therapy: selected lectures and papers ed. L. F. Sies 1974
The disenchanted 1950 (UK 1951)
What makes Sammy run? 1941
Business cycles: a theoretical, historical, and statistical analysis of the capitalist process 2 vols. 1939
A complete dictionary of abbreviations 1955
Strategic terminology 1966
—continued as Science-gossip 1894–1903
Argentine ornithology 1888–89
Exotic ornithology 1869
The book of antelopes 17 parts (4 vols.) 1894–1900
A brief and plain commentary upon the prophecie of Malachy 1608 (1650)
The christians strength, a sermon 1612
An exposition with notes, on the whole fourth chapter to the Romanes a 1626 (1650)
An exposition with notes, upon the first epistle to the Thessalonians 1619 (1630)
—the second epistle 1627 (1629)
A key to the key of scripture, or an exposition with notes, upon the three first chapters of the epistle to the Romanes 1611 (1629)
The ministers portion, a sermon 1612
The quæstion of tythes revised 1621 (1623)
Sermons experimentall on Psalms cxvi and cxvii a 1626 (1638)
The sick souls salve, a sermon 1612
A threefold preservative against three dangerous diseases of these latter times 1609 (1610)
Civil magistracy by divine authority 1652 (1653)
The crowne of righteousness (a funeral sermon) 1653 (1654)
The worthy communicant rewarded, a sermon 1639
The geography of mammals 1899
ed. A collection of acts and ordinances..made in the parliament 1640–56 (1658)
Elementary chemistry of the imponderable agents and of inorganic bodies 1855
See also Orr's Circle of the sciences
Ey up, mi duck! 3 parts 1976–7
ed. Four centuries of English letters v.d. (1880)
An account of the artic regions, with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery 1820
ed. Cheever's (H. T.) Whaleman's adventures in the southern ocean 1850 (1859)
Journal of a voyage to the northern whale-fishery 1823
The discoverie of witchcraft 1584 (1886)
A perfite platforme of a hoppe garden 1574 (1578)
A true history of several honourable families of the..name of Scot in..Roxburgh and Selkirk 1688 (1894)
An apologeticall narration of the state of the kirk of Scotland since the reformation c 1630 (Wodrow Soc. 1846)
An account of Scotland's grievances by reason of the duke of Lauderdal's ministry c 1674 (1693)
The actis and constitutiounis of the realme of Scotland (1566)
—The lawes and actes of parliament (1597)
—The acts of the parliaments of Scotland 1124–1707 (1814–75)
The acts of the Lords auditors of causes and complaints 1466–94 (1839)
The acts of the Lords of council in civil causes 1478–95 (1839)
Acts and proceedings of the general assemblies of the kirk of Scotland 1560–1618 (Bannatyne Club 1839–45)
—The acts of the general assemblies of the church of Scotland 1638–49 (1682)
The acts of sederunt of the Lords of council and session 1553–1790 (1790)
The booke of common prayer..for the use of the church of Scotland 1637
A brief and true account of the sufferings of the church of Scotland..since the year 1660 1690
Calendar of the state papers relating to Scotland 1509–1603 (1858)
Compota thesaurariorum regum Scotorum, Accounts of the Lord high treasurer of Scotland 1473– (1877– )
A declaration..from the generall assembly of the kingdome of Scotland 1642
A declaration of the lords of the secret councell and of the generall assembly of the kingdome and kirke of Scotland 1642
Miscellany of popular Scottish poems, chiefly of a humorous and descriptive character 1862
The new statistical account of Scotland, by the ministers of the respective parishes 1845. See also
Sinclair, Sir J.
The petition of the commissioners of the generall assembly of the kirke of Scotland 1642
The register of the privy council of Scotland 1545– (1877– )
Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum, The register of the great seal of Scotland 1306– (1814, 1912; 1882– )
Registrum secreti sigilli regum Scotorum, The register of the privy seal of Scotland 1488–1529 (1908)
Rotuli scaccarii regum Scotorum, The exchequer rolls of Scotland 1264– (1878– )
The Scotts declaration in answer to the declaration sent unto them by their commissioners now at London 1642
Poems c 1560 (S.T.S. 1896; E.E.T.S. 1902)
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1805 (1808)
The practice of sheep-farming 1886
The life and reminiscences of E. L. Blanchard 2 vols. 1891
All about the latest dances 1919
Gleanings from Westminster Abbey 1861 (1863)
Lectures on the rise and development of mediæval architecture a 1878 (1879)
Recollections personal and professional a 1878 (1879)
An essay on the history of English church architecture 1881
Fasti ecclesiæ Scoticanæ, the succession of ministers in the parish churches of Scotland 1866–71
The staggering state of the Scots statesmen (1550–1650) a 1670 (1754)
Works a 1694 (1718)
The christian life 1681–86 (1730, 1747)
Practical discourses upon several subjects a 1694 (1697–98)
Amwell; a descriptive poem 1776
Poetical works 1782
A visit to Paris in 1814 1815 (1816)
—Paris revisited in 1815 1816 (1817)
A dictionary of building 1964
A dictionary of civil engineering 1958
Bahar-Danush; or, Garden of knowledge, an oriental romance tr. 1799
Ferishta's House of Dekkan tr. 1794
Bailey's (N.) New universal English dictionary Revised 1755 (1764)
Tuscan studies and sketches 1887 (1888)
The cruise of the Midge 1834–35 (1863)
Tom Cringle's log 1829–33
ed. Gould's medical dictionary 1926
Scott's last expedition ed. L. Huxley 2 vols. 1913
The voyage of the ‘Discovery’ 2 vols. 1905
A treatise on the theory of determinants 1880
Elementary meteorology 1883
Test of filial duty (anon.) 1772
The Belgicke pismire stinging the slothfull sleeper (anon.) 1622
The high-waies of God and the king (sermons) 1620 (1623)
Newes from Pernassus (anon.) 1622
A tongue-combat..betweene two English souldiers 1623
Votivæ Angliæ; or the desires and wishes of England by S. R. N. I. 1624
Vox populi, or newes from Spayne 1620–24
Vox regis, by T. S. 1624
See also Raleigh's ghost
The holy Bible..with original notes 1788–92
Poems; with Edwin and Catherine or the distressed lovers, a tragedy 1793
Miscellaneous prose works a 1832 (1834–71)
Poetical works a 1832
Waverley novels (1829–33)
The abbot 1820
Anne of Geierstein 1829
The antiquary 1816
Auchindrane, or the Ayrshire tragedy 1830
The betrothed 1825
The black dwarf 1816
The border antiquities of England and Scotland 1814–17
The bridal of Triermain 1813
The bride of Lammermoor 1818
Castle Dangerous 1831
Chronicles of the Canongate (The highland widow, The two drovers, The surgeon's daughter; Saint Valentine's day, or The fair maid of Perth) 1827–28
Count Robert of Paris 1831
The doom of Devorgoil 1830
Essays on chivalry, romance and the drama v.d.
The fair maid of Perth 1828
Familiar letters a 1832 (1894)
The fortunes of Nigel 1822
Guy Mannering; or the astrologer 1815
Halidon Hill: a metrical drama 1822
Harold the dauntless 1817
The heart of Midlothian 1818
The highland widow 1827
Ivanhoe, a romance 1819
Journal 1825–32 (1890)
Kenilworth 1821
The lady of the lake 1810
The lay of the last minstrel 1805
The legend of Montrose 1819
Letters ed. H. J. C. Grierson et al. 12 vols. 1932–7
The letters of Malachi Malagrowther 1826 See Thoughts, below
Letters on demonology and witchcraft 1830
The life of Napoleon Buonaparte 1827
The lord of the isles 1814
Marmion 1808
The minstrelsy of the Scottish border 1802 (1803)
The monastery 1820
Old Mortality 1816
Paul's letters to his kinsfolk 1815 (1816, 1839)
Peveril of the Peak 1822
The pirate 1821
Provincial antiquities of Scotland 1826
Quentin Durward 1823
Redgauntlet 1824
Rob Roy 1818
Rokeby 1813
St. Ronan's well 1824
ed. Sir Tristrem 1804 (1811)
The surgeon's daughter 1827
Tales of the crusaders (The betrothed, The talisman) 1825
Tales of my landlord (The black dwarf, Old Mortality, The heart of Midlothian, The bride of Lammermoor, A legend of Montrose, Count Robert of Paris, Castle Dangerous) 1817–32
The talisman 1825
Thoughts on the proposed change of currency by ‘Malachi Malagrowther’ 1826
The two drovers 1827
The vision of Don Roderick 1811
Waverley; or, 'tis sixty years since 1814
Woodstock, or the Cavalier 1826
An essay of drapery, or the compleate citizen trading justly 1635
An introduction to geology 1897
Scottish) Trojan war, The c 1400 (Horstmann, Barbour's Legendensammlung 1881–82)
Works a 1678 (1765)
Discourses on important subjects a 1678 (1735)
Reflections on the government of Indostan 1763 (1770)
The elements of experimental phonetics 1902
A practical treatise on copyhold tenure and court keeping 1816
—A treatise on copyhold, customary freehold and ancient demesne tenure ed. H. Stalman (1846, 1867)
—A treatise on the law of copyholds revised by A. Brown (1882)
Six lectures on the text of the New Testament 1874 (1875)
Our fields and cities; or misdirected energy 1890 (1891)
Practice of courts-leet and courts-baron a 1683 (1701, 1714)
The geology and extinct volcanos of central France 1858 (ed. 2)
History of..Castle Combe, in the county of Wilts 1852
Volcanos, the character of their phenomena 1862 (ed. 2)
Days and nights of salmon fishing in the Tweed 1843
The country gentleman (a novel) 1862
Commons and common fields 1887
A medical visit to Gräfenberg 1843
The nomenclator; a technological dictionary containing all the principal terms in use in the arts and sciences 1841
The day dreams of a sleepless man 1875
The christians daily walke in holy securitie and peace 1627 (1637)
A key of heaven: the Lord's prayer opened 1620
Butterflies: their structure..and life-histories 1881
The butterflies of the eastern United States and Canada 1889
The biology of aquatic vascular plants 1967