A poem on the happy union between England and Scotland 1707
Three conversions of England 1603–04
Du Boscq's (J.) Compleat woman tr. 1639
A narrative of all the proceedings in the drayning of the great level of the Fenns 1661 (in Arber, Eng. Garner I)
The heu and cry: or, a relation of the travels of the Devil and Towzer 1682
Old popery as good as new 1688
Boccalini's (T.) Advertisements from Parnassus tr. 1704
Calvin's Institution tr. 1561
Cortes' (H.) Conquest of the Weast India tr. 1578
The city and country purchaser, and builder's dictionary 1703 (1726, 1736)
Barley-breake; or a warning for wantons 1607 (Grosart 1877)
Automatic translation of languages: papers presented at NATO Summer School held in Venice, July 1962 1966
See New Zealand Expeditionary Force
The bride, a comedie 1640
Covent garden, a pleasant comedie 1638
Microcosmus, a morall maske 1637
Bend sinister 1947
The defence tr. by M. Scammell in collaboration with the author 1964
The gift tr. by M. Scammell and the author 1963
Invitation to a beheading tr. by D. Nabokov and the author 1960
Lolita 2 vols. 1955 (US 1 vol. 1958)
Look at the harlequins! 1974 (UK 1975)
Nabokov's dozen: a collection of thirteen stories 1958 (UK 1959)
Pale fire 1962
Pnin 1957
The real life of Sebastian Knight 1941
Speak, memory (US ed. with title Conclusive evidence) 1951
—(UK ed. 2) 1967
Projecting sound pictures: a practical textbook for projectionists and managers 1931
The structure of science: problems in the logic of scientific explanation 1961
An area of darkness 1964
In a free state 1971
The mimic men 1967
The mystic masseur 1957
General view of the agriculture of the county of Clydesdale 1798
Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft 1866
Conflicts: studies in contemporary history 1942
Farthest North 1897
The structure and combination of the historical elements of the central nervous system 1887
Prevention and cure of disease 1871
Contributions to Old English lexicography 1906 (Philol. Soc. Trans.)
ed. Old English glosses chiefly unpublished 1900 (Anecdota Oxon.)
Excursions in Southern Africa 1849
Scenes and sports in foreign lands 1840
A manual of the art of dyeing 1853
Selections from the correspondence of M. Napier a 1847 (1879)
Memoirs of the marquis of Montrose 1856
Memorials and letters illustrative of the life and times of J. Graham of Claverhouse, viscount Dundee 1859–62
ed. Johnsoniana: anecdotes of Samuel Johnson; with diary of Dr. Campbell, and extracts from that of Madame D'Arblay (1884)
ed. A noble boke of cookry (1882)
History of the war in the Peninsula, and in the South of France from 1807–14 1828–40
Journal 1694 (in Account of several late voyages; 1711)
Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea 1875–76 1878
Seamanship 1862 (1865, 1868, 1882)
Elements of orthoepy 1784
A glossary; or, collection of words, phrases, names, and allusions to customs, proverbs, etc. in English authors 1822
—new ed., with additions by J. O. Halliwell & T. Wright (1859)
The structure of the universe 1977
Practical astronomy and geodesy 1845
The face is familiar 1940 (UK 1942)
Family reunion 1950 (UK 1951)
Good intentions 1942 (UK 1943)
I'm a stranger here myself 1938
Versus 1949
You can't get there from here 1957
Works a 1601 (Grosart 1883–85; McKerrow 1904–10)
The anatomie of absurditie 1589
Christ's teares over Jerusalem 1593
A countercuffe given to Martin Junior, by the venturous, hardie and renowned Pasquill of England 1589
Four letters confuted 1592 = Strange newes
Have with you to Saffron-walden 1596
Nashes Lenten stuffe 1599
The first parte of Pasquils apologie (anon.) 1590
Pierce Penilesse his supplication to the diuell 1592
A pleasant comedie, called Summers last will and testament 1600
The returne of the renowned Cavaliero Pasquill of England from the other side the seas, and his meeting with Marforius at London upon the Royall Exchange (anon.) 1589
Strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters, and a convoy of verses (i.e. G. Harvey's Foure letters and certaine sonnets) 1592 (Head-title Foure letters confuted)
The terrors of the night, or, a discourse of apparitions 1594
The unfortunate traveller 1594
A wonderfull, strange and miraculous astrologicall prognostication for this yeer of our Lord God, 1591 1591
See also Almond; Pappe
Modern cotton spinning machinery 1890
The students' cotton spinning 1892
J. Nasmyth, engineer, an autobiography ed. by S. Smiles 1883
—The Nation and The Athenæum 1921–
Proceedings 1863–94; 1915–
Fragmenta regalia a 1635 (1641; Arber 1870)
Dictionary of aeronautical engineering 1959
The civil and military history of Germany 1816
Reynard the Fox: a renowned apologue of the middle age, reproduced in rhyme (anon.) 1845
The history of the Puritans or Protestant Non-Conformists 1732–38 (1754)
Brother Jonathan; or the New Englanders (anon.) 1825
Charcoal sketches; or scenes in a Metropolis 1838 (1841, 1865)
The analogy of thought and nature investigated 1863
A history of the Holy Eastern Church 1847–50
A history of the so-called Jansenist Church of Holland 1858
Hymns, chiefly mediæval, or the joys and glories of Paradise tr. and ed. 1865
Hymns for the sick (anon.) 1843 (1863)
Hymns of the Eastern Church tr. 1862
Mediæval hymns and sequences tr. 1851 (1863)
Notes, ecclesiological and picturesque, on Dalmatia 1861
The Rhythm of Bernard de Morlaix on the Celestial Country ed. and tr. 1859 (1864)
Seatonian poems 1864
Sequences, hymns, and other ecclesiastical verses 1866
Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland 1818–23
ed. Whittaker's electrical engineer's pocket-book 1920
See under title
North-country sketches etc. 1893
Photography: its principles and practice 1927
An account of some new microscopical discoveries 1745
A discourse concerning schools and school-masters 1663
Medela medicinæ; a plea for the free profession and a renovation of the art of physick 1665
A pacquet of advices and animadversions sent from London to the men of Shaftesbury 1676; a second pacquet 1677
Selden's (J.) Of the dominion, or the ownership of the sea. Written in Latin, and entituled, Mare clausum tr. 1652
The elements of rhetoric 1854
A dominie's log 1915 [dated 1916]
Neill! Neill! Orange peel!: a personal view of ninety years 1972
—(rev. ed.) 1973
Summerhill: a radical approach to education 1962
An account of British horticulture. Drawn up for the Edinburgh Encyclopedia 1817
List of fishes found in the Firth of Forth, and rivers and lakes near Edinburgh, with remarks 1810 (also in Memoirs of the Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc. I. 1811)
A tour through some of the Islands of Orkney and Shetland 1806
Poems and songs chiefly in the Scottish language 1877
Dispatches and letters a 1805 (1844–46)
Letters to Lady Hamilton a 1805 (1814)
An address to persons of quality and estate 1715
A companion for the festivals and fasts of the church of England 1704 (1739)
The life of Dr. George Bull 1713 (1714)
The laws of England concerning the game 1727 (1736)
Lex maneriorum: or the law and customs of England, relating to manors and lords of manors 1724 (1726)
Allgemeines Polyglotten-Lexicon 1793–98
Five children and it 1902
The phoenix and the carpet 1904
The railway children 1906
An antidote aainst Arminianism 1700 (1827, 1838)
A compleat and compendious church-history 1680
A compleat history and mystery of the Old and New Testament 1690–96
A distinct discourse and discovery of the person and period of Antichrist 1679
A protestant antidote against the poyson of popery 1679
Parables reflecting upon the times, newly past and yet present 1648
A project for an equitable and lasting peace, designed in the yere 1643 1648
The self-condemned; or, a letter to Mr. Jo. Goodwin 1648
Lectures and essays on subjects connected with Latin literature and scholarship 1885
—2nd series a 1893 (1895)
Essays on Robert Browning's poetry 1868
Philosophical lectures and remains a 1892 (1897)
Imitations of Horace 1758
Imitations of Juvenal and Persius 1769
Virgil's Georgics tr. 1767
The lamentable tragedie of
dipus the sonne of Laius Kyng of Thebes out of Seneca 1563 (1581)
Machiavelli's (N.) Works tr. 1675
The parliament of ladies 1647
Plato redivivus: or a dialogue concerning government 1681
See also Shuffling
Principles of structural geology 1931
Records of the court of New Castle on Delaware (Colonial Society of Pennsylvania) 1904
Probate records of the province of New Hampshire 9 vols. 1907–41
Archives of the State of New Jersey 16 vols. 1880–1917
See Sydenham (New) Society
See also Bible
Tindale 1526, 1534
Geneva 1557
Rhemes 1582
Guidelines to volunteer services 1974
Appendix to the journals 1858–
Transactions and proceedings 1868–
A booke in Englysh metre of the great marchaunt man called Diues Pragmaticus 1563 (in Huth, Fugitive tracts, 1875)
Political and statistical account of the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca, viz., Pinang, Malacca and Singapore 2 vols. 1839
Admirals all and other verses 1897
The life of William Cavendishe, duke, marquess and earl of Newcastle 1667
—To which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life (1886)
Natures pictures drawn by Fancies pencil to the life 1656
The country captaine; a comoedye (anon.) 1649 (= Captain Underwit, a comedy, in Bullen, Old Plays, II. 1883; sometimes attributed to J. Shirley)
An attempt toward revising our English translation of the Greek scriptures 1796
Repertorium ecclesiasticum parochiale Londinense; an ecclesiastical parochial history of the diocese of London 1708–10
The Cheverels of Cheverel Manor 1898
Games and songs of American children 1883
Three lectures on tractarianism 1852
Pleasures vision: with deserts complaint 1619 (1840)
A familiar introduction to the history of insects 1841
A history of British ferns 1840
—A history of British ferns and allied plants 1844
An illustrated natural history of British butterflies 1870–71
An illustrated natural history of British moths 1869
A history of the Hebrew monarchy 1847
Miscellanies; chiefly addresses, academical and historical 1869
The odes of Horace tr. 1853
Phases of faith 1850 (1853, 1860)
The soul, her sorrows and her aspirations 1849
The price 1974
Sir, you bastard 1970
You nice bastard 1972
Scamping tricks and odd knowledge occasionally practised upon public works 1891
Apologia pro vita sua 1864
The Arians of the fourth century 1833 (1876)
Callista, a sketch of the third century 1856
Certain difficulties felt by Anglicans in Catholic teaching considered 1864, 1874 (1876)
The Church of the Fathers 1833–40 (1840)
Discourses on the scope and nature of University education 1852
The dream of Gerontius 1866
An essay in aid of a grammar of assent 1870
An essay on the development of Christian doctrine 1845
An essay on miracles 1842 (Prefixed to Fleury's Eccl. Hist.)
Historical sketches v.d. (1872–73)
Lectures on the history of the Turks in its relation to Christianity 1854
Lectures on the present position of Catholics in England 1851
Lectures on the prophetical office of the church 1837
A letter addressed to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk on occasion of Mr. Gladstone's recent expostulation 1875
A letter to the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., on his recent Eirenicon 1866
Letters and correspondence v.d. (1891)
Loss and gain 1848
The office and work of the Universities 1856
Parochial sermons 1834–42
Tracts for the times (various numbers) 1833–41
Tracts, theological and ecclesiastical v.d. (1874)
Verses on various occasions 1868
Life, based on his private journals and correspondence, by Wilfrid Ward (1912)
Elements of the topology of plane sets of points 1939
Three men and a god; and other stories 1896
The fall of man by sinne 1644
Farewell Myter, or Canterburies meditations, and Wrenn's syllogismes 1641
A tour in England and Scotland in 1785 (anon.) 1788
A text-book of inorganic chemistry 1894
—(ed. 12) 1907
A dictionary of birds 1893–96
Essays on art and archæology 1880
Exposition and notes on the 17th Chapter of John 1660
Works a 1727 (1779–85)
The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended a 1727 (1728)
Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John a 1727 (1733)
Optical lectures tr. 1728
Opticks 1704 (1721)
A treatise of the system of the world tr. 1728
Cardiphonia: or, the utterance of the heart 1781 (1857)
Introduction to metallurgy 1938
The motor vehicle 1929 (and several later editions used)
High country days 1949
Sheep thief 1972
Wayleggo 1947
Cicero's Worthye booke of old age tr. 1569
Daneau's (L.) True and Christian friendshippe. Together with a right excellent invective against diceplay tr. 1586
Gratarolus' (G.) Direction for the health of magistrates and studentes tr. 1574
Lemnie's (L.) Touchstone of complexions tr. 1565 (1576, 1633)
Dissertations on the Prophecies 1754–58
Milton's Paradise lost 1749
Milton's Paradise regain'd 1752
A discourse of marriage and wiving 1615
The cuckow 1607
Englands Eliza; A winter nights vision 1610 (parts of Mirror for magistrates 1610)
Expicedium. A funeral oration upon the princesse Elizabeth (anon.) 1603
The architecture of the heavens 1850 (1851)
A cyclopædia of physical sciences 1857
Thoughts on some important points relating to the system of the world 1846
Cortes' (H.) Pleasant historie of the conquest of the Weast India tr. 1578 (1596)
The pedigree of the English people 1868
An answer to an heretical book called The naked gospel 1691
A comment on the Book of Common Prayer 1710
Britton, the French text carefully revised with an English translation, introduction and notes 1865
Bibliotheca topographica Britannica 1780–90
A collection of all the wills, now known to be extant, of the kings and queens of England, to that of Henry VII exclusive 1780
The history and antiquities of the county of Leicester 1795–1815
Illustrations of the literary history of the eighteenth century 1817–22, a 1826
—completed by J. B. & J. G. Nichols (1828–58),
Illustrations of the manners and expences of antient times in England 1797
Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century 1812–15
The progresses and public processions of Queen Elizabeth 1788–1805 (1823)
The progresses, processions and magnificent festivities of K. James the first 1828
The sweet and twenties 1958
Sir Francis Drake revived 1626 (in Arber, Eng. Garner, V)
Forty years of American life 1864
Nichols' Health manual 1887
ed. The illustrated dictionary of gardening 1885–88
Introduction to the study of biology 1872
An introductory text-book of zoology 1871
A manual of palæontology 1872 (1879)
A manual of zoology 1870 (1873, 1878, 1887)
Idylls o' Hame, and other poems 1870
Kilwuddie and other poems 1863 (1895)
The operative mechanic and British machinist 1825 (1853)
Historical and traditional tales in prose and verse, connected with the south of Scotland 1843
Folk lore of East Yorkshire 1890
The folk speech of East Yorkshire 1889
Hook, line and sinker 1966
An architectural dictionary 1819
Mechanical exercises 1812
The new carpenters' guide 1792
The new practical builder and workman's companion 1823
Acolastus his after-witte 1600 (Grosart 1876)
A glossary of terms used in the coal trade of Northumberland and Durham 1888
A plain but full exposition of the catechism of the Church of England 1663
Poetical works a 1849 (1897)
Tales in verse and miscellaneous poems 1814
The British encyclopedia; or, dictionary of arts and sciences 1809
A dictionary of chemistry 1795
Fourcroy's (A. F. de) General system of chemical knowledge tr. 1804
An introduction to natural philosophy 1782
A journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts 1797–1813
Kayaks to the Arctic 1967
The truly married woman, and other stories 1965
Nature without art: or nature's progress in poetry: being a collection of miscellany poems 1739
Poems on several subjects, both comical and serious 1766
Poems chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1805
Manual of mineralogy 1849
Recent archæology and the Bible 1899
The Scotch forcing gardener 1797
The dispatches and letters of Vice-admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, with notes 1844–46
History of the orders of knighthood of the British empire and of the order of the Guelphs of Hanover 1841–42
A history of the royal navy 1847
Memoirs of the life and times of Sir Christopher Hatton 1847
ed. Privy purse expenses of Elizabeth of York (1830)
ed. The privy purse expences of King Henry the Eighth (1827)
Testamenta vetusta: being illustrations from wills, of manners, customs, etc. from the reign of Henry II to the accession of Queen Elizabeth (1826)
Abraham Lincoln, a history 1890
Great movements and those who achieved them 1881
Literary anecdotes of the nineteenth century 1895–96
A godly newe story of xii men that moyses sent to spye out the land of canaan 1548
The hystory writtone by Thucidides tr. 1550
Curzon: the last phase, 1919–25; a study in post-war diplomacy 1934
Diaries and letters, 1930–1939 ed. N. Nicolson 1966
1939–1945 ed. N. Nicolson 1967
1945–1962 ed. N. Nicolson 1968
King George V: his life and reign 1952
Public faces 1932
Sprigs o' aithstin' hedder 1899
The history and antiquities of the counties of Westmorland and Cumberland 1777
The English historical library 1696–99
Leges Marchiarum, or Border-laws 1705
Letters on various subjects to and from W. Nicolson 1683–1727 (1809)
The Scottish historical library 1702
Morphology: the descriptive analysis of words 2 vols. 1944
—(another ed.) 1946
—(‘ed. 2’) 1949
Toward a science of translating 1964
After midnight 1966 (UK 1967)
The brink of murder 1976
The severed key 1973
The underground connection 1978
The ejected of 1662 in Cumberland and Westmorland 1911
The big smoke 1959
Call me when the Cross turns over 1957 (UK 1958)
The shiralee 1955
The timber trees of New South Wales 1884
Songs and ballads of Clydesdale 1882
Narrative 1654–1709 (S.H.S. 1889)
A general history of Stirlingshire 1777
An essay on additional figures and marks of cadency 1702
A system of heraldry 1722
—vol. II by R. Fleming (1742)
A bush girl's romance 1894
British forest trees and their sylvicultural characteristics and treatment 1893
The New Testament in Scots: being Purvey's revision of Wycliffe's version turned into Scots c 1520 (S.T.S. 1901–05)
The technique of the sound studio 1962
A general and introductory view of Professor Kant's Principles concerning man, the world and the Deity 1796
The British angler's lexicon 1892
The rhythm of violence 1964
A course of eight lectures; on electricity, galvanism, magnetism, and electro-magnetism 1839 (1844)
—ed. 3, greatly enlarged 1849
The student's text-book of electricity 1867
—new ed., enlarged by W. H. Preece (1879)
Worcestershire relics 1877
The compleat troller, or, the art of trolling 1682
Inexpediency of the expedient 1659
See Voyage to East Indies
After icebergs with a painter 1861
A biographical history of England; being a continuation of J. Granger's work 1806
A history of the College of Arms 1804
Memoirs of the illustrious House of Medici 1797
Memoirs of the Protectorate-House of Cromwell 1784
Two dissertations upon the mint and coins of the Episcopal-Palatines of Durham 1780
Those ‘Ashes’: the Australian tour of 1926 1927
Swedenborg's (E.) Treatise concerning Heaven and its wonders, and concerning Hell tr. 1839 (revised 1851)
Richter's (J. P. F.) Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces tr. 1845
The cottage muse 1833
Rymes and roundelayes 1841
The true face of Japan 1936
Chemistry of organic compounds 1951
Textbook of organic chemistry 1951
Independent and Nonconformist 1890–97
A new history of London, including Westminster and Southwark 1773
Degeneration [anon. tr.] 1895
A progresse of pietie 1596 (Parker Soc. 1847)
Speculum Britanniæ; a discription of Middlesex 1593; Essex 1594 (Camden Soc. 1840); Hartfordshire 1598; Northamptonshire 1610 (1720); Cornwall 1610 (1728)
The surveyors dialogue 1607
The Communistic societies of the United States 1875
Miniatura, or the art of limning a 1650 (ed. from the MS. by M. Hardie 1919)
The matter of mandrake 1967
Bang to rights: an account of prison life 1958
A history of fishes 1931
—(ed. 2, by P. H. Greenwood) 1963
Principles of organic synthesis 1968
The safeguard of sailers tr. 1584
An introduction to the study of electrical engineering 1907
Christian blessedness: or (practical) discourses upon the beatitudes of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To which are added, Reflections upon a late essay (by J. Locke) concerning human understanding 1690 (1692, 1694)
Practical discourses upon several divine subjects (A continuation of ‘Christian blessedness’) 1691–98 (1707, 1711)
A collection of miscellanies: consisting of poems, essays, discourses, and letters 1687 (1699)
An essay towards the theory of the ideal or intelligible world 1701–04
Hierocles upon the golden verses of the Pythagoreans tr. 1682
Poems and discourses 1684
A practical treatise concerning humility 1707
The theory and regulation of love. To which are added letters philosophical and moral between the author and Dr. H. More 1688
A treatise concerning Christian prudence 1710
Rudiments of theology 1876
Adrian Vidal 1885
Matrimony 1881
Misadventure 1890
Nature's comedian 1904
Thirlby Hall 1883
eds. System of diseases of the eye 4 vols. 1897–9
tr. M. Duverger's Political parties 1954
—(ed. 2) 1959
Light in the way to Paradise; with other occasionals a 1677 (1682)
Philibert's (de Vienne) Philosopher of the court tr. 1575
Sergeant Cluff and the day of reckoning 1967
Sergeant Cluff rings true 1972
The measure of the universe 1965
Examen; or, an enquiry into the credit and veracity of a pretended complete history a 1734 (1740)
The life of Francis North, baron of Guilford a 1734 (1742)
The life of the hon. Sir Dudley North, and of Dr. John North a 1734 (1744)
The lives of F. North, Sir D. North, and J. North a 1734 (1826, 1890)
Memoirs of musick 1728 (1846)
The morall philosophie of Doni tr. 1570 (1888)
Guevara's (A. de) Diall of princes tr. 1557
—newly revised, with an amplification of a fourth book 1568
Plutarch's Lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes tr. 1579 (1595, 1603, 1612, 1657, 1676, 1895)
Colonial records ed. W. L. Saunders 10 vols. 1886–90
English folk-rhymes 1892
Folk-phrases of four counties 1894 (E.D.S.)
A Warwickshire word-book 1896 (E.D.S.)
A treatise wherein dicing, dauncing etc. are reproved 1577 (1579; Shaks. Soc. 1843)
A visit to the Roman catacombs 1877
Life, letters, and diaries of Sir S. Northcote, first earl of Iddesleigh a 1887 (1890)
The child of the islands 1845 (1846)
The lady of La Garaye 1861 (1862)
Lost and saved 1863
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri tr. 1891–92
Historical studies of church-building in the Middle Ages 1880
Political Americanisms 1890
The fight for Everest: 1924 1925
Topics for Indian statesmen 1858
Dead on prediction 1970
Now lying dead 1967
A school of liars 1966
Army letters 1861–1865: being extracts from private letters to relatives and friends from a soldier in the field during the late civil war 1903
Stevin's (S.) Disme: the art of tenths tr. 1608
The ordinall of alchimy 1477 (in Ashmole, Theatrum chem. 1652)
Calvin's Institution of Christian religion tr. 1561 (1578, 1634)
Nowell's (A.) Catechisme, or first instruction and learning of Christian religion tr. 1570 (Parker Soc. 1853)
The tragedie of Gorboduc. Sett forth as shewed before the Quenes Maiestie 1561 (1565)
—another ed., entitled The tragidie of Ferrex and Porrex 1570 (Shaks. Soc. 1847)
Parson Peter, a tale of the Dart 1900
Trigonometrie, or, the doctrine of triangles 1631
See also New notborune mayd
The cook's and confectioner's dictionary; or, The accomplished housewife's companion 1723
The Gulls Hornbook, by T. Decker, with notes of illustration 1812
The royal entertainment of the Earle of Nottingham, sent ambassador from his Majestie to the Kind of Spaine 1605
ed. The early records of Lancaster, Massachusetts
See: Lancaster, Massachusetts
Campania F
lix; or, a discourse of the benefits and improvements of husbandry 1700 (1706)
Gynecological and obstetric pathology; with clinical and endocrine relations 1940
tr. V. L. Kretovich's Principles of plant biochemistry 1966
A confutation as well of M. Dormans last boke as also of D. Sander 1567
A sermon preached before Queen Elizabeth at the opening of the parliament Jan. 11 1563 (Appended to Catechism, Parker Soc. 1853)
ed. Edwardian England 1964
The language poets use 1962
South Col: one man's adventure on the ascent of Everest, 1953 1954
Poems 1904
Collected poems 1910–20
William Morris 1908
The ninth tragedie of L. A. Seneca called Octavia tr. 1566 (1581)
Memoir of Robert, Earl Nugent. With letters, poems, and appendices by Claud Nugent a 1788 (1898)
The grand tour; or, a journey through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and France 1756
Isla's (J. F. de) History of the famous preacher Friar Gerund de Campazas tr. 1772
Montesquieu's Spirit of laws tr. 1752 (1758)
Education: its data and first principles 1920
The voyage of Bran 1895–97
The standard pronouncing dictionary of the English language 1863
The genera of North American plants 1818
A journal of travels into the Arkansa territory, during the year 1819 1821
Baled Hay 1884
Bill Nye and Boomerang; or, The tale of a meek-eyed mule 1881
The art of gunnery 1647 (1670)
The young cricketer's tutor 1833