The astonishing history of Troy town 1888
Dead man's rock 1887
The delectable duchy 1893
I saw three ships, and other winter's tales 1892
The mayor of Troy 1906
Noughts and crosses 1891
Shining ferry 1905
The splendid spur 1889
ed. The story of the sea 2 vols. 1895–96
Wandering heath 1895
See also under real name
Elements of descriptive and practical anatomy 1828 (1848, 1864–67)
ed. A dictionary of medicine 1882 (1894)
The boat-sailer's manual 1886
Complete works a 1644 (Grosart 1880–81)
Argalus and Parthenia 1629 (1678, 1708)
Barnabas See Judgement, below
Divine fancies 1632
Divine poems (the history of Jonah, Ester, Job, Sions sonets, Elegies etc.) 1630 (1714)
Emblemes 1635 (1718, 1818)
Enchyridion, containing institutions divine and morall 1640 (1641)
Esther See Hadassa, below
A feast for wormes, set forth in a poeme of the history of Jonah 1620
Hadassa, or the history of queene Ester, with meditations thereupon 1621 (1638, 1717)
The historie of Samson 1631
Job militant; with meditations 1624
Judgement and mercy for afflicted soules a 1644 (1646)
—(part) Barnabas and Boanerges, or wine and oyle for afflicted soules 1644 (1807)
The loyall convert 1643
Pentelogia, or the quintessence of meditation 1620
The shepherds oracles delivered in certain eglogues a 1644 (1646)
Sions elegies, wept by Jeremie the prophet and periphrased 1624
Sions sonets, sung by Solomon..and periphras'd 1625
Solomons recantation entituled Ecclesiastes paraphrased a 1644 (1645)
The school of the heart 1647
Fons lachrymarum, or a fountain of tears 1648
—Rambles of a naturalist on the coasts of France, Spain and Sicily tr. E. C. Otté 1857
The four of hearts 1938 (UK 1939)
The fourth side of the triangle 1965
The French powder mystery 1930
The Roman hat mystery 1929
The marble foot: an autobiography, 1905–1938 1976
The follower 1950
Puzzle for fiends 1946 (UK 1947)
Shadow of guilt 1959
Suspicious circumstances 1957
A serious inquiry..whether a man may lawfully marry his deceased wife's sister 1703
Essays on educational reformers 1868
Foe-Farrell 1918
Hetty Wesley 1903
Major Vigoureux 1907
Nicky Nan, reservist 1915
On the art of writing 1916
Poison island 1907
Studies in literature 3 ser. 1918–29
True Tilda 1909
The dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians 1721
Lexicon physico-medicum or a new physical dictionary 1719 (1722)
ia officinalis et extemporanea, or a compleat English dispensatory 1718
The history of Harvard University 1840
Figures of the past 1883 (1884)
From a logical point of view 1953
Mathematical logic 1940
Methods of logic 1950 (UK 1952)
Set theory and its logic 1963
Word and object 1960
Pennsylvania stories 1899
The heather lintie; being poetical pieces..chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1861 (1863)
The nature of things 1973
The use of English 1962
eds. The teaching of English 1959
A grammar of contemporary English 1972
The Grand master; or adventures of Qui Hi? in Hindostan 1816