The Persecution of Ernst Z�ndel
 A chronology of events in the 2003 arrest of Ernst Z�ndel


Media Archive surrounding Ernst Z�ndel's arrest and deportation to Canada


Ernst Z�ndel Defence Fund

Ernst Zundel - Prisoner of Conscience Series

Inspirational song written for prisoner of conscience - Ernst Z�ndel

[Hear the song and read the lyrics]

"The martyrdom of Zundel will be of no profit to my peers of politics and finance: He has said all he had to say, and it is running all 
over the world."

R.D.Polacco de M�nasce

Docteur de l'universit� de Paris

August 10, 2003

Free Ernst Zundel Rally

June 22, 2003

Full Page Revisionist Ad in the Wasington Times

[See the full ad]

June 1, 2003

Protest in Toronto - Free Ernst Zundel!

May 22, 2003

In Los Angeles and Seattle

Americans Demonstrate For Zundel�s Release

Ernst Z�ndel at detention review hearing - March 31, 2003

Ernst Zundel returns to Canada

Who is Ernst Z�ndel? Why is he loved by so many - and equally demonized and vilified by others? Get to know the one-man powerhouse Revisionist who has dedicated his life to clearing Germany of the blood libel of the "Holocaust".

Ernst Zundel needs your support   Your donations = Our Survival!

Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!