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TABL . VIII. Electric See also:Volume-Resistivity of Dielectrics reckoned in Millions of Megohms (Mega-megohms) per Centimetre-See also:cube, and ity Megohms per Quadrant-cube, i.e. a Cube whose See also:Side is so' ans. The resistivity of liquids is, generally speaking, much higher than that of any metals, metallic See also:alloys or non-metallic conductors. Thus fused See also:lead chloride, one of the best conducting liquids, has a resistivity in its fused See also:condition of o•376 See also:ohm per centimetre-cube, or 376,000 microhms per centimetre-cube, whereas that of metallic alloys only in few cases exceeds See also:loo microhms per centimetre-cube. The resistivity of solutions of metallic salts also varies very largely with the proportion of the diluent or solvent, and in some instances, as in the aqueous solutions of See also:mineral acids; there is a maximum conductivity corresponding to a certain dilution. The resistivity of many liquids, such as See also:alcohol, See also:ether, See also:benzene and pure See also:water, is so high, in other words, their conductivity is so small, that they are practically insulators, and the resistivity can only be appropriately expressed in megohms per centimetre-cube. In Table VII. are given the names of a few of these badly-conducting liquids, with the values of their volume-resistivity in megohms per centimetre-cube: Conducting Liquids in Megohms per Centimetre-cube. Substance. Resistivity Observer, in Megohms per c.c. See also:Ethyl alcohol . . . o•5 See also:Pfeiffer. Ethyl ether 1.175 to 3.760 W. Kohlrausch. Benzene 4.700 Absolutely pure water ap- 25.0 at 18° C. Value estimated proximates probably to by F. See also:Kohl- All very dilute aqueous See also:salt 1.00 at 18° C. rausch and A. Heydweiler. From results by solutions having a concen- F. Kohlrausch tration of about o•0000i and others. of an See also:equivalent gramme See also:molecule' per litre ap- proximate to The resistivity of all those substances which are generally called dielectrics or insulators is also so high that it can only be appropriately expressed in millions of megohms per centimetre-cube, or in megohms per quadrant-cube, the quadrant being a cube the side of which is ro' See also:ems. (see Table VIII.). Effects of See also:Heat.—Temperature affects the resistivity of these different classes of conductors in different ways. In all cases, so ' An equivalent gramme molecule is a See also:weight in grammes equal numerically to the chemical equivalent of the salt. For instance, one equivalent gramme molecule of See also:sodium chloride is a See also:mass of 58.5 grammes. NaCl =58.5- Substance. Resistivity. See also:Tempera- See also:ture Mega- Megohms megohms per Quad- Cent. per c.c. rant-cube. Bohemian See also:glass 61 •o61 6o° See also:Mica 84 •084 200 See also:Gutta-percha . . . 450 •45 24° See also:Flint glass 1,020 1.02 6o° See also:Glover's vulcanized See also:india- . 1,630 1.63 15° See also:rubber See also:Siemens' See also:ordinary pure 2,280 2.28 15° vulcanized indiarubber Shellac 9,000 9.0 28° Indiarubber ,.10,900 10.9 24° Siemens' high insulating 11,900 11.9 15° fibrous material Siemens' high- 16,170 16.17 15 ° insulating inspecialdiarubber . Flint glass . , 20,000 20.0 20° Ebonite . , 28,000 28• 46° See also:Paraffin . . 34,000 34• 46° See also:manganese. An alloy formed of 8o % See also:copper and 20 % manganese in an annealed condition has a nearly zero temperature-variation of resistance between 20° C. and See also:roe C. In the See also:case of non-metals the See also:action of temperature is generally to diminish the resistivity as temperature rises, though this is not universally so. The interesting observation has been recorded by J. W. See also:Howell, that "treated" See also:carbon filaments and See also:graphite are substances which have a minimum resistance corresponding to a certain temperature approaching red heat (Electrician, vol. xxxviii. p. 835). At and beyond this temperature increased See also:heating appears to increase their resistivity; this phenomenon may, however, be accompanied by a molecular See also:change and not be a true temperature variation. In the case of See also:dielectric conductors and of electrolytes? the action of rising temperature is to reduce resistivity. Many of the so-called insulators, such as mica, ebonite, indiarubber, and the insulating See also:oils, paraffin, &c., decrease in resistivity with See also:great rapidity as the temperature rises. With guttapereha a rise in temperature from o° C, to 24° C. is sufficient to reduce the resistivity of one-twentieth See also:part of its value at o° C., and the resistivity of flint glass at 140 C. is only one-hundredth of what it is at 6o° C. A See also:definition may here be given of the meaning of the See also:term Temperature Coefficient. If, in the first See also:place, we suppose that the resistivity (pi) at any temperature (t) is a See also:simple linear See also:function of the resistivity (p°) at o° C., then we can write p,=p°(1+at), or a=(pi—p°)/p°t. The quantity a is then called the temperature-coefficient, and its reciprocal is the temperature at which the resistivity would become zero. By an See also:extension of this notion we can See also:call the quantity dp/pdt the temperature coefficient corresponding to any temperature t at which the resistivity is p. In all cases the relation between the resistivity of a substance and the temperature is best set out in the See also:form of a See also:curve called a temperature-resistance curve. If a See also:series of such curves are See also:drawn for various pure metals, temperature being taken as See also:abscissa and resistance as See also:ordinate, and if the temperature range extends from the See also:absolute zero of temperature upwards, then it is found that these temperature-resistance lines are curved lines having their convexity either upwards or downwards. In other words, the second See also:differential coefficient of resistance with respect to temperature is either a See also:positive or negative quantity. An extensive series of observations concerning the form of the resistivity curves for various pure metals over a range of temperature extending from -2o0° C. to +200° C. was carried out in 1892 and i893 by See also:Fleming and See also:Dewar (Phil. Mag. Oct. 1892 and See also:Sept. 1893). The resistance observations were taken with resistance coils constructed with wires of various metals obtained in a See also:state of great chemical purity. The lengths and mean diameters of the wires were carefully measured, and their resistance was then taken at certain known temperatures obtained by immersing the coils in boiling See also:aniline, boiling water, melting See also:ice, melting carbonic See also:acid in ether, and boiling liquid See also:oxygen, the temperatures thus given being +184°•5 C., +too° C., o° C., -78°•2 C. and -182 5 C. The resistivities of the various metals were then calculated and set out in terms of the temperature. From these data a See also:chart was pre-pared showing the temperature-resistance curves of these metals throughout a range of 400 degrees. The exact form of these curves through the region of temperature lying between -2oo° C. and -273° C. is not yet known. As shown on the chart, the curves evidently do not converge to precisely the same point. It is, how-ever, much less probable that the resistance of any See also:metal should vanish at a temperature above the absolute zero than at the absolute zero itself, and the precise path of these curves at their See also:lower ends cannot be delineated until means are found for fixing independently the temperature of some regions in which the resistance of metallic wires can be measured. See also:Sir J. Dewar subsequently. showed that for certain pure metals it is clear that the resistance would not vanish at the absolute zero but would be reduced to a finite but small value (see " Electric Resistance See also:Thermometry at the Temperature of Boiling See also:Hydrogen," Proc. See also:Roy. See also:Soc. 1904, 73, p. 244). The resistivity curves of the magnetic metals are also remarkable for the change of curvature they exhibit at the magnetic See also:critical temperature. Thus J. See also:Hopkinson and D. K. See also:Morris (Phil. Mag. See also:September 1897, p. 213) observed the remarkable alteration that takes place in the See also:iron resistance temperature curve in the neighbourhood of 78o° C. At that temperature the direction of the curvature of the curve changes so that it becomes See also:convex upwards instead of convex downwards, and in addition the value of the temperature coefficient undergoes a great reduction. The mean temperature coefficient of iron in the neighbourhood of o° C. is 0.0057; at 765° C. it rises to a maximum value 0.0204; but at t000° C. it falls again to a lower value, 0.00244. A similar rise to a maximum value and subsequent fall are also noted in the case of the specific heat of iron. The changes in the curvature of the resistivity curves are undoubtedly connected with the molecular changes that occur in the magnetic metals at their critical temperatures. A fact of considerable See also:interest in connexion with resistivity is the See also:influence exerted by a strong magnetic See also: 427). The temperature coefficient of pure copper is an important See also:constant, and its value as determined by Messrs See also:Clark, See also:Forde and See also: In the Absolute Methods the resistivity is determined without reference to any other substance, but with reference only to the fundamental standards of length, mass and time. Immense labour has been expended in investigations concerned with the See also:production of a standard of resistance and its evaluation in absolute measure. In some cases the absolute standard is constructed by filling a carefully-calibrated See also:tube of glass with See also:mercury, in See also:order to realize in a material form the See also:official definition of the ohm; in this manner most of the See also:principal See also:national See also:physical laboratories have been provided with standard mercury ohms. (For a full description of the standard mercury ohm of the See also:Berlin Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, see the Electrician, See also:xxxvii. 569.) For practical purposes it is more convenient to employ a standard of resistance made of wire. See also:Opinion is not yet perfectly settled on the question whether a wire made of any alloy can be considered to be a perfectly unalterable standard of resistance, but experience has shown that a See also:platinum See also:silver alloy (66% silver, 33% platinum), and also the alloy called manganin, seem to possess the qualities of permanence essential for a wire-resistance standard. A comparison made in 1892 and 1894 of all the manganin wire copies of the ohm made at the Reichsanstalt in Berlin, showed that these standards had remained constant for two years to within one or two parts in 100,000. It appears, however, that in order that manganin may remain constant in resistivity when used in the manufacture of a resistance coil, it is necessary that the alloy should be aged by heating it to a temperature of 14o° C. for ten See also:hours; and to prevent subsequent changes in resistivity, solders containing See also:zinc must be avoided, and a silver See also:solder containing 75 % of silver employed in soldering the manganin wire to its connexions. ' The authorities of the Berlin Reichsanstalt have devoted considerable See also:attention to the question of the best form for a wire standard of electric resistance. In that now adopted the resistance wire is carefully insulated and See also:wound on a See also:brass See also:cylinder, being doubled on itself to annul inductance as much as possible. In the coil two wires are wound on in parallel, one being much finer than the other, and the final See also:adjustment of the coil to an exact value is made by shortening the finer of the two. A standard of resistance for use in a laboratory now generally consists of a wire of manganin or platinum-silver carefully , insulated and enclosed in a brass case. Thick copper rods are connected to the terminals of the wire in the interior of the case, and brought to the outside, being carefully insulated at the same time from one another and from the case. The coil so constructed can be placed under water or paraffin oil, the temperature of whi,.ch can be exactly observed during the See also:process of taking a resistance measurement. Equalization of the temperature of the surrounding See also:medium is effected by the employment of a stirrer, worked by See also:hand or by a small electric motor. The construction of a standard of See also:electrical resistance consisting of mercury in a glass tube is an operation requiring considerable precautions, and only to be undertaken by those experienced in the See also:matter. Opinions are divided on the question whether greater permanence in resistance can be secured by mercury-inglass standards of resistance or by wire standards, but the latter are at least more portable and less fragile. A full description of the construction of a standard wire-resistance coil on the See also:plan adopted by the Berlin Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt is given in the See also:Report of the See also:British Association See also:Committee on Electrical Standards, presented at the See also:Edinburgh See also:Meeting in 1892. For the See also:design and construction of standards of electric resistances adapted for employment in the comparison and measurement of very See also:low or very high resistances, the reader may be referred to standard See also:treatises on electric measurements. II. See also:CONDUCTION IN LIQUIDS Through liquid metals, such as mercury at ordinary temperatures and other metals at temperatures above their melting points, the electric current flows as in solid metals without changing the state of the conductor, except in so far as heat is See also:developed by the electric resistance. But another class of liquid conductors exists, and in them the phenomena are quite different. The conductivity of fused salts, and of solutions of salts and acids, although less than that of metals, is very great compared with the traces of conductivity found in so-called non-conductors. In fused salts and conducting solutions the passage of the current is always accompanied by definite chemical changes; the substance of the conductor or electrolyte is decomposed, and the products of the decomposition appear at the electrodes, i.e. the metallic plates by means of which the current is led into and out of the See also:solution. The chemical phenomena are considered in the See also:article See also:ELECTROLYSIS; we are here concerned solely with the mechanism of this electrolytic conduction of the current. To explain the See also:appearance of the products of decomposition at the electrodes only, while the intervening solution is unaltered, we suppose that, under the action of the electric forces, the opposite parts of the electrolyte move in opposite directions through the liquid. These opposite parts, named ions by See also:Faraday, must therefore be associated with electric charges, and it is the convective See also:movement of the opposite streams of ions carrying their charges with them that, on this view, constitutes the electric current. In metallic conduction it is found that the current is proportional to the applied electromotive force—a relation known by the name of Ohm's See also:law. If we place in a See also:circuit with a small electromotive force an electrolytic See also:cell consisting of two platinum electrodes and a solution, the initial current soon See also:dies away, and we shall find that a certain minimum electromotive force must be applied to the circuit before any considerable permanent current passes. The chemical changes which are initiated on the surfaces of the electrodes set up a See also:reverse electromotive force of polarization, and, until this is overcome, only a minute current, probably due to the slow but steady removal of the products of decomposition from the electrodes by a process of See also:diffusion, will pass through the cell. 'Thus it is evident that, considering the electrolytic cell as a whole, the passage of the current through it cannot conform to Ohm's law. But the polarization is due to chemical changes, which are confined to the surfaces of the electrodes; and it is necessary to inquire whether, if the polarization at the electrodes be eliminated, the passage of the current through the bulk of the solution itself is proportional to the electromotive force actually applied to that solution. Rough experiment shows that the current is proportional to the excess of the electromotive force over a constant value, and thus verifies the law approximately, the constant electromotive force to be overcome being a measure of the polarization. A more satisfactory examination of the question was made by F, Kohlrausch in the years 1873 to 1876. Ohm's law states that the current C is proportional to the electromotive force E, or C = kR, where k is a constant called the conductivity of the circuit. The equationmay also be written as C=E/R, where R is a constant, the reciprocal of k, known as the resistance of the circuit. The essence of the law is the proportionality between C and E, which means that the ratio E/C is a constant. See also:ButE/C=R, and thus the law may be tested by examining the constancy of the measured resistance of a conductor when different currents are passing through it. In this way Ohm's law has been confirmed in the case of metallic conduction to a-very high degree of accuracy. A similar principle was applied by Kohlrausch to the case of electrolytes, and he was the first to show that an electrolyte possesses a definite resistance which has a constant value when measured with different currents and by different experimental methods. Measurement of the Resistance of Electrolytes.—There are two effects of the passage of an electric current which prevent the possibility of measuring electrolytic resistance by the ordinary methods with the See also:direct currents which are used in the case of metals. The products of the chemical decomposition of the electrolyte appear at the electrodes and set up the opposing electromotive force of polarization, and unequal dilution of the solution may occur in the neighbourhood of the two electrodes. The chemical and electrolytic aspects of these phenomena are treated in the article ELECTROLYSIS, but from our See also:present point of view also it is evident that they are again of fundamental importance. The polarization at the See also:surface of the electrodes will set up an opposing electromotive force, and the unequal dilution of the solution will turn the electrolyte into a concentration cell and produce a subsidiary electromotive force either in the same direction as that applied or in the reverse according as. the anode or the See also:cathode solution becomes the more dilute. Both effects thus involve See also:internal electromotive forces, and prevent the application of Ohm's law to the electrolytic cell as a whole. But the existence of a definite measurable resistance as a characteristic See also:property of the See also:system depends on the conformity of the system to Ohm's law, and it is therefore necessary to eliminate both these effects before attempting to measure the resistance. The usual and most satisfactory method of measuring the resistance of electrolytes consists in eliminating the effects of polarization by the use of alternating currents, that is, currents that are reversed in direction many times a second.' The chemical action produced by the first current is thus reversed by the second current in the opposite direction, and the polarization caused by the first current on the surface of the electrodes is destroyed before it rises to an appreciable value. The polarization is also diminished in another way. The electromotive force of polarization is due to the deposition of films of the products of chemical decomposition on the surface of the electrodes, and only reaches its full value when a continuous film is formed. If the current be stopped before such a film is completed, the reverse electromotive force is less than its full value. A given current flowing for a given time deposits a definite amount of substance on the electrodes; and therefore the amount per unit See also:area is inversely proportional to the area of the electrodes—to the area of contact, that is, between the electrode and the liquid. Thus, by increasing the area of the electrodes, the polarization due to a given current is decreased. Now the area of See also:free surface of a platinum See also:plate can be increased enormously by coating the plate with platinum See also:black, which is metallic platinum in a spongy state, and with such a plate as electrode the effects of polarization are diminished to a very marked extent. The coating is effected by passing an electric current first one way and then the other between two platinum plates immersed in a 3% solution of platinum chloride to which a trace of lead acetate is sometimes added. The platinized plates thus obtained are quite satisfactory for the investigation of strong solutions. They have the See also:power, however, of absorbing a certain amount of salt from the solutions and of giving it up again when water or more dilute solution is placed in contact with them. The measurement of very dilute solutions is thus made difficult, but, if the plates be heated to ' F. Kohlrausch and,L. See also:Holborn, See also:Des Leitvermogen der Elektrolyte (See also:Leipzig, 1898). redness after being platinized, a See also:grey surface is obtained which possesses sufficient area for use with dilute solutions and yet does not absorb an appreciable quantity of salt. Any convenient source of alternating current may be used. The currents from the secondary circuit of a small See also:induction coil are satisfactory, or the currents of an alternating electric See also:light See also:supply may be transformed down to an electromotive force of one or two volts. With such currents it is necessary to consider the effects of self-induction in the circuit and of electrostatic capacity. In balancing the resistance of the electrolyte, resistance coils may be used in which self-induction and the capacity are reduced to a minimum by winding the wire of the coil backwards and forwards in alternate layers. With these arrangements the usual method of measuring resistance by means of See also:Wheatstone's bridge may be adapted to the case of electrolytes. With alternating currents, however, it is impossible to use a See also:galvanometer in the usual way. The galvanometer was therefore replaced by Kohlrausch by a See also:telephone, which gives a See also:sound when an alternating current passes through it. The most See also:common plan of the apparatus is shown diagrammatically in fig. i. The electrolytic cell and a resistance See also:box form two arms of the bridge, and the sliding contact is moved along the See also:metre wire which forms the other two arms till' no sound is heard in the telephone. The resistance of the electrolyte is to that of the box as that of the right-hand end of the wire is to that of the See also:left-hand end. A more accurate method of using alternating currents, and one more pleasant to use, gets rid of the telephone (Phil. Trans., 'goo, 194, p. 321). The current from one or two voltaic cells is led to an ebonite See also:drum turned by a motor or a hand-See also:wheel and See also:cord. On the drum are fixed brass strips with wire brushes touching them in such a manner that the current from the brushes is reversed several times in each revolution of the drum. The wires from the brushes are connected with the Wheatstone's bridge. A moving coil galvanometer is used as See also:indicator, its connexions being reversed in time with those of the See also:battery by a slightly narrower set of brass strips fixed on the other end of the ebonite commutator. Thus any residual current through the galvanometer is direct and not alternating. The high moment of inertia of the coil makes the See also:period of See also:swing slow compared with the period of See also:alternation of the current, and the slight periodic disturbances are thus pre-vented from affecting the galvanometer. When the measured resistance is not altered by increasing the See also:speed of the. commutator or changing the ratio of the arms of the bridge, the disturbing effects may be considered to be eliminated. The form of See also:vessel chosen to contain the electrolyte depends on the order of resistance to be measured. For dilute solutions the shape of cell shown in fig. 2 will be found convenient, while for more concentrated solutions, that indicated in fig. 3 is suitable. The absolute resistances of certain solutions have been determined by Kohlrausch by comparison with mercury, and, by using one of these solutions in any cell, the constant of that cell may be found once for all. From the observed resistance of any given solution in the cell the resistance of a centimetre cube—the so-called specific resistance—may be calculated. The reciprocal of this, or the conductivity, is a more generally useful constant; it is conveniently expressed in terms of a unit equal to the reciprocal of an ohm. Thus Kohlrausch found that a solution of See also:potassium chloride, containing one-tenth of a See also:gram equivalent (7'46 grams) per litre, has at 18° C. a specific resistance of 89.37 ohms per centimetre cube, or a conductivity of 1.119X Io-2 mhos: or 1.119X io" C.G.S. See also:units. As the temperature variation of conductivity is large, usually about 2% per degree, it is necessary to place the resistance cell in a paraffin or water See also:bath; and to observe its temperature with some accuracy. Another way of eliminating the effects of polarization and of dilution has been used by W. See also:Stroud and J. B. See also:Henderson (Phil. Mag., 1897 [5], 43, p. 19). Two of the arms of a Wheat-stone's bridge are composed of narrow tubes filled with the solution, the tubes being of equal See also:diameter but of different length. The other two arms are made of coils of wire of equal resistance, and metallic resistance is added to the shorter tube till the bridge is balanced. Direct currents of somewhat high electromotive force are used to work the bridge. Equal currents then flow through the two tubes; the effects of polarization and dilution must be the same in each, and the resistance added to the shorter tube must be equal to the resistance of a See also:column of liquid the length of which is equal to the difference in length of the two tubes. A somewhat different principle was adopted by E. Bouty in 1884. If a current be passed through two resistances in series by means of an applied electromotive force, the electric potential falls from one end of the resistances to the other, and, if we apply Ohm's law to each resistance in See also:succession, we see that, since for each of them E = CR, and C the current is the same through both, E the electromotive force or fall of potential between the ends of each resistance must be proportional to the resistance between them. Thus by measuring the potential difference between the ends of the two resistances successively, we may compare their resistances. If, on the other hand, we can measure the potential difference in some known units, and similarly measure the current flowing, we can determine the resistance of a single electrolyte. The details of the apparatus may vary, but its principle is illustrated in the following description. A narrow glass tube is fixed horizontally into side openings in two glass vessels, and an electric current passed through it by means of platinum electrodes and a battery of considerable electromotive force. In this way a steady fall of electric potential is set up along the length of the tube. To measure the potential difference between the ends of the tube, tapping electrodes are constructed, e.g. by placing zinc rods in vessels with zinc sulphate solution and connecting these vessels (by means of thin See also:siphon tubes also filled with solution) with the vessels at the ends of the See also:long tube which contains the electrolyte to be examined. Whatever be the contact potential difference between zinc and its solution, it is the same at both ends, and thus the potential difference between the zinc rods is equal to that between the liquid at the two ends of the tube. This potential difference may be measured without passing any appreciable current through the tapping electrodes, and thus the resistance of the liquid deduced. Equivalent Conductivity of Solutions.—As is the case in the other properties of solutions, the phenomena are much more simple when the concentration is small than when it is great, and a study of dilute solutions is therefore the best way of getting an insight into the essential principles of the subject. The See also:foundation of our knowledge was laid by Kohlrausch when he had developed the method of measuring electrolyte resistance described above. He expressed his results in terms of " equivalent conductivity," that is, the conductivity (k.) of the solution divided by the number (m) of gram-equivalents of electrolyte per litre. He finds that, as the concentration diminishes, the value of k/m approaches a limit, and eventually becomes constant, that is to say, at great dilution the conductivity is proportional to the concentration. Kohlrausch first prepared very pure water by repeated See also:distillation and found that its resistance continually increased as the process of See also:purification proceeded. The conductivity of the water, and of the slight impurities which must always remain, was subtracted from that of the solution made with it, and the result, divided by m, gave the equivalent conductivity of the substance dissolved. This See also:procedure appears justifiable, for as long as conductivity is proportional to concentration it is evident that each part of the dissolved matter produces its own See also:independent effect, so that the See also:total conductivity is the sum of the conductivities of the parts; when this ceases to hold, the concentration of the solution has in See also:general become so great that the conductivity of the solvent may be neglected. The general result of these experiments can be represented graphically by plotting k/m as ordinates and -m as abscissae, '!m being a number proportional to the reciprocal of the See also:average distance between the molecules, to which it seems likely that the molecular conductivity may be related. The general types of curve for a simple neutral salt like potassium or sodium chloride and for a See also:caustic See also:alkali or acid are shown in fig. 4. The curve for the neutral salt comes to a limiting value; that for the acid attains a maximum at a certain very small concentration, and falls again when the dilution carried farther. It has usually been considered that this destruc- tion of conductivity is due to chemical action between the acid and the residual impurities in the water. At such great dilution these impurities are present in quantities comparable with the amount of acid which they convert into a less highly conducting neutral salt. In the case of acids, then, the maxi- mum must be taken as the limiting value. The decrease in equivalent conductivity at great dilution is, however, so constant that this explanation seems insufficient. The true cause of the phenomenon may perhaps be connected with the fact that the bodies in which it occurs, acids and alkalis, contain the ions, hydrogen in the one case, hydroxyl in the other, which are present in the solvent, water, and have, perhaps because of this relation, velocities higher than those of any other ions. The values of` the molecular conductivities of all neutral salts are, at great dilution, of the same order of magnitude, while those of acids at their See also:maxima are about three times as large. The influence of increasing concentration is greater in the case of salts containing divalent ions, and greatest of all in such cases as solutions of See also:ammonia and acetic acid, which are sub-stances of very low conductivity. Theory of Moving Ions.-Kohlrausch found that, when the polarization at the electrodes was eliminated, the resistance of a solution was constant however determined, and thus established Ohm's Law for electrolytes. The law was confirmed in the case of strong currents by G. F. See also:Fitzgerald and F. T. Trouton (B.A. Report, 1886, p. 312). Now, Ohm's Law implies that no work is done by the current in overcoming reversible electromotive forces such as those of polarization. Thus the molecular inter-change of ions, which must occur in order that the products may be able to work their way through the liquid and appear at the electrodes, continues throughout the solution whether a current is flowing or not. The influence of the current on the ions is merely directive, and, when it flows, streams of electrified ions travel in opposite directions, and, if the applied electromotive force is enough to overcome the See also:local polarization, give up their charges to the electrodes. We may therefore represent the facts by considering the process of electrolysis to be a See also:kind of convection. Faraday's classical experiments proved that when a current flows through an electrolyte the quantity of substance liberated at each electrode is proportional to its chemical equivalent weight, and to the total amount of See also:electricity passed. Accurate determinations have since shown that the mass of an See also:ion de-posited by one electromagnetic unit of electricity, i.e. its electrochemical equivalent, is 1•o36Xio 4X its chemical equivalent weight. Thus the amount of electricity associated with one gram-equivalent of any ion is Io4/I •o36 = 9653 units. Each monovalent ion must therefore be associated with a certain definite See also:charge, which we may take to be a natural unit of electricity; a divalent ion carries two such units, and so on. A cation, i.e. an ion giving up its charge at the cathode, as the electrode at which the current leaves the solution is called, carries a positive charge of electricity; an anion, travelling in the opposite direction, carries a negative charge. It will now be seen that the quantity of electricity flowing per second, i.e. the currentthrough the solution, depends on (I) the number of the ions concerned, (2) the charge on each ion, and (3) the velocity with which the ions travel past each other. Now, the number of ions is given by the concentration of the solution, for even if all the ions are not actively engaged in carrying the current at the same instant, they must, on any dynamical See also:idea of chemical See also:equilibrium, be all active in turn. The charge on each, as we have seen, can be expressed in absolute units, and therefore the velocity with which they move past each other can be calculated. This was first done by Kohlrausch (See also:Gottingen Nachrichten, 1876, p. 213, and Das Leilvermogen der Elektrolyte, Leipzig, 1898) about 1879. In order to develop Kohlrausch's theory, let us take, as an example, the case of an aqueous solution of potassium chloride, of concentration n gram-equivalents per cubic centimetre. There will then be n gram-equivalents of potassium ions and the same number of See also:chlorine ions in this volume. Let us suppose that on each gram-equivalent of potassium there reside +e units of electricity, and on each gram-equivalent of chlorine ions —e units. If u denotes the average velocity of the potassium ion,, the positive charge carried per second across unit area normal to the flow is n e u. Similarly, if v be the average velocity of the chlorine ions, the negative charge carried in the opposite direction is n e v. But positive electricity moving in one direction is equivalent to negative electricity moving in the other, so that, before changes in concentration sensibly supervene, the total current, C, is ne(u+v). Now let us consider the amounts of potassium and chlorine liberated at the electrodes by this current. At the cathode, if the chlorine ions were at See also:rest, the excess of potassium ions would be simply those arriving in one second, namely, nu. But since the chlorine ions move also, a further separation occurs, and nv potassium ions are left without partners. The total number of gram-equivalents liberated is therefore n(u+v). By Faraday's law, the number of .grams liberated is equal to the product of the current and the electro-chemical equivalent of the ion; the number of gram-equivalents therefore must be equal to ,C, where denotes the electro-chemical equivalent of hydrogen in C.G.S. units. Thus we get n(u+v) = nC - nne(u+v), and it follows that the charge, e, on I gram-equivalent of each kind of ion is equal to See also:tin. We know that Ohm's Law holds See also:good for electrolytes, so that the current C is also given by k.dP/dx, where k denotes the conductivity of the solution, and dP/dx the potential gradient, i.e. the change in potential per unit length along the lines of current flow. Thus n(u+v) =kdP/dx; therefore u+v = nn dx Now it is I•o36XIO-4, and the concentration of a solution is usually expressed in terms of the number, m, of gram-equivalents per litre instead of per cubic centimetre. Therefore u+v i•o36X10 --- When the potential gradient is one volt (IO C.G.S. units) per centimetre this becomes u +v =1.036 X I o-7 X k/m. Thus by measuring the value of k/m, which is known as the equivalent conductivity of the solution, we can find u+v, the velocity of the ions relative to each other. For instance, the equivalent conductivity of a solution of potassium chloride containing one-tenth of a gram-equivalent per litre is 1119 X Io-13 C.G.S. units at 18°C. Therefore u+v= l•036XI07XII19XIo-13 =1.159XIO-3=0.001159 cm. per sec. In order to obtain the absolute velocities u and v, we must find some other relation between them. Let us resolve u into 2 (u+v) in one direction, say to the right, and 1(u—v) to the left. Similarly v can be resolved into i(v+u) to the left and (s—u) to the right. On pairing these velocities we have a combined movement of the ions to the right, with a speed of 2(u—v) and a See also:drift right and left, past each other, each ion travelling with a speed of i(u+v), constituting the electrolytic separation. If u is greater than v, the combined movement involves a concentration of salt at the cathode, and a corresponding dilution at the anode, and See also:vice versa. The See also:rate at which salt is electrolysed, and thus removed from the solution at each electrode, is a (u+v). Thus the total loss of salt at the cathode is 1(u+v)—I(u—v) or v, and at the anode, 1(v+u)—2(v—u), or u. Therefore, as is explained in the article ELECTROLYSIS, by measuring the dilution of the liquid See also:round the electrodes when a current passed, W. Hittorf (Pogg. See also:Ann., 1853-1859, 89, p. 177 ; 98, p. 1 ; 103, p. I ; 106, pp. 337 and 513) was able to deduce the ratio of the two velocities or simple salts when no complex ions are present, and many further m experiments have been made on the subject (see Das Leitvern:ogen der Elektrolyte). By combining the results thus obtained with the sum of the velocities, as determined from the conductivities, Kohlrausch calculated the absolute velocities of different ions under stated conditions. Thus, in the case of the solution of potassium chloride considered above, Hittorf's experiments show us that the ratio of the velocity of the anion to that of the cation in this solution,is .51 : •49. The absolute velocity of the potassium ion under unit potential gradient is therefore 0.000567 cm. per sec., and that of the chlorine ion 0.000592 cm. per sec. Similar calculations can be made for solutions of other concentrations, and of different substances. Table IX. shows Kohlrausch's values for the ionic velocities of three chlorides of alkali metals at 18° C., calculated for a potential gradient of r volt per cm.; the See also:numbers are in terms of a unit equal to 10-6 cm. per sec.: KCl NaCl LiCI m u+v u v u+v u v u+v u v o 1350 66o 690 1140 450 690 1050 360 690 0.0001 1335 654 681 1129 448 681 1037 356 681 .001 1313 643 670 1110 440 670 1013 343 670 .01 1263 619 644 1059 415 644 962 318 644 .03 1218 597 621 1013 390 623 917 298 619 •1 1153 564 589 952 360 592 853 259 594 •3 1088 531 557 876 324 552 774 217 557 1.O IOI1 491 520 765 278 487 651 169 482 3.0 911 442 469 582 206 376 463 115 348 5.0 438 153 285 334 8o 254 1o•O 117 25 92 These numbers show clearly that there is an increase in ionic velocity as the dilution proceeds. Moreover, if we compare the values for the chlorine ion obtained from observations on these three different salts, we see that as the concentrations diminish the velocity of the chlorine ion becomes the same in all of them. A similar relation appears in other cases, and, in general, we may say that at great dilution the velocity of an ion is independent of the nature of the other ion present. This introduces the conception of specific ionic velocities, for which some values at 18° C. are given by Kohlrausch in Table X.: K . 66 X Io-6 cros. per sec. Cl 69 X lo-' cros. per sec. Na . 45 I Li . 36 NO3 . 6 ,, NH4 . 66 OH 162 H . 320 C2H3O2 36 Ag • 57 C3H602 33 Having obtained these numbers we can deduce the conductivity of the dilute solution of any salt, and the comparison of the calculated with the observed values furnished the first See also:confirmation of Kohlrausch's theory. Some exceptions, however, are known. Thus acetic acid and ammonia give solutions of much lower conductivity than is indicated by the sum of the specific ionic velocities of their ions as determined from other compounds. An See also:attempt to find in Kohlrausch's theory some explanation of this discrepancy shows that it could be due to one of two causes. Either the velocities of the ions must be much less in these solutions than in others, or else only a fractional part of the number of molecules present can be actively concerned in conveying the current. We shall return to this point later. See also:Friction on the Ions.—It is interesting to calculate the magnitude of the forces required to drive the ions with a certain velocity. If we have a potential gradient of 1 volt per centimetre the electric force is 1os in C.G.S. units. The charge of electricity on I gram-equivalent of any ion is 1/•0001036=9653 units, hence the See also:mechanical force acting on this mass is 9653 X NA dynes. This, let us say, produces a velocity u; then the force required to produce unit velocity is PA=9.653u Iolidynes=9.84u 106 kilograms-weight. If the ion have an equivalent weight A, the force producing unit velo- See also:city when acting on I gram is Pi =9.84XZ kilograms-weight. Thus the aggregate force required to drive 1 gram of potassium ions with a velocity of 1 centimetre per second. through a very dilute solution must be equal to the weight of 38 million kilograms. Kilograms-weight. Kilograms-weight. K . 15 X Ios 38XIo6 Cl . Pe P, 14XIO4 40X106 Na . 22 „ 95 „ I 14 „ I I Li . . . 27 „ 390 „ NO3 . . 15 , 25 NH4 15 ,, 83 9, OH 5.4 ,, 32 H . . . 3•I „ 310 C2H3O2. . 27 „ 46 „ Ag 17 16 C,H3O2 30 ,, 41 „ Since the ions move with See also:uniform velocity, the frictional resistances brought into See also:play must be equal and opposite to the See also:driving forces, and therefore these numbers also represent the ionic friction coefficients in very dilute solutions of 18° C. Direct Measurement of Ionic Velocities.—Sir See also:Oliver See also:Lodge was the first to directly measure the velocity of an ion (B.A. Report, 1886, p. 389). In a See also:horizontal glass tube connecting two vessels filled with dilute sulphuric acid he placed a solution of sodium chloride in solid agar-agar jelly. This solid solution was made alkaline with a trace of caustic soda in order to bring out the red See also:colour of a little phenol-phthalein added as indicator. An electric current was then passed from one vessel to the other. The hydrogen ions from the anode vessel of acid were thus carried along the tube, and, as they travelled, decolourized the See also:phenolphthalein. By this method the velocity of the hydrogen ion through a jelly solution under a known potential gradient was observed to about o•oo26 cm. per sec., a number of the same order as that required by Kohlrausch's theory. Direct determinations of the velocities of a few other ions have been made by W. C. D. Whetham (Phil. Trans, vol. 184, A, p. 337; vol. 186, A, p. 507; Phil. See also:Hag., See also:October 1894). Two solutions having one ion in common, of equivalent concentrations, different densities, different See also:colours, and nearly equal specific resistances, were placed one over the other in a See also:vertical glass tube. In one case, for example, decinormal solutions of potassium carbonate and potassium bichromate were used. The colour of the latter is due to the presence of the bichromate See also:group, Cr207. When a current was passed across the junction, the anions CO3 and Cr2O7 travelled in the direction opposite to that of the current, and their velocity could be determined by measuring the rate at which the colour boundary moved. Similar experiments were made with alcoholic solutions of See also:cobalt salts, in which the velocities of the ions were found to be much less than in water. The behaviour of agar jelly was then investigated, and the velocity of an ion through a solid jelly was shown to be very little less than in an ordinary liquid solution. The velocities could therefore be measured by tracing the change in colour of an indicator or the formation of a precipitate. Thus decinormal jelly solutions of See also:barium chloride and sodium chloride, the latter containing a trace of sodium sulphate, were placed in contact. Under the influence of an electromotive force the barium ions moved up the tube, disclosing their presence by the trace of insoluble barium sulphate formed. Again, a measurement of the velocity of the hydrogen ion, when travelling through the solution of an acetate, showed that its velocity was then only about the one-fortieth part of that found during its passage through chlorides. From this, as from the measurements on alcohol solutions, it is clear that where the equivalent conductivities are very low the effective velocities of the ions are reduced in the same proportion. Another series of direct measurements has been made by See also:Orme See also:Masson (Phil. Trans. vol. 192, A, p. 331). He placed the gelatine solution of a salt, potassium chloride, for example, in a horizontal glass tube, and found the rate of See also:migration of the potassium and chlorine ions by observing the speed at which they were replaced when a coloured anion, say, the Cr207 from a solution of potassium bichromate, entered the tube at one end, and a coloured cation, say, the Cu from copper sulphate, at the other. The coloured ions are specifically slower than the colourless ions which they follow, and in this case it follows that the coloured solution has a higher resistance than the colourless. For the same current, therefore, the potential gradient is higher in the coloured solution and lower in the colourless one. Thus a coloured ion which gets in front of the advancing boundary finds itself acted on by a smaller force and falls back into See also:line, while a straggling colourless ion is pushed forward again. Hence a See also:sharp boundary is pre-served. B. D. See also:Steele has shown that with these sharp boundaries the use of coloured ions is unnecessary, the junction line being visible owing to the difference in the See also:optical refractive indices of two colourless solutions. Once the boundary is formed, too, no gelatine is necessary, and the See also:motion can be watched through liquid aqueous solutions (see R. B. See also:Denison and B. D. Steele, Phil. Trans., 1906). All the direct measurements which have been made on simple binary electrolytes agree with Kohlrausch's results within the limits of experimental See also:error. His theory, therefore, probably holds good in such cases, whatever be the solvent, if the proper values are given to the ionic velocities, i.e. the values expressing the velocities with which the ions actually move in the solution of the strength taken, and under the conditions of the experiment. If we know the specific velocity of any one ion, we can deduce, from the conductivity of very dilute solutions, the velocity of any other ion with which it may be associated, a proceeding which does not involve the difficult task of determining the migration constant of the See also:compound. Thus, taking the specific ionic velocity of hydrogen as 0.00032 cm. per second, we can find, by determining the conductivity of dilute solutions of any acid, the specific velocity of the acid radicle involved. Or again, since we know the specific velocity of silver, we can find the velocities of a series of acid radicles at great dilution by measuring the See also:corn ductivity of their silver salts. By such methods W. Ostwald, G. Bredig and other observers have found the specific velocities of many ions both of inorganic and organic compounds, and examined the relation between constitution id ionic velocity. The velocity of elementary ions is found to be a periodic function of the atomic weight, similar elements lying on corresponding portions of a curve drawn to See also:express the relation between these two properties. Such a curve much resembles that giving the relation between atomic weight and viscosity in solution. For complex ions the velocity is largely an additive property ; to a continuous additive change in the See also:composition of the ion corresponds a continuous but decreasing change in the velocity. The following table gives Ostwald's results for the formic acid series: Velocity. Difference for See also:CH2. Formic acid . HCO2 51.2 Acetic „ . . . H3C202 38.3 -12.9 Propionic „ . . . H5C3O2 34.3. - 4'0 Butyric „ . . . H7C402 3o-8 - 3.5 Valerie . . . H9C602 28.8 - 2.0 Caprionic„ . . . H110602 27'4 - 1.4 Nature of Electrolytes.—We have as yet said nothing about the fundamental cause of electrolytic activity, nor considered why, for example, a solution of potassium chloride is a good conductor, while a solution of See also:sugar allows practically no current to pass. All the preceding See also:account of the subject is, then, independent of any view we may take of the nature of electrolytes, and stands on the basis of direct experiment. Nevertheless, the facts considered point to a very definite conclusion. The specific velocity of an ion is independent of the nature of the opposite ion present, and this suggests that the ions themselves, while travelling through the liquid, are dissociated from each other. Further See also:evidence, pointing in the same direction, is furnished by the fact that since the conductivity is proportional to the concentration at great dilution, the equivalent-conductivity, and therefore the ionic velocity, is independent of it. The importance of this relation will be seen by considering the alternative to the See also:dissociation See also:hypothesis. If the ions are not permanently free from each other their mobility as parts of the dissolved molecules must be secured by continual interchanges. The velocity with which they work their way through the liquid must then increase as such molecular rearrangements become more frequent, and will therefore depend on the number of solute molecules, i.e. on theconcentration. On this supposition the observed constancy of velocity would be impossible. We shall therefore adopt as a working hypothesis the theory, confirmed by other phenomena (see ELECTROLYSIS), that an electrolyte consists of dissociated ions. It will be noticed that neither the evidence in favour of the dissociation theory which is here considered, nor that described in the article ELECTROLYSIS, requires more than the effective dissociation of the ions from each other. They may well be connected in some way with solvent molecules, and there are several indications that an ion consists of an electrified part of the molecule of the dissolved salt with an attendant See also:atmosphere of solvent round it. The conductivity of a salt solution depends on two factors—(T) the fraction of the salt ionized; (2) the velocity with which the ions, when free from each other, move under the electric forces). When a solution is heated, both these factors may change. The coefficient of ionization usually, though not always, decreases; the specific ionic velocities increase. Now the rate of increase with temperature of these ionic velocities is very nearly identical with the rate of decrease of the viscosity of the liquid. If the curves obtained by observations at ordinary temperatures be carried on they indicate a zero of fluidity and a zero of ionic velocity about the same point, 38.5° C. below the freezing point of water (Kohlrausch, Sit. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 19os, 42, p. 1026). Such relations suggest that the frictional resistance to the motion of an ion is due to the ordinary viscosity of the liquid, and that the ion is analogous to a See also:body of some See also:size urged through a vis. ous medium rather than to a particle of molecular dimensions finding its way through a See also:crowd of molecules of similar magnitude. From this point of view W. K. Bousfield has calculated the sizes of ions on the See also:assumption that See also:Stokes's theory of the motion of a small See also:sphere through a viscous medium might be applied (Zeits. phys. Chem., 1905, 53, p. 257; Phil. Trans. A, 1906, 206, p. tot). The See also:radius of the potassium or chlorine ion with its envelope of water appears to be about 1.2 X to -8 centimetres. For the bibliography of electrolytic conduction see ELECTROLYSIS. The books which See also:deal more especially with the particular subject of the present article are Des Leitvermogen der Elektrolyte, by F. Kohlrausch and L. Holborn (Leipzig, 1898), and The Theory of Solution and Electrolysis, by W. C. D. Whetham (See also:Cambridge, 1902). (W. C. D. W.) A See also:gas such as See also:air when it is under normal conditions conducts electricity to a small but only to a very small extent, however small the electric force acting on the gas may be. The electrical conductivity of gases not exposed to See also:special conditions is so small that it was only definitely established in the See also:early years of the loth See also:century, although it had engaged the attention of physicists for more than a See also:hundred years. It had been known for a long time that a body charged with electricity slowly lost its charge even when insulated with the greatest care, and though long ago some physicists believed that part of the leak of electricity took place through the air, the general view seems to have been that it was due to almost unavoidable defects in the insulation or to dust in the air, which after striking the charged body was repelled from it and went off with some of the charge. C. A. See also:Coulomb, who made some very careful experiments which were published in 1785 (Mein. de .'Acad. des Sciences, 1785, p. 612), came to the conclusion that after allowing for the leakage along the threads which supported the charged body there was a See also:balance over, which he attributed to leakage through the air. His view was that when the molecules of air come into contact with a charged body some of the electricity goes on to the molecules, which are then repelled from the body carrying their charge with them. We shall see later that this explanation is not tenable. C. See also:Matteucci (Ann. chim. phys., 185o, 28, p. 39o) in r85o also came to the conclusion that the electricity from a charged body passes through the air; he was the first to prove • It should be noticed that the velocities calculated in Kohlrausch's theory and observed experimentally are the average velocities, and involve both the factors mentioned above; they include the time wasted by the ions in See also:combination with each other, and, except at great dilution, are less than the velocity with which the ions move when free from each other. Ni(CO)4 . . 5.1 .867 GASES] that the rate at which electricity escapes is less when the pressure of the gas is low than when it is high. He found that the rate was the same whether the charged body was surrounded by air, carbonic acid or hydrogen. Subsequent investigations have shown that the rate in hydrogen is in general much less than in air. Thus in 1872 E. G. Warburg (Pogg. Ann., 1872, 145, P. 578) found that the leak through hydrogen was only about one-See also:half of that through air: he confirmed Matteucci's observations on the effect of pressure on the rate of leak, and also found that it was the same whether the gas was dry or See also:damp. He was inclined to attribute the leak to dust in the air, a view which was strengthened by an experiment of J. W. Hittorf's (Wied. Ann., 1879, 7, p. 595), in which a small carefully insulated See also:electroscope, placed in a small vessel filled with carefully filtered gas, retained its charge for several days; we know now that this was due to the smallness of the vessel and not to the See also:absence of dust, as it has been proved that the rate of leak in small vessels is less than in large ones. Great light was thrown on this subject by some experiments on the rates of leak from charged bodies in closed vessels made almost simultaneously by H. Geitel (Phys. Zeit., 1900, 2, p. 116) and C. T. R. See also: See also:Rutherford and S. T. See also:Allan (Phys. Zeit., 1902, 3, p. 225), working in See also:Montreal, obtained results in See also:close agreement with this. Working between pressures of from 43 to 743 millimetres of mercury, Wilson showed that the maximum rate of leak is very approximately proportional to the pressure; it is thus exceedingly small when the pressure is low—a result illustrated in a striking way by an experiment of Sir W. See also:Crookes (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1879, 28, p. 347) in which a pair of See also:gold leaves retained an electric charge for several months in a very high vacuum. Subsequent experiments have shown that it is only in very small vessels that the rate of leak is proportional to the volume and to the pressure; in large vessels the rate of leak per unit volume is considerably smaller than in small ones. In small vessels the maximum rate of leak in different gases, is, with the exception of hydrogen, approximately proportional to the See also:density of the gas. Wilson's results on this point are
Gas. Relative Rate of Leak. Rate of Leak. Sp. Gr.
Aim I •oo I
H . .184 2.7
shown in the following table (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1901, 6o, p. 277) The rate of leak of electricity through gas contained in a closed
See also:CO2 _ a . 1.69 I•to
SO2 2.64 1.21
CH3Cl 4'7 1'09
vessel depends to some extent on the material of which the walls of the vessel are made; thus it is greater, other circumstances being the same, when the vessel is made of lead than when it is made of See also:aluminium. It also varies, as See also: Hag. [6], 13, p. 265) have shown, with the time of the See also:day, having a well-marked minimum at about 3 o'See also:clock in the See also:morning: it also varies from See also:month to month. Rutherford (Phys. Rev., 1903, 16, p. 183), See also:Cooke (Phil. Meg., 1903 [6], 6, p. 403) and M'Clennan and See also:Burton (Phys. Rev., 1903, 16, p. 184) have shown that the leak in a closed vessel can be reduced by about 3o% by surrounding the vessel with sheets of thick lead, but that the reduction is not increased beyond this amount, however thick the lead sheets may be. This result indicates that part of the leak is due to a very penetrating kind of See also:radiation, which can get through the thin walls of the vessel but is stopped by the thick lead. A large part of the leak we are describing is due to the presence of radioactive substances such as See also:radium and See also:thorium in the See also:earth's crust and in the walls of the vessel, and to the gaseous radioactive emanations which diffuse from them into the atmosphere. This explains the very interesting effect discovered by J. See also:Elster and H. Geitel (Phys. Zeit., 1901, 2, p. 560), that the rate of leak in caves and cellars when the air is stagnant and only renewed slowly is much greater than in the open air. In some cases the difference is very marked; thus they found that in the See also:cave called the Baumannshohle in the Harz mountains the electricity escaped at seven times the rate it did in the air outside. In caves and cellars the radioactive emanations from the walls can accumulate and are not blown away as in the open air. The electrical conductivity of gases in the normal state is, as we have seen, exceedingly small, so small that the investigation of its properties is a matter of considerable difficulty; there are, however, many ways by which the electrical conductivity of a gas can be increased so greatly that the investigation becomes comparatively easy. Among such methods are raising the temperature of the gas above a certain point. Gases drawn from the neighbourhood of flames, electric arcs and sparks, or glowing pieces of metal or carbon are conductors, as are also gases through which See also:Rontgen or cathode rays or rays of positive electricity are passing; the rays from the radioactive metals, radium, thorium, polonium and actinium, produce the same effect, as does also ultra-See also:violet light of exceedingly See also:short See also:wave-length. The gas, after being made a conductor of electricity by any of these means, is found to possess certain properties; thus it retains its conductivity for some little time after the See also:agent which made it a conductor has ceased to See also:act, though the conductivity diminishes very rapidly and finally gets too small to be appreciable. This and several other properties of conducting gas may readily be proved by the aid of the apparatus represented in fig. 5. A See also:PumA A V V is a testing vessel in which an electroscope is placed. Two tubes A and C are fitted into the vessel, A being connected with a water See also:pump, while the far end of C is in the region where the gas is exposed to the agent which makes it a conductor of electricity. Let us suppose that the gas is made conducting by Rontgen rays produced by a vacuum tube which is placed in a box, covered except for a window at B with lead so as to protect the electroscope from the direct action of the rays. If a slow current of air is drawn by the water pump through the testing vessel, the charge on the electroscope will gradually leak away. The leak, however, ceases when the current of air is stopped. This result shows that the gas retains its conductivity during the time taken by it to pass from one end to the other of the tube C. The gas loses its conductivity when filtered through a plug of glass-See also:wool, or when it is made to bubble through water. This can readily be proved by inserting in the tube C a plug of glass-wool or a water See also:trap; then if by working the pump a little harder the same current of air is produced as before, it will be found that the electroscope will now retain its charge, showing that the conductivity can, as it were, be filtered 'out of the gas. );L II The conductivity can also be removed from the gas by making the gas See also:traverse a strong electric field. We can show this by replacing the tube C by a metal tube with an insulated wire passing down the See also:axis of the tube. If there is no potential difference between the wire and the tube then the electroscope will leak when a current of air is drawn through the vessel, but the leak will stop if a considerable difference of potential is maintained between the wire and the tube: this shows that a strong electric field removes the conductivity from the gas. The fact that the conductivity of the gas is removed by filtering shows that it is due to something mixed with the gas which is removed from it by filtration, and since the conductivity is also removed by an electric field, the cause of the conductivity must be charged with electricity so as to be driven to the sides of the tube by the electric force. Since the gas as a whole is not electrified either positively or negatively, there must be both negative and positive charges in the gas, the amount of electricity of one sign being equal to that of the other. We are thus led to the conclusion that the conductivity of the gas is due to electrified particles being mixed up with the gas, some of these particles having charges of positive electricity, others of negative. These electrified particles are called ions, and the process by which the gas is made a conductor is called the ionization of the gas. We shall show later that the charges and masses of the ions can be determined, and that the gaseous ions are not identical with those met with in the electrolysis of solutions. One very characteristic property of conduction of electricity through a gas is the relation between the current through the gas and the electric force which gave rise to it. This relation is not in general that expressed by Ohm's law, which always, as far as our present knowledge extends, expresses the relation for conduction through metals and electrolytes. With gases, on the other hand, it is only when the current is very small that Ohm's law is true. If we represent graphically by means of a curve the relation between the current passing between two parallel metal plates separated by ionized gas and the difference of potential between the plates, the curve is of the See also:character shown in fig. 6 when the ordinates represent the current and the abscissae the difference of potential between the plates. We see that when the potential difference is very small, i.e. close to the origin, the curve is approximately straight, but that soon the current increases much less rapidly than the potential difference, and that a See also:stage is reached when no appreciable increase of current is produced when the potential difference is increased; when this stage is reached the current is constant, and this value of the current is called the " saturation " value. When the potential difference approaches the value at which sparks would pass through the gas, the current again increases with the potential difference; thus the curve representing the relation between the current and potential difference over very wide ranges of potential difference has the shape shown in fig. 7; curves of this kind have been obtained by von Schweidler (Wien. Ber., 1899, ro8, p. 273), and J. E. S. Townsend Phil. Mag., 1901 [61, 1, p. 198). We shall discuss later the causes of the rise in the current with large potential differences, when we consider ionization by collision. The general features of the earlier part of the curve are readily explained on the ionization hypothesis. On this view the Rontgen rays or other ionizing agent acting on the gas between the plates, produces positive and negative ions at a definite rate. Let us sup-pose that q positive and q negative ions are by this means produced per second between the plates; these under the electric force will tend to move, the positive ones to the negative plate, the negative ones to the positive. Some of these ions will reach the plate, others before reaching the plate will get so near one of the opposite sign that the attraction between them will cause them to unite and form an electrically neutral system; when they do this they end theirexistence as ions. The current between the plates is proportional to the number of ions which reach the plates per second. Now it is evident that we cannot go on taking more ions out of the gas than are produced; thus we cannot, when the current is steady, have more than q positive ions driven to the negative plate per second, and the same number of negative ions to the positive. If each of the positive ions carries a charge of e units of positive electricity, and if there is an equal and opposite charge on each negative ion, then the maximum amount of electricity which can be given to the plates per second is qe, and this is equal to the saturation current. Thus if we measure the saturation current, we get a direct measure of the 60 50 ,a0 30 20 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1100 1500 1900 1500 FIG. 7. ionization, and this does not require us to know the value of any quantity except the constant charge on the ion. If we attempted to deduce the amount of ionization by measurements of the current before it was saturated, we should require to know in addition the velocity with which the ions move under a given electric force, the time that elapses between the liberation of an ion and its combination with one of the opposite sign, and the potential difference between the plates. Thus if we wish to measure the amount of ionization in a gas we should be careful to see that the current is saturated. The difference between conduction through gases and through metals is shown in a striking way when we use potential differences large enough to produce the saturation current. Suppose we have got a potential difference between the plates more than sufficient to produce the saturation current, and let us increase the distance between the plates. If the gas were to act like a metallic conductor this would diminish the current, because the greater length would involve a greater resistance in the circuit. In the case we are considering the separation of the plates will increase the current, because now there is a larger volume of gas exposed to the rays; there are therefore more ions produced, and as the saturation current is proportional to the number of ions the saturation current is increased. If the potential difference between the plates were much less than that required to saturate the current, then increasing the distance would diminish the current; the gas for such potential differences obeys Ohm's law and the behaviour of the gaseous resistance is therefore similar to that of a metallic one. In order to produce the saturation current the electric field must be strong enough to drive each ion to the electrode before it has time to enter into combination with one of the opposite sign. Thus when the plates in the preceding example are far apart, it will take a larger potential difference to produce this current than when the plates are close together. The potential difference required to saturate the current will increase as the square of the distance between the plates, for if the ions are to be delivered in a given time to the plates their speed must be proportional to the distance between the plates. But the speed is proportional to the electric force acting on the ion; hence the electric force must be proportional to the distance between the plates, and as in a uniform field the potential difference is equal to the electric force multiplied by the distance between the plates, the potential difference will vary as the square of this distance. The potential difference required to produce saturation will, other circumstances being the same, increase with the amount of ionization, for when the number of ions is large and they are crowded together, the time which will elapse before a positive one combines with a negative will be smaller than when the number of ions is small. The ions have therefore to be removed more quickly from the gas when the ionization is great than when it is small; thus they must move' at' a higher speed and must therefore be acted upon by a larger force. E. M. F. FIG. 6. When the ions are not removed from the gas, they will increase until the number of ions of one sign which combine with ions of the opposite sign in any time is equal to the number produced by the ionizing agent in that time. We can easily calculate the number of free ions at any time after the ionizing agent has commenced to act. Let q be the number of ions (positive or negative) produced in one cubic centimetre of the gas per second by the ionizing agent, nt, n2, the number of free positive and negative ions respectively per cubic centimetre of the gas. The number of collisions between positive and negative ions per second in one cubic centimetre of the gas is proportional to nine. If a certain fraction of the collisions between the positive and negative ions result in the formation of an electrically neutral system, the number of ions which disappear per second on a cubic centimetre will be equal to See also:ant n2, where a is a quantity which is independent of n2; hence if t is the time since the ionizing agent was applied to the gas, we have dni/dt=q—See also:ani n2, dn2/dt=q—ani n2. Thus ni —n2 is constant, so if the gas is uncharged to begin with, nt will always equal n2. Putting ni=n2=n we have do/dt=q—ant (I), the solution of which is, since n=o when t=o, k(e2kat — I) n = e2kat+I (2), if k2=q/a. Now the number of ions when the gas has reached a steady state is got by putting t equal to infinity in the preceding See also:equation, and is therefore given by the equation no = k = 'J (q/a). We see from equation (I) that the gas will not approximate to its steady state until 2kat is large, that is until t is large compared with Oka or with I/2 / (qa). We may thus take I/2 V (qa) as a measure of the time taken by the gas to reach a steady state when exposed to an ionizing agent; as this time varies inversely as 11 q we see that when the ionization is feeble it may take a very considerable time for the gas to reach a steady state. Thus in the case of our atmosphere where the production of ions is only at the rate of about 30 per cubic centimetre per second, and where, as we shall see, a is about Io °, it would take some minutes for the ionization in the air to get into a steady state if the ionizing agent were suddenly applied. We may use equation (1) to determine the rate at which the ions disappear when the ionizing agent is removed. Putting q=o in that equation we get do/at = — an2. Hence n=no/(1+n0at) (3), where no is the number of ions when t=o. Thus the number of ions falls to one-half its initial value in the time I/noa. The quantity a is called the coefficient of recombination, and its value for different gases has been determined by Rutherford (Phil. Mag. 1897 [5], 44, p. 422), Townsend (Phil. Trans., 1900, 193, p. 129), McClung (Phil. Mag., 1902 [6], 3, p. 283), Langevin (Ann. chim. phys. [7], 28, p. 289), Retschinsky (Ann. d. Phys., 1905, 17, p. 518), Hendred (Phys. Rev., 1905, 21, p. 314). The values of a/e, e being the charge on an ion in electrostatic measure as determined by these observers for different gases, is given in the following table: Townsend. McClung.1Langevin. Retschinsky. Hendred. Air . 3420 3380 3200 4140 3500 02 3380 CO2 . 3500 3490 3400 H2 3020 2940 The gases in these experiments were carefully dried and free from dust; the apparent value of a is much increased when dust or small drops of water are present in the gets, for then the ions get caught by the dust particles, the mass of a particle is so great compared with that of an ion that they are practically immovable under the action of the electric field, and so the ions clinging to them escape detection when electrical methods are used. Taking e as 3.5 X Io-i0, we see that a is about 1.2X lo-6, so that the number of recombinations in unit time between n positive and n negative ions in unit volume is I.2 X lo-6n2. The kinetic theory of gases shows that if we have n molecules of air per cubic centimetre, the number of collisions per second is 1-2X lo--10n2 at a temperature of o° C. Thus we see that the number of recombinations between oppositely charged ions is enormously greater than the number of collisions between the same number of neutral molecules. We shall see that the difference in size between the ion and the molecule is not nearly sufficient to account for the difference between the collisions in the two cases; the difference is due to the force between the oppositely charged ions, which drags ions into collisions which but for this force would have missed each other. Several methods have been used to measure a. In one method air, exposed to some ionizing agent at one end of a long tube, isslowly sucked through the tube and the saturation current measured at different points along the tube. These currents are proportional to the values of n at the place of observation: if we know the distance of this place from the end of the tube when the gas was ionized and the velocity of the stream of gas, we can find tin equation (3), and knowing the value of n we can deduce the value of a from the equation 1/n1 — i/n2 = a(t~ —t2), where ni, n2 are the values of n at the times t1, t2 respectively. In this method the tubes ought to be so wide that the loss of ions by diffusion to the sides of the tube is negligible. There are other methods which involve the knowledge of the speed with which the ions move under the action of known electric farces; we shall defer the See also:consideration of these methods until we have discussed the question of these speeds. In measuring the value of a it should be remembered that the theory of the methods supposes that the ionization is uniform throughout the gas. If the total ionization throughout a gas remains constant, but instead of being uniformly distributed is concentrated in patches, it is evident that the ions will recombine more quickly in the second case than in the first, and that the value of a will be different in the two cases. This probably explains the large values of a obtained by Retschinsky, who ionized the gas by the a rays from radium, a method which produces very patchy ionization. Variation of a with the Pressure of the Gas.—All observers agree that there is little variation in a with the pressures for pressures of between 5 and I atmospheres; at lower pressures, however, the value of a seems to diminish with the pressure: thus Langevin (Ann. chim. phys., 1903, 28, p. 287) found that at a pressure of } of an atmosphere the value of a was about $ of its value at atmospheric pressure. Variation of a with the Temperature.—Erikson (Phil. Meg., Aug. 1909) has shown that the value of a for air increases as the temperature diminishes, and that at the temperature of liquid air -18o° C., it is more than twice as great as at +12° C. Since, as we have seen, the recombination is due to the coming together of the positive and negative ions under the influence of the electrical attraction between them, it follows that a large electric force sufficient to overcome this attraction would keep the ions apart and hence diminish the coefficient of recombination. Simple considerations, however, will show that it would require exceedingly strong electric See also:fields to produce an appreciable effect, The value of a indicates that for two oppositely charged ions to unite they must come within a distance of about 1.5XIo~ centimetres; at this distance the attraction between them is e2X 1012/2.25, and if X is the See also:external electric force, the force tending to pull them apart cannot be greater than Xe; if this is to be comparable with the attraction, X must be comparable with eX1o12/2.25, or putting e=4XIo-10, with I.8XIo2; this is 54,000 volts per centimetre, a force which could not be applied to gas at atmospheric pressure without producing a spark. Diffusion of the Ions.—The ionized gas acts like a mixture of gases, the ions corresponding to two different gases, the non-ionized gas to a third. If the concentration of the ions is not uniform, they will diffuse through the non-ionized gas in such a way as to produce a more uniform See also:distribution. A very valuable series of determinations of the coefficient of diffusion of ions through various gases has been made by Townsend (Phil. Trans., 1900, A, 193, p. 129). The method used was to suck the ionized gas through narrow tubes; by measuring the loss of both the positive and negative ions after the gases had passed through a known length of tube, and allowing for the loss by recombination, the loss by diffusion and hence the coefficient of diffusion could be determined. The following tables give the values of the coefficients of diffusion D on the C.G.S. system of units as determined by Townsend: Gas. D for+ions. D for—ions. Mean Value • Ratio of D for of D. —to D for+ions. 0r ' 025 '0396 • 0323 P58 CO2 .023 .026 •0245 1.13 H2 •123 •190 •156 1.54 Gas. D for+ions. D for—ions. Mean Value Ratio of D for of D. —to D for+ions. Air •032 '037 .0335 1.09 02 •o288 •0358 .0323 I.24 CO2 .0245 •0255 .025 1.04 H2 .128 •142 •135 1.11 It is interesting to compare with these coefficients the values of D when various gases diffuse through each other. D for hydrogen through air is •634, for oxygen through air •177, for the vapour of isobutyl See also:amide through air .042. We thus see that the velocity of diffusion of ions through air is much less than that of the simple gas, but that it is quite comparable with that of the vapours of some complex organic compounds. The preceding tables show that the negative ions diffuse more rapidly than the positive, especially in dry gases. The See also:superior mobility of the negative ions was observed first by Zeleny(Phil. Mag., 1898 [5], 46, p. 120), who showed that the velocity of the negative ions under an electric force is greater than that of the positive. It will be noticed that the difference between the mobility of the negative and the positive ions is much more pronounced in dry gases than in moist. The difference in the rates of diffusion of the positive and negative ions is the See also:reason why ionized gas, in which, to begin with, the positive and negative charges were of equal amounts, sometimes becomes electrified even although the gas is not acted upon by electric forces. Thus, for example, if such gas be blown through narrow tubes, it will be positively electrified when it comes out, for since the negative ions diffuse more rapidly than the positive, the gas in its passage through the tubes will lose by diffusion more negative than positive ions and hence will emerge positively electrified. Zeleny showed that this effect does not occur when, as in carbonic acid gas, the positive and negative ions diffuse at the same rates. Townsend (loc. cit.) showed that the coefficient of diffusion of the ions is the same whether the ionization is produced by Rontgen rays, radioactive substances, ultra-violet light, or electric sparks. The ions produced by chemical reactions and in flames are much less See also:mobile; thus, for example, See also:Bloch (Ann. chima phys., 1905 [8], 4, p. 25) found that for the ions produced by See also:drawing air over See also:phosphorus the value of See also:ale was between and 6 instead of over 3000, the value when the air was ionized by Rontgen rays. Velocity of Ions in an Electric Field.—The velocity of ions in an electric field, which is of fundamental importance in conduction, is very closely related to the coefficient of diffusion. Measurements of this velocity for ions produced by Rontgen rays have been made by Rutherford (Phil. Mug. [5], 44, p. 422), Zeleny (Phil. Mag. [5], 46, p. 120), Langevin (Ann. Chim. Pitys., 1903, 28, p. 289), See also:Phillips (Proc. Roy. Soc. 78, A, p. 167), and Wellisch (Phil."Trans., 1909, 209, p. 249). The ions produced by radio-active substance have been investigated by Rutherford (Phil. Mag. [51, 47, p. 109) and by See also:Franck and Pohl (Verb. See also:deutsch. phys. Gesell., 1907, 9, p. 69), and the negative ions produced when ultra-violet light falls on a metal plate by Rutherford (Prot. Camb. Phil. Soc. 9, p. 401). H. A. Wilson (Phil. Trans. 192, p.409) ,See also:Marx (Ann. de Phys. It, p. 765), See also:Moreau (Journ. de Phys. 4, 11, p. 558; Ann. Chim. Phys. 7, 30, p. 5) and Gold (Proc. Roy. Soc. 79, p. 43) have investigated the velocities of ions produced by putting various salts into flames; McClelland (Phil. Mag. 46, p. 29) the velocity of the ions in gases sucked from the neighbourhood of flames and arcs; Townsend (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 9, p. 345) and Bloch (loc. cit.) the velocity of ions produced by chemical reaction; and Chattock (Phil. Mag. [5], 48, p. 401) the velocity of the ions produced when electricity escapes from a sharp See also:needle point into a gas. Several methods have been employed to determine these velocities. The one most frequently employed is to find the electromotive intensity required to force an ion against the stream of gas moving with a known velocity parallel to the lines of electric force. Thus, of two perforated See also:plane electrodes vertically over each other, suppose the lower to be positively, the upper negatively electrified, and suppose that the gas is streaming vertically downwards with the velocity V; then unless the upward velocity of the positive ion is greater than V, no positive electricity will reach the upper plate. If we increase the strength of the field between the plates, and hence the upward velocity of the positive ion, until the positive ions just begin to reach the upper plate, we know that with this strength of field the velocity of the positive ion is equal to V. By this method, which has been used by Rutherford, Zeleny and H. A. Wilson, the velocity of ions in fields of various strengths has been determined. The arrangement used by Zeleny is represented in fig. 8. P and Q are square brass plates. They are bored through their centres, and to the openings the tubes R and S are attached, the space between the plates being covered in so as to form a closed box. K is a piece of wire See also:gauze completely covering the opening in Q ; T is an insulated piece of wire gauze nearly but not quite filling the opening in the plate P, and connected with one pair of quadrants of an See also:electrometer E. A plug of glass wool G filters out the dust from a stream of gas which enters the vessel by the tube D and leaves it by F; this plug also makes the velocity of the flow of the gas uniform across the See also:section of the tube. The Rontgen rays to ionize the gaswere produced by a bulb at 0, the bulb and coil being in a lead-covered box, with an aluminium window through which the rays passed. Q is connected with one See also:pole of a battery of cells, P and the other pole of the battery are put to earth. The changes in the potential of T are due to ions giving up their charges to it. With a given velocity of air-blast the potential of T was found not to change unless the difference of potential between P and Q exceeded a critical value. The field corresponding to this critical value thus made the ions move with the known velocity of the blast. -tAilrli that the deflexion of theelectrometer connected with DD is less than it was when A and B were at the same potential, because some of FIG 9 the positive ions in their passage through BAB are driven against the plates B. If u is the velocity along the lines of force in the uniform electric field between A and B, and t the time it takes for the gas to pass through BAB, then all the positive ions within a distance ut of the plates B will be driven up against these plates, and thus if the positive ions are equally distributed through the gas, the number of positive ions which emerge from the system when the electric field is on will See also:bear to the number which emerge when the field is off the ratio of 1—ut/l to unity, where 1 is the distance between A and B. This ratio is equal to the ratio of the deflexions in one second of the electrometer attached to D, hence the observations of this See also:instrument give 1—ut/i. If we know the velocity of the gas and the length of the plates A and B, we can determine t, and since l can be easily measured, we can find u, the velocity of the positive ion in a field of given strength. By charging A and C negatively instead of positively we can arrive at the velocity of the negative ion. In practice it is more convenient to use cylindrical tubes with coaxial wires instead of the systems of parallel plates, though in this case the calculation of the velocity of the ions from the observations is a little more complicated, inasmuch as the electric field is not uniform between the tubes. A method which gives very accurate results, though it is only applicable in certain cases, is the one used by Rutherford to measure the velocity of the negative ions produced close to a metal plate by the incidence on the plate of uftra-violet light. The principle of the method is as follows:—AB (fig. 1o) is an insulated horizontal plate of well-polished zinc, which can be moved vertically up and down by means of a See also:screw ; it is connected with one pair of quadrants of an electro- See also:meter, the other pair of quadrants being put to earth. CD is a See also:base-plate with a r hole EF in it; this hole is covered with See also:fine wire gauze, through which ultra- violet light passes and falls on the plate c ____ AB. The plate CD is connected with E F an alternating current See also:dynamo, which FIG. 10. produces a simply-periodic potential difference between AB and CD, the other pole being put to earth. Suppose that at any instant the plate CD is at a higher potential than AB, then the negative ions from AB will move towards CD, and will continue to do so as long as the potential of CD is higher than that of AB, If , however, the potential difference changes sign before the negative ions reach CD, these ions will go back to AB. Thus AB will not 0 Another method which has been employed by Rutherford and McClelland is based on the action of an electric field in destroying the conductivity of gas streaming through it. Suppose that BAB, DCD (fig. 9) are a system of parallel plates boxed in so that a stream of gas, after flowing between BB, passes between DD without any loss of gas in the See also:interval. Suppose the plates DD are insulated, and connected with one pair of quadrants of an electrometer, by charging up C to a sufficiently high potential we can drive all the positive ions which enter the system DCD against the plates D; this will cause a deflexion of the electrometer, which in one second will be proportional to the number of positive ions which have entered the system in that time. If we charge A up to a high potential, B being put to earth, we shall find A c 0 e D lose any negative charge unless the distancebetweentheplatesAB and CD is less than the distance traversed by the negative ion during the time the potential of CD is higher than that of AB. By altering the distance between the plates until CD just begins to lose a negative charge, we find the velocity of the negative ion under unit electromotive intensity. For suppose the difference of potential between AB and CD is equal to a See also:sin pt, then if d is the distance between the plates, the electric intensity is equal to a sin pt/d; if we suppose the velocity of the ion is proportional to the electric intensity, and if u is the velocity for unit electric intensity, the velocity of the negative ion will be ua sin pt/d. Hence if x represent the distance of the ion from AB dx ua dt = d sin pt x=pd(1-See also:cos pt), if x=o when t=o. Thus the greatest distance the ion can get from the plate is equal to 2au/pd, and if the distance between the plates is gradually reduced to this value, the plate AB will begin to lose a negative charge; hence when this happens d = 2au/pd, or u = pd2/2a, an equation by means of which we can find u. In this form the method is not applicable when ions of both signs are present. Franck and Pohl (Verh. deutsch. physik. Gesell. 1907, 9, p. 69) have by a slight modification removed this restriction. The modification consists in confining the ionization to a layer of gas below the gauze EF. If the velocity of the positive ions is to be determined, these ions are forced through the gauze by applying to the ionized gas a small constant electric force acting upwards; if negative ions are required, the constant force is reversed. After passing through the gauze the ions are acted upon by alternating forces as in Rutherford's method. Langevin (Ann. chim. phys., 1903, 28, p. 289) devised a method of measuring the velocity of the ions which has been extensively used; it has the See also:advantage of not requiring the rate of ionization to remain uniform. The general idea is as follows. Suppose that we expose the gas between two parallel plates A, B to Rontgen rays or some other ionizing agent, then stop the rays and apply a uniform electric field to the region between the plates. If the force on the positive ion is from A to B, the plate B will receive a positive charge of electricity. After the electric force has acted for a time T reverse it. B will now begin to receive negative electricity and will go on doing so until the supply of negative ions is exhausted. Let us consider how the quantity of positive electricity received by B will vary with T. To See also:fix our ideas, suppose the positive ions move more slowly than the negative; let T2 and Ti be respectively the times taken by the positive and negative ions to move under the electric field through a distance equal to AB, the distance between the planes. Then if T is greater than T2 all the ions will have been driven from between the plates before the field is reversed, and there-fore the positive charge received by B will not depend upon T. Next let T be less than T2 but greater than T1; then at the time when the field is reversed all the negative ions will have been driven from between the plates, so that the positive charge received by B will not be neutralized by the arrival of fresh ions coming to it after the reversal of the field. The number of positive ions driven against the plate B will be proportional to T. Thus if we measure the value of the positive charge on B for a series of values of T, each value being less than the preceding, we shall find that until T reaches a certain value the charge remains constant, but as soon as we reduce the time below this value the charge diminishes. The value of T when the diminution in the field begins is T2, the time taken for a positive ion to See also:cross from A to B under the electric field; thus from T2 we can calculate the velocity of the positive ion in this field. If we still further diminish T, we shall find that we reach a value when the diminution of the positive charge on B with the time suddenly becomes much more rapid; this change occurs when T falls below Tl the time taken for the negative ions to go from one plate to the other, for now when the field is reversed there are still some negative ions left between the plates, and these will be driven against B and rob it of some of the positive charge it had acquired before the field was reversed. By observing the time when the increase in the rate of diminution of the positive charge with the time suddenly sets in we can determine Tl, and hence the velocity of the negative ions. The velocity of the ions produced by the See also:discharge of electricity from a fine point was determined by Chattock by an entirely different method. In this case the electric field is so strong and the velocity of the ion so great that the preceding methods are not applicable. Suppose P represents a vertical needle discharging electricity into air, consider the force acting on the ions included between two horizontal planes A, B. If P is the density of the electrification, and Z the vertical component of the electric intensity, F the resultant force on the ions between A and B is vertical and equal to f f f Zpdxdydz. Let us suppose that the velocity of the ion is proportional to the electric intensity, so that if w is the vertical velocity of the ions, which are supposed all to be of one sign, w = RZ. Substituting this value of Z, the vertical force on the ions between A and B is equal to R f f f wpdxdydz. But ffwpdxdy=c, where is the current streaming from the point. This current, which can be easily measured by putting a galvanometer in series with the discharging point, is independent of z, the vertical distance of a plane between A and B below the charging point. Hence we have LF=R.I dz =R..z. This force must be counterbalanced by the difference of gaseous pressures over the planes A and B; hence if ps and pA denote respectively the pressures over B and A, we have pB - PA = Rz. Hence by the measurement of these pressures we can determine R, and hence the velocity with which an ion moves under a given electric intensity. There are other methods of determining the velocities of the ions, but as these depend on the theory of the conduction of electricity through a gas containing charged ions, we shall consider them in our discussion of that theory. By the use of these methods it has been shown that the velocities of the ions in a given gas are the same whether the ionization is produced by Rontgen rays, radioactive substances, ultra-violet light, or by the discharge of electricity from points. When the ionization is produced by chemical action the ions are very much less mobile, moving in the same electric field with a velocity less than one-thousandth part of the velocity of the first kind of ions. On the other hand, as we shall see later, the velocity of the negative ions in flames is enormously greater than that of even the first kind of ion under similar electric fields and at the same pressure. But when these negative ions get into the See also:cold part of the See also:flame, they move sluggishly with velocities of the order of those possessed by the second kind. The results of the various determinations of the velocities of the ions are given in the following table. The velocities are in centimetres per second under an electric force of one volt per centimetre, the pressure of the gas being i atmosphere. V+ denotes the velocity of the positive ion, V- that of the negative. V is the mean velocity of the positive and negative ions.'' Velocities of Ions.-Ions produced by Rontgen Rays. Gas. V+. V-. V. Observer. Air . . . 1.6 Rutherford Air (dry). . . 1.36 1.87 . . Zeleny 1.60 1.70 . . Langevin ,, 1'39 1.78 . , Phillips 1 .54 1.78 . . Wellisch Air (moist) 1.37 1.81 . . Zeleny Oxygen (dry) 1.36 1.8o .. Oxygen (moist) . 1.29 1.52 , Carbonic acid (dry) 0.76 0.81 . ,, 0.86 0.90 .. Langevin 0.81 0.85 . . Wellisch Carbonic acid (moist) 0.82 0.75 .. Zeleny Hydrogen (dry) 6.70 7.95 Hydrogen (moist) 5.30 5.60 See also:Nitrogen .. 1.6 Rutherford See also:Sulphur dioxide 0.44 0.41 . Wellisch Hydrochloric acid .. .. 1.27 Rutherford Chlorine . . . .. . 1.0 See also:Helium (dry) 5.09 6.31 .. Franck and Pohl Carbon monoxide 1.10 1.14 .. Wellisch Nitrous See also:oxide . 0.82 0.90 ,, Ammonia . . 0.74 0.80 .. Aldehyde 0.31 0.30 ,. ,f Ethyl alcohol 0.34 0.27 See also:Acetone . 0.31 0.29 . . „ Ethyl chloride . 0.33 0.31 Pentane . . , 0.36 0.35 .• Methyl acetate . 0.33 0.36 ,, Ethyl formate . 0.30 0.31 Ethyl ether . . 0.29 0.31 I, Ethyl acetate , 0.31 0.28 Methyl bromide 0.29 0.28 ,, Methyl iodide . 0•a1 0.22 Carbon tetrachloride 0.30 0.31 ,, Ethyl iodide 0.17 0.16 . . Ions produced by Ultra-Violet Light. Air 1.4 Rutherford Hydrogen 3.9 Rutherford Carbonic acid . 0.78 Rutherford Ions in Gases sucked from Flames. Velocities varying from .04 to •23 McClelland Ions in Flames containing Salts. Negative ions . 12.9 cm./sec. Gold +ions for salts of Li, Na, 62 H. A. Wilson K, Rb, Cs . . . 200 Marx f, 8o Moreau Ions liberated by Chemical Action. Bloch Velocities of the order of 0.0005 cm./sec. Ions from Point Discharge. Hydrogen . . 5.4 7'43 6.41 Chattock Carbonic acid . o.83 0.925 o•88 Chattock Air 1.32 1.8o 1.55 Chattock Oxygen . . . . I.30 j 1.85 1.57 Chattock It will be seen from this table that the greater mobility of the negative ions is very much more marked in the case of the lighter and simpler gases than in that of the heavier and more complicated ones; with the vapours of organic substances there seems but little difference between the mobilities of the positive and negative ions, indeed in one or two cases the positive one seems slightly but very slightly the more mobile of the two. In the case of the simple gases the difference is much greater when the gases are dry than when they are moist. It has been shown by direct experiment that the velocities are directly proportional to the electric force. Variation of Velocities with Pressure.—Until the pressure gets low the velocities of the ions, negative as well as positive, vary inversely as the pressure. Langevin (loc. cit.) was the first to show that at very low pressures the velocity of the negative ions increases more rapidly as the pressure is diminished than this law indicates. If the nature of the ion did not change with the pressure, the kinetic theory of gases indicates that the velocity would vary inversely as the pressure, so that Langevin's results indicate a change in the nature of the negative ion when the pressure is diminished below a certain value. Langevin's results are given in the following table, where p represents the pressure measured in centimetres of mercury, V+ and V— the velocities of the positive and negative ions in air under unit electrostatic force, i.e. 300 volts per centimetre : Negative Ions. Positive Ions. p. V—. i pV—/76. p. V+. pV+/76. 7'5 656o 647 7'5 4430 437 20.0 2204 58o 20.0 1634 430 41'5 994 530 41'5 782 427 76•o 510 510 76•o 480 420 142.0 270 505 142.0 225 425 The increase in the case of pV— indicates that the structure of the negative ion gets simpler as the pressure is reduced. Wallisch in some experiments made at the See also:Cavendish Laboratory found that the diminution in the value of pV — at low pressures is much more marked in some gases than in others, and in some gases he failed to detect it; but it must be remembered that it is difficult to get measurements at pressures of only a few millimetres, as the amount of ionization is so exceedingly small at such pressures that the quantities to be observed are hardly large enough to admit of accurate measurements by the methods available at higher pressures. Effect of Temperature on the Velocity of the Ions.—Phillips (Prot. Roy. Soc., 1906, 78, p. 167) investigated, using Langevin's method, the velocities of the + and — ions through air at atmospheric pressure at temperatures ranging from that of boiling liquid air to 411 ° C.; RI and See also:R2 are the velocities of the + and — ions respectively when the force is a volt per centimetre. RI. R2. Temperature Absolute. 2'00 2'495 411° 1'95 2.40 3990 1.85 2.30 383° 1.81 2.21 373° 1.67 2125 348° I.6o 2.00 333: 1'39 1.785 285 0.945 1.23 209° 0.235 0.235 94° We see that except in the case of the lowest temperature, that of liquid air, where there is a great drop in the velocity, the velocities of the ions are proportional to the absolute temperature. On the hypothesis of an ion of constant size we should, from the kinetic theory of gases, expect the velocity to be proportional to the square See also:root of the absolute temperature, if the charge on the ion did not affect the number of collisions between the ion and the molecules ofthe gas through which it is moving. If the collisions were brought about by the electrical attraction between the ions and the molecules, the velocity would be proportional to the absolute temperature. H. A. Wilson (Phil. Trans. 192, p. 499), in his experiments on the conduction of flames and hot gases into which salts had been put, found that the velocity of the positive ions in flames at a temperature of 2000° C. containing the salts of the alkali metals was 62 cm./sec. under an electric force of one volt per centimetre, while the velocity of the positive ions in a stream of hot air at l000° C. containing the same salts was only 7 cm./sec. under the same force. The great effect of temperature is also shown in some experiments of McClelland (Phil. Mag. [5], 46, p. 29) on the velocities of the ions in gases drawn from See also:Bunsen flames and arcs; he found that these depended upon the distance the gas had travelled from the flame. Thus, the velocity of the ions at a distance of 5.5 cm. from the Bunsen flame when the temperature was 230° C. was .23 cm./sec. for a volt per centimetre; at a distance of to cm. from the flame when the temperature was 160° C. the velocity was •21 cm./sec.; while at a distance of 14.5 cm. from the flame when the temperature was 105° C. the velocity was only .04 cm./sec. If the temperature of the gas at this distance from the flame was raised by external means, the velocity of the ions increased. We can derive some See also:information as to the constitution of the ions by calculating the velocity with which a molecule of the gas would move in the electric field if it carried the same charge as the ion. From the theory of the diffusion of gases, as developed by See also:Maxwell, we know that if the particles of a gas A are surrounded by a gas B, then, if the partial pressure of A is small, the velocity u with which its particles will move when acted upon by a force Xe is given by the equation Xe u _ (p,/NI) D, where D represents the coefficient of inter-diffusion of A into B, and NI the number of particles of A per cubic centimetre when the pressure due to A is p,. Let us calculate by this equation the velocity with which a molecule of hydrogen would move through hydrogen if it carried the charge carried by an ion, which we shall prove shortly to be equal to the charge carried by an See also:atom of hydrogen in the electrolysis of solutions. Since p1/Nl Is independent of the pressure, it is equal to II/N, where II is the atmospheric pressure and N the number of molecules in a cubic centimetre of gas at atmospheric pressure. Now Ne =1.22 X 1010, if e is measured in electrostatic units; II =1o0 and D in this case is the coefficient of diffusion of hydrogen into itself, and is equal to 1.7. Substituting these values we find u=1•97X104X. If the potential gradient is i volt per centimetre, X =1/300. Substituting this value for X, we find u = 66 cm./sec., for the velocity of a hydrogen molecule. We have seen that the velocity of the ion in hydrogen is only about 5 cm./sec., so that the ion moves more slowly than it; would if it were a single molecule. One way of explaining this is to suppose that the ion is bigger than the molecule, and is in fact an See also:aggregation of molecules, the charged ion acting as a See also:nucleus around which molecules collect like dust round a charged body. This view is supported by the effect produced by moisture in diminishing the velocity of the negative ion, for, as C. I. R. Wilson (Phil. Trans. 193, p. 289) has shown, moisture tends to collect round the ions, and condenses more easily on the negative than on the positive ion. In connexion with the velocities of ions in the gases drawn from flames, we find other instances which suggest that condensation takes place round the ions. An increase in the size of the system is not, however, the only way by which the velocity might fall below that calculated for the hydrogen molecule, for we must remember that the hydrogen molecule, whose coefficient of diffusion is I.7, is not charged, while the ion is. The forces exerted by the ion on the other molecules of hydrogen are not the same as those which would be exerted by a molecule of hydrogen, and as the coefficient of diffusion depends on the forces between the molecules, the coefficient of diffusion of a charged molecule into hydrogen might be very different from that of an uncharged one. Wellisch (loc. cit.) has shown that the effect of the charge on the ion is sufficient in many cases to explain the small velocity of the ions, even if there were no aggregation. Mixture of Gases.—The ionization of a mixture of gases raises some very Interesting questions. If we ionize a mixture of two very different gases, say hydrogen and carbonic acid, and investigate the nature of the ions by measuring their velocities, the question arises, shall we find two kinds of positive and two kinds of negative ions moving with different velocities, as we should do if some of the positive ions were positively charged hydrogen molecules, while others were positively charged molecules of carbonic acid; or shall we find only one velocity for the positive ions and one for the negative? Many experiments have been made on the velocity of ions in mixtures of two gases, but as yet no evidence has been found of the existence of two different kinds of either positive or negative ions in such mixtures, although some of the methods for determining the velocities of the ions, especially Langevin's, ought to give evidence of this effect, if it existed. The experiments seem to show that the positive (and the same is true for the negative) ions in a mixture of gases are all of the same kind. This conclusion is one of considerable importance, as it would not be true if the ions consisted of single molecules of the gas from which they are produced. Recombination.—Several methods enable us to deduce the co-efficient of recombination of the ions when we know theit velocities. Perhaps the simplest of these consists in determining the relation between the current passing between two parallel plates immersed in ionized gas and the potential difference between the plates. For let q be the amount of ionization, i.e. the number of ions produced per second per unit volume of the gas, A the area of one of the plates, and d the distance between them ; then if the ionization is constant through the volume, the number of ions of one sign produced per second in the gas is qAd. Now if i is the current per unit area of the plate, e the charge on an ion, iA/e ions of each sign are driven out of the gas by the current per second. In addition to this source of loss of ions there is the loss due to the recombination; if n is the number of positive or negative ions per unit volume, then the number which recombine per second is ant per cubic centimetre, and if n is constant through the volume of the gas, as will approximately be the case if the current through the gas is only a small fraction of the saturation current, the number of ions which disappear per second through recombination is an2.Ad. Hence, since when the gas is in a steady state the number of ions produced must be equal to the number which disappear, we have qAd =iA/e+an2.Ad, q =i/ed+an2. If u1 and u2 are the velocities with which the positive and negative ions move, nule'and nu2e are respectively the quantities of positive electricity passing in one direction through unit area of the gas per second, and of negative in the opposite direction, hence i = nule- -nu2e. If X is the electric force acting on the gas, kI and k2 the velocities of; the positive and negative ions under unit force, u1=kIX, u2 = k2X ; hence n = it (ki +k2)X e, and we have ail q__ed+(kl+k2)2e2X2 But qed is the saturation current per unit area of the plate; calling this I, we have I-i= dai2 e(kl+k2)2X2 or X2= i2.da e(I-i) (k1+k2)2 Hence if we determine corresponding values of X and i we can deduce the value of ale if we also know (ki+k2). The value of I is easily determined, as it is the current when X is very large. The preceding result only applies when i is small compared with I, as it is only in this case that the values of n and X are uniform throughout the volume of the gas. Another method which answers the same purpose is due to Langevin (Ann. Chim. Phys., 1903, 28 p. 289) ; it is as follows. Let A and B be two parallel planes immersed In a gas, and let a slab of the gas bounded by the planes a, b parallel to A and B be ionized by an instantaneous flash of Rontgen rays. If A and B are at different electric potentials, then all the positive ions produced by the rays will be attracted by the negative plate and all the negative ions by the positive, if the electric field were exceedingly large they would reach these plates before they had time to recombine, so that each plate would receive No ions if the flash of Rontgen rays produced No positive and No negative ions. With weaker fields the number of ions received by the plates will be less as some of them will recombine before they can reach the plates. We can find the number of ions which reach the plates in this case in the following way :—In consequence of the movement of the ions the slab of ionized gas will broaden out and will consist of three portions, one in which there are nothing but positive ions,—this is on the side of the negative plate,—another on the side of the positive plate in which there are nothing but negative ions, and a portion between these in which there are both positive and negative ions; it is in this layer that recombination takes place, and here if n is the number of positive or negative ions at the time t after the flash of Rontgen rays, n =no/(I +anot). With the same notation as before, the breadth of either of the See also:outer layers will in time dt increase by X(k1+k2)dt, and the number of ions in it by X(kid-ki)ndt; these ions will reach the plate, the outer layers will receive fresh ions until the See also:middle one disappears, which it will do after a time l/X (ki-l-k2), where l is the thickness of the slab ab of ionized gas; hence N, the number of ions reaching either plate, is given by the equation N_Iot/X(ki+k2)noX(k+2)dtX(ki+101 (I+ naal ) 'nt aogX(ki+k2) .I I k1 d See also:Graham (Wied. Ann. 64, p. 49) in a tube through which a steady current is passing. Interpreting it by equation (7), we infer that ionization was much in excess of recombination at A and B, slightly so along C, while along D the recombination exceeded the ionization. Substituting in equation (7) the values of ni, n2 given in (3), (4), we get d2X2 rq — 2 2 a 2 ~' k2 dX) I - k2 dX 2 -{- I l (8), dx 8areL e X (ki +k2) (I Sar dx,J ( See also:Bar dx) ] (ki -FT) This equation can be solved (see See also:Thomson, Phil. Mag. xlvii. p. 253), when q is constant and ki = k2. From the solution it appears that if XI be the value of x close to one of the plates, and Xo the value midway between them, XI/Xo =152- _ .. . (4), nee= + k2 ( ar dx) and from these equations we can, if we know the distribution electric intensity between the plates, calculate the number of posit and negative ions. In a steady state the number of positive and negative ions unit volume at a given place remains constant, hence neglecti the loss by diffusion, we have (5) d dx(kiniX)q-an1n2 . . . -d -(k2n2X) =q-anin2 (6). If ki and k2 are constant, we have from (I), (5) and (6) d'X'= 8are(q-anin2) (ki+r) . . . . (7), of ve in g an equati( i which is very useful, becaus it enables us, if we know the distri ution of X2, to find whether at any point in the gas the ionizE on is greater or less than the recombination of the ions. We see t it q-anin2, which is the excess of ionization over recombinat:n, is proportional to d2X2/dx2. Thus when the ionization exceeds the recombination, i.e. when q-anin2 is positive, the curve for X2 is convex to the axis of x, while when the recombination exceeds the ionization the curve for X2 will be See also:concave to the axis of x. Thus, for example, fig. II represents the curve for X2 observed by If Q is the charge received by the plate, Q = Ne =4 Elog (I +-g-9-S-,,) ' where Qo =See also:node is the charge received by the plate when the electric force is large enough to prevent recombination, and a=a 4are(RI+R2). We can from this result deduce the value of s and hence the value of a when R1+R2 is known. Distribution of Electric Force when a Current is passing through an Ionized Gas.—Let the two plates be at right angles to the axis of x; then we may suppose that between the plates the electric intensity X is everywhere parallel to the axis of x. The velocities of both the positive and negative ions are assumed to be proportional to X. Let k1X,k2X represent these velocities respectively; let n1, n2 be respectively the number of positive and negative ions per unit volume at a point fixed by the co-ordinate x; let q be the number of positive or negative ions produced in unit time per unit volume at this point; and let the number of ions which recombine in unit volume in unit time be anin2; then if e is the charge on the ion, the volume density of the electrification is (nl-n2)e, hence dX dx =4z'(ni-n2)e (I). If I is the current through unit area of the gas and if we neglect any diffusion except that caused by the electric field, '1 Al nieklX +n2ek2X = I (2). From equations (r) and (2) we have __ I I k2dX nie k1+k2 (X'41- d) • (3), .a o C A where p = 8areki/a. Since e=4Xto—E0, a=2XIO-°, and k, for air at atmospheric pressure =450, $ is about 2.3 for air at atmospheric pressure and it becomes much greater at lower pressures. Thus Xi/Xo is always greater than unity, and the value of the ratio increases from unity to infinity as 13 increases from zero to infinity. As (3 does not involve either q or I, the ratio of XI to Xo is independent of the strength of the current and of the intensity of the ionization. No general solution of equation (8) has been found when k, is not equal to k2, but we can get an approximation to the solution when q is constant. The equations (I), (2), (3), (4) are satisfied by the values- ni = n2 = (q/a) k1n1Xe = ki+k2l~ k2n.Xe=ki+2k2I' X— \q/ _ (al e(ki-I}-k2). These solutions cannot, however, hold right up to the surface of the plates, for across each unit of area, at a point P, kiIl(ki+k2)e positive ions pass in unit time, and these must all come from the region between P and the positive plate. If A is the distance of P from this plate, this region cannot furnish more than qX positive ions, and only this number if there are no recombinations. Hence the solution cannot hold when qX is less than kiI/(ki-I-k2)e, or where A is less than kil/(kl +k2)qe. Similarly the solution cannot hold nearer to the negative plate than the distance k2I/(ki+k2)ge. The force in these layers will be greater than that in the middle of the gas, and so the loss of ions by recombination will be smaller in comparison with the loss due to the removal of the ions by the current. If we assume that in these layers the loss of ions by recombination can be neglected, we can by the method of the next article find an expression for the value of the electric force at any point in the layer. This, in See also:conjunction with the value X0 = (`—) I for the gas outside the layer, will give the value q e(ki+k2) of X at any point between the plates. It follows from this investigation that if Xi and X2 are the values of X at the positive and negative plates respectively, and X0 the value of X outside the layer, x Xi=x0(1+2 E) 1, X2=X0(1+L I, where e= a/4',re(ki+k2). //LGaG Langevin found that for air at s pressure of 152 mm. e=O•01, at 375 mm. a=o•o6, and at 760 m, :. a=o•27. Thus at fairly low pressures Ile is large, and we have app oximately Xi=Xo(le) 2,e,X2=Xo k) ~E Therefore X1/X2 = ki/k2, or the force at the positive plate is to that at the negative plate as the velocity of the positive ion is to that of the negative ion. Thus the force at the negative plate is greater than that at the positive. The falls of potential Vi, V2 at the two layers when Ile is large can be shown to be given by the equations Vi =8'r2 (qa) See also:ski (k2) li2 V2 = 8,r2 (qa) 2k2 (II) 112, 2.1 hence V1/V2=ki2%k22' 2 so that the potential falls at the electrodes are proportional to the squares of the velocities of the ions. The change in potential across the layers is proportional to the square of the current, while the potential change between the layers is proportional to the current, the total potential difference between the plates is the sum of these changes, hence the relation between V and i will 0 o be of the form Cathode 'Anode V=Ai+Bi2. 13, p. 857) has by the method of successive approximations obtained solutions of equation (8) (i.) when the current is only a small fraction of the saturation current, (ii.) when the current is nearly saturated. The results of his investigations are represented in fig. 12, which represents the distribution of electric force along the path of the current for various values of the current expressed as fractions of the saturation current. It will be seen that until the current amounts to about one-fifth of the maximum current, the type of solution is the one just indicated, i.e. the electric force is constant except in the neighbourhood of the electrodes when it increases rapidly. Though we are unable to obtain a general solution of the equation (8), there are some very important special cases in which that equation can be solved without difficulty. We shall consider two of these, the first being that when the current is saturated. In this case there is no loss of ions by recombination, so that using the same notation as before we have t dX2 I I 1 82r d2x —qx € ki+k2 — _ qk2' or 82 X2 ,2 /I r=q2- (ki+k2) —qk-+C, where C is a quantity to be determined by the condition that f 0Xdx=V, where V is the given potential difference between the plates. When the force is a minimum dX/dx =0, hence at this point lk1 l—x lk2 x = —ki+k2' ki+k2' Hence the ratio of the distances of this point from the positive and negative plates respectively is equal to the ratio of the velocities of the positive and negative ions. The other case we shall consider is the very important one in which the velocity of the negative ion is exceedingly large compared with the positive; this is the case in flames where, as Gold (Prot. Roy. Soc. 97, p. 43) has shown, the velocity of the negative ion is many thousand times the velocity of the positive; it is also very probably the case in all gases when the pressure is low. We may get the solution of this case either by putting ki/k2=o in equation (8), or independently as follows:—Using the same notation as before, we have i = n1k1X e+n2k2Xe, d (n2k2X) =q—anini, dx -4ir(n1—n2)e. In this case practically all the current is carried by the negative ions so that i =n2k2Xe, and therefore q = anin2. Thus n2=i/k2Xe, n1=gk2Xe/ai. dX 4ire2k2gX _ flirt kx = ai k2X' or dX2_8ae2k2gX2_ -8iri dx ai k2 The solution of this equation is X2a 2 z2 — 2+Ce8,rezk2gx~See also:a2 q ke Here x is measured from the positive electrode; it is more convenient in this case, however, to measure it from the negative electrode. If x be the distance from the negative electrode at which the electric force is X, we have from equation (7) X2 = a _42.e2 + Cie 8're2k2gx/ai gke2 To find the value of Cl we see by equation (7) that 42X2 kik2 i = dX 2 ki +k2 8,re — q an 1n — 2 ' hence rdX2 kik2 I 1si rxi(q—an,n2)dx. L dX ki+k2 8,.'e The right hand side of this equation is the excess of ionization over recombination in the region extending from the cathode to xi; it must therefore, when things are in a steady state, equal the excess of the number of negative ions which leave this region over those which enter it. The number which leave is ife and the number which enter is io/e, if io is the current of negative ions coming from unit area dx—(n'k1X) =q' ddxx(n2k2X) = —q. The solutions of which if q is constant are nikiX =qx' n2k2X = Ile — qx = q(l — x), if 1 is the distance between the plates, and x =o at the positive electrode. Since dX/dx =4sr(ni —n2)e, we get Thus of the cathode, as hot metal cathodes emit large quantities of negative electricity is may in some cases be considerable, thus the right hand side of equation is (i—io)/e. When xi is large See also:dX1/dx=o; hence we have from equation Cl = ai(i —io) ki+k2 gkik2e2 k2 ' and since k1 is small compared with k2, we have 2 _ a22 k2 i—i0E 87rezk2.2./a.) X2 (1+ki From the values which have been found for k2 and a, we know that 87rek2/a is a large quantity, hence the second term inside the See also:bracket will be very small when eqx is equal to or greater than i; thus this term will be very small outside a layer of gas next the cathode of such thickness that the number of ions produced on it would be sufficient, if they were all utilized for the purpose, to carry the current; in the case of flames this layer is exceedingly thin unless the current is very large. The value of the electric force in the uniform part of the field is equal to k2 e. q' while when io =,o the force at the cathode itself bears to the uniform force the ratio of (lei +k2)I to k, . As k1 is many thousand times k2 the force increases with great rapidity as we approach the cathode; this is a very characteristic feature of the passage of electricity through flames and hot gases. Thus in an experiment made by H. A. Wilson with a flame 18 cm. long, the drop of potential within 1 centimetre of the cathode was about five times the drop in the other-17 cm. of the tube. The relation between the current and the potential difference when the velocity of the negative ion is much greater than the positive is very easily obtained. Since the force is uniform and equal to e2eVq, until we get close to the cathode the fall of potential in this part of the discharge will be very approximately equal to 2e'V ql, where l is the distance between the electrodes. Close to the cathode, the electric force when io is not nearly equal to i is approximately given by the equation a 7 47r"kagx/ai X =e(kik2) q E and the fall of potential at the cathode is equal approximately to Jo' Xdx, that is to (al a ai e(kik2)i \q/ '41re2k2q' The potential difference between the plates is the sum of the fall of potential in the uniform part of the discharge plus the fall at the cathode, hence falai I V = q eke (ii-F. 'a 7re2q Al (kik2)) The fall of potential at the cathode is proportional to the square of the current, while the fall in the rest of the circuit is directly proportional to the current. In the case of flames or hot gases, the fall of potential at the cathode is much greater than that in the rest of the circuit, so that in such cases the current through the gas varies nearly as the square root of the potential difference. The equation we have just obtained is of the form V =Ai+Bi2, and H. A. Wilson has shown that a relation of this form represents the results of his experiments on the conduction of electricity through flames. The expression for the fall of potential at the cathode is inversely proportional to g312, q being the number of ions produced per cubic centimetre per second close to the cathode; thus any increase in the ionization at the cathode will diminish the potential fall at the cathode, and as practically the whole potential difference between the electrodes occurs at the cathode, a diminution in the potential fall there will be much more important than a diminution in the electric force in the uniform part of the discharge, when the force is comparatively insignificant. This consideration explains a very striking phenomenon discovered many years ago by Hittorf, who found that if he put a wire carrying a See also:bead of a volatile salt into the flame, it produced little effect upon the current, unless it were placed close to the cathode where it gave rise to an enormous increase in the current, sometimes increasing the current more than a hundred-See also:fold. The introduction of the salt increases very largely the number of ions produced, so that q is much greater for a salted flame than for a See also:plain one. Thus Hittorf's result coincides with the conclusions we have drawn from the theory of this class of conduction. The fall of potential at the cathode is proportional to i—io, where io is the stream of negative electricity which comes from the cathode itself, thus as io increases the fall of potential at the cathode diminishes and the current sent by a given potential difference through the gas increases. Now all metals give out negative particles when heated, at a rate which increases very rapidly with the temperature, but at the same temperature some metals give out more than others. If the cathode is made of a metal which emits large qua ntities of negative particles, (i—io) will for a given value of i be smallerthan if the metal only emitted a small number of particles; thus the cathode fall will be smaller for the metal with the greater emissitivity, and the relation between the potential difference and the current will be different in the two cases. These considerations are confirmed by experience, for it has been found that the current between electrodes immersed in a flame depends to a great extent upon the metal of which the electrodes are made. Thus Pettinelli (See also:Ace. dei Lincei [5], v. p. 118) found that, ceteris paribus, the current between two carbon electrodes was about Soo times that between two iron, ones. If one electrode was carbon and the other iron, the current when the carbon was cathode and the iron anode was more than too times the current when the electrodes were reversed. The emission of negative particles by some metallic oxides, notably those of See also:calcium and barium, has been shown by Wehnelt (Ann. der Phys. 11, p. 425) to be far greater than that of any known metal, and the increase of current produced by coating the cathodes with these oxides is exceedingly large; in some cases investigated by Tufts and See also:Stark (Physik. Zeits., 1908, 5, p. 248) the current was increased many thousand times by coating the cathode with See also:lime. No appreciable effect is produced by putting lime on the anode. Conduction when all the Ions are of one Sign.—There are many important cases in which the ions producing the current come from one electrode or from a thin layer of gas close to the electrode, no ionization occurring in the body of the gas or at the other electrode. Among such cases may be mentioned those where one of the electrodes is raised to incandescence while the other is cold, or when the negative electrode is exposed to ultra-violet light. In such cases if the electrode at which the ionization occurs is the positive electrode, all the ions will be positively charged, while if it is the negative electrode the ions will all be charged negatively. The theory of this case is exceedingly simple. Suppose the electrodes are parallel planes at right angles to the axis of x; let X be the electric force at a distance x from the electrode where the ionization occurs, n the number of ions (all of which are of one sign) at this place per cubic centimetre, k the velocity of the ion under unit electric force, e the charge on an ion, and i the current per unit area of the electrode. Then we have dX/dx =47rne, and if u is the velocity of the ion neu=i. But u=kX, hence we have 4 dX =i, and since the right hand side of this equation does not depend upon x, we get kX2/87r =ix+C, where C is a constant to be determined. If 1 is the distance between the plates, and V the potential difference between them, V = f 1Xdx = a'V k [(il+C)312—C212]. We shall show that when the current is far below the saturation value, C is very small compared with il, so that the preceding equation becomes V2=87r13i/k (1). To show that for small currents C is small compared with il, consider the case when the ionization is confined to a thin layer, thickness d close to the electrode, in that layer let no be the value of n, then we have q=ano2+i/ed. If Xo be the value of X when x=o, kXonoe=i, and kX02 i2 a i2 ( ) C= 87r —no2ke.87r=87rke2.g+i/ed . . ' 2. Since a/87rke is, as we have seen, less than unity, C will be small compared with il, if i/(eq+i/d) is small compared with 1. If Io is the saturation current, q = Io/ed, so that the former expression =id/(Io+i), if i is small compared with Io, this expression is small compared with d, and therefore a fortiori compared with 1, so that we are justified in this case in using equation (t). From equation (2) we see that the current increases as the square of the potential difference. Here an increase in the potential difference produces a much greater percentage increase than in conduction through metals, where the current is proportional to the potential difference. When the ionization is distributed through the gas, we have seen that the current is approximately proportional to the square root of the potential, and so increases more slowly with the potential difference than currents through metals. From equation (t) the current is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance between the electrodes, so that it falls off with great rapidity as this distance is increased. We may See also:note that for a given potential difference the expression for the current does not involve q, the rate of production of the ions at the electrode, in other words, if we vary the ionization the current will not begin to be affected by the strength of the ionization until this falls so low that the current is a considerable fraction of the saturation current. For the same potential difference the current is proportional to k, the velocity under unit electric force of the ion which carries the current. As the velocity of the negative ion is greater than that of the positive, the current when the ionization is confined to the neighbourhood of one of the electrodes will be greater when that electrode is made cathode than when it is anode. Thus the current will appear to pass more easily in one direction than in the opposite. Since the ions which carry the current have to travel all the way from one electrode to the other, any obstacle which is impervious to these ions will, if placed between the electrodes, stop the current to the electrode where there is no ionization. A plate of metal will be as effectual as one made of a non-conductor, and thus we get the remarkable result that by interposing a plate of an excellent conductor like copper or silver between the electrode, we can entirely stop the current. This experiment can easily be tried by using a hot plate as the electrode at which the ionization takes place: then if the other electrode is cold the current which passes when the hot plate is cathode can be entirely stopped by interposing a cold metal plate between the electrodes. Methods of counting the Number of Ions.—The detection of the ions and the estimation of their number in a given volume is much facilitated by the property they possess of promoting the condensation of water-drops in dust-free air supersaturated with water vapour. If such air contains no ions, then it requires about an eightfold supersaturation before any water-drops are formed; if, however, ions are present C. T. R. Wilson (Phil. Trans. 189, p. 265) has shown that a sixfold supersaturation is sufficient to cause the water vapour to condense round the ions and to fall down as raindrops. The absence of the drops when no ions are present is due to the curvature of the drop combined with the surface tension causing, as See also:Lord See also:Kelvin showed, the evaporation from a small drop to be exceeding rapid, so that even if a drop of water were formed the evaporation would be so great in its early stages that it would rapidly evaporate and disappear. It has been shown, however (J. J. Thomson, Application of See also:Dynamics to Physics and See also:Chemistry, p. 164; Conduction of Electricity through Gases, 2nd ed. p. 179), that if a drop of water is charged with electricity the effect of the charge is to diminish the evaporation; if the drop is below a certain size the effect the charge has in promoting tondensation more than counterbalances the effect of the surface tension in promoting evaporation. Thus the electric charge protects the drop in the most critical period of its growth. The effect is easily shown experimentally by taking a bulb connected with a See also:piston arranged so as to move with great rapidity. When the piston moves so as to increase the volume of the air contained in the bulb the air is cooled by expansion, and if it was saturated with water vapour before it is supersaturated after the expansion. By altering the throw of the piston the amount of supersaturation can be adjusted within very wide limits. Let it be adjusted so that the expansion produces about a sixfold supersaturation; then if the gas is not exposed to any ionizing agents very few drops (and these probably due to the small amount of ionization which we have seen is always present in gases) are formed. If, however, the bulb is exposed to strong Rontgen rays expansion produces a dense See also:cloud which gradually falls down and disappears. If the gas in the bulb at the time of its exposure to the Rontgen rays is subject to a strong electric field hardly any cloud is formed when the gas is suddenly See also:expanded. The electric field removes the charged ions from the gas as soon as they are formed so that the number of ions present is greatly reduced. This experiment furnishes a very direct See also:proof that the drops of water which form the cloud are only formed round the ions. This method gives us an exceedingly delicate test for the presence of ions, for there is no difficulty in detecting ten or so raindrops per cubic centimetre; we arq thus able to detect the presence of this number of ions. This result illustrates the enormous difference between the delicacy of the methods of detecting ions and those for detecting uncharged molecules; we have seen that we can easily detect ten ions per cubic centimetre, but there is no known method, spectroscopic or chemical, which would enble us to detect a billion (1012) times this number of uncharged molecules. The formation of the water-drops round the charged ions gives us a means of counting the number of ions present in a cubic centimetre of gas; we cool the gas by sudden expansion until the supersaturation produced by the cooling is sufficient to cause a cloud to be formed round the ions, and the problem of finding the number of ions per cubic centimetre of gas is thus reduced to that of finding the number of drops per cubic centimetre in the cloud. Unless the drops are very few and far between we cannot do this by direct counting; we can, however, arrive at the result in the following way. From the amount of expansion of the gas we can calculate the lowering produced in itstemperature and hence the total quantity of water precipitated. The water is precipitated as drops, and if all the drops are the same size the number per cubic centimetre will be equal to the volume of water deposited per cubic centimetre, divided by the volume of one of the drops. Hence we can calculate the number of drops if we know their size, and this can be determined by measuring the velocity with which they fall under gravity through the air. The theory of the fall of a heavy drop of water through a viscous fluid shows that v =1ga2/µ, where a is the radius of the drop, g the See also:acceleration due to gravity, and p the coefficient of viscosity of the gas through which the drop falls. Hence if we know v we can deduce the value of a and hence the volume of each drop and the number of drops. Charge on Ion.—By this method we can determine the number of ions per unit volume of an ionized gas. Knowing this number we can proceed to determine the charge on an ion. To do this let us apply an electric force so as to send a current of electricity through the gas, taking care that the current is only a small fraction of the saturating current. Then if u is the sum of the velocities of the positive and negative ions produced in the electric field applied to the gas, the current through unit area of the gas is neu, where n is the number of positive or negative ions per cubic centimetre; and e the charge on an ion. We can easily measure the current through the gas and thus determine neu; we can determine n by the method just described, and u, the velocity of the ions under the given electric field, is known from the experiments of Zeleny and others. Thus since the product neu, and two of the factors n, u are known, we can determine the other See also:factor e, the charge on the ion. This method was used by J. J. Thomson, and details of the method will be found in Phil. Mag. [5], 46, p. 528; [5], 48, p. 547; [6], 5, p• 34.6). The result of these measurements shows that the charge on the ion is the same whether the ionization is by Rontgen rays or by the, influence of ultra-violet light on a metal plate. It is the same whether the gas ionized is hydrogen, air or carbonic acid, and thus is presumably independent of the nature of the gas. The value of e formed by this method was 3.4X10-10 electrostatic units. H. A. Wilson (Phil. Meg. [6], 5, p. 429) used another method. Drops of water, as we have seen, condense more easily on negative than on positive ions. It is possible, therefore, to adjust the expansion so that a cloud is formed on the negative but not on the positive ions. Wilson arranged the experiments so that such a cloud was formed between two horizontal plates which could be maintained at different potentials. The charged drops between the plates were acted upon by a uniform vertical force which affected their rate of fall. Let X be the vertical electric force, e the charge on the drop, vl the rate of fall of the drop when this force acts, and v the rate of fall due to gravity'alone. Then since the rate of fall is proportionate to the force on the drop, if a is the radius of the drop, and p its density, then so that Xe=V2.91r/`/ µ3 .'~(vl—v) VV gp v Thus if X, v, vl are known e can be determined. Wilson by this method found that e was 3.1 Xio-10 electrostatic units. A few of the ions carried charges 2e or 3e. Townsend has used the following method to compare the charge carried by a gaseous ion with that carried by an atom of hydrogen in the electrolysis of solution. We have u/D = Ne/I I, where D is the coefficient of diffusion of the ions through the gas, u the velocity of the ion in the same gas when acted on by unit electric force, N the number of molecules in a cubic centimetre of the gas when the pressure is H dynes per square centimetre, and e the charge in electrostatic units. This relation is obtained on the hypothesis that N ions in a cubic centimetre produce the same pressure as N uncharged molecules. We know the value of D from Townsend's experiments and the values of u from those ofZeleny. We get the following values for NeXIo-10 Moist Gas. Dry Gas. Gas. Positive I Negative Positive Negative Ions. Ions. Ions. Ions. Air 1.28 1.29 1.46 1.31 Oxygen . . 1.34 1.27 1.63 1.36 Carbonic acid . . . 1.01 •87 '99 .93 Hydrogen . . . . 1.24 1.18 1.63 1.25 Mean . 1.22 1.15 1.43 1.21 Xe -I- 3 rrpga3 __ yr s irpga3 v' or Xe = Jarpga3 (v, — v) /v. But v = 1ga'See also:pig, Since 1.22 cubic centimetres of hydrogen at the temperature 15° C. and pressure 76o mm. of mercury are liberated by the passage through acidulated water of one electromagnetic unit of electricity or 3 X too electrostatic units, and since in one cubic centimetre of the gas there are 2.46 N atoms of hydrogen, we have, if E is the charge in electrostatic units, on the atom of hydrogen in the electrolysis of solutions 2.46NE =3X I ow, NE = 1.22X1o1o. The mean of the values of Ne in the preceding table is 1.24X1010. Hence we may conclude that the charge of electricity carried by a gaseous ion is equal to the charge carried by the hydrogen atom in the electrolysis of solutions. The values of Ne for the different gases differ more than we should have expected from the probable accuracy of the determination of D and the velocity of the ions: Townsend (Prot. Roy. Soc. 80, p. 207) has shown that when the ionization is produced by RSntgen rays some of the positive ions carry a See also:double charge and that this accounts for the values of Ne being greater for the positive than for the negative ions. Since we know the value of e, viz. 3.5 X10-'0, and, also Ne, = 1.24 X 1010, we find N the number of molecules in a cubic centimetre of gas at standard temperature and pressure to be equal to 3.5 X1019. This method of obtaining N is the only one which does not involve any assumption as to the shape of the molecules and the forces acting between them. Another method of determining the charge carried by an ion has been employed by Rutherford (Prot. Roy. Soc. 81, pp. 141, 162), in which the positively electrified particles emitted by radium are made use of. The method consists of : (1) Counting the number of a particles emitted by a given quantity of radium in a known time. (2) Measuring the electric charge emitted by this quantity in the same time. To See also:count the number of the a particles the radium was so arranged that it shot into an ionization chamber a small number of a particles per minute; the interval between the emission of individual particles was several seconds. When an a particle passed into the vessel it ionized the gas inside and so greatly increased its conductivity; thus, if the gas were kept exposed to an electric field, the current through the gas. would suddenly increase when an a particle passed into the vessel. Although each a particle produces about See also:thirty thousand ions, this is hardly large enough to produce the conductivity appreciable without the use of very delicate apparatus; to increase the conductivity Rutherford took advantage of the fact that ions, especially negative ones, when exposed to a strong electric field, produce other ions by collision against the molecules of the gas through which they are moving. By suitably choosing the electric field and the pressure in the ionization chamber, the 30,000 ions produced by each a particle can be multiplied to such an extent that an appreciable current passes through the ionization chamber on the arrival of each a particle. An electrometer placed in series with this vessel will show by its deflection when an a particle enters the chamber, and by counting the number of deflections per minute we can determine the number of a particles given out by the radium in that time. Another method of counting this number is to let the particles fall on a phosphorescent See also:screen, and count the number of scintillations on the screen in a certain time. Rutherford has shown that these two methods give concordant results. The charge of positive electricity given out by the radium was measured by catching the a particles in a Faraday cylinder placed in a very highly exhausted vessel, and measuring the charge per minute received by this cylinder. In this way Rutherford showed that the charge on the a particle was 9.4 X I O-'o electrostatic units.. Now e/m for the a particle =5X t o3, and there is evidence that the a particle is a charged atom of helium; since the atomic weight of helium is 4 and See also:elm for hydrogen is to', it follows that the charge on the helium atom is twice that on the hydrogen, so that the charge on the hydrogen atom is 4.7 X 10-'o electrostatic units. Calculation of the Mass of the Ions at Low Pressures.—Although at ordinary pressures the ion seems to have a very complex structure and to be the aggregate of many molecules, yet we have evidence that at very low pressures the structure of the ion, and especially of the negative one, becomes very much simpler. This evidence is afforded by determination of the mass of the atom. We can measure the ratio of the mass of an ion to the charge on the ion by observing the deflections produced by magnetic and electric forces on a moving ion. If an ion carrying a charge e is moving with a velocity v, at a point where the magnetic force is H, a mechanical force acts on the ion, whose direction is at right angles both to the direction of motion of the ion and to the magnetic force, and whose magnitude is evH sin 0, where 0 is the See also:angle between v and H. Suppose then that we have an ion moving through a gas whose pressure is so low that the free path of the ion is long compared with the distance through which it moves whilst we are experimenting upon it; in this case the or motion of the ion will be free, and will not be affected by the presence of the gas. Since the force is always at right angles to the direction of motion of the ion, the speed of the ion will not be altered by the action of this force; and if the ion is projected with a velocity v in a direction at right angles to the magnetic force, and if the magnetic force is constant in magnitude and direction, the ion will describe a curve in a plane at right angles to the magnetic force. If p is the radius of curvature of this curve, m the mass of the ion, mv2/p must equal the normal force acting on the ion, i.e. it must be equal to Hev, or p=my/He. Thus the radius of curvature is constant; the path is therefore a circle, and if we can measure the radius of this circle we know the value of my/He. In the case of the rapidly moving negative ions projected from the cathode in a highly exhausted tube, which are known as cathode rays, the path of the ions can be readily deter-See also:mined since they make many substances luminous when they impinge against them. Thus by putting a screen of such a substance in the path of the rays the shape of the path will be determined. Let us now suppose that the ion is acted upon by a vertical electric force X and is free from magnetic force, if it be projected with a horizontal velocity v, the vertical deflection y after a time t is IX et2/m, or if 1 is the horizontal distance travelled over by the ion in this time we have since l=vt, 1Xe 12 y=~ m v Thus if we measure y and 1 we can deduce e/mv2. From the effect of the' magnetic force we know e/mv. Combining these results we can find both elm and v. The method by which this determination is carried out in practice is illustrated in fig. 13. The cathode rays start from the electrode C in a highly exhausted tube, pass through two small holes in the plugs A and B, the holes being in the same horizontal line. Thus a See also:pencil of rays emerging from B is horizontal and produces a See also:bright spot at the far end of the tube. In the course of their See also:journey to the end of the tube they pass between the horizontal plates E and D, by con- necting these plates with FIG. 13. an electric battery a ver- tical electric field is produced between E and D and the phosphorescent spot is deflected. By measuring this deflection we determine e/mv2. The tube is now placed in a uniform magnetic field, the lines of magnetic force being horizontal and at right angles to the plane of the See also:paper. The magnetic force makes the rays describe a circle in the plane of the paper, and by measuring the vertical deflection of the phosphorescent patch at the end of the tube we can determine the radius of this circle, and hence the value of e/mv. From the two observations the value of e/m and v can be calculated. Another method of finding e/m for the negative ion which is applicable in many cases to which the preceding one is not suitable, is as follows: Let us suppose that the ion starts from rest and moves in a field where the electric and magnetic forces are both uniform, the electric force X being parallel to the axis of x, and the magnetic force Z parallel to the axis of z; then if x, y, are the co-ordinates of the in at the time t, the equations of motion of the ion are z m Ti =Xe—He de d2y mdt = Heat. The solution of these equations, if x, y, dx/dt, dy/dt all vanish when t=o, is x=H-) 1—cos (m e Ht) y = Hm m-e Ht—sin (m Ht) These equations show that the path of the ion is a See also:cycloid, the generating circle of which has a diameter equal to 2Xm/eH2, and rolls on the line x=o. Suppose now that we have a number of ions starting from the plane x=o, and moving towards the plane x=a. The particles starting from x=0 describe cycloids, and the greatest distance they can get from the plane is equal to the diameter of the generating circle of the cycloid, i.e. to 2Xm/eH2. (After reaching this distance they begin to approach the plane.) Hence if a is less than the diameter of the generating circle, all the particles starting from x=o will reach the plane x=a, if this is unlimited in extent; while if a is greater than the diameter of the generating circle none of the particles which start from x=o will reach the plane x=a. Thus, if x=o is a plane illuminated by ultra-violet light, and consequently the seat of a supply of negative ions, and x=a a plane connected with an electrometer, then if a definite electric intensity is established between the planes, i.e. if X be fixed, so that the rate of emission of negative ions from the illuminated plate is given, and if a is less than 2Xm/eH2, all the ions which start from x =o will reach x=a. That is, the rate at which this plane receives an electric charge will be the same whether there is a magnetic field between the plate or not, but if a is greater than 2Xm/eH2, then no particle which starts from the plate x=o will reach the plate x=a, and this plate will receive no charge. Thus the supply of electricity to the plate has been entirely stopped by the magnetic field. Thus, on this theory, if the distance between the plates is less than a certain value, the magnetic force should produce no effect on the rate at which the electrometer plate receives a charge, while if the distance is greater than this value the magnetic force would completely stop the supply of electricity to the plate. The actual phenomena are not so abrupt as this theory indicates. We find that when the plates are very near together the magnetic force produces a very slight effect, and this an sncrease in the rate of charging of the plate. On increasing the distance we come to a stage where the magnetic force produces a great diminution in the rate of charging. It does not, however, stop it abruptly, there being a considerable range of distance, in which the magnetic force diminishes but does not destroy the current. At still greater distances the current to the plate under the magnetic force is quite inappreciable compared with that when there is no magnetic force. We should get this See also:gradual instead of abrupt decay of the current if some of the particles, instead of all starting from rest, started with a finite velocity; in that case the first particles stopped would be those which started from rest. This would be when a= 2Xm/eH2. Thus if we measure the value of a when the magnetic force first begins to affect the leak to the electrometer we determine 2Xm/eH2, and as we can easily measure X and H, we can deduce the value of m/e. By these methods Thomson determined the value of e/m for the negative ions produced when ultra-violet light falls on a metal plate, as well as for the negative ions produced by an incandescent carbon filament in an atmosphere of hydrogen (Phil. Mag. [51, 48, p. 547) as well as for the cathode rays. It was found that the value of e/m for the negative ions was the same in all these cases, and that it was a Constant quantity independent of the nature of the gas from which the ions are produced and the means used to produce them. It was found, too, that this value was more than a thousand times the value of e/M, where e is the charge carried by an atom of hydrogen in the electrolysis of solutions, and M the mass of an atom of hydrogen. We have seen that this charge is the same as that carried by the negative ion in gases; thus since e/m is more than a thousand times e/M, it follows that M must be more than a thousand times m. Thus the mass of the negative ion is exceedingly small compared with the mass of the atom of hydrogen, the smallest mass recognized in chemistry. The production of negative ions thus involves the splitting up of the atom, as from a collection of atoms something is detached whose mass is less than that of a single atom. It is important to See also:notice in connexion with this subject that an entirely different line of See also:argument, based on the Zeeman effect (see MAGNETO-See also:OPTICS), leads to the recognition of negatively electrified particles for which e/m is of the same order as that deduced from the consideration of purely electrical phenomena. These small negatively electrified particles are called corpuscles. The latest determinations of e/m for corpuscles available are the following: Observer. e/m. Classen (Ber. deut. phys. Ges. 6, p. 700) . . . 1.7728 X 1o7 Bucherer (Ann. der Phys., 28, p. 513) . . . 1.763 X Io7 It follows from electrical theory that when the corpuscles are moving with a velocity comparable with that of light their masses increase rapidly with their velocity. This effect has been detected by See also:Kauffmann (Gott. Nach., Nov. 8, 1901), who used the corpuscles shot out from radium, some of which move with velocities only a few per cent less than that of light. Other experiments on this point have been made by Bucherer (Ann. der Phys. 28, p. 513). Conductivity Produced by Ultra-Violet Light.—So much use has been made in See also:recent times of ultra-violet light for producing ions that it is desirable to give some account of the electrical effects produced by light. The See also:discovery by See also:Hertz (Wied. Ann. 31, p. 983) in 1887, that the incidence of ultra-violet light on a spark See also:gap facilitates the passage of a spark, led to a series of investigations by Hallwachs, Hoor, Righi and Stoletow, on the effect of ultra-violet light on electrified bodies. These researches have shown that a freshly cleaned metal surface, charged with negative electricity, rapidly loses its charge, however small, when exposed to ultra-violet light, and that if the surface is insulated and without charge initially, it acquires a positive charge underthe influence of the light. The magnitude of this positive charge maybe very much increased by directing a blast of air on the plate. This, as Zeleny (Phil. Mag. [51, 45, p. 272) showed, has the effect of blowing from the neighbourhood of the plate negatively electrified gas, which has similar properties to the charged gas obtained by the separation of ions from a gas exposed to RSntgen rays or See also:uranium radiation. If the metal plate is positively electrified, there is no loss of electrification caused by ultra-violet light. This has been questioned, but a very careful examination of the question by Elster and Geitel (Wied. Ann. 57, p. 24) has shown that the apparent exceptions are due to the accidental exposure to reflected ultra-violet light of metal surfaces in the neighbourhood of the plate negatively electrified by induction, so that the apparent loss of charge is due to negative electricity coming up to the plate, and not to positive electricity going away from it. The ultra-violet light may be obtained from an arc-See also:lamp, the effectiveness of which is increased if one of the terminals is made of zinc or aluminium, the light from these substances being very See also:rich in ultra-violet rays; it may also be got very conveniently by sparking with an induction coil between zinc or See also:cadmium terminals. Sunlight is not rich in ultra-violet light, and does not produce anything like so great an effect as the arc light. Elster and Geitel, who have investigated with great success the effects of light on electrified bodies, have shown that the more electro-positive metals lose negative charges when exposed to ordinary light, and do not need the presence of the ultra-violet rays. Thus they found that amalgams of sodium or potassium enclosed in a glass vessel lose a negative charge when exposed to daylight, though the glass stops the small amount of ultra-violet light left in sunlight after its passage through the atmosphere. If sodium or potassium be employed, or, what is more convenient, the mercury-like liquid obtained by mixing sodium and potassium in the proportion of their combining weights, they found that negative electricity was discharged by an ordinary See also:petroleum lamp. If the still more electro-positive metal See also:rubidium is used, the discharge can be produced by the light from a glass See also:rod just heated to redness; but there is no discharge till the glass is luminous. Elster and Geitel arrange the metals in the following order for the facility with which negative electrification is discharged by light: rubidium, potassium, alloy of sodium and potassium, sodium, See also:lithium, See also:magnesium, See also:thallium, zinc. With copper, platinum, lead, iron, cadmium, carbon and mercury the effects with ordinary light are too small to be appreciable. The order is the same as that in See also:Volta's electro-chemical series. With ultra-violet light the different metals show much smaller differences in their power of discharging negative electricity than they do with ordinary light. Elster and Geitel found that the ratio of the photo-electric effects of two metals exposed to approximately monochromatic light depended upon the wave-length of the light, different metals showing a maximum sensitiveness in different parts of the spectrum. This is shown by the following table for the alkaline metals. The numbers in the table are the rates of emission of negative electricity under similar circumstances. The rate of emission under the light from a petroleum lamp was taken as unity: Rb See also:Blue. Yellow. See also:Orange. Red. •16 .64 '33 '039 Na •37 •36 •14 .009 K . 57 '07 •04 •002 The table shows that the absorption of light by the metal has great influence on the photo-electric effect, for while potassium is more sensitive in blue light than sodium, the strong absorption of yellow light by sodium makes it more than five times more sensitive to this light than potassium. Stoletow, at an early period, called attention to the connexion between strong absorption and photo-electric effects. He showed that water, which does not absorb to any great extent either the ultra-violet or visible rays, does not show any photo-electric effect, while strongly coloured solutions, and especially solutions of fluorescent substances such as methyl See also:green or methyl violet, do so to a very considerable extent; indeed, a solution of methyl green is more sensitive than zinc. Hallwachs (Wied. Ann. 37, p. 666) proved If the illuminated surface is completely surrounded by an envelope of the same metal insulated from and completely shielded from the light, the emission of the negative corpuscles from the illuminated surface would go on until the potential difference V between this surface and the envelope became so great that the corpuscles with the greatest velocity lost their See also:energy before reaching the envelope, i.e. if m is the mass, e the charge on a corpuscle, v the greatest velocity of See also:projection, until Ve=2mv2. The values found for V by different observers are not very consistent. Lenard found that V for aluminium was about 3 volts and for platinum 2. Millikan and See also:Winchester (Phil. Mag., See also:July 1907) found for aluminium V = • 738. The apparatus used by them was so complex that the See also:interpretation of their results is difficult. An extremely interesting fact discovered by Lenard is that the velocity with which the corpuscles are emitted from the metal is independent of the intensity of the incident light. The quantity of corpuscles increases with the intensity, but the velocity of the individual corpuscles does not. It is worthy of notice that in other cases when negative corpuscles are emitted from metals, as for example when the metals are exposed to cathode rays, See also:Canal-strahlen, or Rontgen rays, the velocity of the emitted corpuscles is independent of the intensity of the See also:primary radiation which excites them. The velocity is not, however, independent of the nature of the primary rays. Thus when light is used to produce the emission of corpuscles the velocity, as Ladenburg has shown, depends on the wave length of the light, increasing as the wave length diminishes. The velocity of corpuscles emitted under the action of cathode rays is greater than that of those ejected by light, while the incidence of Rontgen rays produces the emission of corpuscles moving much more rapidly than those in the cases already mentioned, and the harder the primary rays the greater is the velocity of the corpuscles. The importance of the fact that the velocity and therefore the energy of the corpuscles emitted from the metal is independent of the intensity of the incident light can hardly be overestimated. It raises the most fundamental questions as to the nature of light and the constitution of the molecules. What is the source of the energy possessed by these corpuscles ? Is it the light, or in the stores of internal energy possessed by the molecule? Let us follow the consequences of supposing that the energy comes from the light. Then, since the energy is independent of the intensity of the light, the electric forces which liberate the corpuscles must also be independent of that intensity. But this cannot be the case if, as is usually assumed in the electromagnetic theory, the wave front consists of a uniform distribution of electric force without structure, for in this case the magnitude of the electric force is proportional to the square root of the intensity. On the emission theory of light a difficulty of this kind would not arise, for on that theory the energy in a luminiferous particle remains constant as the particle pursues its See also:flight through space. Thus any process which a single particle is able to effect by virtue of its energy will be done just as well a thousand See also:miles away from the source of light as at the source itself, though of course in a given space there will not be nearly so many particles to do this process far from the source as there are close in. Thus, if one of the particles when it struck against a piece of metal caused the ejection of a corpuscle with a given velocity, the velocity of emission would not depend on the intensity of the light. There does not seem any reason for believing that the electromagnetic theory is inconsistent with the idea that on this theory, as on the emission theory, the energy in the light wave may instead of being uniformly distributed through space be concentrated in bundles which occupy only a small fraction of the volume traversed by the light, and that as the wave travels out the bundles get farther apart, the energy in each remaining undiminished. Some such view of the structure of light seems to be required to account for the fact that when a plate of metal is struck by a wave of ultra-violet light, it would take years before the corpuscles emitted from the metal would equal in number the molecules on the surface of the metal plate, and yet on the ordinary theory of light each one of these is without interruption exposed to the action of Carbon. Platinum. Aluminium. Corpuscles emitted with velocities between 12 and 8 X id' cm sec. . 0.000 0.000 0.004 with velocities between 8 and 0.049 0.155 0.151 4 X Io' cm sec. . . with velocities between 4 and 0.67 0.65 0.49 oXio' cm sec. Corpuscles only emitted with o•28 0.21 0.35 the help of an external electric field . , . . I•oo I•o0 I•o0 that in liquids showing photo-electric effects there is always strong absorption; we may, however, have absorption without these effects. Phosphorescent substances, such as calcium sulphide show this effect, as also do various specimens of fluor-spar. As See also:phosphorescence and See also:fluorescence are probably accompanied by a very intense absorption by the surface layers, the evidence is strong that to get the photo-electric effects we must have strong absorption of some kind of light, either visible or ultra-violet. If a conductor A is placed near a conductor B exposed to ultra-violet light, and if B is made the negative electrode and a difference of potential established between A and B, a current of electricity will flow between the conductors. The relation between the magnitude of the current and the difference of potential soo when A and B are parallel plates has been investigated by Stoletow (See also:Journal de physique, 1890, II, p. 469), von Schweidler (Wien., Ber., 1899, 1(58, p. 273) and See also:Varley (Phil. Trans. A., 1904, 202, p. 439)• The results of some of Varley's experiments are represented in the curves shown in fig. 14, in which the ordinates are the cur-rents and the abscissae the potentials. It will be seen that when the pressure is exceedingly low the cur-See also:rent is independent of the potential difference and is equal to the negative charge carried off in unit time by the corpuscles .co eo See also:Ito iso isoemitted from the surface higher pressures the cur- rent rises far above these values and increases rapidly with the potential difference. This is due to the corpuscles emitted by the illuminated surface acquiring under the electric field such high velocities that when they strike against the molecules of the gas through which they are passing they ionize them, producing fresh ions which can carry on additional current. The relation between the current and the potential difference in this case is in accordance with the results of the theory of ionization by collision. The corpuscles emitted from a body under the action of ultra-violet light start from the surface with a finite velocity. The velocity is not the same for all the corpuscles, nor indeed could we expect that it should be: for as Ladenburg has shown (Ann. der Phys., 1903, 12, p. 558) the seat of their emission is not confined to the surface layer of the illuminated metal but extends to a layer of finite, though small, thickness. Thus the particles which start deep down will have to force their way through a layer of metal before they reach the surface, and in doing so will have their velocities retarded by an amount depending on the thickness of this layer. The variation in the velocity of the corpuscles is shown in the following table, due to Lenard (Ann. der Phys., 1902, 8, p. 149). 450 400 350 500 25o too 15o too so o the light. The fact discovered by E. Ladenburg (Verh. d. deutsch. physik. Ges. 9, p. 504) that the velocity with which the corpuscles are emitted depends on the wave length of the light suggests that the energy in each bundle depends upon the wave length and increases as the wave length diminishes. These considerations illustrate the evidence afforded by photo-electric effects on the nature of light; these effects may also have a deep significance with regard to the structure of matter. The fact that the energy of the individual corpuscles is independent of the intensity of the light might be explained by the hypothesis that the energy of the corpuscles does not come from the light but from the energy stored up in the molecules of the metal exposed to the light. We may suppose that under the action of the light some of the molecules are thrown into an unstable state and explode, ejecting corpuscles; the light in this case acts only as a trigger to liberate the energy in the atom, and it is this energy and not that of the light which goes into the corpuscles. In this way the velocity of the corpuscles would be independent of the intensity of the light. But it may be asked, is this view consistent with the result obtained by Ladenburg that the velocity of the corpuscles depends upon the nature of the light? If light of a definite wave length expelled corpuscles with a definite and uniform velocity, it would be very improbable that the emission of the corpuscles is due to an See also:explosion of the atoms. The experimental facts as far as they are known at present do not allow us to say that the connexion between the velocity of the corpuscles and the wave length of the light is of this definite character, and a connexion such as a gradual increase of average velocity as the wave length of the light diminishes, would be quite consistent with the view that the corpuscles are ejected by the explosion of the atom. For in a complex thing like an atom there may be more than one system which becomes unstable when exposed to light. Let us suppose that there are two such systems, A and B, of which B ejects the corpuscles with the greater velocity. If B is more sensitive to the short waves, and A to the long ones, then as the wave length of the light diminishes the proportion of the corpuscles which come from B will increase, and as these are the faster, the average velocity of the corpuscles emitted will also increase. And although the potential acquired by a perfectly insulated piece of metal when exposed to ultra-violet light would depend only on the velocity of the fastest corpuscles and not upon their number, in practice perfect insulation is unattainable, and the potential actually acquired is determined by the condition that the gain of negative electricity by the metal through lack of insulation, is equal to the loss by the emission of negatively electrified corpuscles. The potential acquired will fall below that corresponding to perfect insulation by an amount depending on the number of the faster corpuscles emitted, and the potential will rise if the proportion of the rapidly moving corpuscles is increased, even though there is no increase in their velocity. It is interesting to compare other cases in which corpuscles are emitted with the case of ultra-violet light. When a metal or gas is bombarded by cathode rays it emits corpuscles and the velocity of these is found to be independent of the velocity of the cathode rays which excite them; the velocity is greater than for corpuscles emitted under ultra-violet light. Again, when bodies are exposed to Rontgen rays they emit corpuscles moving with a much greater velocity than those excited by cathode rays, but again the velocity does not depend upon the intensity of the rays although it does to some extent on their hardness. In the case of cathode and Rontgen rays, the velocity with which the corpuscles are emitted seems, as far as we know at present, to vary slightly, but only slightly, with the nature of the substance on which the rays fall. May not this indicate that the first effect of the primary rays is to detach a neutral doublet, consisting of a positive and negative charge, this doublet being the same from whatever system it is detached ? And that the doublet is unstable and explodes, expelling the negative charge with a high velocity, and the positive one, having a much larger charge, with a much smaller velocity, the momentum of the negative charge being equal to that of the positive. Up to now we have been considering the effects produced when light is incident on metals. Lenard found (and the result has been confirmed by the experiments of J. J. Thomson and Lyman) that certain kinds of ultra-violet light ionize a gas when they pass through. The type of ultra-violet light which produces this effect is so easily absorbed that it is stopped by a layer a few millimetres thick of air at atmospheric pressure. Ionization by Collision.—When the ionization of the gas is produced by external agents such as Rontgen rays or ultra-violet light, the electric field produces a current by setting the positive ions moving in one direction, and the negative ones in the opposite; it makes use of ions already made and does not itself give rise to ionization. In many cases, however, such as in electric sparks, there are no external agents to produce ionization and the electric field has to produce the ions as well as set them in motion. When the ionization is produced by external means the smallest electric field is able to produce a current through the gas; when, however, these external means are absent no current is produced unless the strength of the electric field exceeds a certain critical value, which depends not merely upon the nature of the gas but also upon the pressure and the dimensions of the vessel in which it is contained. The variation of the electric field required to produce discharge can be completely explained if we suppose that the ionization of the gas is produced by the impact with its molecules of corpuscles, and in certain cases of positive ions, which under the influence of the electric field have acquired considerable kinetic energy. We have direct evidence that rapidly moving corpuscles are able to ionize molecules against which they strike, for the cathode rays consist of such corpuscles, and these when they pass through a gas produce large amounts of ionization. Suppose then that we have in a gas exposed to an electric field a few corpuscles. These will be set in motion by the field and will acquire an amount of energy in proportion to the product of the electric force, their charge, and the distance travelled in the direction of the electric field between two collisions with the molecules of the gas. If this energy is sufficient to give them the ionizing property possessed by cathode rays, then when a corpuscle strikes against a molecule it will detach another corpuscle; this under the action of the electric field will acquire enough energy to produce corpuscles on its own account, and so as the corpuscles move through the gas their number will increase in geometrical progression. Thus, though there were but few corpuscles to begin with, there may be great ionization after these have been driven some distance through the gas by the electric field. The number of ions produced by collisions can be calculated by the following method. Let the electric force be parallel to the axis of x, and let n be the number of corpuscles per unit volume at a place fixed by the co-ordinate x; then in unit time these corpuscles will collisions with the molecules, if u is the velocity of a corpuscle and A the mean free path of a corpuscle. When the corpuscles are moving fast enough to produce ions by collision their .velocities are very much greater than those they would possess at the same temperature if they were not acted on by electrical force, and so we may regard the velocities as being parallel to the axis of x and determined by the electric force and the mean free path of the corpuscles. We have to consider how many of the nu/A collisions which take place per second will produce ions. We should expect that the ionization of a molecule would require a certain amount of energy, so that if the energy of the corpuscle See also:fell below this amount no ionization would take place, while if the energy of the corpuscle were exceedingly large, every collision would result in ionization. We shall suppose that a certain fraction of the number of collisions result in ionization and that this fraction is a function of the energy possessed by the corpuscle when it collides against the molecules. This energy is proportional to XeA when X is the electric force, e the charge on the corpuscle, and A the mean free path. If the fraction of collisions which produce ionization is f(XeA), then the number of ions produced per cubic centimetre per second is f(XeA)nu/A. If the collisions follow each other with great rapidity so that a molecule has not had time to recover from one collision before it is struck again, the effect of collisions-might be cumulative, so that a succession of collisions might give rise to ionization, though none of the collisions would produce an ion by itself. In this case f would involve the frequency of the collisions as well as the energy of the corpuscle; in other words, it might depend on the current through the gas as well as upon the intensity of the electric field. We shall, however, to begin with, assume that the current is so small that this cumulative effect may be neglected. • Let us now consider the rate of increase, do/dt, in the number of corpuscles per unit volume. In consequence of the collisions, f(XeX)nu/X corpuscles are produced per second; in consequence of the motion of the corpuscles, the number which leave unit volume per second is greater than those which enter it by—x(nu) ; while in a certain number of collisions a corpuscle will stick to the molecule and will thus cease to be a free corpuscle. Let the fraction of the number of collisions in which this occurs be g. Thus the gain in the number of corpuscles is f(XeX)nu/X, while the loss is ax(nu)-[ ;; hence dt =f(Xea) X--dx(nu)—S-u. When things are in a steady state do/dt=o, and we have dx(nu)=x(f(XeX)—)4)nu- If the current is so small that the electrical charges in the gas are not able to produce any appreciable See also:variations in the field, X will be constant and we get nu = Cc", where a = ] f(Xea) — /X. If we take the origin from which we measure x at the cathode, C is the value of nu at the cathode, i.e. it is the number of corpuscles emitted per unit area of the cathode per unit time; this is equal to io/e if io is the quantity of negative electricity coining from unit area of the cathode per second, and e the electric charge carried by a corpuscle. Hence we have nue =ioe'. If 1 is the distance between the anode and the cathode, the value of nue, when x=l, is the current passing through unit area of the gas, if we neglect the electricity carried by negatively electrified See also:carriers other than corpuscles. Hence i =ioe"t. Thus the current between the plates increases in geometrical progression with the distance between the plates. By measuring the variation of the current as the distance between the plates is increased, Townsend, to whom we owe much of our knowledge on this subject, determined the values of a for different values of X and for different pressures for air, hydrogen and carbonic acid gas (Phil. Mag. [6], 1, p. 198). Since a varies inversely as the pressure, we see that a may be written in the form p4(X/p) or a/X=F(X/p). The following are some of the values of a found by Townsend for air. X Volts Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure per cm. •17 mm. •38 mm. I•IO mm. 2•I mm. 4.1 mm. 20 •24 40 .65 '34 8o 1.35 I'3 .45 .13 120 1.8 2.O I•I .42 •13 16o 2•I 2.8 2.0 •9 .28 200 3.4 2.8 1.6 .5 240 2.45 3'8 4'0 2.35 •99 320 2• 5'5 o 2 • I 7 400 54'5 6.8 6•o 3.6 .0 48o 3.15 5.4 8•o 7'8 5'3 5 O 5.8 9.3 9.4 7.I 64o 3.25 6.2 Io•6 to•8 8.9 We see from this table that for a given value of X, a for small pressures increases as the pressure increases; it attains a maximum at a particular pressure, and then diminishes as the pressure increases. The increase in the pressure increases the number of collisions, but diminishes the energy acquired by the corpuscle in the electric field, and thus diminishes the change of any one collision resulting in ionization. If we suppose the field is so strong that at some particular pressure the energy acquired by the corpuscle is well above the value required to ionize at each collision, then it is evident that increasing the number of collisions will increase the amount of ionization, and therefore a, and a cannot begin to diminish until the pressure has increased to such an extent that the mean free path of a corpuscle is so small that the energy acquired by the corpuscle from the electric field falls below the value when each collision results in ionization. The value of p, when X is given, for which a is a maximum, is proportional to X; this follows at once from the fact that a is of the form X. F(X/p). The value of X/p for which F(X/p) is a maximum is seen from the preceding table to be about 420, when X is expressed in volts per centimetre and p in millimetres of mercury. The maximum value of F(X/p) is about 1/6o. Since the current passing between two planes at a distance 1 apart is inEat or io5X1F(Xlp), and since the force between the plates is supposed to be uniform, X1 is equal to V, the potential between the plates; hence the current between the plates is ioevF(X/p), and the greatest value it can have is ioeY 160. Thus the ratio between the current between the plates when there is ionization and when there is none cannot be greater than Ev/60when V is measured in volts. This result is based on Townsend's experiments with very weak currents; we must remember, however, that when the collisions are so frequent that the effects of collisions can accumulate, a may have much larger values than when the current is small. In some experiments made by J. J. Thomson with intense currents from cathodes covered with hot lime, the increase in the current when the potential difference was 6o volts, instead of being e times the current when there was no ionization, as the preceding theory indicates, was several hundred times that value, thus indicating a great increase in a with the strength of the current. Townsend has shown that we can deduce from the values of a the mean free path of a corpuscle. For if the ionization is due to the collisions with the corpuscles, then unless one collision detaches more than one corpuscle the maximum number of corpuscles produced will be equal to the number of collisions. When each collision results in the production of a corpuscle, a= 1/X and is independent of the strength of the electric field. Hence we see that the value of a, when it is independent of the electric field, is equal to the reciprocal of the free path. Thus from the table we infer that at a pressure of 17 mm. the mean free path is 1/325 CM.; hence at I mm. the mean free path of a corpuscle is 1/19 cm. Townsend has shown that this value of the mean free path agrees well with the value 1/21 cm. deduced from the kinetic theory of gases for a corpuscle moving through air. By measuring the values of a for hydrogen and carbonic acid gas Townsend and See also:Kirby (Phil. Mag. [6], t, p. 63o) showed that the mean free paths for corpuscles in these gases are respectively 1/11.5 and 1/29 cm. at a pressure of I mm. These results again agree well with the values given by the kinetic theory of gases. If the number of positive ions per unit volume is m and v is the velocity, we have nue+mve=i, where i is the current through unit area of the gas. Since nue =ioe"y and i =ioe"t, when l is the distance between the plates, we see that nu/mv = ensl(eni—ens) n v en' mu Ene—Ems Since v/u is a very small quantity we see that n will be less than m except when enl—e' is small, i.e. except close to the anode. Thus there will be an excess of positive electricity from the cathode almost up to the anode, while close to the anode there will be an excess of negative. This distribution of electricity will make the electric force diminish from the cathode to the place where there is as much positive as negative electricity, where it will have its minimum value, and then increase up to the anode. The expression i=ioeatapplies to the case when there is no source of ionization in the gas other than the collisions; if in addition to this there is a source of uniform ionization producing q ions per cubic centimetre, we can easily show that e i= local+ (eat— 1). With regard to the minimum energy which must be possessed by a corpuscle to enable it to produce ions by collision, 1 ownsend (loc. cit.) came to the conclusion that to ionize air the corpuscle must possess an amount of energy equal to that acquired by the fall of its charge through a potential difference of about 2 volts. This is also the value arrived at by H. A. Wilson by entirely different considerations. Stark, however, gives 17 volts as the minimum for ionization. The energy depends upon the nature of the gas ; recent experiments by See also:Dawes and Gill and Pedduck (Phil. Meg., Aug. 1908) have shown that it is smaller for helium than for air, hydrogen, or carbonic acid gas. If there is no external source of ionization and no emission of corpuscles from the cathode, then it is evident that even if some corpuscles happened to be present in the gas when the electric field were applied, we could not get a permanent current by the aid of collisions made by these corpuscles. For under the electric field, the corpuscles would be driven from the cathode to the anode, and in a short time all the corpuscles originally present in the gas and those produced by them would be driven from the gas against the anode, and if there was no source from which fresh corpuscles could be introduced into the gas the current would cease. The current, however, could be maintained indefinitely if the positive ions in their journey back to the cathode also produced ions by collisions, for then we should have a kind of regenerative process by which the supply of corpuscles could be continually renewed. To maintain the current it is not necessary that the ionization resulting from the positive ions should be anything like as great as that from the negative, as the investigation given below shows a very small amount of ionization by the positive ions will suffice to maintain the current. The existence of ionization by collision with positive ions has been proved by Townsend. Another method by which the current could be and is maintained is by the anode emitting corpuscles under the impact of the positive ions driven against it by the electric field. J. J. Thomson has shown by direct experiment that positively electrified particles when they strike against a metal plate cause the metal to emit corpuscles (J. J. Thomson, Pros. See also:Comb. Phil. Soc. 13, p. 212; See also:Austin, Phys. Rev. 22, p. 312). If we assume that the number of corpuscles emitted by.the plate in one second is proportional to the energy in the positive ions which strike the plate in that second, we can readily find an expression for the difference of potential which will maintain without any external ionization a current of electricity through the gas. As this investigation brings into prominence many of the most important features of the electric discharge, we shall consider it in some detail. Let us suppose that the electrodes are parallel plates of metal at right angles to the axis of x, and that at the cathode x = o and at the anode x=d, d being thus the distance between the plates. Let us also suppose that the current of electricity flowing between the plates is so small that the electrification between the plates due to the See also:accumulation of ions is not sufficient to disturb appreciably the electric field, which we regard as uniform between the plates, the electric force being equal to V/d, where V is the potential difference between the plates. The number of positive ions produced per second in a layer of gas between the planes x and x+dx is See also:anu.dx. Here n is the number of corpuscles per unit volume, a the coefficient of ionization (for strong electric field a= 1/X', where X' is the mean free path of a corpuscle), and u the velocity of a corpuscle parallel to x. We have seen that nu=ice', where ia is the number of corpuscles emitted per second by unit area of the cathode. Thus the number of positive ions produced in the layer is aioe"xdx. If these went straight to the cathode without a collision, each of them would have received an amount of kinetic energy Vex/d when they struck the cathode, and the energy of the group of ions would be Vex/d.aios' dx. The positive ions will, however, collide with the molecules of the gas through which they are passing, and this will diminish the energy they possess when they reach the cathode. The diminution in the energy will increase in geometrical See also:pro-portion with the length of path travelled by the ion and will thus be proportional to eg', 13 will be proportional to the number of collisions and will thus be proportional to the pressure of the gas. Thus the kinetic energy possessed by the ions when they reach the cathode will be e P".V(ex/d).aioea=dx, and E, the total amount of energy in the positive ions which reach the cathode in unit time, will be given by the equation E=Fe-130 .V(ex/d).aioe°sdx = V Zo o de-(P--'nxdx _Veaio 2—E—(ls—a)d I d (I), d (S-a) 03—a)2+03—a) If the number of corpuscles emitted by the cathode in unit time is proportional to this energy we have io = kE, where k is a constant ; hence by equation (I) we have _ (s - a)? V keg 'I' where I =1—E (13-a)d(1 +d($—a)). Since both $ and a are proportional to the pressure, I and (1e-a)2d/a are both functions of pd, the product of the pressure and the spark length, hence we see that V is expressed by an equation of the form V = ke.f (pd) (2), where f(pd) denotes a function of pd, and neither p nor d enter into the expression for V except in this product. Thus the potential difference required to produce discharge is constant as long as the product of the pressure and spark length remains constant; in other words, the spark potential is constant as long as the mass of the gas between the electrodes is constant. Thus, for example, if we halve the pressure the same potential difference will produce a spark of twice the length. This law, which was discovered by Paschen for fairly long sparks (Annalen, 37, p. 79), and has been shown by Carr (Phil. Trans., 1903) to hold for short ones, is one of the most important properties of the electric discharge. We see from the expression for V that when ($-a)d is very large V = ($-a)2d/kea. Thus V becomes See also:infinite when d is infinite. Again when (3-a)d is very small we find V = 1/kead; thus V is again infinite when d is nothing. There must therefore be some value of d intermediate between zero and infinity for which Viis a minimum. This value is got by finding in the usual way the value of d, which makes the expression for V given in equation (I) a minimum. We find that d must satisfy the equation I =E-(R-a)d{I+($-a)d+03-a. d)2{. We find by a process of trial and error that ($- a)d =1.8 is approximately a solution of this equation; hence the distance for minimum potential is 1.8/03-a). Since ,Q and a are both proportional to the pressure, we see that the critical spark length varies inversely as the pressure. If we substitute this value in the expression for V, we find that V, the minimum spark potential, is given by - /3-a 2.2 V_ - a ke '- Since B and a are each proportional to the pressure, the minimum potential is independent of the pressure of the gas. On this view the minimum potential depends upon the metal of which the cathode is made, since k See also:measures the number of corpuscles emitted per unit time by the cathode when struck by positive ions carrying unit energy, and unless # bears the same ratio to a for all gases the minimum potential will also vary with the gas. The measurements which have been made of the " cathode fall of potential," which as we shall see is equal to the minimum potential required to produce a spark, show that this quantity varies with the material of which the cathode is made and also with the nature of the gas. Since a metal plate, when bombarded by positive ions, emits corpuscles, the effect we have been considering must play a part in the discharge; it is not, however, the only effect which has to be considered, for as Townsend has shown, positive ions when moving above a certain speed ionize the gas, and cause it to emit corpuscles. It is thus necessary to take into account the ionization of the positive ions. Let m be the number of positive ions per unit volume, and w their velocity, the number of collisions which occur in one second in one cubic centimetre of the gas will be proportional to mwp, where is the pressure of the gas. Let the number of ions which result from these collisions be 7mw; 7 will be a function of p and of the strength of the electric field. Let as before n be the number of corpuscles per cubic centimetre, u their velocity, and anu the number of ions which result in one second from the collisions between the corpuscles and the gas. The number of ions produced per second per cubic centimetre is equal to anu+7mw; hence when things are in a steady state dx(nu) = anu+7mw, and e(nu+mw) =i, where e is the charge on the ion and i the current through the gas. The solution of these equations when the field is uniform between the plates, is enu=C€(ay')x-7i/(a-7), emw = —Co(a~')x+ai/(a-7), where C is a constant of integration. If there is no emission of positive ions from the anode enu=i, when x=d. Determining C from this condition we find ( enu = Q Z Y 1 as(''-d) - y , emw = a a- - -e(a-y)(:-d) If the cathode did not emit any corpuscles owing to the See also:bombardment by positive ions, the condition that the charge should be maintained is that there should be enough positive ions at the cathode to carry the current i.e. that emw=i; when x=o, the condition gives ae-(a-y)d- °o, or Ead/a = Eyd/7 Since a and 7 are both of the form pf(X/p) and X=V/d, we see that V will be a function of pd, in agreement with Paschen's law. If we take into account both the ionization of the gas and the emission of corpuscles by the metal we can easily show that a—7E(a-Y)d_kaVer _E (N+y-a)d d a-7 d (R+y-a)2 (9+7-a)2'{-$+7-a where k and $ have the same meaning as in the previous investigation. When d is large, e(a-')d is also large; hence in order that the left-hand side of this equation should not be negative 7 must be less than a/e(a-Y)d; as this diminishes as d increases we see that when the sparks are very long discharge will take place, practically as soon as y has a finite value, i.e. as soon as the positive ions begin to produce fresh ions by their collisions. In the preceding investigation we have supposed that the electric field between the plates was uniform; if it were not uniform we could get discharges produced by very much smaller differences of potential than are necessary in a uniform field. For to maintain the discharge it is not necessary that the positive ions should act as ionizers all along their path; it is sufficient that they should do so in the neighbourhood of cathode. Thus if we have a strong field close to the cathode we might still get i a-7 the discharge though the rest of the field were comparatively weak. Such a distribution of electric force requires, however, a great accumulation of charged ions near the cathode; until these ions accumulate the field will be uniform. If the uniform field existing in the gas before the discharge begins were strong enough to make the corpuscles produce ions by collision, but not strong enough to make the positive ions act as ionizers, there would be some accumulation of ions, and the amount of this accumulation would depend upon the number of free corpuscles originally present in the gas, and upon the strength of the electric field. If the accumulation were sufficient to make the field near the cathode so strong that the positive ions could produce fresh ions either by collision with the cathode or with the gas, the discharge would pass though the gas; if not, there will be no continuous discharge. As the amount of the accumulation depends on the number of corpuscles present in the gas, we can understand how it is that after a spark has passed, leaving for a time a supply of corpuscles behind it, it is easiet to get a discharge to pass through the gas than it was before. ;y: il~•;.,, ;j~;~ The inequality of the electric field in the gas when a continuous discharge is A'.IIIIiuI'III•)• III...II •'aiill'gr~l'' passing through it is very obvious when the pressure of the gas is low. In this case the discharge presents a highly /!!!!~!!!\ differentiated appearance of which a type is represented in fig. 15• Starting Giiiillll` from the cathode we have a thin velvety luminous glow in contact with the sur- See also:face; this glow is , often called the " first cathode layer." Next this we have a com- paratively dark space whose thickness in- creases as the pressure diminishes; this is called the " Crookes's dark space," or the " second cathode layer." Next this we have a luminous position called the " negative glow " or the " third cathode layer." The boundary between the second and third layers is often very sharply defined. Next to the third layer we have another dark space called the " Faraday dark space." Next to this and reaching up to the anode is another region of luminosity, called the " positive column," sometimes (as in fig. 15, a) continuous, sometimes (as in fig. 15, b) broken up into light or dark patches called "striations." The dimensions of the Faraday dark space and the positive column vary greatly with the current passing through the gas and with its pressure; sometimes one or other of them is absent. These differences in appearances are accompanied by great difference in the strength of the electric field. The magnitude of the electric force at different parts of the discharge is represented in fig. 16, where the ordinates represent the electric force at different parts of the tube, the cathode being on the right. We see that the electric force is very large indeed between the negative glow and the cathode, much larger than in any other part of the tube. It is not constant in this region, but increases as we approach the cathode. The force reaches a minimum either in the negative glow itself or in the part of the Faraday dark space just outside, after which it increases towards the positive column. In the case of a uniform positive column the electric force along it is constant until we get quite close to the anode, when a sudden change, called the " anode fall," takes place in the potential. The difference of potential between the cathode and the (a) (b) Fxa. 15.negative glow is called the " cathode potential fall " and is found to be constant for wide variations in the pressure of the gas and the current passing through. It increases, however, considerably when the current through the gas exceeds a certain critical value, depending among other things on the size of the cathode. This cathode fall of potential is shown by experiment to be very approximately equal to the minimum potential difference. The following table contains a comparison of the measurements of the cathode fall of potentials in various gases made by Warburg (Wied. Ann., 1887, 31, p. 545, and 189o, 40, Yo/!s per Cm e0 rdivimmm '° iverimmmim^_ p. 1), Capstick (Prot. Roy. Society, 1898, 63, p. 356), and See also:Strutt (Phil. Trans., 1900, 193, p. 377), and the measurements by Strutt of the smallest difference of potential which will maintain a spark through these gases. Thus in the cases in which the measurements could be made with the greatest accuracy the agreement between the cathode fall and the minimum potential difference is very close. The cathode fall depends on the material of which the terminals are made, as is shown by the following table due to Mey (Verh. deutsch. physik. Gesell., 1903, 5, p. 72). The dependence of the minimum potential required to produce a spark upon the metal of which the cathode is made has not been clearly established, some observers being unable to detect any difference between the potential required to spark between electrodes of aluminium and those of brass, while others thought they had detected such a difference. It is only with sparks not much longer than the critical spark length that we Could See also:hope to detect this difference. When the current through the gas exceeds a certain critical value depending among other things on the size of the cathode, the cathode fall of potential increases rapidly and at the same time the thickness of the dark 0 a 0 0 Y 9 3 6 Discharge In Hydrogen Pressure 2.25 m.m. cn Current 0.5e8.10–3ampere Cathode fall in Volts. Least potential difference re- Gas. Platinum Electrodes. Aluminium quired to See also:main- Electrodes. See also:tam a Spark. Warburg. Capstick. Strutt. Warburg. Strutt. Air . . 340-350 .. .. .. 341 H2 . . . about 300 298 .. 168 302-308 02 . . . 369 .. N2 . 230 if free 232 .. 207 251 from oxygen Hg vapour 340 Helium . . .. 226 .. 261-326 See also:H2O . . . .. 469 .. NH3 . . .. 582 Electrode. Gas. — — Pt Hg Ag Cu Fe Zn Al Mg Na Na-K K 02 . . 369 .. .. .. .. .. .. H, 300 .. 295 280 230 213 190 168 185 169 172 N2 . . 232 226 .. .. .. .. .. 207 178 125 170 He . 226 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 8o 78.5 69 See also:Argon 167 100 .. spaces diminishes. We may regard the part of the discharge between the cathode and the negative glow as a discharge taking place under minimum potential difference through a distance equal to the critical spark length. An inspection of fig. 16 will show that we cannot regard the electric field as constant even-for this small distance; it thus becomes a matter of interest to know what would be the effect on the minimum potential difference required to produce a spark if there were sufficient ions present to produce variations in the electric field analogous to those represented in fig. 16. If the electric force at a distance x from the cathode were proportional to e-Px we should have a state of things much resembling the distribution of electric force near the cathode. If we apply to this distribution the methods used above for the case when the force was uniform, we shall find that the minimum potential is less and the critical spark length greater than when the electric force is uniform. ' Potential Difference required to produce a Spark of given Length. —We may regard the region between the cathode and the negative glow as a place for the production of corpuscles, these corpuscles finding their way from this region through the negative glow. The parts of this glow towards the anode we may regard as a cathode, from which, as from a hot lime cathode, corpuscles are emitted. Let us now consider what will happen to these corpuscles shot out from the negative glow with a velocity depending on the cathode fall of potential and independent of the pressure. These corpuscles will collide with the molecules of the gas, and unless there is an external electric field to maintain their velocity they will soon come to rest and accumulate in front of the negative glow. The electric force exerted by this cloud of corpuscles will diminish the strength of the electric field in the region between the cathode and the negative glow, and thus tend to stop the discharge. To keep up the discharge we must have a sufficiently strong electric field between the negative glow and the anode to remove the corpuscles from this region as fast as they are sent into it from the cathode. If, however, there is no production of ions in the region between the negative glow and the anode, all the ions in this region will have come from near the cathode and will be negatively charged; this negative electrification will diminish the electric force on the cathode side of it and thus tend to stop the discharge. This back electric field could, however, be prevented by a little ionization in the region between the anode and glow, for this would afford a supply of positive ions, and thus afford an opportunity for the gas in this region to have in it as many positive as negative ions; in this case it would not give rise to any back electromotive force. The ionization which produces these positive ions may, if the field is intense, be due to the collisions of corpuscles, or it may be due to radiation analogous to ultra-violet, or soft RSntgen rays, which have been shown by experiment to accompany the discharge. Thus in the most simple conditions for discharge we should have sufficient ionization to keep up the supply of positive ions, and an electric field strong enough to keep the velocity of the negative corpuscle equal to the value it has when it emerges from the negative glow. Thus the force must be such as to give a constant velocity to the corpuscle, and since the force required to move an ion with a given velocity is proportional to the pressure, this force will be proportional to the pressure of the gas. Let us call this force ap; then if 1 is the distance of the anode from the negative glow the potential difference between these points will be See also:alp. The potential difference between the negative glow and the cathode is constant and equals c; hence if V is the potential difference between the anode and cathode, then V = c+alp, a relation which ex-presses the connexion between the potential difference and spark length for spark lengths greater than the critical distance. It is to be remembered that the result we have obtained applies only to such a case as that indicated above, where the electric force is constant along the positive column. Experiments with the discharge through gases at low pressure show the discharge may take other forms. Thus the positive column may be striated when the force along it is no longer uniform,or the positive column may be absent; the discharge may be changed from one of these forms to another by altering the current. The relation between the potential and the distance between the electrodes varies greatly, as we might expect, with the current passing through the gas. The connexion between the potential difference and the spark length has been made the subject of a large number of experiments. The first measurements were made by Lord Kelvin in 186o (Collected Papers on See also:Electrostatics and See also:Magnetism, p. 247); subsequent experiments have been made by Bailie (Ann. de chimie et de physique, 5, 25, p. 486), See also:Liebig (Phil. Mag. [51, 24, p. 1o6), Paschen (Wied. Ann. 37, p. 79), See also:Peace (Prot. Roy. Soc., 1892, 52, p. 99), Orgler (Ann. der Phys. 1, p. 159), Strutt (Phil. Trans. 193, p. 377), Bouty (Comptes rendus, 131, pp. 469, 503), Earhart (Phil. Mag. [6], 1, p. 147), Carr (Phil. Trans., 1903), See also:Russell (Phil. Mag. [5], 64, p. 237), Hobbs (Phil. Mag. [6], to, p. 617), Kinsley (Phil. Mag. [6], 9, 692), See also:Ritter (Ann. der Phys. 14, P. 118). The results of their experiments show that for sparks considerably longer than the critical spark length, the relation between the potential difference V and the spark length l may be expressed when the electrodes are large with great accuracy by the linear relation V=c+blp, where p is the pressure and c and b are constants depending on the nature of the gas. When the sparks are long the term blp is the most important and the sparking potential is proportional to the spark length. Though there are considerable discrepancies between the results obtained by different observers, these indicate that the production of a long spark between large electrodes in air at atmospheric pressure requires a potential difference of 30,000 volts for each centimetre of spark length. In hydrogen only about half this potential difference is required, in carbonic acid gas the potential difference is about the same as in air, while Ritter's experiments show that in helium only about one-tenth of this potential difference is required. In the case when the electric field is not uniform, as for example when the discharge takes place between spherical electrodes, Russell's experiments show that the discharge takes place as soon as the maximum electric force in the field between the electrodes reaches a definite value, which he found was for air at atmospheric pressure about 38,000 volts per centimetre. Very Short Sparks.—Some very interesting experiments on the potential difference required to produce exceedingly short sparks have been made by Earhart, Hobbs and Kinsley; the length of these sparks was comparable with the wave length of sodium light. With sparks of these lengths it was found that it was possible to get a discharge with less than 330 volts, the minimum potential difference in air. The results of these observers show that there is no diminution in the minimum potential difference required to produce discharge until the spark length gets so small that the average electric force between the electrodes amounts to about one million volts per centimetre. When the force rises to this value a discharge takes place even though the potential difference is much less than 330 volts; in some of Earhart's experiments it was only about 2 volts. This kind of discharge is determined not by the condition that the potential difference should have a given value, but that the electric force should have a given value. Another point in which this discharge differs from the ordinary one is that it is influenced entirely by the nature of the electrodes and not by the nature or pressure of the gas between them, whereas the ordinary discharge is in many cases not affected appreciably by changes in the metal of the electrodes, but is always affected by changes in the pressure and character of the gas between them. Kinsley found that when one of these small sparks passed between the electrodes a kind of metallic bridge was formed between them, so that they were in metallic connexion, and that the distance between them had to be considerably increased before the bridge was broken. Almy (Phil. Mag., Sept. 1908), who used very small electrodes, was unable to get a discharge with less than the minimum spark potential even when the spark length was reduced to one-third of the wave length of sodium light. He suggests that the discharges obtained with larger electrodes for smaller voltages are due to the electrodes being dragged together by the electrostatic attraction between them. Constitution of the Electric Spark.—Schuster and Hemsalech (Phil. Trans. 193, p. 189), Hemsalech (Comptes Rendus, 130, p. 898; 132, p. 917; Jour. de Phys. 3. 9, p. 43, and Schenck, Astrophy. Jour. 14, p. 116) have by spectroscopic methods obtained very interesting results about the constitution of the spark. The method employed by Schuster and Hemsalech was as follows: Suppose we photograph the spectrum of a horizontal spark on a film which is on the rim of a wheel rotating about a horizontal axis with great velocity. If the luminosity travelled with infinite speed from one electrode to the other, the See also:image on the film would be a horizontal line. If, however, the speed with which the luminosity travelled between the electrodes was comparable with the speed of the film, the line would be inclined to the horizontal, and by measuring the inclinations we could find the speed at which the luminosity travelled. In this way Schuster and Hemsalech showed that when an oscillating discharge passed between metallic terminals in air, the first spark passes through the air alone, no lines of the metal appearing in its spectrum. This first spark vaporizes some of the metal and the subsequent sparks passing mainly through the metallic vapour; the appearance of the lines in the film shows that the velocity of the luminous part of the vapour was finite. The velocity of the vapour of metals of low atomic weight was in general greater than that of the vapour of heavier metals. Thus the velocity of aluminium vapour was 1890 metres per second, that of zinc and cadmium only about 545. Perhaps the most interesting point in the investigation was the discovery that the velocities corresponding to different lines in the spectrum of the same metal were in some cases different. Thus with bismuth some of the lines indicated a velocity of 1420 metres per second, others a velocity of only 550, while one (A=3793) showed a still smaller velocity. These results are in accordance with a view suggested by other phenomena that many of the lines in a spectrum produced by an electrical discharge originate from systems formed during the discharge and not from the normal atom or molecule. Schuster and Hemsalech found that by inserting a coil with large self induction in the primary circuit they could obliterate the air lines in the discharge. Schenck, by observing the appearance presented when an alternating current, produced by discharging See also:Leyden jars, was examined in a rapidly rotating See also:mirror, found it showed the following stages: (1) a thin bright line, followed in some cases at intervals of half the period of the discharge by fainter lines; (2) bright curved streamers starting from the negative terminal, and diminishing rapidly in speed as they receded from the cathode; (3) a diffused glow lasting for a much longer period than either of the preceding. These constituents gave out quite different spectra. The structure of the discharge is much more easily studied when the pressure of the gas is low, as the various parts which make up the discharge are more widely separated from each other. We have already described the general appearance of the discharge through gases at low pressures (see p. 657). There is, however, one form of discharge which is so striking and beautiful that it deserves more detailed consideration. In this type of discharge, known as the striated discharge, the positive column is made up of alternate bright and dark patches known as striations. Some of these are represented in fig. 17, which is taken from a paper by De la See also:Rue and See also: If the discharge tube is wide atone place and narrow in another the striations will be closer together in the narrow parts than in the wide. The distance between the striations depends on the current through the tube. The relation is not a very simple one, as an increase of current sometimes increases while under other circumstances it decreases the distance between the striations (see Willows, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. ro, p. 302). The electric force is not uniform along the striated discharge, but is greater in the bright than in the dark parts of the striation. An example is shown in fig. 16, due to H. A. Wilson, which shows the distribution of electric force at every place. in a striated discharge. In experiments made by J. J. Thomson (Phil. Mag., Oct. 1909), using a Wehnelt cathode, the variations in the electric force were more pronounced than those fl ,6E4L... t FE(tjdtid!'tffPE'fll:6t: (:~Rlttlif€ lf'tEliftllP{(Etf :E(tt' - -- o©o©©oOo00000000000, 1 IoIts,~etl aono manTeT See also:pit oA aaaaaaaaODO©oaaa nu ao 44*•itif[CsCC shown in fig. 16. The electric force in this case changed so greatly that it actually became negative just on the cathode side of the bright part of the striation. Just inside the striation on the anode side it See also:rose to a very high value, then continually diminished towards the bright side of the next striation when it again increased. This distribution of electric force implies that there is great excess of negative electricity at the bright See also:head of the striation, and a small excess of positive everywhere else. The temperature of the gas is higher in the bright than in the dark parts of the striations. Wood (Wied. Ann. 49, p. 238), who has made a very careful study of the distribution of temperature in a discharge tube, finds that in those tubes the temperature varies in the same way as the electric force, but that this temperature (which it must be remembered is the average temperature of all the molecules and not merely of those which are taking part in the discharge) is by no means high; in no part of the discharge did the temperature in his experiments exceed roe C. Theory of the Striations.—We may regard the heaping up of the negative charges at intervals along the discharge as the fundamental feature in the striations,, and this heaping up may be explained as follows. Imagine a corpuscle projected with considerable velocity from a place where the electric field is strong, such as the neighbourhood of the cathode; as it moves towards the anode through the gas it will collide with the molecules, ionize them and lose energy and velocity. Thus unless the corpuscle is acted on by a field strong enough to supply it with the energy it loses by collision, its speed will gradually diminish. Further, when its energy falls below a certain value it will unite with a molecule and become part of a negative ion, instead of a corpuscle; at this stage there will be a sudden and 4e very large diminution in its velocity. Let us now follow the course of a stream of corpuscles starting from the cathode and approaching the anode. If the speed falls off as the stream proceeds, the corpuscles in the See also:rear will gain on those in front and the density of the stream in the front will be increased. If at a certain place the velocity receives a sudden check by the corpuscles becoming loaded with a molecule, the density of the negative electricity will increase at this place with great rapidity, and here there will be a great accumulation of negative electricity, as at the bright head on the cathode side of a striation. Now this accumulation of negative electricity will produce a large electric force on the anode side; this will drive corpuscles forward with great velocity and ionize the gas. These corpuscles will behave like those shot from the cathode and will accumulate again at some distance from their origin, forming the bright head of the next striation, when the process will be repeated. On this view the bright heads of the striations act like electrodes, and the discharge passes from one bright head to the next as by a number of stepping stones, and not directly from cathode to anode. The luminosity at the head of the striations is due to the recombination of the ions. These ions have acquired considerable energy from the electric field, and this energy will be available for supplying the energy radiated away as light. The recombination of ions which do not possess considerable amounts of energy does not seem to give rise to luminosity. Thus, in an ionized gas not exposed to an electric field, although we have recombination between the ions, we need not have luminosity. We have at present no exact data as to the amount of energy which must be given to an ion to make it luminous on recombination; it also certainly varies with the nature of the ion; thus even with hot Wehnelt cathodes J. J. Thomson has never been able to make the discharge through air luminous with a potential less than from 16 to 17 volts. The mercury lamps, however, in which the discharge passes through mercury vapour are luminous with a potential difference of about 12 volts. It follows that if the preceding theory be right the potential difference between two bright striations must be great enough to make the corpuscles ionize by collision and also to give enough energy to the ions to make them luminous when they recombine. The difference of potential between the bright parts of successive striations has been measured by Hohn (Phys. Zeit. 9, p. 558); it varies with the pressure and with the gas. The smallest value given by Hohn is about 15 volts. In some experiments made by J. J. Thomson, when the pressure of the gas was very low, the difference of potential between two adjacent dark spaces was as low as 3.75 volts. The Arc Discharge.—The discharges we have hitherto considered have been characterized by large potential differences and small currents. In the arc discharge we get very large currents with comparatively small potential differences. We may get the arc discharge by taking a battery of cells large enough to give a potential difference of 6o to 8o volts, and connecting the cells with two carbon terminals, which are put in contact, so that a current of electricity flows round the circuit. If the terminals, while the current is on, are drawn apart, a bright discharge, which may carry a current of many amperes, passes from one to the other. This arc discharge, as it is called, is characterized by intense heat and by the brilliant luminosity of the' terminals. This makes it a powerful source of light. The temperature of the positive terminal is much higher than that of the negative. According to Violle (Comptes Rendus, 115, p. 1273) the temperature of the tip of the former is about 3500° C., and that of the latter 2700° C. The temperature of the arc itself he found to be higher than that of either of its terminals. As.the arc passes, the positive terminal gets hollowed out into a See also:crater-like shape, but the negative terminal remains pointed. Both terminals lose weight. The appearance of the terminals is shown in fig. 18, given by Mrs See also:Ayrton (Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng. 28, p. 400) ; a, b represent the terminals when the arc is quiet, and c when it is accompanied by a hissing sound. The See also:intrinsic brightness of the positive crater does not increase with an increase in the current ; an increased current produces an increase in the area of the luminous crater, but the amount of light givenout by each unit of area of luminous surface is unaltered. This indicates that the temperature of the crater is constant ; it is probably that at which carbon volatilizes. W. E. Wilson (Proc. Roy. Soc. 58, p. 174; 6o, p. 377) has shown that at pressures of several atmospheres the intrinsic brightness of the crater is considerably diminished. The connexion between V, the potential difference between the terminals, and 1, the length of the arc, is somewhat analogous to that which holds for the spark discharge. See also:Frohlich (Electrotech. Zeit. 4, p. 150) gives for this connexion the relation V =m+nl, where m and n are constants. Mrs Ayrton (The Electric Arc, See also:chap. iv.) finds that both m and n depend upon the current passing between the terminals, and gives as the relation between V and 1, V=a+c+ (7+i) 1, where a, 0, 7, S are constants and I the current. The relation between current and potential difference was made the subject of a series of experiments by Ayrton (Electrician, 1, p. 319; xi. p. 418), some of whose results are represented in fig. 19. For a quiet arc an increase in current is accompanied by a fall in potential difference, while for the hissing arc the potential difference is independent of the current. The quantities m and n which occur in which occur in Bo prs ` !to peS .\` - :55 miesemnairarAl ^^.-~~~ _~ Ni .. Ir JO EN 2 0. 6 0 ro /I p /6o ~0 IB .~ >e so Z2 >i Carr. OP in A-inpa,03, Frohlich's equation have been determined by several experimenters. For carbon electrodes in air at atmospheric pressure m is about 39 volts, varying somewhat with the size and purity of the carbons; it is diminished by soaking the terminals in salt solution. The value of n given by different observers varies considerably, ranging from .76 to 2 volts when 1 is measured in millimetres; it depends upon the current, diminishing as the current increases. When metallic terminals are used instead of carbons, the value of m depends upon the nature of the metal, m in general being larger the higher the temperature at which the metal volatilizes. Thus v. See also:Lang (Wied. Ann. 31, p. 384) found the following values for m in air at atmospheric pressure. C=35; Pt=27.4; Fe=25; Ni=26.18; Cu =23.86; Ag=15.23; Zn =19.86; Cd = Io•28. Lecher (Wied. Ann. 33, p. 609) gives Pt =28, Fe =20, Ag =8, while Arons (Wied. Ann. 31, p. 384) found for Hg the value 12.8; in this case the fall of potential along the arc itself was abnormally small. In comparing these values it is important to remember that Lecher (loc. cit.) has shown that with Fe or Pt terminals the arc discharge is intermittent. Arons has shown that this is also the case with Hg terminals, but no intermittence has been detected with terminals of C, Ag or Cu. The preceding measurements refer to mean potentials, and no conclusions as to the actual potential differences at any time can be drawn when the discharge is discontinuous, unless we know the law of discontinuity. The ease with which an arc is sustained depends greatly on the nature of the electrodes; when they are brass, zinc, cadmium, or magnesium it is exceedingly difficult to get the arc. The potential difference between the terminals is affected by the pressure of the gas. The most extensive series of experiments. on this point is that made by See also:Duncan. See also:Rowland, and See also:Tod (Electrican, 31, p. 6o), whose results are represented in fig. 20. We see from these curves that for very short arcs the potential difference increases continuously with the pressure, but for longer ones there is a critical pressure at which the potential difference is a minimum, and that this critical pressure seems to increase with the length of arc. Length of Arc. The nature of the gas also affects the potential difference. The magnitude of this effect may be gathered from the following values given by Arons (Ann. der Phys. 1, p. 700) for the potential difference required to produce an arc 1.5 mm. long, carrying a current of 4.5 amperes, between terminals of different metals in air and pure nitrogen. Terminal. Air. Nitrogen. Terminal. Air. Nitrogen. Ag . . 21 ? Pt 36 3o Zn . . 23 21 Al 39 27 Cd . . 25 21 Pb .. 18 Cu . . 27 30 Mg .. 22 Fe . . 29 20 Thus, with the discharge for an arc of given length and current, the nature of the terminals is the most important factor in deter-See also:mining the potential difference. The effects produced by the pressure and nature of the surrounding gas, although quite appreciable, are not of so much importance, while in the spark discharge the nature of the terminals is of no importance, everything depending upon the nature and pressure of the gas. The potential gradient in the arc is very far from being uniform. With carbon terminals Luggin (Wien. Ber. 98, p. 1192) found that, with a current of 15 amperes, there was a fall of potential of 337 close to the anode, and one 8.7 close to the cathode, so that the curve representing the distribution of potential between the terminals would be somewhat like that shown in fig. 21. We have seen that a somewhat analogous distribution of potential holds in the case of conduction through flames, though in that case the greatest drop of potential is in general at the cathode and not at the anode. The difference between the changes of potential at the anode and cathode is not so large with Fe and Cu terminals as with carbon ones; with mercury terminals, Arons (Wied. Ann. 58, p. 73) found the anode fall to be 7.4 volts, the cathode fall 5.4 volts. The case of the arc when the cathode is a See also:pool of mercury and the anode a metal wire placed in a vessel from which the air has been exhausted is one which has attracted much attention, and important investigations on this point have been made by See also:Hewitt (Electrician, 52, p. 447), See also:Wills (Electrician, 54, p. 26), Stark, Retschinsky and Schnaposnikoff (Ann. der Phys. 18, p. 213) and Pollak (Ann. der Phys. 19, p. 217). In this arrangement the mercury is vaporized by the heat, and the discharge which passes through the mercury vapour gives an exceedingly bright light, which has been largely used for See also:lighting factories, &c. The arrangement can also be used as a rectifier, for a current will only pass through it when the mercury pool is the cathode. Thus if such a lamp is connected with an alternating current circuit, it lets through the current in one direction and stops that in the other, thus furnishing a current which is always in one direction. Theory of the Arc Discharge.—An incandescent body such as a piece of carbon even when at a temperature far below that of the terminals in an arc, emits corpuscles at a rate corresponding to a current of the order of T See also:ampere per square centimetre of incandescent surface, and as the rate of increase of emission with the temperature is very rapid, it is probably at the rate of many amperes per square centimetre at the temperature of the negative carbon in the arc. If then a piece of carbon were maintained at this temperature by some external means, and used as a cathode, a current could be sent from it to another electrode whether the second electrode were cold or hot. If,however, these negatively electrified corpuscles did not produce other ions either by collision with the gas through which they move or with the anode, the spaces between cathode and anode would have a negative charge, which would tend to stop the corpuscles leaving the cathode and would require a large potential difference between anode and cathode to produce any consider-able current. If, however, there is ionization either in the gas or at the anode, the positive ions will diffuse into the region of the discharge until they are sensibly equal in number to the negative ions. When this is the case the back electromotive force is destroyed and the same potential difference will carry a much larger current. The arc discharge may be regarded as analogous to the discharge between incandescent terminals, the only difference being that in the arc the terminals are maintained in the state of incandescence by the current and not by external means. On this view the cathode is bombarded by positive ions which heat it to such a temperature that negative corpuscles sufficient to carry the current are emitted by it. These corpuscles See also:bombard the anode and keep it incandescent. They ionize also, either directly by collision or indirectly by heating the anode, the gas and vapour of the metal of which the anode is made, and produce in this way the supply of positive ions which keep the cathode hot. Discharge from a Point.—A very interesting case of electric discharge is that between a sharply pointed electrode, such as a needle, and a metal surface of considerable area. At atmospheric pressures the luminosity is confined to the immediate See also:neighbour-See also:hood of the point. If the sign of the potential of the point does not change, the discharge is carried by ions of one sign—that of the charge on the pointed electrode. The velocity of these ions under a given potential gradient has been measured by Chattock (Phil. Mag. 32, p. 285), and found to agree with that of the ions produced by RSntgen or uranium radiation, while Townsend (Phil. Trans. 195, p. 2S9) has shown that the charge on these ions is the same as that on the ions streaming from the point. If the pointed electrode be placed at right angles to a metal plane serving as the other electrode, the discharge takes place when, for a given distance of the point from the plane, the potential difference between the electrodes exceeds a definite value depending upon the pressure and nature of the gas through which the discharge passes; its value also depends upon whether, beginning with a small potential difference, we gradually increase it until discharge commences, or, beginning with a large potential difference, we decrease it until the discharge stops. The value found by the latter method is less than that by the former. According to Chattock's measurements the potential difference V for discharge between the point and the plate is given by the linear relation V a+bl, where l is the distance of the point from the plate and a and b are constants. From v. Obermayer's (Wien. Ber. Too, 2, p. 127) experiments, in which the distance l was greater than in Chattock's, it would seem that the potential for larger distances does not increase quite so rapidly with 1 as is indicated by Chattock's relation. The potential required to produce this discharge is much less than that required to produce a spark of length 1 between parallel plates; thus from Chattock's experiments to produce the point discharge when 1=.5 cm. in air at atmospheric pressure requires a potential difference of about 3800 volts when the pointed electrode is positive, while to produce a spark at the same distance between plane electrodes would require a potential difference of about 15,000 volts. Chattock showed that with the same pointed electrode the value of the electric intensity at the point was the same whatever the distance of the point from the plane. The value of the electric intensity depended upon the sharpness of the point. When the end of the pointed electrode is a hemisphere of radius a, Chattock showed that for the same gas at the same pressure the electric intensity f when discharge takes place is roughly proportioned to a-0'8. The value of the electric intensity at the pointed electrode is much greater than its value at a plane electrode for long sparks; but we must remember that at a distance from a • pointed electrode equal to a small multiple of the radius of curvature of its extremity the electric intensity falls very far I Anode C,Mede below that required to produce discharge in a uniform field, so that the discharge from a pointed electrode ought to be compared with a spark whose length is comparable with the radius of curvature of the point. For such short sparks the electric intensity is very high. The electric intensity required to produce the discharge from a gas diminishes as the pressure of the gas diminishes, but not nearly so rapidly as the electric intensity for long sparks. Here again the discharge from a point is comparable with short sparks, which, as we have seen, are much less sensitive to pressure changes than longer ones. The minimum potential at which the electricity streams from the point does not depend upon the material of which the point is made; it varies, however, considerably with the nature of the gas. The following are the results of some experiments on this point. Those in the first two columns are due to Rontgen, those in the third and See also:fourth to Precht : Gas. Discharge Potential. Point +. Pressure 76o. Pressure 205. Pressure 1io. Point +. Point —. Volts. Volts. Volts. Volts. Hz 1296 1174 2125 1550 Oz. 2402 1975 2800 2350 CO . 2634 2100 9 3 253 NO . 3 3 2543 CO, . 3287 2655 3475 2100 N2 . .. .. 2600 2000 Air . .. .. 2750 2050 We see from this table that in the case of the discharge from a positively electrified point the greater the molecular weight of the gas the greater the potential required for discharge. Rontgen concluded from his experiments that the discharging potential from a positive point in different gases at the same pressure varies inversely as the mean free path of the molecules of the gas. In the same gas, however, at different pressures the discharging potential does not vary so quickly with the pressure as does the mean free path. In Precht's experiments, in which different gases were used, the variations in the discharging potential are not so great as the variations in the mean free path of the gases. The current of electrified air flowing from the point when the electricity is escaping—the well-known " electrical See also:wind "—is accompanied by a reaction on the point which tends to drive it backwards. This reaction has been measured by See also:Arrhenius (I/Vied. Ann. 63, p. 305), who finds that when positive electricity is escaping from a point in air the reaction on the point for a given current varies inversely as the pressure of the gas, and for different gases (air, hydrogen and carbonic acid) inversely as the square root of the molecular weight of the gas. The reaction when negative electricity is escaping is much less. The proportion between the reactions for positive and negative currents depends on the pressure of the gas. Thus for equal positive and negative currents in air at a pressure of 70 cm. the reaction for a positive point was 1.9 times that of a negative one, at 40 cm. pressure 2.6 times, at 20 cm. pressure 3.2 times, at 10.3 cm. pressure 7 times, and at 5.1 cm. pressure 15 times the reaction for the negative point. Investigation shows that the reaction should be proportional to the quotient of the current by the velocity acquired by an ion under unit potential gradient. Now this velocity is inversely proportional to the pressure, so that the reaction should on this view be directly proportional to the pressure. This agrees with Arrhenius' results when the point is positive. Again, the velocities of an ion in hydrogen', air and carbonic acid at the same pressure are approximately inversely proportional to the square roots of their molecular weights, so that the reaction should be directly proportional to this quantity. This also agrees with Arrhenius' results for the discharge from a positive point. The velocity of the negative ion is greater than that of a positive one under the same potential gradient, so that the reaction for the negative point should be less than that for a positive one, but the excess of the positive reaction over the negative is much greater than that of the velocity of the negativeion over the velocity of the positive. There is, however, reason to believe that a considerable condensation takes place around the negative ion as a nucleus after it is formed, so that the velocity of the negative ion under a given potential gradient will be greater immediately after the ion is formed than when it has existed for some time. The measurements which have been made of the velocities of the ions relate to those which have been some time in existence, but a large part of the reaction will be due to the newly-formed ions moving with a greater velocity, and thus giving a smaller reaction than that calculated from the observed velocity. With a given potential difference between the point and the neighbouring conductor the current issuing from the point is greater when the point is negative than when it is positive, except in oxygen, when it is less. Warburg (Sitz. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin, 1849, 50, p. 770) has shown that the addition of a small quantity of oxygen to nitrogen produces a great diminution in the current from a negative point, but has very little effect on the discharge from a positive point. Thus the removal of a trace of oxygen made a leak from a negative point 50 times what it was before. Experiments with hydrogen and helium showed that impurities in these gases had a great effect on the current when the point was negative, and but little when it was positive. This suggests that the impurities, by condensing round the negative ions as nuclei, seriously diminish their velocity. If a point is charged up to a high and rapidly alternating potential, such as can be produced by the electric oscillations started when a Leyden See also:jar is discharged, then in hydrogen, nitrogen, ammonia and carbonic acid gas a conductor placed in the neighbourhood of the point gets a negative charge, while in air and oxygen it gets a positive one. There are two considerations which are of importance in connexion with this effect. The first is the velocity of the ions in the electric field, and the second the ease with which the ions can give up their charges to the metal point. The greater velocity of the negative ions would, if the potential were rapidly alternating, cause an excess of negative ions to be left in the surrounding gas. This is the case in hydrogen. If, however, the metal had a much greater tendency to unite with negative than with positive ions, such as we should expect to be the case in oxygen, this would act in the opposite direction, and tend to leave an excess of positive ions in the gas. The Characteristic Curve for Discharge through Gases.—When a current of electricity passes through a metallic conductor the relation between the current and the potential difference is the exceedingly simple one expressed by Ohm's law; the current is proportional to the potential difference. When the current passes through a gas there is no such simple relation. Thus we have already mentioned cases where the current increased as the potential increased although not in the same proportion, while as we have seen in certain stages of the arc discharge the potential difference diminishes as the current increases. Thus the problem of finding the current which a given battery will produce when part of the circuit consists of a gas discharge is much more complicated than when the circuit consists entirely of metallic conductors. If, however, we measure the potential difference between the electrodes in the gas when different currents are sent through it, we can See also:plot a curve, called the " characteristic curve," whose ordinates are the potential differences between the electrodes in the gas and the abscissae the corresponding currents. By the aid of this curve we can calculate the current produced when a given battery is connected up to the gas by leads of known resistance. For let Eo be the electromotive force of the battery, R the resistance of the leads, i the current, the potential difference between the terms in the gas will be Eo—Ri. Let See also:ABC (fig. 22) be the " characteristic curve," the ordinates being the potential difference between the terminals in the gas, and the abscissae the current. Draw the line LM whose equation is E = Eo — Ri, then the points where this line cuts the characteristic curves will give possible values of i and E, the current through the discharge tube and the potential difference between the terminals. Some of these points may, however, correspond to an unstable position and be impossible to realize. The following method gives us a criterion by which we can distinguish the See also:stable from the unstable positions. If the current is increased by Si, the electromotive force which has to be overcome by the battery is RSi+ -e6s. If R-hdE/di is positive there will be an unbalanced electromotive force round the circuit tending to stop the current. Thus the increase in the current will be stopped and the condition will be a stable one. If, however, R+dEidi is negative there will be an un- balanced electromotive force tending to increase the current still further; thus the current will go on increasing and the condition will be unstable. Thus for stability R+dE/di must be positive, a condition first given by See also:Kaufmann (Ann. der Phys. 11, p. 158). The geometrical interpretation of this condition is that the straight line LM must, at the point where it cuts the characteristic curve, be steeper than the tangent to characteristic curve. Additional information and CommentsThere are no comments yet for this article.
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