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SWITZERLAND , a republican See also:country of central See also:Europe, comprising the Swiss See also:Confederation, and bounded N. by the See also:German See also:Empire, E. by See also:Austria (except where the principality of See also:Liechtenstein intervenes), S. by See also:Italy, and W. by See also:France. See also:Physical Description.—Switzerland extends between the See also:parallels 450 49' 2" and 470 48' 32" See also:lat. (See also:Greenwich) and the meridians 5° 57' 26" and ro° 29' 40" See also:long. (Greenwich). It forms an irregular See also:quadrilateral, of which the greatest length from See also:east to See also:west is 2262 m., and the greatest breadth from See also:north to See also:south is nearly 137 M. (136.8). It has, however, no proper physical unity, as it consists of a number of small districts, differing from each other widely in See also:language, See also:religion, See also:ethnology, customs, &c., but See also:bound together in a See also:political See also:alliance, made originally for See also:common See also:defence against a common foe. It is therefore an artificial See also:land, just as its inhabitants See also:form an artificial nation, though nowadays it is becoming more homogeneous in both respects. Its political boundaries thus do not coincide with those of nature. The entire See also:canton of See also:Ticino is south of the See also:Alps, as are the valleys of Simplon (See also:Valais), Mesocco, Bregaglia, Poschiavo and See also:Munster (all in the See also:Grisons); the whole canton 3. The Swiss portion of the See also:main See also:chain of the Alps and this See also:great See also:northern outlier run parallel to each other from the Mont Dolent to near See also:Coire, while for a See also:short distance they actually unite near the See also:Pizzo Rotondo (west of the St Gotthard Pass), parting again near the Oberalp Pass (east of the St Gotthard). Between these two great snowclad ranges flow two of the mightiest See also:European See also:rivers, the See also:Rhone towards the west and the See also:Rhine towards the east, their headwaters being only separated by the tangled See also:mountain See also:mass between the Pizzo Rotondo and the Oberalp Pass, which sends the See also:Reuss towards the north and the Ticino towards the south. 4. To the north of this great northern outlier rises the See also:Jura range (q.v.), really a huge See also:spur of the Alps (with which it is connected by the Jorat range), while between the northern outlier and the Jura extends what may be called the plains or " See also:plateau " of Switzerland, consisting all but wholly of the undulating valley of the See also:Aar (below See also:Thun) with its numerous affluents. To that See also:river valley we must add the valley of the Thur (a See also:direct affluent of the Rhine), that lies between the Aar See also:basin and the Rhine basin (the See also:Lake of See also:Constance). We may thus roughly describe Switzerland (as it exists at the See also:present See also:time) as consisting of three great river valleys (Rhone, Rhine and Aar) with the smaller one of the Thur, which See also:Emery Wafter sr. The 3 See also:original Cantons(See also:Die (Mkantone)1291-1332 The 8 See also:ancient Cantons 1353-1481 - See also:IIII!II!IIIIIIII The 13 Cantons 15134798 (5 added 'between 1332 and 1363) (5 added between 1481 and 1513) Allied and Protected Districts '1 Subject Districts 'WA!!''•' See also:Dates of Confederation,AIliance pr See also:Conquest,are shown thus:-1512 Subject States incorporated with Cantons are indicated by the word To with the date of See also:incorporation:- To See also:Bern 1536 liuil;ir, of See also:Schaffhausen and See also:part of that of See also:Basel are north of the Rhine, while a large part of the Grisons lies to the east of the Rhine basin, and Porrentruy is far down on the western slope of the Jura. But it is to be noted that all these exceptional cases were outside the limits of the Swiss Confederation up to 1798. Putting them aside, the physical See also:geography of Switzerland may thus be described:- 1. On the south runs the main chain of the Alps (q.v.), which is joined, at the Mont Dolent (12,543 ft.) in the chain of Mont See also:Blanc, by the See also:lower ranges that rise south of the Lake of See also:Geneva, and which continues partly Swiss till See also:close to the Stelvio Pass on the east. 2. To the north of this main chain there is another great range of mountains (wholly Swiss) only slightly inferior in extent and height, which starts from the hills known as the Jorat range above See also:Lausanne, and culminates in the great snowy summits of the Bernese Oberland and of the See also:Todi See also:group, before trending to the north near Coire, and, after rising once more in the Santis group, See also:dies away on the See also:southern See also:shore of the Lake of Constance.all See also:lie to the north of the main chain of the Alps and include the region between the Alps and the Jura. If we examine matters more carefully we See also:note that the Rhone and Rhine valleys are shut off from that of the Aar (and, of course, of the Thur) by the great northern outlier of the Alps, which consists of the Bernese Oberland and Todi Alps. Two wide and undulating valleys (Aar and Thur) and two deeply cut trenches (Rhone and Rhine) thus lie on the northern slope of the Alps, to the north and south respectively of the great northern outlier of the Alps. The main chain cf the Alps rises in Swiss territory to the height of 15,217 ft. in the loftiest See also:summit or Dufourspitze (wholly Swiss) of See also:Monte See also:Rosa, though the Dom (14,942 ft.), in the Mischabel range, between See also:Zermatt and Saas, is the highest mountain mass which is entirely Swiss. The great northern outlier attains a height of 14,026 ft. in the Finsteraarhom (Bernese Oberland), while the lowest level (581 ft.) within the Confederation is on the Lago See also:Maggiore. The highest permanently inhabited See also:village in Switzerland is Juf (6998 ft.), at the See also:head of the Avers valley (a tributary of the Hinter Rhine, Grisons), while the lowest is Ascona (666 ft.), on the Lago Maggiore and just south-west of See also:Locarno. According to the most See also:recent calculations, the See also:total See also:area of Switzerland is 15,951 sq. m. (some 2500 sq. m. less than that of See also:Servia). Of this 11,927.5 sq. m. (or 74.8%). are reckoned as " productive," forests occupying 3,390.9 sq. m. and See also:vine-yards 108.7 sq. m., the See also:remainder, or 8427.7 sq. m., consisting of arable and pasture land. Of the " unproductive " area of 4023.5 sq. m (or 25'2%) much consists of lakes and rivers, while glaciers See also:cover 7o9.7 sq. m. Approximately the Alps occupy one-sixtieth of this area, the Jura about one-tenth, and the " plateau " the See also:rest. Of the entire area the great cantons of the Grisons, Bern and the Valais take up 7411.8 sq. m., or nearly one-See also:half, while if to them be added See also:Vaud, Ticino and St See also:Gall the extent of these six (out of twenty-two) cantons is 10,527.6 sq. m., or almost two-thirds of the area of the Confederation. Not included in the total area of Switzerland are three small •" enclaves" (4 sq. m. in all), Btisingen and Verenahof (both in 'Schaffhausen) belonging to See also:Baden, while Campione (opposite See also:Lugano) is See also:Italian. Switzerland See also:borders on many countries—France west and south-west, Italy south, Austria east (See also:Tirol and See also:Vorarlberg), and See also:Germany north (See also:Bavaria, See also:Wurttemberg, Baden and See also:Alsace). Switzerland sends its See also:waters to four great river basins (which drain to three different seas) in the following proportions: Rhine basin, 11,159 sq. m.; Rhone basin, 2768 sq. m.; Po basin, 1361 sq. m.; and See also:Inn basin, 663 sq. m. The thirteen cantons which till 1798 formed the Confederation are all comprised in the Rhine basin, the ten See also:oldest (i.e. all before 1500) being within that of the Aar, and it was only after 1798 that certain Romonsch-, See also:French- and Italian-speaking " See also:allies " and subject lands—with their river basins—were tacked on to them. Most of the great Swiss rivers, being in their origin See also:mere mountain torrents, tend to overflow their See also:banks, and hence much is required and has been done to prevent this by embanking them, and regaining arable land from them. So the Rhine (between See also:Ragatz and the Lake of Constance), the Rhone, the Aar, the Reuss; and in particular we may mention the great See also:work on the See also:Linth (1807–1816) carried out by Hans Konrad Escher, who earned by his success the surname of " Von der Linth," and on the Zihl near the lakes of See also:Neuchatel and See also:Bienne, while the diversion of the Kander from its junction with the Aar at Thierachern to a channel by which it flows into the Lake of Thun was effected as See also:early as 1714. There are very many lakes, large and small, in Switzerland. The two most extensive, those of Geneva and of Constance, See also:balance each other, as it were, at the south-west and north-east corners of the land. But neither of these is wholly Swiss, this distinction being claimed by the next in See also:size, that of Neuchatel (92.4 sq. m.), the Lago Maggiore (partly Swiss only) coming next in the See also:list, and being followed by the wholly Swiss lakes of See also:Lucerne and of See also:Zurich. Then come Lugano, Thun, Bienne, See also:Zug, See also:Brienz, See also:Morat, the See also:Walensee, and See also:Sempach (51 sq. m.). These fourteen only are over 4 sq. m. in extent. Eleven of them are in the Rhihe basin (also in that of the Aar), two (Maggiore and Lugano) in that of the Po, and one (Geneva) in that of the Rhone. There are no large lakes in the Swiss portion of the Inn basin, the most extensive being that of 5ils (11 sq. m.). Of the smaller lakes those best known to travellers are the Daubensee (near the summit of the Gemmi), the Oeschinensee (at the See also:foot of the Blumlis See also:Alp range) and the Marjelensee, formed by the damming up of the waters of the Great Aletsch See also:glacier by a huge lateral See also:moraine. Alpine tarns are innumerable. Of the countless waterfalls in Switzerland those of the Rhine (near Schaffhausen) have See also:volume but not height, while the See also:reverse is the See also:case in varying degrees with those of the Aar at the Handegg, of the See also:Reichenbach, of Pissevache, and particularly of the Staubbach, a mere See also:thread of See also:water falling clear of a cliff of great height. There are said to be 1077 glaciers in Switzerland, but it is really impossible to estimate the number accurately, as practically all are now in See also:retreat, and it is not easy to say whether an isolated fragment of See also:ice is or is not entitled to See also:rank as an See also:independent glacier. From them flow all the more important Swiss rivers and streams. Yet their See also:distribution is very unequal, for eleven cantons (just one-half of the Confederation) have none. The Valais heads the list with 375 sq. m., then come the Grisons (138.6), Bern (111.3), See also:Uri (44.3), See also:Glarus (13.9) and Ticino (13.1). The five others (See also:Unterwalden, Vaud, St Gall, See also:Schwyz and See also:Appenzell) boast of 13.3 all together. The three longest glaciers in the Alps are all In the eat northern outlier (not in the main chain)—the Great Aletsch (I6} m.), the Fiescher and the Unteraar (each to m.). In the main chain the Gorner (9; m.) is the longest. Of glaciers covering an area of over 6 sq. m. no fewer than 17 are in Switzerland, as againsttwo each in the French portion of the chain of Mont Blanc and in the Eastern Alps. Forests cover 21.2 % (3390.99 sq. m.) of the total area of Switzerland. Of the six most extensive cantons five are also at the head in the See also:matter of forests: Bern (591 sq. m.), the Grisons (503), Vaud (320), the Valais (297.4) and Ticino (267.2). St Gall (157) ranks in this respect after Zurich (180.8) and See also:Aargau (172), while the only other cantons with over too sq. m. are Lucerne (120.4), See also:Fribourg (119) and See also:Soleure (111.3), the lowest See also:place being taken by Geneva (9.9). By far the greater part (67 %) of the See also:forest area belongs to the communes or private corporations, while 28.5% is in the hands of private individuals (much of this having become private See also:property in the time of See also:Napoleon I.), but only 4.5 % is in the hands of the See also:state, in consequence of the suppression of many monasteries. The communes own 94.3% of the forest area in the Valais, private individuals 78.8% in Lucerne, and the state 16% in Schaffhausen. Schaffhausen and the Jura cantons are the most wooded in proportion to their area, while at the other end of the See also:scale are the towns of Geneva and Basel, and the barren canton of Uri. The great floods of 1834, 1852 and 1868 See also:drew See also:attention to the negligent See also:administration of the forests, considered specially as a See also:protection against damage due to the forces of nature. A forestry See also:department was created In the See also:polytechnic school in Zurich when it was opened in 1855. The Federal Constitution of 1874 (See also:art. 24) handed over to the Confederation the oversight of the forests " in the high mountains," this being interpreted to mean the Alps with their spurs, but not to include the Jura, and a See also:law of 1876 was enacted to carry out this task. In 1897 the See also:limitation mentioned above was struck out, so that the Confederation now has oversight of all forests within its territory, a law of 1902 regulating in detail the whole subject. Since 1876 much has been done, either directly by the Confederation or indirectly by subsidizing the efforts of the cantons, to reafforest districts where the trees had been recklessly cut down, and to ensure the proper administration of forests generally. See also:Geology.—The greater part of Switzerland is occupied by the belts of folded See also:rock which constitute the Alps and the Jura (q.v.). The central See also:plain, however, is covered by nearly undisturbed deposits of Oligocene and See also:Miocene See also:age, concealed in many places by glacial, alluvial and other accumulations of later date. Both the Oligocene and the Miocene beds are, for the most part, of fresh-water or brackish-water origin, but the See also:middle of the Miocene See also:series is formed of marine deposits. During this See also:period an See also:arm of the Mediterranean spread up the valley of the Rhone. It reached its maximum See also:extension during the middle portion of the Miocene period, when it appears to have stretched continuously along the See also:outer border of the Alps from the present Golfe du See also:Lion into Austria; but at an earlier and a later date it was represented in Switzerland only by a series of brackish-water lagoons or fresh-water lakes. See also:Climate.—In Switzerland, where the height above See also:sea-level ranges from 581 ft. (Lago Maggiore) to 15,217 ft. (Monte Rosa), we naturally find very many climates, from the regions of See also:olives, vines, oaks and beeches, pines and firs, to those of the high mountain pastures, rhododendrons, and of eternal See also:snow. It has been reckoned that, while in Italian Switzerland See also:winter lasts only three months, at Glarus (1578 ft.) it lasts four, in the See also:Engadine (5945 to 3406 ft.) six, on the St Gotthard (6936 ft.) eight, on the Great St See also:Bernard (8111 ft.) nine, and on the St Theodule Pass (10,899 ft.) practically always. The highest mean See also:annual temperature (53° F.) in Switzerland is naturally that at Lugano (909 ft.), while at Bevers (5610 ft., Upper Engadine) the lowest mean temperature in winter is -14° F., but the highest in summer is 77° F., an immense difference. At See also:Montreux the annual mean is 50°, at See also:Sion, Basel, Geneva and Coire about 49°, at Zurich 48° at Bern and Lucerne 47.5°, at St Gall 45°, at See also:Davos 37.5°, at Sils-Maria 34.5 and on the Great St Bernard 29°. Of course many factors, such as the shape of the ground, the sheltered position of the place, the degree of exposure to See also:sunshine, counterbalance the mere height at which the See also:town is situated. The snow-clad Alps of course have the heaviest See also:rain- or snow-fall in Switzerland, this being estimated at 89.7 in. per annum. The greatest actually recorded rainfall (87.3 in.) was on the See also:San Bernardino Pass (6769 ft.), while the lowest (21.7 in.) was at Sierre(1767 ft., Valais). At Lugano the See also:average annual rainfall is 65.4 in., on the Great St Bernard 48.7 in., at Lucerne 45.6 in., at Montreux 42.6 in., at Sils-Maria 37 in., at Bern and Davos 36.6 in., and at Basel, Coire and Geneva about 32.7 in. It has been shown by careful observations that the rain- or snow-fall is greatest as we approach the Alps, whether from the north or the south, the flanks of the great ranges and the valleys opening out towards the plains receiving much more rain than the high Alpine valleys enclosed on all sides by lofty ridges. Thunderstorms generally vary in frequency with the amount of rainfall, being most common near the great ranges, and often very See also:local. The floods caused by excessive rainfall are some-times very destructive, as in 1834, 1852 and 1868, while the same cause leads to landslips, of which the most remarkable have been those of the Rossberg above Goldau (1806), at Evionnaz (1835) and at See also:Elm (1881). The Ftihn (q.v.) is the most remarkable local See also:wind. For all these reasons Switzerland has many varieties of climate; and, while, owing to the distribution of the rainfall, the Ticino and Aar valleys are very fertile, the two great trenches between the main chain and its north outlier, though warm, are less productive, as the water comes from the rivers and not from the skies. See also:People.—The first estimate of the See also:population of Switzerland with any pretence to accuracy was that of 1817, which put the number at 1,687,900. The first See also:regular See also:census took place in 1836 to 1838, but was therefore not synchronous, while it was also not very systematic—the number was put at 2,190,258. That of 185o was better organized, while in r86o the census was declared decennial, a slight alteration being made as to that of 1888 for See also:practical reasons. The following was the number of the population usually See also:resident (the number of those actually present was also taken, but all detailed subdivisions refer only to the residents): in 185o, 2,392,740; in 186o, 2,510,494; in 1870, 2,6J5,001; in 1880, 2,831,787; in 1888, 2,917,754; and 1n 1900, 3,315,443. The See also:density per square mile was as follows: 150 in 185o; 157. in 186o; 159 in 1870; 177 in '88o; 182 in 1888; and 207 in 1900. The increase in the whole of the country from 1850 to 1900 was 39%. Thirteen cantons showed an increase lower than this average, the lowest of all being Aargau, Glarus and Lucerne; while in Bern the increase of the towns did not counterbalance the diminution in the country districts. The nine cantons which increased above the average See also:rate did so either owing to See also:special circumstances (e.g. the construction of the Simplon railway in the Valais), or because their See also:industries were very flourishing (e.g. St Gall), or because they contain great towns (e.g. Zurich). The highest rates of increase were shown by Geneva (107% increase) and the half canton of See also:Urban Basel (278% increase). As to the actual distribution of the population, the Alpine regions are the sparsest generally (with the exception of the Outer See also:Rhodes of Appenzell), the Jura region has a much higher ratio, while the densest region of all is the Swiss plateau. The strong attraction of the towns is shown by the facts that between 1850 and 'goo the population of the nineteen largest nearly tripled, while, in 'goo, of the 187 " political districts " in Switzerland 41 showed a decrease, and they were all exclusively rural. The shifting of the population within the country is also proved when we note that in 1900 but 38.5% of the Swiss citizens inhabited their See also:commune of See also:birth, though the proportion was 64% in '85o. If we consider the different cantons, we find that in 1900 31.5% (in 1850 but 26.4%) lived in another commune within their canton of birth, while 18.4% (as against 6.6% in 185o) dwelt in •a canton other than their canton of birth. To sum up, in 185o, out of the 25 cantons and half cantons, no fewer than 21 had a See also:majority of citizens living in their commune of birth, while in 1900 the number was but II, and those all rural cantons. Of the 3164 communes (or See also:civil parishes) in Switzerland, only 21 in 1900 had a population exceeding 'o,000, while 20 had under 50 inhabitants. If we look at the height of the communes above the sea-level, we find that there were but 3 (with a population of 463 souls) above 1900 metres (2953 ft.), while 68 (with a total population of 188,394) were below 300 metres (984 ft.). The number of inhabited houses See also:rose from 347,327 in 186o (the number was not taken in 1850) to 434,084 in 1900,. while that of See also:separate households mounted from 485,087 in 185o (528,105 in 1860) to 728,920 In 1900. The non-Swiss See also:element of the population increased from 3% in 185o to 11.6% in 1900, and its number from 71,570 in '85o to 383,424 in 1900. The Germans are the most numerous; next In See also:order come Italians, French and Austrians. In 1900 there were 3535 See also:British subjects resident in Switzerland, and 1559 citizens of the See also:United States. Of course most of the non-Swiss are found in the towns, or in rural districts where any great railway See also:line is being constructed. The See also:emigration of Swiss beyond seas was but 1691 in 1877, though it rose in 1883 to 13,502 (the maximum as yet attained). Then the number See also:fell See also:pretty steadily till 1899 (2493), then rose again, and in 1906 was 5296. About 89% go to the United States, and about 6% to the See also:Argentine See also:Republic (mainly from the French-speaking cantons). Bern, Zurich,. Ticino, the town of Basel and St Gall are the See also:chief cantons which furnish emigrants. In the matter of religion, the Protestants formed 59.3% in 185o and 57.8 % in 1900, and the See also:Roman Catholics (including the " See also:Christian " or " Old " Catholics, who arose in 1874) 40.6% and 41.6% respectively, while the See also:Jews increased from ' % in '85o to 4% in 'goo—the remainder (other religions or none) being 2% in '86o (not reckoned separately in 1850) and in 1900. Ten and a half cantons have a majority of Protestants, while in the rest the " Catholics " have the upper See also:hand. The same proportion prevailed in 185o, See also:save that then Geneva had a See also:Protestant majority, whereasin 1870 already the balance had shifted, owing to the number of immigrants from France and Italy. As to See also:languages habitually spoken, Switzerland presents a very variegated picture. By the Federal Constitutions of 1848 (art. 109) and 1874 (art. 116), German, French and Italian are recognized as " See also:national languages," so that debates in the Federal See also:parliament may be carried on in any of the three, while Federal See also:laws, decrees, &c., appear also in the three. The old See also:historical dialects of Romonsch and Ladin (nearly confined to the canton of the Grisons, q.v.) enjoy no political recognition by the Confederation, are largely maintained by artificial means in the shape of See also:societies founded for their preservation, and are not even in the majority (which is German) in the Grisons. Of the other 21 cantons, all have a German-speaking majority save 6—French prevails in Fribourg, Vaud, the Valais, Neuchatel and Geneva, and Italian in Ticino. Since the census of 188o, when detailed inquiries as to language were made for the first time, there has been a certain amount of shifting, as is shown by the following figures. German was spoken by 71.3 of the population in 188o, by 71.4 in 1888 and by 69.8 in 1900; the figures for French are respectively 21.4, 21.8 and 22, and for Italian 5.7, 5.3 and 6.7, while Romonsch fell from 1.4 to 1.3 and 1.2 %. " Other languages " were 2, 2 and 3%. Thus in 1900 there were nearly 70% of German-speaking persons, as against nearly. 30 % who spoke one or other of the See also:Romance See also:tongues. The most interesting cases are the cantons of Fribourg (q.v.) and the Valais (q.v.), in which French is advancing at the expense of German. Chief Political Divisions and Towns.—When considering Switzerland it must never be forgotten that, strictly speaking, the only political " divisions " are the 187 " districts " into which the cantons are divided (Bern has 30, Vaud 19 and St Gall 15, no others having over 15). These are administrative districts, created for political purposes. The cantons themselves are not " divisions " but See also:sovereign states, which have formed an alliance for certain purposes, while they are built up out of the 3164 " communes," which are really the political See also:units. Of the 22 cantons,' 3 are subdivided—Unterwalden (from before 1291) into Obwalden and Nidwalden, and Appenzell (since 1597) into the Outer Rhodes and the Inner Rhodes, while Basel (since 1833) forms urban Basel (the See also:city) and rural Basel (the country districts). The Swiss political See also:capital is Bern (by virtue of a Federal law of 1848), while the Federal Supreme Tribunal is (since its See also:foundation in 1874) at Lausanne, and the Federal Polytechnic School (since it was opened in 1855) at Zurich. In 1900 there were 19 towns in Switzerland which had a population exceeding 10,000 souls, all having increased very much within the previous years. The following are the six largest, the figures L '85o being enclosed within brackets: Zurich, 150,703 (35,483); Basel, 109,161 (27,844) ; Geneva, 104,796 (42,127), Bern, 64,227 (27,558); Lausanne, 46,732 (17,108), and La Chaux de Fonds, 35,968 (13,659). Thus Geneva was first in '85o, but only third in 1900. Thirteen of these nineteen towns are cantonal capitals, though La Chaux de Fonds, See also:Winterthur, Bienne, Tablat (practically a suburb of St Gall), Le See also:Locle and See also:Vevey are not, while no fewer than twelve cantonal capitals (Sion, See also:Bellinzona, Aarau, See also:Altdorf, Schwyz, See also:Frauenfeld, Glarus, See also:Liestal, See also:Sarnen, See also:Stans, Appenzell and Zug) are below this limit. It is reckoned that while the 19 Swiss towns having over lo,000 inhabitants had in 185o a population of 255,722, that number had swollen in 1900 to 742,205. Communications.--The See also:carriage roads of Switzerland were much improved and increased in number after a strong Federal See also:government was set up in 1848, for it largely subsidized cantonal undertakings. In the course of the lgth See also:century many splendid roads were carried over the Alpine passes, whether within or leading from Swiss territory; in the latter case with See also:financial aid from Italy (or till 1859 Austria, as the See also:mistress of the Milanese). The earliest in date was that over the Simplon (1800-1807), while others were opened respectively over the Furka (7992 ft.) in 1867, to the See also:top of the Great St Bernard (8111 ft.) in 1893, over the Grimsel (7100 ft.) in 1895, and over the Klausen Pass (6404 ft.) in 'goo. The highest carriage road entirely within Switzerland is that over the Umbrail Pass (82,42 ft.), opened in 1901, and leading from the Swiss upper Munster valley to close to the Stelvio. The first Swiss lake over which a steamer plied regularly was that of Geneva (1823), followed by Constance (1824), Lago Maggiore (1826), Neuchatel (1827), Thun (1835), Lucerne (1835) and ' The cantons are—Aargau, Appenzell, Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Glarus, Grisons, Lucerne, Neuchatel, St Gall, Schaffhausen, Schwyz, Soleure, See also:Thurgau, Ticino, Unterwalden, Uri, Valais, Vaud, Zug, Zurich (see separate articles). Brienz (1839). The first railway opened within Switzerland was that (14 M. long) from Zurich to Baden in Aargau (1847), though the Swiss See also:bit of that from Basel to See also:Strassburg had been opened in 1844. From 1852 to 1872 the cantons granted concessions for the See also:building of See also:railways to private companies, but from 1872 onwards the conditions were other and the lines were constructed under Federal supervision. In the 'fifties and 'sixties many lines were built, but not always according to See also:sound financial principles, so that in 1878 the great " National Railway " became bankrupt. Hence the See also:idea of the state See also:purchase of the chief lines made considerable progress, so that in 1898 such a See also:scheme was accepted by the Swiss people. Accordingly in 1901 most of the great lines became Federal railways, and the Jura-Simplon in 1903, while the Gotthard line became Federal in 1909. This state ownership only applies to the main lines, not to the secondary lines or to the mountain See also:cog-See also:wheel railways (of which the first was that from Vitznau up the Rigi, 1871) now so widespread throughout the country. The highest point as yet attained in Switzerland by a mountain railway is the Eismeer station (10,371 ft.) of the line towards the See also:Jungfrau. Many tunnels have been pierced through the Swiss Alps, such as the St Gotthard (1882), the Albula (1903) and the Simplon (1906). The highest line carried over a Swiss pass is that over the Little Scheidegg (6772 ft.).
Industries.—a. Of the Land. If we look at the annual turnover there is no doubt that the See also:principal Swiss See also:industry is that of the entertainment of See also:foreign visitors, for its See also:gross receipts are larger than those of any other See also:branch. It appears from the See also:official See also:statistics that in 1905 its gross receipts amounted to rather over £7,500,000 (as against about £4,500,000 in 1894, and rather over £2,000,000 in 188o), the See also:net profit being nearly £1,500,000 (as against £656,000 and nearly £300,000 respectively), while in 1905 the capital invested in this industry was rather over £31,000,000 (as against £20,750,000 and £12,750,000 respectively). In 1905 there were in Switzerland 1924 hotels (of which 402 were in Bern and 358 in the Grisons) specially built for the See also:accommodation of foreign visitors, containing 124,068 beds, and employing 33,480 servants (the See also:numbers for 1894 and 188o are 1693 and 1002, 88,634 and 58,137, and 23,997 and 16,022 respectively). Part of this increase is due to the See also:fashion of visiting Switzerland in winter for See also:skating, See also:tobogganing, skiing, &c.
Of the actual " productive " See also:soil about two-thirds is devoted to arable or pasturage purposes, but the latter branch is by far the more important, occupying about 83 % of this two-thirds, for Switzerland is much more a See also:pastoral than an agricultural country. In 1906 the number of See also:cattle was officially put at 1,497,904 (as against 1,340,375 in 1901 and 993,291 in 1866). In summer they are supported on the numerous mountain pastures or " alps " (see Am's, 2), which number 4778, and are of an estimated capital value of rather over £3,000,000, while in winter they are fed on the See also:hay mown on the lower meadows or See also:purchased from outside. Two main breeds of cattle are found in Switzer-land, the dun See also:race (best represented by, the cattle of Schwyz) and the dappled race (of which the Simme valley beasts are of the red and See also: The best Swiss cheeses are those of the Emmenthal and of the Gruyere, while the two principal condensed See also:milk factories (Nestle at Vevey and that at Cham) are now united. It should be noted that the proportion of the land devoted to pastoral pursuits increases, like the rainfall, from the west and north-west to the east and north-east, so that it is highest (nearly 90%) in Appenzell and St Gall. As regards other domestic animals, the number of See also:swine increased from 304,428 in 1866 to 566,974 in 1896 (the maximum recorded), but in 1906 fell to 548,355. The number of goats has remained pretty steady (359,913 in 1906 to 375,482 in 1866, the maximum, 416,323, being attained in 1886), but that of See also:sheep has decreased from 447,001 in 1866 to 209,443 in 1906. It is stated that but 14% of the " productive " area of Switzerland is See also:corn-growing, this proportion being however doubled in Vaud. Hence for its See also:food See also:supply the country is largely dependent on its imports, the See also:home supply sufficing for 153 days only. See also:Tobacco is grown to a certain extent, especially near Payerne in the Broye valley (Vaud) and in Ticino, while more recently beetroot has been cultivated for the purpose of manufacturing See also:sugar. See also:Fruit and vegetables are made into jams and concentrated foods at Lenzburg and Kemptthal, while kirschwasser (See also:cherry See also:brandy) is made in Zug. Forests cover about 28i % of the " productive " area of Switzerland. They are now well cared for, and produce considerable profits. Vineyards in Switzerland now cover 108.7 sq. m., though the area is steadily decreasing owing to the competition of foreign cheap wines. The only cantons which have over to % of their area thus planted are Vaud (25 %). Ticino (20 %), Zurich (17 %) and the Valais (10.7 %). Among the best Swiss wines are those of La Cate, Lavaux and Yvorne (all in Vaud), and See also:Muscat, Fendant and Vin du Glacier (all in the Valais). Those grown near Neuchatel, at the northernend of the lake of Zurich, near Baden (Aargau), and along the Swiss See also:bank of the Rhine, are locally much esteemed. Among the raw See also:mineral products of Switzerland the most important is See also:asphalt, which is worked by an See also:English See also:company in the Val de Travers (Neuchatel). Various metals (even including See also:gold and See also:silver) exist in Switzerland, but are hardly worked at all, save See also:iron (Delemont), See also:copper (Val d'Anniviers) and argentiferous See also:lead (Lotschenthal). True See also:coal is wholly absent, but lignites occur here and there, and are sometimes worked (e.g. at Kapfnach, Zurich). See also:Anthracite is found in the Valais, while See also:peat is worked in many parts. See also:Salt was first found at Bex (Vaud) in 1544, and the mines are still worked. But far more important are the saline deposits along the Rhine, from. near Basel to See also:Coblenz (at the junction of the Rhine and the Aar), which were discovered at Schweizerhall in the See also:year 1836, at Kaiseraugst in 1844, at Rheinfelden in 1845 and at Ryburg in 1848. See also:Marble, See also:sandstone and See also:granite are worked in various spots for building purposes. See also:Marl, See also:clay and See also:limestone are also found, and are much used for the manufacture of various kinds of See also:cement. There are said to be 620 mineral springs in Switzerland, the best known being those at Baden in Aargau and at Schinznach (both See also:sulphur), Schuls-Tarasp and St See also:Moritz, Stachelberg, Ragatz and Pfafers, Leukerbad and See also:Weissenburg. The most important See also:slate quarries are those in the canton of Glarus. The relative importance of the Swiss industries concerned with the land is best shown by the census taken in 1900 as to the occupations of the inhabitants. No fewer than 1,035,010 (about one-third of the total population) were engaged in pastoral or agricultural pursuits, as against 19,334 employed in See also:market gardening, 18,233 in various matters touching the forests, 12,785 in the vineyards and 12,323 in extracting minerals (of these 8004 were employed in See also: After the See also:adoption of the Federal Constitution of 1848, customs duties within the land were abolished, while moderate duties only were levied on imports, the sum increasing as the articles came more or less within the See also:category of luxuries, but being lowest on necessaries of See also:life. Down to. 1870 Switzerland was all but entirely on the See also:side of free trade. Since that time it has been becoming more and more protectionist. This See also:change was due in part to the increased tariffs levied in Germany and France, and in part to the strong pressure exercised by certain branches of the Swiss manufacturing industries, while See also:treaties of commerce have been made with See also:divers countries. Hence in 1903 the Swiss people adopted the principle of a greatly increased scale of duties, the detailed See also:tariff of the actual sums levied on the various articles coming into force on the 1st of See also:January 1906. These higher duties were meant to serve as a weapon for obtaining better terms in future commercial treaties, but were finally increased still more at the instigation of certain of the great manufacturers, so that Switzerland became decidedly a protectionist country. In 1901 the receipts from the customs duties were about £1,858,000, while in 1905 they were £2,541,000, and in 1907 rather more (£2,894,000).
Excluding goods in transit, the total value of imports rose from about £36,500,000 in 1895 to about £55,000,000 in 1905, while between the same dates the exports rose from about £26,500,000 to £38,750,000—in other words, the unfavourable balance of trade had increased from £10,000,000 in 1895 to £16,250,000 in 1905.
The increase during the same period in the case of the four great articles of export from Switzerland was as follows: silk from nearly £8,500,000 to rather over £lo;000,000, embroideries from nearly £3,000,000 to £5,000,000, watches from £3,500,000 to £5,250,000, and machinery from rather under £i,000,000 to £2,250,000.
Government.—The Swiss Confederation must be carefully distinguished from the 22 cantons of which it is composed, and which are sovereign states, save in so far as they have given up their rights to the Federal government. These cantons them-selves are built up of many political communes, or Gemeinden, or civil parishes, which are the real political units of the country (and not merely local subdivisions); for any one desiring to become naturalized a Swiss must first become (by purchase or See also: a. Now in Switzerland there are 3164 political communes (municipalites or Einwohnergemeinden). These are composed of all male Swiss citizens over twenty years of age, of See also:good See also:character and resident in the commune for at least three months. The See also:meeting of these persons is called the assemblee generale or Gemeindeversammlung, while the executive See also:council chosen by it is the conseil municipal or Gemeinderat, the chief See also:person in the commune (elected by the larger meeting) being termed the See also:syndic or maire, the Gemeindeprasident or the Gemeindeammann. This kind of commune includes all Swiss residents (hence the German name) within its territorial limits, and has practically all See also:powers of management of local affairs, including the carrying out of cantonal and Federal laws or decrees, save and except matters See also:relating to the pastures and forests held in common. This class of commune dates only from the time of the Helvetic republic (1998-1802), and its duties were largely increased after the liberal See also:movement of 1830; the care of the highways, the See also:police, the See also:schools, the administration of the poor law being successively handed over to it, so that it became a political See also:body. As regards Swiss citizens belonging to cantons other than that in which they reside, the Federal Constitution of 1848 (art. 41) gave them rights of voting there in cantonal and Federal matters, but not in those relating exclusively to the commune itself. The Federal Constitution of 1894 (art. 43) gives to such persons as those named above (establis or Niedergelassenen—that is, permanent settlers) all voting rights, Federal, cantonal and communal (save as below), the two last named after a stay of three months. Temporary residents being Swiss citizens (e.g. labourers, servants, students, officials not being communal officials) are called residents or Aufenthalter, and are in most cantons considered to be as such incapable of voting in communal matters until after a See also:residence of three months, though some cantons require a longer sojourn. Foreign residents are included under this class of Aufenthalter. The burgher communes (communes bourgeoises or Burgergemeinden), now principally of historical See also:interest, having for the most part gradually merged with the other class of communes, were originally simply the communities that dealt with the management of the " lands subject to common user " or Allmend (mainly summer pastures and forests), but gradually obtained, by purchase or other-See also:wise, the manorial rights, the burghers then being themselves the lords of the See also:manor (as at See also:Brixham in See also:Devonshire). But when after the See also:Reformation, owing to the suppression of the monasteries, the care of the poor was imposed by the Federal See also:Diet, in 1351, on the several communes, these naturally aided only their own members, a course which gave rise to a " communal burghership, " a See also:system designed to prevent persons from gaining a " See also:settlement " in any commune to which they did not properly belong. Thus all non-burgher residents, permanent or temporary, were excluded from any See also:share in the enjoyment of the lands subject to common user, or in their management, and remained See also:complete outsiders, though paying local rates. With the increased facilities of communication and the rise of a shifting industrial population such restrictions became invidious and unfair, particularly after the introduction, under the Helvetic republic, of a Federal citizenship, See also:superior to cantonal citizenship, and after the communes became more and more burdened with public duties, so that the amount of the rates equalled, if it did not exceed, the sums produced by the " common lands." To avoid some of these inconveniences " political communes " were set up, consisting practically of all Swiss permanent residents. But the relation between these and the old Burgergemeinden (the burghers of which only have rights of user over the common lands) was very delicate, and has been settled (if settled at all) in various fashions. In some cases the older communes simply merged with the newer, the ownership of the common lands thus passing from one to the other class. In other cases the Burgergemeinden stillexist as distinct from the " political communes," but solely for purposes (enjoyment, management, &c.) relating to the common lands, and thus form a sort of privileged community inside the larger and now more generally important community. In some cases the common lands have been divided in varying proportions between the two classes of communes, the Burgergemeinden thus continuing to exist solely as regards that part of the common lands which they have retained. In other cases the common lands, whether before or after 1798, have passed into the See also:possession of a small number of the burghers, who form a close See also:corporation, the revenues of which are enjoyed by the members as such, and not as citizens—in short are subject to no public obligations or burdens save rates and taxes. b. The twenty-two cantons (three are subdivided—Unterwalden, Appenzell and Basel—into two halves) are divided into " administrative districts " (187 in number), which are ruled by prefects, in the French fashion, appointed by the cantonal authorities. These are the true local divisions in the country. Each canton has its own legislature, executive and judiciary. The older cantons have in some cases (Uri, Unterwalden, Appenzell and Glarus) preserved their ancient democratic assemblies (or Landesgemeinden), in which each burgher appears in person, and which usually meet once a year, on the last See also:Sunday in See also:April or the first Sunday in May, always (See also:weather permitting) in the open See also:air. These annual assemblies elect annually a sort of See also:standing See also:committee, and also the chief See also:magistrate or Landammann, as well as the judiciary. In the other eighteen cantons the legislature (Gross See also:Rat or See also:grand conseil) is composed of representatives chosen by the cantonal voters in proportion, varying in each canton, to the population. They are thus local parliaments rather than mere See also:county See also:councils. The executive (Regierungsrat or conseil (Petat) is elected everywhere (save Fribourg, the Valais and Vaud) by a popular See also:vote, this See also:plan having gradually superseded See also:election by the cantonal legislature. All the cantons (save Fribourg) have the See also:referendum and initiative, by which the See also:electors can exercise See also:control over their elected representatives. The cantonal judiciary is chosen by the people. c. In 1848 the Federal government was reorganized according to the plan adopted in the United States, at any rate so far as regards the legislature (Bundesversammlung or assemblee federale). This is composed of two houses: (1) the Stdnderat or conseil See also:des etats, to which each canton, great or small, sends two representatives (generally chosen for varying terms by the people, but, in 1907, still by the cantonal legislature in Bern, Fribourg, Neuchatel, St Gall, the Valais and Vaud), this See also:house being like the See also:American See also:Senate; (2) the Nationalrat or conseil national, composed of representatives (at present 167 in number) elected within the cantons in the proportion of 1 to every 20,000 (or fraction over 10,000) of the population, and holding See also:office for three years, before the expiration of which it cannot be dissolved. The two houses are on an absolutely equal footing, and bills are introduced into one or the other simply because of reasons of practical convenience. The Federal parliament meets, at least, once a year, in Bern, the Federal capital. The Federal executive (Bundesrat or conseil federal) was set up in 1848 and is composed of seven members, who are elected for three years by the two houses of the Federal legislature, sitting together as a See also:congress, but no two members may belong to the same canton. The Federal parliament annually names the See also:president (Bundesprasident or president de la confederation) and the See also:vice-president, so that the former is really but the chairman of a committee, and not in any way like the American president. The Federal' president always holds the foreign See also:portfolio (the " political department "), the other portfolios being annually redistributed among the other members, but all decisions proceed from the council as a whole. The Federal councillors cannot be at the same time members of either house of the Federal parliament, though they may speak or introduce motions (but not vote) in either house. The Federal Supreme See also:Court (Bundesgericht or tribunal federal) was created by the Federal Constitution of 1874 and is (since 1904) composed of 19 full members (plus 9 substitutes), all elected by the two houses of the Federal parliament, sitting together and holding office for six years; the Federal parliament also elects every two years the president and vice-president of the Federal tribunal. Its seat is at Lausanne. Its See also:jurisdiction extends to disputes between the Confederation, the cantons, and private individuals, so far as these See also:differences refer to Federal matters. An See also:appeal lies in some cases (not too clearly distinguished) to the Federal council, and in some to the two houses of the Federal legislature sitting together. As to the referendum and initiative (whether as to the revision of the constitution or as to bills) see REFERENDUM. It was natural that, as the members of the Swiss Confederation were See also:drawn closer and closer together, there should arise the idea of a Federal See also:code as distinguished from the manifold cantonal legal systems. The Federal Constitution of 1874 conferred on the Federal authorities the See also:power to legislate on certain defined legal subjects, and See also:advantage was taken of this to revise and codify the Law of Obligations (1881) and the Law of See also:Bankruptcy (1889). The success of these attempts led to the adoption by the Swiss people (1898) of new constitutional articles, extending the powers of the Federal authorities to the other departments of civil law and also to criminal law. Drafts carefully prepared by commissions of specialists were slowly considered during nearly two years by the two houses of the Federal parliament, which finally adopted the civil code on the loth of See also:December 1907, and it was expected that by 1912 both a complete Federal civil code and a complete Federal criminal code would come into operation. Before 1848 there was scarcely such a thing as Federal finances for there was no strong central Federal authority. As the power of those authorities increased, so naturally did their See also:expenditure and receipts. In 1849 the receipts were nearly £240,000, as against an expenditure of £26o,000. By 1873 each had risen to rather over £1,250,000, while in 1883 they just overtopped 2,000,000 See also:sterling each, and in 1900 the receipts were just over £4,000,000 sterling, as against an expenditure of nearly £4,000,000. The figures for 1907 are £5,750,000 as against just over £5,500,000, and are the highest yet recorded. The funded Federal See also:debt rose from a modest £150,000 in 1849 to rather over £2,000,000 in 1891, and rather over £4,000,000 in 1903,, standing in 1905 at £3,250,000. By the Federal Constitution of 1848 the See also:post office was made a Federal attribute, and the first Federal law on the subject was passed in 1849 (See also:postage stamps within the country in 1850, for foreign lands in 1854, and post-See also:cards in 1870), while a Federal law of 1851 extended this See also:privilege to the electric See also:telegraph, so that in 1852 the first line was opened with See also:thirty-four offices. In the Federal Constitution of 1874 both branches are declared to fall within the jurisdiction of the Confederation, while in 1878 this privilege was extended to the newly invented See also:telephone. Inviolability of communications in all three cases is guaranteed. In 1891 the Swiss people accepted the principle of a state bank with a See also:monopoly of note issue. A first scheme was rejected by a popular vote in 1897, but a second was more successful in 1905. The " Swiss National Bank " was actually opened on the loth of See also:June 1907, its two chief seats being at Zurich and at Bern. It has a capital of £2,000,000 sterling, divided into 100,000 shares. Two-fifths of this capital is reserved to the cantons in proportion to their population in 1900, and two-fifths were taken up by public subscription in June 1906. The remaining fifth was reserved to the existing thirty-six banks in Switzerland (all founded between 1834 and 1900), which have hitherto enjoyed the right of issuing notes. It was stipulated that within three years of the opening of the National Bank all notes issued by these thirty-six banks must be withdrawn, and many had by 1907 taken this course in anticipation.
There is no " established Swiss See also: 52) forbidding the erection of new religious orders or new monasteries or the re-See also:establishment of old ones, and also a new clause (last part of art. 50) by which the erection of new bishoprics on Swiss soil is subject to the approval of the Federal authorities. The Jesuit article was due to the " Sonderbund " See also:War of 1847, and the rest of this exceptional legislation to the " Kulturkampf " which raged in Switzerland in 1872-1874. The Protestants form rather over three-fifths of the population, but have the majority in 102 of the 22 cantons only. In the German-speaking cantons they are Zwinglians, and in the French-speaking cantons Calvinists, though in neither case of the original and orthodox shade. The Protestantsalone are " established " in the Outer Rhodes of Appenzell; while the Romanists alone are " established " in 72 cantons (Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Zug, Ticino, the Valais, and the Inner Rhodes of Appenzell), but only jointly in the 3 other cantons (Fribourg, St Gall and Soleure) in which they are in a majority. In June 1907 Geneva decided on the complete separation of church and state, and now stands alone in Switzerland in not having any " established church " at all (previously it had two—Protestants and Christian Catholics). In the other 21 cantons, the Protestants and Romanists are jointly " established " in III, as are the Protestants and the Christian Catholics in i2, in which the Christian Catholics take the place of the Romanists. Thus out of the 21 cantons with " established churches " (Landeskirchen or iglises nalionales) the Protestants are solely or jointly " established " in 132, and the Romanists in 19 (not rn Bern, Urban Basel and the Outer Rhodes of Appenzell), while the Christian Catholics are recognized in 7 cantons, in two of which (Basel and Neuchatel) they are also " endowed." The case of Neuchatel is particularly striking, as it has three " established churches " (Protestants, Romanists and Christian Catholics), while there the Jewish rabbis, as well as the pasteurs of the Free Evangelical Church, are exempt from military service. Besides a few parishes in Bern there are also three " Evangelical Free Churches " (Eglises See also:fibres), viz. in Vaud (since 1847), in Geneva (since 1848) and in Neuchatel (since 1873). The Romanists have five diocesan bishops in Switzerland—Sion (founded in the 4th century), Geneva (4th century), Basel (4th century, but reorganized in 1828), Coire (5th century), Lausanne (6th century), and St Gall (till 1824 part of the bishopric of See also:Cor}stance, and a separate see since 1847). There are besides the See also:sees of Lugano (erected in 1888 for Italian Switzerland—till then in See also:Milan or See also:Como—but united for the present to the see of Basel, though administered by a See also:suffragan See also:bishop) and See also:Bethlehem (a see in partibus, annexed in 184o to the abbacy of St See also:Maurice in the Valais). The Christian Catholics (who resemble the Old Catholics in Germany) split off from the Romanists in 1874 on the question of papal See also:infallibility (in Bern and Geneva politics also played a great part), and since 1876 have had a bishop of their own (consecrated by the German Old See also:Catholic, Bishop See also:Reinkens), who resides in Bern, but bears no diocesan See also:title. The Christian Catholics (who in the census are counted with the Romanists) are strongest in Bern, Soleure and Geneva, while their number in 1906 was estimated variously at from twenty to thirty-four thousand—they have 38 parishes (lo being in French-speaking Switzerland) and some 57 pastors. There are still a few monasteries in Switzer-land which have escaped suppression. The principal are the See also:Benedictine houses of Disentis (founded in the 7th century by the Irish See also: The general principles laid down by the Confederation are elaborated into laws by each canton, while the communal councils pass by-laws. Hence there is a great variety in details between canton and canton. The school age varies from 6 to i6 (for younger scholars there are voluntary See also:kindergarten schools or ecoles enfantines), and attendance during this period is compulsory, it not being possible to obtain exemption by passing a certain See also:standard. Two-thirds of the schools are " mixed "; in the towns, however, boys are often separated from girls. The teachers (who must hold a cantonal certificate of efficiency) are chosen by the Schulkommission from among the candidates who apply for the vacant post, but are elected and paid by the communal council. Religious tests prevail as to teachers, who must declare the religion they profess, and are required to impart the religious instruction in the school, this being compulsory on the See also:children professing the religion that is in the majority in that particular commune—consequently a Protestant teacher would never be appointed in a Romanist school or vice versa. The religious teaching occupies an See also:hour (always at the beginning of the school See also:hours) thrice a See also:week, while special dogmatic instruction is imparted by the pastor, outside the school-house as a See also:rule, or in a See also:room specially set apart therein. The pastor is ex officio president of the Schulkommission, while the religious teaching in school is based on a special " school See also:Bible," containing short versions of the chief events in Bible See also:history. The exact curriculum (code) is prescribed by the canton, and also the number of hours during which the school must be open annually, but the precise repartition of these is See also:left to the local Schulkommission. The attendance registers kept by the teachers are submitted to the Schulkommission, which takes See also:measures against truant children or negligent parents by means of a written warning, followed (if need be) by a See also:summons before a court. The treasurer of the Schulkommission receives and distributes the See also:money contributions of the cantons (including the grant in aid from the Confederation) and also of the communes, or of benevolent private individuals. The school hours are as a rule four hours (from 7 a.m. in summer and 8 a.m. in winter) in the See also:morning and (in the winter) three hours in the afternoon, but on two afternoons in the week there is a sewing school for the girls, the boys being then free. There are no regular half-holidays. Private schools are permitted, but receive no financial aid from the outside, while the teacher must hold a certificate of efficiency as in the state schools, must adopt the same curriculum, and is subject to the by-laws made by the Schulkommission. On the other hand he is not bound by any See also:conscience clause and can See also:charge fees. A cantonal inspector examines each school (of either class) annually and reports to the cantonal educational authorities, who point out any deficiencies to the local Schulkommission, which must remedy them. There is no See also:payment by results, nor do the money contributions (from any source) depend on the number of attendances made, though of course they are more or less in proportion to the number of scholars attending that particular school. Some favour the idea of making the primary schools wholly dependent financially on the Confederation. This course has obvious conveniences, but a first See also:attempt was defeated in 1882, and the scheme is still opposed, mainly on the ground that it would seriously impair the principle of cantonal See also:sovereignty, and immensely strengthen the power of the Federal educational authorities. By the law of 1903 the See also:quota of the Federal subvention was fixed at sixpence per head of the resident population of each canton, but in the case of 62 cantons (the poorer ones) an extra twopence was added. b. The secondary schools are meant on the one side to help those scholars of the primary schools who See also:desire to increase their know-ledge though without any idea of going on to higher studies, and on the other to prepare certain students for entrance into the middle schools. The attendance everywhere is optional, save in the city of Basel, where it is compulsory. These schools vary very much from canton to canton. The course of studies extends over two to four years, and students are admitted at ages from ten upwards. The curriculum includes the elements of the classical and See also:modern languages, of See also:mathematics, and of the natural sciences. They receive no Federal subvention, but are supported by the cantons and the communes. In 1905 the cantons contributed £20,000 less than the communes to the total cost of about £234,000. c. Under the general name of middle schools (Mittelschulen or ecoles moyennes) the Swiss include a variety of educational establishments, which fall roughly under two heads: 1. Technical schools (like those at Bienne and Winterthur) and schools for instruction in various professions (commerce, See also:agriculture, forestry and the training colleges for teachers). 2. See also:Grammar schools, colleges and cantonal schools, which in some cases prepare for the See also:universities and in some cases do not. The expenses of both classes fall mainly on the cantons (in 1905 about £300,000 to £130,000 from the communes), who for the former class (including certain departments of the second) receive a grant in aid from the Confederation—in 1905 about £84,500. d. As regards the higher education the Federal Constitution of 1874 (art. 27) empowered the Confederation to erect and support, besides the existing Federal Polytechnic School (opened at Zurich in 1855, having been founded by virtue of art. 22 of the Federal Constitution of 1848), a Federal university (this has not yet been done) and other establishments for the higher education (see c. 1 above). This clause would seem to authorize the Confederation to make grants in aid of the cantonal universities, but as yet this has not been done, while the cantons are in no See also:hurry to give up their local universities. There are seven full universities in Switzerland—Basel (founded in 1460), Zurich (1833), Bern (1834), Geneva (1873, founded in 1559 as an See also:academic), Fribourg (See also:international Catholic, founded in 1889), Lausanne (1890, founded in 1537 as an academic) and Neuchatel (existed 1840-1848, refounded in 1866, and raised from the rank of an academie to that of a university in 1909). There is besides a law school at Sion (existed 1807–1810, refounded in 1824). In general they each (save Sion, of course) have four faculties—See also:theology, See also:medicine, law and See also:philosophy. Fribourg and Neuchatelboth lack a medical See also:faculty, while Zurich and Bern have distinct faculties for veterinary medicine, and Zurich a special one for See also:dentistry (in Geneva there is a school of dentistry), while Geneva and Neuchatel support observatories. The theological faculty is in every case Protestant, save that in Fribourg there is only a Romanist faculty (192 students in 1907), while Bern has both a Protestant faculty and also a Christian Catholic faculty (11 students in 1907), but no Romanist faculty, despite the fact that the Romanists (mainly in the Bernese Jura) form about one-See also:sixth of the population, while there are not very many Christian Catholics. These eight academical institutions were maintained by the cantons at a cost in 1905 of about £155,000, while in the winter session of 1906 the total number of matriculated students (of whom 3784 were non-Swiss) was 6444 (of whom 1904 were See also:women—Fribourg does not receive them), besides 2077 " hearers" —in all 8521. The largest institution was Bern (1626 matriculated students) and the smallest Neuchatel (163). The Federal Polytechnic School is fixed at Zurich and now comprises seven departments—See also:architecture, See also:engineering, industrial See also:mechanics, industrial See also:chemistry, agriculture and forestry, training of teachers in mathematics, physics and the natural sciences, and military See also:science, besides a department for philosophy and political science. It enjoys a very high reputation and is much frequented by non-Swiss, who in the winter session of 1905–1906 numbered 522 out of the 1325 matriculated students (women are not admitted). In 1905 the cost of the See also:maintenance of the school (which falls entirely upon the Confederation) was about £56,000. See also:Army.—The Swiss army is a purely See also:militia force, receiving only periodical training (so far as regards men between 20 and 48 years of age), based upon the principle of universal compulsory See also:personal military service. Till 1848 the cantons alone raised, armed, equipped and trained all military units and nominated the See also:officers. By the Federal Constitution of 1848 (art. 20) the Confederation was entrusted with the training of the See also:engineers, the See also:artillery and the See also:cavalry, with the education of instructors for all other arms, and with the higher training of all arms, while it was empowered to found military schools, to organize general military manceuvres, and to supply a part of the war materiel. The Confederation, too, was given the supervision of the training of the See also:infantry, as well as the furnishing, the construction and the maintenance of all war materiel, which the cantons were bound to supply to the Confederation. The Federal Constitution of 1874 marked an advance on that of 1848 as to the following points. The principle of universal military service and the organization of the Federal army were developed according to the proportion of the population capable of bearing arms (in contradistinction to the 1848 system, art. 19, of fixed contingents in the proportion of 3 to every too men of the population of each canton); the entire military training and arming of these men and the cost of their See also:uniform and equipment were taken over by the Confederation, which, too, supervised the military administration of the cantons. The uniform, equipment and weapons of the men were to be free of cost to them, while See also:compensation was due from the Confederation to the families of those killed or permanently injured in the course of their military service, as well as to the invalids themselves. There thus remained to the cantons the raising of all the infantry units and of most of the cavalry and artillery units as well as the nomination of the officers of all arms; all these acts were subject to the supervision of the Confederation and had to be in accordance with Federal laws and regulations. An attempt made in 1895 to extend still further the See also:sphere of See also:action of the Confederation in military matters was rejected by a vote of the Swiss people. Thus the present system rests partly on the 1874 Constitution, and partly on the new military law, passed by the Federal parliament on the 12th of April 1907. a. The 1874 Constitution forbids the maintenance of any standing army (art. 13), and also (art. 11) the practice (formerly very widespread) of See also:hiring out contingents of See also:mercenary soldiers by the Confederation or the cantons to foreign powers (" military See also:capitulations "). The Federal government can, at or without the See also:request of any canton, repress any disturbances within Switzer-land by means of Federal troops, the cantons being bound to allow these free passage over their territory (arts. 16–17). By art. 18 every Swiss male See also:citizen is subject to the See also:obligation of personal military service (the families of those killed or permanently injured in the course of active Federal service as well as the invalids them-selves are provided for by the Confederation), and the tax for those exempted is to be fixed by a Federal law, while every recruit receives free of cost his first uniform, equipment and weapons. Art. 16 provides that the Confederation has control of the Federal army and of the war materiel, the cantons being only allowed certain defined rights within their respective territories. By art. 20 the limits of the jurisdiction of the Confederation and of the cantons are defined. The Confederation has the See also:sole right of legislation in military matters, but the See also:execution of these laws is in the hands of the cantons, though under Federal supervision, while all branches of military training and arming are handed over to the Confederation ; on the other hand, the cantons supply and keep up the equipment and the See also:uniforms of the soldiers, though these expenses are reimbursed by the Confederation according to a certain scale fixed by Federal regulations to be made later on. Art. 21 enacts that, where military considerations do not stand in the way, the military units are to be formed of men of the same canton, but the actual raising of these units and the maintenance of their numbers, as well as the nomination and the promotion of the officers, belong to the cantons, subject to certain general principles to be laid down by the Confederation. Finally, the Confederation has (art. 22) the right of using or acquiring military See also:drill grounds, buildings, &c., belonging to the cantons on payment of moderate compensation according to principles to be laid down in a Federal law. It will thus be seen that the Swiss army is by no means wholly in the hands of the Federal authorities, the cantons still having a large share in its management, though the military department of the Federal executive has the ultimate control and pays most of the military expenses. In fact it has been said in jest that the coat of a soldier belongs to his canton and his See also:rifle to the Confederation. b. After much discussion and careful See also:consideration of the opinions of many experts, the Federal law of 1907 was enacted, by which more uniformity was introduced into administrative matters and the whole system remodelled, of course according to the general principles formulated in the Federal Constitution of 1874 and summarized under a. The following is a See also:bird's-See also:eye view of the actual organization of the Swiss army. Every Swiss male citizen is bound to render personal military service between the ages of twenty and See also:forty-eight. Certain classes are exempt, such as high Federal officials, clergymen (not being military chaplains), officials of hospitals and prisons, as well as See also:custom-house officials and policemen and officials of public means of communication, but in the latter case only those whose services would be indispensable in time of war, e.g. post office, telegraph, telephone, railway and steamer employes (all exempted before 19o7)—custom-house men, policemen and the officials last named must have had a first period of training before they are exempt. Those who are totally disqualified for any See also:reason must, till the age of forty, pay an extra tax of 6 francs a head, plus iZ francs on every l000 francs of their net property, and it francs on every too francs of their net income, the maximum tax that can be levied in any particular case being 3000 francs a year (property under woo francs and the first 600 francs of income are free from this tax, which is only levied as to its half in case of the men in the See also:Landwehr) : this tax is equally divided between the Confederation and the cantons, its total yield in 1905 being about £171,000. The cantonal authorities See also:muster in certain fixed centres their See also:young men of twenty years, who must appear personally in order to submit themselves at the hands of the Federal officials to a medical examination, a See also:literary examination (See also:reading, See also:arithmetic, elementary Swiss geography and history, and the See also:composition of a short written See also:essay), as well as (since 1905) pass certain elementary gymnastic tests (a long jump of at least 8 ft., lifting at least four times a See also:weight of about 37 lb in both hands at once, and See also:running about 8o yds. in under 14 seconds), different marks being given according to the degree of proficiency in these literary and gymnastic departments. Those falling below a certain standard—bodily, See also:mental or See also:muscular—are exempted, but may be " postponed " for not more than four years, in hopes that before that date the desired standard will be attained. If not totally disqualified (in that case they pay a tax) they may be incorporated not in the territorial army, but in the See also:auxiliary forces (e.g. pioneers, See also:hospital, See also:commissariat, intelligence and transport departments). The cantons (under Federal super-See also:vision) see that the lads, while still at school, receive a gymnastic training, while the Confederation makes money grants to societies which aim at preparing lads after leaving school for their military service, whether by stimulating bodily training or the practice of rifle See also:shooting, in which case rifles, See also:ammunition and equipment are supplied free—in all these cases the attendance of the lads is purely voluntary. In some cantons the young men, between the ages of eighteen and twenty, are required to attend a See also:night school (in order to rub up their school knowledge) for sixty hours a winter for two winters, the teacher being paid by the Confederation and the lads being under military law. Naturally the lads from the large towns and the more prosperous cantons do best in the literary examination and those who belong to gymnastic societies in the gymnastic tests, though sheer bodily untrained strength avails much in the lifting of weights. In 1906 26,808 young men of twenty years of age were examined (this is exclusive of older men then first mustered). Of this number 14,045 (52.4%) were at once enrolled as recruits, 3497 (13%) were " postponed " for one or two years, and 9266 (34'6%) were exempted wholly—these ratios vary but little, for the standard is kept rather high, partly owing to See also:con-siderations of expense, so that a young See also:fellow of twenty who becomes a " recruit " at once may be taken to be distinctly above the average in bodily and mental qualities. By the new law of 1907 the army is divided into three (not, as previously, four) classes—the Auszug or elite (men from twenty to thirty-two), the Landwehr (men between thirty-three and forty) and the See also:Landsturm or reserve (men between forty-one and forty-eight). The recruits serve for different periods during their first year according to the arm of the service into which they are incorporated—infantry and engineers sixty-five days, artillery and See also:garrison troops seventy-five days and cavalry ninety days, while those in the auxiliary troops serve but sixty days. Soldiers in the Elite are called out seven times during their term of service for a period of eleven days a year (fourteen days for the artillery and garrison troops), while the Landwehr is only called out once for a training period of eleven days. Cavalry men serve ten years in the Elite (no service in the Landwehr), and during that period are called out eight times for a training period of eleven days a year. Between the ages of twenty and forty each soldier must attain a certain proficiency in marksmanship (at least 30 points out of 90 in 10 shots), while there is an annual inspection (by cantonal officials) of arms, uniform and equipment. The Confederation also makes money grants to rifle societies, which in 1906 numbered 3732, had 220,951 members (all soldiers between twenty and forty must he members), and received Federal grants to the amount of about £13,500. Rifle and uniform become the full property of the soldier after he has completed his full term of service. Officers serve in the Elite till thirty-eight years of age, and in the Landwehr till forty-four (in the case of officers on the See also:staff the service lasts till forty-eight years of age), while they remain in the Landsturm till fifty-two years of age. The Swiss army is made up (according to the new law of 1907) of a staff, composed of all the commanding officers on active service from the rank of See also:major upwards (in this as in all the following cases the actual number is to be fixed by a Federal law), the general staff, the army service See also:corps (post office, telegraph, railways, motor cars, chaplains, police, courts of See also:justice, secretaries, &c., and the auxiliary services), while the soldiers proper are divided into a number of classes—infantry (including See also:sharp-shooters and cyclists), cavalry, artillery (including the mountain batteries), engineers (including sappers and railway labourers), garrison troops, the medical, veterinary (veterinary surgeons and farriers), commissariat and transport services (drivers and leaders of laden horses and mules). On the first of January 1907 (still under the old system) the numbers of the Swiss army were as follows: the See also:Mite had 139,514 (of which 104,263 were infantry, 5183 cavalry, 18,544 artillery and 5567 engineers), and the Landwehr 93,163 (including 67,955 infantry, 4378 cavalry, 13,332 artillery and 4313 engineers)—making thus a total of 232,677 men between the ages of twenty and forty-four years of age (17,221 infantry, 9561 cavalry, 31,866 artillery and 988o engineers). To this total must be added 44,294 men in the armed Landsturm (forty-five to fifty years of age) and 262,138 auxiliary troops (pioneers, workmen in military establishments, medical, commissariat and transport departments, police, firemen, clerks, and men at a military See also:depot). The total of the Landsturm and the auxiliary services is 306,432, so that a grand total is 539,109 men (under the old system officers served in the Landwehr till forty-eight, and in the Landsturm till fifty-five). The total expenses of the Swiss army rose from £928,000 in 1896 to £1,400,000 in 1906. Rifles are manufactured in Bern, ammunition at Thun and at Altdorf, uniforms are Bern, and the cavalry remount depot is at Thun, which is also the chief artillery centre of Switzerland. There is a department for military science at the Federal Polytechnic School at Zurich, one section being meant for students in general, and the other specially for officers. (W. A. B. C.)
The Swiss Confederation is made up of twenty-two small states, differing from each other in nearly every point—religious, political, social, industrial, physical and linguistic; yet it forms a nation the patriotism of whose members is universally acknowledged. History alone can supply us with the See also: See also:Round
a German See also:nucleus (the three Forest districts) there gradually ' gather other German districts; the Confederation is exclusively German (save partially in the case of Fribourg, in which after its See also:admission in 1481 See also:Teutonic influences gradually supplanted the Romance speech); and it is not till 1803 and 1815 that its French- and Italian-speaking " subjects " are raised to political equality with their former masters, and that the Romonschspeaking Leagues of See also:Raetia (Graubunden) pass from the status of an ally to that of a member of the Confederation. (3) Swiss history is a study in federalism. Based on the defensive alliances of 1291 and 1315 between the three Forest districts, the Confederation is enlarged by the admission of other districts and towns, all leagued with the original three members, but not necessarily with each other. Hence great difficulties are en-countered in looking after common interests, in maintaining any real See also:union; the Diet was merely an See also:assembly of ambassadors with powers very strictly limited by their instructions, and there was no central executive authority. The Confederation is a Staatenbund, or permanent alliance of several small states. After the break-up of the old system in 1798 we see the idea of a Bundesslaat, or an organized state with a central legislative, executive and judiciary, work its way to the front, an idea which is gradually realized in the Constitutions of 1848 and 1874. The whole constitutional history of the Confederation is summed up in this transition to a federal state, which, while a single state in its foreign relations, in home matters maintains the more or less See also:absolute independence of its several members.
Swiss history falls naturally into five great divisions: (1) the origins of the Confederation—up to 1291 (for the legendary origin see TELL, See also: The legal and political conditions of each were very different. (a) In 853 See also: Hence in this district there were privileged tenants, but no free community, and no centre of unity, and this explains why Obwalden and Nidwalden won their way upwards so much more slowly than their neighbours in Uri and Schwyz. Thus the early history and legal position of these three districts was very far from being the same. In Uri the Habsburgs, save for a brief space, had absolutely no rights; while in Schwyz, Obwalden and Nidwalden they were also, as counts of the Zurichgau, the representatives of the king. The Habsburgs had been steadily rising for many years from the position of an unimportant family in the Aargau to that of a powerful See also:clan of large landed proprietors in See also:Swabia and Alsace, and had attained a certain political importance as counts of the Zurichgau and Aargau. In one or both qualities the See also:cadet or Laufenburg line, to which the family estates in the Forest districts round the Lake of Lucerne had fallen on the See also:division of the See also:inheritance in 1232, seem to have exercised their legal rights in a harsh manner. In 1240 the free men of Schwyz obtained protection from the emperor, and in 1244 we hear of the See also:castle of New See also:Habsburg, built by the Habsburgs The League on a promontory jutting out into the lake not far oft291. from Lucerne, with the See also:object of enforcing their real or pretended rights. It is therefore not a matter for surprise that when, after the See also:excommunication and deposition of Frederick II. by See also:Innocent IV. at the Council of See also:Lyons in 1245, the head of the cadet line of Habsburg sided with the See also:pope, some of the men of the Forest districts should rally round the emperor. Schwyz joined Sarnen and Lucerne (though Uri and Obwalden supported the pope); the castle of New Habsburg was reduced to its present ruined state; and in 1247 the men of Schwyz, Sarnen and Lucerne were threatened by the pope with excommunication if they persisted in upholding the emperor and defying their hereditary lords the counts of Habsburg. The rapid decline of Frederick's cause soon enabled the Habsburgs to regain their authority in these districts. Yet these obscure risings have an historical interest, for they are the foundation in fact (so far as they have any) of the legendary stories of Habsburg oppression told of and by a later age. After this temporary check the power of the Habsburgs continued to increase rapidly. In 1273 the head of the cadet line sold all his lands and rights in the Forest districts to the head of the See also:elder or Alsatian line, See also:Rudolph, who a few months later was elected to the imperial See also:throne, in virtue of which he acquired for his family in 1282 the duchy of Austria, which now for the first time became connected with the Habsburgs. Rudolph recognized the privileges of Uri but not those of Schwyz; and, as he now united in. his own person the characters of emperor, count of the ZUrichgau, and landowner in the Forest districts (a name occurring first in the 14th century), such a union of offices might be expected to result in a confusion of rights. On the 16th of April 1291 Rudolph bought from the abbey of Murbach in Alsace (of which he was " See also:advocate ") all its rights over the town of Lucerne and the abbey estates in Unterwalden. It thus seemed probable that the other Forest districts would be shut off from their natural means of communication with the outer world by way of the lake. Rudolph's See also:death, on the 15th of See also:July of the same year, cleared the way, and a fortnight later (August 1) the Everlasting League was made between the men of Uri, Schwyz and Nidwalden (the words et vallis superioris, i.e. Obwalden, were inserted, perhaps between the time of the drawing up of the document, the text of which does not mention Obwalden, and the moment of its sealing on the original seal of Nidwalden) for the purpose of self-defence against a common foe. We do not know the names of the delegates of each valley who concluded the treaty, nor the place where it was made, nor have we any See also:account of the deliberations of which it was the result. The common seal—that great outward sign of the right of a corporate body to See also:act in its own name—appears first in Uri in 1243, in Schwyz in 1281, in Unterwalden not till this very document of 1291; yet, despite the great differences in their political status, they all joined in concluding this League, and confirmed it by their separate See also:seals, thereby laying claim on behalf of their union to an independent existence. Besides promises of aid and assistance in the case of attack, they agree to punish great criminals by their own authority, but advise that, in minor cases and in all civil cases, each See also:man should recognize the "judex " to whom he owes suit, engaging that the Confederates will, in case of need, enforce the decisions of the " judex." At the same time they unanimously refuse to recognize any " judex " who has bought his charge or is a stranger to the valleys. All disputes between the parties to the treaty are, as far as possible, to be settled by a reference to arbiters, a principle which remained in force for over six See also:hundred years. " Judex " is a general term for any local official, especially the chief of the community, whether named by the See also:lord or by the community; and, as earlier in the same year Rudolph had promised the men of Schwyz not to force upon them a " judex " belonging to the class of See also:serfs, we may conjecture from this very decided protest that the chief source of disagreement was in the matter of the jurisdictions of the lord and the free community, and that some recent event in Schwyz led it to insist on the insertion of this provision. It is stipulated also that every man shall be bound to obey his own lord " convenienter," or so far as is fitting and right. The antiqua confoederatio mentioned in this document was probably merely an See also:ordinary agreement to preserve the peace in that particular district, made probably during the See also:interregnum (1254–1273) in the Empire. 2. In the struggle for the Empire, which extended over the years following the conclusion of the League of 1291, we find See also:Morgarten that the Confederates supported without exception and the the See also:anti-Habsburg See also:candidate. On the 16th of League of See also:October 1291 Uri and Schwyz allied themselves
1315. with Zurich, and joined the general rising in Swabia against See also:Albert, the new head of the house of Habsburg. It soon failed, but hopes revived when in 1292 Adolf of See also:Nassau was chosen emperor. In 1297 he confirmed to the free men of Schwyz their charter of 1240, and, strangely enough, confirmed the same charter to Uri, instead of their own of 1231. It is in his reign that we have the first recorded meeting of the " Landsgemeinde " (or legislative assembly) of Schwyz (1294). But in 1298 Albert of Habsburg himself was elected to the Empire. His rule was strict and severe, though not oppressive. He did not indeed confirm the charters of Uri or of Schwyz, but he did not attack the ancient rights of the former, and in the latter he exercised his rights as a landowner and did not abuse his political rights as emperor or as count. In Unterwalden we find that in 1304 the two valleys were joined together under a common See also:administrator (the local deputy of the count)—a great step forward to permanent union. The stories of Albert's tyrannical actions in the Forest districts are not heard of till two centuries later, though no doubt the union of offices in his
person was a permanent source of alarm to the Confederation. It was in his time too that the " terrier " (or list of manors and estates, with enumeration of all quit rents, dues, &c., payable by the tenants to their lords) of all the Habsburg possessions ir1 Upper Germany was begun, and it was on the point of being extended to Schwyz and Unterwalden when Albert was murdered (1308) and the election of See also: Despite his promise to restore to the Habsburgs all rights enjoyed by them under his three predecessors (or maintain them in possession), Henry confirmed, on the 3rd of June 1309, to Uri and Schwyz their charters of 1297, and, for some unknown reason, confirmed to Unterwalden all the liberties granted by his predecessor, though as a matter of fact none had been granted. This charter, and the nomination of one royal See also:bailiff to administer the three districts, had the effect of placing them all (despite historical differences) in an identical political position, and that the most privileged yet given to any of them—the freedom of the free community of Schwyz. A few days later the Confederates made a fresh treaty of alliance with Zurich; and in 1310 the emperor placed certain other inhabitants of Schwyz on the same privileged footing as the free community. The Habsburgs were put off with promises; and, though their request (1311) for an inquiry into their precise rights in Alsace and in the Forest districts was granted, no steps were taken to carry out this investigation. Thus in Henry's time the struggle was between the Empire and the Habsburgs as to the recognition of the rights of the latter, not between the Habsburgs and those dependent on them as landlords or counts.
On Henry's death in 1313 the electors hesitated long between Frederick the Handsome of Habsburg and Louis of Bavaria. The men of Schwyz seized this opportunity for making a wanton attack on the great abbey of Einsiedeln, with which they had a long-standing See also:quarrel as to rights of pasture. The See also: There they were awaited by the valiant See also:band of the Confederates from 1300 to 1500 strong. The See also: This distinction gives the key to the whole history of the relations between the Confederates and Iabsburgs; the rights of the latter as landowners are fully allowed, and till 1801 they possessed estates within the Con-federation; it is their political rights which were always contested by the Swiss, who desired to rule themselves.
As early as 1320 we find the name " Switzerland " (Sweicz) (derived from Schwyz, which had always been the See also:leader in the The League Struggle) applied to the three Forest cantons, and in of Eight 1352 extended to the Confederation as a whole. Members. But it was not till after Sempach (1386) that it came into popular use, the historian J. von See also: In 1352 the League was enlarged by the admission of Glarus and Zug. Glarus belonged to the monastery of Sackingen on the Rhine (founded by the Irish monk Fridolin), of which the Habsburgs were " See also:advocates," claiming therefore many rights over the valley, which refused to admit them, and joyfully received the Con-federates who came to its aid; but it was placed on a lower footing than the other members of the League, being bound to obey their orders. Three See also:weeks later the town and district of Zug, attacked by the League and abandoned by their Habsburg masters, joined the Confederation, forming a transition See also:link between the civic and rural members of the League. The immediate occasion of the union of these two districts was the war begun by the Austrian See also:duke against Zurich, which was ended by the See also:Brandenburg peace of 1352, by which Glarus and Zug were to be restored to the Habsburgs, who also regained their rights over Lucerne. Zug was won for good by a bold stroke of the men of Schwyz in 1364, but it was not till the See also:day of Nafels (1388) that Glarus recovered its lost freedom. These temporary losses and the treaty made by Brun of Zurich with Austria in 1356 were, how-ever, far outweighed by the entrance into the League in 1353 of the famous town of Bern, which, founded in 1191 by Berthold V. of Zaringen, and endowed with great privileges, had become a free imperial city in 1218 on the extinction of the Zaringen See also:dynasty. Founded for the purpose of bridling the turbulent feudal nobles around, many of whom had become citizens, Bern See also:beat them back at Dornbuhl (1298), and made a treaty with the Forest districts as early as 1323. In 1339, at the bloody fight of Laupen, she had broken the power of the nobles for ever, and in 1352 had been forced by a treaty with Austria to take part in the war against Zurich, but soon after the conclusion of peace entered the League as the ally of the three Forest districts, being thus only indirectly joined to Lucerne and Zurich. The special importance of the See also:accession of Bern was that the League now began to spread to the west, and was thus brought into connexion for the first time with the French-speaking land of See also:Savoy. The League thus numbered eight members, the fruits of Morgarten, and no further members were admitted till 1481, after the Burgundian War. But, in order thoroughly to understand the nature of the League, it must be remembered that, while each of the five new members was allied with the original nucleus—the three Forest districts—these five were not directly allied to one another: Lucerne was allied with Zurich and Zug; Zurich with Lucerne, Zug and Glarus; Glarus with Zurich; Zug with Lucerne and Zurich; Bern with no one except the three original members. The circumstances under which each entered the League can alone explain these very intricate relations. After a short See also:interval of peace the quarrels with Austria See also:broke out afresh; all the members of the League, save the three Forest districts and Glarus, joined (1385) the great union of the south German cities; but their attention was soon called to events nearer home. Lucerne fretted much under the Austrian rule, received many Austrian subjects among her citizens, and refused to pay custom duties to the Austrian bailiff at Rothenburg, on the ground that she had the right of free See also:traffic. An attack on the custom-house at Rothenburg, and the See also:gift of the privileges of burghership to the discontented inhabitants of the little town of Sempech a short way off, so irritated Leopold III. (who then held all the possessions of his house out-side Austria) that he collected an army, with the intention of crushing his rebellious town. Lucerne meanwhile had summoned the other members of the League to her aid, and, though Leopold's feint of attacking Zurich caused the troops of the League to march at first in that direction, they discovered their See also:mistake in time to turn back and check his advance on Lucerne. From 1500 to 'Poo men of Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, and Lucerne opposed the 6000 which made up the Austrian army. The decisive fight took place on the 9th of July 1386, near Sempach, on a bit of sloping meadow-land, cut up by streams and hedges, which forced the Austrian knights to dismount. The great See also:heat of the day, which rendered it impossible to fight in See also:armour, and the furious attacks of the Confederates, finally broke the Austrian line after more than one repulse and turned the day (see See also:WINKELRIED). Leopold, with a large number of his followers, was slain, and the Habsburg power within the borders of the Confederation finally broken. Glarus at once rose in arms against Austria, but it was not till the expiration of the truce made after Sempach that Leopold's brother, Albert of Austria, brought an army against Glarus, and was defeated at Nafels (not far from Glarus) on the 9th of April 1388, by a handful of Glarus and Schwyz men In 1389 a peace for seven years was made, the Confederates being secured in all their conquests; an attempt made in 1393 by Austria by means of SchSno, the chief magistrate of Zurich and leader of the patrician party, to stir up a fresh attack Sempach. failed owing to a rising of the burghers, who sympathized with Freedom the Confederates, and on the 16th of July 1394 the from the peace was prolonged for twenty years (and again in Political 1412 for fifty years), various stipulations being made ciaimsofthe by which the long struggle of the League against the Habsburgs. Habsburgs was finally crowned with success. By the peace of 1394 Glarus was freed on payment of £200 annually (in 1395 it bought up all the rights of Sackingen); Zug too was released from Austrian rule. Schwyz was given the advocatia of the great abbey of Einsiedeln; Lucerne got the Entlebuch (finally in 1405), Sempach and Rothenburg, Bern and Soleure were confirmed in their conquests. Above all, the Confederation as a whole was relieved from the overlordship of the Habsburgs, to whom, however, all their rights and dues as landed proprietors were expressly reserved; Bern, Zurich and Soleure guaranteeing the maintenance of these rights and dues, with power in case of need to See also:call on the other Confederates to support them by arms. Though the house of Habsburg entertained hopes of recovering its former rights, so that technically the treaties of 1389, 1394 and 1412 were but truces, it finally and for ever renounced all its feudal rights and privileges within the Confederation by the " Everlasting Compact " of 1474. It is probable that Bern did not take any active share in the Sempach War because she was bound by the treaty of peace made with the Austrians in 1368; and Soleure, allied with Bern, was doubtless a party to the treaty of 1394 (though not yet in the League), because of its sufferings in 1382 at the hands of the Kyburg line of the Habsburgs, whose possessions (Thun, See also:Burgdorf, &c.) in 1384 fell into the hands of the two allies. We may mention here the foray (known as the English or Gugler War) made in 1375 by Enguerrand de See also:Coucy (See also:husband of See also:Isabella, daughter of See also:Edward III. of England) and his freebooters (many of them Englishmen and Welshmen), called " Gugler " from their pointed See also:steel caps, with the object of obtaining possession of certain towns in the Aargau (including Sempach), which he claimed as the See also:dowry of his See also:mother See also:Catherine, daughter of the Leopold who was defeated at Morgarten. He was put to rout in the Entlebuch by the men of Bern, Lucerne, Schwyz and Unterwalden in December 1375. This victory was commemorated with great rejoicings in 1875. 3. The great victory at Sempach not merely vastly increased the fame of the Everlasting League but also enabled it to extend strugglesinboth its influence and its territory. The 15th Appease!), century is the period when both the League and st °an and its several members took the aggressive, and the the Valais. expansion of their power and lands cannot be better seen than by comparing the state of things at the beginning and at the end of this century. The pastoral See also:highlands of Appenzell (Abbatis See also:Cella) and the town of St Gall had long been trying to throw off the rights exercised over them by the great abbey of St Gall. The Appenzellers, especially, had offered a stubborn resistance, and the abbot's troops had been beaten back by them in 1403 on the heights of Vogelinseck, and again in 1405 in the great fight on the See also:Stoss Pass (which leads up into the high-lands), in which the abbot was backed by the duke of Austria. The tales of the heroic defence of Uri Rotach of Appenzell, and of the See also:appearance of a company of Appenzell women disguised as warriors which turned the See also:battle, are told in connexion with this fight, but do not appear till the 17th and 18th centuries, being thus quite unhistorical, so far as our genuine See also:evidence goes. Schwyz had given them some help, and in 1411 Appenzell was placed under the protection of the League (save Bern), with which in the next year the city of St Gall made a similar treaty to last ten years. So too in 1416-1417 several of the " tithings
of the Upper Valais (i.e. the upper stretch of the Rhone valley), which in 1388 had beaten the bishop and the nobles in a great fight at Visp, became closely associated with Lucerne, Uri and Unterwalden. It required aid in its final struggle (1418-19) against the great house of Raron, the count-bishop of Sitten (or Sion), and the house of Savoy, which held the Lower Valais—the Forest districts, on the other hand, wishing to secure theta-selves against Raron and Savoy in their attempt to conquer
permanently the Val d'Ossola on the south side of the Simplon Pass. Bern, however, supported its burgher, the lord of Raron, and peace was made in 1420. Such were the first links which bound these lands with the League; but they did not become full members for a long time—Appenzell in 1513, St Gall in 1803, the Valais in 1815.
Space will not allow us to enumerate all the small conquests made in the first half of the 15th century by every member of the League; suffice it to say that each increased and rounded off its territory, but did not give the conquered lands any political rights, governing them as " subject lands," often very harshly. The same phenomenon of lands which had won their own freedom playing the part of See also:tyrant over other lands which joined then more or less by their voluntary action is seen on a larger scale in the case of the conquest of the Aargau, and in the first attempts to secure a footing south of the Alps.
In 1412 the treaty of 1394 between the League and the Habsburgs had been renewed for fifty years; but when in 1415 Duke Frederick of Austria helped Pope See also: This is the first case in which the League as a whole took up the position of rulers over districts which, though guaranteed in the enjoyment of their old rights, were nevertheless politically unfree. As an encouragement and a See also:reward, Sigismund had granted in advance to the League the right of criminal jurisdiction (haute justice or Blutbann), which points to the fact that they were soon to become independent of the Empire, as they were of Austria. As the natural policy of Bern was to seek to enlarge its borders at the expense of Austria, and later of Savoy, so we find that Uri, shut off by physical causes from extension in other directions, as steadily turned its eyes towards the south. In 1410 the valley of Urseren was finally joined to Uri; though First communications were difficult, and carried on only by Italian means of the " Stiebende Brucke," a wooden bridge conquests. suspended by chains over the Reuss, along the side of a great rocky See also:buttress (pierced in 1707 by the See also:tunnel known as the Urnerloch), yet this enlargement of the territory of Uri gave it complete command over the St Gotthard Pass, long commercially important, and now to serve for purposes of war and conquest. Already in 1403 Uri and Obwalden had taken advantage of a quarrel with the duke of Milan as to custom dues at the market of See also:Varese to occupy the long narrow upper Ticino valley on the south of the pass called the Val Leventina; in 1411 the men of the same two lands, exasperated by the insults of the local lords, called on the other members of the League, and all jointly (except Bern) occupied the Val d'Ossola, on the south side of the Simplon Pass. But in 1414 they lost this to Savoy, and, with the object of getting it back, obtained in 1416-1417 the alliance of the men of the Upper Valais, then fighting for freedom, and thus regained (1416) the valley, despite the exertions of the great Milanese general See also:Carmagnola. In 1419 Uri and Obwalden bought from its lord the town and district of Bellinzona. This rapid advance, however, did not approve itself to the duke of Milan, and Carmagnola reoccupied both valleys; the Confederates were not at one with regard to these southern conquests; a small body pressed on in front of the rest, but was cut to pieces at Arbedo near Bellinzona in 1422. A bold attempt in 1425 by a Schwyzer, Peter Rissi by name, to recover the Val d'Ossola caused the Confederates to send a force to See also:rescue these adventurers; but the duke of Milan intrigued with the divided Confederates, and finally in 1426, by a payment of a large sum of money and the grant of certain commercial privileges, the Val Leventina, the Val d'Ossola and Bellinzona were formally restored to him. Thus the first attempt of Uri to acquire a footing south of the Alps failed; but a later attempt was successful, leading to the inclusion in the Confederation of what has been called "Italian Switzerland." The original contrasts between the social See also:condition of the different members of the League became more marked when the period of conquest began, and led to quarrels and See also:ill- feeling in the matter of the Aargau and the Italian conquests which a few years later ripened into a civil war, brought about by the dispute as to the See also:succession to the lands of Frederick, count of See also:Toggenburg, the last male representa- tive of his house. Count Frederick's predecessors had greatly extended their domains, so that they took in not only the Toggen- See also:burg or upper valley of the Thur, but Uznach, Sargans, the Rhine valley between See also:Feldkirch and Sargans, the Prattigau and the Davos valley. He himself, the last great feudal lord on the left bank of the Rhine, had managed to secure his vast possessions by making treaties with several members of the League, See also:par- ticularly Zurich (1400) and Schwyz (1417)—from 1428 inclining more and more to Schwyz (then ruled by Ital See also:Riding), as he was disgusted with the arrogant behaviour of Stussi, the burgomaster of Zurich. His death (April 30, 1436) was the See also:signal for the
breaking out of strife. The Prattigau and Davos valley formed
the League of the Ten Jurisdictions in Raetia (see below), while
Frederick's widow sided with Zurich against Schwyz for different
portions of the great inheritance which had been promised them.
After being twice defeated, Zurich was forced in 1440 to buy peace
by certain cessions (the " Hofe ") to Schwyz, the general feeling
of the Confederates being opposed to Zurich, so that several of
them went so far as to send men and arms to Schwyz. Zurich,
however, was bitterly disappointed at these defeats, and had
recourse to the policy which she had adopted in 1356 and 1393—
an alliance with Austria (concluded in 1442), which now held the
imperial throne in the person of Frederick III. Though tech-
nically within her rights according to the terms on which she had
joined the League in 1351, this act of Zurich caused the greatest
irritation in the Confederation, and civil war at once broke out,
especially when the Habsburg emperor had been solemnly received
and acknowledged in Zurich. In 1443 the Zurich troops were
completely defeated at St See also:Jakob on the Sihl, close under the walls
of the city, Stussi himself being slain. Next year the city itself was
long besieged. Frederick, unable to get help elsewhere, procured
from See also: These fresh proofs of the valour of the Confederates, and of the growing importance of the League, did not fail to produce Constitution important results. In 1452 the " Confederates of of the the Old League of Upper Germany" (as they styled League, themselves) made their first treaty of alliance with c. 1450. France, a connexion which was destined to exercise so much influence on their history. Round the League there began to gather a new class of allies (known as " Zugewandte Orte," or associated districts), more closely joined to it, or to certain members of it, than by a mere treaty of friendship, yet not being admitted to the rank of a full member of the League. Of these associates three, the abbot (1451) and town of St Gall (1454), and the town of Bienne (See also:Biel), through its alliance (1352) with Bern, were given seats and votes in the Diet, being called socii; while others, known as confoederati, were not so closely bound to the League, such as the Valais (1416-1417), Schaffhausen (14J4), See also:Rottweil (1463), See also:Muhlhausen (1466), (to the class of confoederati belonged in later times Neuchatel 1406-1501), the Three Leagues of Raetia (1497-1498), Geneva (1519-1536), and the bishop of Basel (1579). Appenzell, too, in 1452, rose from the rank of a " protected district " into the class of associates, outside which were certain places "protected " by several members of the League, such as Gersau (1359), the abbey of Engelberg (c. 1421), and the town of Rapperswil (1464), The relation of the " associates " to the League may be compared with the ancient practice of " See also:commendation ": they were bound to obey orders in declaring war, making alliances, &c. In 1439 Sigismund succeeded his See also:father Frederick in the Habsburg lands in Alsace, the Thurgau, and Tirol and, being much irritated by the See also:constant encroachments of the Confederates, in particular by the loss of Rapperswil (1458), declared war against them, but fared very badly. In 146o the Confederates overran the Thurgau and occupied Sargans. Winterthur was only saved by an heroic defence. Hence in 1461 Sigismund had to give up his claims on those lands and renew the peace for fifteen years, while in 1467 he sold Wintherthur to Zurich. Thus the whole line of the Rhine was lost to the Habsburgs, who retained (till 18oi) in the territories of the Confederates the Frickthal only. The Thurgovian bailiwicks were governed in common as " subject " lands by all the Confederates except Bern, The touchiness of the now rapidly advancing League was shown by the eagerness with which in 1468 its members took up arms against certain small feudal nobles who were carrying on a harassing See also:guerrilla warfare with their allies Schaffhausen and Muhihausen. They laid See also:siege to Waldshut, and to buy them off Sigismund in August 1468 engaged to pay lo,000 gulden as See also:damages by the 24th of June 1469; in See also:default of payment the Confederates were to keep for ever the Black Forest, and Waldshut, one of the Black Forest towns on the Rhine. A short time before (1467) the League had made treaties of friendship with See also: Charles committed the mortgaged lands to Peter von See also:Hagenbach, who proceeded to try to establish his See also:master's power there by such harsh measures as to cause the people to rise against him. The First Civil War. The Swiss in these circumstances began to look towards Louis XI. of France, who had confirmed the treaty of friendship made with them by his father in 1452. Sigismund had applied to him early in 1469 to help him in his many troubles, and to give him aid against the Swiss, but Louis had point-See also:blank refused. Anxious to secure their See also:neutrality in case of his war with Charles, he made a treaty with them on the 13th of August 1470 to this effect. All the evidence goes to show that Sigismund was not a See also:tool in the hands of Louis, and that Louis, at least at that time, had no definite intention of involving Charles and the Swiss in a war, but wished only to secure his own flank. Sigismund in the next few years tried hard to get from Charles the promised aid against the Swiss (the money was paid punctually enough by Charles on his behalf), who put him off with various excuses. Charles on his side, in 1471-1472, tried to make an alliance with the Swiss, his efforts being supported by a party in Bern headed by See also:Adrian von Bubenberg. Probably Charles wished to use both Sigismund and the Swiss to further his own interests, but his shifty policy had the effect of alienating both from him. Sigismund, disgusted with Charles, now inclined towards Louis, whose ally he formally became in the summer of 1473--a change which was the real cause of the emperor's flight from Treves in November 1473, when he had come there expressly to crown Charles. The Confederates on their side were greatly moved by the oppression of their See also:friends and allies in Alsace by Hagenbach, and tried in vain (January 1474) to obtain some redress from his master. Charles's too astute policy had thus lost him both Sigismund and the Swiss. They now looked upon Louis, who, thoroughly aware of Charles's ambition, and fearing that his disappointment at Treves would soon lead to open war, aimed at a master stroke—no less than the reconciliation of Sigismund and the Swiss. This on the See also:face of it seemed impracticable, but common need and Louis's dexterous management brought it to pass, so that on the 3oth of March 1474 the Everlasting Compact was signed at Constance, by which Sigismund finally renounced all Austrian claims on the lands of the Confederates, and guaranteed them in quiet enjoyment to them; they, on the other hand, agreed to support him if Charles did not give up the mortgaged lands when the money was paid down. The next day the Swiss joined the league of the Alsatian and Rhine cities, as also did Sigismund. Charles was called on to receive the money contributed by the Alsatian cities, and to restore his lands to Sigismund. He, however, took no steps. Within a week the oppressive bailiff Hagenbach was captured, and a See also:month later (May 9, 1474) he was put to death, Bern alone of the Confederates being represented. On the 9th of October the emperor, acting of course at the instance of Sigismund, ordered them to declare war against Charles, which took place on the 25th of October. Next day Louis formally ratified his alliance with the Con-federates, promising money and See also:pensions, the latter to be increased if he did not send men. Throughout these negotiations and later Bern directs Swiss policy, though all the Confederates are not quite agreed. She was specially exposed to attack from Charles and Charles's ally (since 1468) Savoy, and her best chance of extending her territory lay towards the west and south. A forward policy was thus distinctly the best for Bern, and this was the line supported by the French party under See also:Nicholas von Diesbach, Adrian von Bubenberg opposing it, though not with any idea of handing over Bern to Charles. The Forest districts, however, were very suspicious of this movement to the west, by which Bern alone could profit, though the League as a whole might lose; then, too, Uri had in 1440 finally won the Val Leventina, and she and her neighbours favoured a southerly policy—a policy which was crowned with success after the gallant victory won at Gornico in 1478 by a handful of men from Zurich, Lucerne, Uri and Schwyz over 12,000 Milanese troops. Thus Uri first gained a permanent footing south of the Alps, not long before Bern won its first conquests from Savoy. The war in the west was begun by Bern and her allies (Fribourg, Soleure, &c.) by marauding expeditions across the Jura, in which Hericourt (November 1474) and Blamont (August 1475) were taken, both towns being held of Charles by the " sires " de Neuchatel, a cadet line of the counts of See also:Montbeliard. It is said that in the former expedition the white See also:cross was See also:borne (for the first time) as the See also:ensign of the Confederates, but not in the other. Meanwhile See also:Yolande, the duchess of Savoy, had, through fear of her brother Louis XI. and hatred of Bern, finally joined Charles and Milan (January 1475), the immediate result of which was the See also:capture, by the Bernese and friends (on the way back from a foray on See also:Pontarlier in the free county of Burgundy or Franche-See also:Comte), of several places in Vaud, notably See also:Grandson and Echallens, both held of Savoy by a member of the house of Chalon, princes of See also:Orange (April 1475), as well as of Orbe and Jougne, held by the same, but under the count of Burgundy. In the summer Bern seized on the Savoyard district of Aigle. Soon after (October-November 1475) the same energetic policy won for her the Savoyard towns of Morat, Avenches, Estavayer and Yverdon; while (See also:September) the Upper Valais, which had conquered all Lower or Savoyard Valais, entered into alliance with Bern for the purpose of opposing Savoy by preventing the arrival of Milanese troops. Alarmed at their success, the emperor and Louis deserted (June-September) the Confederates, who thus, by the influence of Louis and Bernese ambition, saw themselves led on and then abandoned to the wrath of Charles, and very likely to lose their new conquests. They had entered on the war as " helpers " of the emperor, and now became principals in the war against Charles, who raised the siege of See also:Neuss, made an alliance with Edward IV. of England, received the surrender of See also:Lorraine, and hastened across the Jura (See also:February 1476) to the aid of his ally Yolande. On the 21st of February Charles laid siege to the castle of. Grandson, and after a week's siege the garrison of Bernese and Fribourgers had to surrender (Oct. 28), while, by way of See also:retaliation for the See also:massacre of the garrison of Estavayer in 1475, of the 412 men two only were spared in order to act as executioners of their comrades. This hideous See also:news met a large body of the Confederates gathered together in great haste to relieve the garrison, and going to their See also:rendezvous at Neuchatel, where both the count and town had become allies of Bern in 1406. An advance body of Bernese, Fribourgers and Schwyzers, in order to avoid the castle of Vauxmarcus (seized by Charles), on the shore of the Lake of Neuchatel, and on the direct road from Neuchatel to Grandson, climbed over a wooded spur to the north, and attacked (March 2) the Burgundian outposts. Charles drew back his force in order to bring down the Swiss to the more level ground where his cavalry could act, but his rear misinterpreted the order, and when the main Swiss force appeared over the spur the Burgundian army was seized with a panic and fled in disorder. The Swiss had gained a glorious victory, and regained their conquest of Grandson, besides capturing very See also:rich spoil in Charles's See also:camp, parts of which are preserved to the present day in various Swiss armouries. Such was the famous battle of Grandson. Charles at once retired to Lausanne, and set about reorganizing his army. He resolved to advance on Bern by way of Morat (or Murten), which was occupied by a Bernese garrison under Adrian von Bubenburg, and laid siege to it on the 9th of June. The Confederates had now put away all See also:jealousy of Bern, and collected a large army. The decisive battle took place on the afternoon of the 22nd of June, after the arrival of the Zurich contingent under Hans Waldmann. English archers were in Charles's army, while with the Swiss was Rene, the dispossessed duke of Lorraine. After facing each other many hours in the See also:driving rain, a body of Swiss, by outflanking Charles's See also:van, stormed his palisaded camp, and the Burgundians were soon hopelessly beaten, the losses on both sides (a contrast to Grandson) being exceedingly heavy. Vaud was reoccupied by the Swiss (Savoy having overrun it on Charles's advance); but Louis now stepped in and See also:pro-cured the restoration of that region to Savoy, save Grand-son, Morat, Orbe and Echallens, which were to be held by the Bernese jointly with the Fribourgers, Aigle by Bern alone —Savoy at the same time renouncing all its claims over Fribourg. Thus French-speaking districts first became permanently connected with the Confederation, hitherto purely German, and the war had been one for the maintenance of recent conquests, rather than purely in defence of Swiss freedom. Charles tried in vain to raise a third army; Rene recovered Lorraine, and on the 5th of January 1477, under the walls of See also:Nancy, Charles's wide-reaching plans were ended by his defeat and death, many Swiss being with Rene's troops. The wish of the Bernese to overrun Franche-Comte was opposed by the older members of the Confederation, and finally, in 1479, Louis, by very large payments, secured the abandonment of all claims on that See also:province, which was annexed to the French crown. These glorious victories really laid the foundation of Swiss See also:nationality; but soon after them the long-standing jealousy See also:Internal between the civic and rural elements in the Con-Disputes in federation nearly broke it up. This had always the League. hindered common action save in the case of certain pressing questions. In 1370, by the " See also:Parsons' See also:ordinance " (Pfaffenbrief), agreed on by all the Confederates except Bern and Glarus, all residents whether clerics or laymen, in the Confederation who were bound by See also:oath to the duke of Austria were to swear faith to the Confederation, and this oath was to rank before any other; no appeal was to lie to any court spiritual or lay (except in matrimonial and purely spiritual questions) outside the limits of the Confederation, and many regulations were laid down as to the suppression of private See also:wars and keeping of the peace on the high roads. Further, in 1393, the " Sempach ordinance " was accepted by all the Confederates and Soleure; this was an attempt to enforce police regulations and to lay down " articles of war " for the organization and discipline of the army of the Confederates, See also:minute regulations being made against plundering—women, monasteries and churches being in particular protected and secured. But save these two documents common action was limited to the meeting of two envoys from each member of the Confederation and one from each of the " socii " in the Diet, the powers of which were greatly limited by the instructions brought by each See also:envoy, thus entailing frequent reference to his government, and included foreign relations, war and peace, and common arrangements as to police, pestilence, customs duties, coinage, &c. The decisions of the majority did not bind the minority save in the case of the affairs of the bailiwicks ruled in common. Thus everything depended on common agreement and good will. But disputes as to the divisions of the lands conquered in the Burgundian War, and the proposal to admit into the League the towns of Fribourg and Soleure, which had rendered such good help in the war, caused the two parties to form separate unions, for by the latter proposal the number of towns would have been made the same as that of the " Lander," which these did not at all approve. Suspended a moment by the See also:campaign in the Val Leventina, these quarrels broke out after the victory of Giornico; and at the Diet of Stans (December 1481), when it seemed probable that the failure of all attempts to come to an understanding would result in the disruption of the League, the See also:mediation of Nicholas von der Flue (or Bruder Klaus), a See also:holy See also:hermit of Sachseln in Obwalden, though he did not appear at the Diet in person, succeeded in bringing both sides to reason, and the third great ordinance of the League—the " compact of Stans "—was agreed on. By this the promise of mutual aid and assistance was renewed, especially when one member attacked another, and stress was laid on the See also:duty of the several governments to maintain the peace, and not to help the subjects of any other member in case of a rising. The treasure and movables captured in the war were to be equally divided amongst the combatants, but the territories and towns amongst the members of the League. As a practical proof of the reconciliation, on the same day the towns of Fribourg and Soleure were received as full members of the Confederation, united with all the other members, though on less favourable terms than usual, for they were forbidden to make alliances, save with the consent of all or of the greater part of the other members. Both towns had long been allied with Bern, whose influence was greatly increased by their admission. Fribourg, founded in 1178 by Berthold IV. of Zaringen, had onthe extinction of that great dynasty (1218) passed successively by inheritance to Kyburg (1218), by purchase to Austria (1277), and by commendation to Savoy (1452); when Savoy gave up its claims in 1477 Fribourg once more became a free imperial city. She had become allied with Bern as early as 1243, but in the 14th and 15th centuries became Romance-speaking, though from 1483 onwards German gained in strength and was the official language till 1798. Soleure (or Solothurn) had been associated with Bern from 1295, but had in vain sought admission into the League in 1411. Both the new members had done much for Bern in the Burgundian War, and it was for their good service that she now procured them this splendid reward, in hopes perhaps of aid on other important and See also:critical occasions. The compact of Stans strengthened the bonds which joined the members of the Confederation; and the same centralizing tendency is well seen in the attempt (1483–1489) of Hans Waldmann, the burgomaster of Zurich, to assert the rule of his city over the neighbouring country districts, to place all power in the hands of the gilds (whereas by Brun's constitution the patricians had an equal share), to suppress all minor jurisdictions, and to raise a uniform tax. But this idea of concentrating all powers in the hands of the government aroused great resistance, and led to his overthrow and execution. Peter Kistler succeeded (1470) better at Bern in a reform on the same lines, but less sweeping. The early history of each member of the Confederation, and of the Confederation itself, shows that they always professed to belong to the Empire, trying to become immediately dependent on the emperor in order to prevent oppression by middle lords, and to enjoy practical liberty. The Empire itself had now become very much of a See also:shadow; cities and princes were gradually asserting their own independence, sometimes breaking away from it altogether. Now, by the time of the Burgundian War, the Confederation stood in a position analogous to that of a powerful free imperial city. As long as the emperor's nominal rights were not enforced, all went well; but, when Maximilian, in his attempt to reorganize the Empire, erected in 1495 at See also:Worms an imperial chamber which had jurisdiction in all disputes between members of the Empire, the Confederates were very unwilling to obey it—partly because they could maintain peace at home by their own authority, and partly because it interfered with their practical independence. Again, their refusal to join the " Swabian League," formed in 1488 by the lords and cities of South Germany to keep the public peace, gave further offence, as well as their fresh alliances with France. Hence a struggle was inevitable, and the occasion by reason of which it broke out was the seizure by the Tyrolese authorities in 1499 of the Miinsterthal, which belonged to the " Gotteshausbund," one of the three leagues which had gradually arisen in Raetia. These were the " Gotteshausbund " in 1367 (taking in all the dependents of the See also:cathedral church at Chur living in the Oberhalbstein and Engadine); the " Ober " or " Grauer Bund " in 1395 and 1424 (taking in the abbey of Disentis and many counts and lords in the Vorder Rhein valley, though its name is not derived, as often stated, from the " See also:grey coats " of the first members, but from " graven " or " grafen," as so many counts formed part of it) ; and the " League of the Ten Jurisdictions " (Zehngerichtenbund), which arose in the Prattigau and Davos valley (1436) on the death of Count Frederick of Toggenburg, but which, owing to certain Austrian claims in it, was not quite so free as its neighbours. The first and third of these became allied in 1450, but the formal union of the three dates only from 1524, as documentary proof is wanting of the alleged meeting at Vazerol in 1471, though practically before 1524 they had very much in common. In 1497 the Ober Bund, in 1498 the Gotteshausbund, made a treaty of alliance with the Everlasting League or Swiss Confederation, the Ten Jurisdictions being unable to do more than show sympathy, owing to Austrian claims, which were not bought up till 1649 and 1652. Hence this attack on the Miinsterthal was an attack on an " See also:associate " member of the Swiss Confederation, Maximilian being supported by the Swabian League; but its real historical importance is the influence it had on the relations of the Swiss Practical Freedom from the Empire. to the Empire. The struggle lasted several months, the chief fight being that in the Calven See also:gorge (above Mals; May 22, 1499), in which See also:Benedict See also:Fontana, a leader of the Gotteshausbund men, performed many heroic deeds before his death. But, both sides being exhausted, peace was made at Basel on the 22nd of September 1499. By this the matters in dispute were referred to arbitration, and the emperor annulled all the decisions of the imperial chamber against the Confederation; but nothing was laid down as to its future relations with the Empire. No further real attempt, however, was made to enforce the rights of the emperor, and the Confederation became a state allied with the Empire, enjoying practical independence, though not formally freed till 1648. Thus, 208 years after the origin of the Confederation in 1291, it had got rid of all Austrian claims (1394 and 1474), as well as all practical subjection to the emperor. But its further edvance towards the position of an independent state was long checked by religious divisions within, and by the enormous influence of the French king on its foreign relations. With the object of strengthening the northern border of the Confederation, two more full members were admitted in 1501—Basel and Schaffhausen—on the same terms as Fribourg and Soleure. The city of Basel had originally been ruled by its bishop, but early in the 14th century it became a free imperial city; before 1501 it had made no permanent alliance with the Confederation, though it had been in continual relations with it. Schaffhausen had grown up round the Benedictine monastery of All See also:Saints, and became in the early 13th century a free imperial city, but was mortgaged to Austria from 1330 to 1415, in which last year the emperor Sigismund declared all Duke Frederick's rights forfeited in consequence of his abetting the flight of Pope John XXII. It bought its' freedom in 1418 and became an " associate " of the Confederation in 1454. • A few years later, in 1513, Appenzell, which in 1411 had become a " protected " district, and in 1452 an " associate " The League member of the Confederation, was admitted as the enlarged to thirteenth full member; and this remained the Thirteen number till the fall of the old Confederation in 1798. Members. Round the three original members had gathered first five others, united with the three, but not necessarily with each other; and then gradually there See also:grew up an outer circle, consisting of five more, allied with all the eight old members, but tied down by certain stringent conditions. Constance, which seemed called by nature to enter the League, kept aloof, owing to a quarrel as to criminal jurisdiction in the Thurgau, pledged to it before the district was conquered by the Confederates. In the first years of the 16th century the influence of the Confederates south of the Alps was largely extended. The system of giving pensions, in order to secure the Conquests right of enlisting men within the Confederation, and In Italy. of capitulations, by which the different members supplied troops, was originated by Louis XI. in 1474, and later followed by many other princes. Though a See also:tribute to Swiss valour and courage, this practice had very evil results, of which the first-fruits were seen in the Milanese troubles (1500-1516), of which the following is a See also:summary. Both Charles VIII. (1484) and Louis XII. (1499 for ten years) renewed Louis XI.'s treaty. The French at-tempts to gain Milan were largely carried on by the help of Swiss mercenaries, some of whom were on the opposite side; and, as brotherly feeling was still too strong to make it possible for them to fight against one another, Lodovico See also:Sforza's Swiss troops shamefully betrayed him to the French at See also:Novara (1500). In 15oo, too, the three Forest districts occupied Bellinzona (with the Val Blenio) at the request of its inhabitants, and in 1503 Louis XII. was forced to cede it to them. He, however, often held back the pay of his Swiss troops, and treated them as mere hirelings, so that when the ten years' treaty came to an end See also:Matthew Schinner, bishop of Sitten (or Sion), induced them to join (1510) the pope, See also:Julius II., then engaged in forming the Holy League to expel the French from Italy. But when, after the battle of See also:Ravenna, Louis XII. became all-powerful in See also:Lombardy, 20,000 Swiss poured down into the Milanese and occupied it, Felix Schmid, the burgomaster of Zurich, naming Maximilian (Lodovico's son) duke of Milan, in return for whichhe ceded to the Confederates Locarno, Val Maggia, Mendrisio and Lugano (1512), while the Raetian Leagues seized Chia venna, See also:Bormio and the See also:Valtellina. (The former districts, with Bellinzona, the Val Blenio and the Val Leventina, were in 1803 made into the canton of Ticino, the latter were held by Raetia till 1797•) In 1513 the Swiss completely defeated the French at Novara, and in 1515 See also:Pace was sent by Henry VIII. of England to give pensions and get soldiers. See also:Francis I. at once on his accession (1515) began to prepare to win back the Milanese, and, successfully evading the Swiss awaiting his descent from the Alps, beat them in a pitched battle at Marignano near Milan (See also:Sept. 13, 1515), which broke the Swiss power in north Italy, so that in 1516 a peace was made with France—the Valais, the Three Raetian Leagues and both the abbot and town of St Gall being included on the side of the Confederates. Pro-vision was made for the neutrality of either party in case the other became involved in war, and large pensions were promised. This treaty was extended by another in 1521 (to which Zurich, then under See also:Zwingli's influence, would not agree, holding aloof from the French alliance till 1614), by which the French king might, with the consent of the Confederation, enlist any number of men between 6000 and 16,000, paying them See also:fit See also:wages, and the pensions were raised to 3000 francs annually to each member of the Confederation. These two treaties were the starting-point of later French interference with Swiss affairs. 4. In 1499 the Swiss had practically renounced their See also:allegiance to the emperor, the temporal chief of the world according to See also:medieval theory; and in the 16th century a great number of them did the same by the world's spiritual matlonef'chief, the pope. The See also:scene of the revolt was Zurich, and the leader See also:Ulrich Zwingli (who settled in Zurich at the very end of 1518). But we cannot understand Zwingli's career unless we remember that he was almost more a political reformer than a religious one. In his former character his policy was threefold. He bitterly opposed the French alliance and the See also:pension and mercenary system, for he had seen its evils with his own eyes when serving as See also:chaplain with the troops in the Milanese in 1512 and 1515. Hence in 1521 his influence kept Zurich back from joining in the treaty with Francis I. Then, too, at the time of the See also:Peasant Revolt (1525), he did what he could to lighten the harsh rule of the city over the neighbouring rural districts, and succeeded in getting serfage abolished. Again he had it greatly at See also:heart to secure for Zurich and Bern the chief power in the Confederation, because of their importance and size; he wished to give them extra votes in the Diet, and would have given them two-thirds of the " common bailiwicks " when these were divided. In his character as a religious reformer we must remember that he was a humanist, and deeply read in classical literature, which accounts for his turning the canonries of the Grossmunster into professorships, reviving the old school of the Carolinum, and relying on the arm of the state to carry out religious changes (see ZwINGL1). After succeeding at two public disputations (both held in 1523) his views rapidly gained ground at Zurich, which long, however, stood quite alone, the other Confederates issuing an appeal to await the decision of the asked-for general council, and proposing to carry out by the arm of the state certain small reforms, while clinging to the old doctrines. Zwingli had to put down the extreme wing of the Reformers—the See also:Anabaptists—by force (1525-1526). Quarrels soon arose as to allowing the new views in the common bailiwicks." The disputation at Baden (1526) was in favour of the maintainers of the old faith; but that at Bern (1528) resulted in securing for the new views the support of that great town, and so matters began to take another aspect. In 1528 Bern joined the union formed in December 1527 in favour of religious freedom by Zurich and Constance (Christliches Burgrecht), and her example was followed by Schaffhausen, St Gall, Basel, Bienne and Muhlhausen (1528-1529). This attempt virtually to break up the League was met in February 1529 by the offensive and defensive alliance made with King See also: Zurich tried to cut off supplies of food from reaching the Romanist members (contrary to the wishes of Zwingli), and, on the death of the abbot of St Gall, disregarding the rights of Lucerne, Schwyz and Glarus, who shared with her since 1451 the office of protectors of the abbey, suppressed the monastery, giving the rule of the land and the people to her own officers. Bern in vain tried to moderate this aggressive policy, and the Romanist members of the League indignantly advanced from Zug towards Zurich. Near Kappel, on the 1 rth of October 1531, the Zurich vanguard under Goldli was (perhaps owing to his treachery) surprised, and despite reinforcements the men of Zurich were beaten, among the slain being Zwingli himself. Another defeat completed the discomfiture of Zurich, and by the second peace of Kappel (November 1 531) the principle of " parity " was recognized, not merely in the case of each member of the League and of the " common bailiwicks," but in the latter Romanist minorities in every parish were to have a right to celebrate their own worship. Thus everywhere the rights of a minority were protected from the encroachments of the majority. The " Christliches Burgrecht " was abolished, and Zurich was condemned to pay heavy damages. See also:Bullinger succeeded Zwingli, but this treaty meant that neither side could now try to convert the other wholesale. The League was permanently split into two religious camps: the Romanists, who met at Lucerne, numbered, besides the five already mentioned, Fribourg, Soleure, Appenzell (Inner Rhoden) and the abbot of St Gall (with the Valais and the bishop of Basel), thus commanding sixteen votes (out of twenty-nine) in the Diet; the Evangelicals were Zurich, Bern, Schaffhausen, Appenzell (Ausser Rhoden), Glarus and the towns of St Gall, Basel and Bienne (with Graubunden), who met at Aarau. Bern had her eyes always fixed upon the Savoyard lands to the south-west, in which she had got a footing in 1475, and now Conquest of made zeal for religious reforms the excuse for resum- Vaud by See also:ing her advance policy. In 1526 See also:Guillaume See also:Farel, Bern. a preacher from See also:Dauphine, had been sent to reform Aigle, Morat and Neuchatel. In 1532 he came to Geneva, an ancient city of which the rule had long been disputed by the See also:prince-bishop, the burgesses and the house of Savoy, the latter holding the neighbouring districts. She had become in 1519 the ally of Fribourg, in 1526 that of Bern also; and in 1530, by their influence, a peace was made between the contending parties. The religious changes introduced by Farel greatly displeased Fribourg, which abandoned the alliance (1534), and in 1535 the Reformation was firmly planted in the city. The duke of Savoy, however, took up arms against Bern (1G36), who overran See also:Gex, Vaud and the independent bishopric of Lausanne, as well as the Chablais to the south of the lake. Geneva was only saved by the unwillingness of the citizens. Bern thus ruled north and south of the lake, and carried matters with a high hand. Shortly after this John See also:Calvin, a refugee from See also:Picardy, was, when passing through Geneva, detained by Farel to aid him, and, after an See also:exile from 1538-1541, owing to opposition of-the papal party and of the burghers, who objected to Bernese rule, he was recalled (1541) and set up his wonderful theocraticgovernment in the city, in 1553 burning See also:Servetus, the Unitarian (see CALVIN and SERVETUS), and in 1555 expelling many who upheld municipal liberty, replacing them by French, English, Italians and Spaniards as new burghers, whose names are still frequent in Geneva (e.g. Ca.ndolle, See also:Mallet, See also:Diodati). His theological views led to disputes with the Zurich Reformers, which were partly settled by the Consensus Tigurinus of 1549, and more completely by the Helvetic See also:Confession of-1562–1566, which formed the basis of union between the two parties. By the time of Calvin's death (1564) the old faith had begun to take the offensive; the reforms made by the Council of See also:Trent urged on the Romanists to make an attempt to recover lost ground. See also:Emmanuel Philibert, duke of Savoy, the See also:hero of St Quentin (1557), and one of the greatest generals of the day, with the support of the Romanist members of the League, demanded the restoration of the districts seized by Bern in 1536, and on the 3oth of October 1564 the Treaty of Lausanne confirmed the decision of the other Confederates sitting as arbitrators (according to the old constitutional custom). By this treaty Gex, the Genevcis and the Chablais were to be given back, while Lausanne, Vevey, Chillon, See also:Villeneuve, Nyon, Avenches and Yverdon were to be kept by Bern, who engaged to maintain the old rights and liberties of Vaud. Thus Bern lost the lands south of the lake, in which St Francis of Sales, the exiled prince-bishop of Geneva (1602–1622), at once proceeded to carry out the restoration of the old faith. In 1555 Bern and Fribourg, as creditors of the debt-laden count, divided the county of Gruyere, thus getting French-speaking subjects. In 1558 Geneva renewed her alliance with Bern, and in 1584 she made one with'Zurich. The duke of Savoy made several vain attempts to get hold of Geneva, the last (in 1602) being known as the " escalade." The decrees of the Council of Trent had been accepted fully by the Romanist members of the League, so far as relates to See also:dogma, but not as regards discipline or the relations Thecounterof church and state, the sovereign rights and See also:juris- Reformav diction of each state being always carefully reserved. II". The See also:counter-Reformation, however, or reaction in favour of the old faith, was making rapid progress in the Confederation, mainly through the indefatigable exertions of Charles See also:Borromeo, from 156o to 1584 See also:archbishop of Milan (in which See also:diocese the Italian bailiwicks were included), and See also:nephew of See also:Pius IV., supported at Lucerne by See also:Ludwig Pfyffer, who, having been (1562–1570) the chief of the Swiss mercenaries in the French wars of religion, did so much till his death (1594) to further the religious reaction at home that he was popularly known as the " Swiss king." In 1574 the Jesuits, the great order of the reaction, were established at Lucerne; in 1579 a papal See also:nuncio came to Lucerne; Charles Borromeo founded the " Collegium Helveticum " at Milan for the education of forty-two young Swiss, and the Catholic members of the League made an alliance with the bishop of Basel; in 1581 the See also:Capuchins were introduced to influence the more ignorant classes. Most important of all was the See also:Golden or See also:Borromean League, concluded (Oct. 5, 1586) between the seven Romanist members of the Confederation (Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Lucerne, Zug, Fribourg and Soleure) for the maintenance of the true faith in their territories, each engaging to punish backsliding members and to help each other if attacked by See also:external enemies, notwithstanding any other leagues, old or new. This league marks the final breaking up of the Confederation into two great parties, which greatly hindered its progress. The Romanist members had a majority in the Diet, and were therefore able to refuse admittance to Geneva, Strassbdrg and Muhlhausen. Another result of these religious differences was the breaking up of Appenzell into two parts (1597), each sending one representative to the Diet—" Inner Rhoden " remaining Romanist, " Ausser Rhoden " adopting the new views. We may compare with this the action of Zurich in 1555, when she received the Protestant exiles (bringing with them the silk-See also:weaving industry) from Locarno and the Italian bailiwicks into her burghership, and Italian names are found there to this day (e.g. See also:Orelli, Muralt). In the Thirty Years' War the Confederation remained neutral, being bound both to Austria (1474) and to France (1516), and neither religious party wishing to give the other an excuse for calling in foreign armies. But the troubles in Raetia threatened entanglements. Austria wished to secure the Miinsterthal (belonging to the League of the Ten Jurisdictions), and See also:Spain wanted the command of the passes leading from the Valtellina (conquered by the leagues of Raetia in 1512), the object being to connect the Habsburg lands of Tirol and Milan. In the Valtellina the rule of the Three Raetian Leagues was very harsh, and See also:Spanish intrigues easily brought about the massacre of 1620, by which the valley was won, the Romanist members of the Confederation stopping the troops of Zurich and Bern. In 1622 the Austrians conquered the Prattigau, over which they still had certain feudal rights. French troops regained the Valtellina in 1624, but it was occupied once more in 1629 by the imperial troops, and it was not till 1635 that the French, under See also:Rohan, finally succeeded in holding it. The French, however, wished to keep it permanently; hence new troubles arose, and in 1637 the natives, under See also:George See also:Jenatsch, with Spanish aid drove them out, the Spaniards themselves being forced to resign it in 1639. It was only in 1649 and 1652 that the Austrian rights in the Prattigau were finally bought up by the League of the Ten Jurisdictions, which thus gained its freedom. In consequence of Ferdinand II.'s See also:edict of restitution (1629), by which the status quo of 1552 was re-established—the high-water See also:mark of the counter-Reformation—the abbot of St Gall tried to make some religious changes in his territories, but the protest of Zurich led to the Baden See also:compromise of 1632, by which, in the case of disputes on religious matters arising in the " common bailiwicks, " the decision was to be, not by a majority of the cantons, but by means of friendly discussion—a logical application of the See also:doctrine of religious parity—or by arbitration. But by far the most important event in Swiss history in this age is the formal freeing of the Confederation from the empire. Formal Basel had been admitted a member of the League Freedom in 1501, two years after the Confederation had been from the practically freed from the jurisdiction of the imperial Empire. chamber, though the city was included in the new division of the empire into " circles " (1521), which did not take in the older members of the Confederation. Basel, however, refused to admit this jurisdiction; the question was taken up by France and See also:Sweden at the congress of Munster, and formed the subject of a special clause in both the treaties of See also:Westphalia, by which the city of Basel and the other" Helvetiorum cantones were declared to be " in the possession, or almost in the possession, of entire liberty and exemption from the empire, and nullatenus subject to the imperial tribunals." This was intended to mean formal exemption from all obligations to the empire (with which the Confederation was connected hereafter simply as a friend), and to be a definitive settlement of the question. Thus by the events of 1499 and 1648 the Confederation had become an independent European state, which, by the treaty of 1516, stood as regards France in a relation of neutrality. In 1668, in consequence of Louis XIV.'s temporary occupation of the Franche Comte, an old scheme for settling the number of men to be sent by each member of the Confederation to the See also:joint army, and the See also:appointment of a council of war in war time, that is, an attempt to create a common military organization, was accepted by the Diet, which was to send two deputies to the council, armed with full political powers. This agreement, known as the Defensionale, is the only instance of joint and unanimous action in this miserable period of Swiss history, when religious divisions crippled the See also:energy of the Confederation. Throughout the 17th and 1£rth centuries the Confederation was practically a dependency of France. In 1614 Zurich for French the first time joined in the treaty, which was renewed Influence, in 1663 with special provisions as regards the Divisions, Protestant Swiss mercenaries in the king's pay and and Rise of a promise of French neutrality in case of civil war See also:ana,isto- in the League. The Swiss had to stand by while cracy. Louis XIV. won Alsace (1648), Franche Comte (1678) and Strassburg (1681). But, as Louis inclined more and more to an anti-Protestant policy, the Protestant members of the League favoured the Dutch military service; and it was through their influence that in 1707 the " states " of the principality of, on the extinction of the See also:Longueville line of these princes, decided in favour of the king of See also:Prussia (representing the overlords—the house of Chalon-Orange) as against the various French pretenders claiming from the Longueville dynasty by descent or by will. In 1715 the Romanist members of the League, in hopes of retrieving their defeat of 1712 (see below), agreed, while renewing the treaty and capitulations, to put France in the position of the guarantor of their freedom, with rights of interfering in case of attack from within or from without, whether by counsel or arms, while she promised to procure restitution of the lands lost by them in 1712. This last clause was simply the surrender of Swiss independence, and was strongly objected to by the Protestant members of the Confederation, so that in 1777 it was dropped, when all the Confederates made a fresh defensive alliance, wherein their sovereignty and independence were expressly set forth. Thus France had succeeded to the position of the empire with regard to the Confederation, save that her claims were practically asserted and voluntarily admitted. Between 1648 and 1798 the Confederation was distracted by religious divisions and feelings ran very high. A scheme to set up a central administration fell through in 1655, through jealousy of Bern and Zurich, the proposers. In 1656 a question as to certain religious refugees, who were driven from Schwyz and took See also:refuge at Zurich, brought about the first Villemergen War, in which the Romanists were successful, and procured a clause in the treaty asserting very strongly the absolute sovereignty, in religious as well as in political matters, of each member of the League within its own territories, while in the " common bailiwicks " the Baden arrangement (1632) was to prevail. Later, the attempt of the abbot of St Gall to enforce his rights in the Toggenburg swelled into the second Villemergen War (1712), which turned out very ill for the defeated Romanists. Zurich and Bern were henceforth to hold in severalty Baden, Rapperswil, and part of the " common bailiwicks " of the Aargau, both towns being given a share in the government of the rest, and Bern in that of Thurgau and Rheinthal, from which, as well as from that part of Aargau, she had been carefully excluded in 1415 and 1460. The only thing that prospered was the principle of " religious parity," which was established completely, as regards both religions, within each parish in the " common bailiwick." The Diet had few powers; the Romanists had .the majority there; the sovereign rights of each member of the League and the limited See also:mandate of the envoys effectually checked all progress. Zurich, as the leader of the League, managed matters when the Diet was not sitting, but could not enforce her orders. The Confederation was little more than a collection of separate atoms, and it is really marvellous that it did not break up through its own weakness. In these same two centuries, the chief feature in domestic Swiss politics is the growth of an See also:aristocracy: the power of voting and the power of ruling are placed in the hands of a small class. This is chiefly seen in Bern, Lucerne, Fribourg and Soleure, where there were not the See also:primitive democracies of the Forest districts nor the government by gilds as at Zurich, Basel and Schaffhausen. It was effected by refusing to admit any new burghers, a practice which dates from the middle of the 16th century, and is connected (like the similar movement in the smaller local units of the " communes " in the rural districts) with the question of poor See also:relief after the suppression of the monasteries. Outsiders (Hintersasse or Niedergelassene) had no political rights, however long they might have resided, while the privileges of burghership were strictly hereditary. Further, within the burghers, a small class succeeded in securing the monopoly of all public offices, which was kept up by the practice of co-opting, and was known as the " patriciate." So in Bern, out of 36o burgher families 69 only towards the close of the 18th century formed the ruling See also:oligarchy—and, though to foreigners the government seemed admirably managed, yet the last thing that could be said of ;t was that it was democratic. In 1749 See also:Samuel Henzi (disgusted at being refused the post of town librarian) made a fruitless attempt to overthrow this oligarchy, like the lawyer, See also:Pierre Fatio at Geneva in 1707. The harsh character of Bernese rule (and the same holds good with reference to Uri and the Val Leventina) was shown in the great strictness with which its subject land Vaud was kept in hand: it was ruled as a conquered land by a benevolent See also:despot, and we can feel no surprise that Major J. D. A. Davel in 1723 tried to free his native land, or that it was in Vaud that the principles of the French Revolution were most eagerly welcomed. Another result of this aristocratic tendency was the way in which the cities despised the neighbouring- country districts, and managed gradually to deprive them of their equal political rights and to See also:levy heavy taxes upon them. These and other grievances (the fall in the orice of food after the close of the Thirty Years' War, the lowering of the value of the See also:coin, &c.), combined with the presence of many soldiers discharged after the great war, led to the great Peasant Revolt (16J3) in the territories of Bern, Soleure, Lucerne and Basel, interesting historically as being the first popular rising since the old days of the 13th and 14th centuries, and because reminiscences of legends connected with those times led to the appearance of the " three Tells," who greatly stirred up the people. The rising was put down at the cost of much bloodshed, but the demands of the peasants were not granted. Yet during this period of political powerlessness a Swiss literature first arises: See also:Conrad See also:Gesner and See also:Giles See also:Tschudi in the 16th century are succeeded by J. J. See also:Scheuchzer, A. von See also:Haller, J. C. See also:Lavater, J. J. See also:Bodmer, H. B. de See also:Saussure, J. J. See also: The Helvetian See also:Club, the French founded at See also:Paris in 1790 by several exiled Vaudois Revolution and Fribourgers, was the centre from which the new on the Con- ideas were spread in the western part of the Confedefederation. ration, and risings directed or stirred up. In 1790 the Lower Valais rose against the oppressive rule 3f the upper districts; in 1791 Porrentruy defied the prince-bishop of Basel, despite the imperial troops he summoned; and proclaimed (November 1792) the " Rauracian republic," which three months later (1793) became the French department of the Mont Terrible; Geneva was only saved (1792) from France by a force sent from Zurich and Bern; while the massacre of the Swiss guard at the Tuileries on the loth of August 1792 aroused intense indignation. The rulers, however, unable to enter into the new ideas, contented themselves with suppressing them by force, e.g. Zurich in the case of Stafa (1795). St Gall managed to free itself from its prince-abbot (1795–1797), but the Leagues of Raetia so oppressed their subjects in the Valtellina that in 1797 See also:Bonaparte (after conquering the Milanese from the Austrians) joined them to the Cisalpine republic. The Diet was distracted by party struggles and the fall of the old Con-federation was not far distant. The rumours of the vast treasures stored up at Bern, and the desire of securing a See also:bulwark against Austrian attack, specially turned the attention of the See also:directory towards the Confederation; and this was utilized by the heads of the Reform party in the Confederation—Peter
Ochs (1752–1821), the burgomaster of Basel, and See also:Frederic
Cesar Laharpe (1754–1838; See also:tutor, 1783–1794, to the later
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