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Originally appearing in Volume V09, Page 120 of the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.
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XXX . 387 378 38o Orhus 350 342 342 taken See also:

place at particular seasons of the See also:year so that they can be roughly calculated on the Sothic basis, others on See also:Manetho's figures, See also:average lengths of reigns, See also:evidence of the See also:Turin See also:Papyrus, &c. Table I. See also:page 79 shows the See also:chronology of the first nineteen dynasties, according to See also:recent authorities, before and after the See also:discovery of the Kahun Sothic date. The See also:dates of the earlier dynasties in this table are always intended to be only approximate; for instance, See also:Meyer in 1904 allowed an See also:error of See also:loo years either of excess or deficiency in the dates he assigned to the dynasties from the Xth upwards. The other dynasties are dated as in Table II. by different authorities. See Ed. Meyer, Geschichte See also:des Altertums, Bd. i. (See also:Stuttgart, 1884), Geschichte des See also:alien Agyptens (1887), Agyptische Chronologie (Abhandl. of Prussian See also:Academy) (See also:Berlin, 1904, with the supplement Nachtrdge zur agypt. Chronologie, ib. 19o7); K. Sethe, " Beitrage zur altesten Geschichte Agyptens " (in his Untersuchungen, Bd. iii.) (See also:Leipzig, 1905) ; J. H.

Breasted, See also:

Ancient Records of See also:Egypt, " See also:Historical Documents," vol. i. (See also:Chicago, 1906); W. M. F. See also:Petrie, A See also:History of Egypt, vol. i. (See also:London, 1884), vol. iii. (1905), Researches in See also:Sinai (London, 1906); G. See also:Maspero, Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'orient (See also:Paris, 19o4); A. See also:Wiedemann, Agyptische Geschichte (See also:Gotha, 1884) ; articles by Mahler and others in the Zeitschrift See also:fur agyptische Sprache and Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (recent years). (F. LI.. G.) r.

From the Earliest Times to the Moslem See also:

Conquest. In the See also:absence of a strict chronology, the epochs of Pharaonic history are conveniently reckoned in dynasties according to Manetho's See also:scheme, and these dynasties are grouped into longer periods: the Old See also:Kingdom (Dynasties I. to VIII.), including the Earliest Dynasties (I. to III.) and the See also:Pyramid See also:Period (Dynasties IV. to VI.); the See also:Middle Kingdom (Dynasties IX. to XVII.), including the Heracleopolite Dynasties (IX. to X.) and the See also:Hyksos Period (Dynasties XV. to XVII.); the New See also:Empire (Dynasties XVIII. to XX.); the Deltaic Dynasties (Dynasties XXI. to XXXI.), including the Saite and See also:Persian Periods (Dynasties See also:XXVI. to XXXI.). The conquest by See also:Alexander ushers in the Hellenistic See also:age, comprising the periods of Ptolemaic and See also:Roman See also:rule. The Prehistoric Age.—One of the most striking features of recent Egyptology is the way in which the earliest ages of the See also:civilization, before the conventional See also:Egyptian See also:style was formed, have been illustrated by the results of excavation. Until 1895 there seemed little See also:hope of reaching the records of those remote times, although it was See also:plain that the civilization had See also:developed in the See also:Nile valley for many centuries before the IVth See also:Dynasty, beyond which the earliest known monuments scarcely reached. Since that year, however, there has been a steady flow of discoveries in prehistoric and See also:early historic cemeteries, and, partly in consequence of this, monuments already known, such as the See also:annals of the See also:Palermo See also:stone, have been made articulate for the beginnings of history in Egypt. It is probable that certain rudely chipped flints, so-called eoliths, in the alluvial gravels (formed generally at the mouth of wadis opening on to the Nile) at See also:Thebes and elsewhere, are the See also:work of See also:primitive See also:man; but it has been shown that such are produced also by natural forces in the See also:rush of torrents. On the See also:surface of the See also:desert, at the See also:borders of the valley, See also:palaeolithic implements of well-defined See also:form are not uncommon, and See also:bear the marks of a remote antiquity. In some cases they appear to See also:lie where they were chipped on the sites of See also:flint factories. Geologists and anthropologists are not yet agreed on the question whether the See also:climate and See also:condition of the See also:country have under-gone large changes since these implements were deposited. As yet none have been found in such association with See also:animal remains as would help in deciding their age, nor have any implements been discovered in See also:rock-shelters or in caves. Of See also:neolithic remains, arrowheads and other implements are found in some See also:numbers in the deserts.

In the See also:

Fayum region, about the borders of the ancient See also:Lake of See also:Moeris and beyond, theyare particularly abundant and interesting in their forms. But their age is uncertain; some may be contemporary with the advanced culture of the XIIth Dynasty in the Nile valley. Definite history on the other See also:hand has been gained from the wonderful See also:series of " prehistoric " cemeteries excavated by J. de See also:Morgan, Petrie, Reisner and others on the desert edgings of the cultivated See also:alluvium. The See also:succession of archaeological types revealed in them has been tabulated by Petrie in his Diospolis Parva; and the detailed publication of Reisner's unusually careful researches is bringing much new See also:light on the questions involved, amongst other things showing the exact point at which the " prehistoric " series merges into the Ist Dynasty, for, as might be surmised, in many cases the prehistoric cemeteries continued in use under the earliest dynasties. The finest pottery, often painted but all hand-made without the See also:wheel, belongs to the prehistoric period; so also do the finest flint implements, which, in the delicacy and exactitude of their form and flaking, surpass all that is known from other countries. See also:Metal seems to be entirely absent from the earliest type of See also:graves, but immediately thereafter See also:copper begins to appear (See also:bronze is hardly to be found before the Xllth Dynasty). The paintings on the vases show boats driven by oars and sails rudely figured, and the boats bear emblematic See also:standards or ensigns. The cemeteries are found throughout Upper and Middle Egypt, but as yet have not been met with in the See also:Delta or on its borders. This might be accounted for by the inhabitants of See also:Lower Egypt having practised a different mode of disposing of the dead, or by their cemeteries being differently placed. Tradition, See also:mythology and later customs make it possible to recover a scrap of the See also:political history of that far-off See also:time. See also:Menes, the founder of the Ist Dynasty, See also:united the two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. In the prehistoric period, therefore, these two realms were See also:separate.

The See also:

capital of Upper Egypt was Nekheb, now represented by the ruins of El Kab, with the royal See also:residence across the See also:river at Nekhen (Hieraconpolis) ; that of Lower Egypt was at See also:Buto (PutO or Dep) in the marshes, with the royal residence in the See also:quarter called Pe. Nekhebi, goddess of El Kab, represented the Upper or' See also:Southern Kingdom, which was also under the tutelage of the See also:god See also:Seth, the goddess Buto and the god See also:Horus similarly presiding over the Lower Kingdom. The royal god in the See also:palace of each was a See also:hawk or Horus. The See also:spirits of the deceased See also:kings were honoured respectively as the See also:jackal-headed spirits of Nekhen and the hawk-headed spirits of Pe. As we hear also of the " spirits of On " it is probable that See also:Heliopolis was at one time capital of a kingdom. ,In after days the prehistoric kings were known as " Worshippers of Horus " and in Manetho's See also:list they are the vfxves " Dead," and ijpwes " Heroes," being looked upon as intermediate between the divine dynasties and those of human kings. It is impossible to estimate the duration of the period represented by the pre-historic cemeteries; that the two kingdoms existed throughout unchanged is hardly probable. According to the somatologist See also:Elliott See also:Smith, the most important See also:change in the See also:physical See also:character of the See also:people of Upper Egypt, in the entire range of Egyptian See also:archaeology, took place at the beginning of the dynastic period; and he accounts for this by the mingling of the Lower with the Upper Egyptian See also:population, consequent on the uniting of the two countries under one rule. From remains of the age of the IVth Dynasty he is able to define to some extent the type of the population of Lower Egypt as having a better See also:cranial and See also:muscular development than that of Upper Egypt, probably through See also:immigration from See also:Syria. The See also:advent of the dynasties, however, produced a quickening rather than a dislocation in the development of civilization. It is doubtful whether we possess any See also:writing of the prehistoric age. A few names of the kings of Lower Egypt are preserved in the first See also:line of the Palermo stone, but no annals are attached to them.

Petrie considers that one of the kings buried at See also:

Abydos, provisionally called Nar-mer and whose real name may be Mer or See also:Beza, preceded Menes; of him there are several inscribed records, notably a magnificent carved and inscribed See also:slate See also:palette found at Hieraconpolis, with figures of the See also:king and his See also:vizier, See also:war-standards and prisoners. To identify him with Bezau (Boethos) of the IInd Dynasty runs See also:counter to much archaeological evidence. Sethe places him next after Menes and some would identify him with that king. Another inscribed palette may be pre-dynastic; it perhaps mentions a king named " See also:Scorpion." The Old Kingdom.—The names of a number of kings attribut- able to the Ist Dynasty are known from their tombs at Abydos. Unfortunately, they are almost exclusively Horus The earliest titles ER B in place of the See also:personal names by dynasties. which they were recorded in the lists of Abydos and Manetho; some, however, of the latter are found, and prove that the See also:scribes of the New Kingdom were unable to read them correctly. Important changes and improvements took place in the writing even during the Ist Dynasty. The personal name of Menes Et= is given by one only of many See also:relics of a king whose Horus-name was Aha, " the Fighter." Doubts have been expressed about the See also:identification with Menes, but it is strongly corroborated by the very archaic style of the remains. The name of Aha (Menes) was found in two tombs, one at Nagada See also:north of Thebes and nearly opposite the road to the Red See also:Sea, the other at Abydos. Manetho makes the Ist Dynasty Thinite, this being the capital of the See also:nome in which Abydos See also:lay. Upper Egypt always had See also:precedence over Lower Egypt, and it seems clear that Menes came from the former and conquered the latter. According to tradition he founded See also:Memphis which lay on the frontier of his conquest; probably he resided there as well as at Abydos; at any See also:rate relics of one of the later kings of the Ist Dynasty have already been recognized in its vast See also:necropolis.

Of the eight kings of the Ist Dynasty, three—the fifth, See also:

sixth and seventh in the Ramesside list of Abydos —are positively identified by See also:tomb-remains from Abydos, and others are scarcely less certain. Two of the kings have also See also:left tablets at the copper and See also:turquoise mines of See also:Wadi Maghara in Sinai. The royal tombs are built of See also:brick, but one of them, that of Usaphais, had its See also:floor of See also:granite from Elephantine. They must have been filled with magnificent See also:furniture and provisions of every See also:kind, including See also:annual See also:record-tablets of the reigns, carved in See also:ivory and See also:ebony. From a fragment on the Palermo stone it is clear that material-existed as See also:late as the Vth Dynasty for a brief See also:note of the height of the Nile and other particulars in each year of the reign of these kings. The IInd Dynasty of Manetho appears to have been separated from the Ist even on the Palermo stone; it also was Thinite, and the tombs of several of its nine (?) kings were found at Abydos. The IIIrd Dynasty is given as Memphite by Manetho. Two of the kings built huge See also:mastaba-tombs at See also:Bet Khallaf near Abydos, but the architect and learned See also:scribe Imhotp designed for one of these two kings, named Zoser, a second and mightier See also:monument at Memphis, the See also:great step-pyramid of Sakkara. In Ptolemaic times Imhotp was deified, and the traditional importance of Zoser is shown by a forged See also:grant of the Dodecaschoenus to the See also:cataract god Khncim, purporting to be from his reign, but in reality dating from the Ptolemaic age. With Snefru, at the end of this dynasty, we reach the beginning of Egyptian history as it was known before the recent discoveries. Monuments and written records are henceforth more numerous and important, and the Palermo annals show a See also:fuller See also:scale of record. The events in the three years that are preserved include a successful See also:raid upon the negroes, and the construction of See also:ships and See also:gates of See also:cedar-See also:wood which must have been brought from the forests of the See also:Lebanon.

Snefru also set up a tablet at Wadi Maghara in Sinai. He built two pyramids, one of them at Medum in steps, the other, probably in the perfected form, at Dahshur, both lying between Memphis and the Fayum. Pyramids did not cease to be built in Egypt till the New Kingdom; but from the end of the IIIrd to the Vlth Dynasty is pre-eminently the time when the royal pyramid in stone was the See also:

chief monument left by each successive king. Zoser and Snefru have been already noticed. The personal name enclosedin a See also:cartouche CSI is henceforth the commonest See also:title of the king. We now reach the IVth Dynasty containing the famous names of See also:Cheops (q.v.), Chephren (Khafre) and Mycerinus (Menkeure), builders respectively of the Great, the Second and the Third Pyramids of Giza. In the best See also:art of this time there was a grandeur which was never again attained: Perhaps the noblest example of Egyptian See also:sculpture in the See also:round is a See also:diorite statue of Chephren, one of several found by See also:Mariette in the so-called See also:Temple of the See also:Sphinx. This " temple " proves to be a monumental See also:gate at the lower end of the great See also:causeway leading to the See also:plateau on which the pyramids were built. A king Dedefre, between Cheops and Chephren, built a pyramid at See also:Abu-Roash. Shepseskaf is one of the last in the dynasty. Tablets of most of these kings have been found at the mines of Wadi Maghara. In the neighbourhood of the pyramids there are numerous mastabas of the See also:court officials with See also:fine sculpture in the chapels, and a few decorated tombs from the end of this centralized dynasty of See also:absolute monarchs are known in Upper Egypt.

A tablet which describes Cheops as the builder of various shrines about the Great Sphinx has been shown to be a priestly See also:

forgery, but the Sphinx itself may have been carved out of the rock under the splendid rule of the IVth Dynasty. The Vth Dynasty is said to be of Elephantine, but this must be a See also:mistake. Its kings worshipped Re, the See also:sun, rather than Horus, as their ancestor, and the title 0 " son of the Sun " began to be written by them before the cartouche containing the personal name, while another " See also:solar " cartouche, containing a name compounded with Re, followed the title. " king 0 0 of Upper and Lower Egypt." Sahure and the other kings of the dynasty built magnificent temples with obelisks dedicated to Re, one of which, that of Neuserre at Abusir, has been thoroughly explored. The marvellous tales of the Westcar Papyrus, dating from the Middle Kingdom, narrate how three of the kings were See also:born of a priestess of Re. The pyramids of several of the kings are known. The early ones are at Abusir, and the best preserved of the pyramid temples, that of Sahure, excavated by the See also:German Orient-Gesellschaft, in its See also:architecture and sculptured scenes has revealed an astonishingly See also:complete development of art and architecture as well as of warlike enterprise by sea and See also:land at this remote period; the latest pyramid belonging to the Vth Dynasty, that of Unas at Sakkara, is inscribed with See also:long See also:ritual and magical texts. Exquisitely sculptured tombs of this time are very numerous at Memphis and are found throughout Upper Egypt. Of work in the traditional temples of the country no trace remains, probably because, being in See also:limestone, it has all perished. The annals of the Palermo stone were engraved and added to during this dynasty; the chief events recorded for the time are gifts and endowments for the temples: Evidently priestly See also:influence was strong at the court. Expeditions to Sinai and Puoni (See also:Punt) are commemorated on tablets. The Vlth Dynasty if not more vigorous was more articulate; inscribed tombs are spread throughout the country.

The most active of its kings was the third, named Pepi or Phiops, from whose pyramid at Sakkara the capital, hitherto known as " See also:

White Walls," derived its later name of Memphis (MN-NFR, Mempi); a tombstone from Abydos celebrates the activity of a certain Una during the reigns of Pepi and his successor in organizing expeditions to the Sinai See also:peninsula and See also:south See also:Palestine, and in transporting granite from Elephantine and other quarries. Herkhuf, See also:prince of Elephantine and an enterprising See also:leader of caravans to the south countries both in See also:Nubia and the Libyan oases, flourished under Merenre and Pepi II. called Neferkere. On one occasion he brought See also:home a See also:dwarf dancer from the See also:Sudan, described as being like one brought from Puoni in the time of the fifth-dynasty king Assa; this See also:drew from the youthful Pepi II. an enthusiastic See also:letter which was engraved in full upon the See also:facade of Herkhuf's tomb. The reign of the last-named king, begun early, lasted over ninety years, a fact so long The pyramid period. remembered that even Manetho attributes to him ninety-four years; its length probably caused the ruin of the dynasty. The See also:local princelings and monarchs had been growing in culture, See also:wealth and See also:power, and after Pepi II. an ominous See also:gap in the monuments, pointing to See also:civil war, marks the end of the Old Kingdom. The VIIth and VIIIth Dynasties are said to have been Memphite, but of them no record survives beyond some names of kings in the lists. The Middle Kingdom.—The long Memphite rule was broken by the IXth and Xth Dynasties, of Heracleopolis Magna (Hnes) in Middle Egypt. Kheti or Achthoes was apparently Heracieo- a favourite name with the kings, but they are very polite period. obscure. They may have spread their rule by conquest over Upper Egypt and then overthrown the Memphite dynasty. The chief monuments of the period -are certain inscribed tombs at See also:Assiut; it appears that one of the kings, whose praenomen was Mikere, supported by a See also:fleet and See also:army from Upper Egypt, and especially by the prince of Assiut, was restored to his paternal See also:city of Heracleopolis, from which he had probably been driven out; his pyramid, however, was built in the old royal necropolis at Memphis. Later the princes of Thebes asserted their See also:independence and founded the Xlth Dynasty, which pushed its frontiers northwards until finally it occupied the whole country.

Its kings were named Menthotp, from Mont, one of the gods of Thebes; others, perhaps sub-kings, were named Enyotf (Antef). They were buried at Thebes, whence the coffins of several were obtained by the early collectors of the 19th See also:

century. Nibadtp Menthotp I. probably established his rule over all Egypt. The funerary temple of Nebhepre Menthotp III., the last but one of these kings, has been excavated by the Egypt Exploration Fund at See also:Deir el Bahri, and must have been a magnificent monument. His successor Sankhkere Menthotp IV. is known to have sent an expedition by the Red Sea to Puoni. The XIIth Dynasty is the central point of the Middle Kingdom, to which the decline of the Memphite and the rise of the Heracleopolite dynasty See also:mark the transition, while the growth of Thebes under the Xlth Dynasty is its true starting-point. Monuments of the XIIth Dynasty are abundant and often of splendid See also:design and workmanship, whereas previously there had been little produced since the Vlth Dynasty that was not See also:half barbarous. Although not much of the history of the Xllth Dynasty is ascertained, the Turin Papyrus and many dated See also:inscriptions See also:fix the succession and length of reign of the eight kings very accurately; The troubled times that the kingdom had passed through taught the long-lived monarchs the pre-caution of associating a competent successor on the See also:throne. The nomarchs and the other feudal chiefs were inclined to strengthen themselves at the expense of their neighbours; a See also:firm hand was required to hold them in check and distribute the honours as they were earned by faithful service.. The tombs of the most favoured and wealthy princes are magnificent, particularly those of certain families in Middle Egypt at Beni See also:Hasan, El Bersha, Assiut and Deir Rifa, and it is probable that each had a court and organization within his nome like that of the royal palace in See also:miniature. Eventually, in the reigns of Senwosri III. and Amenemhe III., the succession of strong kings appears to have centralized all authority very completely. The names in the dynasty are Amenemhe (Ammenemes) and Senwosri (formerly read Usertesen or Senusert).

The latter seems to be the origin of the See also:

Sesostris (q.v.) and Sesoosis of the legends. Amenemhe I., the first king, whose connexion with the previous dynasty is not known, reigned for See also:thirty years, ten of them being in See also:partnership with his son Senwosri I. He had to fight for his throne and then reorganize the country, removing his capital or residence from Thebes to a central situation near Lisht about 25 M. south of Memphis. His monuments are widespread in Egypt, the quarries and mines in the desert as far as Sinai bear See also:witness to his great activity, and we know of an expedition which he made against the Nubians. The " Instructions of Amenemhe to his son Senwosri," whether really his own or a later See also:composition, refer to these things, to his care for his subjects, and to theingratitude with which he was rewarded, an See also:attempt on his See also:life having been made by the trusted servants in his own palace. The See also:story of Sinai is the true or realistic history of a soldier who. having overheard the See also:secret intelligence of Amenemhe's See also:death, fled in fear to Palestine or Syria and there became See also:rich in the favour of the prince of the land; growing old, however, he successfully sued for See also:pardon from Senwosri and permission to return and See also:die in Egypt. Senwosri I. was already the executive partner in the time of the co-regency, warring with the Libyans and probably in the Sudan. After Amenemhe's death he fully upheld the greatness of the dynasty in his long reign of See also:forty-five years. The See also:obelisk of Heliopolis is amongst his best-known monuments, and the damming of the Lake of Moeris (q.v.) must have been in progress in his reign. He built a temple far up the Nile at Wadi See also:Haifa and there set up a stela commemorating his victories over the tribes of Nubia. The fine tombs of Ameni at Beni Hasan and of Hepzefa at Assiut belong to his reign. The pyramids of both See also:father and son are at Lisht.

Amenemhe II. was buried at Dahshur; he was followed by Senwosri II., whose pyramid is at Illahun at the mouth of the. Fayum. In his reign were executed the fine paintings in the tomb of Khnemhotp at Beni Hasan, which include a remarkable See also:

scene of Semitic See also:Bedouins bringing See also:eye-paint to Egypt from the eastern deserts. In Manetho he is identified with Sesostris (see. above), but Senwosri I., and still more Senwosri III., have a better claim to this distinction. The latter warred in Palestine and in Nubia, and marked the south frontier of his kingdom by a statue and stelae at Semna beyond the Second Cataract. Near his pyramid was discovered the splendid See also:jewelry of some princesses of his See also:family (see JEWELRY ad init.). The tomb of, Thethotp at El Bersha, celebrated for the scene of the transport of a See also:colossus amongst its paintings, was finished in this reign. Amenemhe III. completed the work of Lake Moeris and began a series of observations of the height of the inundation at Semna which was continued by his successors. In his long reign of forty-six years he built a pyramid at Dahshur, and at Hawara near the Lake of Moeris another pyramid together with the See also:Labyrinth which seems to have been an enormous funerary temple attached to the pyramid. His name was remembered in the Fayum during the Graeco-Roman period and his effigy worshipped there as Pera-marres, i.e. See also:Pharaoh Marres (Marres being his praenomen graecized). Amenemhe IV.'s reign was See also:short, and the dynasty ended with a See also:queen Sebeknefru (Scemiophris), whose name is found in the scanty remains of the Labyrinth.

The XIIth Dynasty numbered eight rulers and lasted for 213 years. Great as it was, it created no empire outside the Nile valley, and its most imposing monument, which according to the testimony of the ancients rivalled the pyramids, is now represented by a vast stratum of chips. The history of the following period down to the rise of the New Empire is very obscure. Manetho gives us the XIIIth (Dios-polite) Dynasty, the XIVth (Xoite from Xois in Lower Egypt), the XVth and XVIth (Hyksos) and the XVIIth (Diospolite), but his names are lost except for the Hyksos kings. The Abydos tablet ignores all between the XIIth and XVIIIth Dynasties. The Turin Papyrus preserves many names on its shattered fragments, and the monuments are for ever adding to the list, but it is difficult to assign them accurately to their places. The Hyksos names can in some cases be recognized by their See also:

foreign aspect, the See also:peculiar style of the scarabs on which they are en-graved or by resemblances to those recorded in Manetho. The kings of the XVIIth Dynasty too are generally recognizable by the form of their name and other circumstances. Manetho indicates marvellous crowding for the XIIIth and XIVth Dynasties, but it seems better to suggest a See also:total duration of 300 or 400 years for the whole period than to adopt Meyer's estimate of about 210 years (see above, Chronology). Amongst the kings of the XIIIth Dynasty (including perhaps the XIVth), not a few are represented by granite statues of See also:colossal See also:size and fine workmanship, especially at Thebes and Tanis, some by architectural fragments, some by graffiti on the rocks about the First Cataract. Some few certainly reigned over all Egypt. Sebkhotp (Sekhotp, Eoxwmis) is a favourite name, no doubt to be connected with the god of the Fayum.

Several of the Theban kings named Antef (Enyotf) must be placed here rather than in the Xlth Dynasty. A See also:

decree of one of them degrading a monarch who had sided with his enemies was found at See also:Coptos engraved on a See also:doorway of Senwosri I. In its divided See also:state Egypt would fall an easy See also:prey to the foreigner. Manetho says that the Hyksos (q.v.) gained Egypt without a See also:blow. Their domination must have lasted The a considerable time, the Rhind mathematical papyrus periods period. having been cin the thirty-third year of a king copied Apophis. The monuments and scarabs of the Hyksos kings are found throughout Upper and Lower Egypt; those of Khian somehow spread as far as See also:Crete and See also:Bagdad. The Hyksos, in whom See also:Josephus recognized the See also:children of See also:Israel, worshipped their own Syrian deity, identifying him with the Egyptian god Seth, and endeavoured to establish his cult throughout Egypt to the detriment of the native gods. It is to be hoped that definite light may one See also:day be forthcoming on the whole of this See also:critical See also:episode which had such a profound effect on the character and history of the Egyptian people. The spirited overthrow of the Hyksos ushered in the glories in arms and arts which marked the New Empire. The XVIIth Dynasty probably began the struggle, at first as semi-See also:independent kinglets at Thebes. Segenenre is here a leading name; the See also:mummy of the third Segenenre, the earliest in the great find of royal mummies at Deir el Bahri, shows the See also:head frightfully hacked and split, perhaps in a See also:battle with the Hyksos. The New Empire.—The epithet " new " is generally attached to this period, and " empire " instead of " kingdom " marks its XVIIIth wider power.

The glorious XVIIIth Dynasty seems Dynasty, to have been closely related to the XVIIth. Its first task was to crush the Hyksos power in the north-See also:

east of the Delta; this was fully accomplished by its founder Ahmosi (dialectically Ahmasi, Amosis or See also:Amasis I.) capturing their great stronghold of Avaris. Amasis next attacked them in S.W. Palestine, where he captured Sharuhen after a See also:siege of three years. He fought also in Syria and in Nubia, besides overcoming factious opposition in his own land. The See also:principal source for the history of this time is the See also:biographical inscription at El Kab of a namesake of the king, Ahmosi son of See also:Abana, a sailor and See also:warrior whose exploits extend to the reign of Tethmosis I. Amenophis I. (Amenhotp), succeeding Amasis, fought in See also:Libya and See also:Ethiopia. Tethmosis I. (c. 1540 B.c.) was perhaps of another family, but obtained his title to the throne through his wife Ahmosi. After some thirty years of settled rule uninterrupted by revolt, Egypt was now strong and rich enough to indulge to the full its new See also:taste for war and lust of conquest.

It had become essentially a military state. The whole of the See also:

administration was in the hands of the king with his vizier and other court officials; no trace of the See also:feudalism of the Middle Kingdom survived. Tethmosis thoroughly subdued See also:Cush, which had already been placed under the See also:government of a See also:viceroy. This See also:province of Cush extended from Napata just below the See also:Fourth Cataract on the south to El Kab in the north, so that it included the first three nomes of Upper Egypt, which agriculturally were not greatly See also:superior to Nubia. Turning next to Syria, Tethmosis carried his arms as far as the See also:Euphrates. It is possible that his predecessor had also reached this point, but no record survives to prove it. These successful See also:campaigns were probably not very costly, and prisoners, See also:plunder and See also:tribute poured in from them to enrich Egypt. Tethmosis I. made the first of those great additions to the temple of the Theban See also:Ammon at See also:Karnak by which the Pharaohs of the Empire rendered it by far the greatest of the existing temples in the See also:world. The temple of Deir el Bahri also was designed by him. Towards the end of his reign, his See also:elder sons being dead, Tethmosis associated Queen Hatshepsut, his daughter by Ahmosi, with himself Hatshep- ~' out, upon the throne. Tethmosis I. was the first of the long line of kings to be buried in the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings of Thebes. At his death another son Teth- mosis II. succeeded as the See also:husband of his half-See also:sister, but reigned only two or three years, during which he warred in Nubia and placed Tethmosis III., his son by a concubine Esi, upon the throne beside him (c. r 50o B.C.).

After her husband's death the ambitious Hatshepsut assumed the full See also:

regal power; upon her monuments she wears the masculine garb and aspect of a king though the feminine gender is retained for her in the inscriptions. On some monuments of this period her name appears alone, on others in See also:conjunction with that of Tethmosis III., while the latter again may appear without the queen's; but this extraordinary woman must have had a great influence over her stepson and was the acknowledged ruler of Egypt. Tethmosis, to See also:judge by the evidence of his mummy and the chronology of his reign, was already a grown man, yet no sign of the immense See also:powers which he displayed later has come down to us from the See also:joint reign. Hatshepsut cultivated the arts of See also:peace. She restored the See also:worship in those temples of Upper and Lower Egypt which had not yet recovered from the religious oppression and neglect of the Hyksos. She completed and decorated the temple of Deir el Bahri, embellishing its walls with scenes calculated to establish her claims, representing her divine origin and upbringing under the See also:protection of Ammon, and her association on the throne by her human father. The famous sculptures of the great expedition by See also:water to Puoni, the land of See also:incense on the Somali See also:coast, are also here, with many others. At Karnak Hatshepsut laboured chiefly to complete the See also:works projected in the reigns of Tethmosis I. and II., and set up two obelisks in front of the entrance as it then was. One of these, still See also:standing, is the most brilliant See also:ornament of that wonderful temple. A date of the twenty-second year of her reign has been found at Sinai, no doubt counted from the beginning of the co-regency with Tethmosis I. Not much later, in his twenty-second year, Tethmosis III. is reigning alone in full vigour. While she lived, the See also:personality of the queen secured the devotion of her servants and held all ambitions in check.

Not long after her death there was a violent reaction. See also:

Prejudice against the rule of a woman, particularly one who had made her name and figure so conspicuous, was probably the cause of this outbreak, and perhaps sought See also:justification in the fact that, however complete was her right, she had in some degree usurped a place to which her stepson (who was also her See also:nephew) had been appointed. Her cartouches began to be defaced or her monuments hidden up by other buildings, and the same rage pursued some of her most faithful servants in their tombs. But the beauty of the work seems to have restrained the hand of the destroyer. Then came the religious fanaticism of Akhenaton, mutilating all figures of Ammon and all inscriptions containing his name; this made havoc of the exquisite monuments of Hatshepsut; and the restorers of the XIXth Dynasty, refusing to recognize the See also:legitimacy of the queen, had no scruples in replacing her names by those of the See also:associate kings Tethmosis I., II. or III. These acts of vandalism took place throughout Egypt, but in the distant mines of Sinai the cartouches of Hatshepsut are untouched. In the royal lists of Seti I. and See also:Rameses II. Hatshepsut has no place, nor is her reign referred to on any later monument). The immense See also:energy of Tethmosis III. now found its outlet in war. Syria had revolted, perhaps on Hatshepsut's death, but by his twenty-second year the monarch was ready to See also:lead his army against the rebels. The revolt, headed Te=hmoosis by the city of Kadesh on the See also:Orontes, embraced the whole of western Syria. The movements of Tethmosis in this first See also:campaign, including a battle with the Syrian chariots and See also:infantry at Megiddo and the See also:capture of that city, were chronicled from day to day, and an See also:extract from this See also:chronicle is engraved on the walls of the See also:sanctuary of Karnak, together with a brief record of the subsequent expeditions.

In a series i The history of Hatshepsut has been very obscure, and the mutilations of her cartouches have been variously accounted for. Recent discoveries by M. Legrain at Karnak and Prof. Petrie at Sinai have limited the See also:

field of conjecture. The writer has followed M. Naville's guidance in his See also:biography of the queen (in T. M. See also:Davis, The Tomb of Hatshopsitzl, London, 1906, pp. i et seq.), made with very full knowledge of the complicated data. of five carefully planned campaigns he consolidated his conquests in southern Syria and secured the ports of See also:Phoenicia (q.v.). Kadesh See also:fell in the sixth campaign. In the next year Tethmosis revisited the Phoenician ports, chastised the rebellious and received the tribute of Syria, all the while preparing for further advance, which did not take place until another year had gone by. Then, in the thirty-third year of his reign, he marched through Kadesh, fought his way to Carchemish, defeated the forces that opposed him there and crossed over the Euphrates into the territory of the king of Mitanni.

He set up a tablet by the See also:

side of that of Tethmosis I. and turned southward, following the river as far as Niy. Here he stayed to See also:hunt a See also:herd of 120 elephants, and then, marching westwards, received the tribute of Naharina and gifts from the See also:Hittites in See also:Asia See also:Minor and from the king of See also:Babylon. In all he fought seventeen campaigns in Syria until the spirit of revolt was entirely crushed in a second capture of Kadesh. The See also:wars in Libya and Ethiopia were of less moment. In the intervals of war Tethmosis III. proved to be a wonderfully efficient See also:administrator, with his eye on every corner of his dominions. The Syrian expeditions occupied six months in most of his best years, but the remaining time was spent in activity at home, repressing See also:robbery and injustice, rebuilding and adorning temples with the labour of . his captives and the plunder and tribute of conquered cities, or designing with his own hand the gorgeous sacred vessels of the sanctuary of Ammon. In his later years some expeditions took place into Nubia. Tethmosis died in the fifty-fourth year of his reign. His mummy, found in the cachette at Deir el Bahri, is said to be that of a very old man. He was the greatest Pharaoh in the New Empire, if not in all Egyptian history. Tethmosis III. was succeeded by his son Amenophis II., whom he had associated on the throne at the end of his reign. One of the first acts of the new king was to lead an army into Syria, where revolt was again rife; he reached and perhaps crossed the Euphrates and returned home to Thebes with seven See also:captive kings of Tikhsi and much spoil.

The kings he sacrificed to Ammon and hanged six bodies on the walls, while the seventh was carried south to Napata and there exposed as a terror to the Ethiopians. Amenophis reigned twenty-six years and left his throne to his son Tethmosis IV., who is best remembered by a granite tablet recording his clearance of the Great Sphinx. He also warred in See also:

northern Syria and in Cush. His son Amenophis III., c. r400 B.C., was a mighty builder, especially at Thebes, where his reign marks a new See also:epoch in the history of the great temples, See also:Luxor being his creation, while avenues of rams, pylons, &c., were added on a vast scale to Karnak. He married a certain Taia, who, though apparently of humble parentage, was held in great See also:honour by her husband as afterwards by her son. Amenophis Amenophis III. warred in Ethiopia, but his sway was long unquestioned from Napata to the Euphrates. Small See also:objects with his name and that of Taia are found on the mainland and in the islands of See also:Greece. Through the fortunate discovery of See also:cuneiform tablets deposited by his successor in the archives at Tell el-Amarna, we can see how the rulers of the great kingdoms beyond the river, Mitanni, See also:Assyria and even Babylonia, corresponded with Amenophis, gave their daughters to him in See also:marriage, and congratulated themselves on having his friendship. The king of See also:Cyprus too courted him; while within the empire the descendants of the Syrian dynasts conquered by his father, having been educated in Egypt, ruled their paternal possessions as the abject slaves of Pharaoh. A See also:constant stream of tribute poured into Egypt, sufficient to defray the cost of all the splendid works that were executed. Amenophis caused a series of large scarabs unique in their kind to be engraved with the name and parentage of his queen Taia, followed by varying texts commemorating like medals the boundaries of his kingdom, his secondary marriage with Gilukhipa, daughter of the king of Mitanni, the formation of a sacred lake at Thebes, a great hunt of See also:wild See also:cattle, and the number of lions the king sl in the first ten years of his reign. The colossi known to the Greeks by the name of the Homeric See also:hero See also:Memnon, which look over the western plain of Thebes, represent this king and were placed before the entrance of his funerary temple, the See also:rest of which has disappeared.

His palace lay farther south on the See also:

west See also:bank, built of crude brick covered with painted See also:stucco. Towards the end of his reign of thirty-six years, Syria was invaded by the Hittites from the north and the people called the Khabiri from the eastern desert; some of the kinglets conspired with the invaders to overthrow the Egyptian power, while those who remained loyal sent alarming reports to their See also:sovereign. Amenophis IV., son of Amenophis III. and Taia, was perhaps the most remarkable character in the long line of the Pharaohs. He was a religious fanatic, who had probably been high of the sun-god at Heliopolis, and had come to Amenophis See also:priest iv. view the sun as the visible source of life, creation, growth and activity, whose power was demonstrated in foreign lands almost as clearly as in Egypt. Thrusting aside all the multitudinous deities of Egypt and all the mythology even of Heliopolis, he devoted himself to the cult of the visible sun-disk, applying to it as its chief name the hitherto rare word Aton, meaning " sun "; the traditional divine name Harakht (Horns of the See also:horizon), given to the hawk-headed sun-god of Heliopolis, was however allowed to subsist and a temple was built at Karnak to this god. The worship of the other gods was officially recognized until his fifth year, but then a sweeping reform was initiated by which apparently the new cult alone was permitted. Of the old deities Ammon represented by far the wealthiest and most powerful interests, and against this long favoured deity the Pharaoh hurled himself with fury. He changed his own name from Amenhotp, " Ammon is satisfied," to Akhenaton, " pious to Aton," erased the name and figure of Ammon from the monuments, even where it occurred as See also:part of his own father's name, abandoned Thebes, the magnificent city of Ammon, and built a new capital at El Amarna in the plain of Hermopolis, on a virgin site upon the edge of the desert. This with a large See also:area around he dedicated to Aton in the sixth year, while splendid temples, palaces, houses and tombs for his god, for himself and for his courtiers were rising around him; apparently also this " son of Aton " swore an See also:oath never to pass beyond the boundaries of Aton's See also:special domain. There are signs also that the polytheistic word " gods " was obliterated on many of the monuments, but other divine names, though almost entirely excluded from Akhenaton's work, were left untouched where they already existed. In all local temples the worship of Aton was instituted.

The confiscated revenues of Ammon and the tribute from Syria and Cush provided ample means for adorning Ekhaton (Akhetaton), " the horizon of Aton," the new capital, and for richly rewarding those who adopted the Aton teaching fervently. But meanwhile the political needs of the empire were neglected; the dangers which threatened it at the end of the reign of Amenophis III. were never properly met; the dynasts in Syria were at war amongst themselves, intriguing with the great Hittite advance and with the Khabiri invaders. Those who relied on Pharaoh and remained loyal as their fathers had done sent letter after letter appealing for aid against their foes. But though a See also:

general was despatched with some troops, he seems to have done more harm than See also:good in misjudging the quarrels. At length the See also:tone of the letters becomes one of despair, in which See also:flight to Egypt appears the only resource left for the adherents of the Egyptian cause. Before the end of the reign Egyptian rule in Syria had probably ceased altogether. Akhenaton died in or about the seventeenth year of his reign, c. 1350 B.C. He had a family of daughters, who appeared constantly with him in all ceremonies, but no son. Two sons-in-See also:law followed him with brief reigns; but the second, Tutenkhaton, soon changed his name to Tutenkhamfin, and, without abandoning Ekhaton entirely, began to restore to Karnak its ancient splendour, with new monuments dedicated to Ammon. Akhenaton's reform had not reached deep amongst the masses of the population; they probably retained all their old religious customs and superstitions, while the priesthoods throughout the country must have been fiercely opposed to the heretic's work, even if silenced during his lifetime by force and bribes. One more adherent of his named Ay, a priest, ruled for a short time, but now Aton was only one of many gods.

At length a general named Harmahib, who had served under Akhenaton,came to the throne as a whole-hearted supporter of the old See also:

religion; soon Aton and his royal following suffered the See also:fate that they had imposed upon Ammon; their monuments were destroyed and their names and figures erased, while those of Ammon were restored. From the time of Rameses II. onwards the years of the reigns of the heretics were counted to Harmahib, and Akhenaton was described as " that criminal of Akhetaton." Harmahib had to bring See also:order as a See also:practical man into the long-neglected administration of the country and to suppress the extortions of the See also:official classes by severe See also:measures. His See also:laws to this end were engraved on a great stela in the temple of Karnak, of which sufficient remains to bear witness to his high aims, while the prosperity of the succeeding reigns shows how well he realized the necessities of the state. He probably began also to re-establish the See also:prestige of Egypt by military expeditions in the surrounding countries. Harmahib appears to have legitimated his rule by marriage to a royal princess, but it is probable that Rameses I., who suc- ceeded as founder of the XIXth Dynasty, was not closely related to him. Rameses in his brief reign of two years planned and began the great colonnaded See also:hall of Karnak, proving that he was a man of great ideas, though probably too old to carry them out; this task he left to his son Seti I., who reigned one year with his father and on the latter's death was ready at once to subdue the Bedouin Shasu, who had invaded Palestine and withheld all tribute. This task was quickly accomplished and Seti pushed onward to the Lebanon. Here cedars were felled for him by the Syrian princes, and the Phoe- nicians paid See also:homage before he returned home in See also:triumph. The Libyans had also to be dealt with, and afterwards Seti advanced again through Palestine, ravaged the land of the See also:Amorites and came into conflict with the Hittites. The latter, however, were now firmly established in the Orontes valley, and a treaty with Mutallu, the king of Kheta, reigning far away in See also:Cappadocia, probably ended the wars of Seti. In his ninth year he turned his See also:attention to the See also:gold mines in the eastern desert of Nubia and improved the road thither. Meanwhile the great work at Karnak projected by his father was going forward, and throughout Egypt the injuries done to the monuments by Akhenaton were thoroughly repaired; the erased inscriptions and figures were restored, not without many blunders.

Seti's temple at Abydos and his galleried tomb in the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings stand out as the most splendid examples of their kind in design and in decoration. Rameses II. succeeded at an early age Rameses and reigned sixty-seven years, during which he finished much that was begun by Seti and filled all Egypt and Nubia with his own monuments, some of them beauti- ful, but most, necessarily entrusted to inferior workmen, of coarse See also:

execution. The excavation of the rock temple of Abu Simbel and the completion of the great hall of Karnak were his greatest achievements in architecture. His wars began in his second year, their field comprising the Nubians, the Libyans, the Syrians and the Hittites. In his fifth year, near Kadesh on the Orontes, his army was caught unprepared and divided by a strong force of chariots of the Hittites and their See also:allies, and Rameses himself was placed in the most imminent danger; but through his personal courage the enemy was kept at See also:bay till reinforcements came up and turned the disaster into a victory. The incidents of this episode were a favourite subject in the sculp- tures of his temples, where their See also:representation was accompanied by a poetical version of the affair and other explanatory inscrip- tions. Kadesh, however, was not captured, and after further contests, in his twenty-first year Rameses and the Hittite king Khattusil (Kheta-sar) made peace, with a defensive See also:alliance against foreign aggression and See also:internal revolt (see HITTITES). Thanks to Winckler's discoveries, the cuneiform See also:text of this treaty from Boghaz Keui can now be compared with the See also:hiero- glyphic text at Karnak. In the thirty-fourth year, c. 1250 B.C., Khattusil with his friend or subject the king of Kode came from his distant capital to see the wonders of Egypt in See also:person, bringing one of his daughters to be wife of the splendid Pharaoh. Rameses II. paid much attention to the Delta, which had been neglected until the days of Seti I., and resided there constantly; the temple of Tanis must have been greatly enlarged and adorned by him; a colossus of the king placed here was over 90 ft. in height, exceeding in scale even the greatest of the Theban colossi which he had erected in his See also:mortuary temple of the Ramesseum. Towards the end of the long reign the vigilance and energy of the old king diminished.

The military spirit awakened in the struggle with the Hyksos had again departed from the Egyptian nation; mercenaries from the Sudan, from Libya and from the northern nations supplied the armies, while foreigners settled in the rich lands of the Delta and harried the coasts. It was a time too when the movements of the nations that so frequently occurred in the ancient world were about to be particularly active. Mineptah, c. 1225 B.C., succeeding his father Rameses II., had to fight many battles for the preservation of. his kingdom and empire. Apparently most of the fighting was finished by the fifth year of his reign; in his mortuary temple at Thebes he set up a stela of that date recording a great victory over the Libyan immigrants and invaders, which rendered the much harried land of Egypt safe. The last lines picture this condition with the crushing of the surrounding tribes. Libya was wasted, the Hittites pacified, See also:

Canaan, Ashkelon (See also:Ascalon), See also:Gezer, Yenoam sacked and plundered: " Israel is desolated, his See also:seed is not, Khor (Palestine) has become a widow (without See also:protector) for Egypt." The Libyans are accompanied by allies whose names, Sherden, Shekelesh, Ekwesh, Lukku, Teresh, suggest identifications with Sardinians, Sicels, See also:Achaeans, Lycians and Tyrseni or Etruscans. The Sherden had been in the armies of Ramesess II., and are distinguished by their remarkable helmets and apparently See also:body See also:armour of metal. The Lukku are certainly the same as the Lycians. Probably they were all sea-rovers from the shores and islands of the Mediterranean, who were willing to leave their ships and join the Libyans in raids on the rich lands of Egypt. Mineptah was one of the most unconscionable usurpers of the monuments of his predecessors, including those of his own father, who, it must be admitted, had set him the example. The coarse cutting of his cartouches contrasts with the splendid finish of the Middle Kingdom work which they disfigure.

It may be questioned whether it was due to a See also:

wave of See also:enthusiasm amongst the priests and people, leading them to rededicate the monuments in the name of their deliverer, or a somewhat insane See also:desire of the king to perpetuate his own memory in a singularly unfortunate manner. Mineptah, the thirteenth son in the huge family of Rameses, must have been old when he ascended the throne; after his first years of reign his energies gave way, and he was followed by a See also:quick succession of inglorious rulers, Seti II., the queen Tuosri, Amenmesse, Siptah; the names of the last two were erased from their monuments. A great papyrus written after the death of Rameses III. and recording his gifts to the temples briefly reviews the conditions of these troublous times. " The land of Egypt was in the hands of chiefs and rulers of towns, great and py hasty small slaying each other; afterwards a certain Syrian made himself chief; he made the whole land tributary before him; he united his companions and plundered their See also:property (i.e. of the other chiefs). They made the gods like men, and no offerings were presented in the temples. But when the gods inclined themselves to peace . . . they established their son Setenkhot (Setnekht) to be ruler of every land." Of the Syrian occupation we know nothing further. Setenkhot, c. 1200 B.C., had a very short reign and was not counted as legitimate, but he established a lasting dynasty (probably by conciliating the priesthood). He was father of Rameses III., who revived the glories of the empire. The dangers that menaced Egypt now were similar to those which Mineptah had to meet at his See also:accession. Again the Libyans and the " peoples of the sea " were acting in See also:concert.

The latter now comprised Peleset (the Cretans, ancestors of the See also:

Philistines), Thekel, Shekelesh, Denyen (Danaoi?) and Weshesh; they had invaded Syria from Asiz Minor, reaching the Euphrates, destroying the Hittite cities and progressing southwards, while their ships gathered plunder XIXth Dynasty. from the coasts of the Delta. This fleet joined the Libyan invaders, but was overthrown with heavy loss by the Egyptians, in whose ranks there actually served many Sherden and Kehaka, Sardinian and Libyan mercenaries. Egypt itself was thus clear of enemies; but the chariots and warriors of the Philistines and their associates were advancing through Syria, their families and goods following in ox-carts, and their ships accompanying them along the See also:shore. Rameses led out his army and fleet against them and struck them so decisive a blow that the migrating swarm submitted to his rule and paid him tribute. In his See also:eleventh year another Libyan invasion had to be met, and his See also:suzerainty in Palestine forcibly asserted. His vigour was equal to all these emergencies and the later years of his reign were spent in peace. Rameses III., however, was not a great ruler. He was possessed by the spirit of decadence, imitative rather than originating. • It is evident that Rameses II. was the See also:model to which he endeavoured to conform, and he did not attempt to preserve himself from the weakening influences of priestcraft. To the temples he not only restored the property which had been given to them by former kings, but he also added greatly to their wealth; the Theban Ammon naturally received by far the greatest See also:share, more than those of all the other gods together. The land held in the name of different deities is estimated at about 15% of the whole of Egypt; various temples of Ammon owned two-thirds of this, Re of Heliopolis and Ptah of Memphis being the next in wealth.

His palace was at Medinet Habu on the west bank of Thebes in the south quarter; and here he built a great temple to Ammon, adorned with scenes from his victories and richly provided with divine offerings. Although Egypt probably was prosperous on the whole, there was undoubtedly great See also:

distress amongst certain portions of the population. We read in a papyrus of a strike of starving labourers in the Theban necropolis who would not work until See also:corn was given to them, and apparently the government storehouse was empty at the time, perhaps in consequence of a See also:bad Nile. Shortly before the death of the old king a See also:plot in the See also:harem to assassinate him, and apparently to place one of his sons on the throne, was discovered and its investigation ordered, leading after his death to the condemnation of many high-placed men and See also:women. Nine kings of the name of Rameses now followed each other ingloriously in the space of about eighty years to the end of the XXth Dynasty, the power of the high priests of Ammon ever growing at their expense. At this time the Theban necropolis was being more systematically robbed than ever before. Under Rameses IX. an investigation took place which showed that one of the royal tombs before the western cliffs had been completely ransacked and the mummies burnt. Three years later the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings was attacked and the sepulchres of Seti I. and Rameses II. were robbed. The authority of the last king of the XXth Dynasty, Rameses XII., was shadowy. Hrihor, the high priest in his The reign, gradually gathered into his own hands all real Deltaic power, and succeeded him at Thebes, c. 'too B.e., Dynasties; while a prince at Tanis named Smendes (Esbenteti) Libyan founded a separate dynasty in the Delta (Dynasty period. XXI.).

From this period dates a remarkable papyrus containing the See also:

report of an See also:envoy named Unamfin, sent to Syria by Hrihor to obtain cedar See also:timber from Byblus. He took with him an See also:image of Ammon to bestow life and See also:health on the prince of Byblus, but apparently no other See also:provision for the See also:journey or for the negotiations beyond a letter of recommendation to Smendes and a little gold and See also:silver. Smendes had trading ships in the Phoenician ports, but even his influence was not greater than that of other commercial or pirate centres, while Hrihor was of no See also:account except in so far as he might pay well for the cedar wood he required. Unamfin was robbed on the voyage, the prince of Byblus rebuffed him, and when at last the latter agreed to provide the timber it was only in See also:exchange for substantial gifts hastily sent for from Egypt (including rolls of papyrus) and the promise of more to follow. The prince, however, seems to have acknowledged to some extent the divinity of Ammon and the See also:debt owed by Phoenicia to Egyptian culture, and pitied the many misfortunes of Unamiln. The narrative shows the feebleness of Egypt abroad. The Tanite line of kings generally had the over-lordship of the high priests of Thebes; the descendants of Hrihor, however, sometimes by marriage with princesses of the other line, could assume cartouches and royal titles, and in some cases perhaps ruled the whole of Egypt. Ethiopia may have been ruled with the Thebais, but the records of the time are very scanty. Syria was wholly lost to Egypt. The mummies from the despoiled tombs of the kings were the See also:object of much anxious care to the kings of this dynasty; after being removed from one tomb to another, they were finally deposited in a See also:shaft near the temple of Deir el Bahri, where they remained for nearly three thousand years, until the demand for antiquities at last brought the plunderer once more to their hiding-place; eventually they were all secured for the See also:Cairo museum, where they may now be seen. Libyan soldiers had long been employed in the army, and , their military chiefs settled in the large towns and acquired wealth and power, while the native rulers See also:grew weaker and weaker. The Tanite dynasty may have risen from a Libyan stock, though there is nothing to prove it; the XXIInd Dynasty are clearly from their names of foreign extraction, and their See also:genealogy indicates distinctly a Libyan military origin in a family of rulers of Heracleopolis Magna, in Middle Egypt.

Sheshonk (Shishak) I., the founder of the dynasty, c. 950 B.C., seems to have fixed his residence at See also:

Bubastis in the Delta, and his son married the daughter of the last king of the Tanite dynasty.. Heracleopolis seems henceforth for several centuries to have been capital of Middle Egypt, which was considered as a more or less distinct province. Sheshonk secured Thebes, making one of his sons high priest of Ammon, and whereas See also:Solomon appears to have dealt with a king of Egypt on something like an equal footing, Sheshonk re-established Egyptian rule in Palestine and Nubia, and his expedition in the fifth year of See also:Rehoboam subdued Israel as well as See also:Judah, to judge by the list of city names which he inscribed on the See also:wall of the temple of Karnak. Osorkon I. inherited a prosperous kingdom from his father, but no further progress was made. It required a strong hand to curb the Libyan chieftains, and divisions soon began to show themselves in the kingdom. The XXIInd Dynasty lasted through many generations; but there were See also:rival kings, and M. Legrain thinks that he has See also:proof that the XXIIIrd Dynasty was contemporaneous with the end of the XXIInd. The kings of the XXIIIrd Dynasty had little hold upon the subject princes, who spent the resources of the country in feuds amongst themselves. A native kingdom had meanwhile been established in Ethiopia. Our first knowledge of it is at this moment, when the Ethiopian king Pankhi already held the Thebais. The energetic prince of See also:Sais, Tefnakht, followed by most of the princes of the Delta, subdued most of Middle Egypt, and by uniting these forces threatened the Ethiopian border.

Heracleopolis Magna, however, with its See also:

petty king Pefteuaubasti, held out against Tefnakht, and Pankhi coming to its aid not only drove Tefnakht out of Middle Egypt, but also captured Memphis and received the submission of the princes and chiefs; in all these included four " kings " and fourteen other chiefs. According to Diodorus the Ethiopian state was theocratic, ruled through the 1 See also:ing by the priests of Ammon. The account is probably exaggerated; but even in Pankhi's record the piety of the king, especially towards Ammon, is very marked. The XXIVth Dynasty consisted of a single Saite king named Bocchoris (Bekerrinf), son of Tefnachthus, apparently the above Tefnakht. Another Ethiopian invader, Shabako (Sabacon), is said to have burnt Bocchoris alive. The p nas yn Ethiopian rule of the XXVth Dynasty was now firmly established, and the resources of the two countries together might have been employed in conquest in Syria and Phoenicia; but at this very time the See also:Assyrian empire, risen to the highest See also:pitch of military greatness, began to menace Egypt. The Ethiopian could do no more than encourage or support the Syrians in their fight for freedom against See also:Sargon and See also:Sennacherib. Shabako was followed by Shebitku and Shebitku by Tirhaka (Tahrak, Taracos). Tirhaka was energetic in opposing the Assyrian advance, but in 67o B.C. Esarhaddon defeated his army on the border of Egypt, captured Memphis with the royal* harem and took great spoil. The Egyptian resistance to the Assyrians was probably only half-hearted; in the north especially there must have been a strong party against the Ethiopian rule. Tirhaka laboured to propitiate the north country, and probably rendered the Ethiopian rule acceptable throughout Egypt.

Notwithstanding, the Assyrian king entrusted the government and collection of tribute to the native chiefs; twenty princes in all are enumerated in the records, including one Assyrian to hold the See also:

key of Egypt at See also:Pelusium. Scarcely had Esarhaddon withdrawn before Tirhaka returned from his See also:refuge in the south and the Assyrian garrisons were massacred. Esarhaddon promptly prepared a second expedition, but died on the way to Egypt in 668 B.c.; his son See also:Assur-bani-See also:pal sent it forward, routed Tirhaka and reinstated the See also:governors. At the head of these was Necho (Niku), king of Sais and Memphis, father of See also:Psammetichus, the founder of the XXVIth Dynasty. We next hear that See also:correspondence with Tirhaka was intercepted, and that Necho, together with Pekrur of Psapt (at the entrance to the Wadi Tumilat) and the Assyrian See also:governor of Pelusium, was taken to See also:Nineveh in chains to See also:answer the See also:charge of See also:treason. Whatever may have occurred, it was deemed politic to send Necho back loaded with honours and surrounded by a See also:retinue of Assyrian officials. Upper Egypt, however, was loyal to Tirhaka, and even at Memphis the See also:burial of an See also:Apis See also:bull was dated by the priests as in his reign. Immediately afterwards he died. His nephew Tandamane, received by the Upper country with acclamations, besieged and captured Memphis, Necho being probably slain in the encounter. But in 661 (?) Assur-bani-pal drove the Ethiopian out of Lower Egypt, pursued him up the Nile and sacked Thebes. This was the last and most tremendous visitation of the Assyrian See also:scourge. Psammetichus (Psammetk), 664–6ro B.C., the son of Necho, succeeded his father as a See also:vassal of Assyria in his possessions of xxvith Memphis and Sais, allied himself with See also:Gyges, king of Dynasty.

See also:

Lydia, and aided by Ionian and Carian mercenaries, extended and consolidated his power.' By the ninth year of his reign he was in full See also:possession of Thebes. Assurbani-pal's energies throughout this crisis were entirely occupied with revolts nearer home, in Babylon, See also:Elam and See also:Arabia. The Assyrian arms again triumphed everywhere, but at the cost of complete exhaustion. Under the firm and See also:wise rule of Psammetichus, Egypt recovered its prosperity after the terrible losses inflicted by internal wars and the See also:decade of Assyrian invasions. The See also:revenue went up by leaps and See also:bounds. Psammetichus guarded the frontiers of Egypt with three strong garrisons, placing the Ionian and Carian mercenaries especially at the Pelusiac See also:Daphnae in' the N.E., from which quarter the most formidable enemy was likely to appear. The Assyrians did not move against him, but a great Scythian See also:horde, destroying all before it in its southward advance, is said by See also:Herodotus to have been turned back by presents and entreaties. See also:Diplomacy backed up by vigorous preparations may have deterred the Scythians from the dangerous enterprise of See also:crossing the desert to Egypt. Before his death Psammetichus had advanced into southern Palestine and captured See also:Azotus. When Psammetichus began to reign the situation of Egypt was very different from what it had been under the Empire. The development of See also:trade in the Mediterranean and contact with new peoples and new civilizations in peace and war had given See also:birth to new ideas among the Egyptians and at the same time to a loss of confidence in their own powers. The Theban supremacy was gone and the Delta was now the wealthy and progressive part of Egypt; piety increased amongst the masses, unenterprising and unwarlike, but proud of their illustrious antiquity.

Thebes and Ammon and the traditions of the Empire savoured too much now of the Ethiopian; the priests oft the Memphite and Deltaic dynasty thereupon turned deliberately ' This, it may be remarked, is the time vaguely represented by the Dodecarchy of Herodotus.for their See also:

models to the times of the ancient supremacy of Memphis, and the sculptures and texts on tomb and temple had to conform as closely as possible to those of the Old Kingdom. In other than religious matters, however, the Egyptians were inventing and perhaps borrowing. To enumerate a few examples of this which are already definitely known: we find that the forms of legal and business documents became more precise; the See also:mechanical arts of casting in bronze on a core and of moulding figures and pottery were brought to the highest pitch of excellence; and See also:portraiture in the round on its highest See also:plane was better than ever before and admirably lifelike, revealing careful study of the See also:external See also:anatomy of the individual. Psammetichus died in the fifty-fourth year of his reign and was succeeded by his son Necho, 610–594 B.C. Taking See also:advantage of the helpless state of the Assyrians, whose capital was assailed by the Medes and the Babylonians, the new Pharaoh prepared an expedition to recover the ancient possessions of the Empire in Syria. See also:Josiah alone, faithful to the king of Assyria, opposed him with his feeble force at Megiddo and was easily overcome and slain. Necho went forward to the Euphrates, put the land to tribute, and, in the See also:case of Judah at any rate, filled the throne with his own nominee (see See also:JEHOIAKIM). The fall of Nineveh and the See also:division of the spoil gave to Nabopolasser, king of Babylon, the See also:inheritance of the Assyrians in the west, and he at once despatched his son See also:Nebuchadrezzar to fight Necho. The Babylonian and Egyptian forces met at Carchemish (605), and the rout of the latter was so complete that Necho relinquished Syria and might have lost Egypt as well had not the death of Nabopolasser recalled the See also:victor to Babylon. Herodotus relates that in Necho's reign a Phoenician See also:ship despatched from Egypt actually circumnavigated See also:Africa, and the attempt was made to complete a See also:canal through the Wadi Tumilat, which connected the Mediterranean and Red Seas by way of the Lower Egyptian Nile. (See See also:SuEZ.) The next king, Psammetichus II., 594–589 B.C., according to one account made an expedition to Syria or Phoenicia, and apparently sent a See also:mercenary force into Ethiopia as far as Abu Simbel. Pharaoh Hophra (See also:Apries), 589–570 B.C., fomented See also:rebellion against the Babylonian suzerainty in Judah, but accomplished little there.

Herodotus, however, describes his reign as exceedingly prosperous. The mercenary troops at Elephantine mutinied and attempted to desert to Ethiopia, but were brought back and punished. Later, however, a disastrous expedition sent to aid the Libyans against the See also:

Greek See also:colony of See also:Cyrene roused the suspicion and anger of the native soldiery at favours shown to the mercenaries, who of course had taken no part in it. Amasis (Ahmosi) II. was chosen king by the former (570—525 B.C.), and his swarm of adherents overcame the Greek troops in Apries' pay (see AMASrs). None the less Amasis employed Greeks in numbers, and cultivated the friend-ship of their tyrants. His rule was confined to Egypt (and perhaps Cyprus), but Egypt itself was very prosperous. At the beginning of his long reign of forty-four years he was threatened by Nebuchadrezzar; later he joined the See also:league against See also:Cyrus and saw with alarm the fall of his old enemy. A few months after his death, 525 B.C., the invading See also:host of the Persians led by See also:Cambyses reached Egypt and dethroned his son Psammetichus III. Cambyses at first conciliated the Egyptians and respected their religion; but, perhaps after the failure of his expedition into Ethiopia, he entirely changed his policy, and his The memory was generally execrated. He left Egypt so Persian completely crushed that the subsequent usurpation period, of the Persian throne was marked by no revolt in that vynastyxxvnth quarter. See also:Darius, 521–486 B.C., proved himself a beneficent ruler, and in a visit to Egypt displayed his See also:consideration for the religion of the country. In the Great See also:Oasis he built a temple to Ammon.

The annual tribute imposed on the satrapy of Egypt and Cyrene was heavy, but it was probably raised with ease. The canal from the Nile to the Red Sea was completed or repaired, and See also:

commerce flourished. Documents dated in the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth years of Darius are not uncommon, but apparently at the very end of his reign, some years after the disaster of See also:Marathon, Egypt was induced to See also:rebel. See also:Xerxes, 486–467 B.C., who put down the revolt with severity, and his successor See also:Artaxerxes, 466–425 B.C., like Cambyses, were hateful to the Egyptians. The disorders which marked the accession of Artaxerxes gave Egypt another opportunity to rebel. Their leaders were Inaros the Libyan of Marea and the Egyptian Amyrtaeus. Aided by an Athenian force, Inaros slew the See also:satrap See also:Achaemenes at the battle of Papremis and destroyed his army; but the See also:garrison of Memphis held out, and a fresh host from See also:Persia raised the siege and in turn besieged the Greek and Egyptian forces on the See also:island of Papremis. At last, after two years, having diverted the river from its channel, they captured and burnt the Athenian ships and quickly ended the rebellion. The reigns of Xerxes II. and Darius II. are marked by no recorded incident in Egypt until a successful revolt about 405 B.C. interrupted the Persian domination. Monuments of the Persian rule in Egypt are exceedingly scanty. The inscriptions of Pefteuauneit, priest of See also:Neith at Sais, and from his position the native authority who was most likely to be consulted by, Cambyses and Darius, tells of his relations with these two kings. For the following reigns Egyptian documents hardly exist, but some papyri written in Aramaic have been found at Elephantine and at Memphis.

Those from the former locality show that a colony of See also:

Jews with a temple dedicated to Yahweh (See also:Jehovah) had established themselves at that garrison and trading See also:post (see See also:AssuAN). Herodotus visited Egypt in the reign of Artaxerxes, about 440 B.C. His description of Egypt, partly founded on Hecataeus, who had been there about fifty years earlier, is the chief source of See also:information for the history of the Saite kings and for the See also:manners of the times, but his statements prove to be far from correct when they can be checked by the scanty native evidence. (F. LL. G.) Amyrtaeus (Amnertais) of Sais, perhaps a son of Pausiris and See also:grandson of the earlier Amyrtaeus, revolted from Darius II. C. 405 B.C., and Egypt regained its independence for Dynasties about sixty years. The next king Nefeuret xxvita- xxxi. (Nepherites I.) was a Mendesian and founded the XXIXth Dynasty. After Hakor and Nefeuret II. the See also:sovereignty passed to Dynasty XXX., the last native Egyptian line. Monuments of all these kings are known, and art flourished particularly under the MendesiankingsNekhtharheb (Nectanebes or Nectanebus I.) and Nekhtnebf (Nectanebes II.).

The former came to the throne when a Persian invasion was imminent, 378 B.C. Hakor had already formed a powerful army, largely composed of Greek mercenaries. This army Nekhtharheb entrusted to the Athenian See also:

Chabrias. The Persians, however, succeeded in causing his recall and in gaining the services of his See also:fellow-countryman See also:Iphicrates. The invading army consisted of 200,000 barbarians under See also:Pharnabazus and 20,000 Greeks under Iphicrates. After the Egyptians had experienced a See also:reverse, Iphicrates counselled an immediate advance on Memphis. His See also:advice was not followed by Pharnabazus; the Egyptian king collected his forces and won a pitched battle near Mendes. Pharnabazus retreated and Egypt was See also:free. Nekhtharheb was succeeded by Tachos or Teos, whose short reign was occupied by a war with Persia, in which the king of Egypt secured the services of a body of Greek mercenaries under the Spartan king Agesilaus and a fleet under the Athenian general Chabrias. He entered Phoenicia with every prospect of success, but having offended Agesilaus he was dethroned in a military revolt which gave the See also:crown to Nekhtnebf or Nectanebes II., the last native king of Egypt. At this moment a revolt See also:broke out. The prince of Mendes almost succeeded in overthrowing the new king.

Agesilaus defeated the rival pretender and left Nekhtnebf established on the throne. But the opportunity of a decisive blow against Persia was lost. The new king, Artaxerxes III. Ochus, determined to reduce Egypt. A first expedition was defeated by the Greek mercenaries of Nekhtnebf, but a second, commanded by Ochus himself, subdued Egypt with no further resistance than that of the Greek garrison of Pelusium. Nekhtnebf, instead of endeavouring to relieve them, retreated to Memphis and fled thence to Ethiopia, 340 (?) B.C. Thus miserably fell the See also:

monarchy of the Pharaohs, after an unexampled duration of 3000 years, or as some think far longer. 6'1VIore than 2000 years have since passed, and though Egypt has from time to time been independent, not one native prince has sat on the throne of the Pharaohs. " There shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt " (Ezek. xxx. 13) was prophesied in the days of Apries as the final state of the land. Ochus treated his conquest barbarously. From this brief re-See also:establishment of Persian dominion (counted by Manetho as Dynasty XXXI.) no document survives except one papyrus that appears to be dated in the reign of Darius III.

See J. H. Breasted, A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest (New See also:

York and London, 19o5) ; A History of the Ancient Egyptians (New York and London, 5908) ; Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest, collected, edited and translated (g vols., Chicago, 5906—5907) ; W. M. F. Petrie, A History of Egypt (from the earliest times to the XXXth Dynasty) (3 vols., London, 5899—5905); E. A. W. Budge, A History of Egypt, vols. i-vii. (London, 5902) ; G. Maspero, Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'orient (6th ed., 5904), The See also:Dawn of Civilization, The Struggle of the Nations, The Passing of the Empires (London, 5904, &c.) ; P. E.

See also:

Newberry and J. Garstang, A Short History of Ancient Egypt (London, 19o4); G. Steindorff, Die Bliitezeit des Pharaonenreiches (Dyn. X VIII.) (See also:Bielefeld and Leipzig, 5900) ; H. Winckler, The Tell el Amarna Letters (Berlin, London and New York, 5896). The Conquest by Alexander.—When, in 332 B.C., after the battle of Issus, Alexander entered Egypt, he was welcomed as a deliverer. The Persian governor had not forces enough to oppose him, and he nowhere experienced even the show of resistance. He visited Memphis, founded See also:Alexandria, and went on See also:pilgrimage to the See also:oracle of Ammon (Oasis of See also:Siwa). The god declared him to be his son, renewing thus an old Egyptian See also:convention or belief; See also:Olympias was supposed to have been in converse with Ammon, even as the mothers of Hatshepsut and Amenophis III. are represented in the inscriptions of the Theban temples to have received the divine essence. At this See also:stage of his career the treasure and tribute of Egypt were of great importance to the Macedonian conqueror. He conciliated the inhabitants by the respect which he showed for their religion; he organized the government of the natives under two See also:officers, who must have been already known to them (of these Petisis, an Egyptian, soon resigned his share into the charge of his colleague Doloaspis, who bears a Persian name.) But Alexander designed his Greek See also:foundation of Alexandria to be the capital, and entrusted the See also:taxation of Egypt and the See also:control of its army and See also:navy to Greeks. Early in 331 B.C. he was ready to depart, and led his forces away to Phoenicia.

A granite gateway to the temple of See also:

Khnum at Elephantine bears his name in hieroglyphic, and See also:demotic documents are found dated in his reign. The Ptolemaic Period.—On the division of Alexander's dominions in 325 B.C., Egypt fell to See also:Ptolemy the son of Lagus, the founder of the. Ptolemaic dynasty (see See also:PTOLEMIES). Under these rulers the rich kingdom was heavily taxed to See also:supply the sinews of war and to support every kind of lavish See also:expenditure. Officials, and the higher ones were nearly all Greeks, were See also:legion, but the whole See also:system was so judiciously worked that there was little discontent amongst the patient peasantry. During the reign of Philadelphus the land gained from the See also:bed of the lake of Moeris was assigned to See also:veteran soldiers; the great armies of the Ptolemies were rewarded or supported by grants of See also:farm lands, and men of Macedonian, Greek and Hellenistic extraction were planted in colonies and garrisons or settled themselves in the villages throughout the country. Upper Egypt, farthest from the centre of government, was probably least affected by the new influences, though the first Ptolemy established the Greek colony of Ptolemais to be its capital. Intermarriages, however, gradually had their effect; after the revolt of the natives in the reign of Ptolemy V., we find the Greek and Egyptian elements closely intermingled. Ptolemy I. had established the cult of the Memphite See also:Serapis in a Graeco-Egyptian form, affording a See also:common ground for native and Hellenistic worshippers. The greater number of the temples to the native deities in Upper Egypt and in Nubia (to 5o m. south of the Cataract, within the Dodecaschoenus) were built under the Ptolemies. No serious effort was made to extend the Ptolemaic rule into Ethiopia, and Ergamenes, the Hellenizing king of Ethiopia, was evidently in alliance with Philopator; in the next reign two native kings, probably supported by Ethiopia, reigned in succession at Thebes. That famous city lost all except its religious importance under the Ptolemies; after the " destruction " or dismantling by Lathyrus it formed only a series of villages.

The population of Egypt in the time of Ptolemy I. is put at 7,000,000 by Diodorus, who also says that it was greater then than it ever was before; at the end of the dynasty, in his own day, it was not much less though somewhat diminished. Civil wars and revolts must have greatly injured both Upper and Lower Egypt. It is remarkable that, while the See also:

building and decoration of temples continued in the reigns of Ptolemy Auletes and the later Ptolemies and See also:Cleopatra, papyri of those times whether Greek or Egyptian are scarcely to be found. The Roman Period.—In 30 B.C. See also:Augustus took Egypt as the See also:prize of conquest. He treated it as a part of his personal domain, free from any interference by the See also:senate. In the See also:main lines the' Ptolemaic organization was preserved, but See also:Romans were gradually introduced into the highest offices. On Egypt See also:Rome depended for its supplies of corn; entrenched there, a revolting general would be difficult to attack, and by simply holding back the See also:grain ships could threaten Rome with See also:starvation. No senator therefore was permitted to take See also:office or even to set See also:foot in the country without the See also:emperor's special leave, and by way of pre-caution the highest position, that of See also:prefect, was filled by a Roman of equestrian See also:rank only. As the representative of the emperor, this officer assumed the place occupied by the king under the old order, except that his power was limited by the right of See also:appeal to See also:Caesar. The first prefect, See also:Cornelius See also:Gallus, tamed the natives of Upper Egypt to the new yoke by force of arms, and See also:meeting ambassadors from Ethiopia at See also:Philae, established a nominal See also:protectorate of Rome over the frontier See also:district, which had been abandoned by the later Ptolemies. The third prefect, See also:Gaius See also:Petronius, cleared the neglected canals for See also:irrigation; he also repelled an invasion of the Ethiopians and pursued them far up the Nile, finally storming the capital of Napata.

But no attempt was made to hold Ethiopia. In succeeding reigns much trouble was caused by jealousies and quarrels between the Greeks and the Jews, to whom Augustus had granted privileges as valuable as those accorded to the Greeks. Aiming at the spice trade, Aelius Gallus, the second prefect of Egypt under Augustus, had made an unsuccessful expedition to conquer Arabia See also:

Felix; the valuable See also:Indian trade, however, was secured by See also:Claudius for Egypt at the expense of Arabia, and the Red Sea routes were improved. See also:Nero's reign especially marks the commencement of an era of prosperity which lasted about a century. Under See also:Vespasian the Jewish temple at Leontopolls in the Delta, which Onias had founded in the reign of Ptolemy Philometor, was closed; worse still, a great Jewish revolt and See also:massacre of the Greeks in the reign of See also:Trajan resulted, after a stubborn conflict of many months with the Roman army under Marcius Livianus Turbo, in the virtual extermination of the Jews in Alexandria and the loss of all their privileges. See also:Hadrian, who twice visited Egypt (A.D. 130, 134), founded Antinoe in memory of his drowned favourite. From this reign onwards buildings in the Graeco-Roman style were erected throughout the country. A new Sothic See also:cycle began in A.D. 139. Under See also:Marcus Aurelius a revolt of the Bucolic or native troops recruited for home service was taken up by the whole of the native population and was suppressed only after several years of fighting. The Bucolic war caused See also:infinite damage to the See also:agriculture of the country and marks the beginning of its rapid decline under a burdensome taxation.

The province of Africa was now of equal importance with Egypt for the grain supply of the capital. Avidius See also:

Cassius, who led the Roman forces in the war, usurped the See also:purple, and was acknowledged by the armies of Syria and Egypt. On the approach of Marcus Aurelius, the adherents of Cassius slew him, and the clemency of the emperor restored peace. After the downfall of the See also:house of the Antonines, Pescennius See also:Niger, who commanded the forces in Egypt, was proclaimed emperor on the death of See also:Pertinax (A.D. 193). See also:Severus overthrew his rival (A.D. 194) and, the revolt having been a military one, did not punish the province; in 202 he gave a constitution to Alexandria and the nome capitals. In his reign the Christians of Egypt suffered the first of their many persecutions. When See also:Christianity was planted in the country we do not know, but it must very early have gained adherents among the learned Jews of Alexandria, whose school of thought was in some respects ready to welcome it. From them See also:Christian-Ity. it rapidly passed to the Greeks. Ultimately the new religion spread to the Egyptians; their own creed was worn out, and they found in Christianity a See also:doctrine of the future life for which their old belief had made them not unready; while the social teaching of Christianity came with special fitness to a subject See also:race. The history of the Coptic Version has yet to be written.

It presents some features of great antiquity, and, unlike all others, has the truly popular character of being written in the three dialects of the See also:

language. Side by side there grew up an Alexandrian See also:church, philosophic, disputative, ambitious, the very centre of Christian learning, and an Egyptian church, ascetic, contemplative, mystical. The two at length influenced one another; still we can generally trace the philosophic teachers to a Greek origin, the mystics to an Egyptian. See also:Caracalla, in revenge for an affront, massacred all the men capable of bearing arms in Alexandria. His granting of the Roman citizenship to all Egyptians in common with the other provincials was only to extort more taxes. Under See also:Decius, A.D. 250, the Christians again suffered from persecution. When the empire broke up in the weak reign of See also:Gallienus, the prefect Aemilianus, who took the surname Alexander or Alexandrinus, was made emperor by the troops at Alexandria, but was conquered by the forces of Gallienus. In his brief reign of only a few months he had driven back an invasion of the Blemmyes. This predatory tribe, issuing from Nubia, was long to be' the terror of Upper Egypt. See also:Zenobia, queen of See also:Palmyra, after an unsuccessful invasion, on a second attempt conquered Egypt, which she added to her empire, but lost it when See also:Aurelian made war upon her (A.D. 272).

The province was, however, unsettled, and the conquest of Palmyra was followed in the same year by the suppression of a revolt in Egypt (A.D. 273). See also:

Probus, who had governed Egypt for Aurelian and See also:Tacitus, was subsequently chosen by the troops to succeed Tacitus, and is the first governor of this province who obtained the whole of the empire. He expelled the Blemmyes, who were dominating the whole of the Thebaid. See also:Diocletian invited the Nobatae to See also:settle in the Dodecaschoenus as a barrier against their incursions, and subsidized both Blemmyes and Nobatae. The country, however, was still disturbed, and in A.D. 296 a formidable revolt broke out, led by Achilleus, who as emperor took the name Domitius Domitianus. Diocletian, finding his troops unable to determine the struggle, came to Egypt, captured Alexandria and put his rival to death (296). He then reorganized the whole province, and the well-known " See also:Pompey's See also:Pillar " was set up by the grateful and repentant Alexandrians to commemorate his See also:gift to them of part of the corn tribute. The Coptic era of Diocletian or of the Martyrs dates from the accession of Diocletian (A.D. 284). The See also:edict of A.D.

303 against the Christians, and those which succeeded it, were rigorously carried out in Egypt, where Paganism was still strong and See also:

face to face with a strong and united church. See also:Galerius, who succeeded Diocletian in the government of the East, implacably pursued his policy, and this great persecution did not end until the persecutor, perishing, it is said, of the dire malady of See also:Herod and See also:Philip II. of See also:Spain, sent out an edict of See also:toleration (A.D. 311). By the edict of See also:Milan (A.D. 313), See also:Constantine, with the agree. ment of his colleague See also:Licinius, acknowledged Christianity a, having at least equal rights with other religions, and when he gained See also:sole power he wrote to all his subjects advising them, like him, to become Christians (A.D. 324). The Egyptian Church, hitherto free from See also:schism, was now divided by a fierce controversy, in which we see two Greek parties, rather than a Greek and an Egyptian, in conflict. The See also:council of See also:Nicaea was called together (A.D. 325) to determine between the Orthodox and the party of the Alexandrian See also:presbyter See also:Arius. At that council the native Egyptian bishops were chiefly remarkable for their manly protest against enforcing See also:celibacy on the See also:clergy. The most conspicuous controversialist on the Orthodox side was the See also:young Alexandrian See also:deacon See also:Athanasius, who returned home to be made See also:archbishop of Alexandria (A.D. 326).

After being four times expelled by the Arians, and once by the emperor See also:

Julian, he died, A.D. 373, at the moment when an Arian persecution began. So large a proportion of the population had taken religious vows that under See also:Valens it became necessary to abolish the See also:privilege of monks which exempted them from military service. The reign of See also:Theodosius I. witnessed the overthrow of Arianism, and this was followed by the suppression of See also:Pagan-ism, against which a final edict was promulgated A.D. 390. In Egypt, the year before, the temple of Serapis at Alexandria had been captured after much bloodshed by the Christian See also:mob and turned into a church. Generally the Coptic Christians were content to build their churches within the ancient temples, plastering over or effacing the sculptures which were nearest to the ground and in the way of the worshippers. They do not seem to have been very zealous in the work of destruction; the native religion was already dead and they had no fear of it. The prosperity of the church was the sign of its decay, and before long we find persecution and injustice disgracing the seat of Athanasius. See also:Cyril, the See also:patriarch of Alexandria (A.D. 415), expelled the Jews from the capital with the aid of the mob, and by the See also:murder of the beautiful philosopher See also:Hypatia marked the lowest See also:depth to which ignorant fanaticism could descend. A schism now produced lengthened civil war and alienated Egypt from the empire.

The distinction between religion and politics seemed to be lost, and the government grew weaker and weaker. The system of local government by citizens had now entirely disappeared. Offices, with new See also:

Byzantine names, were now almost hereditary in the wealthy land-owning families. The Greek rulers of the Orthodox faith were unable to protect the tillers of the See also:soil, and these being of the Monophysite persuasion and having their own church and patriarch, hated the Orthodox patriarch (who from the time of Justinian onwards was identical with the prefect) and all his following. Towards the middle of the 5th century, the Blemmyes, quiet since the reign of Diocletian, recommenced their incursions, and were even joined in them by the Nobatae. These tribes were twice brought to account severely for their misdoings, but not effectually checked. It was in these circumstances that Egypt fell without a conflict when attacked by See also:Chosroes (A.D. 616). After ten years of Persian dominion the success of See also:Heraclius restored Egypt to the empire, and for a time it again received a Greek governor. The See also:Monophysites, who had taken advantage of the Persian occupation, were persecuted and their patriarch expelled. The Arab conquest was welcomed by the native Christians, but with it they ceased to be the Egyptian nation. Their language is still used in their churches, but it is no longer spoken, and its literature, which is wholly ecclesiastical, has been long unproductive.

The decline of Egypt was due to the purely military government of the Romans, and their subsequent alliance with the Greek party of Alexandria, which never represented the country. Under weak emperors, the rest of Egypt was exposed to the inroads of savages, and left to fall into a condition of barbarism. Ecclesiastical disputes tended to alienate both the native population and the Alexandrians. Thus at last the country was merely held by armed force, and the authority of the governor was little recognized beyond the capital, except where garrisons were stationed. There was no military spirit in a population unused to arms, nor any disinclination to be relieved from an arbitrary and persecuting rule. Thus the Moslem conquest was easy. (R. S. P.; F. LL. G.) 2. See also:

Mahommedan Period.

(I) Moslem Conquest of Egypt.—In accordance with the scheme of universal conquest conceived by the founder of See also:

Islam, an army of some 4000 men was towards the end of the year A.D. 639 sent against Egypt under the command of `Amr (see `AMR-IBNEL-See also:Ass), by the second See also:caliph, See also:Omar I., who had some doubt as to the expediency of the enterprise. The See also:commander marched from Syria through El-'Arish, easily took Farama or Pelusium, and thence proceeded to See also:Bilbeis, where he was delayed for a See also:month; having captured this place, he proceeded to a point on the Nile called Umm Dunain, the siege of which also occasioned him some difficulty. After taking it, he crossed the Nile to the Fayum. On the 6th of See also:June of the following year (64o) a second army of 12,000 men, despatched by Omar, arrived at Heliopolis (On). `Amr recrossed the river and joined it, but presently was confronted by a Roman army, which he defeated at the battle of Heliopolis (See also:July 64o) ; this victory was followed by the siege of Babylon, which after some futile attempts at negotiation was taken partly by See also:storm and partly by See also:capitulation on Good See also:Friday, the 6th of See also:April 641. `Amr next proceeded in the direction of Alexandria, which was surrendered to him by a treaty signed on the 8th of See also:November 641, under which it was to be occupied by the Moslems on the 29th of See also:September of the following year. The See also:interval was spent by him in See also:founding the city Fostat (Fustat), near the See also:modern Cairo, and called after the See also:camp (Fossatum) occupied by him while besieging Babylon; and in reducing those coast towns that still offered resistance. The Thebaid seems to have surrendered with scarcely any opposition. The ease with which this valuable province was wrenched from the Roman empire appears to have been due to the treachery of the governor of Egypt, Cyrus, patriarch of Alexandria, and the incompetence of the generals of the Roman forces. The former, called by the See also:Arabs Mukaukis (Muqauqis) from his Coptic name Pkauchios, had for ten years before the arrival of `Amr maintained a fierce persecution of the Jacobite See also:sect, to which the bulk of the See also:Copts belonged. During the siege of Babylon he had been recalled and exiled, but after the death of Heraclius had been reinstated as patriarch by Heraclonas, and been welcomed back to Alexandria with general rejoicing in September 641.

Since Alexandria could neither have been stormed nor starved out by the Arabs, his motives for surrendering it, and with it the whole of Egypt, have been variously interpreted, some supposing him to have been secretly a convert to Islam. The notion that the Arab invaders were welcomed and assisted by the Copts, driven to desperation by the persecution of Cyrus, appears to be refuted by the fact that the invaders treated both Copts and Romans with the same ruthlessness; but the dissensions which prevailed in the Christian communities, leading to riots and even civil war in Alexandria and elsewhere, probably weakened resistance to the common enemy. An attempt was made in the year 645 with a force under See also:

Manuel, commander of the Imperial forces, to regain Alexandria for the Byzantine empire; the city was surprised, and held till the summer of 646, when it was again stormed by `Amr. In 654 a fleet was equipped by See also:Constans with a view to an invasion, but it was repulsed, and partly destroyed by storm. From that time no serious effort was made by the Eastern Empire to regain possession of the country. And it would appear that at the time of the attempt by Manuel the Arabs were actually assisted by the Copts, who at the first had found the Moslem lighter than the Roman yoke. A question often debated by Arabic authors is whether Egypt was taken by storm or capitulation, but, so far as the See also:transfer- ence of the country was accomplished by the first Terms of taking of Alexandria, there seems no doubt that the capitula- tion. latter view is correct. The terms were those on which conquered communities were ordinarily taken under Moslem protection. In return for a tribute of See also:money (jizyah) and See also:food for the troops of occupation (daribat-al-ta'am), the Christian inhabitants of Egypt were to be excused military service, and to be left free in the observance of their religion and the administration of their affairs. From 639 to 968 Egypt was a province of the Eastern Caliph-See also:ate, and was ruled by governors sent from the cities which at different times ranked as capitals. Like other provinces of the later Abbasid See also:Caliphate its rulers were, during this period, able to establish quasi-independent dynasties, such being those of the Tulunids who ruled from 868 to 905, and the Ikshidis from 935-969. In 969 the country was conquered by Jauhar for the Fatimite caliph Mo'izz, who transferred his capital from Mandia (q.v.) in the Maghrib to Cairo.

This dynasty lasted till 1171, when Egypt was again embodied in the Abbasid empire by See also:

Saladin, who, however, was himself the founder of a quasi-independent dynasty called the Ayyubites or Ayyubids, which lasted till 1252. The Ayyubites were followed by the See also:Mameluke dynasties, usually classified as Bahri from 1252-1382, and Burji from 1382-1517; these sovereigns were nominally under the suzerainty of Abbasid caliphs, who were in reality See also:instruments of the Mameluke sultans, and resided at Cairo. In 1517 Egypt became part of the See also:Ottoman empire and was governed by pashas sent from See also:Constantinople, whose influence about 1707 gave way to that of gfficials chosen from the Mamelukes who See also:bore the title Sheik al-balad. After the episode of the See also:French occupation, government by pashas was restored; Mehemet See also:Ali (appointed See also:pasha in 1805) obtained from the See also:Porte in 1841 the right to bequeath the sovereignty to his descendants, one of whom, See also:Ismail Pasha, received the title See also:Khedive, which is still held by Mehemet Ali's descendants. (2) The following is a list of the governors of Egypt in these successive periods: (a) During the undivided Caliphate. 'Amr-See also:ibn-el-Ass, A.H. 18-24 (A.n. 639-645). 'Abdallah b. Sa'd b. Abi Sarh, 24-36 (645-656). Qais b.

Sa'd b. 'Ubadah, 36 (657-658). Mahommed b. Abu Bekr, 37-38 (658). Ashtar Malik b. al-Harith appointed, but never governed). 'Arnr-ibn-el-Ass, 38-43 (658-663). 'Utbah b. Abu Sofian, 43-44 (664-665). 'Utbah b. 'See also:

Amir, 44-45 (665). Maslama b. Mukhallad, 45-62 (665-682).

Sa'id b. Yazid b. 'Alqamah, 62-64 (682-684). Abdarrahman b. 'Utbah b. Jandam, 64-65 (684). Abdalaziz ('Abd al-'Aziz) b. Merwan, 65-86 (685-705). 'Abdallah b. 'Abd al-Malik, 86-90 (7Q5-7o8). Qurrah b. Sharik al-'Absi, 90-96 (709-714).

'Abd al-Malik b. Rifa'ah al-Fahmi, 96-99 (715-717). Ayyub b. Shurabbil al-Asbabi, 99-101 (717-720). Bishr b. Safwan al-Kalbi, 101-102 (720-721). Hanzalah b. Safwan, 102-105 (721-724). Mahommed b. 'Abd al-Malik, 105 (724). Hurr b. Yusuf, 105–108 (724–727).

IIafs b. al-Walid, 108 (727). 'Abd al-Malik b. Rifa'ah, 109 (727). Walid b. Rifa'ah, Io9-117 (727-735). 'Abd al-Rabman b. Khalid, 117-118 (735). Han?alah b. Safwan, 118-124 (735-742). Hafs b. al-Walid, 124-127 (742-745). See also:

Hassan b. 'Atahiyah al-Tu'jibi, 127 (745).

Ilafs b. al-Walid, 127 (745). Hautharah b. Suhail al-Bahili, 128-131 (745-749). Mughirah b. 'Ubaidallah al-Fazari, 131–132 (749). 'Abd al-Malik b. Marwan al-Lakhmi, 132 (750). Salib b. 'Ali, 133 (750-751). Abu 'Aun 'Abdalmalik b. Yazid, 133-136 (751-753). Will b.

'Ali, 136-137 (753-755)—second time. Abu 'Aun, 137-141 (755-758)—second time. Musa b. Ka'b b. 'Uyainah al-Tamimi, 141 (758-759).Mahommed b. al-Ash'See also:

ath b. 'Uqbah al-Khuza i, 141-143 (759-760). Humaid b. Qabtabah b. Shabib 143-144 (760-762). Yazid b. Hatim b. Kabisah al-Muhallabi, 144-152 (762-769).

'Abdallah b. 'Abdarrabman b. Moawiya b. Hudaij, 152-155 (769–772). Mahommed b. Abdarrabman b. Moawiya b. Iludaij, 155 (772). Musa b. 'Ulayy b. Rabah al-Lakhmi, 155-161 (772-778). 'Isa b.

Lugman b. Mahommed al-Jumahi, 161-162 (778). Wadib, 162 (779). Mansur b. Yazid b. Mansur al-Ru'aini, 162 (779). Abu $alib Yabya b. Dawud b. Mamdud, 162-164 (779-780). Salim b. Sawadah al-Tamimi, 164 (780-781). See also:

Ibrahim b.

Salib b. 'Ali, 165-167 (781-784). Musa b. See also:

Mus'ab b. al-Rabi al-Khath'ami, 167-168 (784-785). Usamah b. 'Amr b. 'Alqamah al-Ma'afiri, 168 (785). al Fadl b. Salib b. 'Ali al-'Abbasi, 168-169 (785-786). 'Ali b. Sulaiman b. 'Ali al-'Abbasi, 169-171 (786-787).

Musa b. 'Isa b. Musa al-'Abbasi, 171-172 (787-789). Maslamah b. Yabya b. Qurrah al-Bajili, 172-173 (789-790). Mahommed b. See also:

Zuhair al-Azdi, 173 (790). Dawud b. Yazid b. Ilatim al-Muhallabi, 174-175 (790). Musa b.

'Isaal-`Abbasi, 175-176 (790-792). Ibrahim b. Salib, 176 (792). ,glib b. Ibrahim, 176 (792). Abdallah b. al-Musayyib b. Zuhair al Dabbi, 176-177 (792-793)- Isbaq b. Sulaiman b. 'Ali al-'Abbasi, 177-178 (793-794). Harthamah b. A'yan, 178 (794-795). 'Obaidallah b. al-See also:

Mandi, 179 (795).

Musa b. 'Isaal-'Abbasi, 179-180 (795-796). 'Obaidallah b. al-Mandi, 18o-181 (796-797)—second time. Isma'il b. Salib b. 'Ali al-'Abbasi, 181–182 (797-798). Ismail b. 'Isa b. Musa al-'Abbasi, 182-183 (798). Laith b. al-Fadl al-Abiwardi, 183-187 (798-803). Abmad b. Isma'il b.

'Ali al-'Abbasi, 187-189 (803-805). 'Obaidallah b. Mahommed b. Ibrahim al-'Abbasi, 189-190 (805-806). Husain b. Jamil, 190-192 (806-808). Malik b. Dalham b. 'Isa al-Kalbi, 192-193 (808). Uasan b. al-Tabtab, 193-194 (808-809). I-latim b. Harthamah b.

A'yan, 194-495 (809-811). Jabir b. al-Ash'ath b. Yabya al-'j a'1, 195-196 (811-812). 'Abbad b. Mahommedb. Hayyan al-Balkhi, 196-198 (812-813). Mottalib b. 'Abdallah b. Malik al-Khuza'i, 198 (813-814). 'Abbas b. Musa b. 'Isa al-'Abbasi, 198–199 (814).

Mottalib b. 'Abdallah, 199-200 (814-816)--second time. See also:

Sari b. al-Hakam b. Yusuf, 200-201 (816). Sulaiman b. Ghalib b. Jibril al-Bajili, 201 (816–817). Sari b. al Hakam, 201-205 (817-820). Abu Nasr Mahommed b. al-Sari, 205 (820-821). 'Obaidallah b. al-Sari, 205–211 (821-826). 'Abdallah b. Tahir, 211-213 (826-829).

Mahommed b. See also:

Harun (al-Mo'tasim), 213-214 (829). 'Umair b. Al-Walid al-Tamimi al-Badhaghisi, 214 (829). 'Isa b. Yazid, 214 (829). 'Abduyah b. Jabalah, 215-216 (830-831). 'Isa b. Mansur b. Musa al-Rafi'i, 216-217 (831-832). Nasr b.

Abdallah Kaidar al-$afadi, 217-219 (832-834). Muzaffar b. Kaidar, 219 (834). Musa b. Abi'l-Abbas Thabit al Hanafi, 219-224 (834-839). Malik b. Kaidar al $afadi, 224-226 (839-841). 'Ali b. Yabya abu 1-Hasan al-Armani, 226-228 (841-842). 'Isa b. Mansur al-Rafi'i, 229-233 (843-847). Harthamah b. al-See also:

Nadir al Jabali, 233-234 (848-849).

Hatim b. Harthamah, 234 (849). 'Ali b. Yabya, 234-235 (849-850). Ishaq b. Yabya al-Khatlani, 235-236 (850-851). 'Abd al-Wahid b. Yabya b. Mansur, 236-238 (851-852). 'Anbasa b. Ishaq b. Shamir, 238-242 (852-856).

Yazid b. 'Abdallah b. Dinar, 242-253 (856-867). Muzahim b. Khagan al-See also:

Turki, 253-254 (867-868). Abmad b. Muzahim b. Khagan, 254 (868). Urjuz b. Ulugh Tarkhan al-Turki, 254 (868). Tulunid house. Abmad b.

Tulun, 254-270 (868-884). Khomaruya b. Abmad, 270-282 (884-896). Jaish h. Khomaruya, 282 (896). Harun b. Khomaruya, 283-292 (896-904). Shaiban b. Abmad, 292 (905). 'Isa b. Mahommed al-Naushari, 292 (905). Mahommed b.

'Ali al-Khalanji, 292-293 (905-906). 'Isa al-Naushari, 293-297 (906-910)—second time. See also:

Takin b. Abdallah al-Khazari, 297-302 (910-915). Dhuka al-See also:Rumi, 303-307 (915-919). Takin b. 'Abdallah, 307-309 (919-921)—second time. Abu Qabus Mabmud b. Ilamal, 309 (921). Hilal b. Badr, 309-311 (921-923). Abmad b.

Kaighlagh, 311 (923). Takin b. Abdallah, 311-321 (923-933)—third time. Mahommed b. Takin, 321 (933). Fkshidi house. Mahommed b. Tughj al-Ikshid, 321 (933). [Abmad b. Kaighlagh, 321-322 (933-934)]. Mahommed b. Tughj, 323-334 (934-946)--second time.

LUnjur b. al-Ikshid, 334-349 (946-961). 'Ali b. al-Ikshid, 349-355 (961-966). Kafur b. Abdallah al-Ikshidi, 355-357 (966-968). Abu'l-Fawaris Abmad b. 'Ali b. al-Ikshid, 357 (968). (b) Fatimite Caliphs, 357-567 (969-1171). Mo'izz Abu Tamim Ma'add (or li-din See also:

allah), 357-365 (969-975). 'Aziz Abu Mansur Nizar (al-'Aziz billah), 365-386 (975-996). Hakim [Abu 'Ali Mansur], 386-411 (996-1020). Zahir [Abu'I-Hasan 'All], 411-427 (1020-1035). Mostansir [Abu Tamim Ma'add], 427-487 (1035-1094).

Mosta'li [Abu'l-Qasim Abroad], 487-495 (1094-1101). Amir [Abu 'Ali Mansur], 495-524 (1101-1130). Manz [Abu'l-Maimun 'Abd al-Majid], 524-544 (1130-1149). Zafir [Abu'l-Mansur Ismaiil], 544-549 (1149-1154). Fa'iz [Abu'I-Qasim 'Isa], 549-555 (1154-1160(). Adid [Abu Mahommed 'Abdallah], 555-567 (1160-1171). (c) Ayyubite Sultans, 564-648 (1169-1250). Malik al-Nasir Salab al-din Yusuf b. Ayyub (SALADIN), 564-589 (1169-1193). Malik al-'Aziz 'Imad al-din See also:

Othman, 589-595 (1193-1198). Malik al-Mansur Mahommed, 595-596 (1198-1199). Malik al-'Adi?Saif al-din Abu Bakr, 596-615 (1199-1218).

Malik AL-KAMIL Mahommed, 615-635 (1218-1238). Malik al-'Adil II. Saif al-din Abu Bakr, 635-637 (1238-1240). Malik al-Salih Najm al-din Ayyub, 637-647 (1240-1249). Malik al-Mo'azzam Turanshah, 647-648 (1249-1250). Malik al-Ashraf Musa, 648-65o (1250-1252). (d) Bahri Mamelukes, 648-792 (1250-1390). Shajar al-durr, 643 (1250). Malik al-Mo'izz 'Izz al-din Aibek, 648-655 (1250-1257). Malik al-Mansur Nureddin 'Ali, 655-657 (1257-1259). Malik al-Mozaffar gaif al-din KOTuz, 657-658 (1259-1260). Malik al-Zahir [Rukn al-din (Rukneddin) BIBARS Bundukdari], 658-676 (1260-1277).

Malik al-Sa'id Nasir al-din Barakah See also:

Khan, 676-678 (1277- Malik~al-'Adil Badr al-din Salamish, 678 (1279). Malik al-Mansur Saif al-din QALA'Ux, 678-689 (1279-1290). Malik al-Ashraf [Salab al-din KHALIL], 689-693 (1290-1293). Malik al-Nasir [Nasir al-din Mahommed], 693-694 (1293-1294). Malik al-'Adil [Zain al-din KITBOGA], 694-696 (1294-1296). Mansur [Husain al-din LAJIN], 696-698 (1296-1298). NASIR MAHOMMED (again), 698-708 (1298-1308). Mozaffar [Rukn al-din Bibars Jashengir], 708-709 (1308-1310). Nasir Mahommed (third time), 709-741 (1310-1341). Mansur [Saif al-din ABU BAKR], 741-742 (1341). Ashraf [See also:Ala'u '1-din KucxuK], 742 (1341-1342). Nasir [Shihab al-din Abroad], 742-743 (1342).

$alih 'Imad al-din Ismaiil], 743-746 (1342-1345). Kamil [Saif al-din SuA'See also:

BAN], 746-747 (1345-1346). Mozaffar [Saif al-din HAJJI], 747-748 (1346-1347). Nasir [Nasir al-din Hasan], 748-752 (1347-1351). Salib [Salah al-din Sahb], 752-755 (1351-1354). Nasir [Hasan] (again), 755-762 11354-1361). Mansur [Salah al-din Mahommed], 762-764 (1361-1363). Ashraf [Nasir al-din Sha'ban], 764-778 (1363-1377). Mansur ['Ala'u '1-din 'Ali], 778-783 (1377-1381). Sahli [See also:Sahib al-din Hajji], 783-784 (1381-1382). Barkulc or Barquiq (see below), 784-791 (1382-1389). Hajji again, with title of Mozaffar, 791-792 (1389-1390).

(e) Burji Mamelukes, 784-922 (1382-1517). Zahir [Saif al-din Barquq], 784-801 (1382-1398) [interrupted by Hajji, 791-792]. Nasir [Nasir al-din FARAJ], 8o,-8o8 (1398-1405). Mansur ['1zz al-din Abdalaziz ('Abd al-'Aziz)], 808-809 (1405-1406). Nasir Faraj (again), 809-815 (1406-1412). Adil Mosta'in (Abbasid caliph), 815 (1412). Mu'ayyad [See also:

Sheikh], 815—824 (1412—1421). Mozaffar [Abmad], 824 (1421). Zahir [Saif al-din Tatar], 824 (1421). Salib [Nasir al-din Mahommed], 824-825 (1421-1422). Ashraf [Saif al-din Barsbai], 825-842 (1422-1438). 'Aziz []aural al-din Yusuf], 842 (1438).

Zahir [Saif al-din Jakmak], 842-857 (1438—1453). Mansur [See also:

Fakhr al-din Othman], 857 (1453). Ashraf [Saif al-din 'See also:nail, 857-865 (1453-1461). Mu'ayyad [Shihab al-din Abmad], 865 (1461).Zahir [See also:Sail al-din Khoshkadam], 865-872 (1461-1467). Zahir [Saif al-din Yelbai or Bilbai], 872 (1467). Zahir [Timurbogha], 872-873 (1467-1468). Ashraf [Saif al-din (KAIT See also:BEY)], 873-901 (1468-1495). Nasir [Mahommed], 901-904 (1495-1498). Zahir [Kansuh], 904-905 (1498-1499)• Ashraf [Janbalat or See also:Jan See also:Bela], 905-906 (1499-1501). 'Adil Tumanbey (1501). Ashraf [Kansuh Ghuri], 906-922 (1501-1516). Ashraf [Tumanbey], 922 (1516-1517).

(f) See also:

Turkish Governors after the Ottoman Conquest. Khair Bey, 923 (1517). Hosain, 1085 (1674). Mustafa Pasha, 926 (1520). , I-Iasan al-Janbalat, 1687 (1676). Ahmad, 929 (1523). Othman, 1091 (1680). Qasim, 930 (1524). Hasan al-Silabdar, 1099 (1688). Ibrahim, 931 (1525). Abmad, Iio, (169o). See also:Suleiman, 933 (1527).

'Ali Qilij, 1102 (1691). Dawud, 945 (1538). Ismail, 1107 (1696). 'Ali, 956 (1549). Hosain, 1109 (1697). Mahommed, 961 (I 54). Qara Mahommed or Abmad, Iskandar, 963 (1556). 1111 (1699). 'Ali al-Khadim, 968 (1561). Mahommed Rami, 1116 (1704). Mustafa, 969 (1561). 'All Muslim, 1118 (1706).

'Ali al-Sufi, 971 (1563). Hosain Ketkhuda, 1119 (1707). Mabmud, 973 (1566). Ibrahim Qabudan, 1121 (1709). Sinan, 975 (1567). Khalil, 1122 (1710). Hosain, 980 (1573). Wall, 1123 (1711). Masib, 982 (1575). 'Abidin, 1127 (1715). Hasan al-Khadim, 988 (1580). 'Ali Izmirli, 1129 (1717).

Ibrahim, 991 (1583). Rajab, 1130 (1718). Sinan, 992 (1584). Mahommed al-Bashimi, 1132 Uwais, 994 (1585). (1720). See also:

Hafiz Abroad, 999 (1591). 'Ali, 1138 (1728). Kurt, 1003 (1595). Bakir, 1141 (1729). Sayyid Mahommed, 1004 (1596). 'Abdallah Kuburlu, 1142 (1729). Khiclr, 1006 (1598).

Mahommed Silandar, 1144(1732)• 'Ali al-Silabdar, 1009 (16o,). Othman Halabi, 1146 (1733). Ibrahim, 1012 (1604). Bakir, 1148 (1735). Mahommed al-Kurji, 1013 (1605). Mustafa, 1149 (1736). Hasan, 1014 (1605).'Azim 1152(1739). Mahommed al-Sufi, 1016 (1607). 'Ali Hakim Oghlu,R153 (1740). Abmadal-Daftardar, 1022 (1613). Yabya, 1154 (1741).

Mustafa Lafakli, 1026 (1617). Mahommed Yedkeshi, 1156 Ja'far, 1027 (1618). (1743)• Mustafa, 1028 (1619). Mahommed Raghib,1158 (1745). Hosain, 1028 (1619). Abmad Kuruzir, 1161 (1748). Mahommed, Io 1 (1622). Sharif 'Abdallah, 1163 (1750). Ibrahim, 1031 (1622). Mahommed Amin, 1166 (1753). Mustafa, 1032 (1623). Mustafa, 1166 (1753).

'Ali, 1032 (1623). 'Ali Hakim Oghiu, 1169 (1756). Mustafa, 1032 (1624). Mahommed Sa'id, 1171 (1758). See also:

Bairam, 1036 (1626). Mustafa, 1173 (1759). Mahommed, 1037 (1627). Abmad Kamil, 1174 (1761). Musa, 1040 (1631). Bakir, 1175 (1761). Khalilal-Bustanji, 1041 (1631). Hasan, 1176 (1761).

Abroad al-Kurji, 1042 (1633). I,Iamzah, 1179 (1765). Hosain, 1045 (1636). Mahommed Ragim, 1181 (1767). Mahommed b. Abroad, 1047 Mahommed Urflu, 1182 (1768). (1638). Abroad, 1183 (1770). Mustafa al-Bustanji, 1049 (1639). Qara Khalil, 1184 (1770). Magsud, 1050 (1641). Mustafa Nabulsi, 1188 (1774).

Suyan Bey, 1054 (1644). Ibrahim 'Arabgirli, 1189 (1775). Ayyub, 1055 (1645). Mahommed 'Izzet, 1190 (1776). Mahommed b. Haidar, 1057 Ismail, 1193 (1779). (1647). ' Mahommed Malik, 1195 (1781). Abroad, 1058 (1648). Sharif 'Ali Qassab, 1196 (1782). 'Abd al-Rabman, 1061 (1651). Mahommed Silabdar,,198(1783).

Mahommed al-Silandar, 1062 Mahommed Yeyen, 1200 (1785). (1652). 'Abidin Sharif, 1201 (1787). See also:

Ghazi, 1066 (1655). Ismail Tunisi, 1203 (1788). Omar, 1067 (1652). Salib Qaisarli, 1209 (1794). Abmad, 1077 (1666). Abu Bakr Tarabulsi, 1211 Ibrahim, 1078 (1667). (1796). French Occupation. Khosrev, 1216 (1802).

All Jaza'irli or Tarabulsi, 1218 Tahir, 1218 (1803). (1803). Khorshid, 1219 (1804). (g) Hereditary Pashas (later Khedives), from 1220 (from 1805). Mehemet 'Ali, 1220-1264 (1805- Sa'id, 1270-1280 (1854-1863). 1848). Ismail, 1280-1300 (1863-1882). Ibrahim, 1264 (1848). Tewfik, 1300-1309 (1882-1892). 'Abbas I., 1264-1270 (1848-1854). Abbas II., 1309 (1892). (3) Period under Governors sent from the See also:

Metropolis of the eastern Caliphate.—The first governor of the newly acquired province was the conqueror 'Amr, whose See also:jurisdiction was presently restricted to Lower Egypt; Upper Egypt, which was divided into three provinces, being assigned to Abdallah b.

Sa'd, on whom the third caliph conferred the government of Lower Egypt also, `Amr being recalled, owing to his unwillingness to extort from his subjects as much money as would satisfy the caliph. In the troubles which overtook the Islamic empire with the accession of Othman, Egypt was greatly involved, and it had to be reconquered from the adherents of Ali for Moawiya (Mo'awiyah) by `Amr, who in A.H. 38 was rewarded for his services by being reinstated as governor, with the right to appropriate the surplus revenue instead of sending it as tribute to the metropolis. In the confusion which followed on the death of the Omayyad caliph Yazid the Egyptian Moslems declared themselves for Abdallah b. Zobair, but their leader was defeated in a battle near See also:

Ain Shams (See also:December 684) by Merwan b. Hakam (Merwan I.), who had assumed the Caliphate, and the conqueror's son Abd al-`Aziz was appointed governor. They also declared themselves against the usurper Merwan II. in 745, whose lieu-See also:tenant al-Hautharah had to enter Fostat at the head of an army. In 750 Merwan II. himself came to Egypt as a fugitive from the See also:Abbasids, but found that the bulk of the Moslem population had already joined with his enemies, and was defeated and slain in the neighbourhood of Giza in July of the same year. The Abbasid general, Salih b. Ali, who had won the victory, was then appointed governor. During the period that elapsed between the Moslem conquest and the end of the Omayyad dynasty the nature of the Arab occupation had changed from what had originally been intended, the establishment of garrisons, to systematic colonization. Conversions of Copts to Islam were at first rare, and the old system of taxation was maintained for the greater part of the first Islamic century.

This was at the rate of a dinar per feddan, of which the proceeds were used in the first place for the pay of the troops and their families, with about half the amount in kind for the rations of the army. The See also:

process by which the first of these contributions was turned into See also:coin is still obscure; it is clear that the corn when threshed was taken over by certain public officials who deducted the amount due to the state. In general the system is well illustrated by the papyri forming the Schott-Reinhardt collection at See also:Heidelberg (edited by C.H. See also:Becker, 1906), which contain a number of letters on the subject from Qurrah b. Shank, governor from A.H. 90 to 96. The old division of the country into districts (nomoi) is maintained, and to the inhabitants of these districts demands are directly addressed by the governor of Egypt, while the head of the community, ordinarily a Copt, but in some cases a Moslem, is responsible for compliance with the demand. An official called " See also:receiver " (gabbal) is chosen by the inhabitants of each district to take charge of the produce till it is delivered into the public magazines, and receives 5% for his trouble. Some further details are to be found in documents preserved by the archaeologist See also:Maqrizi, from which it appears that the sum for which each district was responsible was distributed over the unit in such a way that artisans and tradesmen paid at a rate similar to that which was enforced on those employed in agriculture. It is not known at what time the practice of having the amount due settled by the community was altered into that according to which it was settled by the governor, or at what time the practice of deducting from the total certain expenses necessary for the See also:maintenance of the community was abandoned. The researches of See also:Wellhausen and Becker have made it clear that the difference which is marked in later Islam between a See also:poll-tax (jizyah) and a land-tax (khardj) did not at first exist: the papyri of the 1st century know only of the jizyah, which, however, is not a poll-tax but a land-tax (in the main). The development of the poll-tax imposed on members of tolerated cults seems to be due to various causes, chief of them the acquisition of land by Moslems, who were not at first allowed to possess any, the See also:conversion of Coptic landowners to Islam, and the enforcement (towards the end of the 1st century of Islam) of the poll-tax on monks.

The See also:

treasury could not afford to lose the land-tax, which it would naturally forfeit by the first two of the above occurrences, and we read ofvarious expedients being tried to prevent this loss. Such were making the Christian community to which the See also:proselyte had belonged pay as much as it had paid when his lands belonged to it, making proselytes pay as before their conversion, or compelling them to abandon their lands on conversion. Eventually the theory spread that all land paid land-tax, whereas members of tolerated sects paid a personal tax also; but during the See also:evolution of this doctrine the relations between conquerors and conquered became more and more strained, and from the time when the control of the See also:finance was separated from the administration of the country (A.D. 715) complaints of See also:extortion became serious; under the predecessor of Qurrah, `Abdallah b. `Abd al-Malik, the country suffered from See also:famine, and under this ruler it was unable to recover. Under the finance See also:minister Obaidallah b. Habhab (720—734) the first government survey by Moslems was made, followed by a See also:census; but before this time the higher administrative posts had been largely taken out of the hands of Copts and filled with Arabs. The resentment of the Copts finally expressed itself in a revolt, which broke out in the year 725, and was suppressed with difficulty. Two years re copm volt. volt after, in order that the Arab See also:element in Egypt might be strengthened, a colony of North Arabians (Qaisites) was sent for and planted near Bilbeis, reaching the number of 3000 persons; this immigration also restored the See also:balance between the two branches of the Arab race, as the first immigrants had belonged almost exclusively to the South Arabian stock. Mean-while the employment of the Arabic language had been steadily gaining ground, and in 706 it was made the official language of the bureaux, though the occasional use of Greek for this purpose is attested by documents as late as the year 780. Other revolts of the Copts are recorded for the year 739 and 750, the last year of Omayyad domination. The outbreaks in all cases are attributed to increased taxation.

The Abbasid period was marked at its commencement by the erection of a new capital to the north of Fostat, bearing the name `Askar or " camp." Apparently at this time the practice of farming the taxes began, which naturally led to even greater extortion than before; and a fresh rising of the Copts is recorded for the fourth year of Abbasid rule. Governors, as will be seen from the list, were frequently changed. The three officials of importance whose nomination is mentioned by the historians in addition to that of the governor were the commander of the bodyguard, the minister of finance and the judge. Towards the beginning of the 3rd Islamic century the practice of giving Egypt in See also:

fief to a governor was resumed by the caliph See also:Mamun, who bestowed this privilege on `Abdallah b. Tahir, who in 827 was sent to recover Alexandria, which for some ten years had been held by exiles from Spain. `Abdallah b. Tahir decided to reside at Bagdad, sending a See also:deputy to Egypt to govern for him; and this example was afterwards followed. In 828, when Mamun's See also:brother Motasim was feudal See also:lord, a violent insurrection broke out in the Hauf, occasioned, as usual, by excessive taxation; it was partly quelled in the next year by Motasim, who marched against the rebels with an army of 4000 See also:Turks. The rebellion broke out repeatedly in the following years, and in 831 the Copts joined with the Arabs against the government; the state of affairs became so serious that the caliph Mamun himself visited Egypt, arriving at Fostat in See also:February 832; his general Afshin fought a decisive battle with the rebels at Basharud in the Haul region, at which the Copts were compelled to surrender; the See also:males were massacred and the women and children sold as slaves. This event finally crushed the Coptic nation, which never again made head against the Moslems. In the following year the caliph Motasim, who surrounded himself with a foreign body-guard, withdrew the stipends of the Arab soldiers in Egypt; this measure caused some of the Arab tribes who had been long settled in Egypt to revolt, but their resistance was crushed, and the domination of the Arab element in the country from this time gave way to that of foreign mercenaries, who, belonging to one nation or another, held it for most of its subsequent history. Egypt was given in fief to a Turkish general Ashnas (Ashinas), who never visited the country, and the rule of individuals of Turkish origin prevailed till the rise of the See also:Fatimites, who for a time interrupted it.

The presence of Turks in Egypt is attested by documents as early as 808. While the governor Turkish was appointed by the feudal lord, the finance minister governors continued to be appointed by the caliph. On the appointed. death of Ashnas in 844 Egypt was given in fief to another Turkish general Itakh, but in 85o this person fell out of favour, and the fief was transferred to Montasir, son of the caliph Motawakkil. In 856 it was transferred from him to the vizier Fath b. Khagan, who for the first time appointed a Turkish governor. The chief places in the state were also filled with Turks. The period between the rise of the Abbasids and the quasi-independent dynasties of Egypt was marked by much religious persecution, occasioned by the fanaticism of some of the caliphs, the victims being generally Moslem sectarians. (For Egypt under Motawakkil see CALIPHATE, § c. See also:

par. 1o.) The policy of these caliphs also led to severe measures being taken against any members of the Alid family or adherents of their cause who were to be found in Egypt. In the year 868 Egypt was given in fief to a Turkish general Bayikbeg, who sent thither as his representative his stepson 71Glnnid Alimad b. 'Nan, the first founder of a quasi-indevynesty. pendent dynasty. This personage was himself the son of a Turk who, originally sent as a slave to Bagdad, had risen to high rank in the service of the caliphs.

Ahmad b. Tulun spent some of his early life in See also:

Tarsus, and on his return distinguished himself by rescuing his See also:caravan, which conveyed treasure belonging to the caliph, from brigands who attacked it; he afterwards accompanied the caliph Mosta'in into See also:exile, and displayed some See also:honourable qualities in his treatment of the fallen sovereign. He found a rival in Egypt in the person of Ibn al-Modabbir, the finance minister, who occupied an independent position, and who started the practice of surrounding himself with an army of his own slaves or freedmen; of these Ibn Tulun succeeded in depriving the finance minister, and they formed the See also:nucleus of an army by which he eventually secured his own independence. Insurrections by adherents of the Alids gave him the opportunity to display his military skill; and when in 87o his stepfather died, by a stroke of See also:luck the fief was given to his father-in-law, who retained Ahmad in the lieutenancy, and indeed extended his authority to Alexandria, which had till that time been outside it. The enterprise of a usurper in Syria in the year 872 caused the caliph to require the presence of Ahmad in that country at the head of an army to quell it; and although this army was not actually employed for the purpose, it was not disbanded by Ahmad, who on his return founded a fresh city called Kata'i', " the fiefs," S.E. of modern Cairo, to house it. On the death of Ahmad's father-in-law in the same year, when Egypt was given in fief to the caliph's brother Mowaffaq (famous for his defeat of the Zanj), Ahmad secured himself in his post by extensive See also:bribery at headquarters; and in the following year the administration of the Syrian frontier was conferred on him as well. By 875 he found himself strong enough to refuse to send tribute to Bagdad, preferring to spend the revenues of Egypt on the maintenance of his army and the erection of great buildings, such as his famous See also:mosque; and though Mowaffaq advanced against him with an army, the project of reducing Ahmad to submission had to be abandoned for want of means. In 877 and 878 Ahmad advanced into Syria and obtained the submission of the chief cities, and at Tarsus entered into friendly relations with the representatives of the Byzantine emperor. During his absence his son `Abbas revolted in Egypt; on the See also:news of his father's return he fled to See also:Barca, whence he endeavoured to conquer the Aghlabite dominions in the Maghrib; he was, however, defeated by the Aghlabite ruler, and returned to Barca, where he was again defeated by his father's forces and taken prisoner. In 882 relations between Ahmad and Mowaffaq again became strained, and the former conceived the bold See also:plan of getting the caliph Mo'tamid into his power, which, however, was frustratedby Mowaffaq's vigilance; but an open rupture was the result, as Mowaffaq formally deprived Abmad of his lieutenancy, while Ahmad equally formally declared that Mowaffaq had forfeited the succession. A revolt that broke out at Tarsus caused Abmad to See also:traverse Syria once more in 883, but illness compelled him to return, and on the See also:roth of May 884 he died at his residence in Kata'i'. He was the first to establish the claim of Egypt to govern Syria, and from his time Egypt grew more and more independent of the Eastern caliphate.

He appears to have invented the fiction which afterwards was repeatedly employed, by which the money spent on mosque-building was supposed to have been furnished by discoveries of buried treasure. He was succeeded by his son Khomaruya, then twenty years of age, who immediately after his accession had to See also:

deal with an attempt on the part of the caliph to recover Syria; this attempt failed chiefly through dissensions between the caliph's officers, but partly through the ability of Khomaruya's general, who succeeded in winning a battle after his See also:master had run away from the field. By 886 Mowaffaq found it expedient to grant Khomaruya the possession of Egypt, Syria, and the frontier towns for a period of thirty years, and ere long, owing to the disputes of the provincial governors, Khomaruya found it possible to extend his domain to the Euphrates and even the See also:Tigris. On the death of Mowaffaq in 891 the Egyptian governor was able to renew peaceful relations with the caliphs, and receive fresh See also:confirmation in his possessions for thirty years. The See also:security which he thereby gained gave him the opportunity to indulge his taste for costly buildings, parks and other luxuries, of which the chroniclers give accounts bordering on the fabulous. After the marriage of his daughter to the caliph, which was celebrated at enormous expense, an arrangement was made giving the Tulunid sovereign the viceroyalty of a region extending from Barca on the west to See also:Hit on the east; but tribute, ordinarily to the amount of 300,000 dinars, was to be sent to the metropolis. His See also:realm enjoyed peace till his death in 896, when he fell a victim to some palace intrigue at See also:Damascus. His son and successor Abu'I-'Asakir Jaish was fourteen years old at his accession, and being without adequate guidance soon revealed his incompetence, which led to his being murdered after a reign of six months by his troops, who gave his place to his brother Harun, who was of about the same age. In the eight years of his government the Tulunid empire contracted, owing to the revolts of the deputies which Harun was unable to quell, though in 898 he endeavoured to secure a new See also:lease of the sovereignty in Egypt and Syria by a fresh arrangement with the caliph, involving an increase of tribute. The following years witnessed serious troubles in Syria caused by the See also:Carmathians, which called for the intervention of the caliph, who at last succeeded in defeating these fanatics; the officer Mahommed b. Solaiman, to whom the victory was due, was then commissioned by the caliph to reconquer Egypt from the Tulunids, and after securing the See also:allegiance of the Syrian prefects he invaded Egypt by sea and land at once. Before the arrival of these troops Harun had met his death at the hands of an See also:assassin, or else in an See also:affray, and his See also:uncle Shaiban, who was placed on the throne, found himself without the means to collect an army See also:fit to grapple with the invaders.

Fostat was taken by Mahommed b. 8olaiman after very slight resistance, at the beginning of 905, and after the infliction of severe See also:

punishment on the inhabitants Egypt was once more put under a deputy, 'Isa al-Naushari, appointed directly by the caliph. The old regime was not restored without an attempt made by an adherent of the Tulunids to reconquer Egypt ostensibly for their benefit, and for a time the caliph's viceroy had to quit the capital. The vigorous measures of the authorities at Bagdad speedily quelled this rebellion, and the Tulunid palace at Kata'i' was then destroyed in order that there might be nothing to remind the Egyptians of the dynasty. In the middle of the year 914 Egypt was invaded for the first time by a Fatimite force sent by the caliph aI-Mandi 'Obaidallah, now established at See also:Kairawan. The Mandi's son succeeded in taking Alexandria, and advancing as far as the Fayum; but once more the Abbasid caliph sent a powerful army to assist his viceroy, and the invaders were driven out of the country and pursued as far as Barca; the Fatimite caliph, however, continued to maintain active propaganda in Egypt. In 919 Alexandria was again seized by the Mandi's son, afterwards the caliph al-Qa`See also:im, and while his forces advanced northward as far as Ushmunain (Eshmunain) he was reinforced by a fleet which arrived at Alexandria. This fleet was destroyed by a far smaller one sent by the Bagdad caliph to See also:Rosetta; but Egypt was not freed from the invaders till the year 921, when reinforcements had been repeatedly sent from Bagdad to deal with them. The extortions necessitated by these wars for the maintenance of armies and the incompetence of the viceroys brought Egypt at this time into a miserable condition; and the numerous political crises at Bagdad pre-vented for a time any serious measures being taken to improve it. After a struggle between various pretenders to the See also:vice-See also:royalty, in which some pitched battles were fought, Mahommed b. Tughj, son of a Tulunid prefect of Damascus, was sent by the caliph to restore order; he had to force his entrance into the country by an engagement with one of the pretenders, Ibn Kaighlagh, in which he was victorious, and entered Fostat in See also:August 935. Mahommed b.

Tughj was the founder of the Ikshidi dynasty, so called from the title Ikshid, conferred on him at his See also:

request by the caliph shortly after his See also:appointment to the governorship of Egypt; it is said to have had the sense of " king " in See also:Ferghana, whence this person's ancestors had come to enter the service of the caliph Motasim. He had himself served under the governor of Egypt, Takin, whose son he displaced, in various capacities, and had afterwards held various governorships in Syria. One of the historians represents his appointment to Egypt as effected by bribery and even forgery. He united in his person the offices of governor and minister of finance, which had been separate since the time of the Tulunids. He endeavoured to replenish the treasury not only by extreme See also:economy, but by inflicting fines on a vast scale on persons who had held offices under his predecessor and others who had rendered themselves suspect. The disaffected in Egypt kept up communications with the Fatimites, against whom the Ikshid collected a vast army, which, however, had first to be employed in resisting an invasion of Egypt threatened by Ibn Raiq, an adventurer who had seized Syria; after an indecisive engagement at Lajun the Ikshid decided to make peace with Ibn Raiq, undertaking to pay him tribute. The favour after-wards shown to Ibn Raiq at Bagdad nearly threw the Ikshid into the arms of the Fatimite caliph, with whom he carried on a friendly correspondence, one letter of which is preserved. He is even said to have given orders to substitute the name of the Fatimite caliph for that of the Abbasid in public See also:prayer, but to have been warned of the unwisdom of this course. In 941, after the death of Ibn Raiq, the Ikshid took the opportunity of invading Syria, which the caliph permitted him to hold with the addition of the sacred cities of See also:Mecca and See also:Medina, which the Tulunids had aspired to possess. He is said at this time to have started (in See also:imitation of Abmad Ibn Tulun) a variety of vexatious enactments similar to those afterwards associated with the name of Hakim, e.g. compelling his soldiers to dye their See also:hair, and adding to their pay for the purpose. In the year 944 he was summoned to See also:Mesopotamia to assist the caliph, who had been driven from Bagdad by Tuzun and was in the power of the IIamdanids; and he proposed, though unsuccessfully, to take the caliph with him to Egypt. At this time he obtained hereditary rights for his family in the government of that country and Syria.

The I3amdanid Saif addaula shortly after this assumed the governorship of See also:

Aleppo, and became involved in a struggle with the Ikshid, whose general, Kafur, he defeated in an engagement between Horns and See also:Hamah (Hamath). In a later battle he was himself defeated by the Ikshid, when an arrangement was made permitting Saif addaula to retain most of Syria, while a prefect appointed by the Ikshid was to remain in Damascus. The Buyid ruler, who was now supreme at Bagdad, permitted the Ikshid to remain inpossession of his viceroyalty, but shortly- after receiving this confirmation he died at Damascus in 946. The second of this dynasty was the Ikshid's son Unjur, who had been proclaimed in his father's time, and began his government under the tutelage of the See also:negro Kafur. Syria was immediately overrun by Saif addaula, but he was defeated by Kafur in two engagements, and was compelled to recognize the over-lordship of the Egyptian viceroy. At the death of Unjur in 961 his brother Abu'l-Iiasan `Ali was made viceroy with the caliph's consent by Kaffir, who continued to govern for his chief as before. The land was during this period threatened at once by the Fatimites from the west; the Nubians from the south, and the Carmathians from the east; when the second Ikshidi died in 965, Kafur at first made a pretence of appointing his young son Abmad as his successor, but deemed it safer to assume the viceroyalty himself, setting an example which in Mameluke times was often followed. He occupied the post little more than three years, and on his death in 968 the afore-mentioned Abmad, called Abu'l-Fawaris, was appointed successor, under the tutelage of a vizier named Ibn Furat, who had long served under the Ikshidis. The accession of this prince was followed by an incursion of the Carmathians into Syria, before whom the Ikshidi governor fled into Egypt, where he had for a time to undertake the management of affairs, and arrested Ibn Furat, who had proved himself incompetent. The administration of Ibn Furat was fatal to the Ikshidis and momentous for Egypt, since a Jewish convert, See also:Jacob, son of See also:Killis, who had been in the Ikshid's service, and was See also:ill-treated by Ibn Furat, fled to the Fatimite sovereign, and persuaded him that the time for invading Egypt with a prospect of success had arrived, since there was no one in Fostat capable of organizing a plan of See also:defence, and the dissensions between the Buyids at Bagdad rendered it improbable that any succour would arrive from that quarter. The Fatimite caliph Mo'izz li-din allah was also in correspondence with other residents in Egypt, where the Alid party from the beginning of Abbasid times had always had many supporters; and the danger from the Carmathians rendered the presence of a strong government necessary. The Fatimite general Jauhar (variously represented as of Greek, Slav and Sicilian origin), who enjoyed the complete confidence of the Fatimite sovereign, was placed at the head of an army of 100,000 men—if See also:Oriental numbers are to be trusted—and started from Rakkada at the beginning of See also:March 969 with the view of seizing Egypt.

Before his arrival the administration of affairs had again been committed to Ibn Furat, who, on See also:

hearing of the threatened invasion, at first proposed to treat with Jauhar for the peaceful surrender of the country; but though at first there was a prospect of this being carried out, the See also:majority of the troops at Fostat preferred to make some resistance, and an advance was made to meet Jauhar in the neighbourhood of Giza. He had little difficulty in defeating the Egyptian army, and on the 6th of July 969 entered Fostat at the head of his forces. The name of Mo'izz was immediately introduced into public prayer, and coins were struck in his name. The Ikshidi governor of Damascus, a See also:cousin of Abu'l-Fawaris Abmad, endeavoured to See also:save Syria, but was defeated at Ramleh by a general sent by Jauhar and taken prisoner. Thus the Ikshidi Dynasty came to an end, and Egypt was transferred from the Eastern to the Western caliphate, of which it furnished the metropolis. (4) The Fatimite period begins with the taking of Fostat by Jauhar, who immediately began the building of a new city, al-Kahira or Cairo, to furnish quarters for the army which he had brought. A palace for the caliph and a mosque for the army were immediately constructed, the latter still famous as al-Azhar, and for many centuries the centre of Moslem learning. Almost immediately after the conquest of Egypt, Jauhar found himself engaged in a struggle with the Carmathians (q.v.), whom the Ikshidi prefect of Damascus had pacified by a promise of tribute; this promise was of course not held binding by the Fatimite general (Ja'far b. Falab) by whom Damascus was taken, and the Carmathian leader al-IJasan b. Abmad al-A`sam received Ikshidite Dynasty. aid from Bagdad for the purpose of recovering Syria to the Abbasids. The general Ja'far, hoping to deal with this enemy independently of Jauhar, met the Carmathians without waiting for reinforcements from Egypt, and fell in battle, his army being defeated.

Damascus was taken by the Carmathians, and the name of the Abbasid caliph substituted for that of Mo'izz in public worship. See also:

Hasa,n al-A'sam advanced from Damascus through Palestine to Egypt, encountering little resistance on the way; and in the autumn of 971 Jauhar found himself besieged in his new city. By a timely sortie, preceded by the administration of bribes to various officers in the Carmathian host, Jauhar succeeded in inflicting a severe defeat on the besiegers, who were compelled to evacuate Egypt and part of Syria. Meanwhile Mo'izz had been summoned to enter the palace that had been prepared for him, and after leaving a viceroy to take charge of his western possessions he arrived in Alexandria on the 31st of May 973, and proceeded to instruct his new subjects in the particular form of religion (Shi'ism) which his family represented. As this was in origin identical with that professed by the Carmathians, he hoped to gain the submission of their leader by See also:argument; but this plan was unsuccessful, and there was a fresh invasion from that quarter in the year after his arrival, and the caliph found himself besieged in his capital. The Carmathians were gradually forced to See also:retreat from Egypt and then from Syria by some successful engagements, and by the judicious use of bribes, whereby dissension was sown among their leaders. Mo'izz also found time to take some active measures against the Byzantines, with whom his generals fought in Syria with varying See also:fortune. Before his death he was acknowledged as caliph in Mecca and Medina, as, well as Syria, Egypt and North Africa as far as See also:Tangier. In the reign cif the second Egyptian Fatimite `Aziz billah, Jauhar, who appears to have been cashiered by Mo'izz, was again employed at the instance of Jacob b. Killis, who had been raised to the rank of vizier, to deal with the situation in Syria, where a Turkish general Aftakin had gained possession of Damascus, and was raiding the whole country; on the arrival of Jauhar in Syria the Turks called the Carmathians to their aid, and after a campaign of many vicissitudes Jauhar had to return to Egypt to implore the caliph himself to take the field. In August 977 `Aziz met the united forces of Aftakin and his Carmathian ally outside Ramleh in Palestine and inflicted a crushing defeat on them, which was followed by the capture of Aftakin; this able officer was taken to Egypt, and honourably treated by the caliph, thereby incurring the See also:jealousy of Jacob b. Killis, who caused him, it is said, to be poisoned.

This vizier had the astuteness to see the See also:

necessity of codifying the doctrines of the Fatimites, and himself undertook this task; in the newly-established mosque of el-Azhar he got his master to make provision for a perpetual series of teachers and students of his See also:manual. It would appear, however, that a large amount of toleration was conceded by the first two Egyptian Fatimites to the other sects of Islam, and to other communities. Indeed at one time in `Aziz's reign the vizierate of Egypt was held by a Christian, Jesus, son of See also:Nestorius, who appointed as his deputy in Syria a See also:Jew, See also:Manasseh b. See also:Abraham. These persons were charged by the Moslems with unduly favouring their co-religionists, and the belief that the Christians of Egypt were in league with the Byzantine emperor, and even burned a fleet which was being built for the Byzantine war, led to some persecution. Aziz attempted without success to enter into friendly relations with the Buyid ruler of Bagdad, 'Adod addaula, who was disposed to favour the 'Alids, but caused the claim of the Fatimites to descend from 'Ali to be publicly refuted. He then tried to gain possession of Aleppo, as the key to `See also:Irak, but this was prevented by the intervention of the Byzantines. His North See also:African possessions were maintained and extended by `Ali, son of Bulukkin, whom Mo'izz had left as his deputy; but the recognition of the Fatimite caliph in this region was little more than nominal. His successor Abu `Ali al-Mansur, who reigned under thetitle al-Hakim bi'amr allah, came to the throne at the age of eleven, being the son of 'Aziz by a Christian See also:mother. He was at first under the tutelage of the Slav Burjuwan, whose policy it was to favour the Turkish element in the army as against the Maghribine, on which the strength of the Fatimites had till then rested; his conduct of affairs was vigorous and successful, and he concluded a peace with the Greek emperor. After a few years' regency he was assassinated at the instance of the young sovereign, who at an early age developed a dislike for control and jealousy of his rights as caliph. He is branded by historians as the Caligula of the East, who took a delight in imposing on his subjects a variety of senseless and capricious regulations, and persecuting different sections of them by cruel and arbitrary measures.

It is observable that some of those with which Hakim is credited are also ascribed to Ibn Tulun and the Ikshid (Mahommed b. Tughj). He is perhaps best remembered by his destruction of the church of the See also:

Holy See also:Sepulchre at See also:Jerusalem (1oio), a measure which helped to provoke the See also:Crusades, but was only part of a general scheme for converting all Christians and Jews in his dominions to his own opinions by force. A more reputable expedient with the same end in view was the construction of a great library in Cairo, with ample provision for students; this was mpdelled on a similar institution at Bagdad. It formed part of the great palace of the Fatimites, and was intended to be the centre of their propaganda. At times, however, he ordered the destruction of all Christian churches in Egypt, and the banishment of all who did not adopt Islam. It is See also:strange that in the midst of these persecutions he continued to employ Christians in high official positions. His system of persecution 'was not abandoned till in the last year of his reign (1020) he thought fit to claim divinity, a doctrine which is perpetuated by the See also:Druses (q.v.), called after one Darazi, who preached the divinity of Hakim at the time; the violent opposition which this aroused among the Moslems probably led him to adopt milder measures towards his other subjects, and those who had been forcibly converted were permitted to return to their former religion and rebuild their places of worship. Whether his disappearance at the beginning of the year 1021 was due to the resentment of his outraged subjects, or, as the historians say, to his sister's fear that he would bequeath the caliphate to a distant relative to the exclusion of his own son, will never be known. In spite of his caprices he appears to have shown competence in the management of external affairs; enterprises of pretenders both in Egypt and Syria were crushed with promptitude; and his name was at times mentioned in public worship in Aleppo and See also:Mosul. His son Abu'l-Masan `Ali, who succeeded him with the title al-ahir li'i'zaz din allah, was sixteen years of age at the time, and for four years his aunt Sitt al-hulk acted as See also:regent; she appears to have been an astute but utterly unscrupulous woman. After her death the caliph was in the power of various ministers, under whose management of affairs Syria was for a time lost to the Egyptian caliphate, and Egypt itself raided by the Syrian usurpers, of whom one, Salih b.

Mirdas, succeeded in establishing a dynasty at Aleppo, which maintained itself after Syria and Palestine had been recovered for the Fatimites by Anushtakin al-Dizbari at the battle of Ukhuwanah in 1029. His career is said to have been marked by some horrible caprices similar to those of his father. After a reign of nearly sixteen years he died of the plagud. His successor, Abu Tamim Ma'add, who reigned with the title al-Mostansir, was also an See also:

infant at the time of his accession, being little more than seven years of age. The power was largely in the hands of his mother, a negress, who promoted the interests of her kinsmen at court, where indeed even in Hakim's time they had been used as a counterpoise to the Maghribine and Turkish elements in the army. In the first years of this reign affairs were administered by the vizier al-Jarjara'i, by whose mismanagement Aleppo was lost to the Fatimites. At his death in 1044 the chief influence passed into the hands of Abu Sa'd, a Jew, and the former master of the queen-mother, and at the end of four years he was assassinated at the instance of another Jew (Sadakah, perhaps See also:Zedekiah, b. See also:Joseph al-Falalu), whom he had appointed vizier. In this reign Mo'izz b. Badis, the 4th ruler of the dependent Zeirid dynasty which had ruled in the Maghrib since the See also:migration of the Fatimite Mo'izz to Egypt, definitely abjured his allegiance (1049) and returned to Sunnite principles and subjection to the Bagdad caliphate. The Zeirids maintained Mandia (see See also:ALGIERS), while other cities of the Maghrib were colonized by Arab tribes sent thither by the Cairene vizier. This loss was more than compensated by the enrolment of See also:Yemen among the countries which recognized the Fatimite caliphate through the enterprise of one `Ali b.

Mahommed al-Sulail}i, while owing to the disputes between the Turkish generals who claimed supremacy at Bagdad, Mostansir's name was mentioned in public prayer at that metropolis on the 12th of See also:

January Io58, when a Turkish adventurer Basasiri was for a time in power. The Egyptian court, chiefly owing to the jealousy of the vizier, sent no efficient aid to Basasiri, and after a year Bagdad was retaken by the Seljuk Toghrul Beg, and the Abbasid caliph restored to his rights. In the following years the troubles in Egypt caused by the struggles between the Turkish and negro elements in Mostansir's army nearly brought the country into the dominion of the Abbasids. After several battles of various issue the Turkish commander Nasir addaula b. Hamdan got possession of Cairo, and at the end of Io68 plundered the caliph's palace; the valuable library which had been begun by Hakim was pillaged, and an accidental See also:fire caused great destruction. The caliph and his family were reduced to destitution, and Nasir addaula began negotiations for restoring the name of the Abbasid caliph in public prayer; he was, however, assassinated before he could carry this out, and his assassin, also a Turk, appointed vizier. Mostansir then summoned to his aid Badr al-Jamall, an Armenian who had displayed competence in various posts which he had held in Syria, and this person early in 1074 arrived in Cairo accompanied by a bodyguard of Armenians; he contrived to massacre the chiefs of the party at the time in possession of power, and with the title Amir al-Juyush (" prince of the armies ") was given by Mostansir complete control of affairs. The period of internal disturbances, which had been accompanied by famine and pestilence, had caused usurpers to See also:spring up in all parts of Egypt, and Badr was compelled practically to reconquer the country. During this time, however, Syria was overrun by an invader in league with the Seljuk Malik Shah, and Damascus was permanently lost to the Fatimites; other cities were recovered by Badr himself or his officers. He rebuilt the walls of Cairo, of more durable material than that which had been employed by Jauhar—a measure rendered necessary partly by the growth of the metropolis, but also by the repeated sieges which it had undergone since the commencement of Fatimite rule. The time of Mostansir is otherwise memorable for the rise of the Assassins (q.v.), who at the first supported the claims of his eldest son Nizar to the succession against the youngest Ahmed, who was favoured by the family of Badr. When Badr died in 1094 his influence was inherited by his son al-Afdal Shahinsh.ah, and this, at the death of Mostansir in the same year, was thrown in favour of Ahmed, who succeeded to the caliphate with the title al-Mosta'li billdh.

Mosta'li's succession was not carried through without an attempt on the part of Nizar to obtain his rights, the title which he See also:

chose being al-Mostafd lidin alldh; for a time he The crusades. maintained himself in Alexandria, but the energetic measures of his brother soon brought the civil war to an end. The beginning of this reign coincided with the beginning of the Crusades, and al-Afdal made the fatal mistake of helping the See also:Franks by rescuing Jerusalem from the Ortokids, thereby facilitating its conquest by the Franks in Io9ee He endeavoured to retrieve his error by himself advancing into Palestine, but he was defeated in the neighbourhood of Ascalon, and compelled to retire to Egypt. Many of the Palestinian possessions of the Fatimites then successively fell into the hands of the Franks. After a reign of seven years Mosta'li died and the caliphate was given by al-Af dal to an infant son, aged five years at the time, Ix. 4who was placed on the throne with the title al-Amir biahkam allah, and for twenty years was under the tutelage of al-Afdal. He made repeated attempts to recover the Syrian and Palestinian cities from the Franks, but with poor success. 'In 1118 Egypt was invaded by See also:Baldwin I., who burned the gates and the mosques of Farama, and advanced to Tinnis, whence illness compelled him to retreat. In August 1121 al-Afdal was assassinated in a See also:street of Cairo, it is said, with the connivance of the caliph, who immediately began the plunder of his house, where fabulous treasures were said to be amassed. The vizier's offices were given to one of the caliph's creatures, Mahommed b. Fail( al-Bata'ihi, who took the title al-Ma'See also:mun. His external policy was not more fortunate than that of his predecessor, as he lost See also:Tyre to the Franks, and a fleet equipped by him was defeated by the Venetians. On the 4th of See also:October 1125 he with his followers was seized and imprisoned by order of the Caliph Amir, who was now resolved to govern by himself, with the assistance of only subordinate officials, of whom two were See also:drawn from the Samaritan and Christian communities.

The vizier was after-wards crucified with his five See also:

brothers. The caliph's personal government appears to have been incompetent, and to have been marked by extortions and other arbitrary measures. He was assassinated in October 1129 by some members of the sect who believed in the claims of Nizar, son of Mostansir. The succeeding caliph, Abu'l-Maimun 'Abd al-Majid, who took the title al-t-Iafi lidin allah, was not the son but the cousin of the deceased caliph, and of ripe age, being about fifty-eight years old at the time; for more than a year he was kept in See also:prison by the new vizier, a son of al-Af dal, whom the army had placed in the post; but towards the end of 1131 this vizier fell by the hand of assassins, and the caliph was set free. The reign of Hafi was disturbed by the factions of the soldiery, between which several battles took place, ending in the subjection of the caliph for a time to various usurpers, one of these being his own son Hasan, who had been provoked to rebel by the caliph nominating a younger brother as his successor. For some months the caliph was under this son's control; but the latter, who aimed at conciliating the people, speedily lost his popularity with the troops, and his father was able to get possession of his person and cause him to be poisoned (beginning of 1135). His son Abu'l-Manmur Ismail, who was seventeen years old at the time of Hanes death, succeeded him with the title al-Zafir lia'da allah. From this reign to the end of the Fatimite period we have the See also:journals of two eminent men, Usamah b. Muniqdh and Umarah of Yemen, which throw light on the leading characters. The civil dissensions of Egypt were notorious at the time. The new reign began by an armed struggle between two commanders for the post of vizier , which in January 1150 was decided in favour of the Amir Ibn Sallar. This vizier was presently assassinated by the direction of his stepson 'Abbas, who was raised to the vizierate in his place.

This event was shortly followed by the loss to the Fatimites of Ascalon, the last place in Syria which they held; its loss was attributed to dissensions between the parties of which the garrison consisted. Four years later (April 1154) the caliph was murdered by his vizier `Abbas, according to Usamah, because the caliph had suggested to his favourite, the vizier's son, to murder his father; and this was followed by a massacre of the brothers of Zafir, followed by the raising of his infant son Abu'l-Qasim 'Isa to the throne. The new caliph, who was not five years old, received the title al-Fa'iz binamr allah, and was at first in the power of 'Abbas. The women of the palace, however, summoned to their aid Tala'i' b. Ruzzik, prefect of Ushmunain, at whose arrival in Cairo the troops deserted 'Abbas, who was compelled to flee into Syria, taking his son and Usamah with him. 'Abbas was killed by the Franks near Ascalon, his son sent in a cage to Cairo where he was executed, while Usamah escaped to Damascus, The infant Fa'iz, who had been permanently incapacitated by the scenes of violence which accompanied his accession, died in 1160. Tala'i' chose to succeed him a grandson of 7rafir, who was nine years of age, and received the title al-';4tlid lidin allah Tala'i', who had complete control of affairs, introduced the II practice of farming the taxes for periods of six months instead of a year, which led to great misery, as the taxes were demanded twice. His death was brought on by the rigour with which he treated the princesses, one of whom, with or without the See also:

con- nivance of the caliph, organized a plot for his assassination, and he died in September 1160. His son Ruzzik inherited his post and maintained himself in it for more than a year, when another prefect of Upper Egypt, Shawar b. Mujir, brought a force to Cairo, before which Ruzzik fled, to be shortly afterwards captured and beheaded. Shawar's entry into Cairo was at the beginning of 1163; after nine months he was compelled to flee before another adventurer, an officer in the army named Dirgham. Shawar's flight was directed to Damascus, where he was favour- ably received by the prince Nureddin, who sent with him to Cairo a force of Kurds under Asad al-din Shirguh.

At the same time Egypt was invaded by the Franks, who raided and did much damage on the coast. Dirgham was defeated and killed, but a dispute then arose between Shawar and his Syrian allies for the possession of Egypt. Shawar, being unable to See also:

cope with the Syrians, demanded help of the Frankish king of Jerusalem See also:Amalric (Amauri) I., who hastened to his aid with a large force, which united with Shawar's and besieged Shirguh in Bilbeis for three months; at the end of this time, owing to the successes of Nureddin in Syria, the Franks granted Shirguh a free passage with his troops back to Syria, on condition of Egypt being evacuated (October 1164). Rather more than two years later Shirguh persuaded Nured- din to put him at the head of another expedition to Egypt, which left Syria in January 1167, and, -entering Egypt by the land route, crossed the Nile at Itfih (Atfih), and encamped at Giza; a Frankish` army hastened to Shawar's aid. At the battle of Babain (April 11th, 1167) the allies were defeated by the forces commanded by Shirguh and his nephew Saladin, who was Saiadin. presently made prefect of Alexandria, which sur- rendered to Shirguh without a struggle. Saladin was soon besieged by the allies in Alexandria; but after seventy-five days the siege was raised, Shirguh having made a threatening See also:movement on Cairo, where a Frankish garrison had been admitted by Shawar. Terms were then made by which both Syrians and Franks were to quit Egypt, though the garrison of Cairo remained; the hostile attitude of the Moslem population to this garrison led to another invasion at the beginning of 1168 by King Amalric, who after taking Bilbeis advanced to Cairo. The caliph, who up to this time appears to have left the administration to the viziers, now sent for Shirguh, whose speedy arrival in Egypt caused the Franks to withdraw. Reaching Cairo on the 6th of January 1169, he was soon able to get possession of Shawar's person, and after the prefect's execution, which happened some ten days later, he was appointed vizier by the caliph. After two months Shirguh died of indigestion (23rd of March 1169), and the caliph appointed Saladin as successor to Shirguh; the new vizier professed to hold office as a deputy of Nureddin, whose name was mentioned in public worship after that of the caliph. By appropriating the fiefs of the Egyptian officers and giving them to his Kurdish followers he stirred up much ill-feeling, which resulted in a See also:conspiracy, of which the object was to recall the Franks with the view of overthrowing the new regime; but this conspiracy was revealed by a traitor and crushed. Nureddin loyally aided his deputy in dealing with Frankish invasions of Egypt, but the See also:anomaly by which he, being a Sunnite, was made in Egypt to recognize a Fatimite caliph could not long continue, and he ordered Saladin to weaken the Fatimite by every available means, and then substitute the name of the Abbasid for his in public worship.

Saladin and his ministers were at first afraid lest this step might give rise to disturbances among the people; but a stranger undertook to See also:

risk it on the 17th of September 1171, and the following Friday it was repeated by official order; the caliph himself died during the interval, and it is uncertain whether he ever heard of his deposition. The last of the Fatimite caliphs was not quite twenty-one years old at the time of his death. (5) Ayyubite Period.—Saladin by the advice of his chiefNureddin cashiered the Fatimite See also:judges and took steps to encourage the study of orthodox See also:theology and See also:jurisprudence in Egypt by the foundation of colleges and chairs. On the death of the ex-caliph he was confirmed in the prefecture of Egypt as deputy of Nureddin; and on the decease of the latter in 1174 (12th of April) he took the title See also:sultan, so that with this year the Ayyubite period of Egyptian history properly begins. During the whole of it Damascus rather more than Cairo counted as the metropolis of the empire. The Egyptian army, which was See also:motley in character, was disbanded by the new sultan, whose troops were Kurds. Though he did not build a new metropolis he fortified Cairo with the addition of a citadel, and had plans made for a new wall to enclose both it and the See also:double city; this latter plan was never completed, but the former was executed after his death, and from this time till the French occupation of Egypt the citadel of Cairo was the political centre of the country. It was in 1183 that Saladin's rule over Egypt and North Syria was consolidated. Much of Saladin's time was spent in Syria, and his famous wars with the Franks belong to the history of the Crusades and to his personal biography. Egypt was largely governed by his favourite Karakush, who lives in popular See also:legend as the " unjust judge," though he does not appear to have deserved that title. Saladin at his death divided his dominions between his sons, of whom `Othman succeeded to Egypt with the title Malik al-Aziz `Imal al-ain. The division was not satisfactory to the heirs, and after three years (beginning of 1196) the Egyptian sultan conspired with his uncle Malik al-`Adil to deprive Saladin's son al-Afdal of Damascus, which had fallen to his See also:lot.

The war between the brothers was continued with intervals of peace, during which al-`Adil repeatedly changed sides: eventually he with al-`Aziz besieged and took Damascus, and sent al-Af dal to Sarkhad, while al-'Adil remained in possession of Damascus. On the death of al-'Aziz on the 29th of November 1198 in consequence of a See also:

hunting See also:accident, his infant son Mahommed was raised to the throne with the title Malik al-Mansur Nc4ir al-din, and his uncle al-Afdal sent for from Sarkhad to take the post of regent or Atabeg. So soon as al-Afelal had got possession of his nephew's person, he started on an expedition for the recovery of Damascus: al-'Adil not only frustrated this, but drove him back to Egypt, where on the 25th of January 1200 a battle was fought between the armies of the two at Bilbeis, resulting in the defeat of al-Afdal, who was sent back to Sarkhad, while al-`Adil assumed the regency, for which after a few months he substituted the sovereignty, causing his nephew to be deposed. He reigned under the title Malik al-'Adil Sail al-din. His name was Abu Bakr. Though the early years of his reign were marked by numerous disasters, famine, pestilence and See also:earthquake, of which the second seems to have been exceedingly serious, he reunited under his sway the whole of the empire which had belonged to his brother, and his generals conquered for him parts of Mesopotamia and See also:Armenia, and in 1215 he got possession of Yemen. He followed the plan of dividing his empire between his sons, the eldest Mahommed, called Malik al-Kamil, being his viceroy in Egypt, while al-Mu'azzam `Isa governed Syria, al-Ashraf Musa his eastern and al-Malik al-Auhad Ayyub his northern possessions. His attitude towards the Franks was at the first peaceful, but later in his reign he was compelled to adopt more strenuous measures. His death occurred at Alikin (1218), a See also:village near Damascus, while the Franks were besieging See also:Damietta—the first operation of the Fifth Crusade—which was defended by al-Kamil; to whom his father kept sending reinforcements. The efforts of al-Kamil after his accession to the independent sovereignty were seriously hindered by the endeavour of an amir named Ahmed b. Mashtub to depose him and appoint in his place a brother called al-Fa'iz Sabiq al-din Ibrahim: this attempt was frustrated by the timely interposition of al-Mu'azzam `Isa, who came to Egypt to aid his brother in February 1219, and compelled al-Fa'iz to depart for Mosul. After a siege of sixteen and a half months Damietta was taken by the Franks on Tuesday the 6th of November 1219; al-Kamil thereupon proclaimed the Frankish invasion.

HISTORY) See also:

Jihad, and was joined at his fortified camp, afterwards the site of See also:Mansura, by troops from various parts of Egypt, Syria and Mesopotamia, including the forces of his brothers 'Isa and Musa. With these allies, and availing himself of the advantages offered by the inundation of the Nile, al-Kamil was able to cut off both the advance and the retreat of the invaders, and on the 31st of August 122I a peace was concluded, by which the Franks evacuated Egypt. For some years the dominions of al-'Adil remained divided between his sons: when the affairs of Egypt were settled, al-Kamil determined to reunite them as before, and to that end brought on the Sixth Crusade. Various cities in Palestine and Syria were yielded to See also:Frederick II. as the See also:price of his help against the son of Mu'azzam `Isa, who reigned at Damascus with the title of Malik al-Nasir. About I231–32 Kamil led a confederacy of Ayyubite princes against the Seljuk Kaikobad into Asia Minor, but his allies mistrusted him and victory rested with Kaikobad (see See also:SELJUKS). Before Kamil's death he was mentioned in public prayer at Mecca as lord of Mecca (See also:Hejaz), Yemen, Zabid, Upper and Lower Egypt, Syria and Mesopotamia. At his death (May 8th, 1238) at Damascus, his son Abu Bakr was appointed to succeed with the title Malik al-'Adil Saif al-din; but his elder brother Malik al-Salih Najm al-din Ayyub, having got possession of Damascus, immediately started for Egypt, with the view of adding that country to his dominions: mean-while his uncle Ismail, prince of Hamath, with the prince of Horns, seized Damascus, upon hearing which the troops of Najm al-din deserted him at Nablus, when he fell into the hands of Malik al-Nasir, prince of See also:Kerak, who carried him off to that city and kept him a prisoner there for a time; after which he was released and allowed to return to Nablus. On the 31st of May 124o the new sultan was arrested at Bilbeis by his own amirs, who sent for Najm al-din to succeed him; and on the 19th of June of the same year Najm al-din entered Cairo as sultan, and imprisoned his brother in the citadel, where he died in 1248. Meanwhile in 1244 Jerusalem had been finally wrested from the Franks. The administration of Najm al-din is highly praised by Ibn Khallikan, who lived under it. He made large purchases of slaves (Mamelukes) for his army, and when the inhabitants of Cairo complained of their lawlessness, he built See also:barracks for them on the island of Roda (Raucla); whence they were called Bahri or Nile Mamelukes, which became the name of the first dynasty that originated from them. Much of his time was spent in campaigns in Syria, where the other Ayyubites allied themselves against him with the Crusaders, whereas he accepted the services of the Khwarizmians: eventually he succeeded in recovering most of the Syrian cities.

His name is commemorated by the See also:

town of Salihia, which he built in the year 1246 as a resting-place for his armies on their See also:marches through the desert from Egypt to Palestine. In 1249 he was recalled from the siege of Horns by the news of the invasion of Egypt by See also:Louis IX. (the Seventh Crusade), and in spite of illness he hastened to Ushmum See also:Tanna, in the neighbourhood of Damietta, which he provisioned for a siege. Damietta was taken on the 6th of June 1249, owing to the See also:desertion of his post by the commander Fakhr ud-din, and the See also:Banff Kinanah, to whom the defence of the place had been entrusted: fifty-four of their chieftains were afterwards executed by the sultan for this proceeding. On the 22nd of November the sultan died of disease at Mansura, but his death was carefully concealed by the amirs Lajin and Aktai, acting in concert with the Queen Shajar al-durr, till the arrival from Syria of the See also:heir to the throne, Turanshah, who was proclaimed some four months later. At the battle of Fariskur, 6th of April 1250, the invaders were utterly routed and the French king fell into the hands of the Egyptian sultan. The Egyptian authorities now resolved to raze Damietta, which, however, was rebuilt shortly after. The sultan, who himself had had no share in the victory, advanced after it from Mansura to Fariskur, where his conduct became menacing to the amirs who had raised him to the throne, and to Shajar al-durr; she in revenge organized an attack upon him which was successful, fire, water, and See also:steel contributing to his end.99 (6) Period of Bahri. Mamelukes.—The dynasties that succeeded the Ayyubites till the conquest of Egypt by the Ottomans bore the title Dynasties of the Turks, but are more often called Mameluke dynasties, because the sultans were drawn from the enfranchised slaves who constituted the court, and officered the army. The family of the fourth of these sovereigns, Ka'a'un (Qala'un), reigned for to years, but otherwise no sultan was able to found a durable dynasty: after the death of a sultan he was usually succeeded by an infant son, who after a short time was dethroned by a new usurper. After the death of the Sultan Turanshah, his step-mother at first was raised to the vacant throne, when she committed the administration of affairs to the See also:captain of the retainers, Aibek; but the rule of a queen caused See also:scandal to the Moslem world, and Shajar al-durr gave way to this sentiment by marrying Aibek and allowing the title sultan to be conferred on him instead of herself. For policy's See also:sake, however, Aibek nominally associated with himself on the throne a See also:scion of the Ayyubite house, Malik al-Ashraf Musa, who died in prison (1252 or 1254).

Aibek meanwhile immediately became involved in war with the Ayyubite Malik al-Nasir, who was in possession of Syria, with whom the caliph induced him after some indecisive actions to make peace: he then successfully quelled a See also:

mutiny of Mamelukes, whom he compelled to take refuge with the last Abbasid caliph Mostasim in Bagdad and elsewhere. On the Toth of April 1257 Aibek was murdered by his wife Shajar al-durr, who was indignant at his asking for the hand of another queen: but Aibek's followers immediately avenged his death, placing on the throne his infant son Malik al-Mansur, who, however, was almost immediately displaced by his See also:guardian Kotuz, on the plea that the Mongol danger necessitated the presence of a grown man at the head of affairs. In 126o the Syrian kingdom of al-Nasir was destroyed by Hulaku (Hulagu), the great Mongol chief, founder of the Ilkhan Dynasty (see See also:MONGOLS), who, having finally overthrown the caliph of Bagdad (see CALIPHATE, sect. c. § 37), also despatched a threatening letter to Kotuz; but later in the same year Syria was invaded by Kotuz, who defeated Hulagu's See also:lieutenant at the battle of 'Ain Jalut (3rd of September 126o), in consequence of which event the Syrian cities all See also:rose against the Mongols, and the Egyptian sultan became master of the country with the exception of such places as were still held by the Crusaders. Before Kotuz had reigned a year he was murdered at Salihia by his lieutenant Bibars (October 23rd, 126o), who was piqued, it is said, at the governorship of Aleppo being with-held from him. The sovereignty was seized by this Rine of Bibar& person with the title of Malik al-Qahir, presently altered to al-Z¢hir. He had originally been a slave of Malik al-Sahli, had distinguished himself at the battle after which Louis IX. was captured, and had helped to murder Turanshah. Sultan Bibars, who proved to be one of the most competent of the Bahri Mamelukes, made Egypt the centre of the Moslem world by re-establishing in theory the Abbasid caliphate, which had lapsed through the taking of Bagdad by Hulagu, followed by the execution of the caliph. Bibars recognized the claim of a certain Abu'l-Qasim Ahmed to be the son of Zahir, the 35th Abbasid caliph, and installed him as Commander of the Faithful at Cairo with the title al-Mostansir billdh. Mostansir then proceeded to confer on Bibars the title sultan, and to address to him a See also:homily, explaining his duties. This document is preserved in the MS. life of Bibars, and translated by G. Weil.

The sultan appears to have contemplated restoring the new caliph to the throne of Bagdad: the force, however, which he sent with him for the purpose of reconquering Irak was quite insufficient for the purpose, and Mostansir was defeated and slain. This did not prevent Bibars from maintaining his policy of appointing an Abbasid for the purpose of conferring legitimacy on himself; but he encouraged no further attempts at re-establishing the Abbasids at Bagdad, and his principle, adopted by successive sultans, was that the caliph should not leave Cairo except when accompanying the sultan on an expedition. Abbasid caliphate revived. The reign of Bibars was spent largely in successful wars against the Crusaders, from whom he took many cities, notably Safad, Caesarea and See also:

Antioch; the Armenians, whose territory he repeatedly invaded, burning their capital See also:Sis; and the Seljukids of Asia Minor. He further reduced the Ismd'ilians or Assassins, whose existence as a community lasted on in Syria after it had nearly come to an end in Persia. He made Nubia tributary, therein extending Moslem arms farther south than they had been extended by any previous sultan. His authority was before his death recognized all over Syria (with the exception of the few cities still in the power of the Franks), over Arabia, with the exception of Yemen, on the Euphrates from Birah to Kerkesia (Circesium) on the Chaboras (Khabur), whilst the amirs of north-western Africa were tributary to him. His successes were won not only by military and political ability, but also by the most absolute unscrupulousness, neither flagrant See also:perjury nor the basest treachery being disdained. He was the first sultan who acknowledged the equal authority of the four See also:schools of law, and appointed judges belonging to each in Egypt and Syria; he was thus able to. get his measures approved by one school when condemned by another. On the 1st of July 1277 Bibars died, and the events that followed set an example repeatedly followed during the period /[a/a, an. of the Mamelukes. The sultan's son Malik al-Sa'id ascended the throne; but within little more than two years he was compelled to abdicate in favour of his father-in-law Kala'un, a Mameluke who had risen high in the former sovereign's service. The accession of Kala'un was also marked by an attempt on the part of the governor of Damascus to form Syria into an independent kingdom, an attempt frequently imitated on similar occasions.

The Syrian forces were defeated at the battle of Jazurah (April 26th, 128o) and Kala`un resumed possession of the country; but the disaffected Syrians entered into relations with the Mongols, who proceeded to invade Syria, but were finally defeated by Kald'Un on the 30th of October 1281 under the walls of Horns (Emesa). The conversion to Islam of Nikudar Ahmad, the third of the Ilkhan rulers of Persia, and the consequent troubles in the western • Mongol empire, let to a suspension of hostilities between Egypt and the Ilkhans (see PERSIA: History, § B), though the latter did not cease to agitate in See also:

Europe for a renewal of the Crusades, with little result. Kala un, without pursuing any career of active conquest, did much to consolidate his dominions, and especially to extend Egyptian commerce, for which purpose he started passports enabling merchants to travel with safety through Egypt and Syria as far as See also:India. After the danger from the Mongols had ceased, however, Kala'nn directed his energies towards capturing the last places that remained in the hands of the Franks, and proceeded to take Markab, See also:Latakia, and See also:Tripoli (April 26th, 1289). In 1290 he planned an attack on 'See also:Acre, but died (November loth) in the middle of all his preparations. Under Kala'un we first hear of the Burjite Mamelukes, who owe their name to the citadel (Burj) of Cairo, where 37C 0 of the whole number of 12,000 Mamelukes maintained by this sovereign were quartered. He also set an example, frequently followed, of the practice of dismissing all non-Moslems from government posts: this was often done by his successors with the view of conciliating the Moslems, but it was speedily found that the services of the Jewish and Christian clerks were again required. He further founded a See also:hospital for clinical See also:research on a scale formerly unknown. Kala'un was followed by his son Khalil (Malik al-Ashraf Salah al-din), who carried out his father's policy of See also:driving the Franks out of Syria and Palestine, and proceeded with the siege of Acre, which he took (May 18th, 1291) after a siege of forty-three days. The capture and destruction of this important place were followed by the capture of Tyre, See also:Sidon, Haifa, Athlit and See also:Beirut, and thus Syria was cleared of the Crusaders. He also planned an expedition against the prince of Lesser Armenia, which was averted by the surrender of Behesna, See also:Marash and Tell IJamdun. The disputes between his favourite, the vizier Ibn al-Sa'lus, and his viceroy Baidara. led to his being murdered bythe latter (December 12th, 1293), who was proclaimed sultan, but almost immediately fell a victim to the vengeance of the deceased sultan's party, who placed a younger son of Kala'un, Makommed Malik al-Nasir, on the throne.

This Malik prince had the singular fortune of reigning three times, aFNaslh, being twice dethroned: he was first installed on the 14th of December 1293, when he was nine years old, and the affairs of the kingdom were undertaken by a See also:

cabinet, consisting of a vizier ('Alam al-din Sinjar), a viceroy (Kitboga), a war minister (IJusam al-din Lajin al-Rumi), a prefect of the palace (Rokneddin Bibars Jashengir) and a secretary of state (Rokneddin Bibars Mansuri). This cabinet naturally split into rival camps, in consequence of which Kitboga, himself a Mongol, with the aid of other Mongols who had come into Egypt after the battle of Holm, succeeded in ousting his rivals, and presently, with the aid of the surviving assassins of the former sultan, compelling Malik al-Nasir to abdicate in his favour (December 1st, 1294). The usurper was, however, able to maintain himself for two years only, famine and pestilence which prevailed in Egypt and Syria during his reign rendering him unpopular, while his arbitrary treatment of the amirs also gave offence. He was dethroned in 1296, and one of the murderers of Khalil, IJusam al-din Lajin, son-in-law of the sultan Bibars and formerly governor of Damascus, installed in his palace (November 26th, 1296). It had become the practice of the Egyptian sultans to bestow all offices of importance on their own freedmen (Mamelukes) to the exclusion of the older amirs, whom they could not See also:trust so well, but who in turn became still more disaffected. IJusam al-din fell a victim to the jealousy of the older amirs whom he had incensed by bestowing arbitrary power on his own Mameluke Mengutimur, and was murdered on the 16th of January 1299. His short reign was marked by some fairly successful incursions into Armenia, and the recovery of the fortresses Marash and Tell Hamdun, which had been retaken by the Armenians. He also instituted a fresh survey and division of land in Egypt and Syria, which occasioned much discontent. After his murder the deposed sultan Malik al-Nasir, who had been living in retirement at Kerak, was recalled by the army and reinstated as sultan in Cairo (February 7th, 1299), though still only fourteen years of age, so that public affairs were administered not by him, but by See also:Sala. the viceroy, and Bibars Jashengir, prefect of the palace. The 7th Ilkhan, Ghazan Mahmud, took advantage of the disorder in the Mameluke empire to invade Syria in the latter half of 1299, when his forces inflicted a severe defeat on those of the new sultan, and seized several cities, including the capital Damascus, of which, however, they were unable to storm the citadel; in 1300, when a fresh army was collected in Egypt, the Mongols evacuated Damascus and made no attempt to secure their other conquests. The fear of further Mongolian invasion led to the See also:imposition of fresh taxes in both Egypt and Syria, including one of 33% on rents, which occasioned many complaints. The invasion did not take place till 1303, when at the battle of Marj al-Saffar (April loth) the Mongols were defeated.

This was the last time that the Ilkhans gave the Egyptian sultans serious trouble; and in the letter written in the sultan's name to the Ilkhan announcing the victory, the former suggested that the caliphate of Bagdad should be restored to the titular Abbasid caliph who had accompanied the Egyptian expedition, a See also:

suggestion which does not appear to have led to any actual steps being taken. The fact that the Mongols were in ostensible alliance with Christian princes led to a renewal by the sultan of the ordinances against Jews and Christians which had often been abrogated, as often renewed and again fallen into See also:abeyance; and their renewal led to See also:missions from various Christian princes requesting milder terms for their co-religionists. The amirs Salar and Bibars having usurped the whole of the sultan's authority, he, after some futile attempts to free himself of them, under the pretext of pilgrimage to Mecca, retired in March 1309 to Kerak, whence he sent his See also:abdication to Cairo; in consequence of which, on the 5th of April 1309, Bibars Jashengir was proclaimed sultan, with the title Malik al-Moza,See also:Jar. This prince was originally a freedman Mongol wars. of Kala'un, and was the first Circassian who ascended the throne of Egypt. Before the year was out the new sultan had been rendered unpopular by the occurrence of a famine, and Malik al-Nasir was easily able to induce the Syrian amirs to return to his allegiance, in consequence of which Bibars in his turn abdicated, and Malik al-Nasir re-entered Cairo as sovereign on the 5th of March 1310. He soon found the means to execute both Bibars and Salar, while other amirs who had been eminent under the former regime fled to the Mongols. The relations between their Ilkhan and the Egyptian sultan continued strained, and the 8th Ilkhan Oeljeitu (1304—1316) addressed letters to Philip the See also:Fair and the See also:English king See also:Edward I. (answered by Edward II. in 1307), desiring aid against Malik al-Nasir; and for many years the courts of the sultan and the Ilkhan continued to be the refuge of malcontents from the other kingdom. Finally in 1322 terms of peace and alliance were agreed on between the sultan and Abu Said the 9th Ilkhan. The sultan also entered into relations with the Mongols of the See also:Golden Horde and in 1319 married a daughter of the reigning prince Uzbeg Khan (see MONGOLS: Golden Horde). Much of Malik al-Nasir's third administration was spent in raids into Nubia, where he endeavoured to set up a creature of his own as sovereign, in attempts at bringing the Bedouins of south-eastern Egypt into subordination, and in persecuting the See also:Nosairis, whose See also:heresy became formidable about this time.

Like other Egyptian sultans he made considerable use of the Assassins, 124 of whom were sent by him into Persia to execute Kara Sonkor, at one time governor of Damascus, and one of the murderers of Malik al-Ashraf; but they were all outwitted by the exile, who was finally poisoned by the Ilkhan in recompense for a similar service rendered by the Egyptian sultan. For a time Malik al-Nasir was recognized as suzerain in north Africa, the Arabian Irak, and Asia Minor, but he was unable to make any permanent conquests in any of these countries. He brought Medina, which had previously been governed by independent sherifs, to acknowledge his authority. His See also:

diplomatic relations were more extensive than those of any previous sultan, and included Bulgarian, Indian, and Abyssinian potentates, as well as the See also:pope, the king of See also:Aragon and the king of See also:France. He appears to have done his utmost to protect his Christian subjects, incurring thereby the reproaches of the more fanatical Moslems, especially in the year 1320 when owing to See also:incendiarism in Cairo there was danger of a general massacre of the Christian population. His internal administration was marked by See also:gross extravagance, which led to his viziers being forced to practise violent extortion for which they afterwards suffered. He paid considerable attention to See also:sheep-breeding and agriculture, and by a canal which he had dug from Fuah to Alexandria not only assisted commerce but brought loo,000 feddans under cultivation. His taste for building and street improvement led to the beautifying of Cairo, and his example was followed by the governors of other great cities in the empire, notably Aleppo and Damascus. He paid exceptionally high prices for Mamelukes, many of whom were sold by their Mongol parents to his agents, and accustomed them to greater luxury than was usual under his predecessors. In 1315 he instituted a survey of Egypt, and of the twenty-four parts into which it was divided ten were assigned to the sultan and fourteen to the amirs and the army. He took occasion to abolish a variety of vexatious imposts, and the new See also:budget fell less heavily on the Christians than the old. Among the See also:literary ornaments of his reign was the historian and geographer Ismail See also:Abulfeda (q.v.), to whom Malik al-Nasir restored the government of Hamath, which had belonged to his ancestors, and even gave the title sultan.

He died on the 7th of June 1341. The son, Abu Bakr, to whom he had left the throne, was able to maintain himself only a few months on it, being compelled to abdicate on the 4th of August 1341 in favour of his infant brother Kuchuk; the revolution was brought about by Kausun, a powerful Mameluke of the preceding monarch. This person's authority was, however, soon overthrown by a party formed by the Syrian prefects, and on the 11th of January Malik al-Nasir Ahmad, an elder son of the former sultan of the same title, was installed in his place, though he did not actually arrive in Cairo till the 6th of November, being unwilling to leave Kerak, where he had been living in retirement. After a brief sojourn in Cairo he speedily returned thither, thereby forfeiting his throne, which was conferred by the amirs on his brother Ismail al-Malik al-Sal See also:

ili (June 27th, 1342). This sultan was mainly occupied during his short reign with besieging and taking Kerak, whither Abmad had taken refuge, and himself died on the 3rd of August 1345, when another son of Malik al-Nasir, named Sha`ban, was placed on the throne. The constant changes of sultan led to great disorder in the provinces, and many of the subject principalities endeavoured to shake off the Egyptian yoke. Sha'ban proved no more competent than his predecessors, being given to open debauchery and profligacy, an example followed by his amirs; and fresh discontent led to his being deposed by the Syrian amirs, when his brother Hajji was proclaimed sultan in his place (September 18th, 1346). Hajji was deposed and killed on the loth of December 1347, and another infant son of Malik al-Nasir, Hasan, who took his father's title, was proclaimed, the real power being shared by three amirs, Sheikhun, Menjek and Yelbogha Arus. During this reign (1348—1349) Egypt was visited by the " See also:Black Death," which is said' to have carried off 900,000 of the inhabit-ants of Cairo and to have raged as far south as Assuan. Towards the beginning of 1351 the sultan got rid of his guardians and attempted to rule by himself; but though successful in war, his arbitrary measures led to his being dethroned on the 21st of August 1351 by the amirs, who proclaimed his brother Salili with the title of Malik al-Salilc. He too was only fourteen years of age. The power was contested for by various See also:groups of amirs, whose struggles ended with the deposition of the sultan Salil} on the loth of October 1354, and the reinstatement of his brother Hasan, who was again dethroned on the 16th of March 1361 by an amir Yelbogha, whom he had offended, and who, having got possession of the sultan's person, murdered him.

The next day a son of the dethroned sultan Hajji was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Mansur. On the 29th of May 1363 this sultan was also dethroned on the ground of incompetence, and his place was given to another grandson of Malik al-Nasir, Sha`ban, son of Hosain, then ten years old. The amir Yelbogha at first held all real power and is said to have acquired a degree of authority which no other subject ever held. During this reign, on the 8th of October 1365, a landing was effected at Alexandria by a Frankish fleet under See also:

Peter I. of Cyprus, which presently took possession of the city; the .Franks were speedily compelled to embark again after plundering the city, for which See also:compensation was afterwards demanded by Yelbogha from the Christian population of Egypt and Syria. Alexandria was further made the seat of a viceroy, having previously only had a prefect. On the filth of December 1366 Yelbogha was himself attacked by the sultan, captured and slain. His successor in the office of first minister was a See also:mere See also:tool in the hands of his Mamelukes, who compelled him to See also:institute and depose governors, &c., at their See also:pleasure. In 1374 the Egyptians raided See also:Cilicia and captured See also:Leo VI., prince of Lesser Armenia, which now became an Egyptian province with a Moslem governor. On the 15th of March 1377 the sultan was murdered by the Mamelukes, owing to his refusing a largess of money which they demanded. The infant son of the late sultan `Ali, a lad of eight years, was See also:pro-claimed with the title Malik al-Mansur; the power was in the hands of the ministers Kartai and Ibek, the latter of whom over-threw the former with the aid of his own Mamelukes, Berekeh and Barkuk. An insurrection in Syria which spread to Egypt presently caused the fall of Ibek, and led to the occupation of the highest posts by the Circassian freedmen Berekeh and Barkuk, of whom the latter ere long succeeded in ousting the former and usurping the sultan's place; on the 19th of May 1381, when the sultan `Ali died, his place was given to an infant brother Hajji, but on the 26th of November 1382, Barkuk set this See also:child aside and had himself proclaimed sultan (with the title Malik al-Zahir), thereby ending the Bahri dynasty and commencing that of the Circassians. For a short period, however, Hajji Decline of the Bahri power.

was restored, when on the 1st of June 1389 Cairo was taken by Yelbogha, governor of Damascus, and Barkuk expelled; IIajji reigned at first under the guardianship of Yelbogha, who was then overthrown by Mintash; Barkuk, who had been relegated to Kerak, succeeded in again forming a party, and in a battle fought at Shakhab, January 1390, succeeded in gaining possession of the person of the sultan Ilajji, and on the 21st of January he was again proclaimed sultan in Cairo. (7) Period of Burji Mamelukes. Barkuk presently entered into relations with the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I., and by slaying an envoy of Timur incurred the displeasure of the world- conqueror; and in 1394 led an army into Syria with the view of restoring the Jelairid Ilkhan Ahmad to Bagdad (as Barkuk's vassal), and meeting the Mongol invasion. Barkuk, however, died (June loth, 1399) before Timur had time to invade Syria. According to the See also:

custom that had so often proved disastrous, a young son of Barkuk, Faraj, then aged thirteen, was appointed sultan under the guardianship of two amirs. Incursions were immediately made by the Ottoman sultan into the territory of Egyptian vassals at Derendeh and Albistan (Ablestin), and See also:Malatia was besieged by his forces. Timur, who was at this time beginning his campaign against Bayezid, turned his atten- tion first to Syria, and on the 3oth of October 1400 defeated the Syrian amirs near Aleppo, and soon got possession of the city and the citadel. He proceeded to take Hamah, Horns (Emesa) and other towns, and on the loth of December started for Damascus. An endeavour was made by the Egyptian sultan to relieve Damascus, but the news of an insurrection in Cairo caused him to retire and leave the place to its fate. In the first three months of 1401 the whole of Northern Syria suffered from Timur's marauders. In the following year (September 29th, 1402) Timur who had in the interval inflicted a crushing defeat on the Ottoman sultan, sent to demand homage from Faraj, and his demand was readily granted, together with the delivery of the princes who had sought refuge from Timur in Egyptian territory. The death of Timur in February 1405 restored Egyptian authority in Syria, which, however, became a See also:rendezvous for all who were discontented with the rule of Faraj and his amirs, and two months after Timur's death was in open rebellion against Faraj.

Although Faraj succeeded in defeating the rebels, he was compelled by insubordination on the part of his Circassian Mamelukes to abdicate (September loth, 1405), when his brother Abd al-'aziz was proclaimed with the title Malik al-Mansur; after two months this prince was deposed, and Faraj, who had been in hiding, recalled. Most of his reign was, however, occupied with revolts on the part of the Syrian amirs, to quell whom he repeatedly visited Syria; the leaders of the rebels were the amirs Newruz and Sheik Malunudi, afterwards sultan. Owing to disturbances and misgovernment the population of Egypt and Syria is said to have shrunk to a third in his time, and he offended public sentiment not only by debauchery, but by having his image stamped on his coins. On the 23rd of May 1412, after being defeated and shut up in Damascus, he was compelled by Sheik Mabmudi to abdicate, and an Abbasid caliph, Mosta'in, was proclaimed sultan, only to be forced to abdicate on the 6th of November of the same year in Sheik's favour, who took the title Malik al-Mu'ayyad, his colleague Newruz having been previously sent to Syria, where he was to be autocrat by the terms of their agreement. In the struggle which naturally followed between the two, Newruz was shut up in Damascus, defeated and slain. Sheik himself invaded Asia Minor and forced the See also:

Turkoman states to acknowledge his suzerainty. After the sultan's return they soon rebelled, but were again brought into subjection by Sheik's son Ibrahim; his victories excited the envy of his father, who is said to have poisoned him. Sheik himself died a few months after the decease of his son (January 13th, 1421), and another infant son, Ahmad, was proclaimed with the title Malik al-Mozaffar, the See also:proclamation being followed by the usual dissensions between the amirs, ending with the See also:assumption of supreme power by the amir Tatar, who, after defeating his rivals, on the 29th of August 1421 had himself proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Zahir. This usurper, however, died on the 30th of November of the same year, leaving the throne to an infant son Mohammed, who was given the title Malik al-Salih; the See also:regular intrigues between the amirs followed, leading to his being dethroned on the following 1st of April 1422, when the amir appointed to be his See also:tutor, Barsbai, was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Ashraf. This sultan avenged the attacks on Alexandria re- peatedly made by See also:Cyprian ships, for he sent a fleet wars wtth which burned See also:Limasol, and another which took powers. See also:Famagusta (August 4th, 1425), but failed in the endeavour to annex the island permanently. An expedition sent in the following year (1426) succeeded in taking captive the king of Cyprus, who was brought to Cairo and presently released for a See also:ransom of 200,000 dinars, on condition of acknowledging the suzerainty of the Egyptian sultan and paying him an annual tribute.

Barsbai appears to have excelled his predecessors in the invention of devices for exacting money from merchants and pilgrims, and in juggling with the exchange. This led to a See also:

naval demonstration on the part of the Venetians, who secured better terms for their trade, and to the seizure of Egyptian vessels by the king of Aragon and the prince of See also:Catalonia. In a census made during Barsbai's reign, it was found that the total number of towns and villages in Egypt had sunk to 2170, whereas in the 4th century A.11. it had stood at io,000. Much of Barsbai's attention was occupied with raids into Asia Minor, where the Dhu '1-Kadiri Turkomans frequently rebelled, and with wars against Kara Yelek, prince of Amid, and Shah Rokh, son of Timur. Barsbai died on the 7th of June 1438. In accordance with the custom of his predecessors he left the throne to a son still in his minority, Abu'l-Mandsin Yusuf, who took the title Malik al-'Aziz, but as usual after a few months he was displaced by the regent Jakmak, who on the 9th of September 1438 was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Zahir. In the years 1442—1444 this sultan sent three fleets against See also:Rhodes, where the third effected a landing, but was unable to make any permanent conquest. In consequence of a lengthy illness Jakmak abdicated on the 1st of February 1453, when his son 'Othman was pro-claimed sultan with the title Malik al-Mansur. Though not a minor, he had no greater success than the sons of the usurpers who preceded him, being dethroned after six See also:weeks (March 15th, 1453) in favour of the amir Inal al-'Ala'i, who took the title Malik al-Ashraf. His reign was marked by friendly relations with the Ottoman sultan Mahommed II., whose capture of Constantinople (1453) was the cause of great rejoicings in Egypt, but also by violent excesses on the part of the Mamelukes, who dictated the sultan's policy. On his death on the 26th of February 1461 his son Ahmad was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Mu'ayyad; he had the usual fate of sultans' sons, earned in his case by an attempt to bring the Mamelukes under discipline; he was compelled to abdicate on the 28th of June 1461, when the amir Khoshkadam, who had served as a general, was proclaimed sultan. Unlike the other Mameluke sovereigns, who were Turks or Circassians, this man had originally been a Greek slave.

In his reign (1463) there began the struggle between the Egyptian and the Ottoman sultanates which finally led to the See also:

incorporation of Egypt in the Ottoman empire. The Early dispute began with a struggle over the succession in relations the principality of See also:Karaman, where the two sultans with favoured rival candidates, and the Ottoman sultan .See also:Turkey. Mahommed II. supported the claim of his See also:candidate with force of arms, obtaining as the price of his assistance several towns in which the suzerainty of the Egyptian sultan had been acknowledged. Open war did not, however, break out between the two states in Khoshkadam's time. This sultan is said to have taken money to permit See also:innocent persons to be ill-treated or executed. He died on the 9th of October 1467, when the Atabeg Yelbai was selected by the Mamelukes to succeed him, and was proclaimed sultan with the title of Malik al-Zahir. This person, proving incompetent, was deposed by a revolution of the Mamelukes on the 4th of December 1467, when the Atabeg Timurbogha Timur in Syria. was proclaimed with the title Malik al-Zahir, In a month's time, however, there was another palace revolution, and the new Atabeg Kait Bey or Kaietbai ( January 31St, 1468) was proclaimed sultan, the dethroned Timurbogha being, however, permitted to go free whither he pleased. Much of Kait Bey's reign was spent in struggles with Uzun Hasan, prince of Diarbekr, and Shah Siwar, chief of the Dhu'l-Kadiri Turkomans. He also offended the Ottoman sultan .Bayezid II. by entertaining his brother Jem, who was afterwards poisoned in Europe. Owing to this, and also to the fact that an Indian See also:embassy to the Ottoman sultan was intercepted by the agents of Kait Bey, Bayezid II. declared war against Egypt, and seized See also:Adana, Tarsus and other places within Egyptian territory; extraordinary efforts were made by Kait Bey, whose generals inflicted a severe defeat on the Ottoman invaders. In 1491, however, after the Egyptians had repeatedly defeated the Ottoman troops, Kait Bey made proposals of peace which were accepted, the keys of the towns which the Ottomans had seized being restored to the Egyptian sultan.

Kait Bey endeavoured to assist his co-religionists in Spain who were threatened by King See also:

Ferdinand, by threatening the pope with See also:reprisals on Syrian Christians, but without effect. As the consequence of a palace intrigue, which Kait Bey was too old to quell, on the 7th of August 1496, a day before his death, his son Mahommed was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Nacir; this was in order to put the supreme power into the hands of the Atabeg Kansuh, since the new sultan was only fourteen years old. An attempt of the Atabeg to oust the new sultan, however, failed. After a reign of little more than two years, filled mainly with struggles between rival amirs, Malik al-Nair was murdered (October 31st, 1498), and his uncle and vizier Kansuh proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Zahir. His reign only lasted about twenty months; on the 3oth of June 1500 he was dethroned by Tumanbey, who caused Jan Belat, the Atabeg, to be proclaimed sultan. A few months later Tumanbey, at the suggestion of Kasrawah, governor of Damascus, whom he had been sent to reduce to subjection, ousted Jan Belat, and was himself proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-'Adil (January 25th, Iso1). His reign lasted only one See also:hundred days, when he was displaced by Kansuh al-Ghuri (April loth, 150r). His reign was remarkable for a naval conflict between the Egyptians and the Portuguese, whose fleet interfered with the See also:pilgrim route from India to Mecca, and also with the trade between India and Egypt; Kansuh caused a fleet to be built which fought naval battles with the Portuguese with varying results. In 1515 there began the war with the Ottoman sultan See also:Selim I. which led to the See also:close of the Mameluke period, and the incorporation of Egypt and its dependencies in the Ottoman empire (see TURKEY: History). Kansuh was charged by Selim with giving the envoys of the Safawid Ismail passage through Syria on their way to See also:Venice to form a confederacy against the Turks, and with harbouring various refugees. The actual See also:declaration of war was not made by Selim till May 1515, when the Ottoman sultan had made all his preparations; and at the battle of Merj Dabik, on the 24th of August 1515, Kansuh was defeated by the Ottoman forces and fell fighting. Syria passed quickly into the possession of the Turks, whose advent was in many places welcome as meaning deliverance from the Mamelukes.

In Cairo, when the news of the defeat and death of the Egyptian sultan arrived, the governor who had been left by Kansuh, Tumanbey, was proclaimed sultan (October 17th, 1516). On the loth of January 1517 Cairo was taken by the Ottomans, and Selim shortly after declared sultan of Egypt. Tumanbey continued the struggle for some months, but was finally defeated, and after being captured and kept in prison seventeen days was executed on the 15th of April 1517. (8) The Turkish Period.—The sultan Selim left with his viceroy Khair Bey a guard of 5000 See also:

janissaries, but otherwise made few changes in .the administration of the country. The See also:register by which a great portion of the land was a fief of the Mamelukes was left unchanged, and it is said that a proposal made by the sultan's vizier to appropriate these estates was punished withdeath. The Mameluke amirs were to be retained in office as heads of twelve sanjaks into, which Egypt was divided; and under the next sultan, Suleiman I., two See also:chambers were created, called respectively the Greater and the Lesser See also:Divan, in which both the army and the ecclesiastical authorities were represented, to aid the pasha by their deliberations. Six regiments altogether were constituted by the conqueror Selim for the protection of Egypt; to these Suleiman added a seventh, of Circassians. As will be seen from the tables, it was the practice of the Porte to change the governor of Egypt at very short intervals-V-aftet a year or even some months. The third governor, Abmad Pasha, hearing that orders for this execution had come from Constantinople, endeavoured to make himself an independent ruler and had coins struck in his own name. His schemes were frustrated by two of the amirs whom he had imprisoned and who, escaping from their confinement, attacked him in his See also:bath and killed him. In 1527 the first survey of Egypt under the Ottomans was made, in consequence of the official copy of the former registers having perished by fire; yet this new survey did not come into use until 1605. Egyptian lands were divided in it into four classes—the sultan's domain, fiefs, land for the maintenance of the army, and lands settled on religious See also:foundations.

It would seem that the constant changes in the government caused the army to get out of control at an early period of the Ottoman occupation, and at the beginning of the 11th Islamic century mutinies became common; in 1013 (16(4) the governor Ibrahim Pasha was murdered by the soldiers, and his head set on the Bab Zuwela. The See also:

reason for these mutinies was the attempt made by successive pashas to put a stop to the extortion called Tulbah, a forced See also:payment exacted by the troops from the inhabitants of the country by the fiction of debts requiring to be discharged, which led to grievous ill-usage. In 1609 something like civil war broke out between the army and the pasha, who had on his side some loyal regiments and the Bedouins. The soldiers went so far as to choose a sultan, and to See also:divide provisionally the regions of Cairo between them. They were defeated by the governor Mahommed Pasha, who on the 5th of February 16ro entered Cairo in triumph, executed the ringleaders, and banished many others to Yemen. The contemporary historian speaks of this event as a second conquest of Egypt for the Ottomans. A great See also:financial reform was now effected by Mahommed Pasha, who readjusted the burdens imposed on the different communities of Egypt in accordance with their means. With the troubles that beset the metropolis of the Ottoman empire, the governors appointed thence came to be treated by the Egyptians with continually decreasing respect. In July 1623 there came an order from the Porte dismissing Mustafa Pasha and appointing `Ali Pasha governor in his place. The officers met and demanded from the newly-appointed governor's deputy the customary gratuity; when this was refused they sent letters to the Porte declaring that they wished to have Mustafa Pasha and not 'Ali Pasha as governor. Meanwhile `All Pasha had arrived at Alexandria, and was met by a deputation from Cairo telling him that he was not wanted. He returned a mild answer; and, when a rejoinder came in the same style as the first See also:message, he had the leader of the deputation arrested and imprisoned.

Hereupon the garrison of Alexandria attacked the See also:

castle and rescued the prisoner; whereupon `All Pasha was compelled to embark. Shortly after a rescript arrived from Constantinople confirming Mutafa Pasha in the governors4lip. Similarly in 1631 the army took upon themselves to depose the governor Musa Pasha, in indignation at his execution of KItas Bey, an officer who was to have commanded an Egyptian force required for service in Persia. The pasha was ordered either to hand over the executioners to vengeance or to resign his place; as he refused to do the former he was compelled to do the latter, and presently a rescript came from Constantinople, approving the conduct of the army and appointing one Khalil Pasha as Musa's successor. Not only was the governor unsupported by the sultan against the troops, but each new governor regularly inflicted a fine upon his outgoing predecessor, under the name of money due to the The Turkish conquest Troubles with the army. treasury; and the outgoing governor would not be allowed to leave Egypt till he had paid it. Besides the extortions to which this practice gave occasion the country suffered greatly in these centuries from famine and pestilence. The latter in the spring of i6r9 is said to have carried off 635,000 persons, and in 1643 completely desolated 230 villages. By the 18th century the importance of the pasha was quite superseded by that of the beys, and two offices, those of Sheik al-Balad and Amir al-See also:Hajj, which were held by these Rise of the persons, represented the real headship of the com- Beys. munity. The process by which this state of affairs came about is somewhat obscure, owing to the want of good See also:chronicles for the Turkish period of Egyptian history. In 1707 the Sheik al-Balad, Qasim Iywaz, is found at the head of one of two Mameluke factions, the Qasimites and the Fiqarites, between whom the seeds of enmity were sown by the pasha of the time, with the result that a fight took place between the factions outside Cairo, lasting eighty days.

At the end of that time Qasim Iywaz was killed and the office which he had held was given to his son Ismail. Ismail held this office for sixteen years, while the pashas were constantly being changed, and succeeded in reconciling the two factions of Mamelukes. In 1724 this person was assassinated through the machinations of the pasha, and Shirkas Bey, of the opposing See also:

faction, elevated to the office of Sheik al-Balad in his place. He was soon driven from his post by one of his own faction called Dhu'l-Fiqar, and fled to Upper Egypt. After a short time he returned at the head of an army, and some engagements ensued, in the last of which Shirkas Bey met his end by drowning; Dhu'l-Fiqar was himself assassinated in 1730 shortly after this event. His place was filled by Othman Bey, who had served as his general in this war. In 1743 Othman Bey, who had governed with See also:wisdom and moderation, was forced. to See also:fly from Egypt by the intrigues of two adventurers, Ibrahim and Ridwan Bey, who, when their scheme had succeeded, began a massacre of beys and others thought to be opposed to them; they then proceeded to govern Egypt jointly, holding the two offices mentioned above in alternate years. An attempt made by one of the pashas to rid himself of these two persons by a coup d'etat signally failed owing to the See also:loyalty of their armed supporters, who 'released Ibrahim and Ridwan from prison and compelled the pasha to fly to Constantinople. An attempt made by a subsequent pasha in accordance with secret orders from Constantinople was so far successful that some of the beys were killed. Ibrahim and Ridwan escaped, and compelled the pasha to resign his governor-ship and return to Constantinople. Ibrahim shortly afterwards fell by the hand of an assassin who had aspired to occupy one of the vacant beyships himself, which was conferred instead on 'All, who as 'All Bey was destined to See also:play an important part in the history of Egypt. The murder of Ibrahim Bey took place in 1755, and his colleague Ridwan perished in the disputes that followed upon it.

`Ali Bey, who had first distinguished himself by defending a caravan in Arabia against bandits, set himself the task of ArBey. avenging the death of his former master Ibrahim, and spent eight years in purchasing Mamelukes and winning other adherents. He thereby excited the suspicions of the Sheik al-Balad Khalil Bey, who organized an attack upon him in the streets of Cairo, in consequence of which he fled to Upper Egypt. Here he met one Salill Bey, who had injuries to avenge on Khalil Bey, and the two organized a force with which they returned to Cairo and defeated Khalil, who was forced to fly to See also:

Tanta, where for a time he concealed himself; eventually, however, he was discovered, sent to Alexandria and finally strangled. The date of 'All Bey's victory was 1164 A.H. (A.D. 1750), and after it he was made Sheik al-Balad. In that capacity he exe- cuted the murderer of his former master Ibrahim; but the resentment which this See also:act aroused among the beys caused him to leave his post and fly to Syria, where he won the friendship of the governor of Acre, Zahir b. Omar, who obtained for him the See also:goodwill of the Porte and reinstatement in his post as Sheik al-Balad. In 1766, after the death of his supporter the See also:grand vizier Raghib Pasha, he was again compelled to fly from Egypt to Yemen, but in the following year he was told that his party at Cairo was strong enough to permit of his return. Resuming his office he raised eighteen of his See also:friends to the rank of bey, among them Ibrahim and See also:Murad, who were afterwards at the head of affairs, as well as Mahommed Abu'l-Dhahab, who was closely connected with the rest of 'All Bey's career. He appears to have done his utmost to bring Egyptian affairs into order, and by very severe measures repressed the See also:brigandage of the Bedouins of Lower Egypt. He appears to have aspired to found an in-dependent monarchy, and to that end endeavoured to disband all forces except those which were exclusively under his own control.

In 1769 a demand came to 'All Bey for a force of 12,000 men to be employed by the Porte in the See also:

Russian war. It was suggested, however, at Constantinople that `Ali would employ this force when he collected it for securing his own independence, and a messenger was sent by the Porte to the pasha with orders for his execution. being apprised by his agents at the metropolis of the despatch of this messenger, ordered him to be waylaid and killed; the despatches were seized and read by 'Ali before an See also:assembly of the beys, who were assured that the order for execution applied to all alike, and he urged them to fight for their lives. His proposals were received with enthusiasm by the beys whom he had created. Egypt was declared independent and the pasha given forty-eight See also:hours to quit the country. Zahir Pasha of Acre, to whom was sent official information of the step taken by 'All Bey, promised his aid and kept his word by compelling an army sent by the pasha of Damascus against Egypt to retreat. The Porte was not able at the time to take active measures for the suppression of 'Ali Bey, and the latter endeavoured to consolidate his dominions by sending expeditions against marauding tribes, both in north and south Egypt, reforming the finance, and improving the administration of See also:justice. His son-in-law, Abu'l-Dhahab, was sent to subject the Hawwarah, who had occupied the land between Assuan and Assiut, and a force of 2o,00o was sent to conquer Yemen. An officer named Isma'iI Bey was sent with 8000 to acquire the eastern shore of the Red Sea, and one named Masan Bey to occupy See also:Jidda. In six months the greater part of the Arabian peninsula was subject to 'All Bey, and he appointed as sherif of Mecca a cousin of his own, who bestowed on 'All by an official proclamation the titles Sultan of Egypt and Khakan of the Two Seas. He then, in virtue of this authorization, struck coins in his own name (1185 A.H.) and ordered his name to be mentioned in public worship. His next move turned out fatally. Abu'l-Dhahab was sent with a force of 30,000 men in the same year (A.D.

1771) to conquer Syria; and agents were sent to negotiate alliances with Venice and See also:

Russia. Abu'l-Dhahab's progress through Palestine and Syria was triumphant. Reinforced by `Ali Bey's ally Zahir, he easily took the chief cities, ending with Damascus; but at this point he appears to have entered into secret negotiations with the Porte, by which he undertook to restore Egypt to Ottoman suzerainty. He then proceeded to evacuate Syria, and marched with all the forces he could collect to Upper Egypt, occupying Assiut in April' 1772. Having collected some additional troops from the Bedouins, he marched on Cairo. Ismail Bey was sent by 'All Bey with a force of 3000 to check his advance; but at Basatin Ismail with his troops joined Abu'l-Dhahab. 'Ali Bey intended at first to defend himself so long as possible in the citadel at Cairo; but receiving information to the effect that his friend Zahir of Acre was still willing to give him refuge, he left Cairo for Syria (8th of April 1772), one day before the entrance of Abu'l-Dhahab. At Acre 'All's fortune seemed to be restored. A Russian See also:vessel anchored outside the See also:port, and, in accordance with the agreement which he had made with the Russian empire, he was supplied with stores and See also:ammunition, and a force of 3000 Albanians. He sent one of his officers, 'All Bey al-Tantawi, to recover the Syrian towns evacuated by Abu'l-Dhahab, and now in the possession of the Porte. He himself took Jaffa and See also:Gaza, HISTORY) the former of which he gave to his friend Zahir of Acre. On the 1st of February 1773 he received information from Cairo that Abu'l-Dhahab had made himself Sheik al-Balad, and in that capacity was practising unheard-of extortions, which were making Egypt with one See also:voice See also:call for the return of 'All Bey.

He accordingly started for Egypt at the head of an army of 8000 men, and on the 19th of April met the army of Abu'l-Dhahab at Salihia. 'Ali's forces were successful at the first engagement; but when the battle was renewed two days later he was deserted by some of his officers, and prevented by illness and wounds from himself taking the conduct of affairs. The result was a complete defeat for his army, after which he declined to leave his See also:

tent; he was captured after a brave resistance, and taken to Cairo, where he died seven days later. After 'Ali Bey's death Egypt became once more a dependency of the Porte, governed by Abu'l-Dhahab as Sheik al-Balad with the title pasha. He shortly afterwards received permission from the Porte to invade Syria, with the view of punishing 'All Bey's supporter Zahir, and left as his deputies in Cairo Isma'il Bey and Ibrahim Bey, who, by deserting 'Ali at the battle of Salihia, had brought about his downfall. After taking many cities in Palestine Abu'l-Dhahab died, the cause being unknown; and Murad Bey (another of the deserters at Salihia) brought his forces back to Egypt (26th of May 1775). Ismail Bey now became Sheik al-Balad, but was soon involved in a dispute with Ibrahim and Murad, who after a time succeeded in driving Isma'il out of Egypt and establishing a joint rule (as Sheik al-Balad and Amir al-Hajj respectively) similar to that which had been tried previously. The two were soon involved in quarrels, which at one time threatened to break out into open war; but this See also:catastrophe was averted, and the joint rule was maintained till 1786, when an expedition was sent by the Porte to restore Ottoman supremacy in Egypt. Murad Bey attempted to resist, but was easily defeated; and he with Ibrahim decided to fly to Upper Egypt and await the trend of events. On the 1st of August 1782 the Turkish commander entered Cairo, and, after some violent measures had been taken for the restoration of order, Isma'il Bey was again made Sheik al-Balad and a new pasha installed as governor. In January 1791 a terrible See also:plague began to rage in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt, to which Ismail Bey and most of his family fell victims. Owing to the need for competent rulers Ibrahim and Murad Bey were sent for from Upper Egypt and resumed their dual government.

These two persons were still in office when See also:

Bonaparte entered Egypt. Moslem Authorities.—Arabic literature being See also:cosmopolitan, and Arabic authors accustomed to travel from place to place to collect traditions and obtain oral instruction from contemporary authorities, or else to enjoy the patronage of Maecenates, the literary history of Egypt cannot be dissociated from that of the other Moslem countries in which Arabic was the chief literary vehicle. Hence the list of authors connected with Egypt, which occupies pages 161-275 of See also:Suyuti's work, Husn al-muhddarah fi akhbdri Misr wal-Qahirah (Cairo, 1321 A.H.), contains the names of persons like Mutanabbi, who stayed there for a short time in the service of some See also:patron; Abu Tammam, who lived there before he acquired fame as a poet; 'Umara of Yemen, who came there at a mature age to spend some years in the service of Fatimite viziers; each of whom figures in lists of authors belonging to some other country also. So long as the centre of the Islamic world was not in Egypt, the best See also:talent was attracted elsewhere; but after the fall of Bagdad, Cairo became the chief seat of Islamic learning, and this rank, chiefly owing to the university of Azhar, it has ever since continued to maintain. The following composed special histories of Egypt: Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam, d. 257 A.H.; 'Abd al-Rabim b. Yunus, d. 347; Mahommed b. Yusuf al-Kindi, d. somewhat later; Ibn Zulaq, d. 387; 'Izz al-Mulk Mahommed al-Musabbihi, d. 420; Mahommed b. Salamah al-Qoda'i, d.

454; Jamal al-din 'Ali al-Qifti, d. 568; Jamal al-din al-l3alabi, d. 623; 'Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi, d. 629; Mahommed b. 'Abd al-Aziz al-See also:

Idrisi (history of Upper Egypt), d. 649; his son Ja'far (history of Cairo), d. 676; Ibn Sa'id, d. 685; Ibrahim b. Waif Shah; Ibn al-Mutawwaj, d. 703; Mahommed b. Dani'al, d. 71o; Ja'far b.

Tha'lab Kamal al-din al-Adfu'i (history of Upper Egypt), d. 730; 'Abd al-Qarun al-Halabi, d. 735; Ibn Habib, d. 779; Ibn Duqmaq, d. 790; Ibn Tughan, Shihab al-din al-Aubadi, d. 790; Ibn al-Mulaqqin, d. 806; Maqrizi, Taqiyy al-din Abmad, d. 84o; Ibn I;Iajar al-'Asgalani, d. 852 ; al-Sakhawi, d. 902 ; Abu'l-Mahasin b. Taghribirdi, d. 874; Jalal al-din al-Suyuti, d.

911 ; Ibn Zunbul al-Rammal; Ibn Iyas, d. after 928; Mahommed b. Abi Surur, d. after 1o17; Zain al-din al Karami, d. 1033; 'Abd I05 al-Rahman Jabarti, d. after 1236. Of many of the Mameluke sultans there are special chronicles preserved in various See also:

European and Oriental See also:libraries. The works of many of the authors enumerated are topographical and biographical as well as purely historical. To these there should be added the Survey of Egypt, called altuhfah al-saniyyah of Ibn Ji'an, belonging to the time of Kait Bey; the See also:treatise on the Egyptian constitution called Zubdat Kashf al-Mamalik, by Khalil al-Zahiri, of the same period; and the encyclopaedic work on the same subject called Sub' al-Insha, by al-Qalqashandi, d. 821. Arabic See also:poetry is in the main encomiastic and personal, and from the beginning of the Omayyad period sovereigns and governors paid poets to celebrate their achievements; of those of importance who are connected with Egypt we may mention Nusaib, encomiast of 'Abd al-Aziz b. Merwan, d. ,8o; the greater Nashi (Abu I-Abbas 'Abdallah), d. 293; Ibn Tabataba, d. 345; Abu'l-Raga'maq, encomiast of al-Mo'izz, d.

399; Sari' al-Dila (Ali b.'Abd al-Wahid), encomiast of the Fatimite al-Zahir, d. 412; Sanajat al-See also:

daub (Mahommed b. al-Qasim), encomiast of Hakim; 'Ali b. 'Abbad al-Iskandari, encomiast of the vizier al-Afdal, executed by Hafiz; Ibn Qalagis al-Iskandari, encomiast of the Ayyubites, d. 607; Muhaddhab b. Married, encomiast of the Ayyubites, d. 616; Ibn See also:Sana' al-Mulk, encomiast of the Ayyubites, d. 658; Ibn al-Munajjim, d. 626; Ibn Matruh, encomiast of the Ayyubites, d. 654; Baha' al-din Zuhair, encomiast of al-Salib, d. 656; Ibn 'Ammar, d. 675; al-Mi'See also:mar, d. 749; Ibn Nubatah, d.

768; Ibn Abi I;lajalah, d. 776; See also:

Barham al-din al-Qirati, d. 801; Ibn Mukanis, d. 864; Ibn Hijjah al-Hamawi, d. 837. Poets distinguished for special lines are al-Hakim b. Dani' al, d. 6o8, author of the See also:Shadow-play; and al-Busiri (Mahommed b. Sa'id), d. 694, author of the See also:ode in praise of the See also:prophet called Burdah. The poets of Egypt are reckoned with those of Syria in the Yatimah of Tha' See also:alibi; a special work upon them was written by Ibn Fadl allah (d. 740) ; and a list of poets of the iith century is given by Khafaji•in his Rai'anat al-alibba.

The needs of the Egyptian court produced a number of elegant letter-writers, of whom the most famous were 'Abd al-Rabim b. 'Ali al-Baisani, ordinarily known as al-Qadi' al-Fadil, d. 596, secretary of state to Saladin and other Ayyubite sultans; 'Imad al-din al-Ispahani, d. 597, also secretary of state and official chronicler; and Ibn 'Abd al-Zahir, d. 692, secretary of state to Bibars I. and succeeding sultans; he was followed by his son Fath al-din, to whom`the title " Secret writer " was first given. In the subject of law Egypt boasts that the See also:

Imam Shall, founder of one of the schools, resided at Fostat from 195 till his death in 204; his system, though displaced for a time by that invented by the Fatimites, and since the Turkish conquest by the Hanifite system, has always been popular in Egypt: in Ayyubite times it was dominant, whereas in Mameluke times all four systems were officially recognized. The eminent jurists who flourished in Moslem Egypt form a very lengthy list. Among the Egyptian traditionalists the most eminent is Daraqutni, d. 385. Among Egyptian mystics the most famous as authors are the poet Ibn al-See also:Farid, d. 632, and Abd al-Wahhab Sha rani, d. 973.

Abu'l-Hasan al-Shadhili (d. 656) is celebrated as the founder of the Shadhili order; but there were many others of note. The See also:

dictionary of physicians, compiled in the 7th century, enumerates nearly sixty men of See also:science who resided in Egypt; the best-known among them are Sa'id b. Bitriq, See also:Moses See also:Maimonides and Ibn Baitar. Of Egyptian See also:miscellaneous writers two of the most celebrated are Ibn Daqiq al'-id, d. 702, and Jalal al-din Suyuti. European Authorities.—For the Moslem conquest, A. J. See also:Butler, The Arab Conquest of Egypt (See also:Oxford, 1902) ; for the period before the Fatimites, Wustenfeld, " Die Statthalter von Agypten," in Abhand- lungen der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu See also:Gottingen, vols. xx. and xxi. ; for the Fatimite period, Wustenfeld, Geschichte der Fatimiden-Chalifen," ibid. vols. xxvi. and See also:xxvii. ; for the Ayyubite period, Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, translated by M'G. de Slane (London, 1842–1871) ; for the Mameluke period, Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen, vols. iv. and v. (also called Geschichte des Abbasidenchalifats in Agypten), (Stuttgart, 186o–1862); See also:Sir W.

See also:

Muir, The Mameluke or Slave Dynasty of Egypt (London, 1896) ; for the Turkish period, G. Zaidan, History of Modern Egypt (Arabic), vol. ii. (Cairo, 1889). See also Maqrizi, Description topographique et historique de l'Egypte, translated by Bourianc (Paris, 1895, &c.) ; C. H. Becker, Beitrage zur Geschichte Agyptens (See also:Strassburg, 1902). (D. S. M.*) (9) From the French Occupation to the Rise of Mehemet Ali. The ostensible object of the French expedition to Egypt was to reinstate the authority of the See also:Sublime Porte, and suppress the Mamelukes; and in the proclamation printed with the Arabic types brought from the Propaganda See also:press, and issued shortly after the taking of Alexandria, Bonaparte declared that he reverenced the prophet See also:Mahomet and the See also:Koran far more than the Mamelukes reverenced either, and argued that all men were equal except so far as they were distinguished by their intellectual and moral excellences, of neither of which the Mamelukes had any great share. In future all posts in Egypt were to be open to all classes of the inhabitants; the conduct of affairs was to be committed to the men of talent, virtue, and learning; and in proof of the statement that the French were sincere Moslems the overthrow of the papal authority in Rome was alleged. That there might be no doubt of the friendly feeling of the French to the Porte, villages and towns which capitulated to the invaders were required to hoist the flags of both the Porte and the French See also:republic, and in the thanksgiving prescribed to the Egyptians for their deliverance from the Mamelukes, prayer was to be offered for both the sultan and the French army.

It does not appear that the proclamation convinced many of the Egyptians of the truth of these professions. After the battle of Ambabah, at which the forces of both Murad Bey and Ibrahim Bey were dispersed, the populace readily plundered the houses of the beys, and a deputation was sent from al-Azhar to Bonaparte to ascertain his intentions; these proved to be a repetition of the terms of his proclamation, and, though the See also:

combination of loyalty to the French with loyalty to the sultan was unintelligible, a good understanding was at first established between the invaders and the Egyptians. A municipal council was established in Cairo, consisting of persons taken from the ranks of the sheiks, the Mamelukes and the French; and presently delegates from Alexandria and other important towns were added. This council did little more than register the decrees of the French commander, who continued to exercise dictatorial power. The destruction of the-French fleet at the battle of the Nile, and the failure of the French forces sent to Upper Egypt (where they reached the first cataract) to obtain possession of the person of Murad Bey, shook the faith of the Egyptians in their invincibility; and in consequence of a series of unwelcome innovations the relations between conquerors and conquered grew daily more strained, till at last, on the occasion of the introduction of a house tax, an insurrection broke out in Cairo on the 22nd of October 1798, of which the headquarters were in the Moslem university of Azhar. On this occasion the French general See also:Dupuy, lieutenant-governor of Cairo, was killed. The prompt measures of Bonaparte, aided by the arrival from Alexandria of General J. B. Kleber, quickly suppressed this rising; but the stabling of the French See also:cavalry in the mosque of Azhar gave great and permanent offence. In consequence of this affair, the deliberative council was suppressed, but on the 25th of December a fresh proclamation was issued, reconstituting the two divans which had been created by the Turks; the special divan was to consist of 14 persons chosen by lot out of 6o government nominees, and was to meet daily. The general divan was to consist of functionaries, and to meet on emergencies. In consequence of despatches which reached Bonaparte on the 3rd of January 1799, announcing the intention of the Porte to invade the country with the object of recovering it by force, Bonaparte resolved on his Syrian expedition, and appointed governors for Cairo, Alexandria, and Upper Egypt, to govern during his absence.

From that ill-fated expedition he returned at the beginning of June. Advantage had been taken of this opportunity by Murad Bey and Ibrahim Bey to collect their forces and attempt a joint attack on Cairo, but this Bonaparte arrived in time to defeat, and in the last See also:

week of July he inflicted a crushing defeat on the Turkish army that had landed at See also:Aboukir, aided by the See also:British fleet commanded by Sir See also:Sidney Smith. Shortly after his victory Bonaparte left Egypt, having appointed Kleber to govern in his absence, which he informed the sheiks of Cairo was not to last more than three months. Kleber himself regarded the condition of the French invaders as extremely perilous, and wrote to inform the French republic of the facts. A double expedition shortly after Bonaparte's departure was sent by the Porte for the recovery of Egypt, one force being despatched by sea to Damietta, while another under Yusuf Pasha took the land route from Damascus by al-Arish. Over the first some success was won, in consequence of which the Turks agreed to a convention (signed January 24, 1800), by virtue of which the French were to quit Egypt. The Turkish troops advanced to Bilbeis, where they were received by thesheiks from, Cairo, and the Mamelukes also returned to that city from their hiding-places. Before the preparations for the departure of the French were completed, orders came to Sir Sidney Smith from the British government, forbidding the carrying out of the convention unless the French army were treated as prisoners of war; and when these were communicated to Kleber he cancelled the orders previously given to the troops, and proceeded to put the country in a state of defence. His departure with most of the army to attack the Turks at Mataria led to riots in Cairo, in the course of which many Christians were slaughtered; but the See also:national party were unable to get possession of the citadel, and Kleber, having defeated the Turks, was soon able to return to the capital. On the 14th of April he bombarded Bulak, and proceeded to See also:bombard Cairo itself, which was taken the following See also:night. Order was soon restored, and a fine of twelve million francs imposed on the rioters. Murad Bey sought an interview with Kleber and succeeded in obtaining from him the government of Upper Egypt.

He died shortly afterwards and was succeeded by See also:

Osman Bey al-Bardisi. On the 14th of June Kleber was assassinated by a fanatic named Suleiman of Aleppo, said to have been incited to the See also:deed by a Janissary refugee at Jerusalem, who had brought letters to the sheiks of the Azhar, who, however, refused to give him any encouragement. Three of these, nevertheless, were executed by the French as accessories before the fact, and the assassin himself was impaled, after See also:torture, in spite of a promise of pardon having been made to him on condition of his naming his associates. The command of the army then devolved on General J. F. (See also:Baron de) Menou (r750-181o), a man who had professed Islam, and who endeavoured to conciliate the Moslem population by various measures, such as excluding all Christians (with the exception of one Frenchman) from the divan, replacing the Copts who were in government service by Moslems, and subjecting French residents to taxes. Whatever popularity might have been gained by these measures was counteracted by his declaration of a French protectorate over Egypt, which was to See also:count as a French colony. In the first weeks of March 18oi the English, under Sir R. See also:Abercromby, effected a landing at Aboukir, and proceeded to invest Alexandria, where on the 21st they were attacked by Menou ; the French were repulsed, but the English French commander was mortally wounded in the See also:action. On evacua- tion. the 25th fresh reinforcements arrived under Husain, the Kapudan Pasha, or high See also:admiral; and a combined English and Turkish force was sent to take Rosetta. On the 3oth of May, General A.

D. Belliard, who had been left in charge at Cairo, was assailed on two sides by the British forces under General See also:

John Rely See also:Hutchinson (afterwards 2nd See also:earl of Donoughmore), and the Turkish under Yusuf Pasha; after negotiations Belliard agreed to evacuate Cairo and to sail with his 13,734 troops to France. On the 3oth of August, Menou at Alexandria was compelled to accept similar conditions, and his force of 10,000 left for Europe in September. This was the termination of the French occupation of Egypt, of which the chief permanent monument was the Description de l'Egypte, compiled by the French savants who accompanied the expedition. Further than this, " it brought to the attention of a few men in Egypt a keen sense of the great advantage of an orderly government, and a warm appreciation of the advance that science and learning had made in Europe " (Hajji See also:Browne, Bonaparte in Egypt and the Egyptians of to-day, 1907, p. 268). Soon after the evacuation of Egypt by the French, the country became the scene of more severe troubles, in consequence of the attempts of the Turks to destroy the power of the Mamelukes. In See also:defiance of promises to the British government, orders were transmitted from Constantinople to Husain Pasha, the Turkish high admiral, to ensnare and put to death the principal beys. Invited to an entertainment, they were, according to the Egyptian contemporary historian al-Jabarti, attacked on See also:board the See also:flag-ship; Sir See also:Robert See also:Wilson and M. F. Mengin, however, state that they were fired on, in open boats, in the Bay of Aboukir. They offered an heroic resistance, but were overpowered, and Battle of the Nile.

some killed, some made prisoners; among the last was Osman Bey al-Bardisi, who was severely wounded. General Hutchinson, British, informed of this treachery, immediately assumed Turks and threatening measures against the Turks, and in Mame- consequence the killed, wounded and prisoners were /ekes. given up to him. At the same time Yusuf Pasha arrested all the beys in Cairo, but was shortly compelled by the British to See also:

release them. Such was the beginning of the disastrous struggle between the Mamelukes and the Turks. Mahommed Khosrev was the first Turkish governor of Egypt after the See also:expulsion of the French. The form of government, however, was not the same as that before the French invasion, for the Mamelukes were not reinstated. The pasha, and through him the sultan, endeavoured on several occasions either to ensnare them or to beguile them into submission; but these efforts failing, Mahommed Khosrev took the field, and a Turkish detachment 7000 strong was despatched against them to See also:Damanhur, whither they had descended from Upper Egypt, and was defeated by a small force under al-Alfi; or, as Mengin says, by 800 men commanded by al-Bardisi, when al-Alfi had left the field. Their ammunition and guns fell into the hands of the Mamelukes. In March 1803 the British evacuated Alexandria, and Mahommed Bey al-Alfi accompanied them to See also:England to consult respecting the means to be adopted for restoring the former power of the Mamelukes, who meanwhile took Minia and interrupted communication between Upper and Lower Egypt. About six weeks after, the Arnaut (or Albanian) soldiers in the service of Khosrev tumultuously demanded their pay, and surrounded the house of the defterdar (or finance minister), who in vain appealed to the pasha to satisfy their claims. The latter opened fire from the See also:artillery of his palace on the insurgent soldiery in the house of the defterdar, across the Ezbekia. The citizens of Cairo, accustomed to such occurrences, immediately closed their shops, and every man who possessed any weapon armed himself.

The tumult continued all the day, and the next See also:

morning a body of troops sent out by the pasha failed to quell it. Tahir, the commander of the Albanians, then repaired to the citadel, gained admittance through an See also:embrasure, and, having obtained possession of it, began to cannonade the pasha over the See also:roofs of the intervening houses, and then descended with guns to the Ezbekia and laid close siege to the palace. On the following day Mahommed Khosrev made good his See also:escape, with his women and servants and his regular troops, and fled to Damietta by the river. This revolt marks the beginning in Egypt of the See also:breach between the Albanians and Turks, which ultimately led to the expulsion of the latter, and of the rise to power of the Albanian Mehemet All (q.v.), who was destined to rule the country for nearly forty years and be the cause of serious European complications. Tahir Pasha assumed the government, but in twenty-three days he met with his death from exactly the same cause as that First of the overthrow of his predecessor. He refused the appear- pay of certain of the Turkish troops, and was immedi- ance of ately assassinated. A desperate conflict ensued between Mehemet the Albanians and Turks; and the palace was set on `vi. fire and plundered. The masters of Egypt were now split into these two factions, animated with the fiercest animosity against each other. Mehemet Ali, then in command of an Albanian See also:regiment, became the head of the former, but his party was the weaker, and he therefore entered into an alliance with the Mameluke leaders Ibrahim Bey and 'Osman Bey al-Bardisi. A certain Ahmed Pasha, who was about to proceed to a province in Arabia, of which he had been appointed governor, was raised to the important post of pasha of Egypt, through the influence of the Turks and the favour of the sheiks; but Mehemet Ali, who with his Albanians held the citadel, refused to assent to their choice; the Mamelukes moved over from El-Giza, whither they had been invited by Tahir Pasha, and Ahmed Pasha betook himself to the mosque of al-Zahir, which the French had converted into a fortress. He was compelled to surrender by the Albanians; the two chiefs of the Turks who killed Tahir Pasha were taken with him and put to death, and he himself was detained a prisoner.

In .consequence of the alliance between Mehemet Ali and a]-Bardisi, the Albanians gave the citadel over to the Mamelukes; and soon after, these allies marched against Khosrev Pasha, who having been joined by a considerable body of Turks, and being in possession of Damietta, was enabled to offer an obstinate resistance. After much loss on both sides, he was taken prisoner and brought to Cairo; but he was treated with respect. The victorious soldiery sacked the town of Damietta, and were guilty of the barbarities usual with them on such occasions. A few days later, Ali Pasha Jazairli landed at Alexandria with an imperial See also:

firman constituting him pasha of Egypt, and threatened the beys, who now were virtual masters of Upper Egypt, as well as of the capital and nearly the whole of Lower Egypt. Mehemet Ali and al-Bardisi therefore descended to Rosetta, which had fallen into the hands of a brother of All Pasha, and having captured the town and its commander, al-Bardisi purposed to proceed against Alexandria; but the troops demanded arrears of pay which it was not in his power to give, and the pasha had cut the dyke between the lakes of Aboukir and See also:Mareotis, thus rendering the approach to Alexandria more difficult. Al-Bardisi and Mehemet Ali therefore returned to Cairo. The troubles of Egypt were now increased by an in-sufficient inundation, and great scarcity prevailed, aggravated by the taxation to which the beys were compelled to resort in order to pay the troops; while murder and rapine prevailed in the capital, the riotous soldiery being under little or no control. Meanwhile, All Pasha, who had been behaving with violence towards the Franks in Alexandria, received a hatt-isherif from the sultan, which he sent by his secretary to Cairo. It announced that the beys should live peaceably in Egypt, with an annual See also:pension each of fifteen purses (a "See also:purse ", 50o piastres) and other privileges, but that the government should be in the hands of the pasha. To this the beys assented, but with considerable misgivings; for they had intercepted letters from Ali to the Albanians, endeavouring to alienate them from their side to his own. Deceptive answers were returned to these, and Ali was induced by them to advance The Mame' towards Cairo at the head of 3000 men. The forces tuxes and of the beys, with the Albanians, encamped near him All Pasha. at Shalakan, and he fell back on a place called Zufeyta.

They next seized his boats conveying soldiers, servants, and his ammunition and baggage; and, following him, they demanded wherefore he brought with him so numerous a body of men, in opposition to usage and to their previous warning. Finding they would not allow his troops to advance, forbidden himself to retreat with them to Alexandria, and being surrounded by the enemy, he would have hazarded a battle, but his men refused to fight. He therefore went to the camp of the beys, and his army was compelled to retire to Syria. In the hands of the beys Ali Pasha again attempted treachery. A horseman was seen to leave his tent one night at full gallop; he was the See also:

bearer of a letter to Osman Bey Hasan, the governor of Kine. This offered a fair pretext to the Mamelukes to rid themselves of a man proved to be a perfidious See also:tyrant. He was sent under a guard of forty-five men towards the Syrian frontier; and about a week after, news was received that in a skirmish with some of his own soldiers he had fallen mortally wounded. The death of Ali Pasha produced only temporary tranquillity; in a few days (February 12, 1804) the return of Mahommed Bey al-Alfi (called the Great) from England was the See also:signal for fresh disturbances, which, by splitting the Mamelukes into two parties, accelerated their final overthrow. An ancient jealousy existed between al-Alfi and the other most powerful bey, al-Bardisi. The latter was now supreme among the Mamelukes, and this fact considerably heightened their old enmity. While the guns of the citadel, those at Old Cairo, and even those of the palace of al-Bardisi, were thrice fired in honour of al-Alfi, preparations were immediately begun to oppose him. His partisans were collected opposite Cairo, and al-Alfi the Less held Giza; but treachery was among them; Husain Bey (a relative of al-Alfa) was assassinated by emissaries of al-Bardisi, and Mehemet Ali, with his Albanians, gained possession of Giza, which was, as usual, given over to the troops to pillage.

In the meanwhile al-Alfi the Great embarked at Rosetta, and not apprehending opposition, was on his way to Cairo, when a little south of the town of Manfif he encountered a party of Albanians, and with difficulty made his escape. He gained the eastern See also:

branch of the Nile, but the river had become dangerous, and he fled to the desert. There he had several hairbreadth escapes, and at last secreted himself among a tribe of Arabs at See also:Ras al-Wadi. A change in the fortune of al-Bardisi, however, favoured his plans for the future. That chief, in order to satisfy the demands of the Albanians for their pay, gave orders to See also:levy heavy contributions from the citizens of Cairo; and this new oppression roused them to rebellion. The Albanians, alarmed for their safety, assured the populace that they would not allow the order to be executed; and Mehemet Ali himself caused a proclamation to be made to that effect. Thus the Albanians became the favourites of the people, and took advantage of their opportunity. Three days later (March 12th, 1804) they beset the house of the aged Ibrahim Bey, and that of al-Bardisi, both of whom effected their escape with difficulty. The Mamelukes in the citadel directed a fire of shot and See also:shell on the houses of the Albanians which were situated in the Ezbekia; but, on hearing of the flight' of their chiefs, they evacuated the place; and Mehemet Ali, on gaining possession of it, once more proclaimed Mahommed Khosrev pasha of Egypt. For one day and a half he enjoyed the title; the friends of the late Tahir Pasha then accomplished his second degradation,' and Cairo was again the scene of terrible enormities, the Albanians revelling in the houses of the Mameluke chiefs, whose hareems met with no See also:mercy at their hands. These events were the signal for the reappearance of al-Alfi. The Albanians now invited Ahmed Pasha Khorshid to assume the reins of government, and he without delay proceeded from Alexandria to Cairo.

The forces of the partisans of al-Bardisi were rava .iing the country a few See also:

miles south of the capital and intercepting the supplies of corn by the river; a little later they passed to the north of Cairo and successively took Bilbeis and Kalyub, plundering the villages, destroying the crops, and slaughtering the herds of the inhabitants. Cairo was itself in a state of tumult, suffering severely from a scarcity of grain, and the heavy exactions of the pasha to meet the demands of his turbulent troops, at that time augmented by a Turkish detachment. The shops were closed, and the unfortunate people assembled in great crowds, crying " Ya Latif ! Ya Latif ! " (" O Gracious [God] ! ") Al-Alfi and Osman Bey Hasan had professed allegiance to the pasha; but they soon after declared against him, and they were now approaching from the south; and having repulsed Mehemet Ali, they took the two fortresses of Tura. These Mehemet Ali speedily retook by night with 4000 infantry and cavalry; but the enterprise was only partially successful. On the following day the other Mamelukes north of the metropolis actually penetrated into the suburbs; but a few days later were defeated in a battle fought at Shubra, with heavy loss on both sides. This reverse in a measure united the two great Mameluke parties, though their chiefs remained at enmity. Al-Bardisi passed to the south of Cairo, and the Mamelukes gradually retreated towards Upper Egypt. Thither the pasha despatched three successive expeditions (one of which was commanded by Mehemet Ali), and many battles were fought, but without decisive result. At this period another calamity befell Egypt; about 3000 Delis (Kurdish troops) arrived in Cairo from Syria.

These troops had been sent for by KhorshId in order to strengthen himself against the Albanians; and the events of this portion of the history afford sad proof of their ferocity and brutal enormities, I Khosrev Pasha afterwards filled several of the highest offices at Constantinople. He died on the 1st of February 1855. He was a See also:

bigot of the old school, strongly opposed to the influences of Western civilization, and consequently to the assistance of France and Great See also:Britain in the Crimeap See which they far exceeded the See also:ordinary Turkish soldiers and even the Albanians. Their arrival immediately recalled Mehemet Ali and his party from the war, and instead of aiding Khorshid was the proximate cause of his overthrow. Cairo was ripe for revolt; the pasha was hated for his tyranny and extortion, and execrated for the deeds of his troops, especially those of the Delis: the sheiks enjoined the people to close their shops, and the soldiers clamoured for pay. At this juncture a firman arrived from Constantinople conferring on Mehemet Ali the pashalic of Jedda; but the occurrences of a few days raised him to that of Egypt. On the 12th of Safar 1220 (May 12th, 18os) the sheiks, with an immense concourse of the inhabitants, assembled in the house of the kacli; and the See also:ulema, amid the prayers and cries of the people, wrote a full statement of the heavy wrongs which they had endured under the administration of the pasha. The ulema, in answer, were desired to go to the citadel; but they were apprised of treachery; and on the following day, having held another the house of the kacli, they proceeded to Mehemet Ali and informed him that the people would no longer submit to Khorshid. " Then whom will ye have? " said he. " We will have thee," they replied, " to govern us according to the laws; for we see in thy countenance that See also:thou art possessed of justice and goodness." Mehemet Ali seemed to hesitate, and then complied, and was at once invested. On this, a bloody struggle began between the two pashas.

Khorshid, being informed of the insurrection, immediately prepared to stand a siege in the citadel. Two chiefs of the Albanians joined his party, but many of his soldiers deserted. Mehemet Ali's great strength lay in the devotion of the citizens of Cairo, who looked on him as a deliverer from their afflictions; and great numbers armed themselves, advising constantly with Mehemet Ali, having the sayyid Omar and the sheiks at their head, and guarding the town at night. On the loth of the same month Mehemet Ali began to besiege Khorshid. After the siege had continued many days, Khorshid gave orders to cannonade and bombard the town; and for six days his commands were executed with little interruption, the citadel itself also lying between two fires. Mehemet Ali's position at this time was very critical: his troops became mutinous for their pay; the silandar, who had commanded one of the expeditions against the Mamelukes, advanced to the See also:

relief of Khorshid; and the latter ordered the Delis to march to his assistance. The firing ceased on the Friday, but began again on the See also:eve of Saturday and lasted until the next Friday, On the See also:clay following (May 28th) news came of the arrival at Alexandria of a messenger from Constantinople. The ensuing night in Cairo presented a curious spectacle; many of the inhabitants, believing that this envoy would put an end to their miseries, fired off their weapons as they paraded the streets with bands of See also:music. The silandar, imagining the See also:noise to be a fray, marched in haste towards the citadel, while its garrison sallied forth and began throwing up entrenchments in the quarter of Arab al-Yesar, but were repulsed by the armed inhabitants and the soldiers stationed there; and during all this time the cannonade and See also:bombardment from the citadel, and on it from the batteries on the See also:hill, continued unabated. The envoy brought a firman confirming Mehemet Ali and ordering Khorshid to go to Alexandria, there to await further orders; but this he refused to do, on the ground that Mehemet he had been appointed by a hatt-i-sherif. The firing Ali ceased on the following day, but the troubles of the granted people were rather increased than assuaged; murders the and robberies were daily committed by the soldiery, pasha'''. the shops were all shut and some of the streets barricaded. While these scenes were being enacted, al-AM was besieging Damanhur, and the other beys were returning towards Cairo, Khorshid having called them to his assistance: but Mehemet Ali forced them to recreat.

Soon after this, a See also:

squadron under the command of the Turkish high admiral arrived at Aboukir Bay, with despatches confirming We firman brought by .the former envoy, and authorizing struggle between Khorshid and Mehemet All. HISTORY] Mehemet Ali to continue to See also:discharge the functions of governor. Khorshid at first refused to yield; but at length, on condition that his troops should be paid, he evacuated the citadel and embarked for Rosetta. Mehemet Ali now possessed the title of Governor of Egypt, but beyond the walls of Cairo his authority was everywhere disputed by the beys, who were joined by the army of the silandar of Khorshid; and many Albanians deserted from his ranks. To replenish his empty coffers he was also compelled to levy exactions, principally from the Copts. An attempt was made to ensnare certain of the beys, who were encamped north of Cairo. On the 17th of August 1805 the See also:dam of the canal of Cairo was to be cut, and some chiefs of Mehemet Ali's party wrote, informing them that he would go forth early on that morning with most of his troops to witness the ceremony, inviting them to enter and seize the city, and, to deceive them, stipulating for a certain sum of money as a See also:reward. The dam, however, was cut early in the preceding night, without any ceremony. On the following morning, these beys, with their Mamelukes, a very numerous body, broke open the gate of the suburb al-Husainia, and gained admittance into the city from the north, through the gate called Bab el-Futull. They marched along the principal street for some distance, with See also:kettle-drums behind each See also:company, and were received with apparent joy by the citizens. At the mosque called the Ashrafia they separated, one party proceeding to the Azhar and the houses of certain sheiks, and the other continuing along the main street, and through the gate called Bab Zuwela, where they turned up towards the citadel. Here they were fired on by some soldiers from the houses; and with this signal a terrible massacre began.

Falling back towards their companions, they found the bye-streets closed; and in that part of the main thoroughfare called See also:

Bain al-Kasrain they were suddenly placed between two fires. Thus shut up in a narrow street, some sought refuge in the collegiate mosque Barkukia, while the See also:remainder fought their way through their enemies and escaped over the city-wall with the loss of their horses. Two Mamelukes had in the meantime succeeded, by great exertions, in giving the alarm to their comrades in the quarter of the Azhar, who escaped by the eastern gate called Bab al-Ghoraib. A horrible fate awaited those who had shut themselves up in the Barkukia. Having begged for quarter First and surrendered, they were immediately stripped nearly massacre naked, and about fifty were slaughtered on the spot; of the and about the same number were dragged away, with See also:Marne- every brutal See also:aggravation of their pitiful condition, to lakes. Mehemet Ali. Among them were four beys, one of whom, driven to madness by Mehemet Ali's mockery, asked for a drink of water; his hands were untied that he might take the See also:bottle, but he snatched a See also:dagger from one of the soldiers, rushed at the pasha, and fell covered with wounds. The wretched captives were then chained and left in the court of the pasha's house; and on the following morning the heads of their comrades who had perished the day before were skinned and stuffed with See also:straw before their eyes. One bey and two others paid their ransom and were released; the rest, without exception, were tortured and put to death in the course of the ensuing night. Eighty-three heads (many of them those of Frenchmen and Albanians) were stuffed and sent to Constantinople, with a boast that the Mameluke chiefs were utterly destroyed. Thus ended Mehemet Ali's first massacre of his too confiding enemies. The beys, after this, appear to have despaired of regaining their ascendancy; most of them retreated to Upper Egypt, and an attempt at See also:compromise failed.

Al-Alfi offered his sub-See also:

mission on the condition of the cession of the Fayum and other provinces; but this was refused, and that chief gained two successive victories over the pasha's troops, many of whom deserted to him. At length, in consequence of the remonstrances of the English, and a promise made by al-Alfi of 1500 purses, the Porte consented to reinstate the twenty-four beys and to place al-Alfi at their head; but this measure met with the opposition of Mehemet Ali and the determined resistance of the majority of the Mamelukes,109 who, rather than have al-Alfi at their head, preferred their See also:present condition; for the enmity of al-Bardisi had not subsided, and he commanded the voice of most of the other beys. In pursuance of the above plan, a squadron under Salih Pasha, shortly before appointed high admiral, arrived at Alexandria on the 1st of July 1806 with 3000 regular troops and a successor to Mehemet Ali, who was to receive the pashalik of See also:Salonica. This wily chief professed his willingness to obey the commands of the Porte, but stated that his troops, to whom he owed a vast sum of money, opposed his departure. He induced the ulema to sign a letter, praying the sultan to revoke the command for reinstating the beys, persuaded the chiefs of the Albanian troops to swear allegiance to him, and sent 2000 purses contributed by them to Constantinople. Al-Alfi was at that time besieging Damanhur, and he gained a signal victory over the pasha's troops; but the dissensions of the beys destroyed their last See also:chance of a return to power. Al-Alfi and his partisans were unable to pay the sum promised to the Porte; Salih Pasha received plenipotentiary powers from Constantinople, in con-sequence of the letter from the ulema; and, on the condition of Mehemet Ali's paying 4000 purses to the Porte, it was decided that he should continue in his post, and the reinstatement of the beys was abandoned. Fortune continued to favour the pasha. In the following month al-Bardisi died, aged forty-eight years; and soon after, a scarcity of provisions excited the troops of al-Alfi to revolt. That bey very reluctantly raised the siege of Damanhur, being in daily expectation of the arrival of an English army; and at the village of Shubra-ment he was attacked by a sudden illness, and died on the 30th of January 1807, at the age of fifty-five. Thus was the pasha relieved of his two most formidable enemies; and shortly after he defeated Shahin Bey, with the loss to the latter of his artillery and baggage and 300 men killed or taken prisoners. On the 17th of March 1807 a British fleet appeared off Alexandria, having on board nearly 5000 troops, under the command of General A.

See also:

Mackenzie See also:Fraser; and the place, The being disaffected towards Mehemet All, opened its British gates to them. Here they first heard of the death expedition of al-Alfi, upon whose co-operation they had founded 0 48". their chief hopes of success; and they immediately despatched messengers to his successor and to the other beys, inviting them to Alexandria. The British See also:resident, See also:Major Missett, having represented the importance of taking Rosetta and Rahmanieh,to secure supplies for Alexandria, General Fraser, with the concurrence of the admiral, Sir John See also:Duckworth, detached the 31st regiment and the Chasseurs Britanniques, accompanied by some field artillery under Major-General Wauchope and Brigadier-General See also:Meade, on this service; and these troops entered Rosetta without encountering any opposition; but as soon as they had dispersed among the narrow streets, the garrison opened a deadly fire on them from the latticed windows and the roofs of the houses. They effected a retreat on Aboukir and Alexandria, after a very heavy loss of 185 killed and 281 wounded, General Wauchope and three officers being among the former, and General Meade and nineteen officers among the latter. The heads of the slain were fixed on stakes on each side of the road crossing the Ezbekia in Cairo. Mehemet All, meanwhile, was conducting an expedition against the beys in Upper Egypt, and he had defeated them near Assiut, when he heard of the arrival of the British. In great alarm lest the beys should join them, especially as they were far north of his position, he immediately sent messengers to his rivals, promising to comply with all their demands if they should join in expelling the invaders; and this proposal being agreed to, both armies marched towards Cairo on opposite sides of the river. To return to the unfortunate British expedition. The possession of Rosetta being deemed indispensable, Brigadier-Generals Sir See also:William See also:Stewart and See also:Oswald were despatched thither with 2500 men. For thirteen days a cannonade of the town was continued without effect; and on the loth of April, news having come in from the advanced guard at Hamad of large reinforcements to the besieged, General Stewart was compelled to retreat; and a See also:dragoon was despatched to Lieutenant-See also:colonel See also:Macleod, commanding at Hamad, with orders to fall back. The messenger, however, was unable to penetrate to the spot; and the advanced guard, consisting of a detachment of the 31st, two companies of the 78th, one of the 35th, and De See also:Roll's regiment, with a picquet of dragoons, the whole mustering 733 men, was surrounded, and, after a gallant resistance, the survivors, who had expended all their ammunition, became prisoners of war. General Stewart regained Alexandria with the remainder of his force, having lost, in killed, wounded and missing, nearly 900 men.

Some hundreds of British heads were now exposed on stakes in Cairo, and the prisoners were marched between these mutilated remains of their countrymen. The beys became divided in their wishes, one party being desirous of co-operating with the British, the other with the pasha. These delays proved ruinous to their cause; and General Fraser, despairing of their assistance, evacuated Alexandria on the 14th of September. From that date to the spring of 1811 the beys from time to time relinquished certain of their demands; the pasha on his part granted them what before had been withheld; the province of the Fayum, and part of those of Giza and Beni-Suef, were ceded to Shahan; and a great portion of the Said, on the condition of paying the land-tax, to the others, Many of them took up their See also:

abode in Cairo, but tranquillity was not secured; several times they met the pasha's forces in battle and once gained a signal victory. Early in the year 1811, the preparations for an expedition against the See also:Wahhabis in Arabia being complete, all the Mameluke beys then in Cairo were invited to the ceremony of investing Mehemet Ali's favourite son, Tusun, with a See also:pelisse and the command of the army. As on the former occasion, the unfortunate Mamelukes fell into the snare. On the 1st of March, Shahin Bey and the other chiefs (one only excepted) repaired with their retinues to the citadel, and were courteously received by the pasha. Having taken See also:coffee, they formed in procession, and, preceded and followed by the pasha's troops, slowly descended the steep and narrow road leading to the great gate of the citadel; but as soon as the Mamelukes arrived at the gate it was suddenly closed before them. The last of those to leave before the gate was shut were Albanians under Salih Kush. To these troops their chief now made known the pasha's orders to massacre all the Mamelukes within the citadel; therefore, having returned Final by another way, they 'gained the summits of the walls massacre and houses that hem in the road in which the Mame- of the lukes were confined, and some stationed themselves Marne- upon the eminences of the rock through which that hikes. road is partly cut. Thus securely placed, they began a heavy fire on their victims; and immediately the troops who closed the procession, and who had the advantage of higher ground, followed their example. Of the betrayed chiefs, many were laid See also:low in a few moments; some, dismounting, and throwing off their See also:outer See also:robes, vainly sought, See also:sword in hand, to return, and escape by some other gate.

The few who regained the See also:

summit of the citadel experienced the same fate as the rest, for no quarter was given. Four hundred and seventy Mamelukes entered the citadel; and of these very few, if any, escaped. One of these is said to have been a bey. According to some, he leapt his See also:horse from the ramparts, and alighted uninjured, though the horse was killed by the fall; others say that he was prevented from joining his comrades, and discovered the treachery while waiting without the gate. He fled and made his way to Syria. This massacre was the signal for an indiscriminate slaughter of the Mamelukes throughout Egypt, orders to this effect being transmitted to every governor; and in Cairo itself the houses of the beys were given over to the soldiery. During the two following days the pasha and his son Tusun rode about the streets and tried to stop the atrocities; but order was not restored until 50o houses had been completely pillaged. The heads of the beys were sent to Constantinople. A remnant of the Mamelukes fled to Nubia, and a tranquillity was restored to Egypt to which it had long been unaccustomed. In the year following the massacre the unfortunate exiles were attacked by Ibrahim Pasha, the eldest son of Mehemet Ali, in the fortified town of Ibrim, in Nubia. Here the want of provisions forced them to evacuate the place; a few who surrendered were beheaded, and the rest went farther south and built the town of New See also:Dongola (correctly Dunkulah), where the See also:venerable Ibrahim Bey died in 1816, at the age of eighty. As their numbers thinned, they endeavoured to maintain their little power by training some hundreds of blacks; but again, on the approach of Ismail, another son of the pasha of Egypt, sent with an army in 182o to subdue Nubia and See also:Sennar, some returned to Egypt and settled in Cairo, while the rest, amounting to about too persons, fled in dispersed parties to the countries adjacent to Sennar.

See A. A See also:

Paton, History of the Egyptian Revolution (2 vols., and ed., enlarged 1870); and FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. (E. S. P.; S. L.-P.; D. S. M.*) 3. Modern History. (a) Rule of Mehemet Ali.—Mehemet Ali was now undisputed master of Egypt, and his efforts henceforth were directed primarily to the maintenance of his practical independence. The suzerainty of the sultan he acknowledged, and at the reiterated commands of the Porte he despatched in 1811 an army of 8000 men, including 2000 horse, under the command of his son Tusun, a youth of sixteen, against the Wahhabis (q.v.). After a successful advance, this force met with a serious repulse at the pass of Jedeida, near Safra, and retreated to Yembo' (Yambu).

In the following year Tusun, having received reinforcements, again assumed the offensive, and captured Medina after a prolonged siege. He next took Jidda And Mecca, defeating the Wahhabis beyond the latter place and capturing their general. But some mishaps followed, and Mehemet Ali, who had determined to conduct the war in person, left Egypt for that purpose in the summer of 1813. In Arabia he encountered serious obstacles from the nature of the country and the harassing mode of warfare adopted by his adversaries. His arms met with various fortunes; but on the whole his forces proved superior to those of the enemy. He deposed and exiled the sharif of Mecca, and after the death of the Wahhabi leader Saud II. he concluded in 1815 a treaty with Saud's son and successor, Abdullah. Hearing of the escape of See also:

Napoleon from See also:Elba—and fearing danger to Egypt from the plans of France or Great Britain—Mehemet Ali returned to Cairo by way of Kosseir and See also:Kena. He reached the capital on the day of the battle of See also:Waterloo. His return was hastened by reports that the Turks, whose cause he was upholding in Arabia, were treacherously planning an invasion of Egypt. During Mehemet Ali's absence in Arabia his representative at Cairo had completed the See also:confiscation, begun in 18o8, of almost all the lands belonging to private individuals, who were forced to accept instead inadequate See also:pensions. By this revolutionary method of land "nationalization" Mehemet Ali became proprietor of nearly all the soil of Egypt, an iniquitous measure against which the Egyptians had no remedy. The attempt which in this year (1815) the pasha made to reorganize his troops on European lines led, however, to a formidable mutiny in Cairo.

Mehemet Ali's life was endangered, and he sought refuge by night in the citadel, while the soldiery committed many acts of plunder. The revolt was reduced by presents to the chiefs of the insurgents, and Mehemet Ali ordered that the sufferers by the disturbances should receive compensation from the treasury. The project of the See also:

Nizam Gedid (New System), as the European system was called, was, in consequence of this mutiny, abandoned for a time. Tusun returned to Egypt on hearing of the military revolt at Cairo, but died in 1816 at the early age of twenty. Mehemet Ali, dissatisfied with the treaty concluded with the Wahhabis, and with the non-fulfilment of certain of its clauses, determined to send another army to Arabia, and to include in it the soldiers who had recently proved unruly. This expedition, under his eldest son Ibrahim Pasha, left in the autumn of 1816. The war was long and arduous, but in 1818 Ibrahim captured the Wahhabi capital of Deraiya. Abdullah, their chief, was made prisoner, Wars in Arabia. and with his treasurer and secretary was sent to Constantinople, where, in spite of Ibrahim's promise of safety, and of Mehemet Ali's intercession in their favour, they were put to death. At the close of the year 1819, Ibrahim returned to Cairo, having subdued all present opposition in Arabia. Meanwhile the pasha had turned his attention to the improvement of the manufactures of Egypt, and engaged very largely in commerce. He created for himself a See also:monopoly in the chief products of the country, to the further impoverishment of the people, and set up and kept going for years factories which never paid.

But some of his projects were See also:

sound. The work of digging (18rq–1820) the new canal of Alexandria, called the Mahmudiya (after the reigning sultan of Turkey), was specially important. The old canal had long fallen into decay, and the necessity of a safe channel between Alexandria and the Nile was much See also:felt. Such was the object of the canal then excavated, and it answered its purpose; but the See also:sacrifice of life was enormous (fully 20,000 workmen perished), and the labour of the unhappy fellahin was forced. Another notable fact in the economic progress of the country was the development of the cultivation of See also:cotton in the Delta in 1822 and onwards. The cotton grown had been brought from the Sudan by Maho Bey, and the organization of the new See also:industry—from which in a few years Mehemet All was enabled to extract considerable revenues—was entrusted to a Frenchman named Jumel. In 1820 Mehemet All ordered the conquest of the eastern Sudan to be undertaken. He first sent an expedition westward conquest (Feb. 1820) which conquered and annexed the oasis of of the Siwa. Among the pasha's reasons for wishing to Sudan extend his rule southward were the desire to capture begun. the valuable caravan trade then going towards the Red Sea, and to secure the rich gold mines which he believed to exist in Sennar. He also saw in the campaign a means of getting rid of the disaffected troops, and of obtaining a sufficient number of captives to form the nucleus of the new army. The forces destined for this service were led by Ismail, then the youngest son of Mehemet Ali; they consisted of between 4000 and 5000 men, Turks and Arabs, and left Cairo in July 1820.

Nubia at once submitted, the See also:

Shagia Arabs immediately beyond the province of Dongola were worsted, the remnant of the Mamelukes dispersed, and Sennar reduced without a battle. Mahommed Bey, the defterdar, with another force of about the same strength, was then sent by Mehemet All against See also:Kordofan with a like result, but not without a hard-fought engagement. In October 1822 Ismail was, with his retinue, burnt to death by Nimr, the mek (king) of See also:Shendi; and the defterdar, a man infamous for his See also:cruelty, assumed the command of those provinces, and exacted terrible retribution from the innocent inhabitants. See also:Khartum was founded at this time, and in the following years the rule of the Egyptians was largely extended and control obtained of the Red Sea ports of See also:Suakin and See also:Massawa (see SUDAN: History). In 1824 a native rebellion of a religious character broke out in Upper Egypt headed by one Ahmad, an inhabitant of Es-Salimiya, a village situated a few miles above Thebes. He pro-claimed himself a prophet, and was soon followed by between 20,000 and 30,000 insurgents, mostly peasants, but some of them deserters from the " Nizam Gedid," for that force was yet in a half-organized state, and in part declared for the impostor. The insurrection was crushed by Mehemet All, and about one-fourth of Ahmad's followers perished, but he himself escaped and was never after heard of. Few of these unfortunates possessed any other weapon than the long See also:staff (nebbut) of the Egyptian See also:peasant; still they offered an obstinate resistance, and the combat in which they were defeated resembled a massacre. This movement was the last internal attempt to destroy the pasha's authority. The fellahin, a patient, long-suffering race save when stirred by religious fanaticism, submitted to the See also:kurbash, sufferings freely used by the Turkish and Bashi Bazuk tax- of the fellahJn, gatherers employed by Mehemet Ali to enforce his system of taxation, monopolies, corvee and conscrip- tion. Under this regime the resources of the country were impoverished, while the finances fell into complete and incomprehensible See also:chaos. A vivid picture of the condition to which Egypt was reduced is painted in the report drawn up in 1838 by the British See also:consul-general, Colonel See also:Campbell: " The government (he wrote), possessing itself of the nec'essaries.of life at prices fixed by itself, disposes of them at arbitrary prices.

The See also:

fellah is thus deprived of his See also:harvest and falls into arrears with his taxes, and is harassed and bastinadoed to force him to pay his debts. This leads to deterioration of agriculture and lessens the See also:production. The pasha having imposed high taxes has caused the high prices of the necessaries of life. It would be difficult for a foreigner how coming to Egypt to form a just See also:idea of the actual state of the country as compared with its former state. In regard to the general rise in prices, all the ground cultivated under the Mamelukes was employed for producing food—See also:wheat, See also:barley, beans, &c.—in immense quantities. The people reared fowls, sheep, goats, &c., and the prices were one-sixth, or even one-tenth, of those at present. This continued until Mehemet Ali became viceroy in 1805. From that period until the establishment of monopolies prices have gradually increased; but the great increase has chiefly taken place since 1824, when the pasha established his regular army, navy and factories." The conclusion in 1838 of a commercial treaty with Turkey, negotiated by Sir See also:Henry Bulwer (Lord Da]See also:ling), struck a death-blow to the system of monopolies, though the application of the treaty to Egypt was delayed for some years. The picture of Egypt under Mehemet Ali is nevertheless not complete without regard being had to the beneficent side of his rule. Public order was rendered perfect; the Nile and the highways were secure to all travellers, Christian or Moslem; the Bedouin tribes were won over to peaceful pursuits, and genuine efforts were' made to promote See also:education and the study of See also:medicine. To European merchants, on whom he was dependent for the See also:sale of his exports, Mehemet All showed much favour, and under his influence the port of Alexandria again rose into importance. It was also under Mehemet Ali's encouragement that the overland transit of goods from Europe to India via Egypt was resumed.

Mehemet All was fully conscious that the empire which he had so laboriously built up might at any time have to be defended by force of arms against his master Sultan Mahmud II., whose whole policy had been directed to curbing the power of his too ambitious valis, and who was under the influence of the personal enemies of the pasha of Egypt, notably of Khosrev, the grand vizier, who had never forgiven his humiliation in Egypt in 1803. Mahmud also was already planning reforms borrowed from the West, and Mehemet All, who had had plenty of opportunity of observing the superiority of European methods of warfare, was determined to anticipate the sultan in the creation of a fleet and an army on modern lines, partly as a measure of precaution, partly as an See also:

instrument for the realization of yet wider schemes of ambition. Before the outbreak of the War of Greek Independence in 1821 he had already expended much time and energy in organizing a fleet and in training, under the supervision of French instructors, native officers and artificers; though it was not till 1829 that the opening of a dockyard and See also:arsenal at Alexandria enabled him to build and equip his own vessels. By 1823, moreover, he had succeeded in carrying out the reorganization of his army on European lines, the turbulent Turkish and Albanian elements being replaced by negroes and fellahin.' His foresight was rewarded by the invitation of the sultan to help him in the task of subduing the Greek insurgents, offering as reward the pashaliks of the Morea and of Syria. Mehemet All had already, in 1821, been appointed Ibrahim governor of Crete, which he had occupied with a small Mores. Egyptian force. In the autumn of 1824 a fleet of sixty Egyptian war-ships carrying a large force of disciplined troops concentrated in Suda Bay, and, in the following March, Ibrahim as commander-in-chief landed in the Morea. But for the action of European powers the intervention of Mehemet All would have 1 The work was carried out under the supervision of the French-man, Colonel Seve, who had turned Mahommedan and was known in Islam as Suleiman Pasha. The effectiveness of the new force was first tried in the suppression of a revolt of the Albanians in Cairo (1823) by six disciplined Sudanese regiments; after which Mehemet Ali was no more troubled with military emeutes. been decisive. His naval superiority wrested from the Greeks the command of the sea, on which the fate of the insurrection ultimately depended, while on land the Greek irregular bands were everywhere routed by Ibrahim's disciplined troops. The history of the events that led up to the battle of See also:Navarino and the liberation of Greece is told elsewhere (see NAVARINO and GREEK INDEPENDENCE, WAR OF); the withdrawal of the Egyptians from the Morea was ultimately due to the action of Admiral Sir Edward See also:Codrington, who early in August 1828 appeared before Alexandria and induced the pasha, by no means sorry to have a reasonable excuse, by a See also:threat of bombardment, to sign a convention undertaking to recall Ibrahim and his army.

Before the final establishment of the new kingdom of Greece, the Eastern question had late in 1831 entered into a new and The Syrian more perilous phase, owing to the revolt of Mehemet campaigns. Ali against the sultan on pretext of chastising the ex-slave Abdullah, pasha of Acre, for refusing to send back Egyptian fugitives from the effects of Mehemet Ali's " reforms." The true reason was the refusal of Sultan Mahmud to hand over Syria according to agreement, and Mehemet Ali's determination to obtain at all hazards what had been from time immemorial an object of ambition to the rulers of Egypt. For ten years from this date the relations of sultan and pasha remained in the forefront of the questions which agitated the diplomatic world. It was not only the very existence of the Ottoman empire that seemed to be at stake, but Egypt itself had become more than ever an object of attention, to British statesmen especially, and in the issue of the struggle were involved the interests of Great Britain in the two routes to India by the See also:

Isthmus of Suez and the valley of the Euphrates. The diplomatic and military history of this period will be found sketched in the See also:article on Mehemet Ali. Here it will suffice to say that the victorious career of Ibrahim, who once more commanded in his father's name, beginning with the storming of Acre on the 27th of May 1832, and culminating in the rout and capture of Reshid Pasha at See also:Konia on the 21st of December, was arrested by the intervention of Russia. As the result of endless discussions between the representatives of the powers, the Porte and the pasha, the convention of Kutaya was signed on the 14th of May 1833, by which the sultan agreed to bestow on Mehemet All the pashaliks of Syria, Damascus, Aleppo and Itcheli, together with the district of Adana. The announcement of the pasha's appointment had already been made in the usual way in the annual firman issued on the 3rd of May. Adana, reserved for the moment, was bestowed on Ibrahim under the style of muhassil, or See also:collector of the revenues, a few days later. were not long in revealing themselves. Scarcely a year from the See also:signing of the convention of Kutaya the application by Ibrahim of Egyptian methods of government, notably of the monopolies and See also:conscription, had driven Syrians, Druses and Arabs, who had welcomed him as a deliverer, into revolt. The unrest was suppressed by Mehemet All in person, and the Syrians were terrorized and disarmed.

But their discontent encouraged Sultan Mahmud to hope for revenge, and a renewal of the conflict was only staved off by the anxious efforts of the powers. At last, in the spring of 1839, the sultan ordered his army, concentrated under Reshid in the border district of Bir on the Euphrates, to advance over the Syrian frontier. Ibrahim, seeing his flank menaced, attacked it at Nezib on the 24th of June. Once more the See also:

Otto-mans were utterly routed. Six days later, before the news reached Constantinople, Mahmud died. Once more the Ottoman empire lay at the feet of Mehemet Ali; but the powers were now more prepared to meet a contingency which had been long foreseen. Their intervention was prompt; and the dubious attitude of France, which led to her exclusion from the concert and encouraged Mehemet Ali to resist, only led to his obtaining less favourable terms. (See MEHEMET ALT.) The end was reached early in 1841. New firmans were issued which confined the pasha's authority to Egypt, the Sinai peninsula and certain places on the Arabian side of the Red Sea, and to the Sudan. The most important of these documents are dated the 13th of February 1841. The government of the pashalik of Egypt was made hereditary in the family of Mehemet AIi.T A See also:map showing the boundaries of Egypt accompanied the firman granting Mehemet Ali the pashalik, a duplicate copy being retained by the Porte. The Egyptian copy is supposed to have been lost in a fire which destroyed a great part of the Egyptian archives.

The Turkish copy has never been produced and its existence now appears doubtful. The point is of importance, as in 1892 and again in 1906 boundary disputes arose between Turkey and Egypt (see below). Various restrictions were laid upon Mehemet Ali, emphasizing his position of vassal-age. He was forbidden to maintain a fleet, and his army was not to exceed 18,000 men. The pasha was no longer a figure in European politics, but he continued to occupy himself with his improvements, real or imaginary, in Egypt. The condition of the country was deplorable; in 1842 a See also:

murrain of cattle was followed by a destructive Nile See also:flood; in 1843 there was a plague of locusts, whole villages were depopulated. Meantime the uttermost See also:farthing was wrung from the wretched fellahin, while they were forced to the building of magnificent public works by unpaid labour. In 1844—1845 there was some improvement in the condition of the country as a result of financial reforms the pasha was compelled to execute. Mehemet Ali, who had been granted the honorary rank of grand vizier in 1842, paid a visit to Stamboul in 1846, where he became reconciled to his old enemy Khosrev Pasha, whom he had not seen since he spared his life at Cairo in 1803. In 1847 Mehemet All laid the foundation stone of the great barrage across the Nile at the beginning of the Delta. He was barely persuaded from ordering the barrage to be built with stone from the pyramids! Towards the end of 1847 the aged pasha's mind began to give way, and by the following June he was no longer capable of administering the government.

In September 1848 Ibrahim was acknowledged by the Porte as ruler of the pashalik, but he died in the November (iv.) 'Said, Abdul IHalim, Mehemet Ali, b. 1823, b. 1831, the Younger, d. 1863. d. 1894. and other Tusun, children. d. 1876. crown Mehemet All's authority confined to Egypt. Mehemet Ali now ruled over a virtually inde- pendent empire, subject only to a moderate tribute, stretching from the Sudan to the See also:

Taurus Moun- tains. But though he was hailed, especially in Tusun, (ii.) Ibrahim, France, as the See also:pioneer of European civilization in b. 1789, b. 1796, the East, the unsound foundations of his authority d.

1848. d. 1816. 1 THE DYNASTY OF MEHEMET ALI. (i.) Mehemet Ali, b. 1769, d. 1849. Ismail, b. 1798, d. 1822. (iii.) Abbas I., b. 1813, d. 1834.

El See also:

Hal mi. Ami na (married the Khedive Tewfik). Ahmed, d. 1858. (v.) IsmailI (Khedive), b. 183o, d. 1895. (vi.) Tewfik, Hussein Kamil. b. 1853, d. 1892. I 1 (vii.) Abbas II., Mehemet1 Ali.

2 daughters. h. 1874. Mahomb led Abdul, Abdul Kader, 4 daughters. b.18go. b. 1902. Mustaplra Fazil, d. 1875. Hassan. 8 other children. following. Mehemet Ali survived another eight months, dying on the and of August 1849, aged eighty. He had done a great work in Egypt; the most permanent being the weakening of the tie binding the country to Turkey, the starting of the great cotton industry, the recognition of the advantages of European science, and the conquest of the Sudan. (F.

R. C.) (2) From the Death of Mehemet Ali to the British Occupation.—On Ibrahim's death in November 1848 the government of Egypt fell to his nephew Abbas I. (q.v.), the son of Tusun. Abbas put an end to the system of commercial mono-. polies, and during his reign the railway from Alexandria to Cairo was begun at the instigation of the British government. Opposed to European ways, Abbas lived in great seclusion, and after a reign of less than six years he was murdered (July 1854) by two of his slaves. He was succeeded by his uncle Said Pasha, the favourite son of Mehemet Ali, who lacked the strength of mind or physical health needed to execute the beneficent projects which he conceived. His endeavour, for instance, to put a stop to the slave raiding which devastated the Sudan provinces was wholly ineffectual. He had a genuine regard for the welfare of the fellahin, and a land law of 1858 secured to them an See also:

acknowledgment of See also:freehold as against the crown. The pasha was much under French influence, and in 1856 was induced to grant to Ferdinand de See also:Lesseps a concession for the construction of the Suez Canal. Lord See also:Palmerston was opposed to this project, and the British opposition delayed the ratification of the concession by the Porte for two years. To the British Said also made concessions—one to the Eastern See also:Telegraph Company, and another (1854) allowing the establishment of the Bank of Egypt. He also began the national debt by borrowing £3,293,000 from Messrs Fruhling & See also:Goschen, the actual amount received by the pasha being £2,640,000.

In January 1863 Said Pasha died and was succeeded by his nephew Ismail, a son of Ibrahim Pasha. The reign of Ismail (q.v.), from 1863 to 1879, was for a while hailed as introducing a new era into modern Egypt. In spite of his vast schemes of reform and the eclat of his Europeanizing innovations, his oriental extravagance led to See also:

bankruptcy, and his reign is historically important simply for its compelling European intervention in the internal affairs of Egypt. Yet in its earlier years much was done which seemed likely to give Ismail a more important place in history. In 1866' he was granted by the sultan a firman—obtained on condition of the increase of the tribute from £376,000 to £72o,000—by which the succession to the throne of Egypt was made to descend " to the eldest of thy male children and in the same manner to the eldest sons of thy successors," instead of, after Turkish law, to the eldest male of the family. In the following year another firman bestowed upon him the title of khedive in lieu of that of vali, See also:borne by Mehemet Ali and his immediate successors. In 1873 a further firman placed the khedive in many respects in the position of an independent sovereign. Ismail re-established and improved the administrative system organized by Mehemet Ali, and which had fallen into decay under Abbas's indolent rule; he caused a thorough remodelling of the customs system, which was in an anarchic state, to be made by English officials; in 1865 he established the Egyptian post office; he reorganized the military schools of his grandfather, and gave some support to the cause of education. See also:Railways, telegraphs, lighthouses, the See also:harbour works at Suez, the See also:breakwater at Alexandria, were carried out by some of the best contractors of Europe. Most important of all, the Suez Canal was opened in 1869. But the funds required for these public works, as well as the actual labour, were remorselessly extorted from a poverty-stricken population. A striking picture of the condition of the people at this period is given by See also:Lady See also:Duff See also:Gordon in Last Letters from Egypt.

Writing in 1867 she said : " I cannot describe the misery here now—every day some new tax. Every beast, See also:

camel, cow, sheep, donkey and horse is made to pay. The fellaheen can no longer eat See also:bread; they are living on barley-See also:meal mixed with water, and raw See also:green stuff, vetches, &c. The taxation makes life almost impossible: a tax on every See also:crop, on every animal first, and again when it is sold in the See also:market;on every man, on See also:charcoal, on See also:butter, on See also:salt. . . . The people in Upper Egypt are See also:running away by wholesale, utterly unable to pay the new taxes and do the work exacted. Even here (Cairo) the beating for the year's taxes is awful." In the years that followed the condition of things grew worse. Thousands of lives were lost and large sums expended in extending Ismail's dominions in the Sudan (q.v.) ,and in futile conflicts with See also:Abyssinia. In 1875 the impoverishment of the fellah had reached such a point that the ordinary resources of the country no longer sufficed for the most urgent necessities of administration; and the khedive Ismail, having repeatedly broken faith with his creditors, could not raise any more loans on the European market. The taxes were habitually collected many months in advance, and the colossal floating debt was increasing rapidly. In these circumstances Ismail had to realize his remaining See also:assets, and among them sold 176,6os Suez Canal shares to the British government for £3,976,5821 (see See also:BEACONSFIELD). This comparatively small financial operation brought about the long-delayed crisis and paved the way for the future prosperity of Egypt, for it induced the British government to inquire more carefully into the financial condition of the country.

In December 1875 Mr See also:

Stephen See also:Cave, M.P., and Colonel (afterwards Sir John) See also:Stokes, R.E., were sent to Egypt to in-See also:quire into the financial situation ; and Mr Cave's report, made public in April 1876, showed that under the existing administration national bankruptcy was inevitable. Other commissions of inquiry followed, and each one brought Ismail more under European control. The establishment of the Mixed Tribunals in 1876, in place of the system of consular jurisdiction in civil actions, made some of the courts of justice See also:international. The Caisse de la Dette, instituted in May 1876 as a result of the Cave mission, led to international control over a large portion of the revenue. Next came (in November 1876) the mission of Mr (afterwards Lord) Goschen and M. See also:Joubert on behalf of the British and French bondholders, one result being the establishment of Dual Control, i.e. an English official to superintend the revenue and a French official the expenditure of the country. Another result was the internationalization of the railways and the port of Alexandria. Then came (May 1878) a See also:commission of inquiry of which the principal members were Sir See also:Rivers Wilson, Major See also:Evelyn See also:Baring (afterwards Lord See also:Cromer) and MM. Kremer-Baravelli and de Blignieres. One result of that inquiry was the See also:extension of international control to the enormous landed property of the khedive. Driven to desperation, Ismail made a virtue of necessity and accepted, in September 1878, in lieu of the Dual Control, a constitutional See also:ministry, under the See also:presidency of Nubar Pasha (q.v.), with Rivers Wilson as minister of finance and de Blignieres as minister of public works. Professing to be quite satisfied with this arrangement, he pompously announced that Egypt was no longer in Africa, but a part of Europe; but before seven months had passed he found his constitutional position intolerable, got rid of his irksome cabinet by means of a secretly-organized military See also:riot in Cairo, and reverted to his old autocratic methods of government.

England and France could hardly sit still under this affront, and decided to administer chastisement by the hand of the suzerain power, which was delighted to have an opportunity of asserting its authority. On the 26th of June 1879 Ismail suddenly received from the sultan a curt telegram, addressed to him as ex-khedive of Egypt, informing him that his son Tewfik was appointed his successor. Taken unawares, he made no attempt at resistance, and Tewfik was at once proclaimed khedive. After a short period of inaction, when it seemed as if the change might be for the worse, England and France summoned up courage to look the situation boldly in the face, and, in November 1879, re-established the Dual Control in the persons of Major Baring and M. de Blignieres. For two years the Dual Control governed Egypt, and initiated the work of progress 1 Part of this money was devoted to an expedition sent against Abyssinia in 1876 to avenge losses sustained in the previous year. The new campaign was, however, equally unsuccessful. Abbas I. and Said Pasha. /small's megalomania. Steps leading to the de- position of Ismail. that England was to continue alone. Its essential defect was what might be called insecurity of See also:

tenure. Without any Re-See also:estate- efficient means of self-protection and See also:coercion at its lishment disposal, it had to interfere with the power, privileges of Dual and perquisites of a class which had long mis-CODtfOL governed the country.

This class, so far as its civilian members were concerned, was not very formidable, because these were not likely to go beyond the bounds of intrigue and' passive resistance; but it contained a military element who had more courage, and who had learned their power when Ismail employed them for overturning his constitutional ministry. Among the mutinous soldiers on that occasion was a fellah officer calling himself Ahmed Arabi the Egyptian. He was not a man of exceptional intelligence or remarkable powers of organization, but he was a fluent See also:

speaker, and could exercise some influence over the masses by a See also:rude kind of native eloquence. Behind him were a See also:group of men, much abler than himself, who put him forward as the figurehead of a party professing to aim at protecting the Egyptians from the grasping tyranny of their Turkish and European oppressors. The movement began among the Arab officers, who complained of the preference shown to the officers of Turkish origin; it then See also:expanded into an attack on the privileged position and predominant influence of foreigners, many of whom, it must be confessed, were of a by no means respectable type; finally, it was directed against all Christians, foreign and native.' The government, being too weak to suppress the agitation and disorder, had to make concessions, and each concession produced fresh demands. Arabi was first promoted, then made under-secretary for war, and ultimately a member of the cabinet. The danger of a serious rising brought the British and French fleets in May 1882 to Alexandria, and after a massacre (11th of June) had been perpetrated by the Arab mob in that city, the British admiral bombarded the forts (11th of July 1882). The leaders of the national movement prepared to resist further aggression by force. A See also:conference of ambassadors was held in Constantinople, and the sultan was invited to quell the revolt; but he hesitated to employ his troops against Mussulmans who were professing merely to oppose Christian aggression. (3) Egypt occupied by the British.—At last the British government determined to employ armed force, and invited France to co-operate. The French government declined, and a similar invitation to See also:Italy met with a similar refusal. England therefore, having to act alone, landed troops at See also:Ismailia under Sir See also:Garnet See also:Wolseley, and suppressed the revolt by the battle of Tell-el-Kebir on the 13th of September 1882.

The khedive, who had taken refuge in Alexandria, returned to Cairo, and a ministry was formed under Sherif Pasha, with Riaz Pasha as one of its leading members. On assuming office, the first thing it had to do was to bring to trial the chiefs of the rebellion. Had the khedive and Riaz been allowed a free hand, Arabi and his colleagues would have found little mercy. Thanks to the intervention of the British government, their lives were spared. Arabi pleaded guilty, was sentenced to death, the See also:

sentence being commuted by the khedive to banishment; and Riaz resigned in disgust. This See also:solution of the difficulty was brought about by Lord Dufferin, then British See also:ambassador at Constantinople, who had been sent to Egypt as high See also:commissioner to adjust affairs and report on the situation. One of his first acts, after preventing the application of capital punishment to the See also:ring-leaders of the revolt, was to See also:veto the project of protecting the khedive and his government by means of a Praetorian guard recruited from Asia Minor, See also:Epirus, See also:Austria and See also:Switzerland, and to insist on the principle that Egypt must be governed in a truly liberal spirit. Passing in See also:review all the departments of the administration, he laid down the general lines on which the country was to be restored to order and prosperity, and endowed, if possible, with the elements of self-government for future use. 1 Lord Cromer, writing in 1905, declared that the movement " was, in its essence, a genuine revolt against misgovernment," and " was not essentially See also:anti-European " (vide Egypt No. r, 1905, p. 2). The laborious task of putting these general indications into a practical shape fell to Sir Evelyn Baring .(Lord Cromer), who arrived as consul-general and diplomatic See also:agent, in sirl:velyn succession to Sir Edward See also:Malet, in January '1884. Baring At that moment the situation was singularly like that appointed which had existed on two previous occasions: firstly, consul-when Ismail was deposed; and secondly, when the general, 7884.

Dual Control had undermined the existing authority without having any power to enforce its own. For the third time in little more than three years the existing authority had been destroyed and a new one had to be created. But there was one essential difference: the power that had now to reorganize the country possessed in the British army of occupation a support sufficient to command respect. Without that support Sir Evelyn Baring could have done little or nothing; with it he did perhaps more than any other single man could have done. His method may be illustrated by an old story long current in Cairo. Mehemet Ali was said to have appointed as mudir or governor in a turbulent district a young and inexperienced Turk, who asked, " But how am I to govern these people? " " Listen," replied the pasha; " buy the biggest and heaviest kurbash you can find; hang it up in the centre of the mudirieh, well within your reach, and you will very seldom require to use it." The British army of occupation was Sir Evelyn's kurbash; it was well within his reach, as all the world knew, and its See also:

simple presence sufficed to prevent disorder and enforce obedience. He had one other advantage over previous English reformers in Egypt: his position towards France was more independent. The Dual Control had been abolished by a khedivial decree of 18th January 1883, and:replaced by an English financial adviser. France naturally objected; but having refused to co-operate with England in suppressing the revolt, she could not reasonably complain that her offer of co-operation in the work of reorganization was declined. But though Dual Control was at an end, the Caisse de la Dette remained, and this body was to prove a constant clog on the financial measures of the Egyptian government. At first the intention of the British government was simply to restore the power of the khedive, to keep his See also:highness for some time in the right path by friendly advice, and to withdraw the British troops as soon as possible.

As Th ofeevacua Poll`s - Lord See also:

Granville explained in a circular to the powers, tion. the position of England in Egypt imposed on her " the See also:duty of giving advice with the object of securing that the order of things to be established shall be of a satisfactory character and possess the elements of stability and progress." But there was to be no embarking on a general scheme of reforms, which would increase unnecessarily the responsibilities of the protecting power and necessitate the indeinnite prolongation of the military occupation. So far, therefore as the British government had a definite policy in Egypt, it was a politique de repldtrcage. Even this policy was not strictly adhered to. Mr See also:Gladstone's cabinet was as unstable as the public See also:opinion it sought to conciliate. It had its hot fits and its See also:cold fits, and it gave orders now to advance and now to retreat. In the long run circumstances proved too strong for it, and it had to undertake a great deal more than it originally intended. Each little change in the administration engendered a multitude of others, so that the modest attempts at reform were found to be like the letting out of water. A tiny rill gradually became a boisterous stream, and the boisterous stream grew into a great river, which spread to all sections of the administration and ended by inundating the whole country. Of the numerous questions awaiting solution, the first to claim immediate attention was that of the Sudan. The British government had begun by excluding it from the problem, and by declaring that for events in these The Sudan question. outlying territories it must • not be held responsible. In that See also:sphere of activity, therefore, the Egyptian government might do as it thought fit.

The principle of limited liability which this attitude assumed was soon found to be utterly untenable. The Sudan was an integral part of the khedive's dominions, and caused, even in ordinary times, a deficit of Arabi and the revolt of 1882. HISTORY] £200,000 to the Egyptian treasury. At that moment it was in a state rebellion, stirred up by a religious fanatic who proclaimed himself a mandi of Islam. An army of Io,000 men under an English officer, Colonel William See also:

Hicks, formerly of the Bombay army, otherwise Hicks Pasha, had been sent to suppress the revolt, and had been annihilated in a great battle fought on the 5th of November 1883, near Obeid. The Egyptian government wished to make a new attempt to recover the lost province, and the idea was certainly very popular among the governing class, but Sir Evelyn Baring vetoed the project on the ground that Egypt had neither soldiers nor money to carry it out. In vain the khedive and his See also:prime minister, Sherif Pasha, threatened to resign, and the latter actually carried out his threat. The British representative remained firm, and it was decided that the Sudan should be, for the moment at least, abandoned to its fate. Nubar, though as strongly opposed to the See also:abandonment policy as Sherif, consented to take his place and accepted somewhat reluctantly the new regime, which he defined as " the administration of Egypt under the government of Baring." By this time the Mabdi was master of the greater part of the Sudan, but Khartum and some other fortified points still held out. The efforts made to extricate the garrisons, including the mission of General Gordon, the fall of Khartum, and the Nile Expedition under Lord Wolseley, are described below separately in the See also:section of this article dealing with the military operations. The practical result was that the khedive's authority was limited to the Nile valley north of Wadi Halfa. With the internal difficulties Sir Evelyn Baring had been struggling bravely ever since his appointment, trying to evolve out of the ever-changing policy and contradictory Internal orders of the British government some sort of coherent oizat n line of action, and to raise the administration to a higher See also:standard.

For two or three years it seemed doubtful whether he would succeed. All over Egypt there was a feeling of unrest, and the well-meant but not very successful efforts of the British to improve the state of things were making them very unpopular. The introduction of English officials and English influence into all the administrative departments was resented by the native officials, and the action of the irrigation officers in preventing the customary abuses of the See also:

distribution of water was resented by the great landowners, who had been, from time immemorial, in the See also:habit of taking as much as they wanted, to the detriment of the fellahin. Even these latter, who gained most by the reforms, considered that they had good reason to complain, for the defeat of Arabi and the re-establishment of order had enabled the Christian money-lenders to return and insist on the payment of claims, which were supposed to have been extinguished by the rebellion. Worst of all, the government was drifting rapidly towards insolvency, being quite unable to fulfil its obligations to the bondholders and meet the expenses of administration. All departments were being starved, and even the salaries of poorly paid officials were in arrear. To free itself from its financial difficulties the government adopted a heroic remedy which only created fresh troubles. On the advice of Lord See also:Northbrook, who was sent out to Cairo in September 1884 to examine the financial situation, certain revenues which should have been paid into the Caisse for the benefit of the bondholders were paid into the treasury for the ordinary needs of the administration. Immediately the powers protested against this in-fraction of the law of See also:liquidation, and the Caisse applied for a See also:writ to the Mixed Tribunals. In this way the heroic remedy failed, and to the internal difficulties were added international complications. Fortunately for Egypt, the British government contrived to solve the international difficulty by timely concessions to the powers, and succeeded in negotiating the London Convention of March 1885, by which the Egyptian government was relieved from some of the most onerous stipulations of the law of liquidation, and was enabled to raise a See also:loan of £9,000,000 for an annual payment of £135,000. After paying out of the capital the sums required for the indemnities due for the burning of Alexandria and the deficits of the years 1882 and 1883, it still had a million''5 See also:sterling, and boldly invested it in the improvement of irrigation.

The investment proved most remunerative, and helped very materially to save the country from bankruptcy and inter-nationalism. The danger of being again subjected to the evils of an international administration was very great, for the London Convention contained a stipulation to the effect that if Egypt could not pay her way at the end of two years, another inter-national commission would be appointed. To obviate this catastrophe the British reformers set to work most energetically. Already something in the way of See also:

retrenchment and reform had been accomplished. The public accounts had been put in order, and the abuses in the collection of the land tax removed. The constant drain of money and men for the Sudan had been stopped. A beginning had been made for creating a new army to replace the one that had been disbanded and to allow of a portion of the British garrison being withdrawn. In this work Sir Evelyn Wood had shown much sound See also:judgment as well as great capacity for military organization, and had formed an efficient force out of very unpromising material (see the section above on the Egyptian Army). His colleague in the See also:department of public works, Sir See also:Colin See also:Scott-Moncrieff, had been not less active. By mitigating the hardships of the corvee, and improving the irrigation system, on which the prosperity of the country mainly depends, he had conferred enormous benefits on the fellahin, and had laid the foundation of permanent budgetary See also:equilibrium for the future. Not less active was Sir See also:Edgar See also:Vincent, the financial adviser, who kept a firm hold on the purse-strings and ruthlessly cut down expenditure in all departments except that of irrigation (see § Finance). The activity of the British officials naturally produced a certain amount of discontent and resistance on the part of their Egyptian colleagues, and Lord Granville was obliged to declare very plainly that such resistance could not be tolerated.

Writing (January 1884) to Sir Evelyn Baring, he said: " It should be made clear to the Egyptian Ministers and Governors of Provinces that the responsibility which for the time rests on England obliges H.M. Government to insist on the See also:

adoption of the policy which they recommend; and that it will be necessary that those Ministers and Governors who do not follow this course should cease to hold their offices." Nubar Pasha, who continued to be prime minister, resisted occasionally. What he chiefly objected to was See also:direct interference in the provincial administration and the Relations native tribunals, and he succeeded for a time in between preventing such interference. Sir See also:Benson See also:Maxwell British and Mr See also:Clifford See also:Lloyd, who had been sent out to and native reform the departments of justice and the interior, officials. after coming into conflict with each other were both recalled, and the reforming activity was for a time restricted to the departments of war, public works and finance. Gradually the tension between natives and foreigners relaxed, and mutual confidence was established. Experience had evolved the working principle which was officially formulated at a much later period: " Our task is not to rule the Egyptians, but as far as possible to See also:teach the Egyptians to rule themselves. . . . European initiative suggests measures to be executed by Egyptian agency, while European supervision controls the manner in which they are executed." If that principle had been firmly laid down and clearly understood at the beginning, a good deal of-needless See also:friction would have been avoided. The international difficulty remained. The British position in Egypt was anomalous, and might easily give rise to inter-national complications. The sultan might well protest against the military occupation of a portion of his Inter- national empire by foreign troops. It was no secret that France problems. was ready to give him diplomatic support, and other powers might adopt a similar attitude.

Besides this, the British government was anxious to terminate the occupation as soon as possible. With a view to regularizing the situation and accelerating the evacuation, Sir Henry See also:

Drummond See also:Wolff was sent to Constantinople in August 1885 on a special mission. On the 24th of October of that year he concluded a preliminary convention by which an Ottoman and a British high commissioner, acting in concert with the khedive, should reorganize the Egyptian army, tranquillize the Sudan by pacific means, and consider what changes might be necessary in the civil administration. When the two commissioners were assured of the security of the frontier and the good working and stability of the Egyptian government, they should present reports to their respective governments, and these should consult as to the conclusion of a convention regulating the withdrawal of the English troops. Mukhtar Pasha and Sir Henry Drummond Wolff were appointed commissioners, and their joint inquiry lasted till the end of 1886, when the former presented his report and the latter went home to report orally. The remaining stipulations of the preliminary convention were duly carried out. Sir Henry Drummond Wolff proceeded to Constantinople and signed on the 22nd of May 1887 the definitive convention, according to which the occupation should come to an end in three years, but England should have a right to prolong or renew it in the event of internal peace or external security being seriously threatened. The sultan authorised the See also:signature of this convention, but under pressure of France and Russia he refused to ratify it. Technically, therefore, the preliminary convention still remains in force, and in reality the Ottoman commissioner continued to reside in Cairo till the close of 1908. The steadily increasing prosperity of the country during the years 1886 and 1887 removed the danger of national bank- ruptcy and international interference, and induced Progress Sir Evelyn Baring to widen the area of administrative of reform. reforms. In the provinces the local administration and the methods of dispensing justice were still scandalously unsatisfactory, and this was the field to which the British representative next directed his efforts.

Here he met with unexpected opposition on the part of the prime minister, Nubar Pasha, and a conflict ensued which ended in Nubar's retirement in June 1888. Riaz Pasha took his place, and remained in office till May 1891. During these three years the work of reform and the prosperity of the country made great progress. The new Egyptian army was so far improved that it gained successes over the forces of the Mandi; the See also:

burden of the national debt was lightened by a successful conversion; the corvee was abolished;" the land tax was reduced 30% in the poorest provinces, and in spite of this and other measures for lightening the public burdens, the budgetary surplus constantly increased; the quasi-judicial special commissions for brigandage, which were at once barbarous and inefficient, were abolished; the native tribunals were improved, and Mr (afterwards Sir John) Scott, an Indian judge of great experience and sound judgment, was appointed judicial adviser to the khedive. This appointment was opposed by Riaz Pasha, and led to his resignation on the plea of ill-health. His successor, Mustafa Pasha Fehmi, continued the work and co-operated cordially with the English officials. The very necessary reform of the native tribunals was then taken seriously in hand. The existing See also:procedure was simplified and accelerated; the working of the courts was greatly improved by a carefully organized system of inspection and control; the incompetent judges were eliminated and replaced by men of better education and higher moral character; and for the future supply of well-qualified judges, barristers, and law officials, an excellent school of law was established. Later on the reforming activity was extended to prisons, public health, and education, and has attained very satisfactory results. In January 189z the khedive Tewfik, who had always main- tained cordial relations with Sir Evelyn Baring, died suddenly, and was succeeded by his son, Abbas Hilmi, a young Accession of Abbas. man without political experience, who failed at first to understand the peculiar situation in which a khedive ruling under British protection is necessarily placed. Aspiring to liberate himself at once from foreign control, he summarily dismissed Mustafa Pasha Fehmi (15th January 1893), whom he considered too amenable to English influence, and appointed ' Except in so far as it was necessary to call out men to guard the See also:banks of the Nile in the See also:season of high his place Fakhri Pasha, who was not a persona grata at the British Agency, Such an incident, which might have constituted a precedent for more important acts of a similar kind, could hardly be overlooked by the British representative. He had always maintained that what Egypt most required, and would require for many years to come, was an order of things which would render practically impossible any return to that personal system of government which had well-nigh ruined the country.

In this view the British agent was warmly supported by Lord See also:

Rosebery, then secretary of state for foreign affairs. The young khedive was made therefore to understand that he must not make such changes in the administration without a previous agreement with the representative of the protecting power; and a compromise was effected by which Fakhri Pasha retired, and the post of premier was confided once more to Riaz. With this compromise the friction between the khedive and Sir Evelyn Baring, who had now become Lord Cromer, did not end. For some time Abbas Hilmi clung to his idea of liberating himself from all control, and secretly encouraged a nationalist and anti-British agitation in the native press; but he gradually came to perceive the folly, as well as the danger to himself, of such a course, and accordingly refrained from giving any overt occasion for complaint or protest. In like manner the relations between the British officials and their Egyptian colleagues gradually became more cordial, so that it was found possible at last to reform the local administration in the provinces according to the recommendations of Mr (afterwards Sir) See also:Eldon See also:Gorst, who had been appointed adviser to the ministry of the interior. Nubar Pasha, it is true, who succeeded Riaz as prime minister in April 1894, objected to some of Mr Gorst's recommendations, and in November 1895 resigned. He was succeeded by Mustafa Fehmi, who had always shown a conciliatory spirit, and who had been on that 'account, as above stated, summarily dismissed by the khedive in January 1893. After his reinstatement the Anglo-Egyptian condominium worked without serious friction. The success of the Anglo-Egyptian condominium, and the consequent economic and financial prosperity of Egypt proper, rendered it possible, during 1896-1898, to recover See also:Fashoda. from the Mandists the Sudanese provinces (see Military Operations), and to delimit in that part of Africa, in accordance with Anglo-Egyptian interests, the respective See also:spheres of influence of Great Britain and France. The arrangement was not effected without serious danger of a European conflict. Taking advantage of the temporary weakness of Egypt, the French government formed the project of seizing the Upper Nile valley and uniting her possessions in West Africa with those at the entrance to the Red Sea. With this object a small force under Major Marchand was sent from the French See also:Congo into the See also:Bahr-el-Ghazal, with orders to occupy Fashoda on the Nile; whilst a Franco-Abyssinian Expedition was despatched from the east-See also:ward, to join hands with Major Marchand.

The small force from the French Congo reached its destination, and a body of Abyssinian troops, accompanied by French officers, appeared for a short time a little higher up the river; but the grand political scheme was frustrated by the victorious advance of an Anglo-Egyptian force under General See also:

Kitchener and the resolute attitude of the British government. Major Marchand had to retire from Fashoda, and as a concession to French susceptibilities he was allowed to retreat by the Abyssinian route. By an agreement signed by Lord See also:Salisbury and the French ambassador on the 21st of March 1899, and appended to Art. IV. of the Anglo-French convention of June 14th, 1898, which dealt with the British and French spheres of influence in the region of the Niger, France was excluded from the See also:basin of the Nile, and a line marking the respective spheres of influence of the two countries was drawn on the map from the northern frontier of the Congo Free State to the southern frontier of the Turkish province of Tripoli. The administration of the Sudan (q.v.) was organized on the basis of an agreement between the British and Egyptian governments signed on the 19th of January 1899. According to that agreement the British and Egyptian flags are used together, and the supreme military and civil command is vested in a governor-general, who is appointed by the khedive on the recom- The mendation of the British government, and who cannot Anglo- be removed without the British government's con- Egyptian sent. Neither consular jurisdiction, nor that of the Sudan. mixed tribunals, was permitted, the Sudan being made absolutely free of the international fetters which See also:bound Egypt. Sir Reginald See also:Wingate, the See also:sirdar of the Egyptian army (in which post he succeeded Lord Kitchener at the close of 1899) was named governor-general, and in the work of regeneration of the country, the officials, British, Egyptian and Sudanese, had the cordial co-operation of the majority of the inhabitants. The growing prosperity of Egypt in the opening years of the 20th century was very marked, and is reflected in the annual reports on the country supplied to the British foreign Egypt's office by Lord Cromer. Thus, in 1901 he was able to growing declare that " the foundations on which the well-being prosperity. and material prosperity of a civilized community should rest have been laid. . .

. The institution of See also:

slavery is virtually defunct. The corvee has been practically abolished. Law and order everywhere reign supreme. The curbash is no longer employed as an instrument of government." So little danger to internal peace was apprehended that during this year Arabi Pasha, who had been in exile in See also:Ceylon since 1882, was permitted to return to Egypt. This happy condition had been brought about largely as the result of giving fiscal reform, accompanied by substantial relief to the taxpayers, the first place in the government's See also:programme, and with the abolition of See also:octroi duties in 1902 disappeared the last of the main defects in the fiscal system as existing at the time of the British occupation. In these conditions the machinery of government, despite its many imperfections and anomalies, worked smoothly. Land increased in value as irrigation schemes were completed, and European capital was increasingly eager to find employment in the country. The bulk of the fellahin enjoyed a material prosperity to which they had been strangers for centuries. In the midst of this return of plenty Lord Cromer (in his report for 1903) sounded a note of warning: " As regards moral progress (he wrote), all that can be said is that it must necessarily be slower than advance in a material direction. I hope and believe, however, that some progress is being made. In any case the machinery which will admit of progress has been created. The schoolmaster is abroad.

. Every possible facility and every encouragement are afforded for the Egyptians to advance along the path of moral improvement. More than this no government can do. It remains for the Egyptians to take advantage of the opportunities offered to them." The facilities enjoyed by the British and Egyptian governments for securing the material if not the moral development The Anglo- of Egypt were greatly enlarged in 1904, as the result French of the understanding then come to between France under- and Great Britain. The natural irritation in France standing arising from the British occupation of the Nile valley, of 1904. and the non-fulfilment of the See also:

pledge to withdraw the British garrison from Egypt, which had grown less acute with the passing of years, flamed out afresh at the time of the Fashoda crisis, while the Anglo-See also:Boer war of 1899–1902 led to another See also:access of irritation against England. During 1903 a great change came over public opinion on both sides of the Channel, with the result that the statesmen of both countries were enabled to complete negotiations settling many points in dispute between the two nations. On the 8th of April 1904 a declaration was signed by the representatives of France and Great Britain which virtually recognized the dominant position of France in See also:Morocco and of Britain in Egypt. The chief provisions concerning Egypt were: " His Britannic See also:Majesty's government declare that they have no intention of altering the political status of Egypt. " The government of the French Republic, for their part, declare that they will not obstruct the action of Great Britain in that country by asking that a limit of time be fixed for the British occupation, er in any other manner. " His Britannic Majesty's government, for their part, will respect the rights which France, in virtue of See also:treaties, conventions and usage, enjoys in Egypt." Similar declarations and engagements were made by See also:Germany, Austria and Italy. Annexed to the Anglo-French agreement was the text of a proposed khedivial decree altering the relations between Egypt and the foreign See also:bond-holders. With the consent of the powers this decree (promulgated on the 28th of November 1904) came into operation on the 1st of January 1905.

The combined effect of the declaration and the khedivial decree was great. The first-named put an end to an anomalous situation and gave a practically valid See also:

sanction to the presence of Britain in Egypt, removing all ground for the reproach that Great Britain was not respecting its international obligations. In effect it was a European recognition that Britain was the protecting power in Egypt. It put a period to a question which had long embittered the relations between England and France, and locally it caused the cessation of the systematic opposition of the French agents in Cairo to everything tending to strengthen the British position—however beneficial to Egypt the particular scheme opposed might be. Scarcely less important were the results of the khedivial decree. By it Egypt achieved in effect financial independence. The power of the Caisse de la Dette, which had virtually controlled the execution of the international agreements concerning the finances, was swept away, together with almost all the other financial fetters binding Egypt. The Railway and Port of Alexandria Board ceased to exist. For the first time since 1875 Egypt was free to control her own revenue. In return she pledged the greater part of the land tax to the service of the debt. The functions of the Caisse were restricted to the See also:receipt of the funds necessary for this service. It was entirely deprived of its former power to interfere in the machinery of government.

Moreover, some £10,000,000, being accumulated surpluses in the hands of the Caisse after meeting the charges of the debt, were handed over to the Egyptian treasury. The Egyptian government was henceforth free to take full advantage of the financial prosperity of the country. In one respect the Anglo-French agreement made no alteration —it left untouched the extra-territoriality enjoyed by Europeans in Egypt in virtue of the treaties with Turkey, i.e. Evils the system of See also:

Capitulations. One of the anomalies of the under that system had, it is true, been got rid of, for, capitulaas has been stated, consular jurisdiction in civil matters bons. had been replaced in 1876 by that of the Mixed Tribunals. In criminal cases, however, foreign consuls still exercised jurisdiction, but the main evil of the Capitulations regime was the absence of any proper machinery for enacting laws applicable to the whole of the inhabitants of Egypt. No change could be made in any law applicable to Europeans without the unanimous consent of fifteen foreign powers—a state of affairs wholly incompatible with the condition of Egypt in the loth centully, " an oriental country which has assimilated a very considerable portion of European civilization and which is mainly governed by European methods." It was, however, far easier to acknowledge that the Capitulations regime was defective and had out-. lived its time than to devise a remedy and get all the nations interested to accept it. The solution favoured by Lord Cromer (vide See also:Blue-books, Egypt No. r (1906), pp. 1-8, and Egypt No. r (1907), pp. 10-26) was the creation of a council—distinct from the existing native legislative council and assembly—composed of Europeans, which should have the power to pass legislation which when promulgated by the Egyptian government, with the assent of the British government, would bind all foreigners resident in Egypt. Every See also:reservation for the benefit of British subjects should enure for the benefit of subjects of other powers. The jurisdiction exercised by consuls in civil and criminal affairs Lord Cromer proposed should cease pari passe with the provision by the Egyptian government, under the powers conferred by the treaty required to set up the new council, of courts having competence to deal with such matters, various safeguards being introduced to prevent injustice in criminal cases.

As to civil cases the proposal was to make permanent the Mixed Tribunals, hitherto appointed for quinquennial periods (so that if not reappointed consular jurisdiction in civil cases would revive). While the removal of ancient jealousies among the European powers interested in Egypt helped to smooth the path pursued by the Egyptian administration under the guiding The See also:

pan- hand of Great Britain, the intrigues of the Turks and Islamic movement, the danger of a revival of Moslem fanaticism threatened during 1905–1906 to disturb the peace of the country. A party had also arisen, whose best-known leader was Mustafa Kamel Pasha (1874–1908), which held that Egypt was ready for self-government and which saw in the presence of the British a hindrance to the attainment of their ideal. This " national " party See also:lent what See also:weight it had to the pan-Islamic agitation which arose in the summer and autumn of 1965, regardless of the fact that a pan-Islamic triumph meant the re-assertion of direct Turkish rule in Egypt and the end of the See also:liberty the Egyptians enjoyed. The pan-Islamic press, allowed full See also:licence by the Cairo authorities, spread abroad rumours that the Egyptian government intended to construct fortifications in the Sinai peninsula with the design of menacing the railway, under construction by Turkey, from Damascus to Mecca. This baseless report led to what is known as the Taba incident (see below). This incident inflamed the minds of many Egyptians, and almost all the opposition elements in the country were united by the appeal to religious fanaticism, of which the incident was partly the effect and partly the cause. The inflammatory writing of the See also:newspapers indicated, encouraged by many persons holding high positions both inside and outside Egypt, created, by every process of misrepresentation, an anti-Christian and anti-European feeling among the See also:mass of the people. After more than a quarter of a century of just rule, i.e. since the accession of Tewfik, the tyranny of the Turkish system was See also:apt to be forgotten, while the appeal to rally in support of their khalif found a response in the See also:hearts of many Egyptians. The feeling entertained by large numbers even of the educated class of Egyptians was strikingly illustrated by the terms of an See also:anonymous letter received by Lord Cromer in May 1906. The writer, probably a member of the Ulema class, addressing the British agent as the reformer of Egypt, said: " . He must be See also:blind who See also:sees not what the English have wrought in Egypt; the gates of justice stand open to the poor; the streams flow through the land and are not stopped by order of the strong; the poor man is lifted up and the rich man pulled down, the hand of the oppressor and the briber is struck when outstretched to do evil.

Our eyes see these things and they know from whom they come. . While peace is in the land the spirit of Islam sleeps. . . But it is said, ' There is war between England and Abdul Hamid Khan.' If that be so a change must come. The words of the Imam are echoed in every See also:

heart, and every Moslem hears only the cry of the Faith. . . . Though the Khalif were hapless as Bayezid, cruel as Murad, or mad as Ibrahim, he is the shadow of God, and every Moslem must leap up at his call. . You will say, ' The Egyptian is more ungrateful than a See also:dog, which remembers the hand that fed him. He is foolish as the madman who pulls down the roof-See also:tree of his house upon himself.' It may be so to worldly eyes, but in the time of danger to Islam the Moslem turns away from the things of this world and thirsts only for the service of his Faith, even though he looks in the face of death. . . . " To establish confidence in the minds of the Egyptian public that the authorities could maintain order and tranquillity, it was determined to increase permanently the strength of the British garrison. An incident occurred in June 1906 which illustrated the danger which might arise if anything happened to beget the idea that the protecting power had weakened its hold.

While mounted infantry of the British army were marching from Cairo to Alexandria, five officers went (on the 13th of June) to the village of Denshawai to shoot pigeons.' Den- An attack was made on the party by the villagers. shaven]. The officers were told by their See also:

guide that they might shoot, but the villagers had not given permission and were incensed at the See also:shooting of their pigeons by other officers in the previous year. A premeditated attack was made on the officers; a See also:gun seized from one of them went off and slightly injured four natives—one a woman. The attack had been preceded by a ' The Egyptians keep large numbers of pigeons, which are allowed to be shot only by permission of the village omdeh (head-man). After the occurrence here related, officers were prohibited from shooting pigeons in any circumstances.trifling fire at a threshing floor, either accidentally caused (but not by the officers' shots) or lit as a signal for the See also:assault. Captain S. C. Bull of the 6th Dragoons received serious injuries and died a few hours later, and two other officers were seriously injured. A number of persons were arrested and tried by a special tribunal created in 1895 to deal with offences against the army of occupation. On the 27th of the same month four. of the ringleaders were sentenced to death, others received various terms of imprisonment,' and seven were sentenced to fifty lashes. The executions and floggings were carried out the next day at the scene of the See also:outrage and in the presence of some five hundred natives.

The quieting effect that this drastic action might have had was marred by the fact that certain members of the British See also:

parliament called in question the justice of the sentences—passed unanimously by a court of which the best English and the best native judge were members. For a time there was considerable ferment in Egypt. The Anglo-Egyptian authorities received, however, the firm support of Sir Edward See also:Grey, the foreign secretary in the liberal administration formed in December 1905. As far as responsible statesmen were concerned the change of government in Great Britain made no difference in the conduct of Egyptian affairs. The Taba incident, to which reference has been made, arose in the beginning of 1906 over the claim of the sultan of Turkey to jurisdiction in the Sinai peninsula. The origin of The Tabe the dispute dated back, however, to 1892, when Abbas incident. Hilmi became khedive. Mehemet Ali and his successors up to and including Tewfik had not only administered the Sinai peninsula but certain posts on the Hejaz or Arabian side of the gulf of See also:Akaba. The firman of See also:investiture issued by the sultan on the occasion of the succession of Abbas differed, however, from the text of former firmans, the intention being, apparently, to exclude Egypt from the administration of the Sinai peninsula. The British government intervened and after considerable pressure upon Turkey obtained a telegram (dated the 8th of April 1892) from the grand vizier in which it was declared that the status quo was maintained in the Sinai peninsula, but that the sultan resumed possession of the posts in the Hejaz heretofore garrisoned by Egypt. To this last course Great Britain raised no objection. As officially stated by the British government at the time, the eastern frontier of the Sinai peninsula was taken to be a line running in a south-easterly direction from Rafa, a place on the Mediterranean, east of El Arish, to the head of the gulf of Akaba.

The fort of Akaba and other posts farther east Egypt abandoned. So matters rested until in 1905 in con-sequence of lawlessness among the Bedouins of the peninsula a British official was appointed commandant and inspector of the peninsula and certain administrative measures taken. The report was spread by pan-Islamic agents that the intention of the Egyptian government was to construct fortifications on the frontier near Akaba, to which place the Turks were building a branch railway from the Damascus-Mecca line. In January 1906 the sultan complained to the British ambassador at Constantinople of Egyptian encroachments on Turkish territory, whereupon the khedive asked that the frontier should be delimited, a request which Turkey rejected. A small Egyptian force was then directed to occupy Taba, a port. near Akaba but on the western side of the gulf. Before this force could reach Taba that place had been seized by the Turkish commandant at Akaba. A period of considerable tension ensued, the Turks removing the boundary posts at Rafa and sending strong reinforcements to the frontier. The British government intervened on behalf of the khedive and consistently maintained that the Rafa-Akaba line must be the frontier. In April a conference was held between the khedive and Mukhtar Pasha, the Ottoman commissioner. It then appeared that Turkey was unwilling to recognize the British See also:

interpretation of the telegram of the 8th of April 1892. Turkey claimed that the peninsula of Sinai consisted 2 On the 8th of January 1908, the anniversary of the khedive's accession, the whole of the Denshawai prisoners were pardoned and released. For the Denshawai incident see the British See also:parliamentary papers, Egypt No.

3 and Egypt No. 4 of 1906. only of the territory south of a straight line from Akaba to Suez, and that Egyptian territory north of that line was traced from Rafa to Suez. As a compromise Mukhtar Pasha suggested as the frontier a line drawn direct from Rafa to Ras Mahommed (the most southern point of the Sinai peninsula), which would have left the whole of the gulf of Akaba in Turkish territory. In other words the -claim of the Porte was, to quote Lord Cromer: " to carry the Turkish frontier and strategical railways to Suez on the banks of the canal; or that if the Ras Mahommed line were adopted, the Turkish frontier would be advanced to the neighbourhood of Nekhl, i.e. within easy striking distance of Egypt, and that . the gulf of Akaba would practically become a See also:

mare clausum in the possession of Turkey and a standing menace to the security of the trade route to the East." Such proposals could not be entertained by Great Britain; and as the sultan remained obstinate the British ambassador on the 3rd of May presented a note to the Porte requiring compliance with the British proposals within ten days. The Turkish ambassador in London was informed by Sir Edward Grey, foreign secretary, that if it were found that Turkish suzerainty in Egypt were incompatible with the rights of the British government to interfere in Egyptian affairs, and with the British occupation, the British position in Egypt would be upheld by the whole force of the empire. Thereupon the sultan gave way and agreed (on the 14th of May) that the line of demarcation should start at Rafa and run towards the south-east " in an approximately straight line as far as a point on the gulf of Akaba at least 3 M. distant from Akaba."' The Turkish troops were withdrawn from Taba, and the delimitation of the frontier was undertaken by a joint Turco-Egyptian commission. An agreement was signed on the 1st of October finally settling the frontier line. With the ending of this dispute and the strengthening of the British garrison in Egypt a demonstration was given of the ability of the protecting power to maintain its position. At the same time encouragement was given to that section of Egyptian society which sought the reform of various Moslem institutions without injury to the principles underlying the faith of Islam: a more truly national movement than that of the See also:agitators who clamoured for parliamentary government. In April 1907, a few days after the See also:appearance of his report for 1906, in which the " Nationalist " and pan-Islamic move-Resigna- ments were shown to be detrimental to the welfare of tion of Egypt, Lord Cromer resigned his post of British agent Lord and consul-general. His resignation, dictated by Cromer. reasons of health, was described by Sir Edward Grey as " the greatest personal loss which the public service of this country (Britain) could suffer." Lord Cromer's work was in a sense complete.

He left the country in a state of unexampled material prosperity, free from the majority of the international fetters with which it was bound when he took up his task in 1883, and with the legitimate expectation that the work he had done would endure. The magnitude of the task he had accomplished is shown by the preceding pages, and it need only be added that the transformation effected in Egypt and the Sudan, during his twenty-four years' occupancy of the British Agency, was carried out in every department under his guidance and See also:

inspiration. Lord Cromer was succeeded by Sir Eldon Gorst, who had served in Egypt eighteen years under him, and was at the time of his appointment to Cairo an assistant under secretary of state for foreign affairs. Notwithstanding, or, rather, as a consequence of, the unexampled material prosperity of the country, 1907 was a year of severe financial crisis, due to over-trading, excessive See also:credit and the building See also:mania induced by the rapid economic progress of Egypt, and aggravated by the unfavourable monetary conditions existing in See also:America and Europe during the latter part of the year. Though the crisis had results disastrous to the speculators, the position of the fellahin was hardly affected; the cotton crop was marketed with regularity and at an average price higher than that of 1906, while public revenue showed a satisfactory 1 See Egypt No. 2 (1906), Correspondence respecting the Turco-Egyptian Frontier in the Sinai Peninsula (with a map).increase. The noisy " Nationalist " agitation which was maintained during this period of financial stringency reacted unfavourably on public order. Although the degree of insecurity prevailing in the provinces was greatly exaggerated—serious See also:crime in 1907 being less than in the preceding year—an increasing number of crimes were left untraced to their authors. The release of the Denshawai prisoners in January 1908 and the death of Mustafa Kamel in the following month had a quieting effect on the public mind; while the fact that in the elections (December 1907) for the legislative council and the general assembly only 5% of the See also:electors went to the polls, afforded a striking commentary alike on the appreciation of the average Egyptian of the value of parliamentary institutions and of the claims of the " Nationalist " members of the assembly to represent the Egyptian people. The " Nationalists " were, too, divided into many warring sections—Mahommed Bey Ferid, chosen as successor to Mustafa Kamel, had to contend with the pretensions of several other " leaders." The khedive, moreover, markedly abstained from any association with the agitation of the Nationalists, who viewed with disfavour his highness's personal friendship with Sir Eldon Gorst. The agitators gained their chief strength from the support accorded them by certain See also:Radical politicians in England. A number of members of the council and assembly visited England in July 1908 and were received by Sir Edward Grey, who gave them assurances that Great Britain would always strive to remedy the legitimate grievances of Egyptians.

The establishment of constitutional rule in Turkey in the summer of 1908 excited the hopes of the Egyptian Nationalists, and a deputation was sent to Constantinople to confer with the Young Turk See also:

committee. From the Young Turks, however, the deputation received no encouragement for their agitation and returned with the advice to work in co-operation with the British. In view of the rumours current, Sir Eldon Gorst, in the form of an interview in El Mokattam, a widely read native See also:paper, restated (October 1908) the British view as to the occupation of the country and the demand for a parliament. Great Britain, he declared, had no intention of proclaiming a protectorate over Egypt; on the other hand, recent events in Turkey in no way affected the question of self-government in Egypt. It would be folly to think of introducing unrestricted parliamentary government at present, the conditions for its successful working not existing. The " wild and foolish " agitation on this question only served to confirm the impression that the Egyptians were not yet fit to govern themselves. At the same time steps were being taken to give them a much greater part in the management of local affairs. If the Egyptians showed that the existing institutions and the new provincial See also:councils could do useful work, it would prove the best argument for extending their powers. Sir Eldon Gorst's statements were approved by the British government. In November 1908 Mustafa Fehmi, who had been premier since 1895, resigned, and was succeeded by Boutros Pasha, a Copt of marked ability, who had been for several years foreign minister. Boutros incurred the enmity of the " Nationalists " and was murdered in February 1910. (D.

M. W.; F. R. C.) (London, 1898), a clear and useful See also:

summary of events up to 1882; E. See also:Dicey, The Story of the Khedivate (London, 1902) ; J. C. McCoan, Egypt under Ismail (London, 1899) ; P. Mouriez, Histoire de Mehemet-Ali (4 vols., Paris, 1855–1858) ; L. Brehier, L'E ypte de 1789 a 19C0 (Paris, 1901); C. de See also:Freycinet, La Question d'Egypte (Paris, 1905)• See also MEHEMET ALI, For the period immediately preceding and during the British occupation the standard authority is Lord Cromer's Modern Egypt (2 vols., London, 1908). In this invaluable work the history of Egypt from 1875 to 1892 and that of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan from 1882 to 1907 is treated fully. Lord Cromer's annual reports (1888-1906) to the British government on the affairs of Egypt should also be consulted. Next in See also:interest are See also:Alfred (Lord) See also:Milner's England in Egypt (nth ed., London, 104), and Sir A.

See also:

Colvin's The Making of Modern Egypt (London, 1906). Consult also Khedives and Pashas (London, 1884), by C. F. See also:Moberly See also:Bell (published anonymously); D. M. See also:Wallace, Egypt and the Egyptian Question (London, 1883) ; W. S. See also:Blunt, Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt (2nd ed., London, 1907), a See also:partisan record; C. v. Malortie, Egypt, Native Rulers and Foreign Interference, 2 vols. (London, 1883) ; O. See also:Borelli, Chases politigues d'Egypte, 1883-1895 (Paris, 1895) ; H. Resener, Agypten unter englischer Okkupation (Berlin, 1896).

See also:

Morley's Life of Gladstone and Fitzmaurice's Life of Granville throw consider-able right on the inner history of the period 188o-1893. See further the historical works cited in SUDAN: Anglo-Egyptian, and those given at the end of the first section of this article. For military operations 1882–1899 see C. See also:Royle, The Egyptian Campaigns 1882 to 1899, revised ed. (London, 19od); H. Bracken-See also:bury, Narrative of the Advance of the River See also:Column of the Nile Expeditionary Force (See also:Edinburgh, 1885) ; Sir W. F. Butler, Campaign of the Cataracts (London, 1887) ; Count A. E. W. GIeichen, With the Camel See also:Corps up the Nile (London, 1888) ; Gordon's Last See also:Journal (London, 1885) ; Sir C. W.

Wilson, From Korti to Khartum (Edinburgh, 1886); J. Grant, See also:

Cassell's History of the War in the Soudan, 6 vols. (London, 1885 et seq.) ; " An Officer," Sudan Campaigns 1896-1899 (London, 1899) ; G. W. See also:Steevens, With Kitchener to Khartum (Edinburgh, 1898) ; W. S. See also:Churchill, The River War, new edition (London, 1902). See also:Bibliographical notes for each section of this article are given in their several places. The following See also:bibliographies may be consulted : Ibrahim Hilmi, Literature of Egypt and the Soudan, 2 vols. (London, 1886–1888); H. Jolowicz, Bibliotheca aegyptiaca (Leipzig, 1858; supplement, 1861); M. See also:Hartmann, The Arabic Press of Egypt (London, 1899).

(F. R.

End of Article: XXX

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